What are the healthiest dried fruits? The benefits of dried fruits for the human body

Of all the variety of dried fruits, it is extremely difficult to determine which dried fruits are the most useful - they all have unique properties and therefore recommended for daily use. Of course, they should not be abused, especially for people with high content blood sugar, dried fruit contain much more carbohydrates and fructose than fresh ones.

For many of us, dried fruits are associated primarily with compote, the unsurpassed taste of which has been familiar to us since childhood. As self-dish dried fruits are used quite rarely, and only a few people know that dried fruits and berries can be treated.

Because in winter time hard to find for sale fresh fruits, in which all valuable substances necessary for the human body are present, it is best to eat dried fruits. The main benefit of dried fruits is the combination of unique substances that are easily absorbed by the body, and the absence of fat.

When comparing fresh fruit and dried, it turns out that the latter contain vitamins and microelements in a higher concentration, however, their calorie content is higher.

Dried berries and fruits contain approximately 70% carbohydrates, which, when released into the bloodstream, contribute to the process of energy production.

To beneficial features dried fruits were kept as long as possible, for storing prunes, dried apricots, raisins, dried cherries and dried exotic fruits, glass or ceramic jars with tightly ground lids are best suited.

What are the benefits of dried fruits for human health

A pineapple.

This fruit is an excellent source of various substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body. The following vitamins are preserved in dried pineapples: A, C, B1, B2, B12 and PP.

The fruits are also rich in trace elements - iron, potassium, zinc, copper, magnesium, calcium, iodine, manganese, etc. Dried pineapples are widely used in dietetics.


Contains vitamins A, C, PP, E, as well as vitamins of group B. Also, the benefits of these dried fruits for the body are due to the high content of magnesium, pectin, apple and citric acid. Dried quince fruits are used for indigestion, to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and in the treatment of liver diseases.


The banana contains vitamins A, C, E, group B, as well as trace elements such as magnesium, potassium, iron, sodium and phosphorus. Dried bananas are used to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, as they have a diuretic and laxative effect. In addition, these fruits are used to reduce and relieve swelling.


Barberry fruits contain organic acids, sugars, useful pectins, as well as vitamins A, C, E, K and mineral salts. Unripe fruits are rich in alkaloids. Dried fruits of barberry are used as a hemostatic, choleretic, antipyretic, diuretic, sedative, anti-inflammatory and tonic agent for the gastrointestinal tract. Given the usefulness of these dried fruits, they are used in the complex therapy of diabetes and cancer. Barberry strengthens the heart muscle and improves immunity.


The berries of this plant contain vitamins B1, B6 and C. Of the trace elements, they contain magnesium, cobalt, iron, copper, zinc, etc. Dried fruits are an excellent remedy for anemia, toxicosis during pregnancy. They have an anti-inflammatory effect.


Fruits contain vitamins A, K, group B, as well as potassium, zinc, iron and copper. Pear has a beneficial effect in violation of the functioning of the pancreas and heart, diseases of the intestines and urinary tract. Of all the dried fruits that are good for the body, pears have the most astringent effect. They also have a choleretic, diuretic and diaphoretic effect.


IN dried melon contains vitamins A, C, PP, group B, as well as calcium, iron, potassium, chlorine and sodium. It is used for anemia and exhaustion of the body, digestive disorders. This is one of those dried fruits that is very good for the heart.


This product also contains B1, calcium, iron, proteins, as well as other useful substances; this dried fruit also contains enough in large numbers sugar is present. In this regard, it is recommended to use it with extreme caution for people suffering from diabetes and obesity. Raisins help protect the body from osteoporosis and disease thyroid gland, helps strengthen gums and teeth, is used for diseases of the nervous system, normalizes sleep and helps in the fight against depression.

Benefits of other dried fruits


In that useful product contains not only vitamins A, C, PP and group B, but also many trace elements vital for the human body: potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, etc. Figs are used in the treatment of bronchial asthma, and to normalize the thyroid gland. It is also the dried fruit, which is extremely useful for the heart and blood vessels.

Dried apricots.

Dried apricots are excellent in taste, they contain sugar, many vitamins, organic acids and microelements. This dried fruit is very good for the heart and skin. However, the use of dried apricots should be limited to those who are obese, and patients with diabetes should consult their doctor before using dried apricots.


Dried mango is rich in sugars, as well as vitamins A, C, D, E and group B. In addition, the fruits contain amino acids that are not produced by the human body and are obtained only from food. Dried mango fruits beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieving tension, improve mood and help to cope with stress. It should also be noted that this product affects sexual performance (both women and men) and is an aphrodisiac. Mango is widely used in cosmetology.


This fruit has low calorie, which is why dried papaya is perfect for those who want to get rid of extra pounds. The fruits contain fructose and glucose, fiber, organic acids, proteins, vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, C and D, as well as minerals: phosphorus, potassium, sodium, iron, calcium, etc. This is one of the most useful dried fruits for activating the process of digestion, relieving inflammation. Dried fruits are indicated in the treatment of stomach ulcers, gastritis, thrombosis and other diseases. In addition, this is a good remedy for external use - for the treatment of burns and the removal of freckles.


IN dried peaches contains vitamins A, C, E, K and trace elements: phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium. Dried fruits are used to restore strength, strengthen immunity, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, peach helps fight wrinkles, makes the skin smooth and supple.


These fruits contain a lot of potassium, iron, folic and nicotinic acid. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, help increase potency, and are an excellent antidepressant. Due to the high content of sugar in these fruits, people with diabetes can only try dates. Fiber, which is present in large quantities in these dried fruits, is useful during diets and unloading days.

Dates are very nutritious and contain a lot of useful substances, therefore, in ancient times, the slaves employed in the construction of the Egyptian pyramids were fed with dried dates and garlic.


This product is rich in antioxidants and vitamins (A, C, B1, B2), helps to reduce blood pressure, regulation of metabolism, normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. This one of the most useful dried fruits is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, hypertension and kidney diseases, as well as to increase potency and improve memory, with rheumatism and metabolic diseases.


Its fruits contain iron and other trace elements, vitamins B2, B6, C and E. Dried apples help improve bowel function, improve digestion, have a positive effect on the nervous system, and improve memory. Also, these dried fruits are very useful for the heart and blood vessels.

Contraindications to the use of dried fruits

Every medicine has side effects and contraindications for use. Even dried fruits can be harmful to health. That is why, before starting treatment, you need to think through all the possible pros and cons of "sweet therapy".

First of all, you need to learn how to choose the right natural medicines and also figure out which product is best for you.

It should be remembered that dried fruits have a rather high sugar content. If you have elevated level blood sugar, eat dried fruits in small portions and only in the morning. But it is best to get the advice of a specialist who, if necessary, will prescribe an appropriate treatment menu for you.

Dried fruit is a popular product that is often used in diets. Dried fruits for weight loss are useful - it is a rich source of fiber and various vitamins. Dried fruits are more nutritious than their fresh counterparts, but they do not affect weight gain, if you follow the rules of consumption. The advantage of this product is that dried fruits are exclusively natural product. They usually do not add flavor enhancers and nutritional supplements. Such food is useful for those who want to lose weight, while respecting the basics. proper nutrition.

Is it possible to eat dried fruits while losing weight

Eating dried fruits is good for the body. In addition, this product is nutritious and very tasty, each person will be able to choose for himself dried fruits that will suit his taste. This delicacy during the day can support energy and the necessary strength. Is it possible to eat dried fruits during weight loss, because they are high-calorie foods?

Experts say that eating dried fruit is healthy. It will not harm the figure. In addition, by eating some dried fruit, you can temporarily drown out the feeling of hunger. You should not just get carried away with dried fruits: this can lead to indigestion. All products of this type are well absorbed. The most popular are prunes and dried apricots for weight loss.

What dried fruits to eat when losing weight

Each of the dried fruits has useful properties, knowing about which you can easily choose the food that suits your body. Dried fruits are useful for weight loss, because they are concentrated sources of various nutrients necessary for normal well-being. In addition, they perfectly help to satisfy hunger and relieve irritability.

While on a diet, you should give preference to certain types of dried fruits. Choose foods with a low GI (glycemic index), as the fruit will take a long time to digest and will not cause a sharp rise in insulin. This is important, because with significant doses of sugar, most of it turns into fat. Thanks to insulin, the body only builds adipose tissue, but does not break it down. So if two people eat equal amount calories, but at the same time, the products will be different in GI, they will lose weight in different ways.


Prunes can replace sugar and sweets. He contains great amount dietary fiber. In addition, dried plum perfectly removes toxins from the body, significantly improves the functioning of the digestive tract: the process of losing weight is faster and easier. In addition, the dried berry is a natural excellent antidepressant, which is also important for losing weight. Correct use prunes involves the following actions:

  • use soaked prunes for fasting days, it must be eaten in small portions (no more than 100 g) every 3 hours;
  • to gradually get rid of unnecessary kilograms, you need to eat 5 dried plums in a day.

Dried apricots

Dried apricot has a beneficial effect on digestive process satisfies the need for sweets. There is practically no fat in dried apricots, it tastes sweet. natural sugar not harmful, it is not deposited at the waist. The product improves the functioning of the heart. It is necessary to eat 30 grams of dried apricots per day to feel the benefits of this product. During the diet, you can eat dried apricots with cereals, salads or instead of dessert. You can cook baked chicken with dried apricots or oatmeal. Some dried apricots, washed down with water, cope with hunger and are suitable for quick bite.


The constant companion of losing weight is raisins, which supply the body with useful microelements and vitamins. Dried grapes contain a lot of fructose, glucose, which gives energy to the body. Especially such a product is necessary for athletes. For those who are on a diet, it is needed to replenish energy - you should not get carried away with it, 10 berries a day are enough. Small portions of raisins are a great snack, which in the process of losing weight will help you give up harmful sweets.

The use of dried grapes reduces stress, facilitates the work of the liver, and reduces the risk of anemia. All this has a beneficial effect on the fight against weight. Blue or dark raisins are good for a diet. Dried fruit can be eaten daily as an independent product or as an additive with cereals or cottage cheese. Before use, raisins must be soaked in water for half an hour, and then rinsed well.

dried apples

To achieve a positive effect from the diet, you need to eat 15 gr. dried apples a day. The product contains a large amount beneficial trace elements and substances. There are vitamins B, A, PP in fruits. This combination:

  • supports a good metabolism;
  • stimulates the brain;
  • plus iron improves blood quality, prevents anemia;
  • with fiber - helps digestion and removes radionuclides from the body, still causes a feeling of fullness;
  • thanks to pectins - has a fat-burning effect, improves metabolism.


In dried figs more calories than in fresh, but this should not be scared. You will not eat much of this product because it is too sweet. Figs quickly bring saturation, and the special substances contained in it suppress hunger for long term. by the most in a simple way weight loss with figs is considered to be a replacement for a regular dinner with this dried fruit. Beforehand, half an hour before meals, it should be put in cold water for softening. You can replace all sweets and sweets with figs. It should be eaten separately from the main meal, an hour after the meal.

Video: Recipe for wheat porridge with dried fruits

A Christmas goose surrounded by delicious prunes pleasant compote we have known dried apricots since childhood. Assistants of culinary magic are dried fruits, the names of which make up a huge list of delicacies known to residents of various places on the planet.

Demands for the preservation of the harvest have long become a tradition of turning fresh fruit in dried fruits. Fruits, berries available in a particular area were dried, dried, turning into a healing, delicious treat. Dried fruits were taken by sailors on long journeys, using them as an invaluable vitamin pantry, delicious food. The development of the industrial capabilities of society has proposed new technologies for obtaining dried fruits, preserving in them all the useful qualities of fresh gifts of nature.

Types of dried fruits

Now there are no problems in purchasing dried fruits. Dried apricots, prunes, melon, mango, raisins, apples, pears. Raspberries, blueberries, mulberries, currants, wild roses, and many other types of products adorn markets and store shelves. They come with a bone, without it. In the form of whole fruits, cut into pieces, slices, lumps. sprinkled powdered sugar, scalded, glazed, oil-treated fruits. They are dried in the sun, in the shade, make fruit chips. industrial technologies apply the processes of preliminary chemical treatment, which protects dried fruits from mold, pests. They keep longer, but they must be washed well before use. Among the drying methods, dried fruits are distinguished, dried in the sun (oftobi), in the shade (soyags), and in vineyards. These are ancient devices for processing fresh fruits on charcoal for a week. Used in private households. Dried fruits, dried in the shade, soft, tasty, suitable for consumption without pre-training. After exposure to the sun, the fruits are firm. Of these, it is best to cook compotes. Modern production facilities are equipped with special drying chambers adapted for the mass production of dried fruits, such as dried apricots, prunes, figs, and other types.

Numerous dried fruits are usually divided into two groups. One of them includes dried fruits. The other group includes various dried berries. Among the list of the first group of dried fruits, the following types are known:

  1. Dried apricots. This type of dried fruit is obtained from pitted apricot halves by the method natural drying in the sun. Large dried pitted apricots are called kaisa. After drying, dried apricots should retain their natural shade. Too bright color indicates the use of chemical treatment. The main suppliers of dried apricots are China, California, Asian countries, the Caucasus region. Going on sale different varieties dried apricots, differing in cost. This is a table grade, first, highest, extra. Fresh apricots of different quality are used for their production. Dried apricots, kaisa contain a large amount of calcium, magnesium, mineral salts. Sugars, carotene, iodine, other vitamins, fiber, minerals. Harmonious chemical composition Dried apricots allows, with regular use, to improve the composition of the blood, to normalize the processes in the intestines. Strengthen vision, weaken the blockage of blood vessels, create a general strengthening effect on the whole body.
  2. Prunes. Increasingly, we use recipes for cooking meat dishes, drinks, salads, pilaf containing prunes. Slightly lustrous black, the soft dried fruit made from black plum fruit has long been a culinary success. To get it, choose juicy, large, ripe fruits. They are blanched, cooled in running water, dried in steam dryers. The quality of prunes is confirmed by the absence of a brown tint that appears when the drying process is disturbed. Prunes should not even have a slight bitterness. Properly dried black plum fruit is considered a real gift for human health. It helps to normalize work digestive system, cope with heart disease, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, kidney and liver diseases. High content vitamin A, has a beneficial effect on strengthening vision. The antioxidants contained in the dried fruit absorb free radicals and serve as a preventive barrier against the development of malignant tumors.
  3. Dried apricots. The inhabitants of the East call dried fruit the fruit of beauty, the gift of Allah. Otherwise it is called Sheptala, kandak. Apricot differs in many of its properties, for example, from dried apricots. The apricot remains on the tree until the amount of moisture contained in it becomes minimal. A natural concentrate, a clot of useful substances is formed. If you drink an infusion of wild apricots daily in the morning, you can live more than a hundred years without illness. This is what the Tajiks think. The beauty fruit rejuvenates the skin and hair. Sweet varieties of apricots are used to treat diseases of the nervous system. Sour relieve a person from migraine attacks, serve preventive measure against colds. By the amount of potassium, apricots are considered the champion among other dried fruits.
  4. Dates, melon. Fruit date palm, valued by the population of the planet since the construction of the Egyptian pyramids, are in constant demand of people. An interesting fact is the chemical composition of the date, which differs from modern types of fruits found in Israel. Its age is about 5000 years. Unfortunately, this type of palm has not been found on the planet. The “second bread” was considered dates by the inhabitants of the East. Composition, useful qualities exotic fruit allow long time be the main type of food for humans. The energy volume of 100 g of dates is about 350 Kcal. Sweet, tasty fruits are not stored for a long time in fresh. You can get a sea of ​​​​vitamins, minerals, numerous useful components of a date due to regular use dried fruits. Melon is sold in the form of original braids, cubes. Among them, cantaloupe or dried Thai melon is considered popular.
  5. Kumquat. An orange-like fruit belonging to the citrus plant family. Their taste contains a slight sourness, similar to tangerine. The sweet skin of the kumquat is edible. Industrial plantations of dried kumquat are located in China, Asia, Japan, Corfu, America. Six plant species and several hybrid forms are known, for example, commandarin, limequat, calamondin, demonquat. Candied fruits, marmalade, liqueurs are prepared from healthy fruit.
  6. Figs. The fruits of the oldest tree on the planet, called the fig, fig tree, fig tree. feast on fresh fruits won't work for a long time. They do not tolerate transportation well, they quickly begin to ferment, losing their taste and useful properties. But in dried form, figs have been known for a long time, used in recipes traditional medicine in the treatment of cough, anemia, as a laxative, etc. The healing abilities of figs are recognized by official medicine.
  7. Pears, apples. One of the common types of dried fruits used by peoples of different climatic zones. Used in home cooking in winter.
  8. Raisin. Dried grapes are considered the main representative of the second group of dried fruits obtained from berries. By useful qualities it ranks first among all types of dried fruits. Raisins retain 100% of the properties of grapes. The markets offer various varieties raisins. For example, dark pitted raisins (cinnamon, shigani, bidana). Light seedless raisins (kishmish, sabza). Varieties of raisins differ in drying methods, the variety of grapes used. Kishmish white color is obtained by drying in the sun without pre-treatment. Tailed raisins are dried along with the stalk. This allows you to save appearance berries. Each variety of raisins has numerous health benefits. Regular, competent use of it in nutrition brings great benefits to the human body.

Dried rose hips, hawthorn, blueberries, raspberries, sea buckthorn, currants, despite the price, are worthy for constant use. Many of the most valuable gifts of nature can be dried at home with high quality.

Now on the shelves with exotic dried fruits, dried watermelons, lychee, kiwi, lime, pomelo, yuba or chinese date, a lot others healthy treats.

Benefits, medicinal properties of dried fruits

Dried fruits, berries at any time of the year serve as a health-improving "pill" for the whole body. High concentrations of useful elements provide all its systems necessary materials. Nutritional qualities, unique chemical composition, the possibility of long-term storage have made dried fruits the glory of a popular food product. At the right time, they come to the aid of diseases, for preventive purposes to the heart, blood vessels, nervous system, intestines. They are convenient to take on the road. Together with a small amount dried fruit nuts will replace lunch, dinner. Even small children, starting from the age of 1.5 years, are introduced into the diet of certain types of dried fruits. In winter, they are able to compensate for the lack of vegetables and vitamins. The main thing is to know the characteristics of the body, for example, the tendency to allergic reactions, the presence of specific diseases, to choose the right dried fruits.

How to choose, store dried fruits

Industrial technologies for drying fruits and berries use various methods of their processing. Long term storage product cannot be provided without the use of sulfur dioxide, caustic soda, numerous types of preservatives. These compounds are toxic to the body. To reduce them harmful effect you need to carefully examine the dried fruits. The fruits must have a whole, undamaged shape. They should not have mold, rot, stains. The shiny, greasy appearance of the dried fruit confirms the use of fat, glycerin to improve appearance. A bright color that does not correspond to the natural shade indicates an undesirable chemical treatment. It is not recommended to buy such dried fruits.

It is advised to store dried fruits in glass jar, away from direct sunlight, heating equipment.

All types of dried fruits are useful for people of any age. Following them, it is useful to remember the tips for choosing, using each specific type of dried fruit. Delicious, healthy treats should become a regular guest of every home.

Dried fruits are rich in vitamins, tannins, pectins and minerals. They help reduce cravings for sweets during the diet, and do not contain harmful trans fats, which are abundant in candy, chocolate and cookies.

Why is it important to limit the amount of dried fruits if you want to lose weight

fructose contributes to obesity

The carbohydrate composition of dried fruits is represented by fructose and glucose, they practically do not contain sucrose. A small percentage of fructose is broken down in the body to glucose, the rest goes straight to the liver. It speeds up the synthesis fatty acids from which triglycerides are formed.

For a beautiful shine, raisins are treated with chemicals.

excessive passion for fruits leads to the deposition of visceral fat and metabolic syndrome. This conclusion was reached by the employees of the University of California (head Sharon Elliot), they published the results of their study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2002.

According to the authors, fructose leads to insulin insensitivity and increased LDL production. Consequently, an excessive passion for fruits disrupts the lipid composition of the blood and causes the deposition of fat in the abdomen.

Note! Despite the low glycemic index, fructose can cause diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Questionable benefit

Many consider dried fruits to be a concentrate of nutrients and antioxidants that the body needs so much. However, due to industrial processing, they turn from an ally into an enemy of a slender figure.

During industrial drying, fruits lose useful substances.

Find dried fruit today naturally in trays in the sun, almost impossible. The product that is on the shelves is obtained by dehydration in industrial conditions.

When drying, the treatment is carried out with warm air (30-70 degrees) or infrared radiation. After that most of the vitamins are lost including ascorbic acid.

Often they are wrapped sugar syrup for improvement palatability. As a result, a large amount of additional sugars enters the body. Caramelized dried fruits contain 70-80% carbohydrates, the same amount of sugars is found in sweets.

Tip: Be guided by your own taste sensations when buying a product. Relying on the information from the packaging and the seller's assurances is not worth it.

Chemicals are used to achieve an attractive look and give the impression of product freshness. Raisins and figs are treated with sulfur dioxide to create a golden hue. Almost all dried fruits are covered with cheap vegetable oils: This helps to give them a glossy sheen. Details of processing are described in the program from the cycle "Habitat".

high calorie content

After evaporation of the moisture in the product, only 25% of the original volume remains, where all the calories are concentrated. Therefore, dried fruits have a rather high energy value and are high in carbohydrates.

Doesn't satisfy hunger

As part of dried fruits, there is little protein that gives satiety. They are high in sugars and fiber, which dull hunger, but only for a short time. Pretty soon you will want to eat something more substantial.

Hunger will return very quickly.

Dangerous and diets based on the use of dried fruits. If they are observed, the body loses not only fluid, but also protein reserves.

Not fat deposits are reduced, but muscle tissue. Eating a product from dried fruits leads to the development of a pre-diabetic state, because the pancreas works with overload.

But, at least some dried fruits can be eaten while losing weight? Information about calories and glycemic index is presented in the table.

As can be seen from the table, on a diet are the least dangerous dried apples And, prunes, dried apricots, figs. Dates and raisins should be discarded due to the high glycemic index and high carbohydrate content, because Because of these dried fruits, you can get better.

Tip: During weight loss, use a compote mixture as an additive to the diet, it contains dried apples, pears, apricots and some raisins. It contains few calories and does not harm the figure.

A few words in defense

Those with a sweet tooth are so lacking in sugars that their mood deteriorates, fatigue, lethargy, and loss of strength occur. For them, dried fruits will be much more useful than gingerbread and sweets. Dried fruits have a number of advantages:

A few prunes added to morning oatmeal will not affect the process of weight loss. However, eating raisins and handfuls is not worth it: this will certainly affect the waist circumference.

How to eat dried fruits for weight loss?

No need to eat them in the evening, a portion of dried fruits better to eat in the morning up to 16 hours. Recommended amount for healthy person- no more than 100 grams per day. If overweight - 5 large dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots) or 10 pieces of raisins. It is better to use them separately from each other, and not to make a mixture.

Dried fruits perfectly diversify the taste or whole grain cereals. oatmeal. They can complete the traditional meal, consisting of meat dish and lettuce.

Important! As an independent meal, dried fruits are not recommended.

Nutritionists advise supplementing them with dairy products. A glass of kefir or a piece of cheese will saturate the body with protein and help dull hunger for several hours.

Since dried fruits may contain harmful substances, they should be disposed of before consumption. To do this, the fruits are soaked in a large amount of water for 1 hour, then the water is drained. On final stage washed thoroughly under warm water. The product is ready to use.

Dried fruits may not be a healthy food during weight loss, but they help improve mood. During the diet, dried fruits can replace sweets. Moderate consumption of dried fruits will benefit the body, but to get rid of chemical elements, it is better to soak them in water.

This is the name for naturally dried fruits or berries dried in a dehydrator. If everything is done correctly, 18–30% moisture remains in the product and a lot of useful substances: vitamins (except vitamin C, since most of it is lost), mineral elements. Dried fruits are stored in wooden boxes, glass or metal containers, plastic containers, plastic bags. natural fabric from half a year to a year. They are eaten as snacks (8-15 pieces per day are enough) or added to pastries, meat dishes.


Translated from Turkish, raisins means " grapes". In total there are four types of raisins: light small pitted raisins from sweet white and green grape varieties, dark blue seedless, light olive medium size with one seed, large fleshy, very sweet taste with several large seeds. At the same time, as in the case of grapes, dark varieties of raisins are more useful than light ones.


The name of the tree and the fruits of the same name. Historians believe that figs are one of the most ancient plants cultivated by man. The fig tree has been known since ancient times and has been cultivated for more than 5 thousand years. It is assumed that for the first time the fig was introduced into cultivation on the fertile lands of the Arabian Peninsula, where it can still be found in the wild. Gradually, figs appeared in Phenicia, Judea, Syria, Egypt, in Central Asia and later in the Mediterranean countries. At present, it is widely distributed in the Mediterranean countries, Egypt, Central Asia, India, the Americas, Iran, Afghanistan, the Caucasus and the South Coast.

Dried apricots

Dried apricots are a dried fruit made from apricot fruits by natural drying for a week in the sun. Central Asia and Northern China are the birthplace of the apricot tree. To date, apricots for the production of dried apricots are grown in the gardens of the Krasnodar Territory of Russia, the Caucasus, the Far East, Central Asia and the Crimea.

Date fruit

The edible fruit of the date palm is a common food product, are widely available as dried fruits. For industrial cultivation, certain varieties of date palm are used. Dates are highly valued in Islam: the Prophet Muhammad himself loved these fruits, and they are mentioned 29 times in the Koran. Saint Onufry also ate dates.