Fried pies with cheese. Puff pastry pies with double cheese. Puff pastries with cheese and minced meat.

The pies sound delicious! And if these are pies with cheese, then even more tempting. In this collection, we will highlight the most delicious pies that can be cooked with cheese.

There are countless options for fillings for pies - they can be cooked with meat, vegetables, eggs, herbs, etc., but one of the most popular are pies with cheese, so appetizing and tasty that it is simply impossible to break away from them! Ruddy dough, and inside - stretching fragrant cheese, for lovers of delicious food, this is a real gastronomic pleasure.

Cheese pies can be prepared from different test, with different cheese - ordinary hard, suluguni, feta, etc., but to complement cheese filling can various products There are many options, but we will tell you about the most delicious of them.

Recipe one: Puff pastry pies with cheese

You will need: 1kg of ready-made puff pastry, 300g of hard cheese, vegetable oil.

How to cook pies with cheese from yeast dough. Roll out the dough thinly, cut into rectangles. Place grated on half of each rectangle. coarse grater cheese, cover with the second half of the dough and pinch the edges. Put the pies on a greased baking sheet at a small distance from each other. Put in an oven heated to 200 degrees, bake until browned for about 15-20 minutes.

These pies can be cooked with hard cheese different varieties or melted cheese. Also, the filling can be supplemented with nuts, herbs, etc. according to your taste.

The following pies are also very easy to make from puff pastry.

Recipe two: Quick puff pastries with feta cheese and ham

You will need: 500g of ready-made puff pastry, 200g of feta cheese, 150g of parsley, 100g of ham, 5 pitted olives, 1 egg and red sweet pepper.

How to cook puff pastries with feta cheese and ham. Finely chop de-seeded Bell pepper, ham, olives, parsley, cheese, mix the ingredients for the filling. Roll out the dough, cut out rectangles, put the filling on half of the rectangles, cover with dough, pinch the edges. Put the pies on a baking sheet covered with parchment, coat with egg, bake for 15-20 minutes in an oven preheated to 220 degrees.

The following pies are a little more difficult to prepare, since they need to prepare the dough.

Recipe three: Yogurt dough pies with feta and nuts


You will need: dough - 225 g of pancake flour, 90 g of thick natural yogurt, 3 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. melted butter, filling - 150g feta cheese, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. fresh leaves mint and milk, 1 tbsp. roasted pine nuts and raisins, vegetable oil.

How to cook pies with cheese and nuts. Sift flour into a bowl, add yogurt, both oils, knead the dough with your hands and put it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. For the filling, break one egg into a bowl, add crumbled cheese, pour in milk and mix, adding nuts, raisins and mint. Heat the oven to 190 degrees, divide the dough in half, roll out one half, cut circles about 7-8 cm in diameter from the dough layer. Put the filling on each circle so as to cover it with the second half of the circle and get a crescent, pinch the edges, put the pies on a greased baking sheet, cook the rest of the pies in the same way from the remaining dough, coat them with the yolk of the second egg and bake for 20 minutes until browning.

The last pies in our selection are with suluguni cheese or feta cheese.

Recipe Four: Yeast Dough Pies with Cheese

You will need: dough - 50g butter, 15g yeast, 3.5 cups flour, 1 egg, a glass of milk and water, 1 tbsp. sugar, pepper, salt, for the filling - 350 g of suluguni cheese or cheese, 50 g of butter, 1 egg, salt, vegetable oil for frying.

How to cook pies from yeast dough with suluguni. 1 tbsp mix flour, sugar and yeast, dissolve in warm water, leave for 10-15 minutes in heat. Sift the rest of the flour with a pea, make a hole in the center, pour warm milk, egg yolk and whipped white, warm butter and the approached dough (yeast mixture) into it, knead the dough, leave it warm for 2-3 hours. Grate cheese, mix with butter and egg, salt. Roll out the dough thinly, cut out circles of 4 cm in diameter from it, put a tablespoon of filling on each, lift up and connect the edges, pinch them. Fry pies on both sides until browning in a pan with vegetable oil. You can bake them in the oven.

Cheese pies will appeal to both adults and children! Delight your family with such appetizing and!

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It is impossible to express in words the beauty of their taste. You can only feel it after you try them. Cheese pies in the oven- they are so magical, glorious and cute. This is just an unearthly pleasure, which is very difficult to retell. Never before has the taste of homemade bread been so amazing, but simple and light.

    Required Products for dough and filling:
  • Wheat flour of the highest grade - 300 g,
  • Dry yeast - 11 g,
  • Sugar 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - 1/2 teaspoon,
  • Vegetable oil - 30 ml,
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.,
  • Sesame - as needed
  • Goat cheese, Greek cheese feta or cheese - 300 g (for the filling).

Time for preparing: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Cheese can be used in various varieties. An alternative to goat is cheese, in last resort- melted. In any case, the highlight of this recipe is precisely the filling, otherwise these are the most ordinary yeast dough pies prepared in the traditional way.

Air pies with cheese in the oven - a step by step recipe

First of all, prepare the brew. In a small bowl, combine 1 teaspoon of sugar and a bag of yeast, pour 150 ml of warm water, stir and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Meanwhile, in a deep bowl, sift the flour and mix with salt. After a while, as soon as the yeast begins to ferment and forms a foam, pour the dough into a bowl of flour, pour in the oil and knead homogeneous dough medium density. Learn more about the cooking process pie dough for all kinds you can see .

Carefully exchange the dough, roll into a circle, cover with a warm towel and let it brew for at least 30 minutes in a warm place, or even more, until yeast dough will not noticeably increase in volume.

As time passes, ready dough for pies, having previously kneaded, give the shape of a cake with your fingers, and then roll it into a fairly thin layer using a rolling pin.

Cut off the edges and cut the layer into small triangles, like on bagels. AT this case pies stuffed with cheese should not be huge, and this is because the filling is baked as best as possible.

Pre-grind the cheese with your hands and put on triangles along the wide edge, as far as roominess, about 1/2 tablespoon. Pull the two near ends towards each other so that the filling remains between them, and roll into neat rolls.

From the bottom of each product, spreading a small amount of oil, place the pastries on a baking sheet, leaving a distance between them.

Separately, beat the chicken egg, generously grease the surface of the yeast baking with it, sprinkle with sesame seeds and place the baking sheet in the preheated oven.

Bake cheese pies from yeast dough for 20 minutes, at a temperature of 180 degrees, until the surface of the pastry is browned.

Delicious and fragrant, lush and tender, baked cheese pies from yeast dough are ready. They caress the palate, melt in your mouth and go great with tea.

In each case, the cooking time for homemade cakes can vary significantly, sometimes due to the volume of the product or the amount of filling.

You can cook homemade cakes from different dough. As an example, we offer another recipe for salt dough pies. They are incredibly tasty not only with cheese filling, but also with meat, as well as with eggs and green onions.

puff pastry come with different fillings, but for some reason, cheese is universally loved. It is this product that is ideal for dryish dough, combined with the most different ingredients, allows you to get amazing pastries.

Puff pies with cheese - general principles of cooking

For pies you can take puff pastry yeast-free or yeast-free. It's actually easy to choose. Take the one that suits you best. Cheese for pies is also used differently, depending on personal preferences and capabilities. The product can be used alone or with the addition of other ingredients.

How to make cheese pies

Since the puff pastry is quite dry, it is advisable to moisten the edges before gluing. Use water, milk or an egg.

What kind of pies can be molded:

Triangular. The layer is cut into squares.

Square. The dough is cut into rectangles or put two squares on top of each other.

Rectangular. The layer is cut into squares or rectangles.

Envelopes. The dough is cut into squares.

Cheese pies are baked from puff pastry in the oven. Optimum temperature 200-210°C. The time depends on the type of filling. Since mostly ready-made ingredients are used, it rarely exceeds twenty minutes.

Puff pastries with cheese in the oven

The recipe for the easiest puff pastry with cheese, which can be. We take a pack of dough in the store, a piece of any cheese and go to the kitchen!


500 g of dough;

200-250 g of cheese;

Greens, oil.


1. Let the dough thaw on the roofing sheet while the filling is being prepared.

2. Rub the cheese coarsely. Add greens to taste, you can chop a clove of garlic or put nothing else at all.

3. The dough needs to be rolled up to three millimeters.

4. Cut into rectangles. The size of the pies will be twice as small. We make the pieces we want.

5. Beat the egg, brush the edges of the rectangle with a brush, put the grated cheese filling on one half.

6. Cover with the free side and pinch the edges together. Since they are lubricated with egg, they should stick together without problems.

7. Transfer the pies to a baking sheet.

8. Before baking, coat with an egg on top.

9. Send to the oven. Bake until appetizing crust.

Puff pastry with cheese and ham

This is very famous recipe puff with cheese and ham. Pies are also prepared simply, but they turn out to be insanely tasty, satisfying and fragrant. The quantity of all products is arbitrary.


Puff pastry;


Egg or water.


1. Leave the dough warm. After thawing, roll out a little and also cut into rectangles.

2. Ham and cheese should be cut into plates, a little less than half (about a centimeter on each side) of a dough rectangle.

3. Put a piece of cheese on the layer, then a piece of ham.

4. Lubricate the edges with an egg or simply soften with water.

5. We make pies, move them to a baking sheet. Brush with egg as desired.

6. They are baked for only 10-15 minutes. No longer needed. Since the filling is ready, we look at the test.

Puff pastry with cheese, egg and onion

A variant of summer pies with cheese, minced meat for which green onions are also added. To increase the amount of filling and dilute the taste, you will also need a couple of boiled eggs.


Puff pastry 0.4 kg;

150 g of cheese;

1 bunch of onions;

1 raw egg.


1. First of all, you need to cut the onion. We do it on the dock in the usual way.

2. Then add a pinch of salt, you can immediately and pepper. We crush the greens with our hands to remove the volume.

3. Cut two boiled eggs cubes, put in a bowl with onions.

4. Rub coarse cheese, also add to them. We stir. If you want to make the filling juicier, you can throw a spoonful of mayonnaise or sour cream.

5. Roll out the dough with a layer, cut into squares.

6. Lay out the filling, fold each square in half. You can make triangular pies by folding opposite corners together.

7. We coat the puffs laid out on a baking sheet with an egg on top.

8. Put in a preheated oven, bring to readiness.

Puff pastry pies with cheese and cottage cheese

A variant of an amazing cheese filling for puff pastries. You can sculpt products of absolutely any shape, but they must be closed. The dough will take about half a kilogram.


0.2 kg of cheese;

0.2 kg of cottage cheese;

3-4 sprigs of dill;

Salt pepper;

500 g of dough.


1. Grind cottage cheese. It is better to take a product with a fat content of at least 9%.

2. Add to cottage cheese a raw egg and sour cream, do not immediately salt, especially if the cheese is salty. Mix cottage cheese with additives.

3. Now you can chop the dill and also pour it into the curd.

4. At the end, we rub the cheese, transfer it to the minced curd. Mix together, let's try.

5. We take out the dough, which should be thawed by this time. We roll out, cut the necessary pieces, sculpt the pies of the desired shape.

6. Transfer to a greased sheet, bake for 12 minutes. Set the temperature to 200 degrees.

Puff pastries with cheese and spinach

Spinach makes this filling in puff pastry with cheese very juicy. In order for minced meat to turn out delicious, it must be cooked correctly.


500 g of dough;

2 bunches of spinach;

150 g of cheese;

2 onions;

Vegetable oil, butter;



1. Cut the onion heads into small cubes. Fry in oil for three minutes.

2. Spinach needs to be sorted out, cut and also sent to the onion. Pass for a couple of minutes, stir, turn off. Let this part of the filling cool for now.

3. Rub the cheese or cut into cubes. In these pies, you can use pickled, processed or hard cheese.

4. Mix cheese with spinach, put seasonings: allspice, black pepper, garlic, you can add dill. Salt.

5. Roll out the dough. With a sharp knife cut into squares.

6. We lay out the filling between all.

7. Glue the edges, bake in the oven until cooked. Ready pies with spinach, you can grease with butter on top.

Puff pastry with cheese and tomato

A variant of very juicy pies for which you need to take a hard tomato. You can use a slightly unripe fruit.


1 pack of dough;

200 g of cheese;

1-2 tomatoes;

2-3 cloves of garlic;

1 bunch of dill.


1. We start with garlic. We clean our teeth, we chop. Add chopped dill to it. You can cook such puffs with parsley. We stir.

2. We cut the cheese into ordinary plates, do not make thick pieces.

3. Slice the tomatoes into thin slices. If the vegetable is firm, this will be easy to do.

4. Cut the puff pastry into squares. Its thickness should not exceed three millimeters. If necessary, we roll.

5. Scatter pieces of cheese.

6. Place circles of tomatoes on them. If the tomatoes are small, then you can put two pieces. If the tomatoes are large, then cut the circle in half.

7. Sprinkle tomato fragrant mixture from garlic with dill.

8. We pinch the edges of the pies, poison the bake.

Puff pastries with cheese and chicken

In general, you can cook such pies with raw chicken. But it is better to pre-fry the fillet in order to reduce the baking time, not to overdry the dough.


300 g chicken fillet;

180 g of cheese;

1 onion;

Ground pepper, salt;

Any puff pastry (0.7 kg).


1. Pour the oil into the pan, three tablespoons are enough. Put on fire.

2. While it is heating, peel the onion and cut into cubes. Transfer to a skillet, fry for two minutes.

3. During this time, cut the chicken into cubes and fry for another ten minutes.

4. Season the filling with salt and pepper, switch off.

5. Cheese must be grated or cut into cubes.

6. Combine the cooled chicken with cheese, stir.

7. If desired, greens, fresh tomato, garlic, bell pepper can be added to such a filling.

8. We take out the dough, roll it out and make pies. We look at the modeling methods at the very beginning of the article.

9. Lubricate with an egg, set to bake. Since the chicken is fried, it is enough to hold the products in the oven for a quarter of an hour.

Puff pastry pies with double cheese

A variant of double cheese pies that have a simply amazing crust. For the filling, you can take any cheese. For sprinkling, suluguni and parmesan are best.


500 g of dough;

250 g of cheese for the filling;

50 g of cheese for sprinkling;

1 bunch of dill;

1 spoon of sour cream;


1. We rub the cheese for the filling with large chips.

2. Add chopped dill to it, throw a spoonful of sour cream and stir.

3. Cheese for sprinkling should be grated with small chips.

4. Add a teaspoon of milk to the egg, beat.

5. Roll out a layer of puff pastry. We cut into pieces. It is better to sculpt such pies with squares or rectangles. Triangles are not so convenient to sprinkle.

6. Lubricate the edges of the pieces with an egg, lay out the filling with dill, form pies.

7. Transfer to a baking sheet.

8. Lubricate the top with an egg and sprinkle with the second cheese, which was rubbed finely.

9. Put the baking sheet in the oven. We bake until the top cheese is browned to a beautiful crust.

The cheese filling will not crumble and will fall more easily into the pie if you add a spoonful of sour cream to it. You can also use cream, mayonnaise, any ready-made sauce.

Not enough cheese for pies? Dilute the filling with cottage cheese. Well increase the mass, have a relatively neutral taste chicken eggs. If the yolk is embarrassing, then you can put only boiled proteins.

Puff pastries can not only be baked, but also fried in a pan in hot oil.

Don't have time to make pies? Make one big pie. Lay the filling between two pieces of dough, pierce holes on top and send to the oven.

The pies sound delicious! And if these are pies with cheese, then even more tempting. Ruddy dough, and inside - stretching fragrant cheese, for lovers of delicious food, this is a real gastronomic pleasure.
You can cook pies with cheese from different dough, with different cheese - ordinary hard, suluguni, feta, etc., but you can supplement the cheese filling with various products - there are many options.
Puff pastry with cheese
1kg puff pastry ready
300g hard cheese
vegetable oil.
Roll out the dough thinly, cut into rectangles. Put grated cheese on a coarse grater on half of each rectangle, cover with the second half of the dough and pinch the edges. Put the pies on a greased baking sheet at a small distance from each other. Put in an oven heated to 200 degrees, bake until browned for about 15-20 minutes.
These pies can be prepared with hard cheese of various varieties or melted cheese. Also, the filling can be supplemented with nuts, herbs, etc. according to your taste.
The following pies are also very easy to make from puff pastry.
Quick puff pastry with feta cheese and ham

500g ready-made puff pastry
200g feta cheese
150g parsley,
100g ham
5 pitted olives
1 egg and red sweet pepper.
Finely chop the sweet peppers, ham, olives, parsley, cheese, peeled from seeds, mix the ingredients for the filling. Roll out the dough, cut out rectangles, put the filling on half of the rectangles, cover with dough, pinch the edges. Put the pies on a baking sheet covered with parchment, coat with egg, bake for 15-20 minutes in an oven preheated to 220 degrees.
The following pies are a little more difficult to prepare, since they need to prepare the dough.
Pies on yogurt dough with feta and nuts

225g pancake flour
90g thick natural yogurt, 3 tbsp. olive oil,
1 tbsp melted butter,
filling - 150g feta cheese,
2 eggs,
2 tbsp. fresh mint leaves and milk
1 tbsp. roasted pine nuts and raisins,
vegetable oil.
Sift flour into a bowl, add yogurt, both oils, knead the dough with your hands and put it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. For the filling, break one egg into a bowl, add crumbled cheese, pour in milk and mix, adding nuts, raisins and mint. Heat the oven to 190 degrees, divide the dough in half, roll out one half, cut circles about 7-8 cm in diameter from the dough layer. Put the filling on each circle so as to cover it with the second half of the circle and get a crescent, pinch the edges, put the pies on a greased baking sheet, cook the rest of the pies in the same way from the remaining dough, coat them with the yolk of the second egg and bake for 20 minutes until browning.
The last pies in our selection are with suluguni cheese or feta cheese.
Yeast dough pies with cheese

50g butter,
15g yeast
3.5 cups flour
1 egg, a glass of milk and water,
1 tbsp Sahara,
For filling
350g suluguni or brynza cheese,
50g butter,
1 egg
vegetable oil for frying.
1 tbsp mix flour, sugar and yeast, dissolve in warm water, leave for 10-15 minutes in heat. Sift the rest of the flour with a pea, make a hole in the center, pour warm milk, egg yolk and whipped white, warm butter and the approached dough (yeast mixture) into it, knead the dough, leave it warm for 2-3 hours. Grate cheese, mix with butter and egg, salt. Roll out the dough thinly, cut out circles of 4 cm in diameter from it, put a tablespoon of filling on each, lift up and connect the edges, pinch them. Fry pies on both sides until browning in a pan with vegetable oil. You can bake them in the oven.
Enjoy your meal!

Fried cheese pies- elementary in preparation homemade baking. They are prepared, by the way, on lenten yeast dough, so that everyone can simply change the filling. Well, I propose to cook it with cheese, adding, perhaps, a little fresh herbs. Very tasty, satisfying and homely.

Ingredients for making fried cheese pies:

For the test

  1. Wheat flour 1 kg
  2. Fresh yeast 25 grams
  3. Hot water (but not boiling water) 500 milliliters
  4. Salt 1 teaspoon
  5. Sugar 1 tablespoon
  6. Vegetable oil 3-4 tablespoons

For filling

  1. Suluguni or Adyghe cheese optional
  2. Fresh herbs (dill or green onion) optional
  3. Vegetable oil for frying

Products not suitable? Choose a similar recipe from others!


Deep plate - 2 pieces, rolling pin, frying pan, spatula, grater, tablespoon, kitchen towel.

Cooking fried cheese pies:

Step 1: prepare the dough.

Separately mix the sifted wheat flour with salt, and mash separately fresh yeast with sugar. Then add in yeast with sugar warm water and stir until completely dissolved. Add vegetable oil.

Gradually mix, combine flour with diluted yeast, kneading not a tight dough. When the mass becomes homogeneous and you mix everything well, cover the plate with the dough. kitchen towel so that nothing is windy, and leave in a warm place for 45 minutes.

After this time, the dough will increase in size. But while the dough is rising, you will have time to prepare the filling for the pies.

Step 2: prepare the filling.

The filling for these pies is prepared as simply as possible: grate the cheese and mix with chopped herbs.

Step 3: form pies.

Grease the tabletop a small amount vegetable oil and, putting the risen dough on it, knead the mass again, and then divide it into 12-14 pieces. Approximately so many pies will come out.

Move the cheese with greens closer to you, take one piece of dough, roll it into a flat cake using a rolling pin.

In the middle of the resulting cake, put a tablespoon with a slide of filling, you can even more, be guided by the amount of dough.

Fold the edges of the pie inward, sealing the cheese inside the dough.

Do the same for all remaining pies. You will get cakes with a seam at the top. In some ways they resemble belyashi, only in the center there is no gap.

Step 4: Fry the cheese pies.

Heat a lot of vegetable oil in a frying pan, and then place the cake in it with the seam down. Fry over medium heat until golden brown, then flip over and fry the other side in the same way. The first cake is ready, start frying the next one. If necessary, add vegetable oil to the pan.
You can cook on two pans at once, if you are sure that you will have time to keep track of everything.
Fried patties covered on all sides with appetizing golden brown ready to serve immediately after preparation. Just let them dry a little on disposable paper towels to get rid of excess oil.

Step 5: Serve the cheese pies.

Fried cheese pies smell incredible, probably no pastry in the world smells as appetizing as they do. Serve them for an afternoon snack, for lunch, with milk or chicken broth bite. Hearty and tasty! Your whole family will appreciate it.
Enjoy your meal!

Such fried pies you can bake with anything, for example, with cabbage or with onions and eggs, with cottage cheese, with boiled potatoes and chicken, etc.

This yeast dough can be frozen. Or knead in the evening, and leave it in the refrigerator overnight.