How to marinate pork kebab with wine. Nothing impossible - marinades with wine, red and white

Kebab lovers know that meat must be marinated before grilling over coals. At the same time, one of the most respected among gourmets is marinade for shish kebab with wine. Tartaric acids soften meat fibers well, so that after frying over charcoal, the meat becomes soft, maintaining its juiciness. At the same time, the wine gives it unique flavor notes. Of course, the taste or smell of alcohol is not felt - it evaporates during frying. So kebabs made from meat marinated in wine can be given even to children without fear.

Cooking features

People who often make barbecue have experimentally “calculated” the formula perfect kebab. However, those who are just mastering this art will benefit from the advice of experienced chefs.

  • Whatever marinade you choose for shish kebab, the dish will not turn out tasty if you use low-quality meat. Never use frozen food for barbecue, as when it thaws, it loses some of its liquid and, as a result, turns out dry when frying. You also need to understand that the meat of a young animal will fry much faster and will be much more tender than the meat of an old one. Additionally, it is worth saying that it is best to take meat with fat for barbecue, although this is not a necessary condition.
  • You can marinate in wine different types meat, even using the same recipe, which can be considered universal. Shish kebab is made from lamb, pork and beef marinated in wine. But gourmets do not recommend marinating poultry meat in wine; its taste is better revealed when using other marinades.
  • In order to marinate meat for barbecue, you can use both red and white wine, although the marinade recipes with them will be different. The main thing is that the wine is dry. Sweet, semi-sweet and fortified wines are not suitable for this purpose.
  • Do not marinate meat in aluminum or wooden containers. The first one oxidizes under the influence of wine, releasing harmful substances. The second one quickly absorbs the marinade, so that the meat gets almost none of it. Experienced cooks It is recommended to use glass or ceramic containers for pickling, although enamel cookware, like those made of stainless steel, will also work.
  • Do not add salt to the marinade, as it tends to “pull” liquid out of the food. To prevent the kebab from turning out dry, you need to salt the meat no earlier than an hour before frying it over coals.
  • The time it takes to keep meat in a wine marinade most often depends on the type of meat, and sometimes on the inclusion of products in the marinade that accelerate the process of softening meat fibers. Pork is usually marinated for 4 to 6 hours, lamb and beef - 2 hours longer.
  • You can add to the marinade vegetable oil. It not only promotes better penetration of the marinade into the product, but also creates a protective crust when frying meat on the grill, which makes the kebab especially juicy.

Knowing the basic rules for marinating barbecue meat in wine, you can safely choose any marinade recipe you like and take action.

Marinade for shish kebab with red wine

  • meat – 2 kg;
  • onions – 0.8 kg;
  • red dry wine– 0.5 l;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • spicy Bell pepper– 1–2 pcs.;
  • dill (fresh) – 100 g;
  • salt, black ground pepper, peppercorns - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the meat, dry it with paper napkins. Remove films and tendons. Cut into pieces about the size of two matchboxes placed on top of each other. You can even pound the beef to soften it faster.
  • Finely chop the dill.
  • Rub the meat with pepper, sprinkle with dill and mix with your hands.
  • Peel the onion. Chop two medium-sized onions small pieces and set aside in a separate bowl. Cut the rest of the onion into circles about 3 mm thick, so that they can later be conveniently placed on skewers.
  • Wash the capsicums. Cut off the stems. Cut the peppers into slices about 3-4 mm thick. Remove the seeds from the resulting rings, as they are too sharp.
  • Add pepper to meat and stir.
  • Squeeze lemon juice into a bowl with finely chopped onion. Pour in the wine and stir everything.
  • Place coarsely chopped onion and a few peppercorns at the bottom of the container in which the meat will be marinated.
  • Pour the marinade over the meat, stir and place on the onion.
  • Cover the meat with a plate and place a weight on top.

You need to marinate the meat in the refrigerator. It's best to leave it overnight. If you decide to have a spontaneous barbecue, still do not remove the meat from the marinade earlier than after 5 hours. Do not forget that the marinade used was unsalted, and the meat must be salted before frying.

Marinade for shish kebab with white wine

  • meat – 2 kg;
  • dry white wine – 0.5 l;
  • onions – 1 kg;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • olive oil – 100 ml;
  • barbecue seasoning, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare the meat for marinating. To do this, it must be washed well, blotted with napkins and cut into pieces measuring 4 cm by 5 cm.
  • Rub the meat pieces with barbecue seasoning.
  • Peel the onions and cut into circles, not too thin, but not too thick - they will then need to be placed on skewers, alternating with meat.
  • Cut the garlic cloves in half.
  • Peel the lemon and divide into slices. You can simply cut it into round slices.
  • Pour vegetable oil into the meat and stir.
  • Place some of the meat in the container where the meat will be marinated. onion rings so that they cover the bottom. Add a few pieces of garlic and a few slices of lemon. Lay out some of the meat.
  • Continue layering foods. The last layer should be onions.
  • Pour white wine over everything. Cover with a plate and place a jar filled with water on top.

Marinate the kebab meat under pressure in a cool place for at least 4 hours. If you have the opportunity to leave the meat in the wine marinade overnight, it will be even better.

Marinade for barbecue with wine is considered classic. If you fry the meat marinated in it over coals, the kebab will have an incomparable taste.

However, today I will be in the role not of a chef, but of a consultant when purchasing ingredients, as well as directly marinating and frying. Well, and of course, as a cameraman and author of the text, while my eldest son, 12 years old, took on the role of cook. The reason for such a “youthful impulse” is still unknown to me, but the desire is commendable, which means I will help him in every possible way with this, because I think that, of course, he can always help out food delivery, But a real man Must be able to cook barbecue yourself.
So, meat. Pork, for a company of 11 people - 4.5 kilograms (400 grams per person), naturally boneless and with a minimum of veins. But a layer of fat, not thick, on the contrary, is desirable.

Bulb onions. A little less than half the weight of meat, so exactly two kilograms. It is better to take it small, so that later it will be easier to string.

Salt. Large (this is a must, small can give bitterness), approximately 100 grams. Don’t be afraid to over-salt, this white wine kebab will taste just right.

Black pepper. Ground, approximately 30...40 grams. It won’t give you any special spiciness, but it will easily give you notes of an interesting aroma.

And wine. Dry, white, the most inexpensive. You will need one liter, so it is better to look for it in a tetra pack for this volume.

Cut the meat into equal pieces, one...two bite size. But be sure to do it across the grain, because firstly, it will cook more evenly, and secondly, it will marinate better.

Peel the onion and cut into thin rings. But not quite thin, but so that it would be convenient to string them later.

IN large saucepan with a lid (after all, you will probably fry it not in your kitchen, but take it to the place of the upcoming picnic), lay a layer of meat, salt it generously,

and sprinkle a layer of onion with ground pepper.

And so - layer by layer, layer of meat with salt

Layer onions and peppers until all the components of this “pie” are gone. We got five layers, but this depends on the shape of the chosen pan.

Now pour wine over everything and marinate in the refrigerator for a day.

Frying. There are several rules:
. no open fire, only coals;
. coals should not be made from trees with odorous resin, so the best option is fruit varieties, such as cherry or apricot;
. the height from the layer of coals to the skewers with meat is 10 ... 15 cm. Less - the meat will burn, and more - it will dry out, but will not be fried.
But whether you will burn wood lumps or immediately use coals - decide for yourself. In the first case there is something wild and even primitive, the second is simpler and faster. But there should be a lot of coals, since this volume is not enough for one frying.
Threading meat onto skewers. Everything is also very, very simple: very tightly, alternating meat with onions, pierce the pieces in the middle. And don't let anything hang down, otherwise it will burn and transmit bad smell ready dish.
Over time, how long the meat will cook is also very, very simple: 12 ... 15 minutes on one side,

then turned it over and another 10...12 minutes. And do not turn it constantly, the meat should be fried from the inside, and not dry out from the outside.

That's it, white wine kebab is ready. Serve and eat it right away, and the point here is not only that it tastes the most delicious. They just won't let you do otherwise.

Bon appetit.

For lovers of outdoor recreation, I advise you to try shish kebab marinated in wine. You should like the result. Wine acid softens the fibers of the meat, making it tender and soft, and the dry substances of the wine give the kebab a unique light aroma. The alcohol is not felt because it evaporates during the grilling process.

Pork, beef or lamb meat is optimal for cooking kebabs in wine. It is better to marinate chicken and fish according to other recipes. You cannot soak meat in aluminum or wooden containers, since upon contact with metal, the wine oxidizes, and the wood quickly absorbs the marinade.

Any dry red or white wine is suitable. It is better to avoid using sweet, semi-sweet and fortified varieties, as they do not soften the meat well and do not give the desired aroma. There is no point in buying an expensive drink, you can get by even with young homemade ones grape wine, which does its job perfectly.

Shish kebab with red wine

  • dry red wine – 300 ml;
  • onions – 4 pieces;
  • lemon – 1 half;
  • black pepper – 5 peas;
  • red pepper – 1 piece;
  • dill - half a bunch;
  • salt - to taste.

1. Defrost meat (pork, lamb, beef) to room temperature. Rinse with running water, let the water drain, remove the wires and large pieces fat

2. Cut the meat into 5x5 cm pieces and beat lightly.

3. Peel three onions, then cut them into rings so that they can be conveniently placed on a skewer. Chop the remaining onion as for frying in a frying pan.

4. Remove the center with grains from the red pepper, cut the pulp into large pieces.

5. Chop the dill, pour half of the greens into a separate bowl, it is needed to season the finished kebab.

6. Place pieces of meat and finely chopped onions in a deep enamel or plastic bowl. Stir for 3-4 minutes until the pieces are saturated with the onion aroma.

7. Add 50 ml of red wine and the juice of half one lemon, stir again for 2-3 minutes.

8. Place the meat for marinating in a pan, seasoning each layer with herbs, pieces of red pepper, black peas and salt.

9. Pour the remaining wine (250 ml) evenly over the pieces and place onion rings on top.

10. Tighten the neck of the pan cling film and put the marinated meat in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

11. When placing on skewers, alternate pieces of meat with onions and red peppers. While frying, periodically sprinkle the kebabs with the remaining marinade.

Shish kebab with red wine

Shish kebab with white wine

Ingredients for marinade for 1 kg of meat:

  • dry white wine – 250 ml;
  • olive oil – 2 tablespoons;
  • bulbs – 5-6 pieces;
  • lemon – 1 half;
  • garlic – 0.5 heads;
  • black pepper and salt - to taste.

1. Remove any fat from the defrosted meat, then cut into small pieces (3x3 cm), add salt and pepper. Also cut the lard into small slices and place separately. You will need it when frying.

2. Cut the peeled onion into thick rings for easy placement on a skewer. Divide the lemon and garlic into small slices.

3. Place a few onion rings (so that they cover the bottom), a couple of slices of lemon and garlic on the bottom of an enamel or plastic dish. On top is a layer of meat. In this order, place all the products in layers (depending on the number of servings, there may be several of them), the last one should be the onion.

The most common dish we grill on the grill is shish kebab. And there is nothing surprising in this - it is not so difficult to prepare it, the main thing is to follow all the rules of this art. There are many kebab recipes, the main difference between which is the marinade. Some people use lemon, some use kefir, mayonnaise or. But I like pork kebab marinated in red wine. The meat then turns out very tender, aromatic and incredibly tasty!


- 1 kg of pork;
- 0.5 tbsp. dry red wine;
- 2 tbsp. l. spices for barbecue;
- salt.

How to cook with photos step by step

Where does it begin? delicious kebab? Of course, from buying meat. I don’t know about you, but in our city supermarkets and small shops sell meat that is not so fresh. It is best to go to the market for a quality product. If at the same time you also have your own, trusted seller - just great, consider that good kebab provided for you. Very often I see debates on the Internet on forums about what kind of meat is best to cook shish kebab from. Of course, I haven’t tried frying lamb - this is truly exotic for our region. But I’ve also had the opportunity to try kebabs made from veal. Alas, they are much inferior to their pork counterpart. Chicken kebab- a little dry, and the veal turns out too tough. So my choice is only pork. But even here you need to know which part of the carcass to choose for a successful barbecue. I prefer the neck - it is fatty enough to ensure the future pork kebab is soft and juicy.
And a little more theory. Meat should only be fresh; freezing should be avoided. If the situation is desperate, and you have to cook shish kebab from pork, waiting for its fate in freezer, I beg you, defrost it properly. The right thing to do is put the meat in the refrigerator to defrost. Yes it will take enough a large number of time, but such defrosting will not be stressful for the meat.

Wash the meat, dry it with a paper towel and cut it into fairly large cubes - about 3-4 cm on a side. The neck itself does not have the correct shape, so you are unlikely to be able to cut it into perfect pieces. But this is actually not required. The main thing is that the cubes are plus or minus the same size so that the kebab is fried evenly. It is allowed that one side is slightly longer than the other - then you should put the meat on the skewer along the long side.

Place the pieces of meat in a saucepan or container that is covered with a lid. Add spices, salt and red wine.

Mix the meat thoroughly simply with your hands (you can use special disposable kitchen gloves). Try to ensure that the spices, wine and salt are evenly distributed over the surface of the pieces. Don't worry about using too little wine - the pork shouldn't "swim" in the red wine marinade.

By the way, about wine. It should be red dry or semi-dry. I don’t see any point in using expensive collection wine for the marinade for pork shish kebab (it’s better to leave it for consumption in pure form). The main thing is that the wine tastes good to you. We just leave the meat to marinate in the kitchen for 2-4 hours.

Let's prepare the coals for the barbecue. Ideal if you have firewood from fruit trees. No - well, use what is available.

While the wood is burning in the grill, thread the pieces of meat onto skewers. Like troubles with fire, this process is best entrusted to men - they do it faster and better. Plus, they like it - so don't deprive them of their pleasure. And during this time you will have time to calmly make appetizers or sauce for barbecue of pork marinated in red wine.

When the coals are ready, place the skewers on the grill. Beware of open fire - if the flames touch the meat, it will simply char and not cook. It is better to extinguish such a fire with small quantity water - then smoke is formed, which is exactly what we need.

We constantly rotate the skewers so that the kebab is browned on all sides. As a rule, you will have to spend about 15-20 minutes at the grill.

If you doubt the readiness of the meat, you can make a cut on one of the pieces sharp knife. The meat inside the kebab should not be pink, but white. This is what indicates that the kebab can already be removed from the heat. But do not overcook the skewers on the grill, otherwise the meat will turn out dry.

Serve the kebab immediately while it is still hot. Of course, you can also eat it cold, but all its charm lies in the sizzling, appetizing pieces of meat that smell of smoke and freedom.

And a small addition. As for me, no side dish is needed for pork kebab marinated in red wine. Serve it with a lot of greens, fresh vegetables, good sauce, pita bread or unleavened cakes– this will be quite enough.
The question often arises of how much meat should be marinated. Remember that the meat is fried - 20-25% will be lost on the grill. That is, if you take 1 kg of shish kebab, you will get approximately 700-800 grams of finished kebab. This is quite enough for a family of four: a strong dad, a healthy mom and two hungry children. If you are counting exclusively on male company, I advise you to take more meat, at the rate of at least 300 grams of ready-made kebab per person.

Anyone who loves kebab will eat it in any form, but why deny yourself the pleasure of trying it? different tastes this delicious dish? Pork kebab in wine has a pleasant tart-sour taste and wonderful aroma. Thanks to red wine, the meat is marinated well, and when cooked it takes on a very appetizing appearance. The wine marinade can give the kebab a spicy aroma that makes your mouth water and makes you want to quickly taste the meat cooked on coals.

For barbecue that will be soaked in wine, it is best to take ribs or pork neck. Experienced Chefs It is also recommended to use for good marinade dry red wine, which is rich in acids. Although soaking meat in white wine is also allowed. But it is red wine that can give shish kebab a spicy aroma that greatly stimulates the appetite.

IN wine marinade There is no need to add spices - they will only spoil the taste of real kebab. Chefs recommend using black pepper and salt. A very important point in preparing this type of kebab is to use heated, not cold, wine marinade.

Ingredients for pork kebab in wine

  • pork neck – 1.5 kg;
  • dry red wine – about 300 ml;
  • onions – 6 pcs.;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt.

Recipe for pork shish kebab in wine

  1. Rinse fresh or defrosted meat with cold water.
  2. Cut the pork neck into strips, then into small pieces.
  3. Salt and pepper each piece of meat. Place everything in a large saucepan and set aside for 15 minutes.
  4. Cut some of the onion into small pieces and add to the pork. Stir and gradually pour in red wine in small portions (the meat should not drown in it).
  5. Cut the remaining onion into wide rings and place it on top of the meat (then it can be used for frying).
  6. Cover the pan with a lid and leave for an hour at room temperature, then put it in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours to marinate. If you do not put the meat in the refrigerator, it will marinate in 3-4 hours.
  7. Place pieces of meat on skewers, alternating them with onions.
  8. Prepare a grill with smoldering coals. Place skewers with meat on it and fry until done. From time to time you need to turn them over and spray the meat with water. If clear juice flows out of the cut piece, it means the kebab is ready.

Shish kebab is served with a wide variety of sauces. What to choose is a matter of personal preference. When serving, the dish can be sprinkled with chopped herbs and poured over lemon juice. It is also recommended to use fresh meat with this meat. tomato juice or vegetable salad.