Prepare a pie with apples from yeast dough. Yeast dough pie with apples in the oven

Apples are a fruit that can be bought at any time of the year, so you can always make an apple pie from a yeast dough type. We offer such a recipe “with secrets” on dry yeast, the use of which will make the dish lush and tasty. This cake does not cook for long, despite the fact that the dough for it requires proofing.

The secrets of the apple tree recipe

To make the cake tasty, it is important to prepare not only the dough, but also the filling, so you should remember the following:

1. Apples. The more sugar you are going to put in the pie, the more acidic the apples should be. For home baking, these fruits need to be bought not in large stores, but in the market, choosing fragrant fruits. Look for Antonovka. She will be perfect. If you can't find such apples, buy Semerenko or Granny Smith. Since these varieties are distinguished by thick skin, it is better to peel the fruit from it.

2. Spices. Cinnamon is a perfect choice. It will make the taste of apple pie bright and never get bored, so almost all recipes for baking with apples recommend putting cinnamon.
You can use ready mix spices purchased at the store or try to prepare the mixture yourself: they go well with apples nutmeg, cardamom, cloves and ginger. Sometimes for originality apple pastries flavored with allspice.

3. Dough. When parting sweet dough it is important not to overdo it and let it fit optimally. Therefore, take the “knead after three hours” recommendations based on the freshness of the yeast used or on its appearance (dry will take longer to rise, but the dough will be more crumbly), the quality of the flour and other products. The main rule of parting, which was developed on the basis of experience, says that the first time it should come up at least twice, the second - three times.

To make an airy yeast cake, add a tablespoon of alcohol (anything except wine) to the recipe.

The housewives who know how to cook a unique yeast baking, there will always be 15 minutes to knead the dough before cutting it: the dough will be enriched with oxygen and the cake will “melt in your mouth”. During baking, do not open the oven for the first half hour, as the dough will fall.

Most good pies, like the pie according to this recipe, are obtained if the hostess cooks in a good mood.

apple pie recipe ingredients

For the test

  • 250 g of milk;
  • 100 - 120 g butter;
  • A small bag of dry yeast (11 g);
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • 650 g (or a little more) flour;
  • 1 tablespoon of vodka or other alcohol-containing alcohol;
  • vanilla essence or vanilla sugar.

For filling

  • 4 medium apples;
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • Juice of half a lemon.

To grease the top of the pie, you need 1 egg.

Cooking the dough

1. In the container where we will knead the dough, pour the milk and put the butter, cut into pieces.

2. We heat the milk to a temperature of 37 - 45 degrees (drop on your hand: if you are comfortable, then the yeast will like the temperature of the milk).

3. Turn off the milk and wait until the oil “disperses”. Add eggs, vanilla, salt, a tablespoon of vodka to the milk.

4. Pour the yeast into the mixture and gradually introduce flour spoon by spoon.

5. kneading soft dough. If it sticks a little to your hands, grease them with sunflower oil.

6. We cover the container cling film or a clean napkin, set to approach in a warm place. This process will take half an hour to an hour.

7. After the dough has risen, punch it down and knead it thoroughly. If you are going to make the cake closed, divide the whole dough into two parts. If the cake is open, we separate a third for the “mesh”.

Cooking stuffing

1. We wash and clean the apples, remove the core with stones, cut into cubes (this slicing recipe is optimal, since apples cut into “cubes” less “give” moisture to the dough and the cake will not turn out wet).

2. Sprinkle the apples with lemon juice so that they do not darken.


1. We spread the cake on a baking sheet, covering it with pre-oiled parchment paper.

2. We roll out the dough in the shape of a rectangle, we form the sides.

3. Sprinkle the bottom layer potato starch to absorb unwanted moisture if necessary. We send apples to the dough sprinkled with starch, sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar.

4. If the pie is closed, we also roll out the remaining dough and cut it (as if drawing rows of dotted lines with a knife), cover the bottom layer of the dough with the filling with it, pinch the edges, creating a “pigtail” effect.

5. If the pie is open, we roll it out from the separated third of the strip, and decorate the top of the pie with them, forming “pigtails”, plaits, etc. Lubricate the top of the baking with a beaten egg and let the pie rise for half an hour.

6. We bake the "apple tree" at a temperature of 180 degrees for 35 - 40 minutes. We do not get the pie right away: after checking its readiness wooden skewer, leave the muffin in the oven for another 5 - 10 minutes. Top of baking can be sprinkled powdered sugar.

Don't forget to leave a comment and enjoy your tea party!

Look what a good day is outside the window, whether it is rainy or sunny, windy or quiet. This day is one of a kind, it will never happen again. And why not gather at the table with your loved ones today for a cup of tea?! And you don’t need to cook something delicious for tea, a simple tear-off apple pie made from yeast dough, cooked with soul, will be just right. Tearing off a piece from a beautiful, teasing with its ruddy and smell of cake, enjoying delicious pastries, chat about the essentials, say kind words to each other, make plans for the future. Cozy and tasty get-togethers to you!

Recipe Information

Cooking method: in the oven .

Total cooking time: 4 h

Servings: 2 cakes with a diameter of 20 cm.


for steam:

  • warm milk - 230 ml
  • active dry yeast - 1 tsp.
  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 100 g
  • sugar - sand - 40 g

for the test:

  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 400 g
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (about 10 g)
  • butter - 50 g
  • salt - 1 tsp

For filling:

  • small apple - 3 pcs. (about 180 g)
  • brown sugar - 40 g
  • sugar - sand - 40 g
  • ground cinnamon - 1/6 tsp

for greasing and sprinkling:

  • yolk - 1 piece
  • milk - 1 tbsp. l.
  • ground walnuts - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Put a steam. To do this, pour warm milk into a container of a suitable size, add dry active yeast, granulated sugar, flour and mix well. Cover the container and leave in a warm place for 45 minutes. During this time, the contents of the container will increase and a characteristic yeast “cap” will form on its surface, indicating that the yeast is suitable for kneading dough. If you have regular yeast, you can use them, having previously read the substitution proportions.
  2. Butter, cut into small pieces, place in a small saucepan, melt over low heat, cool until warm.

    Melt butter over low heat only. This minimizes the chance of burning the oil.

  3. Break an egg into a cup, add melted butter, vanilla sugar, salt, risen dough and beat well with a whisk until smooth.
  4. Sift the flour into the resulting mass and stir with a wooden spoon. As stirring becomes difficult, put the flour mass on a cutting board and knead with your hands an elastic, soft, non-sticky dough.
  5. Give the resulting dough the shape of a ball and place in a clean cup, the volume exceeding the volume of the dough by 2-2.5 times. Cover the cup with the dough with a damp towel and leave to rise in a warm place for 2 hours. During this time, it is advisable to knead the dough 1-2 times.
  6. Put the well-risen dough on a cutting board sprinkled with flour and knead. Divide the dough into 2 equal parts - one part for one small pie.
  7. Wash the apples, dry them, cut out the seed box and cut into slices. large slices. About 9-10 slices are obtained from one apple.
  8. In a small bowl, mix 2 types of sugar: brown cane and granulated sugar, add ground cinnamon and mix.
  9. Mix egg yolk with milk.

  10. Roll out the dough into a layer about 7 millimeters thick. Using a glass, cut circles with a diameter of about 6-7 centimeters.

  11. Roll the sliced ​​apple slices thoroughly in the sugar mixture.
  12. On each cut circle of dough, place an apple slice, rolled in sugar mixture.

  13. Pinch each circle of dough with an apple slice well.

  14. Lay the pinched circles of dough with an apple slice inside in a circle in a baking dish sent with parchment. And in the middle put the rest of the dough, giving them the shape of a ball.

  15. Using a pastry brush, brush the shaped cake with the yolk whipped with milk. Sprinkle with ground walnuts and a little sugar mixture cinnamon.
  16. Leave the formed cake for 20 minutes to proof in a warm place.
  17. Bake the cake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 25 minutes, until golden brown.
  18. Remove the ready-made tear-off apple pie from the oven and baking dish, place on a dish, cool and serve.
  19. Bake the second cake in the same way. Bon Appetit!

Note to the owner:

  • Using a large diameter baking dish, one large cake can be baked.
  • If suddenly the size apple slices a little big for circles of dough, then do not be discouraged, just roll them to the desired diameter.
  • The Old Russian word "pie" comes from the same root word "feast" or "feast", which meant hospitality, a plentiful treat with delicious dishes. In the old days, there was a tradition: on the second day of the wedding, the young wife had to bake tasty pie. The guests whom she chewed, by the taste of the cake, judged the mastery of the hostess, her generosity.

Cooking dough.

Pour the milk into a bowl and put the butter cut into small pieces.

We put on fire and hold until the butter melts. Set aside and let cool to about 45-50 degrees. If you pour the mixture into a wide bowl, it will cool faster.

Mix half of flour with yeast.

Add sugar, eggs, vanilla essence and salt to the milk, mix until smooth.

Add flour mixed with yeast and mix until smooth. Gradually adding the remaining flour, knead a homogeneous soft dough.

It will stick to your hands a little - it's okay, just grease your hands with vegetable oil at the end of the dough.

Cover the dough with cling film and let rise in a warm place. It only took me 30 minutes, but depending on different conditions may take an hour or more.

For the filling, peel the apples, remove the cores. Cut the pulp into small pieces, add lemon juice and stir so that the apples do not darken.

Punch down the risen dough and separate a third from it. Roll out most of it into a rectangle about 40x30. Place on parchment-lined baking sheet. We put the filling on top, leaving a couple of cm from the edges free. Sprinkle apples with sugar and cinnamon.

The remaining third of the dough is rolled out into a layer of the same length as the base, but about a quarter narrower. We cut in a checkerboard pattern, stretch a little in width and put on the filling. We pinch the edges.

Lubricate the top with a slightly beaten egg and send the cake to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 25-35 minutes.

Cool the finished pie and serve. Can be sprinkled with powdered sugar when serving.

Happy tea!

Russian cuisine is famous for pies. They are served as an appetizer, with soup, and as a main course. And sweet pies are prepared for dessert and served with fragrant tea. One of the most delicious options sweet pastries is a yeast pie with apples. Baking it at home is not too difficult if you know the secrets of making dough.

The main ingredient for success is good yeast. If they are old or stored in unsuitable conditions, then gingerbread pies not to be counted. Yeast can be used both raw pressed and dry. The dry product is active and fast acting. Active ones have larger granules, while fast-acting ones are more like a powder.

Raw and active dry yeast needs to be "activated". To do this, they are diluted in a warm liquid (30-35 degrees) and a spoonful of sugar is added. After the mass rises in a lush "hat", you can mix it with other products. If the yeast has not risen already at this stage, then high-quality dough will not work on them, you should not transfer products.

If you bought high-speed yeast, then they do not require preparation, they are recommended to be mixed with flour immediately.

Two mixing technologies

  • When cooking jarless test , risen yeast is mixed with the rest of the products included in the recipe. The kneaded dough is placed in heat to rise for 1.5-2 hours, during which time it will be necessary to knead it 2 times.
  • sponge method includes two stages of kneading. Knead first batter, consisting of risen yeast, the entire amount of liquid, relying on the recipe and a small amount flour. After raising the dough, butter, eggs and the rest of the flour are added to it.

It would seem, why bother with dough, if you can immediately knead the dough? The fact is that butter and eggs greatly complicate the “work” of yeast and the dough may not rise. So if you are cooking butter dough, then you need to knead it in two stages. If there is little fat in the recipe, you can use a faster, non-paired kneading option.

Here are a few more secrets to help you bake a delicious yeast-raised apple pie:

  • it happens that raw yeast is indicated in the recipe, and only dry yeast is on hand, or vice versa. Remember that 1 gram of active dry yeast can replace 4 grams of pressed. If the instant version is used, then the ratio will be 1 to 3. Thus, a pack containing 7 grams of active dry yeast, or an 11 gram bag of instant yeast can replace 25-30 grams of pressed.
  • all products that go into the dough should be warm, so take the eggs out of the refrigerator in advance. And when you pour melted butter into the dough, make sure that it is not hot;
  • flour must be sifted, the dough will come up faster;
  • for proofing, the dough is placed in a warm place, the dishes are used with high sides, because the dough increases in volume several times;
  • draft can kill yeast dough, therefore, close the vents before the start of kneading;
  • it is very important not to overdo it with flour, if you "score" the dough, then the products will not rise;
  • you can’t overexpose the dough, if it rests, then the pies will turn out to be tough, like a sole, and with a sour taste;
  • after forming the pie blank, leave it in a warm place for 20 minutes. And before baking, grease the dough with a beaten egg, then the cake will get a golden crust;
  • when baking, consider the type of dough from which the cake is made. If this is an inconvenient option, then you can set a high temperature (190-220) degrees. Products made from dough prepared with large quantity butter and eggs, you need to choose a more gentle temperature regime(170-180 degrees)

If the cooking process seems complicated to you, then do not give up on the idea of ​​​​baking an apple pie. Use purchased dough, it can be simple, rich or puff. Choose to your taste. Ready dough need to defrost naturally, and you can start forming the pie.

Advice! If you have made too much yeast dough, place the leftovers in a bag and freeze. In this form, the product is perfectly stored for several weeks. When you decide to bake, just defrost the dough and start cutting.

Read also: Dry apple pie - 8 unusual recipes

Closed apple pie from yeast dough

Simple closed pie with apple filling from yeast dough will decorate the dessert table both on weekdays and on holidays.

Let's prepare the products for the filling and dough in advance:

  • 1.5 cups of milk;
  • about 0.6 kg of flour (it is difficult to specify the exact amount of flour, the consumption depends on the moisture content of the product, the size of the eggs, etc.);
  • 75 gr. butter;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 7 gr. (sachet) active dry yeast;
  • three quarters of a teaspoon of salt.

We will prepare the filling from:

  • 6 apples;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of starch;
  • 1-3 tablespoons of sugar (to taste).

We carry out the kneading in a safe way. We activate the yeast by diluting it in warm milk (take half a glass) and adding sugar (a teaspoon). Pour the risen yeast into the remaining milk, mix with sugar, pour vegetable oil and add melted butter. Beat 1 egg with salt and mix with the rest of the products. Gradually add flour, kneading a soft dough. We roll a ball out of it and put it in a bowl with high sides for proofing, covering the top with a clean towel. Knead the dough every half hour. After the third rise, it will be ready.

Divide it in half and roll out two layers. We spread one layer on a greased baking sheet (you can use a silicone mat or baking paper). Sprinkle with starch.

Rub the apples on a grater, mix with sugar and spread on a layer of dough. We cover the top with a second layer, pinch the edges, tucking them under the bottom of the product.

We leave the semi-finished product for proofing for 20 minutes, then grease the surface with a beaten egg. On the surface with a knife or culinary scissors, make several cuts in the shape of the letter V.

If there is a desire to make the cake more elegant, then you need to separate a small piece of dough in advance and cut out decorations from it - flowers, leaves, flagella, pigtails.

Put the decorations from the dough on the surface after greasing with an egg so that they stick. The surface of the decor is also smeared with an egg. We bake for about half an hour at 190 degrees.

Lubricate the finished browned cake on top with a small piece of butter, lightly sprinkle with water from a spray bottle, cover with a towel and let cool completely. This technique avoids the formation of a hard crust on top.

Open pie with apples and berries

Looks nice open pie with an apple. Such a product is often decorated with a "lattice" made of thin flagella of dough. To make the product look even more elegant, you can add apple filling berry. They turn out beautiful and tasty apple pies with cranberries, cherries, black currants or lingonberries.

Prepare the dough for this pastry raw yeast in a steamy way.

We will need:

  • 0.6 kg flour;
  • 1 glass of milk (you can take whey);
  • 2 eggs (1 for lubrication);
  • 100 gr. butter;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 25 gr. pressed yeast;
  • 0.5 tablespoons of salt.

For stuffing we use:

  • apples - 200 gr.;
  • berries - 100 gr. (if the pie is baked with cherries, then the weight without stones is taken into account);
  • starch - 20 gr.;
  • sugar - 100 gr. or to taste

Read also: Charlotte with apples without eggs - 9 simple recipes

We activate the yeast: we crumble them and dilute the third glass of milk. Add a teaspoon of sugar. We mix the risen yeast with the rest of the milk and add flour until a dough of kefir density is obtained. Cover the dish with a towel and leave for about half an hour. During this time, the mass should increase in volume by 2-3 times.

Beat the egg with salt and the remaining sugar, melt the butter. Pour the egg and butter into the risen dough, add the flour, knead until smooth. Leave for 1.5 hours to rise, kneading every half hour.

We rub the apples, mix with sugar and berries, for example, lingonberries or black currants. Add starch to the filling.

Advice! Prepare the filling just before making the pie, otherwise the fruits and berries will give a lot of juice. If the cake is baked with a frozen berry, then it must first be thawed and the released juice drained.

We separate a piece for the lattice from the dough, roll the rest into a round cake. We spread the filling in the center and lift the edges of the cake up, forming a semblance of a large cheesecake. In this case, the juice from the fruit and berry filling will not flow out. The remaining dough is rolled out, cut into thin strips and laid out in the form of a lattice.

After a 20-minute proofing, grease the grate and sides with an egg and bake the product in the oven for 30-40 minutes (t 180 degrees).

Apple "Snail"

The pie called "snail" looks original. For this baking, we will prepare the dough on kefir. The pie is baked with dried apricots and/or raisins and garnished with almond petals.

For the test, let's prepare:

  • 1.5 cups of kefir;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of salt;
  • about 3 cups flour;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • a sachet (11 gr.) of instant yeast.

Mix yeast with sifted flour. In a large bowl, mix kefir with salt, sugar and butter. Then gradually add flour, kneading a soft dough. Let it sit for about an hour. There is little muffin in this test, so it fits pretty quickly.

For the filling we will prepare:

  • 500 gr. peeled apples;
  • 150 gr. jam + 2 more tablespoons (any, it turns out very tasty with apricot or orange);
  • 30 gr. raisins;
  • 50 gr. dried apricots;
  • 80 gr. almond petals;
  • some lemon juice.

Dried fruits are pre-filled with boiling water, washed and allowed to dry. Cut the dried apricots into pieces. Cut apples into small cubes. Sprinkle with lemon juice to prevent the fruit from turning brown. Mix apples with jam and dried fruits.

Roll out the dough into a rectangular layer, distribute the filling over its surface. Cut into 4 long strips.

It is best to bake the product in a round shape with removable sides. First, remove the sides, and grease the bottom with oil. We roll the first strip into a roll and put it in the center of the form. We wrap the following strips around the first, which will be the center of our pie. To prevent the filling from falling out, lightly press it into the dough. After the cake is formed, put the side in place.

Let the product rest for 20 minutes. By this time, the oven should be preheated to 180 degrees, bake for about 40 minutes. Then we take it out, grease the surface with the remaining jam and sprinkle with almond petals. Put another 10 minutes in the oven.

Lenten pie with dried apples

This quick recipe yeast cake, which we will prepare with dried apples and cinnamon.

To bake lean pie would need:

  • 1.5 cups of warm water;
  • 50 gr. fresh yeast;
  • 4 tablespoons of dough;

    Pour into a deep bowl warm water, crumble the yeast, add sugar and add 3 tablespoons of flour. Stir to dissolve the yeast, and leave for a quarter of an hour.

Heat the milk to a slightly warm state, crumble the yeast into it and add ½ tbsp. l. Sahara. Leave for 10 minutes for the yeast to swell.

In a separate bowl, mix kefir, salt, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and sunflower oil. Heat the mixture to 40 degrees (slightly warm).

Mix yeast with kefir and stir well.

Then add flour in parts and knead the dough for 10-15 minutes. Flour may need a little less or more, depending on its quality and kefir. Once the dough is just slightly sticky to your hands, stop adding flour. The dough should not be very clogged and tight.

Leave the dough to rise for an hour, no more. Be sure to cover the bowl with a towel. In order for the yeast to work actively, the container with the dough can be placed on steam bath(on a bowl with warm water). Well suited dough in a slow cooker, with the "Yogurt / dough" mode turned on. This program supports optimum temperature for raising yeast dough (+ 36-40 degrees).

On a note

For the preparation of pies and pies, not only yeast dough is used, but also shortbread, puff, and exhaust.

While the dough is rising, let's discuss how to make a delicious apple filling. After all, it is she who creates the taste solo, and you always want to have more of her. Among all the variations, I like the filling most of all, prepared without fail from fresh apples. Then the pastries are the most fragrant.

Wash apples, peel and core, cut into small cubes.

It is better to choose apples of a sour or sweet and sour variety, then the filling will turn out tastier, with a slight sourish tint.

Pour apples into a saucepan or saucepan, add 2 tbsp. l. sugar and butter.

Simmer apple cubes for 10 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally. Cool the finished filling.

The dough will double in size. You don't need to knead the dough while raising it.

Take the dough out of the bowl, punch down. On a board sprinkled with flour, cut into 20 pieces. From each part, roll out a round thin cake with a rolling pin and put 1 tbsp in the middle. l. apple filling.


If the filling is watery, add 2 tbsp. l. semolina and mix. Swelling, semolina will absorb excess moisture. If you fill the pies with a wet filling, the dough inside will turn out to be wet, while baking in the oven, the juice may leak out from the inside and burn on the baking sheet.

Close the edges and form a neat pie. Lay on a baking sheet parchment paper and lay out the formed products with the seam down.

Grease each product on top with egg yolk using a culinary brush.

Preheat the oven to 190 degrees and bake a treat for 35 minutes. Ready baked goods store covered with a towel or napkin. Serve with your favorite drinks at the end of your meal.