Brie cheese and Camembert cheese: similarities and differences. Soft cheeses: Camembert and Brie dishes will be the best you've ever tasted

Some products were not available to the Russian consumer until recently. However, now many of them can be purchased at any supermarket or online sites. Brie and Camembert cheeses can be attributed to this category of goods.

Differences between Brie and Camembert cheeses

Both dessert cheese varieties have a similar composition. In both cheeses, pasteurized milk, cream, mold cultures, sourdough, milk-clotting enzymes, and salt are used as components. However, there are more differences between varieties.

Camembert contains skimmed milk, A mass fraction fat in the cheese base is 45-50%. More than half of Brie cheese consists of cream, about 60-65% of them in the cheese base.

During the production of Camembert cheese, lactic acid cultures are introduced five times, due to which the finished cheese has a delicate mushroom taste and smell. In Brie, such cultures are added once, so it is softer, more salty in taste and has a slight aroma of ammonia.

These types of cheese differ in appearance. Brie has an oval and slightly raised shape, the cheese head inside is light, white and cream. Camembert is flatter, the cheese head has a yellowish tint. Both varieties of cheese have a soft core. In a properly ripe Brie, it is a little viscous, while in Camembert it can be watery.

Cheese prices

The cost of cheeses varies depending on the manufacturer and the trading platform. The average price for 250 g of Camembert is about 450 rubles, and the average price for 250 g of Brie cheese is 500 rubles.

How to eat Camembert

Camembert stored in the refrigerator completely changes its taste, aroma and texture. To return the cheese to its original properties, it should be left out of the refrigerator for at least thirty minutes to heat up to room temperature. Previously, the product can be cut into triangular pieces.

Camembert is a dessert variety. It can be combined with grapes, nuts, crackers, sour berry jams.

Traditionally, Camembert is served with dessert wine, Chardonnay, Beaujolais, Pinot Noir, cider or Calvados.

How to eat Brie

Just like Camembert, Brie cheese should be brought to room temperature. Cheese should be eaten along with the crust. The product goes well with pears, apples, sweet berries, crackers, croissants and baguettes.

Brie is traditionally served with Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, dessert wines, Beaujolais. In addition, the taste of cheese is emphasized by champagne and cider.

Benefits of Camembert Cheese

Camembert is a source of trace elements necessary for the body. It contains calcium and phosphorus, which help to overcome psycho-emotional stress. Due to the large amount of calcium, Camembert can be consumed by people suffering from arthritis, arthrosis, diseases of bones, joints and teeth. This variety of cheese will be an excellent addition to the menu of allergy sufferers who are lactose intolerant: there is very little of it in Camembert.

However, Camembert is not recommended for children under seven years of age and pregnant women: it uses unpasteurized milk, which can cause listeriosis. Camembert over 50 g per day is also contraindicated for hypertensive patients due to its fat content.

Benefits of Brie Cheese

Brie variety, like Camembert, is rich in calcium, which strengthens bone and dental tissue. Brie cheese contains a large number of vitamin A, which has a positive effect on vision and collagen production. B vitamins, which are also found in Brie, normalize the work of cardio-vascular system, nerve cells, eliminate insomnia and prevent caries.

Brie and Camembert will be the best choice for lovers of dessert cheeses and those who plan to diversify their everyday menu.

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Each nation has its own recipes for preparing various dairy products, and those that have a long shelf life without compromising quality, taste and nutritional value are especially valued. And, of course, the most famous are French cheeses, of which there are more than 200 varieties. Camembert and brie are the most popular types of soft cheeses made in France and Normandy. Brie is the original source that gave birth to Camembert, but there is no exact data on the origin of the legendary cheese. Both products differ exclusively exquisite taste Brie is called the cheese of kings for a reason.

Brie is made from raw cow's milk, pre-salted and heated. Next, the milk is fermented and simply dried, while the outer crust is formed, and the cheese ripens inside. A cake up to 4.7 cm thick is formed. The thinner it is, the stronger the taste of the cheese. This takes about a month. Well-made brie is covered with a velvety white mold. The crust has a rather sharp ammonia smell, but has no taste, although it is edible. The aroma of the inner, soft part resembles the smell of hazelnuts. There are three main varieties of brie (from the place of main production): Brie de Meux, Brie de Melin and Brie de Coulommier, as well as, great amount variations from the milk of different animals and with the addition additional ingredients: nuts, herbs, dried fruits. Brie goes well with fruit and is served as an appetizer for wines, including champagne.

As part of standard production, a camembert circle is made from whole cow's milk of the highest quality, poured into a special mold in two passes, pre-salted and saturated rennet. Moreover, milk is taken only from cows grazing on specially designated pastures. The cheese ripens for more than a month, and each circle has standard dimensions - thickness - 3-3.1 cm, diameter 11.3 cm, and weight must be strictly 340 grams. The first days the milk is constantly stirred so that the cream does not exfoliate, and then I form circles, let the whey drain and put it in a special room for maturation, and every day the circle is turned over. From above, the circle is covered with a crust with mold, and the inside becomes soft, oily, oily with spicy and spicy taste. The color can be from light cream to brick - depending on the shelf life after ripening. At the same time, the quality of the cheese is not lost, just the taste becomes more saturated. This cheese is best served with neutral wine and fresh white grapes. It is also added to sauces and soups to give an exceptional taste and aroma.

Calorie content and nutritional value per 100 g

Both camembert and brie have an impressive protein content and fatty acids. For 100 grams of these dairy products, there are from 290 kcal for Camembert to 330 kcal for brie. Among other components, 100 grams of these cheeses contain on average about 20 grams of protein, up to 27 grams of fat, and carbohydrates - no more than 0.5 grams. Water makes up almost half of the content, plus almost 3 g of ash, that is, useful macro- and microelements, among which the most valuable are: calcium (185 mg), potassium (150 mg), phosphorus (190 mg), iron (up to 0.5 mg), zinc (2.4 mg).

In terms of composition, camembert has a slightly higher ash content - up to 3.8 grams per 100 grams of product, and therefore high content minerals: for example, calcium - up to 380 mg, potassium up to 190 mg, phosphorus - 350 mg, and such valuable iron - 0.33 mg.

Both types of cheeses are very rich in vitamins: vitamin A (up to 250 mg), high content B vitamins, including almost 60 mcg of folic acid - youth vitamin B9. Also, these cheeses are rich in vitamin E (0.20 mcg), D (0.4-0.5 mcg), and 50 grams of cheese provide daily dose vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid - 1.4 mcg) and vitamin B 12 (1.3 mcg).

Useful properties of camembert and brie

Both types of cheese are very useful for the body, supplying it with 8 important amino acids and a whole bunch of vitamins. The mold that forms in cheeses will enrich the human intestines with important microflora and contribute to the synthesis of vitamin B.

Let's try to consider the beneficial factors of these cheeses separately. Speaking of camembert, it is not only useful, but also incredibly in demand for its taste qualities. This cheese is respected by gourmets around the world, it is used in tandem with wine, added to desserts, soups and other dishes. This product is an abundance of amino acids, so it will be recommended in the diet of athletes and analysts. Camembert is connected to the diet of people with malnutrition and oncological tumors.

In addition to amino acids, cheese can compete for laurels in the field of calcium and phosphorus content, among other dairy products. For this, Camembert is connected to multivitamin preparations for people suffering from arthrosis, during the treatment of fractures and adolescents, when the bone structure is actively forming. Already proven beneficial effect camembert on nervous system human and tooth enamel.

It is noteworthy that Camembert is almost completely devoid of lactose, so this cheese is absolutely safe for people with intolerance to this component of dairy products. Only 50 grams of this cheese per day can qualitatively enrich the human diet with vitamins, microelements and other useful substances.

As for brie, then this cheese does not hold useful properties. It contains a lot of vitamins A and D, plus a wide range of minerals. Like Camembert, Brie is lactose-free. Thanks to the mold that appears in brie, the cheese stimulates the body's own production of B vitamins, carrying out their full synthesis.

Mold also has a beneficial effect on the condition of human skin - mold elements accumulate under the skin and protect it from inflammation and sunburn. Brie will take care of the healthy state of bones and tooth enamel, but it is not recommended to abuse this type of cheese. Once every couple of days, a brie dish will have a beneficial effect on the human body, avoiding overeating, this product will be an excellent source of vitamins for your body.

Cheese is made from milk, but cheese protein is even more digestible. Moreover, the protein from cheese is similar in its amino acids to the protein in the human body, and this, of course, is only a plus. Cheese also contains amino acids that are not produced by the body on its own - these are lysine, methionine, tryptophan.

What can be found in cheese?

And where without an endless list of Latin letters! In cheese you will find vitamins E, C, PP, D, A, B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B9, B12). And also valuable minerals: calcium, copper, manganese, iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, magnesium.

But cheeses are not deprived of calories either. Depending on the type, of course, the number of calories can vary from 260 to 400 kcal per 100 grams of cheese.

Soft cheese (since today we are talking about them) consists of:

  • increased amount of moisture 50-65%
  • salt 2.5-5%
  • 85% complete highly digestible proteins
  • vitamins (which are discussed above)

What other soft cheeses are there and how are they prepared?

Duo (Duo)- fused german puff cheese with layers of nuts or salmon.

Liederkranz- soft brie cheese, the most expensive cheese in the United States.

Munster- one of the noblest soft French cheeses with a reddish rind, the recipe of which was invented by the Benedictine monks in the 7th century.

Reblochon or reblochon (Reblochon)- French soft cheese made from cow's milk (required from cows of three different breeds), salty, with a nutty flavor. It comes in two varieties: peasant and fruit.

Rollo- soft cow cheese heart-shaped or round, from France. If you suddenly thought that you would cook something romantic and not banal for your loved one for breakfast, the cheese makers have already prepared everything for you.

Heroes of the Day - Camembert and Brie

These varieties are covered with a characteristic white coating, which is formed in special cellars, the walls of which are covered with fungi from the genus Penicillum. A few words about the guys.

Bree- This french cheese. It was invented in the 7th century in the abbey of Jouard. Brie was called the king of cheeses and a first-class dessert. This cheese was recognized as the winner among other cheeses, none of which could really compete with it.

Bree requires at least a month of rest - he needs time to mature. The edges of the present are white, with slight traces of yellow and red. The taste of this cheese varies from fruity to mushroomy.

Camembert. This cheese is named after the place of its birth - the village of Camembert in Normandy (France). Costs of popularity: today a lot of analogues of real Camembert are produced in the world, but only real Camembert is equipped with a special quality mark and special packaging - this is a round wooden box with a cheese circle weighing 250 grams, 11 cm in diameter and 3 cm in height. The only traditional real Camembert is called AOC -Camembert de la Norman-die.

It takes at least two and a half liters to prepare one cheese weighing 250 g. Like Brie, Camembert matures for at least 21 days. Since real Camembert is not subject to long-term storage it is often sold slightly underripe.

Your new favorite dish is baked camembert

This simplest dish will scatter flavor throughout the city, provoke the production of liters of saliva in the nearest district, and give true pleasure to the one who eats. And it's incredibly easy to make.


  • Camembert cheese - 1 round
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • fresh thyme - 4 stalks
  • olive oil- 1.5 tablespoons
  • ciabatta - 1 pc (but it's better to make bread yourself)

How to cook:

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Use a knife to pierce the top of the cheese in several places and stuff the holes with pieces of 1 clove of garlic and pieces of thyme sprigs.

Drizzle with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and place in the oven for about 10 minutes until the center of the cheese is melted. Cut the ciabatta into pieces and drizzle with olive oil. Grill or toaster until golden brown, then rub with a clove of garlic.

Put on a dish garlic bread, and put in the center hot cheese to dip slices of bread in.

Fettuccine with melted brie, cherry tomatoes and basil


  • Brie cheese - 300 g
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • olive oil - 6 tablespoons
  • cherry tomatoes - 300 g
  • basil leaves - 7 tablespoons
  • lemon - ½ pieces
  • fettuccine pasta - 400 gr

How to cook:

Cut the rind off the Brie and cut the cheese into cubes. Transfer to a bowl, add chopped garlic, olive oil, halved cherry tomatoes, finely chopped basil, grated zest and juice of 0.5 lemon. Salt and pepper and mix well. Leave for 10 minutes.

Cook the pasta in a large pot of boiling salted water until tender. Drain and return to saucepan. Add the brie mixture, stir and serve.

Hot sandwich with brie cheese and grapes


  • white bread (or again, cooked at home,)
  • butter
  • brie cheese
  • grape

How to cook:

Butter the bread. Lay the cheese on the buttered side of one slice of bread and place the halved grapes on it. Top with second piece of bread. Conventional convection oven: place the sandwiches under the grill, keep there until done. Eat immediately with watercress and tomato. The peculiarity of the dish is in combination.

Crostini with mango, brie and mint


  • whole grain bread - 4 pieces
  • mango - 8 slices
  • Brie cheese - 50 g
  • fresh mint
  • walnuts

How to cook:

You only need 10 minutes. Dry the bread on the grill in the oven (or in a grill pan without oil). Brie cut into small pieces. Spread the cheese on warm slices of bread, cut in half and remove the pit. In each half, put 0.5 teaspoon of cheese and put on a dish. Melt the butter in a skillet over low heat. Heat until the oil turns dark.

Add nuts and stir for 1 minute. Then add maple syrup and, stirring, cook for 1 more minute. Remove from fire. Place a few pieces of nuts on top of the cheese and press lightly. Drizzle with syrup and serve warm.

December 18, 2014

What is the difference between Brie and Camembert cheese?

Brie and Camembert cheeses are made from cow's milk. These are soft cheeses with a characteristic white crust. But what is the difference between Brie and Camembert cheeses? At first glance, these two cheeses are very similar to each other, so many people confuse them.

In fact, Brie and Camembert are two completely different cheeses. Let's take a closer look at what is the difference between them.

Fat content of cheeses

During the production of Brie cheese, cream is added to it. Cream is not added to Camembert. As a result, these two cheeses have different fat content: 60% for Brie and only 45% for Camembert.

Quantity of cheese starter

In the production of Camembert, strong cheese starters are used, which are added to the mass of the future cheese 5 times. When preparing Brie, the cheese starter is added only once, as a result, the cheese is obtained with a lighter taste and aroma.

Appearance of cheese

Brie cheese is taller but smaller in diameter than Camembert. Camembert has a constant diameter and weight of 250 grams.

Cheese color inside

Brie cheese inside can be called white. The color of Camembert is closer to yellow. Sometimes quite yellow.

Taste and smell

Brie has a light smell and a salty taste. Camembert - much more smelly cheese. It can smell of earth and even "barnyard", mushrooms or hay. It is saltier than Brie cheese. To some, the taste of Camembert resembles the taste of national Japanese cuisine.