How to open and promote a private brewery. Detailed instructions for those wishing to open a brewery

A craft brewery is a miniature workshop for the production of unfiltered live beer. The main feature is the creation of a unique recipe that would have a bright, memorable taste. Business in this direction should be conducted very carefully and prudently in order to prevent mistakes.

Despite the fact that craft breweries are not widespread in Russia, competition in the brewing industry is quite high.

The problem is that most people are afraid to try new things and prefer the well-known stamped brands. The task of an entrepreneur is to study the market, identify what people really like and make it even better and better.

The first question to be answered is “For whom will the product be manufactured?”. The main source of income are bars, restaurants, cafes and shops and other outlets. Try to decide in advance on the class of products produced. The higher class may be sold in high-end restaurants at a higher cost, but the demand for it is usually lower. Distinguished by the addition of exquisite ingredients to the composition, for example, honey, pumpkin, a rare variety of hops or malt. As a result, the price increases.

The middle class is designed for the average person, this is the “price / quality” option. The drink should be of high quality and tasty, but at the same time, the manufacturer no longer uses expensive additives, and the recipe is closer to the classic one.

Remember that if the demand for your products at the point of sale is high, then the required volume will increase, and, consequently, the profit will increase. Therefore, the manufacturer must take into account the tastes of regular visitors to bars, restaurants, etc. Usually these are people from 20 to 40 years old with a stable income, both men and women.

Investment size

This type of business is considered one of the costly ones, because in addition to initial expenses, constant investments in the business play an important role. Let's take a closer look at the main cost items.

Monthly investment:

  • Room rental - 40-80 thousand rubles;
  • Salary - 150-200 thousand rubles;
  • Maintenance of the premises - 5-10 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of raw materials - 500-700 thousand rubles;
  • Taxes + excise - 600-800 thousand rubles.

Thus, the opening of the brewery will cost 9-11 million rubles. Of course, not everyone has that kind of money at their disposal. You can try to optimize your own business. Note that if you purchase domestic equipment instead of foreign, you can save 2-3 million rubles.

It is also not necessary to buy a truck, you can rent it or find a driver with your own truck, this will reduce at least another million rubles. We do not recommend saving on raw materials, because because of this, the product may be of poor quality or lose its taste properties.

Step-by-step instruction

Over the years since the emergence of craft breweries, there has been a certain sequence of actions and aspects that must be taken into account without fail. So what should you pay attention to in order to open a truly profitable business?


The first thing to think about is equipment. The main selection criteria are:

  • Budget;
  • The method of making beer;
  • Performance;
  • Power;
  • Producing country;
  • Room area.

Domestic equipment manufacturers are more profitable for budget organizations. For those who are aimed at long-term work, it is better to give preference to foreign, namely German or Austrian production.

For full operation, you will need the following equipment:

  • Filtration systems for water;
  • Fermentation tank;
  • Syrup boiler;
  • Cooling chamber;
  • Scales;
  • Container for fermentation;
  • Bath for sterilizing agent.

There are two types of beer brewing equipment: full cycle and short cycle. The first implies the presence of a device for the preparation of malt wort in the system, so you can save significant amounts on raw materials.

It should be noted that many equipment manufacturers provide their own installation and training services.

Raw materials and suppliers

To start the production of beer, it is necessary to have high-quality raw materials that would give an exquisite taste and give a rich color to the drink.

Brewing beer involves the use of the following components:

  • Malt;
  • Hop;
  • Water;
  • Yeast for beer.

Consider what you should pay attention to when choosing raw materials for beer for each of the components.

  1. Pure water. Agree that ordering bottled water for beer production is unreasonable, so you need to install your own system for water purification and filtration.
  2. Yeast for beer. There are domestic and foreign manufacturers. The better the yeast, the higher the cost per kilogram. On average, a good product costs from 3 to 10 thousand rubles per kilogram.
  3. Malt is the most important component in this drink. To achieve a certain effect in the taste of beer, different malts are used, this is worth considering if you want to make a wide range of beer. So light beer is made from malt without preliminary roasting, and dark beer is made from roasting. Consumption is lower for imported malt.
  4. Hops have a lot of varieties. The most commonly used are bitter, traditional, versatile and fragrant. Depending on the variety, not only taste qualities differ, but also the cost per kilogram.

Further components are dictated by the recipe. It can have unusual bright combinations. Try to use natural ingredients, because today it is a rarity. Many people who care about health prefer natural products, they can become your target audience.

When choosing a supplier, do not try to choose the cheapest options, this can lead to a deterioration in the quality of the goods. Remember that it is necessary to conclude cooperation agreements with suppliers, discussing the terms of delivery and other points.

Create open tasting meetings where potential customers will gather.

Make your own website. Try to set up wholesale sales via the Internet. It is noteworthy that it is advisable to conduct all negotiations in person in order to get a good deal.


The core staff of a craft brewery should include:

  • Brewer-technologist;
  • Director;
  • Sales Manager;
  • Accountant;
  • Forwarding driver;
  • Cleaning woman;
  • cook assistants;
  • Loaders.

Professionalism is the main selection criterion. A person should be well versed in this area. Of course, the work of the staff should be paid without salary delays, with incentive bonuses.

Unlike a beer factory, an entrepreneur does not need to look for large premises or build a specially equipped building. It is enough to find a room from 40 to 120 square meters that would meet the following requirements:

  • The walls must be tiled with a height of more than two meters, the rest of the wall, as well as the ceiling, must be whitewashed or painted with water-based paint;
  • Floor of any coating, preferably ceramic tiles or reinforced concrete base;
  • Heating is allowed air, water or steam.

There are no specific conditions regarding placement, so the premises may be located in the basement, in the semi-basement, one-story house. The premises must be designed as non-residential. It is also necessary that it be clean, and that such living creatures as cockroaches, mice, rats and others were not found in it.

A craft brewery should be located as close to the point of sale as possible if you want to save on shipping costs.

The documents

When opening a craft brewery, do not forget that the business must be legal, so first of all, you need to take care of the paperwork.

A novice entrepreneur will need to issue the following package of papers:

  • Legal registration as an LLC;
  • Decree on the state registered with Rosstat;
  • Resolution on the status of being registered with the Tax Inspectorate;
  • A contract for the lease of premises or an agreement for the purchase of premises;
  • Permission from the public utility (water supply, sanitation);
  • Permission from the fire inspectorate;
  • Permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service;
  • License for the production of alcoholic products;

Hygienic certificate for products.

The production of alcohol-containing products does not imply the registration of individual production under the eleventh article of the Federal Law. Only a limited liability company can engage in this type of activity.

Registration of an LLC also requires certain costs that should be taken into account, mainly these include:

  • Notarization of documents - from 2000 to 4000 thousand rubles;
  • State registration of a legally responsible person - 5,000 thousand rubles;
  • Preparation of constituent documents (taxes and registration fees) - 6-7 thousand rubles.

Thus, the entrepreneur must have approximately 15-20 thousand in reserve for registration. There is a significant difference in the set of required documentation for the regions of Russia, so it is recommended to find out specific information from the relevant authorities.

A separate point in the case is taxation. In addition to the main tax, the organization must pay an excise tax in the amount of 20 to 40 rubles per liter of products. The payment can be explained by the fact that beer and beer products are drinks containing a certain degree, so they can be attributed to the excisable category.

In recent years, there has been a steady decline in the consumption of strong alcoholic beverages by the population in Russia. At the same time, one can see an increase in demand for low-alcohol products, in particular, "live" beer. Despite the fact that the competition in this area is quite strong, according to experts, the market is still far from being fully saturated.

Opening a mini-brewery will allow you to have a stable profitable business with relatively high investments, but also a quick payback. However, before you start brewing, you need to study all aspects and subtleties of this business, take into account the nuances of legislation and marketing, and draw up a preliminary business plan.

The first thing you need to do before starting your own business is to complete all the necessary paperwork:

  • Registration form. This type of business must be registered as a legal entity. Therefore, it is formatted as .
  • Licensing. More recently, the production and sale of this intoxicating drink did not require a permit. However, a new government decree introduced changes obliging to carry out licensing in the manufacture of beer at the federal level. For this, you need to apply with the relevant application to the tax office. The issuance process can take up to three months.
  • hygiene certificate. To obtain it, you should contact the sanitary and epidemiological supervision. The certificate can be issued within two months and only after a hygienic examination of the products.
  • Permissions. Documents allowing to carry out commercial activities must be obtained from the fire and energy supervision services, as well as from the housing and communal services.

It should also be taken into account that beer is an excisable product, which should be subject to an additional tax of 15%.

What equipment is required

There are many factors that go into choosing a microbrewery equipment. This should include price, service life, product quality, terms of cooperation with suppliers, ease of use, etc.

In terms of production volumes, two types of equipment are distinguished:

  • a microbrewery producing 50-500 liters of beer per day;
  • mini-brewery, which is able to reach daily volumes from 500 to 15 thousand liters.

The most common brands of units are supplied to our country from Germany, Austria (the cost is about 500-600 thousand dollars) and the Czech Republic (about $ 300,000). However, domestically produced models are in the greatest demand, the cost of which varies from 50 to 200 thousand dollars.

Breweries according to production technology are divided into two types: with top and bottom fermentation. The top fermentation process allows you to get beer in a short time, but the brewed drink will not be ideal. Therefore, such equipment is considered the cheapest. With bottom fermentation, beer matures for several days in special tanks, due to which its quality reaches a high level, but the cost of the unit will also be much higher.

For more information about organizing your own brewery, see the following video:

Necessary space for a brewery

After choosing the necessary equipment, you should proceed to the stage of selecting a room. There can be two scenarios for the development of events: rent or purchase. In this case, the choice depends on personal desire and financial capabilities.

Most often, beginners in the field of brewing rent premises. This allows you to significantly save on repairs and communications. In addition, this method will help to understand the prospects for further business development and not to lay out huge amounts of money for a purchase that will not justify itself in the future.

When choosing a room, it should be taken into account that the brewery equipment must be connected to a three-phase 380 volt network.

This limits the possibility of its placement in residential apartment buildings. Such production should be organized in non-residential and detached buildings.

The area of ​​real estate directly depends on the number and size of the installed equipment. The facility should be located as close as possible to the consumers of products, fit the technical parameters for the equipment used and meet all the requirements of regulatory authorities. In addition to the mains, hot and cold water supply, as well as sewerage are supplied to the premises.

The total area of ​​the building must be at least 150 sq. m., of which about 100 meters are allocated for the placement of equipment, 35 for storage facilities and 15 for the administration room.

Required raw materials

When choosing raw materials for making beer, the main component is its recipe. For each variety, use water, malt, yeast and hops. Depending on the proportions of each ingredient, many varieties of this drink are obtained.

According to existing standards, malt can be of the highest, first or second quality class. The main criteria for its ranking are moisture content (about 6%), the amount of protein, the Kolbach number (degree of protein dissolution) and extractivity.

Domestic malt is cheaper than imported malt, although the latter is considered more cost-effective and of higher quality, and the required amount of its use is significantly less than Russian.

It is more cost-effective to purchase American-made hop pellets. However, the minimum order must be at least 50 tons. If the needs of the brewery are not so great, then you can resort to other options:

  • buy malt from equipment sellers at inflated prices;
  • turn to intermediaries or large breweries;
  • negotiate with other small breweries and buy large batches in clubbing.

Yeast can be purchased from both private breweries and large factories. Of course, it is better to opt for the second option, since the process of their production is more favorable there, and therefore the quality is higher.

Yeast can be either top or bottom fermented. Top yeast is often used to brew various types of wheat or dark beer. In our country, grassroots yeast is more popular. They can be both pressed and in the form of a thick mass. Their use allows you to get light beer with a low degree of fermentation.

Many domestic factories use ordinary tap water in the production process. And this is not entirely correct. The best taste can only be achieved with soft water. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase additional equipment or filters to improve its quality.

business technology

The general technology of brewing beer can be divided into stages:

  1. Mashing the wort. At this stage, the malt is crushed and filled with water.
  2. The resulting mass is filtered. The undissolved barley particles are discarded, leaving only the wort.
  3. Hops are added to the wort and boiled for about two hours. As a result, it dissolves, and unnecessary aromatic components are evaporated.
  4. Due to the centrifugal force in the hydrocyclone, the wort is cleared of residues and clarified.
  5. The resulting liquid is poured into the fermentation tank, where it is cooled and saturated with oxygen.
  6. Yeast is added to the tank and left to ferment for several weeks. Then the beer is aged in closed barrels under pressure, reaching the required consistency.
  7. The finished drink goes through the stages of filtration and pasteurization. It is believed that the pasteurization process impairs the taste of the drink, although it increases its shelf life.


The search and selection of employees should be carried out simultaneously with the repair work in the premises. The staff must be staffed by the time the equipment is installed and configured in order to immediately receive training.

Only those people who are prepared for the work process and are familiar with the operation manual of the machines and safety rules should be allowed to work.

At the first stage, six people can work in the state:

  • supervisor;
  • two brewers;
  • accountant;
  • driver;
  • cleaning woman.

Sales of products

The sale of manufactured products largely depends on the format of the brewery. There are several options here:

  • Offer beer in kegs to local restaurants and bars. This method of sales can be called difficult, since the volume of consumption of this drink in restaurants is small, and the owners of bars are accustomed to selling only popular brands. Efforts will need to be made to prove to the managers of these establishments the need to purchase these products.
  • Placing points of sale in shopping centers will allow selling both packaged goods and draft beer from the bar counter.
  • Opening of production in the place of sale of beer. It can be your own themed restaurant or pub. In this case, you can save on the purchase of kegs for transportation and transportation costs.

Total costs and estimated profit of the project

At the initial stage of organization of work, a mini-brewery will require significant investments.

Domestic equipment with a capacity of up to 100 liters per day will cost 1 million rubles. With such a daily production, it is necessary to stock up on 20 kegs with a volume of 50 liters, the cost of which will be about 20,000 rubles.

Starting costs, thousand rubles:

  • Equipment - 1000;
  • Refueling apparatus - 150;
  • Kegs (20 units) - 20;
  • Warehouse equipment - 30;
  • Repair work and installation of the apparatus - 200;
  • Legal registration - 80;
  • Equipment for administrative premises - 20;
  • Total: 1500.

Monthly expenses, thousand rubles

  • Premises rent - 30;
  • Transportation costs - 20;
  • Marketing - 20;
  • Salary - 70;
  • Raw materials - 150;
  • Total: 300.

For the first year, the brewery will require total costs about 5 million rubles. Monthly income can be 600,000 rubles (the price of one cup of drink is 100-200 rubles). After all tax contributions and other expenses in the first year, income can reach 2.5 million rubles. However, this figure will double in the second year.

The profitability of production is about 40%. Business payback period six months to two years.

Business pros and cons

Own brewing complex has a number of obvious advantages:

  • You can forget about interruptions in supplies, and customers always receive a fresh and high-quality drink.
  • It is possible to create your own beers according to an individual recipe. Such individuality can become a distinctive feature and a kind of business card of an institution that attracts customers.
  • Thanks to the preparation of both dark and light beer, it is possible to please visitors with different preferences. Own production guarantees its owner the quality of products and the absence of problems on this issue with regulatory authorities.
  • The positive point is the quick payback of the business.

Among the negative factors are significant initial financial costs, as well as the complex process of installation, adjustment and monitoring of equipment.


To determine the most profitable idea for a business, it is necessary to analyze the needs of the client. Beer production as a business is a pretty good idea to start your own business. In terms of taste, fresh draft beer significantly outperforms bottled beer. Restaurants and cafes can become clients of high-quality home-made live beer.

Before finally deciding on the opening of a beer business in Russia, it is necessary to calculate the expected production volumes.

For example:

  • a small brewery with a capacity of 55–550 l/day;
  • mini-brewery with a capacity of up to 15 thousand l / day.

The most profitable, experts say, is to open an enterprise with a product capacity of up to 1 thousand liters per day.

Organization of a mini-brewery

How to open a mini-brewery? Before organizing your brewery, you will need to find a room for making a drink. It should be spacious, as an exception - a home brewery, which does not provide for the production of large volumes of product.

Theoretically, this can be organized, but it turns out to be unprofitable in terms of monetary investments.

To form a full-scale beer business, you need to produce approximately 100 liters of beer per day. Regarding the registration of a case, it is difficult to unequivocally determine the required set of documents, since the production of beer in some regions is subject to licensing, while in others it is not necessary. Therefore, before starting your own beer business, it is recommended to consult an experienced lawyer.

Business registration

  • If you want to organize an independent mini-brewery in order to sell your own beer, you need to legally register your own business with the relevant authorities: tax, SES, PB.
  • First of all, it is necessary to determine the legal form of the future enterprise. For a home beer business, the most optimal case is an IP (individual entrepreneurial activity). The process of paperwork in this case is carried out quite quickly, and a simplified taxation system is applied to the entrepreneur.


  • In Russia, bills related to the licensing of the beer business are annually considered for making a drink at home. Today, small beer production does not require a license. This is a fairly significant advantage for starting your own business in this field of activity.

Home brewery space

  • "Home brewery" as an option does not provide for large investments in the arrangement of the premises. Do-it-yourself brewing is a realistically reproducible case with minimal cash outlay.
  • You can start a home beer business in a small, separately built room, your own garage. Later, to expand the business, it is realistic to rent a small production workshop.

Raw material

  • The main raw materials for making beer are malt, hops, yeast, and, of course, water. The taste of the finished product depends to a greater extent on water. Experts recommend taking soft, clean water for making beer. And this may require additional equipment.
  • The purchase of raw materials can be carried out abroad: from equipment suppliers, large beer producers. The acquisition of foreign raw materials is very profitable if you order goods in large quantities.

In this case, to launch your own production, you will need to invest about 2 million rubles, then the monthly profit will be about 200,000 rubles.

Production costs

How much does it cost to open a brewery? A brewery can be opened on its own if you have about $2,500 on hand. First you need to do the preparation of the necessary documents:

  • Register the company with state bodies.
  • Draw up a contractual agreement of founders, articles of association.
  • Other documents.

It will take about $300 to complete the paperwork.

The next stage is the purchase of the necessary equipment. Costs will depend on the planned scale of production. You can invest at least $2,500. But, if there are funds, then it will take about $7,000 to organize a more extensive enterprise.


  • The profitability of mini beer production in Russia is about 40 percent.
  • Payback - from two to three months.
  • In a workshop with an area of ​​30 squares, it is possible to organize the production of 50 l / day.
  • To service the equipment of such an enterprise, it will be enough to hire one specialist.

After about six months, when the mini-production pays off, some savings appear, the home beer enterprise can be expanded. Accordingly, the profit from the beer business will also increase.

Organization of a micro brewery

For a microbrewery to produce 100 liters of product per day, you need a room of 40 square meters. Such an enterprise will make it possible to produce 30–2000 liters of a “live” product per day.

Minimum set of equipment

  • Electric stove.
  • Fermentation container.
  • Wort boiler.
  • Water filters.
  • Kegs.
  • Fermenters.
  • Specialized installations for sterilization.

The cost of microbrewery equipment

In Russia, one set of equipped micro breweries costs about $2,500. This includes:

  • Container with water seal.
  • Set of laboratory equipment.
  • Technical documentation for the preparation of eight varieties of the product.
  • Raw materials: malt concentrate, yeast, disinfectant.

For fermentation of the product, distribution of beer in a separate container, kegs are used - special sealed containers. Kegs are recommended to be purchased from food grade plastic. They are the most affordable, their capacity is 10.25 liters.

At the initial stage, you can purchase used equipment. This will significantly reduce the initial costs.

Profitability of the beer business

To create a mini-production at home, you will need a relatively small investment. This makes this field of activity very profitable, tempting for young entrepreneurs. The payback period of an average beer business is about one or two years.

The main advantage: the ability to organize a mini-production with its subsequent expansion.

Microbrewery Profitability

  • Profitability - 40 percent.
  • Payback - 1.5–2 years.
  • Monthly income - 600,000 rubles. at the cost of a glass of beer 0.5 l - up to 200 rubles.
  • Investments in the first year of operation - up to 4 million rubles.
  • Profit in the first year, including tax - 2.5 million rubles.
  • Income for the second year - up to 5 million rubles.

Profitability of a microbrewery

  • To make 50 liters of beer, you need 3-4 cans of concentrate, 15 g of beer yeast, 2 kg of sugar.
  • Investment in a microbrewery - from 2000 to 7000 dollars.
  • Profitability of production - 40 percent.
  • Payback - 2.5 months.


The profit of a beer company in Russia depends primarily on distribution channels. A brewery as a business on a large scale requires considerable financial resources, which not every young entrepreneur can have. The business idea for selling beer on tap does not require significant investments, therefore, having little money, it is recommended to start with it, and later you can start your own production.

Review material for those who have decided to open their own brewery.

Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of players on the brewing market today (about 300 enterprises produce over 750 million decalitres annually), it is still very far from being saturated and there is room for newcomers. Open a brewery- a good small business, it does not require large expenses and is easily predicted, it is impossible to burn out with it.

Unique selling proposition of good microbreweries- "live beer. The technology of "live" beer eliminates filtration and heat treatment - labor-intensive processes. This beer keeps the cells of brewer's yeast alive, so it always has sediment at the bottom, and does not contain preservatives. “Live” bottom-fermented beer (at temperatures below zero degrees) is stored for several days, it needs to be sold as soon as possible, like “live” kvass. This beer, brewed in mini brewery, suitable for restaurants and bars, when you can cook the predicted volume and not burn out.

Before open a brewery, you should familiarize yourself with the classification of breweries adopted in this business.

  • In the small segment, the division into microbreweries(produce from 25 to 5000 liters per day) and microbreweries(from 5,000 liters and above).
  • In terms of productivity - for restaurant-type breweries and industrial breweries.
  • In terms of raw materials consumed and the organization of the technology of the brewing process (and these differences are much more important from the point of view of a novice brewer) - to full-cycle breweries and breweries with a shortened production cycle.

Full cycle breweries are often referred to as "miniature breweries" Open a brewery of this type is labor and capital intensive. With a capital of less than 150-200 thousand dollars, it is not even worth poking into the segment of mini-breweries. A full-fledged beer production will require large areas (at least 100-300 square meters) and expensive equipment.

Opening a full-cycle brewery for small entrepreneurs is advisable as part of a restaurant or large bar promotion strategy.

A completely different matter is “shortened” breweries, the main difference of which is the use of malt extracts - ready-made hopped beer wort, thickly evaporated and ready for fermentation, which eliminates the need to purchase expensive brewing equipment and filtering units. And, most importantly, the brewery with a shortened cycle fits even in a small area.

Microbreweries for the production of 100 liters of beer per day require an area of ​​about 40 square meters, allow you to prepare from 30 to 2,000 liters of "live" beer per day. The set of equipment necessary for the production of a blessed drink is minimal: fermentation tanks, an electric stove or a wort kettle for syrup, water filters and sterilizing devices, fermenters and kegs.

Teddy Beer from the company of the same name and Bierhaus (Germany) from Biron LLC are leaders in the equipment market for mini-breweries. Bier haus microbreweries are delivered ready for operation, they only need to be installed on site and connected (ordinary plumbing and sewerage communications and a standard electrical network are sufficient). The area required for installation does not exceed 3.5 square meters. m for 3,000 liters per month.

Base microbrewery equipment set will cost you about 2,000 euros, it includes containers with a water seal, a laboratory kit and raw materials - hopped malt concentrate plus dry beer yeast, detergent and disinfectant and, most importantly, regulatory and technical documentation - specifications for eight varieties of unfiltered beer.

Sealed kegs are used for dispensing beer on tap and after-fermentation. Here we can recommend buying affordable containers made of food-grade plastic with a volume of 10 and 25 liters. Their main advantage is that they have a sealed lid with an overpressure relief valve and a tap; they can serve both for the final fermentation and maturation of beer, and for dispensing them to the buyer. To save money, a novice entrepreneur can purchase used equipment, there are a lot of such offers.

But in this business, not everything is so simple. Entrepreneurs have enough problems. And they are connected mainly with administrative barriers and distribution.

Despite the simplicity of the technology beer production, it is very difficult to certify. One of the main problems of local producers is related to the excise policy of the state. The annual indexation of the beer excise rate pushes regional enterprises to the edge of business profitability. Therefore, if the situation does not change in the next five or six years, then some local enterprises will be forced to either diversify production or close altogether.

Young and bold: how to open your own brewery at 22

The sale of beer is also not an easy task. Main Audience microbreweries these are small bars and cafes that can and are ready to offer their customers exclusive beer.

Another marketing opportunity is to produce and retail bottled beer. When making bottled beer, you will need to purchase additional equipment for bottling beer, capping with a crown cap or cap, sticking labels, shrink wrapping, etc. But this is not even the problem, the main burden of costs is promotion and distribution. It is very difficult for microbreweries to get into stores with small volumes and a special product with a limited shelf life.

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How to open your own brewery and is it necessary at all?

In this article, we will give an example of the calculation potential payback of the PPR-300 brewery with a working volume of 300 liters of beer per day. Under the concept of POTENTIAL, we mean the payback period under special conditions, in which we will proceed from the fact that the brewery is operating at full capacity, that is, there is a full sale of manufactured products - 300 liters of beer per day. In addition, as a result of the calculation, we will take into account the cost of renting the premises, the cost of a license, permits and tax rates of some hypothetical example from Ukraine. We ask you to keep in mind that for different clients, in different countries and regions, these data differ significantly and can only be known for certain to you.

We calculate the cost of one brew of 300 liters of beer wort and calculate the cost of one liter of beer.
So, for one brew of 300 liters of beer, you need:

Conclusion: the cost of 1 liter. beer: 4.85* UAH

* price on the day of writing the article. Actual cost your beer You can calculate in a special beer cost calculator.

Let's calculate the income from the sale of 300 liters of beer per day, income per month and per year.

Revenue from the sale of beer:

Now let's try to take into account the inevitable monthly expenses, using the average figures for Ukraine:

Monthly beer production costs:

item of expenditure units

How to open a private mini brewery

Price, UAH. expenses per day, UAH expenses per month, UAH expenses per year, UAH
container washing / disposable container 300 9000 108000
salary of the brewer months 6000 200 6000 72000
salary of a helper months 3000 100 3000 36000
room rental months 10000 333 10000 120000
space heating/cooling months 5000 166 5000 60000
taxes months 1500 1500 18000
room rental months 10000 10000 120000
just a year 414000

Annual income from the brewery

A little higher, we found out that the revenue from the sale of beer per year will be 1.635.750.00 UAH.
Costs per year will amount to UAH 414,000.00. In this way, potential earnings per year is UAH 1,221,750.00.
The hryvnia exchange rate on the day of writing the article: 23 hryvnia. / 1$
Thus, earnings per year in US currency will be $55.728

Initial investment

price of brewery equipment, $ 16.500*
price of a set of kegs (84 pcs.), $ 8.400
other expenses, $ 5.000
total, $ 29.900

* Price on the day of writing the article. The actual cost of the complete set of brewery equipment you need can be determined using the brewery cost calculator.

So, having as a result $55.728 annual income and $29.900 initial investment, we see that potential the payback period for a complete set of equipment for a brewery is 6.75 months, that is, a little more than six months.

Of course, without knowing the exact deadline for reaching the full volume of sales and without having accurate data on expenses in your particular case (taxes, rent, license), we cannot give you an accurate forecast of the payback period. However, for all other parameters, our calculations very accurate and objective. And let's multiply our payback period for reinsurance TWICE and get as a result - 12-14 months!

Based on this, draw your conclusion: are there still many industries that pay off in one year, and in the second year begin to bring you a profit of $ 5000-6000 per month?

We are always happy to answer your questions. We provide comprehensive consultations free of charge on the optimal configuration of equipment and the correct layout of the premises for your brewery, we offer installation and commissioning of brewing equipment, we provide staff training and test brews.

Recently, more and more people decide to open their own business. There are a lot of ways, but such an option as mini-breweries is in consistently high demand.

This is due to the fact that this business requires a fairly moderate initial capital. Let's try to figure out what needs to be done in order not just to open a brewery, but to make sure that it brings a certain profit to its owner.

Business Features

Microbreweries tend to specialize in the production of live unfiltered beer. And in recent years, this direction of entrepreneurial activity has become increasingly popular and
in demand.

Despite the fact that the brewing market is currently already a large number of participants, own brewery remains a good small business. First of all, this is due to the following reasons:

  • opening a brewing business does not require too much investment;
  • the course of business can be easily predicted;
  • It's hard to burn out in brewing.

As for the technology of creating live beer, which mini-breweries specialize in, its peculiarity lies in the fact that the preparation of the drink does not require filtration and heat treatment. As a result the foamy drink keeps the brewer's yeast cells alive and does not contain any preservatives. Despite the fact that the shelf life of such beer is only a few days, it is absolutely easy to brew the predicted volume and not burn out.

Types of breweries

In the small business segment, there is a certain division of microbreweries. First of all, these are breweries that produce beer from 25 to 5000 liters on a daily basis and breweries that work with volumes of more than 5000 liters.

  • full cycle;
  • with a shortened production cycle.

Full cycle breweries are essentially small breweries. The organization of such a business is not only a laborious process, but also requiring significant financial investments. Average to open this case a minimum of $150,000 is required. After all, you will need not only expensive equipment, but also large areas for the organization of the production process.

The situation is quite different for short cycle breweries. They require about 40 square meters of space and allow to produce from 30 to 2000 liters of unfiltered beer per day.

At the same time, a set of production equipment requires a minimum:

  • fermentation tank;
  • wort kettle (or stove);
  • sterilizing devices;
  • water filters;
  • kegs.

Registration features

Any legal entity or private entrepreneur can open their own brewery. But in order to engage in this type of business, it is necessary that in the constituent documents (in the Charter of the enterprise or in the certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur) there should be a mark on such a permitted type of activity as the production and wholesale and retail sale of beer.

According to the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities", brewing does not belong to the type of activity that requires mandatory licensing procedures. But some other special documents will definitely be required. Primarily, we are talking about a hygiene certificate (it is issued, as a rule, for a period of one to three years), certificates of conformity for the raw materials used, equipment for the production of beer and, of course, for finished products. You will also need a permit for the production of beer.

The decision regarding the issuance of all certificates is made by the Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance. To obtain a permit for the production of beer, you will need documents confirming the fact that the premises in which the brewery is located fully comply with all applicable sanitary and hygienic standards, as well as fire safety.

Premises, equipment

Breweries are allowed to be placed in various premises, including basements, semi-basements and multi-storey buildings. Often, breweries are equipped with premises at beer bars and restaurants. At the same time, often part of the equipment is located directly in the restaurant hall, which gives the institution a special atmosphere. Most often, containers for fermentation are displayed in the halls.

There are certain technological requirements for the premises for breweries, which must be observed. So, the walls must necessarily be finished with ceramic tiles to a height of at least two meters. ceilings must be painted with water-based paint or whitewashed. As for floors, various materials are allowed to cover them. Usually we are talking about reinforced concrete or ceramic tiles. Heating in the room can be air, steam or water.

Equipment for the brewery can be selected, both domestic and imported. Experts recommend paying attention, first of all, to the products of the world's leading manufacturers. It will not only serve for a long period of time, but will positively affect the quality of the beer produced. By the way, many companies specializing in the production and sale of special equipment for breweries are also involved in staff training.

To effectively carry out its activities, any brewery requires the following minimum:

  • fermentation tank;
  • container for fermentation;
  • cooling chamber;
  • scales;
  • water filters;
  • syrup boiler;
  • bath for sterilizing agent;
  • means for washing and sanitizing;

If the brewery is equipped with imported equipment, it will take from $60,000 to $100,000. If you make a choice in favor of domestic products, the brewery will cost a little less.

But whichever option you prefer, you should remember that the price range in the relevant market sector is quite wide, and in principle you can find a suitable option for almost any budget.


If we talk about breweries in the usual production format, in addition to brewers-technologists, several sales managers and drivers will be required. It is also mandatory to have your own accountant. The latter is extremely necessary, because beer is an excisable product, and it is highly recommended to entrust the process of paying excise duty to an experienced specialist.

Restaurant-style breweries do not need a large number of employees. If only because the staff of the institution will be engaged in the sale of products. To ensure the functioning of the brewery itself, it will be enough for the main brewer and his assistant.

How to open a private brewery is described in the video.

Features of promotion and business pitfalls

In order for the products of the brewery to be in high demand among the potential consumer, it is extremely important to organize the promotion of the brewery. It's no secret that the main role of promotion is to stimulate consumer demand and improve the company's image. In addition, in order for the products of the brewery to be in demand, one should try to create an image of it that is memorable for the consumer.

The main ways to promote can be:

  • advertising;
  • sales promotion (discounts, contests, coupons, promotions);
  • publicity (press releases, sponsorship of events);
  • personal selling.

In addition to collecting permits necessary for the production and subsequent sale of beer, a novice brewer may also face the problem of selling his own products. The fact is that the corresponding market sector is sufficiently saturated with all kinds of offers, and therefore not everyone succeeds in finding their niche. One of the best ways to solve the sales problem is