Soft Cheeses: Camembert and Brie dishes are the best you've ever tasted. What is the difference between camembert cheese and brie

Brie and Camembert Cheese - What's the Difference Between Them? What is the best to combine them with? You will learn about this by reading our article.

A well-known dairy product that conquers with its diverse tastes is cheese. Each variety has its own history of creation. Most people cannot imagine their meal without this delicacy. It is made not only from cow's milk, as well as goat, sheep, and even added to cheeses.

Main types

Main types of cheeses:

  • hard;
  • semi-solid;
  • soft;
  • fused.

Separately, I would like to pay attention to Brie and Camembert cheeses. These are delicious types of cheeses and the most sought-after palatability.

Bree. Description

Bree is He is let out with various additives. If it is made in accordance with all the rules, then it is considered the standard of quality. It is named after a small province located near Paris. They began to produce it in ancient times, but the recipe is now valued.

The shape of the cheese is rounded, reminiscent of a cake. It is slightly greyish in color. The surface of real cheese is covered with white mold. It is covered with an edible crust coated with mold. They produce it weighing about three kilograms and 3-5 centimeters high, it has the shape of a cylinder, and its head is up to sixty centimeters in diameter.

Fruits are suitable for this cheese: melon, green apple, pear. It goes well with meat of any fat content and vegetables. Nuts and berries that go well with brie: grapes, walnuts, strawberry. Pairs perfectly with red and white wines. It is in great demand in restaurants, this is due to the serving of a grape drink.

brie benefits

has a positive effect on digestive system and on the intestines, contains many beneficial microorganisms and bacteria. The mold, which is part of the composition, produces a special substance - melanin. And this is the first protector from sunburn in the hot season. It is proved that this variety prevents the appearance of caries in humans.

Brie has a short shelf life, if you cut off a piece of it, then you should eat it within two days. In its entirety, it can be stored for up to six months in the refrigerator at a temperature of minus four degrees.

camembert cheese

This product is produced in France. This soft cheese is moldy and can be mistaken for brie. But the difference is the higher fat content of the product. It has a very ancient origin, was first made in 1791 by an ordinary peasant woman. Cooked from whole milk. The main point is that the milk must be of high quality. And for this, cows are grazed on special pastures and their nutrition is carefully and very carefully controlled, enriching food with useful minerals.

The color of camembert is close to beige. In rare cases, it can be a dark brown hue. The cheese is spicy, with mushroom, garlic or other flavors, depending on the manufacturer. Camembert belongs to soft cheeses.

Benefits of camembert

Contains beneficial bacteria, they improve our digestion. Camembert and brie contain mold. They protect our skin from sunburn. Camembert contains potassium. And it helps prevent heart disease. Doctors recommend it for serious illnesses such as tuberculosis, oncology and even AIDS. Frequent use This type of cheese has a positive effect on the condition of the teeth. Also, its inclusion in food is a kind of prevention of caries.

It is contraindicated in pregnant women, children of preschool age, since milk does not undergo special pasteurization treatment. Due to the high fat content, they are not recommended for people with high cholesterol and overweight, due to its high calorie content.

The norm for the use of camembert has been developed, it is necessary to consume no more than fifty grams per day.

Camembert and brie cheese. The difference in storage conditions

Camembert has a short shelf life. If we talk about the difference between brie and camembert, then it can be seen in storage conditions. Camembert is not recommended to be stored in the refrigerator. Since it loses its taste and becomes dense, like butter. At the same time, brie can be safely stored in the refrigerator, and it will not lose its taste.

Camembert. How to apply? Where is it used?

It is better to serve this cheese warm to the table, when cut, the middle flows out of it, and it looks very appetizing and very fragrant. The mold crust should tightly hold the shape of the Camembert. This is considered the benchmark for quality. This cheese is served with soups and various sauces. In addition, they like to add this product to pizza and pie. In France original dish considered baked camembert.

So, brie and camembert cheeses - what's the difference? By examining both types, some differences can be identified. First, it's fat. Camembert is high. Secondly, color and aroma. They differ in taste. Experienced gourmets know a lot about this and immediately recognize the difference between these cheeses.

Important factors when choosing a product

When buying cheese, you should pay attention to:

  1. Form integrity. There should not be various cracks, spots on the crust.
  2. Packing elasticity. It should spring and not fall too far when pressed.
  3. Product color. It must meet all standards, but for an unknowing person it is difficult to determine. Therefore, a lot of spots and discoloration is an unacceptable condition for buying cheese.

In our time, it has become popular to drink wines with gourmet Brie and Camembert cheeses. After all, these products are not only tasty, but also healthy. They will decorate the table in any celebration and will pleasantly surprise guests.

Cheeses and wines

Not all wines are perfect with brie and camembert. It is recommended to choose fruit wines that are not strong in degrees. Red wines are ideal for Camembert, while whites are best for Brie.

In general, cheeses are essential for eating. They are indispensable food products and always remain in demand.

Brie vs Camembert - What's the difference?

Summing up, it should be said that these cheeses are very similar in composition and appearance. But if you look deeper, you can find many discrepancies both in manufacturing and in appearance. Camembert cheese has a higher fat content than Brie. This is worth knowing for those who follow their figure. What is the difference between brie and camembert? Now let's figure it out. Camembert should not be eaten in large quantities, and brie is perfectly acceptable. Also, storage conditions, as you remember, are different for cheeses.

Brie and Camembert cheese - what is the difference between these varieties yet? Smell. Bree smells forest mushrooms. Camembert has a slight smell of garlic.

Now you know what brie and camembert cheeses are, what is the difference between them, we have indicated. We also talked about what is best combined with this or that variety. We hope that this information was interesting and useful to you.

France is the birthplace of exquisite, incredibly delicious exclusive cheeses different varieties. Brie and Camembert cheese are considered kings of cheeses in the culinary world. What is the difference between these dairy products, what is their nutritional value and many other interesting things we will talk about in today's article.

Cheeses of the described varieties are soft. They are very popular in Normandy and France. These cheeses are most often consumed with wine or added to snack dishes.

To understand the difference between Camembert and Brie, you need to try both products, as well as familiarize yourself with the features of their production. Many professional culinary experts and gourmets are convinced that Brie is the basis for creating Camembert.

Both varieties of soft cheese are created on the basis of cow's milk, but there are some features. Let's take a closer look at them:

  • Brie cheese is made from cow's milk, which is pre-salted and heated. But for Camembert, they choose only selected milk, to which they add rennet and salt.
  • Brie cheese takes about one month to make, while Camembert takes longer to age.
  • Cheeses have a distinctive taste and aroma, as well as a different texture.

Interesting! Each cake of Camembert cheese has a certain weight - 340 g, and also a diameter - 113 mm.

Some more interesting facts:

  • dried aromatic herbs, dried fruits and nuts are added to Brie cheese to improve the taste;
  • There are no such additives in Camembert.

Culinary educational program

Despite the rapid development modern technologies and the possibilities of the world wide web, not everyone has tried Brie cheese. How to eat this fermented milk product? It is often served with wine that has a neutral taste, so as not to interrupt the original gastronomic impression of moldy cheese.

By the way, the superficial crust of Brie cheese has a sharp ammonia smell, but it is quite edible. In general, gourmets say that the cheese of the described variety tastes like hazelnuts.

So, we found out what taste and aroma Brie cheese has. How is it eaten? If you do not want to be considered ignorant, then such an exquisite French dish is best served with sparkling wines and fruits.

Camembert cheese must be served in a completely different way. First, when choosing such an incredibly tasty, almost gourmet product, pay attention to its color. It can vary from light beige to rich brick.

On a note! By the color of Camembert cheese, you can determine the period of its ripening. The darker the cheese, the longer it has aged.

Secondly, Camembert has an incomparable spicy spicy taste. Unlike Brie cheese, Camembert is added to sauces and various dishes french cuisine. If you would like to arrange romantic dinner, then Camembert cheese will become a complete snack for white wine and grapes.

An unexpected combination

Many housewives find it easy to make Camembert cheese at home. Of course, you can make something similar to an exquisite French fermented milk product, but the true Camembert cheese is cooked on home kitchen very difficult.

As already mentioned, Camembert is made from selected milk, which is taken only from cows grazing on special pastures. In addition, the manufacturing technology of Camembert is rather complicated, and the maturation of the product generally takes place in special rooms.

Fortunately, this product can be bought at the supermarket and made into an incredibly tasty snack.


  • 125 g Camembert cheese;
  • 10-20 g of peanuts;
  • 10 ml of liquid honey;
  • 3 ml soy sauce;
  • 10 ml brandy;
  • 1 star anise inflorescence;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • 2 g mint leaves;
  • 20 ml currant confiture.


Let's talk about benefits

In addition to the fact that you can experience an indescribable gastronomic pleasure, Camembert and Brie cheeses bring great benefits. human body. First of all, it should be noted that the cheeses described soft varieties is a source of protein and carbohydrates. Moreover, these dairy products contain amino acids and great amount vitamins.

On a note! Noble mold on Brie and Camembert cheeses will normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, as well as enrich the intestinal microflora with beneficial bacteria.

Cheeses are rich in calcium, retinol and vitamin D, so the products are good for bone tissue, tooth enamel and nails.

On a note! There is practically no lactose in Camembert cheese, so this product can be safely introduced into the diet of people suffering from individual intolerance to the above component.

Although both brie and camembert cheeses are made using a similar technology based on whole cow's milk, they are still fundamentally different in a number of characteristics and are not interchangeable.

So the next time you're in the store you have to choose between brie or camembert, here's your guide. Those soft whites cow cheeses have a hard moldy skin. During the production process, cream is added to brie and camembert, but in different proportions. So, Brie contains 60 percent milk fat, while Camembert - only 45. In addition, strong lactic cultures are introduced into Camembert five times, which contributes to a more pronounced smell and taste of this cheese. Lactic acid cultures are added to brie only once, so this cheese is softer, more delicate in taste.

Brie has a light, buttery smell and a salty taste. Camembert can give more strange amber - cow, mushrooms, hay (it all depends on the aging process, refining). This process is highly valued in France, where the art of cheese ripening is mastered by both farmers and cheese shop owners. For example, a good Camembert needs to be aged for six or eight weeks before serving.

Appearance - the diameters of the heads of these varieties - is also different. Brie is taller, more oval, Camembert is flatter. As a standard, camembert is "packed" in a certain size and weight (250 grams). The interior is also different: Brie tends to be whiter on the inside, while Camembert carries a deep yellowish color. Extra-ripe Camembert generally has liquid "insides", which is not to everyone's taste, but it is the most valuable cheese.

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Camembert and brie is made from cow's milk in Normandy, France. Camembert and brie are among the oldest French cheeses.

According to legend, during the French Revolution, Normandy Marie saved a monk hiding from persecution from death, who, in gratitude, revealed to her the secret of making the most unusual of all cheeses - Camembert cheese, known only to him.

Brie is considered the progenitor of the famous Camembert. No one has ever fully figured out when his story began. It is only known that it was one of the most popular cheeses back in the Middle Ages, and the first written mention of this cheese dates back to 744, when Charlemagne said: "I just tried one of the most fine dining". Actually, brie was recognized as the king of cheeses in 1815 during negotiations about the fate of France after the defeat of Napoleon's troops at Waterloo.

Calorie Camembert and Brie

Camembert cheese is different high content proteins and fats and contains 291 kcal per 100 g. 100 g of brie cheese also contains 291 kcal. Eating such foods in large quantities can cause obesity.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of camembert and brie

One traditional circle of Camembert is made from about two liters of cow's milk, poured into a ladle in the old fashioned way and salt is added. Camembert ripens from the edges to the center. During the aging process, the cheese is covered with an edible velvety white moldy crust. Since real Camembert is not subject to long-term storage it is often sold slightly underripe. This cheese has a little mushroom and delicate taste. It is soft to the touch and should not crumble when cut. Camembert is usually consumed with red young tart wines.

Brie is a soft cheese made from raw cow's milk. In shape, it is a cake with a diameter of 30-60 cm and a thickness of 3-5 cm. A good brie is covered with white velvet-colored mold. Under the crust, you will find the most delicate creamy liquid mass, from which a light aroma of hazelnuts emanates. When you cut open a fresh brie, it looks like it's going to spread before your eyes, but it doesn't.

Brie matures for at least a month (first on the outside and only then on the inside) and has white edges, with slight traces of yellow and red. Ripening is quite fast. For this reason, this cheese must be consumed quickly before it spoils. It is made in round forms - "cakes" with a diameter of 20-30 centimeters, a height of 3-4 cm and a weight of about half a kilogram.

Young brie has a soft and delicate taste, as it ripens, the flesh becomes pungent. The thinner the cake, the sharper cheese. Interestingly, ripening stops as soon as the first piece is cut off from the circle. Brie is produced at any time of the year, which is why it is one of the most versatile French cheeses. Brie cheese is made by hand, since it is almost impossible to produce it industrially, it is distinguished by a thin moldy crust with white and reddish stains; This cheese contains 46% moisture, 30% fat and 21% protein.

Quality cheese is very healthy. It is completely digestible, contains eight essential amino acids and a ton of vitamins, and is even able to resist tooth decay. And the mold (of course, "blue") further enhances its healing properties. It contains essential amino acids and bacteria that improve bowel function and promote the synthesis of B vitamins.

Moreover, Turkish scientists studying the effect of sunbathing on the human body have found that the special substances that are rich in noble mold are the best protection against sunburn. Accumulating under the skin, these substances contribute to the production of melanin.

Dangerous properties of camembert and brie

Camembert and brie cheeses are not advisable to use for hypertension, obesity and elevated level cholesterol in the blood, as they have a high fat content.

Cheeses Camembert and Brie, at first glance, are exactly the same: both are made in France, both are covered with mold, both have approximately the same taste. However, there is still a slight difference between them.

What it is?

Camembert is a soft and sometimes semi-hard cheese that is usually made from cow's milk. Brie is also a soft cheese made from cow's milk, but it was created earlier than Camembert, which is why many people consider it the basis for the second variety. In principle, similar technologies are used for cooking. The mold in both varieties looks like a dense peel.


The color of Camembert varies from white to tender cream with many shades. The darker the colors turn out, the longer the time spent on ripening the cheese. The shade of the moldy crust is white. The difference between Brie cheese lies in the color of the head - it is painted in a grayish-gray hue. The moldy crust also looks different - although it has the same white color, it is also covered with reddish lines.

It is worth mentioning that the moldy component of Brie is more solid and even crumbly, while Camembert is tender and pleasant to the touch.

Taste and smell

The taste of Camembert is sweetish, and the smell resembles something fresh champignons. True, there are versions that the product smells of hay, earth, asphalt, and even a barnyard with cows. The exact amber depends on how the manufacturing technology was carried out. Of course, many gourmets are banally scared away by such a smell. The taste of Brie is much more refined - it is quite spicy, salty, combining both tenderness and spiciness.

The last characteristic, by the way, depends on the time of maturation of the head, and on its appearance: the greater its height, the calmer the taste. By smell, this variety is somewhat reminiscent of hazelnuts or something oily. The Brie crust can smell like ammonia to someone, which, of course, will scare away the buyer. It is fairly neutral in taste. Camembert crust is much tastier - it is quite spicy and smells like mushrooms, like the main part of the product. Finally, Brie is often complemented herbs, nuts and dried fruits, and Camembert is purchased in its pure form.

Other characteristics

The Camembert circle always has fixed dimensions: three centimeters high and eleven centimeters in diameter. The weight of such a piece corresponds to 250 grams. The fat content of this type of cheese is quite high. Brie cheese is also different in size: both height and diameter can be different. The first indicator ranges from three to five centimeters, and the diameter is from thirty to sixty centimeters.

Seeing an impressive circle dairy product, you can immediately understand that it belongs to the second type of cheese. In addition, Brie's head may appear oval, while Camembert will always be flat round.

Oval Brie

Round Camembert

The fat content of Brie, on the contrary, is much less than that of Camembert - almost a quarter. As part of the technology, both cheeses require the use of cream: Brie cheese in the amount of 65% of the total composition, and Camembert cheese in the amount of 45% of the total composition. It is also important to add that in Brie lactic cultures, which are sourdough, are added only once, and in Camembert - five times more. It is important to mention that Brie, unlike Camembert, is not afraid of storage in the refrigerator- it will not lose its excellent taste, and its consistency will not change. Camembert will harden in the refrigerator and will require additional manipulations before serving.

Harm and benefit

Camembert cheese is characterized by the presence of a significant amount of essential amino acids. Thanks to this, it allows people who are subjected to constant stress and stress to restore their strength. The composition also contains phosphorus and potassium, which explains the need for its consumption in situations such as broken limbs and other injuries, arthrosis and arthritis. A qualitative effect will also appear in the state nervous system as well as teeth. Also, the product is recommended to be given to adolescents whose body is actively developing.

Unlike many other dairy products, Camembert is not forbidden for lactose intolerance, as this substance is contained in minimum quantity. The occurrence of allergic reactions is very unlikely. However, this product should not be used by pregnant women and children under the age of seven, as listeriosis infection is possible in their situations.

It is also worth warning people suffering from pressure surges, as well as high content cholesterol. Of course, the product should not be abused by overweight individuals. In general, experts recommend a daily dose of fifty grams of such cheese.

Brie cheese also delivers significant benefits to the body. It is rich in phosphorus and potassium, which benefits the skeletal system. We should also mention the saturation with vitamin A, which, as you know, improves the condition of the skin through the synthesis of collagen, and also strengthens vision. Vitamin B normalizes the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, copes with insomnia and fills with strength. There is even a hypothesis that regular use of the product in food prevents the appearance of caries and strengthens the skin's ability to not suffer from excessive ultraviolet radiation.

The absence of lactose allows you to use the product without fear of allergies. However, the product is not recommended for small children, pregnant women and lactating women. Some danger is also possible when a person has an unhealthy cardiovascular system and overweight. As for the recommended dose, it is, as in the case of Camembert, fifty grams a day.


Brie cheese can be made within twelve months. Camembert cheese is much more finicky in this matter: it does not do well at high temperatures, so during the summer months its production stops, and resumes again in September. It is worth mentioning that Camembert is kept on the shelves for six to eight weeks before being sold, and Brie does not need such a procedure. Thus, the second product can be tasted already a month after the start of the workflow, which cannot be said about the first. By the way, this process called affinage.

There is also a difference in the choice of product base: Brie is made from warmed and salted cow's milk. To prepare Camembert, you will need selected milk, in which salt and rennet are previously added.

Special requirements are also imposed on packaging - the cheese is always placed in a box made of wood. This container makes it easy to transport the product. There are no strings attached to Bree. The cost of products is only slightly different: 250 grams of Camembert cost about four hundred and fifty rubles, and the second variety - about five hundred rubles.

What do they eat with?

Camembert is a rather oily product, therefore, getting into a space with a low temperature for a long time, it freezes and loses its outstanding characteristics. This explains why, before serving, the cheese has to be placed in a warmer place and soaked for thirty minutes. However, until the cheese softens, you can start cutting into segments - cubes or slices. If you postpone cutting “for later”, then you can arrange a small presentation - when it comes into contact with a knife, the middle will flow out of the head, which looks extremely tempting.

Usually this species cheese is offered with nuts, for example, walnuts, fruit and jam, which has a slight sourness. The latter includes flavors such as cranberries and raspberries. Like other blue cheeses, Camembert is considered an excellent part of a cheese plate. Among alcoholic beverages professionals recommend choosing red wines or cider for cheese. Despite a certain elitism of this product, cheese can be used to make ordinary toasted sandwiches or as a component of a pie. The melted product is often used to make fondue, in order to subsequently dip pieces of fruit or toasted bread into a thick mass.

Brie cheese is also combined with nuts, fruit and a fresh baguette. Often it is combined with fig jam, honey or even berry jam. soft drink. When forming a cheese plate, you can add almonds or other candied nuts, as well as crispy crackers. Brie's main drink is champagne. Dry white wines, cider and even beer are also suitable.

It is important that the taste of the drink does not interrupt the shades of cheese. Those who do not drink alcohol are advised to pay attention to Apple juice. Although Brie, like Camembert, is often used as a filling for pies, it can also be used to cook fish dishes, such as salmon, pesto and cheese sauce.

An overview of Brie, Camembert and Roquefort cheeses awaits you in the video below.