Which bananas are healthier - green or ripe, unripe or overripe? Benefits of Bananas.

Bananas are bright representatives of plants that were cultivated by people in ancient times. Currently, bananas are considered a valuable food and fodder crop, the export of which is second only to rice and wheat.

The word "banana" in Latin means "fruit of a wise man", from Arabic it is translated as "finger". Therefore, a bunch of bananas is called a brush.

The birthplace of an exotic fruit is the Malay Archipelago. Like pineapple, the banana plant is an herb in the banana family. For food purposes, an artificially bred variety of fruit is used with cream, white, orange or yellow flesh and a pleasant unusual taste and aroma.

Only ripe bananas should be eaten. Unripe, yet green bananas contain indigestible starch, which creates an unpleasant feeling of heaviness in the intestines. Ripe bananas are very easy to digest and rarely cause any allergic reactions, so they are often introduced as complementary foods for infants.


The benefits of bananas are determined by their nutritional properties and the presence of many useful elements in its composition, the main of which are carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements. It is worth noting that bananas contain 5 times more iron and vitamin A, 4 times more proteins and 2 times more carbohydrates. than in apples The article lists the 20 most beneficial properties for human health. Under what diseases it is especially recommended to use these fruits. Benefits of apples for weight loss. What are the contraindications for use.. Eating two bananas a day, you can fill the body's daily need for potassium. Banana pulp also contains catecholamines - serotonin, dopamine and norpinephrine, which are important physiologically active substances.

A banana plant does not have a solid, inherent in all trees, trunk. At the same time, the stem of this giant grass, reaching a height of 10 m, can withstand the weight of up to 300 banana fruits, which is at least 500 kg.

100 g of banana pulp contains:

12 Health Benefits of a Banana

    Natural sugars, fiber and potassium make bananas a great source of energy. Scientists have proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for 90 minutes of hard work. This property is especially useful for athletes, when after a workout you can instantly replenish low blood glucose levels.

    Magnesium and potassium, which are part of bananas in sufficient quantities, protect the body from muscle spasms, help relax muscles and block the occurrence of cramps in the future.

  1. Brings blood pressure back to normal

    Potassium, which is rich in bananas, and sodium, which is in fruits minimal amount help maintain normal blood pressure. Also, these two minerals maintain an optimal water-salt balance in the body and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

  2. Maintain normal stomach acidity

    Due to the enveloping texture of their pulp, they cover the wall of the stomach and suppress the secretion of acid, which gives them the right to consider them effective antacids. Bananas also contain protease inhibitors, which is one of the main causes of stomach ulcers. Thus, the inclusion of bananas in your diet will protect against stomach ulcers, heartburn and acidity.

  3. Fiber and pectins, as well as physiologically active substances such as serotonin, dopamine, norpinephrine, help intestinal motility and relieve constipation. Thanks to such useful substances, bananas can be safely used for peptic ulcers of the duodenum and stomach. Also useful for constipation are crushed banana fruits for children.

  4. Help with diarrhea

    Bananas are the only vegetables and fruits that can be eaten with diarrhea. Diarrhea contributes to the loss of potassium, and this, in turn, is the cause of the onset of dehydration of the body associated with this hypokalemia, arrhythmias, and heart rhythm disturbances. And since banana pulp is rich in potassium, it replenishes electrolytes lost during diarrhea and does not irritate the intestines due to its soft texture.

  5. Beneficial oligosaccharides contained in bananas stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines and thus protect it from the occurrence of various disorders. And the digestive enzymes produced by sugars improve the ability to absorb nutrients. Bananas also contain fatty acid, which essentially maintain the healthy condition of the cells of the intestinal mucosa. This further improves nutrient absorption. Probiotic fermentation also lowers the pH in the gut, thereby promoting calcium absorption, which in turn strengthens the bones.

    Read also: What are probiotics and prebiotics and what is the difference between them What are probiotics and prebiotics contained in our body, how are they useful and what is their significant difference. What products contain these substances.

    Banana helps eliminate fluid from the body. This diuretic action is believed to be helpful in the presence of kidney stones and may also help detoxify the body. Banana is also believed to help dissolve stones.

  6. Normalizes sleep

  7. cosmetic effect.

    Banana face masks are excellent at making skin firm, smooth and radiant. They also help moisturize.

  8. Improves sex life

    Banana is rich in nutrients that help produce sex hormones and also increase male libido. It also regulates the secretion of serotonin, which is known to be responsible for the feeling of euphoria after intercourse.

  9. Relieves depression

    A rich vitamin and mineral composition helps to rid the body of various nervous disorders: tryptophan, which is converted in the body into the hormone serotonin, improves mood, vitamin B6 normalizes sleep, magnesium helps to relax muscles.

  10. Protects against eye diseases

    Banana fruits contain a small but significant amount of vitamin A, which is essential for maintaining normal vision. Like other fruits, bananas can help prevent macular degeneration, which can lead to permanent damage.


    • varicose veins, due to the fact that bananas increase blood viscosity and increase the risk of blood clots;
    • diabetes mellitus and overweight, as the sugars contained in the banana cause bloating, flatulence;
    • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract associated with increased acidity of gastric juice.

    We are used to seeing bananas as yellow in color, but there are also red bananas in nature that are more tender. And it grows in the Seychelles special kind bananas - gold" and black. Such exoticism is used by the locals of the island in the preparation of gourmet dishes as a side dish for shellfish and lobsters.

    In Estonia, the first world banana eating competition was won by a participant who managed to eat 10 bananas in 3 minutes, though he ate bananas with the peel, which is why he won. The world record for eating bananas is 81 bananas in one hour.

    It turns out that bananas have found application not only as a food product. For example, in India for several centuries they have been used to launch ships into the water, for which the launch area of ​​the slip is smeared with crushed bananas. And in Japan, ship gear and fabrics are made from some technical varieties of bananas, which do not wear out for a long time.

But the fact remains, bananas are tasty, nutritious, and they have a lot of vitamins and other useful substances. We need these substances every day. For example, they have a lot of fiber, sucrose, fructose.

Many of us, when we buy a bunch of bananas, don't eat it all at once. Often they are stored at home for several days, or even a week.

Bananas are greenish-yellow in color and ripen gradually. Choose from the ones numbered 5 to 7

Eventually, dark spots begin to appear on them, and then turn completely brown. But, unlike other fruits, this does not mean that the banana has gone bad.

On the contrary, the darker the banana, the more it contains a specific extracellular protein - TNF.

It stands for Tumor Necrosis Factor. What it is? It is an anti-cancer substance that helps fight abnormal cells in the body.

Research confirms that overripe bananas contain TNF, which inhibits the growth of tumor cells and prevents their spread.

Together with high levels of antioxidants, which are also very abundant in bananas, TNF strengthens immune system.

Japanese researchers have found that the more a banana ripens, the more it contains fiber, vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium and antioxidants.

But these beneficial features darkened darkened bananas are far from all the benefits of these fruits.

What else are they useful for? But what:

  • Bananas have anti-acid properties. It helps to get rid of heartburn and acid reflux. Just one eaten banana can bring tangible relief.
  • Bananas help lower blood pressure. Because they are high in potassium but low in sodium, they are an excellent prophylactic against stroke or heart attack. Bananas are healthy food for the heart.
  • They give extra energy. If you eat 1-2 bananas before training, it will give you an extra boost of energy for an hour of intense training. Short glycemic index carbohydrates in bananas, vitamins and minerals increase your body's stamina, and potassium prevents muscle cramps.
  • Bananas are useful for anemia. They contain the necessary dose of dietary iron, which stimulates the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin, and therefore increases blood flow.
  • Bananas can be consumed without restrictions, even if you suffer from stomach ulcers. Their soft and mushy texture envelops the stomach and protects it from aggressive acids.
  • Bananas help fight depression. And all because they contain high level tryptophan, which our body processes into serotonin (the very “happiness hormone”). Serotonin is a brain neurotransmitter. It helps a person to relax, feel happy, and simply improves mood.
  • Bananas help improve digestion. They also have a laxative effect. This is because they are high in fiber, which stimulates regular bowel movements and provides relief from constipation.
  • Bananas are good for nervous disorders and PMS. They help regulate blood sugar levels. They also contain a lot of B vitamins, which calm the nervous system and help to relax.
  • Helps thermoregulate the body. If you eat a banana on a hot day, it will help lower your body temperature. The same can be done, for example, with a cold.

But not only overripe bananas are useful, unripe fruits are also needed. In particular, they are low in sugar, so they can be eaten by people with stage 2 diabetes. In addition, they contain probiotic bacteria.

Not many people know that bananas are classified as berries. They grow on a tall shrub whose leaves fit snugly together. Traditionally, bananas can be categorized as a fruit, but this is partly wrong. Fruits are often mashed and eaten in original form by removing the skin. Bananas are famous for their rich chemical composition, so many are interested in the benefits and harms of the fruit. Today we will look at the main aspects in more detail.

Chemical composition

  1. Bananas are considered extremely nutritious and energy-rich fruits. Ripe pulp includes natural saccharides, fiber, protein, carbohydrates, pectin, starch, esters, macro- and microelements, vitamins of various groups.
  2. Sugar comes in the form of glucose, fructose, and sucrose. Dietary fibers in combination with organic acids and vitamins make fruits indispensable in the field of baby feeding.
  3. Especially valuable substances that a banana is rich in are magnesium and potassium. They are necessary for the full functioning of the heart muscle, brain, activity vascular system. Daily consumption of 2 bananas will make up for the lack of missing elements.
  4. In addition to the above components, a banana contains a small proportion of fats, beta-carotene, malic acid, and choline. If we talk about vitamins, group B, ascorbic acid, retinol, vitamin K, PP are considered the most valuable.
  5. Of the trace elements, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, iron, magnesium, sodium, calcium, selenium can be distinguished. The amino acids found in bananas support all vital body functions.


The energy value and directly the calorie content depends on the ripeness of the bananas. Green type fruits include only 88 kcal. Mature bananas have a calorie content of 119-121 Kcal. If you eat overripe fruits, you will saturate the body with 178 kcal.

Bananas are not a diet type food. However, they are often included in the daily menu of people who follow the figure. This feature is achieved due to the nutritional value of products and their large chemical composition.

  1. Beautiful ladies love bananas not only for their taste, but also for their ability to prolong youth. Often, tightening face and hair masks are prepared from fruits. The composition normalizes the water balance and smoothes wrinkles. Means are able to prevent the shock from falling out and make it lush.
  2. Women's doctors advise pregnant girls and ladies who are on the diet to use bananas. breastfeeding. The composition stimulates the production of oxytocin. The hormone is responsible for the quality and quantity of breast milk, and also forms the nervous system of the fetus.
  3. Also, pregnant girls may not be afraid for a lack of vitamins if bananas are eaten throughout the bearing of the child. It is especially useful to eat fruits in the early stages to cope with nausea during toxicosis and improve digestion. Banana is a hypoallergenic product, so you can safely include it in the diet without worrying about the health of the baby.
  4. In addition to the above qualities, a banana relieves muscle cramps and lower back pain in PMS and menstruation itself. The fruit makes up for the lack of hemoglobin, which is washed out with the blood on critical days.
  5. The general valuable qualities of fruits are the ability to raise "morale" and mood. Thanks to this, ladies who regularly experience stress will be able to survive negative situations without consequences for the psyche. Being on a diet, girls may not be afraid of the onset of uncontrolled hunger, a banana will satisfy it.

Benefits of Bananas for Men

  1. Ripe yellow fruits can also benefit the strong half of humanity. Regular intake of bananas improves the quality of sperm, increasing their “burning”. As a result, it is easier for a couple to conceive a child.
  2. Tryptophan, which is part of the composition, supports the work of the male genital organs, increases potency and attraction to women.
  3. Men who play sports should eat at least 3 bananas a day to maintain physical activity. You will also be able to recover quickly after a workout.
  4. The fruits help to grow muscle mass when combined with isolated protein and amino acids (used separately).
  5. The strong half of the population is more susceptible to the development of cardiovascular diseases. Regular consumption of yellow fruits eliminates this possibility, reducing the formation of blood clots, the occurrence of heart attack and stroke.

  1. Ladies who are in position, often face violations in the digestive system. Pregnant girls suffer from constipation or, conversely, diarrhea. To reduce unpleasant symptoms, you need to eat bananas in combination with other fruits.
  2. Many pregnant women experience severe toxicosis, which is accompanied by vomiting, apathy, and a deterioration in mood. Banana will invigorate and relieve vomiting.
  3. Expectant mother and baby need the intake of all nutrients. Banana will make up for the lack of missing elements, forming the bone tissue of the fetus and supporting the nervous system of a woman.
  4. It's no secret that all pregnant girls suffer from swelling of the limbs. This is due to poor removal of salts and the accumulation of water in internal organs. yellow fruits normalize fluid balance, relieving limbs from stagnation.

Benefits of bananas for weight loss

  1. The chemical composition of the banana is completely balanced. Due to this, when it is used, the body ceases to experience a shortage of valuable elements. If you constantly sit on strict diets you start to feel tired. This is due to the lack of sugar, which is just found in a banana.
  2. To maintain all vital organs, it is necessary to organize the intake of amino acids, vitamins and dietary fiber into the body. Fiber fights constipation and helps to remove slagging. It sucks out poisons and reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  3. Weight loss is achieved by accelerating all metabolic processes and, as a result, the breakdown of fatty plaques. In addition, a banana quickly satisfies the raging hunger and maintains saturation for a long time.
  4. Banana is known to be high-calorie foods. However, this aspect is completely covered useful qualities fetus. If you need to eat 300-400 grams to saturate with other fruits, then in the case of a banana, 150 grams is enough.
  5. Any diet should be combined with physical activity, right mode labor and rest. With regular exercise, the body quickly consumes calories, as a result, a person begins to feel exhausted. Banana gives strength and promotes muscle building.

  1. Green bananas are vegetable varieties. They are also equated with fruits of the “mini” type, which are brought from abroad. Experts believe that fruits of this type have not yet formed their own chemical composition fully. However, this aspect does not prevent the products from being useful.
  2. So, green bananas affect blood pressure. They bring it back to normal, so the fruits can be eaten by hypo- and hypertensive patients. The product compensates for the lack of potassium, which is a serious prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  3. It is known that such a valuable element as calcium is washed out with urine. Bananas prevent the loss of beneficial enzymes, strengthening bones and muscle tissue. Fruits prevent any diseases of the musculoskeletal system, form the skeleton of children.
  4. Not many people know that bananas can be eaten with the peel. This will tone the motility of the intestinal tract, as well as provide serious assistance in the treatment of peptic ulcer, gastritis, diarrhea and general dehydration.

The benefits and harms of dried bananas

  1. In the process of heat treatment, fresh bananas release saccharides, and also contribute to an increase in their quantity. Therefore, dried bananas have a high calorie content, but at the same time they retain 98% of valuable substances.
  2. For 100 gr. product accounts for 345 kcal. Many people do not risk including dried fruit in their diet, but in vain. It is enough to eat 1 handful of the composition per day to saturate the body with potassium, manganese, magnesium and calcium.
  3. Due to the high caloric content and high accumulation of sugar dried fruit contraindicated in people with obesity of any type, as well as diabetics. However, bananas can be treated to children instead of chocolate to cheer up and improve performance.
  4. Dried bananas are useful for people with thin hair, exfoliating nails, gray skin tone. The fruits restore the natural pigmentation of the epidermis, fight female and male alopecia, whiten the nail plate (useful for smokers).
  5. The hypoallergenic composition has a general strengthening and tonic effect on the body. Dried bananas treat constipation, anemia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of a chronic type, weakened immunity. A large accumulation of ascorbic acid helps to resist viruses during the spread of SARS.

  1. Bananas have certain contraindications for consumption. So, they can not be eaten with thrombophlebitis, increased blood viscosity, diabetes, obesity, signs of ischemia.
  2. Bananas rarely cause allergies, but still you should not abuse them. In addition, high calorie content can harm the figure, try to eat no more than 2 fruits per day (women), 3 fruits (men).
  3. There is too much starch in unripe bananas, so they must be eaten strictly in doses. The element is difficult to digest, rotting in the digestive tract.
  4. Green bananas can cause constipation (rare cases), bloating, and excess gas. In order not to harm your health, try not to eat unripe fruits more than 1 piece per day.
  5. The harm of bananas lies in their pretreatment before transportation. Bananas are treated with pesticides, among which the most common are E230-232. Phenolic compounds keep fruits fresh long time, but at the same time they can cause the development of cancer. Before eating, bananas should be thoroughly washed with soda.
  6. Fruits should not be introduced into the diet of children under 1 year old. Doctors say that the younger generation may begin bloating, diarrhea, and a general disorder of the stool. An overseas fruit can provoke the development of allergies in a still fragile body. The accumulation of vitamin K often causes anemia and jaundice in a child.

The value of bananas is due to a wide list of elements that make up the fruit. Bananas include vitamins of different groups, amino acids, antioxidants. In view of this, it is useful to eat overseas fruits for men, women and children after 1 year. Valuable qualities depend on the degree of ripeness of the fruit, consider the important aspects of dried and green bananas.

Video: the incredible truth about bananas

Each product can be equally useful and harmful. Let's get acquainted with the banana, because it is not as simple as it seems.

Banana has long been part of our lives. But what do we know about him? The sweet fruit still holds many unexpected secrets.

  • Banana is one of the most ancient foods known on Earth.
    The plant is mentioned in the Bible, the Koran, the Talmud, the manuscripts of the Mahabharata
  • Claims to be the Tree of Knowledge, the fruits of which Adam and Eve so inadvertently tasted (in the Middle Ages, banana leaves were called "Eve's")
  • The first instructions for banana growing were compiled by the ancient Egyptians and posted on the walls of ancient Thebes.
  • The banana plant, from the point of view of biology, is not a palm tree, but a grass, and its fruit is not a fruit, but a berry

Before you start talking about the benefits of bananas, you should take into account the following fact: during transportation, the beneficial properties of bananas are significantly reduced. Incorrect harvesting conditions or mistakes made during storage can also reduce the quality of bananas.

Important: each human body unique in its chemical reactions and immunity. Therefore, we love some foods and eat with pleasure, and some we cannot stand. The article contains general recommendations without taking into account the characteristics of each individual organism.

Banana composition. vitamins in banana

100 g of the product contains

Important: the calorie content of a banana depends on its variety.

Dessert varieties of bananas are eaten only in fresh, and sycamore or plantain (starched bananas) can be cooked

1. Banana, as a product, is devoid of fat and is not a source of cholesterol
2. Fresh bananas are rich in potassium. To replenish daily allowance potassium you need to eat 2 bananas a day

  • Potassium is essential for normal functioning nervous system and body muscles
  • A sufficient amount of potassium in the body prevents muscle cramps that occur after exercise
  • Potassium controls heart rate and normalizes heart rhythm
  • The microelement provides a normal level blood pressure
  • Potassium and sodium make up a pair that provides metabolic processes at the cellular level, maintains an acid-base balance
  • Regulates water balance, removing excess fluid, which normalizes sweating, prevents the appearance of edema

3. Banana fruits are a storehouse of fructose, glucose, sucrose, maltose, which can provide the human body with an instant boost of energy. This is the most powerful natural energy. In addition, banana pulp contains antioxidants, the formula of which scientists could not repeat in laboratory conditions. That is why the banana has become the basis for many protein shakes used by athletes

4. Due to the presence of sugars in the composition, bananas are used for therapeutic diets, the purpose of which is to increase the weight of the patient. This is especially true for the treatment of underweight children.
5. Vitamin C, which is part of a banana, promotes the rapid absorption of iron,
destroys free radicals that attack viable body cells
6. The human digestive system has no problem digesting bananas. Regular use fruit normalizes the work of housing and communal services. Dietary fiber pectins, which are rich in banana fruits, provide a gentle cleansing of the body.
7. Bananas contain both calcium and probiotic bacteria, which improve calcium absorption in the human body.
8. The manganese in bananas promotes bone health and improves iron metabolism.
9. Vitamin B6 is a good anti-inflammatory and supports healthy brain function
10. The iron in the banana allows the product to be used to increase hemoglobin in the human body.
11. Phosphorus is essential for teeth

12. Banana is a real cosmetic laboratory. Tons of bananas are used by cosmetics manufacturers to produce masks, lotions, creams. banana extract in cosmetics Oh

  • nourishes skin and hair
  • soothes
  • tones up
  • acts as a remineralizing agent
  • smoothes shallow wrinkles

13. Trace elements contained in bananas contribute to the production of oxytocin - a hormone responsible for the "chemistry of love" and social adaptation of a person
14. Banana berry is the only plant product that can be used for diarrhea, including childhood (for children over 12 months old)

Benefits of green bananas

The platano banana variety (Plantain) is often referred to as green bananas. It was the starchy plantain bananas that competed with cereals such as rice, wheat and corn. This variety of bananas can be cooked and eaten raw - it all depends on the degree of ripeness of the fruit.

Plantain bananas

  • in an unripe form - an analogue of a potato. Great for soups and side dishes. They have a neutral taste. Can be eaten raw, used in salads
  • ripe plane trees have a yellow skin and become sweet in taste. Unlike dessert varieties, they remain crispy. Used to make desserts

Steamed ripe sycamore is the best food for immature (children) and aging (adult) organisms

Interesting. Banana chips are made from unripe plane trees.

Benefits of mini bananas

Mini bananas are the favorites of children. They are sweeter than regular dessert bananas and are more convenient to eat. In all other respects, mini-bananas are not much different from ordinary dessert varieties.

Benefits of dried bananas

This product is made only from their dessert varieties of bananas. The main composition of useful substances and trace elements is presented in the table below.

However, any medicine easily becomes a poison if used improperly.

The harm of bananas

1. The safest "banana" delusion: ate a banana - felt happy.
However, the substance tryptophan contained in bananas is not involved in the production of the hormone of happiness. Unfortunately, tryptophan is destroyed in the human circulatory system and is excreted from the body naturally.
2. In addition to tryptophan, bananas contain tyramine, an amino acid that provokes

  • increase in sugar levels
  • overstimulation of the nervous system
  • muscle hypertonicity
  • occurrence of migraine
  • increased blood pressure

The amount of tyramine in overripe bananas reaches a critical level for the human body. They categorically can not be used by people suffering from neurosis, children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. An overdose of tyramine can be caused by eating more than 5 bananas a day. The fact that the fruits are overripe is evidenced by large dark spots on the peel.

3. Xenobiotics - substances that can have a negative impact on the human hormonal background. Banana acquires xenobiotics during gassing
4. By removing excess fluid from the body, a banana provokes thickening of the blood and the formation of blood clots. Accordingly, a banana as a food product is completely unsuitable for people suffering

  • thrombophelitis
  • ischemic heart disease
  • recently had a stroke or heart attack

5. The feeling of satiety that you feel after eating a banana is short-lived. But it's better to eat a banana than a cookie

6. A variety of sugars contained in a banana can start the process of fermentation of food in the stomach, thereby provoking flatulence, bloating. Therefore, you should not eat a banana on an empty stomach immediately before the main meal or drink the eaten fruit with water. Most best time in order to enjoy sweets - an hour after dinner
7. Bananas are high in calories. Doctors do not recommend eating bananas for people who are overweight or suffering from diabetes.
8. One banana can provide 10% of your daily carbohydrate requirement (with a normal diet). This is a very high figure, which means that for dieters, one banana covers 30%-40% of daily carbohydrates.
9. The human body has the ability to easily digest food that is characteristic of the area where it lives. This ability is at the genetic level. Banana is a foreign fruit and its assimilation still requires certain efforts from the body.
10. Unripe bananas contain insoluble starch, which the human stomach and intestines cannot process. Such bananas are characterized by a certain "ribbed" peel. A ripe banana has an almost perfect round section and a smooth peel.

Nevertheless, if a banana is the most “ancient” food product that has survived to this day and has not lost its relevance, then you need to get the most out of it!

Benefits of Bananas for Women

  • Stimulates the production of oxytocin, the hormone responsible for
    • normal course of labor
    • sufficient separation of milk during feeding
  • The basis of home cosmetics for face, body and hair care
  • Ease PMS
  • Reduce blood loss during menstruation

Benefits of bananas for pregnant women

  • Bananas are one of the most useful products for a woman in an interesting position
  • This product helps to survive all the manifestations of toxicosis: from nausea to diarrhea and constipation.
  • Vitamins and trace elements in the composition of the banana are enough for both mother and baby
  • In addition, a banana rarely causes allergies, which is very important for a woman carrying a child.

And yet, bananas can work wonders:

Benefits of Bananas for Men

  • Stimulates the production of oxytocin, the hormone responsible for
    • erection
    • sperm quality (fertility)
    • attachment to your children
  • The potassium found in banana helps fight
    • nicotine addiction
    • hangover syndrome
    • prevents the formation of blood clots in the cerebral cortex
  • Quickly saturates the body with increased physical exertion

The benefits of bananas for children

  • A banana is introduced into the diet of a child at the age of 8-9 months (before that time, the food system of children has not yet been sufficiently formed), provided that there are no obvious contraindications and deviations in the child's health

Important: a banana should not be introduced as the first complementary food due to the sweetness of the product (as a result, the baby may refuse less sweet, but no less healthy vegetables and fruits)

  • Be aware of banana calories. Enter it with caution in the diet of babies prone to fullness
  • Banana can be a wonderful remedy for relieving the symptoms of bronchitis in children older than a year

banana tea recipe

  • ripe banana - 2 pcs.
  • water - 200 ml

How to cook

  • Peel bananas, remove white fibers and puree thoroughly in a blender
  • Transfer banana puree to a bowl.
  • Pour hot water
  • Heat the saucepan in a water bath for 5-7 minutes

How to use?

Hot during the day. The amount of banana tea drunk has no clear limits, the main thing is to drink the entire volume during the day

The product can also be used by adults

The benefits of bananas for the stomach

Bananas are good for people who suffer from ulcers. Banana pulp, getting into the stomach, creates a barrier against stomach acids. In addition, the banana is the only plant-based product that can be consumed raw (after consultation with the attending physician)

Important: definitely do not use a banana for patients with high acidity

Benefits of bananas for hair

Important: only overripe bananas are used as the basis for cosmetics

Banana masks are suitable for all types of hair and have no contraindications (except for individual intolerance to individual components)

Mask for all hair types

  • banana - 1 pc.
  • sour cream or kefir - 2 tbsp.
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp.

How to cook?

Thoroughly puree all the components of the mask in a blender.

  • If the scalp is prone to excessive oiliness - use kefir
  • Olive oil can be replaced with burdock
  • The mask can be enriched with 1 tbsp. liquid honey or 1 egg yolk

How to use?

Apply to cleansed scalp with light massage movements.
Distribute throughout the hair
Put a spacious plastic cap on your head, hide your hair under it
Warm with a towel turban
The duration of the mask is 40-60 minutes.
Rinse off with water at body temperature

Benefits of bananas for face

  • aging skin
  • dry skin
  • skin with pigment spots
  • oily skin

Mask for aging skin

  • cottage cheese - 150 g
  • banana - 150 g

How to prepare and apply

  • Puree thoroughly in a blender for 1 minute at medium speed.
  • Apply to cleansed face in an even layer.
  • The duration of the mask is 20 minutes.
  • Wash off with cool water

Mask for lightening age spots

How to prepare and apply

  • Thoroughly mix all the ingredients, pre-lightly whipping the protein
  • Action time - 15 min.
  • Wash off with cool water

Important: protein has a lifting effect, but protein masks should not be abused

Mask for dry skin

  • banana - ½
  • yolk of 1 egg
  • crushed cereals- 1 tbsp (without slide)
  • olive oil - 1 tsp

How to prepare and apply

  • Thoroughly blend all components
  • Apply to cleansed face
  • Action time - 15 min.
  • Wash off with warm water

Mask for oily skin

  • banana - 1 pc.
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp
  • liquid honey - 1 tbsp.

How to prepare and apply

  • Thoroughly puree banana with juice
  • Apply to cleansed face
  • Action time - 15 min.
  • Wash off with cool water

Benefits of banana peel

It is worth the rhinestone to focus your attention on the fact that banana peel is useful if it is not processed in gas chambers.

Accordingly, banana peels should only be used as

1. Fertilizer for indoor and home plants. Carefully crushed peel will provide the soil with potassium and phosphorus, but an overabundance of these trace elements can harm plants.

2. Leaf cleaner indoor plants. With the inside of the banana peel, wipe all the leaves one by one. Ficuses are especially fond of such rubbing.

3. Banana peel teaspoon cleaner is prepared as follows: Blend the peel. Dilute the resulting mixture with water to a paste-like consistency. Apply the paste to a soft cloth and polish the spoons. Rinse the rest of the mixture under running water.

4. Remedy for repairing scratched CD/DVD surfaces:
wipe the damaged surface of the disc with a slice of peeled banana
after that for 2 min. carefully polish the surface of the disc with the inside of the banana peel
lightly dampen a soft, clean cloth with glass cleaner and gently remove the banana residue from the surface to be repaired
let the disc dry

Bananas for breakfast: benefits

Breakfast energizes the body for the whole day and a banana - the best choice for a tasty and healthy menu

Oatmeal with banana

  • Oatmeal - 1 cup
  • Milk - 2 cups
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Nuts 50 g

1. Bring the milk to a boil
2. Put the well-washed cereal into boiling milk, salt, mix thoroughly and reduce the heat under the pan
3. Cook porridge over low heat for 15-20 minutes
4. Remove the saucepan from the heat. Porridge should be infused under a closed lid for 5 minutes.
5. Add to the pot butter cover, leave for another 5 minutes.
6. Peel the banana, puree in any convenient way
7. Add banana puree to porridge, mix thoroughly
8. Put on a plate, sprinkle with your favorite chopped nuts on top

If you are on a diet:

  • replace milk with water or use skim milk
  • do not add butter to porridge

banana croutons

This dish is not at all dietary, but the morning, sometimes, requires little “pleasures”

  • White bread slices - 8
  • Powdered milk 0% - ¼ st.
  • Any juice (light or yellow) - 4 tablespoons
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Banana - 1/3
  • Vegetable oil for frying

Advice. Replace juice and powdered milk¼ st. ordinary cow's milk. Croutons will not be as fragrant, but no less tasty. White bread can be replaced with bran bread

1. Blend all ingredients except bread and vegetable oil
2. Put the resulting mixture into any convenient container
3. Place a clean skillet over medium heat and pour over a large number of vegetable oil
4. Dip the slices of bread in the banana-milk mixture on both sides
5. When the oil is hot, reduce the heat to a minimum and put the soaked slices into the pan
6. Fry on both sides until golden brown
7. During frying, if necessary, add vegetable oil to the pan

Banana cocktail

  • Banana - 1-2 pcs.
  • Milk - ½ tbsp.
  • Vanilla ice cream - 40-50 g

Thoroughly blend all ingredients and serve.

Banana smoothie without milk

  • Banana - 1-2 pcs.
  • orange juice (or soy milk) - ¾ st.

Advice. As a thickener, you can add 1-2 tbsp. oatmeal

Thoroughly blend all ingredients and serve.

Video: How are bananas grown and harvested?

Video: Living well. About the benefits of banana

Bananas have been a food product for a very long time - when there was no man at all. All of us have repeatedly seen, in programs about animals, traveling or at the zoo, with what pleasure our biological ancestors, monkeys, eat bananas. The benefits and harms of the fruits of this perennial herbaceous plant for the health of the body is an important issue.

Pleasant texture, delicate smell and the ability to quickly satisfy hunger make the fruit very popular. Whether the fruit refutes the rule that everything healthy is not tasty, whether it is possible to consume fruits daily, and what vitamins a banana contains, we will consider further.

In contact with

Fruits form the basis of the diet in a number of countries. The fruit is harvested green and ripe. Used both fresh and for cooking various dishes. They are fried, boiled, baked, dried and dried. For tropical regions, these yellow fruit are a key export item. One of the reasons for such a wide distribution is the benefits of bananas for the body.

Bananas are not only tasty food, but also extremely healthy.


The amount of useful components in the composition depends on the stage of their maturity and variety. The fruit contains a large amount of protein. In 100 grams of ripe fruits there are approximately 1.9 grams, in green ones a little less - 1.1. Leaders in the amount of protein - dried fruits. In them, the content of the component reaches 3.5 grams. When studying the benefits of bananas and their harm, it is worth noting that the fruits are rich in carbohydrates, which is not always good. Depending on the variety, the amount ranges from 19 to 84 grams. Fat in fruits, on the contrary, is small: from 0.02 to 1.4 grams.

Table 1. The main nutrients in a banana

NameQuantity per 100 gBenefits and role in the body
Cellulose0.3-4.5 gFibers that are not digested by the enzymes of the body, but are broken down by beneficial intestinal microflora
Calcium3.2-50 mgBeneficial in the formation of bones of the skeleton. Regulates muscle contraction, participates in the synthesis of hormones and neurotransmitters in the body
Phosphorus16-65 mgTakes part in the formation of the skeleton, hair and nails. Included in organic compounds important for the body
Iron0.4-2.7 mgNecessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin. Anemia develops when there is a lack of iron in the body.
beta carotene0.06-45 mgStrong antioxidant. Supports the body's immunity. Harmful to smokers when consumed in excess
Potassium0.6-2.8 mgProvides muscle contractions in the body. Supports acid-base and water balance

What vitamins are contained?

The beneficial properties of a banana are largely determined by the vitamins that make up the fruit. The yellow fruit is rich in B vitamins, vitamin C and nicotinic acid.

Table 2. Vitamins that determine the benefits and harms of fruits for the body

NameBenefits for the bodyHarm to the body
Vitamin B1Ensures the normal functioning of the heart muscle. Participates in the formation of other muscles of the bodyIn excess, it can cause anaphylactic shock due to damage to mast cells
Vitamin B2Promotes the synthesis of red blood cells. Necessary for the formation of the epithelium, hair, nailsExcess will not harm the body. Vitamin is not able to accumulate, is excreted with urine
Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid)It is an important component for the normal course of metabolism. Takes part in the formation of a number of enzymes. Benefits the thyroid glandExcessive consumption entails heart rhythm disturbances, incorrect liver function. Harm can manifest itself in violations of the digestive tract
Vitamin CA powerful antioxidant, involved in the metabolic process, is extremely important for the bodyIt will harm the absorption of vitamin B12 by the body. May cause kidney stones in hypervitaminosis

When answering the question of whether bananas are healthy, it is important to focus on their quantity. Excessive consumption of any product can harm the body.


The nutritional value of a fruit is determined by the number of calories. It is on them that the amount of energy received by a person after consuming the fruit for food depends. Calorie content, as well as how a banana is useful for the body, varies depending on the variety, stage of ripeness and form of processing.

Table 3. Calorie content and benefits of fruits

The benefits of banana for the human body are significant. However, it is rather difficult to call it a dietary product due to its high calorie content.

Beneficial features

The fruits contain tryptophan, which is involved in the synthesis of serotonin. It improves mood, reduces the consequences of experiences for the body, increases efficiency. In addition, the combined consumption of tryptophan with antidepressants leads to an increase in the effectiveness of drugs.

In what benefits from bananas, their consistency plays a significant role. The viscous texture and high fiber content have a cleansing and enveloping effect. Consumption of fruit contributes to the normalization of stool, effectively cleanses the body, and has a beneficial effect on digestion.

The benefits of fruits for the heart are provided by potassium, which is part of the composition. The element is necessary for the work of the heart and the regulation of blood pressure. Potassium consumption promotes blood thinning and prevents blood clots. However, an excess of the mineral can be harmful.

The calcium in bananas will benefit bones and muscles. It is essential for the growing children's body. High content protein makes fruit an important part of the diet for those looking to build muscle. Fruit - great option snack. It will quickly restore energy, help to cope with intellectual tasks and relieve fatigue.

Which ones are better?

On the shelves of stores there are fruits of different sizes, maturity and varieties. Which bananas are healthier depends on what exactly a person wants to get from consuming the fruit.

Green or ripe (yellow)?

Ripe fruits are high in calories, high in protein and high in moisture content. In addition, only ripe dessert fruits contain a precursor of vitamin A - beta-carotene, which brings benefits.

According to statistics, men are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Representatives of the stronger sex over 45 years of age and do represent a risk group. Banana, the health benefits of which are described above, has a beneficial effect on the heart. For digestive problems, it is also recommended to include this fruit. However, in case of diarrhea, green bananas are prohibited. The ratio of benefit and harm in this case is violated: they can lead to intestinal upset.

The fruit is a source of calcium, which is necessary for the child's body for growth and development. Ascorbic acid has a tonic effect, improves immunity. The fruit is suitable for an afternoon snack or for recuperation after a hard lesson. When consumed in excess, it causes harm, for example, it sometimes causes allergies.

The opinions of experts on the use of fruit during lactation differ. The harm of bananas for a child may be due to the early introduction into the diet of a nursing mother. If the child has not reached one month, then you should refrain from consuming the fetus. In addition, bananas are sometimes processed by producers for transportation. The ratio of benefit and harm to the body will not be in favor of the latter.

A balanced diet is very important for pregnant women. Let's see if bananas are good for the health of a pregnant woman. Depending on the trimester, the fruits help fight toxicosis, normalize digestion, and have a strengthening effect on joints and bones.

Is it good or bad for the body?

It is known that some foods are better to eat in the morning, while others, even with a night snack, will not do harm.

For breakfast

A morning meal can energize you for the whole day. Many nutritionists recommend eating bananas for breakfast. Is it really useful or not? Consuming fruit in the morning will not only allow you not to feel hungry for a long time, but will also give you a good mood. In addition, the body will have enough time to absorb all the nutrients.

Oatmeal with banana slices and honey is a great start to the day.

For the night

It is better to opt for a lighter meal than eating bananas at night. Is it good or bad to eat yellow fruit and go to bed? Unfortunately, the fruit is digested for a long time. Intensive digestion will certainly affect the quality of sleep. Glucose and fructose have an invigorating effect. If you want to sleep well, then you should eat fruit with benefits the next day.

on an empty stomach

You can eat both large and small bananas on an empty stomach. The benefit is that the fruit quickly satisfies hunger and facilitates the intellectual activity of the body. Its enveloping texture does not harm the gastrointestinal tract, and its mild taste does not provoke thirst. Fruits can be taken with you on the road and, if necessary, eat bananas on an empty stomach. The benefits and harms here are altered in the direction of the first.

For heart

The beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system have already been discussed above. Even cardiologists include these yellow fruits in the diet of their patients. What nutrients in a banana play a significant role in heart function:

  • potassium - provides the passage of impulses and heart contractions;
  • calcium - necessary for the rhythmic work of the heart and is important for contractility;
  • nicotinic acid - promotes vasodilation and normalization of pressure in the body.

Only a specialist can determine whether bananas are good for the heart in a particular case. In the absence of contraindications, reasonable consumption of the fruit will not do harm.

For the liver

This body liked the exotic fruit. The high fiber content helps cleanse the body and facilitates the work of the liver. However, an excessive amount of fruits in the diet leads to a significant intake of fructose into the body, which harms the body. Whether bananas are good for the liver depends on the amount in the diet.

Banana will be useful not only for the liver, but for the whole body as a whole.

For the stomach

The benefits and harms depend on the state of health and characteristics of the body. Bananas are good for the stomach healthy person or having a chronic disease. Acute pathologies oblige to exclude the fetus from the diet. With an ulcer, acute pancreatitis or cholecystitis, the fruit can be harmful. A good laxative effect can be achieved by eating kefir with a banana. Benefits and harms depend on the indications.

How much should you eat per day?

It was indicated above what bananas are, the benefits and harms, how much fruit you need to eat - the next question. To maintain beauty and health female body one fruit per day is enough. For a child, the amount ranges from ½ to a whole. For the male body - no more than 2-3 fruits.

Can you eat daily?

Some lovers of an exotic product are ready to eat it all the time. Is it good to eat bananas every day? In the absence of contraindications and subject to a reasonable amount, daily inclusion in the diet is possible.

You can add both large and small bananas to your baby's diet. Benefit and harm in this case depends on some criteria.

Feeding fruit to babies under 6 months is prohibited.

In some cases, complementary foods start later - from 8 months. It is best to consult with your pediatrician first.

Can it be harmful to the body?

Excessive consumption will certainly affect the figure. In addition, the fruit will harm diabetics. They are better off eating unripe fruits, which contain fewer sugars. For allergy sufferers, the consumption of an exotic product can cause an increase in existing allergic reactions in the body or the appearance of new symptoms.

Harm will bring and green bananas in large quantities. They often cause indigestion and diarrhea.

The benefits and harms of a banana are widely known, including for cough therapy. In this case, the fruit acts as additional ingredient when preparing various home remedies. Banana allows you to improve the taste and make the medicine attractive even for children. The benefit also lies in the enveloping texture. It helps relieve sore throats and soothes coughs.

Honey itself is a wonderful product for the body. It contains great amount glucose, fructose and sucrose. It is rich in B vitamins, ascorbic and folic acids, beta-carotene, etc. Honey is quite effective for cough therapy. It is better to mix with the product crushed large or mini bananas.

The benefits and harms here are not always predictable. Some varieties of honey can cause allergies and aggravate the condition. To prepare home remedies, you need to purchase only high-quality honey. In the presence of biological or chemical impurities, it will not bring benefits to the body, but harm.

You can grind a banana into a puree, or you can just serve slices with honey.

Warm milk has been used for home therapy since ancient times. Oil, honey, soda are added to it. The Banana and Milk cocktail can also be used. The benefit of the product is a pleasant texture, a large amount of nutrients and a pleasant taste.

For therapy, it is necessary to take only a freshly prepared product. After standing, such a cocktail will only bring harm. For example, it can cause indigestion. Drinking a cocktail is in the morning or afternoon, you can consume milk and bananas on an empty stomach. The benefit and harm to the patient in this case will remain the same.

Useful video

In many countries, bananas are one of the main sources of nutrition - for example, in Ecuador alone, the annual consumption of this product is 73.8 kg per capita (for comparison, in Russia this figure is 7.29 kg). Edible varieties of bananas are conditionally divided into two main groups: dessert, used mainly in raw or dried form, and plantains (or plane trees), which require heat treatment before use. The pulp of dessert varieties is very sweet in taste, contains a large amount of carbohydrates, vitamin C and some minerals necessary for the body:


  1. In evaluating these exotic fruit an important role is played by harm and their benefits, which vitamins are in a banana, which minerals the fruit contains.
  2. Dosed consumption, of course, will have a positive effect on the body.
  3. The fruit can be harmful only if there are contraindications, overweight or when eaten in large quantities.