Wine from grape leaves at home. Recipe for wine and champagne from grape leaves

We all know that wine is made from berries and fruits, most often from grapes, but few people know that you can get an intoxicating drink from the leaves and shoots of the vineyard itself. Can this wine be made from grape leaves at home, there is nothing complicated in this recipe and we will reveal to you detailed instructions. This is the easiest and cheapest way to make delicious light wine with your own hands, no one will guess that it is based on ordinary leaves.

About grapevine wine

The idea to add not only the fruits of the vineyard, but also its leaves to the wine, first came to the Siberian gardener Yarushenkov in the early 60s. Having received a positive result and excellent taste of wine, he gradually improved the technology. The number of berries was decreasing, and the drink was infused almost on the same shoots. Then the recipe for wine from grape leaves migrated to the masses, and today many people make such wine in their dachas, areas where vineyards grow.

The wine from the vine contains a lot useful substances for our body: vitamins C, B, E, PP, A, copper, manganese, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium. During the period of seasonal colds, such a drink will help maintain immunity, it perfectly accelerates the blood and improves the functioning of blood vessels. Of course, we are talking about moderate consumption of such wine - no more than one glass a day.

From grape leaves you can get white and rosé wines, consider both recipes.

Grape leaf wine, classic white

You will need

  • Grape leaves, young shoots - 3-3.5 kg.
  • Water is clean, boiled - 10 liters.
  • Raisins - 150 gr.
  • Sugar - 3 kg.
  • Ammonia - 10 ml.
  • Clean containers: pots, jars, lids.

How to make white wine from leaves

Before we move on to the process of how to make wine from grape leaves, you must ensure that the entire process takes place under the most sterile conditions possible. All utensils must be clean, preferably sterilized. Wipe the table on which you will prepare the food with a solution of bleach, take care of the cleanliness of your hands.

  1. Take large saucepan or a bucket of 12-15 liters and boil 10 liters of water in it. As the water boils, immerse all the leaves in it and stirring, wait until they settle to the bottom. As this happens, turn off the gas, cover the container with a lid, put it in a convenient place, cover with a warm cloth (blanket, towel) and soak for 3 days.
  2. After 3 days, open the container, you should see that the liquid has turned brown and with a sour smell. Using gauze or a fine sieve, strain the wort, pouring it into another clean dish and squeezing the leaves well.
  3. Add sugar to the liquid, stirring it well, raisins and pour in ammonia (it is necessary for the fermentation process). Pour the wort into glass jars and close them with water seals (medical gloves can be an alternative, which pull the jars over the throat and make a hole in the finger to let the gases escape). Fill jars not to the throat, but 2/3, so that there is room for foam.
  4. Remove the container with the fermentation wort in a warm place for 3-5 weeks. The warmer the environment, the faster the wine will ferment. Shake the jars daily in the morning and evening.
  5. When the foam in the jar settles, the sediment sinks to the bottom, and the gloves deflate, this means that the fermentation is over and it's time to filter the young wine again.
  6. Pass the liquid through the cheesecloth again, pouring it into clean jars. Taste the wine, if it seems sour to you, you can add a little more sugar. At the same stage, you can fix the wine with alcohol if you want to increase its degree.
  7. Close the jars again, but with ordinary lids and put them away for aging.

For full maturation, wine from grape leaves must stand for 6 months. But you can drink it after 2 months. All this time, the drink should be at the optimum temperature for storing any wine - + 12-14ºC. Other conditions will destroy the wine.

This is where the process of how to make wine from a vine ends. As you can see, the technology is practically no different from the usual one for grape berries. Now consider how to get a more aromatic and interesting drink.

grape leaf rosé recipe

To get not white, but rosé wine from the vine with an additional fruity aroma at home, raspberries are added to it.

How to make rose wine from grape leaves

This is done as follows: cook the leaves according to the usual technology described above. The same day when you steam them in boiling water and send them for a three-day exposure, prepare raspberry sourdough.

  1. For 8-9 liters of must from the leaves, you can take 1 or 2 kg of raspberries. Berries do not need to be washed. Mash them, fill them with water at a ratio of 1:1, add 0.5 kg of sugar and leave to ferment also in a warm place, covering the container with gauze.
  2. After 3-4 days, when the time comes to strain the must from the vine, do the same with raspberries: strain it through cheesecloth, remove the cake, and mix the liquid with the must of grape leaves. Then do everything according to the usual technology.

As a result, the wine will acquire a beautiful pink color and notes of raspberry in the aroma.

Now you know the recipe for how to make wine from grape leaves and you can make it yourself. Serving such a drink to the festive table, you will surprise your guests if you reveal to them the secret of the wine's ingredients. To taste, it is practically no different from a drink made from vineyard fruits or other berries.

Both beginners and experienced winemakers can make wine from grape leaves at home. The most important thing is not to forget to add raisins and ammonia to the wort, which create a favorable environment for the reproduction of yeast fungi. Without them, the drink will not ferment and turn sour. Keep in mind that the usual bread yeast wines are not suitable for sourdough. Follow all the rules and you will definitely get an excellent healthy and tasty wine.

Is it possible to count festive table such, if a bottle of champagne is not proudly hoisted on it. And let the forced phrase “ a sparkling wine”, still everyone considers this drink divine and is called champagne out of habit.

It is interesting that you can not buy champagne in the store, but try to make real champagne from grape leaves at home.

At the very least, homemade champagne will be much healthier for health, since the store-bought version, accompanied by a small cost, very often has nothing to do with champagne, since it is a powdered carbonated drink with the addition of flavors.

It is not difficult to make champagne from grape leaves at home, it is especially impressive that no special technological means are needed to implement the plan, and there is absolutely no need to purchase grapes. Such champagne can be obtained on the basis of grape leaves, so anyone can cook it, since there are no expensive ingredients in the recipe.

homemade champagne recipe

  • grape leaves - 1.5 or 2 kg;
  • water - 12 l;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. per 1 liter of liquid.

It is desirable to collect leaves from grape bushes of noble varieties. Champagne will turn out in any case, but the aroma will be better if you still give preference the best variety grapes.

Cooking technology

  1. Collect grape leaves, revise so that they are not damaged due to diseases. Of course, it is strictly forbidden to collect grape leaves from those bushes that have recently been chemically treated.
  2. Bring the water to a boil, then scald the prepared leaves with boiling water. Since the total amount of ingredients is accompanied by a sufficient volume, it is recommended to prepare an appropriate container in advance, ideal option is an enamel pot with a capacity of 20 liters.
  3. The mass is covered with a terry towel and transferred to a dark space in which a low temperature is maintained. In this place, the container is left for three days.
  4. Next, the leaves are removed, carefully twisted, the resulting soft yellow liquid is filtered and the volume is measured.
  5. Sugar is poured into the liquid, having previously calculated right amount, stir until completely dissolved.
  6. The sweet liquid is poured into a bottle and a water seal is installed.
  7. The fermentation process will approximately last 28 days. If no signs of fermentation appear during the first week, it is necessary to activate this process by adding either 5 teaspoons of dry yeast or 3 kg of pulp to the liquid.
  8. While the fermentation process continues, it is necessary to prepare bottles into which champagne from grape leaves will be poured. It is best to prepare bottles of champagne, only in the most extreme cases you can use a plastic container.
  9. A month later, when the fermentation process is completed, champagne is poured into bottles only ¾, so that carbon dioxide does not break the bottle in the future.
  10. Filled bottles are closed with lids and fixed with wire, as in a store counterpart.
  11. Bottles are stacked in a horizontal position. For 10 days every day they should be rotated 1/10 of a turn around the axis. Periodically cover on plastic bottles should be opened to release gases, this will prevent it from bursting. Well-sealed champagne bottles do not need to be opened.
  12. After 10 days, the cream of tartar settles into a dense sediment, which is a signal that home-made champagne from grape leaves is ready.

Canteen grape wine can be made not only from grapes. When pruning grapes from June to September, a lot of waste is obtained in the form of leaves and shoots. Taste - they are sour, this is the perfect raw material for making wine.

The technology of making wine from the leaves and shoots of grapes.

1. Put water on fire in an enameled or stainless steel bowl, preferably 10 or 20 liters. The water there is 7/10ths of the total volume. Bring to a boil. Take a wooden rolling pin in one hand, with the other hand put the shoots and leaves of grapes in boiling water, crushing it all with a rolling pin. Close the lid, wrap in a blanket, fur coat, etc. and hold for 3 days. Drain the resulting wort, it is sour and has a brown color.

2. Immediately add here 100 g of sugar per 1 liter of wort, stirring well. You can simply add sugar to taste compote. Add a handful of dry raisins, it will replace you wine yeast and optionally - 3 g of ammonia per 10 liters of wort, the very one with which your wife washes clothes. You can do without it, but be aware that professionals work with ammonia and put more - 6 g per 10 liters of wort. Without nitrogen, bacteria develop poorly, and the immutable law of winemaking is The more the must ferments, the more delicious the wine is. And this nitrogen is needed to start. Then the bacteria will eat each other and the winners - wine bacteria will give us a fortress or percentage of alcohol.

3. After 1-2 days, fermentation began. Stormy. Days for 8-12 depending on the temperature. Taste after 3 days. The must should always have the sweetness of a compote. Add sugar, mixing thoroughly. If you have a vinomer - the percentage of sugar should be 5-7%. If you miss the sugar content these days, you might end up with vinegar. It may seem these days that too much sugar is going away. Don't worry, you end up with 250 g of sugar per liter of wine with a strength of 10-12% alcohol, with a dry residue of 14%.

4. The cap of foam subsided and darkened - an indicator of the end of rapid fermentation. Take out 3 liter glass jars and polyethylene covers with 1 petal, gases pass through them, with 2 petals they will fly off. Sugar also keep 5-7%, pour the wort into jars along with the sediment.

5. Silent fermentation stretches for a long time until the wort in the jar is clear with a dense sediment at the bottom.

6. The wort in the jar has become transparent. This is already wine, but still with a sharp smell and taste. pour the wine along with sediment in 1.5-2 liter plastic bottles from carbonated water or juice. Suitable bottles are determined as follows: run your fingernail along the bottom of the bottle - if the line is transparent, the bottle is good, if the trace is white - the bottle is not good. If too sour, add 2 tablespoons of sugar per bottle, stirring thoroughly. This stage is important because champagne can also be made here, but there will be a danger of a bottle bursting, especially in the heat. If the bottle becomes too hard, bleed off the gas by slightly opening the stopper.

7. The first discharge from the sediment. When the bottle is clear, pour the wine through the funnel not gurgling into another bottle. Poured up to half, turn the bottle 180 degrees so that the sediment is on top. If you love strong wine, add 1 tablespoon of sugar.

8. The second discharge from the sediment. Here you make wine according to your taste. Sugar is added little by little (a tablespoon per 1.5 liters) and, after clarification, drain the bottle from the sediment.

9. The third discharge from the sediment. I usually drain from the sediment 3 times, while getting a strength of 10-12 percent alcohol and keeping the wine at home at a temperature of 20 degrees. But it seems that there is a prospect to achieve a higher strength of wine.

10. You can make wine traditional way. After the 2nd point, use a regular water lock. But then the problem arises - how to add sugar. Of course, you can use syrup, but this is unnecessary trouble.

The fact that wine is most often made from grapes is no secret to anyone. But it turns out that this wonderful drink can be obtained by processing grape leaves. And the result will be no worse than the usual product.

Rules for making wine from grape leaves

If you decide to make wine from grape leaves yourself, then you need to strictly follow the rules for its preparation so that the resulting drink does not disappoint you.

All stages of preparation are very important, and it is important to follow all stages of the production of this drink:

As you can see, these tips are easy to follow. And if you wish, at home you can make wonderful wine from grape leaves that will delight you delicate aroma and light apple smack.

From the presented recipes, you will learn how to make your own not only white wine, but also rose. You can also surprise your guests with wine from the Champagne region.

Grape Leaf Wine Recipes

To make white wine, we need the following ingredients:

Now we proceed directly to the preparation of wine. First, boil water and put grape leaves in it. Now remove the pan from the stove, wrap it in a blanket and leave it for 72 hours. When three days have passed, you need to strain this liquid. Pour sugar and raisins into the product peeled from leaves, drip ammonia. Stir the future wine well and wait another 10 days. During this time, the mixture will actively ferment, foam will appear on the surface. Do not forget to try the drink - it should be sweet (if the sweetness is not enough, then you need to add more sugar).

When you see that the foam is gone, it's time to pour the future wine along with the sediment into smaller containers (it's better to take cans). When the fermentation process is completed completely, the liquid will become transparent, and the sediment will sink to the bottom. Now you can pour the liquid into bottles (made of plastic) and release the accumulated gas from them every day. Then the wine must be poured three times from one container to another to get rid of sediment, and poured into glass bottles.

If you want a bottle of fragrant rose wine to decorate your table, then you need to add some raspberries to the recipe. When you leave the pot of leaves for three days, mash some raspberries and let them ferment. Once you've strained the liquid from the leaves, add the fermented raspberries and follow the recipe.

Champagne from grape leaves

Try making champagne from grape leaves. This recipe is not much more complicated, but the resulting drink is very similar to sparkling wine. For it we need:

The cooking recipe absolutely coincides with the stages of white wine production. However, when you fill the bottles with wort, you need to put on a kind of rubber barrier on the necks and make a couple of holes in it with a needle. After five days, making sure that there is no foam on the surface, add yeast or crushed grapes. When a month has passed, the wine is bottled and waited for about four more months.

Having prepared such an original Home wine, you will be pleasantly surprised by the excellent taste and aroma.

Champagne from grape leaves

Birth story sparkling drink from the province of Champagne originates in the distant 4th century, when the problem of exploding wine barrels arose as a result of repeated fermentation of wine. At that time, the inhabitants of the warm homeland of wine and champagne did not suspect that if the wine fermentation process was not yet completed, and the air temperature suddenly dropped, this process would be interrupted.

But as soon as the temperature regains its rights, the sugar will take up its unfinished business and the wine will re-ferment, which will certainly lead to the explosion of the barrels. So farewell to the grape harvest, wine and property ...

After as many as 13 centuries, the solution to the problem came to one monk: he came up with the idea of ​​pouring such wine into strong glass bottles and blending it. Later, the technology was improved and the need was identified for corking bottles in a heavy-duty way - cork plugs. Thus was born champagne in the modern sense.

Today, we can hardly imagine a holiday without this fragrant sparkling drink. What is a chiming clock without a cork shot to top it off? Where to burn a note with a desire, if not over a glass of bubbling champagne? What to drink at the end of the toast, if not his?

And those who are older will remember what a majestic ceremony a simple dinner party turned into if, to top it off, a crystal bowl filled with champagne and slices of watermelon was served on the table. All these traditions are familiar to us from childhood, and we will not exchange them for anything. Champagne has long become synonymous with the word holiday.

But here and here we hear that wine and champagne are made from a chemical powder. That the bubbles in champagne are carbon dioxide artificially pumped into it. There is a saying: “if you want to do something well, do it yourself”. But what if you try to make champagne from grape leaves at home? We present you the recipe.

Grape Leaf Champagne: Recipe

The main ingredient, you guessed it, is grape leaves. It is worth noting that the taste of champagne from the leaves of such popular grape varieties as Lydia and Isabella turns out to be very unsuccessful, and therefore they are not recommended to be consumed. Leaves of more noble or even table varieties should be chosen.

Naturally, leaves affected by the disease or sprayed with chemicals should not be used in cooking. The leaf should be healthy, beautiful. You should want to eat it raw.

So here are the cooking instructions:

  1. Pour 1.5-2 kg of leaves with 12 liters of boiling water. As you might guess, this mass will be a very impressive volume, and therefore it is recommended to carry out this procedure in enamel saucepan with a volume of at least 20 liters;
  2. Cover the pot with a clean cloth or lid. Leave in a dark cool place for 3 days;
  3. After the specified period, the leaves are removed and discarded. Strain the resulting infusion and mix thoroughly with sugar, at the rate of one glass per liter of drink.

Pour the resulting mixture into a bottle, install an air or water seal (can be replaced with an ordinary plastic bag stretched over the neck of the dish, fixed with an elastic band, and with several needle punctures);

  1. The process takes about 27 days. If during the first 5-7 days the fermentation process has not started, then 3-5 teaspoons of dry yeast or about 2.5 kg of grape pulp (pressed grapes with seeds, stalks, peel, etc.) should be added to the drink.
  2. Important! Champagne factories do not accept their own containers for reuse! This means that a container that has once withstood the pressure of champagne is not able to withstand it again. Most often, bottles explode. Therefore, we do not recommend pouring homemade champagne into glass bottles. Even from champagne. We advise you to use plastic;
  3. Store filled and corked bottles strictly in a horizontal position, periodically bleeding off carbon dioxide (applies only to plastic dishes);
  4. Champagne reaches the desired condition after 10-12 months from the moment the sparkling drink is bottled;

Remember that champagne prepared according to this recipe is noticeably stronger than store-bought. You shouldn't abuse it.