Homemade currant marmalade with gelatin, recipe with photo. Cooking recipe culinary homemade redcurrant marmalade vegetables fruits berries

Red currant marmalade at home is very tasty. The recipe with a photo, according to which it is easy to prepare a classic fruit, is described in detail below. You will need fresh or frozen berries, granulated sugar, agar-agar and a little time, the result is a great fruit dessert home cooking. Children will be delighted!
It will take 20 minutes to prepare, 10 servings will be obtained from the indicated ingredients. The dish will be ready to eat in 3-4 hours.


- red currant - 500 gr.;
- sugar (regular white) - 900 gr.;
- agar-agar - 7-10 gr.;
- water - 30 ml.

How to cook with a photo step by step

We send ripe currants to a colander and carefully wash the flowing cold water.

We take a bunch of berries by a twig, draw a fork along the twig - peeled berries fall into a bowl, this is the easiest and fast way processing.
Then we wash the peeled berries again with running water to remove the remaining debris.

We mix the currants with sugar, take a wooden pestle or a potato masher, knead the currants until a homogeneous puree is obtained.

We put the saucepan on the stove, bring to a boil over low heat, cook for 12 minutes.

Remove the berry puree from the stove, wipe through a sieve. Grains, dry spouts and skins will remain on the grate, all the most delicious will smoothly flow into the saucepan.

At this stage, you need to measure how much berry puree turned out. Depending on the juiciness of the currant and the amount of cake, the result will not always be the same. Agar is calculated as follows - for 200 ml of berry puree, a teaspoon (under the knife) of agar-agar.
Soak the measured amount of agar in cold water.

Pour the dissolved agar into a saucepan with strained berry puree, put on fire, bring to a boil, cook for 3 minutes. It turns out very tasty and this.

Pour hot puree into small molds, after cooling, put in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Berry puree with agar begins to thicken at a temperature of 35-40 degrees. In the refrigerator, the mass will turn into a thick marmalade that can be cut with a knife.

We take out the frozen marmalade from their molds and sprinkle with sugar.
Enjoy your meal!

Don't know where to put red currants? Prepare a very delicate translucent marmalade! It can be closed in jars or arranged in pieces - as you like!

I must say right away that red currant is a wonderful berry! And by their own useful qualities, and taste. But there was a time when I considered this berry even ... useless! The thing is that I don’t twist sweet compotes for the winter - no one likes us. And not only from currants, but from any other berry too. Personally, I don’t like sugary drinks at all, be it coffee, tea, soda or compote. Once they were spinning, but they realized that these banks are dead weight and only occupy the right place.

And before I talk about redcurrant marmalade, I will share my rather old discovery. My skepticism about this berry continued until I tried to cook. We can say that he turned my culinary mind upside down)) It is not at all necessary that the same thing will happen to you, because everyone has a different taste. But I can't help but recommend baking it! And also as an option -.

Well, now let's talk about how to make redcurrant marmalade at home, the recipe with a photo of which I suggest you study today. Marmalade is best cooked from sour berries and fruits for two reasons:
1. They are rich in pectin, so the mass itself already has some gelling properties.
2. Almost all recipes for blanks use a lot of sugar, and if the fruits are also sweet, it can turn out cloying. However, this is more a problem for those people who do not like very sweet food, to which I belong.

I made my redcurrant marmalade with agar. However, you can do without it. At the same time, the mass will need to be boiled much more strongly - until the drop poured on the saucer hardens and keeps its shape well without spreading. Accordingly, it will take more time. You can go this route if you wish. Or use gelatin. However, it requires three times more than agar-agar. In addition, it is better to pre-diluted in a small amount water. And then at the initial stage add it a little less. Or you can cook, where there are only two components - berries and sugar.

But... less words, more deeds! Let's go cook a wonderful homemade marmalade from red currants at home. Recipe with photos in front of you! 😉


  • red currant - 1000 g
  • sugar - 500 g + to taste for sprinkling
  • water - 100 ml
  • agar-agar - 2 tsp

I went through the currants - carefully, so as not to deform the berries, removed them from the branches, washed them with cool running water.
Maybe I'm a slow person. It takes me about half an hour for this procedure in the case of a kilogram of red currant. You might be able to do it much faster.

The berry washed in a colander without excess water was carefully poured into a cauldron (you can use a saucepan or a basin for cooking jam - as it is more convenient). She poured water. I took boiled at room temperature, but just filtered will do.
How much water do you need? Enough so that the berries do not burn. Therefore, you can take less than me.

She put the pot on the fire and covered it with a lid. The goal is to soften the berries. When they became soft, turned off the gas. It took me 10-12 minutes to do this.

I installed a colander on a convenient dish, lined it with one layer of gauze. Rubbed the berries with a spoon.
If you have a sieve or colander with very small holes, you can do without gauze. Nucleoli are skipping through mine, so in this case I went this way. However, you can make redcurrant marmalade at home and with seeds. But this berry is tough. In the delicate structure of marmalade, they will only get in the way, IMHO. Therefore, I advise at this stage not to be lazy and do without them.

It turned out redcurrant juice. If some of the bones are still caught, they can be drained.

She poured the berry juice back into the cauldron. I fell asleep 0.5 kg of sugar.

Set to cook slow fire. When the foam appeared, I removed it. By the way, it's delicious! Then you can eat it with tea;)

Next - a long and tedious, albeit completely simple process - cooking with constant stirring. I cooked this for exactly an hour. So, if you reproach yourself for sitting on social networks, then now, with a clear conscience, take a spoon in one hand and a smartphone or tablet in the other, and chat to your health, scroll through the pictures, in general, do everything that is usually not enough or pity the time. The main thing is to constantly stir the mass with a spoon and make sure that it does not burn and does not boil much.

Initially, I weighed my cauldron on the scales without anything. Before putting the juice with berries to boil, I weighed everything together and took away the weight of the cauldron. In total, the net mass of the contents I got was equal to 1130 grams. During this hour, I boiled it down to 800 grams. If you change your mind in the process and want to get not redcurrant marmalade with agar, but jelly, then at this stage you can turn off the gas and pour the contents into sterilized jars.

I continued - poured agar-agar into the jelly.

I mixed it well in the mass so that it did not crumple anywhere. To do this, I used a conventional mechanical whisk. So, stirring, boiled for 5 minutes.

If you want to close the marmalade in jars, then prepare them - I would still recommend sterilizing or at least scalding them and the lids with boiling water.
I decided not to make a preparation for the winter, but a dessert, as they say - for now. Therefore, she quickly lined a 24x18 cm form with baking paper. If we correlate this area with a round shape, we get a diameter of d = 23.5 cm. She poured the hot mass onto parchment.
Allowed to cool completely room temperature and then placed in the refrigerator overnight. In such cases, I always cover the form, because you can not have time to blink your eye, as some small hairs will fly onto such a marmalade surface.

I took it out of the fridge during the day. She carefully took out the contents by the free ends of the parchment, transferred it to the board right in the paper. She carefully ran a knife along the edge, pushing the marmalade mass away from the parchment. Then I cut it with a knife into pieces of arbitrary shape and size. It's better not to make big ones.
Homemade marmalade is much softer and softer than store bought!! Therefore, it must be handled accordingly! If you want to get a more "rubber", elastic marmalade, then increase the amount of agar-agar.
Look how transparent it turned out!

After cutting, she carefully took a piece of marmalade with a spatula and laid it on sugar. Then again, with the help of a spatula, I turned it over to the other side. Paniced her too.
Keep the marmalade in the refrigerator outside the serving time - otherwise it will "float" in the heat!

That's all! Ready delicious, vitamin, very tender marmalade from red currants at home. Save the recipe with the photo and delight your loved ones with this dessert in one form or another - right now or in winter by opening the prepared jar!

I immediately brewed fresh tea and served him these wonderful bright marmalades own cooking!

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The favorite among berries in terms of the presence of nutrients and vitamins, blackcurrant is recognized as one of the most useful berries in the world. Supporters traditional medicine They called it "the well of health". And not in vain. Its fruits are second only to rose hips in terms of vitamin C content. They are also rich in magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron and pectin, a natural thickener.

Currant is widely used in cooking. Fragrant sweet jams, jams, juices, compotes, jelly and marmalade are prepared from it. Beautiful, spicy blackcurrant marmalade on pectin is a favorite dessert among adults and children. There is enough natural thickener in the berries, so the delicacy is dense.

If this year you have a rich harvest of red or black currants, it's time to think about homemade preparations. In order to indulge in sugar sweetness in winter, currants are often frozen. And as soon as the snowy time comes into its own, the berry is thawed and jam or hearty, sweet sweets are prepared.

Home-made preparations are always distinguished by naturalness, freshness and high quality, unlike store-bought ones. Today you can find many simple recipes with a photo on how to cook currant marmalade at home.

Advice: dessert is prepared in different ways: without additives, on pectin, on gelatin, with agar-agar. Using the last three components, you will get a stronger and more durable treat. These natural thickeners will not harm your health, and the marmalade will give a beautiful elastic shape.

Currant marmalade recipe


Servings: - +

  • black currant1 kg
  • granulated sugar 2 tbsp.
  • water ½ l

per serving

Calories: 59 kcal

Proteins: 1.0 g

Fats: 0.4 g

Carbohydrates: 11.3 g

1 hour. 20 minutes. Video recipe Print

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Posh! Gotta fix it

Recipe for currant marmalade with agar-agar

Agar-agar is a natural thickener that is obtained from red algae growing in the Black Sea. In cooking, it is used instead of gelatin, which makes desserts such as jams, preserves, marmalade and sweets more dense in consistency.

Servings: 5

Time for preparing: 3 hours

The energy value

  • calorie content - 48.3 kcal;
  • proteins - 1.0 g;
  • fats - 0.4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 8.4 g.


  • sugar - 120 g;
  • blackcurrant - 0.5 kg;
  • agar-agar - 5 g;
  • water - 70 ml.

Step by step cooking

  1. Sort currants. Discard rotten or green berries. Clean the fruit from branches, ponytails, leaves.
  2. Grind with a blender. You can use a pusher or a fine sieve.
  3. Pour red puree into a saucepan, add sugar. Put on fire. After boiling, mix thoroughly and simmer for 15 minutes.
  4. While the currant mass will boil, in 70 ml warm water dilute the agar-agar. Leave the mixture to swell.
  5. After languishing in mashed potatoes, add the swollen thickener. Stirring, boil for another 10 minutes.

Prepare redcurrant marmalade for the winter, and step-by-step instruction will help you with this. This dish is prepared quickly, unlike traditional recipes, the time is reduced by about two. The finished marmalade contains significantly less granulated sugar than is usually added to sweet blanks. Secret Ingredient, which allows you to get thick with low content sugar - agar-agar. It is obtained from red and brown algae, and is widely used in Food Industry for the manufacture of marshmallows, jelly and sauces. Agar is a vegetable analogue of gelatin, so the recipe is suitable for a vegetarian and lean menu.
It will take 30 minutes to prepare. These ingredients will make 2 cans of 350 g each.


- currant - 1.2 kg;
- granulated sugar - 600 g;
- agar-agar - 14 g;
- water - 100 ml.

We clean the currants from twigs, remove the dried berries and those with signs of spoilage. Then put the berries in a colander, thoroughly wash with cold running water.

We put clean berries in a saucepan, add a little cold water. We close the pan with a lid, put it on the stove. Steam currants for about 20 minutes.

Mash the steamed berries with a pestle or a potato masher.

We wipe the berry mass through a sieve twice. The result should be a bright scarlet juice with pulp without stones and skins.

Pour granulated sugar into the pan, put it on the stove again, bring to a boil, stir to dissolve the sugar grains.

Pour agar-agar with cold water, leave for 5 minutes.

Pour the dissolved agar into the boiling berry puree, mix. Bring the mass to a boil again, boil for 6 minutes, remove from the stove. Remove the foam that forms during boiling with a slotted spoon.

For harvesting for the winter, pour the mass into prepared clean and dry jars. After cooling, we tie with parchment or close the lids. Store in a cool dark place.
You can also pour berry puree into molds, put in the refrigerator for several hours.

Then cut the berry mass in portions and roll the pieces in sugar. Red currant marmalade is ready.
We also recommend that you prepare

Even in the winter I was going to make homemade orange marmalade for my child. But as always: there are no oranges, then gelatin ... So summer has come, I picked red currants, and the bushes are young, there are not many berries. I remembered that there was an idea about fruit marmalade and that's what happened.

I washed the berries, freed them from green twigs.

She rubbed the berries through an iron strainer.

This is the volume of juice turned out, about 1 liter.

She strained all the liquid through a strainer and began to pour into molds. I don’t have special molds, so I used chocolate candy packaging.

To make it harden faster, I put it all in the fridge.

Somewhere in an hour I took it out of the refrigerator, took out the marmalade and rolled them in sugar, as I advise in the recipes.

But not everything turned out to be so simple. Work on mistakes:
1. It is better not to sprinkle sugar immediately, otherwise the sugar will dissolve and everything will become wet.
2. Marmalade needs to be dried, laying out, for example, on some kind of grate.
3. And it is best to make marmalade in chocolate. But for this it was necessary to smear the molds with chocolate, and then pour the marmalade.
I dried my marmalade on a wire rack for about a day, and then put it in a porcelain candy bowl with a lid, lining the bottom with paper. It is stored in the kitchen on the table, a week has already passed - nothing has deteriorated, although the marmalade is almost over. Next time I will definitely try to make marmalade in chocolate!