American pancakes - pancakes. Recipes for lush and delicious pancakes for breakfast

These pancakes, otherwise known as pancakes, are the unspoken symbol of the United States. They appear in almost all American films and TV shows. Their appearance is different from what we are used to, and it is difficult to call them pancakes.

In this article, we will look at the basic recipe and point out the possible flavor combinations, so you can easily make American pancakes. A recipe with a photo will help you with this.


Despite the name, this dish is different from the usual pancakes, thin and almost transparent. Of course, there is also such a dish across the ocean, but it has a different name - in the French manner they are called crepes. Pancakes, on the other hand, are fluffy, soft pancakes with a rounded shape. They are cooked by shifting with pieces of butter, and pour syrup (usually maple) on top. From the name itself, in principle, it is clear what they are, since in translation from English they mean “cakes from a frying pan”.

It is not known for certain how they appeared on the daily menu of the inhabitants of a vast country, but there is an assumption that Scottish migrants brought the recipe with them.

Today, any American fast food establishments, coffee shops and cafes offer their customers a wide variety of additives, both sweet and not. It can be berries, fruits, chocolate, cereals, bacon, cheese, mushrooms, and so on.

They are either added to American pancakes, the recipe of which we will consider below, during the cooking process, or placed next to them when serving.

In order to prepare a classic version of the dish, you do not need special skills - just have the necessary products available and follow the instructions.

Basic Recipe

Naturally, there is no single cooking rule for everyone, since the source is also unknown. By and large, each institution is guided by its own list of ingredients, based on the final characteristics of the dish - pancakes should be perfectly round, plump, fluffy and soft. And it doesn’t matter there - you chose American pancakes, a recipe “in milk” or “in kefir”, you use soda or baking powder as a baking powder.

So, you will need the following products:

  • egg whites - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 100 grams;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Mix all dry foods in one bowl, all liquids in another, except for proteins. Beat them until a strong foam. Stir the wet portion into the dry portion until smooth, then carefully fold in the beaten egg whites, mixing thoroughly. Try to keep the dough airy.

Bake in a hot non-stick pan on both sides until golden brown. Stack the finished pancakes on a plate, shifting them with small pieces of butter. Serve with jam or maple syrup.

If you run out of milk, then you can make American kefir pancakes. The recipe will remain the same.


Due to the fact that pancakes are democratic and do not require strictly defined products, they can be customized as you need, depending on the diet or the theme you want to stick to.

For example, on the eve of Halloween, which will come very soon, you can please your family with a pumpkin dish.

pumpkin pancakes

For this wonderful autumn dish you will need:

  • ready-made pumpkin puree - 100 grams;
  • flour - 200 grams;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • fatter natural yogurt - 100 ml;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - 1/4 teaspoon;
  • ground cloves - a pinch;
  • ground nutmeg - 2 pinches;
  • ground cinnamon - 1 teaspoon without a slide;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.

You can either buy pumpkin puree (for example, in the baby food department) or cook it yourself - to do this, grind a piece of pumpkin in a blender until smooth. Add all liquid products to the puree, mix until smooth. Sift all dry ingredients, including spices, into a separate bowl.

Quickly stir the contents of both bowls. Bake in a hot heavy-bottomed pan until golden brown. Serve warm with your favorite topping. As a result, you will get fragrant American pancakes (pancakes), the recipe of which will help, thanks to the abundance of spices, to bring additional comfort to the house.

Flavor combinations in brief

Based on the two detailed recipes above, you can make a lot of flavor combinations, which will provide you with excellent breakfasts without repetition:

1. Blueberry and lemon (lime). Use the first recipe by adding a handful of washed and dried fresh blueberries, 1 teaspoon of grated zest and 1 tablespoon of citrus juice to the batter. Stir carefully so as not to crush the berries. Bake as usual.

2. Banana and coconut. You can make tropical American pancakes (pancakes) for your family, using the second recipe. To do this, it is enough to remove the spices, replace pumpkin puree with banana and yogurt with coconut milk.

3. Unsweetened version, pancakes based on Margherita pizza. Use the second recipe, replacing the pumpkin puree with a thick tomato sauce and removing the spices and sugar. Add mozzarella cut into small pieces and chopped basil leaves to the dough.

American pancakes, recipe for vegans and fasting

Due to diet or ethical reasons, not everyone can consume animal products, but this is not a reason to deny yourself small pleasures, especially since they can be useful.

So, the recipe for thick American vegan pancakes with nut flour and pears. We will need:

  • whole grain flour - 140 grams;
  • almond milk (you can soy) - 120 ml;
  • pear puree - 120 ml;
  • almond extract - 2 drops;
  • ground cinnamon - 1 teaspoon;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • cornstarch - 1 teaspoon;
  • nut flour (hazelnuts or almonds) - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon juice to taste.

By and large, you can get a wide variety of American pancakes. This recipe is universal - just change the base fruit puree and spices.

Mix in one bowl all dry foods, with the exception of soda, and in another - all liquid. Combine the contents of the bowls, quickly stir until smooth. Add soda slaked with lemon juice. Let the dough "ripen" for a third of an hour.

Bake in a heavy bottomed pan with a little oil. Serve with honey, nuts and fruit.

Surely you have heard about the famous American pancakes - pancakes, or seen them in films. Pancakes are the most common American breakfast. They are similar in size to ours, but yeast dough is not used for their preparation. They are cooked in milk, kefir, cream, and baked in a dry frying pan, so do not be afraid of excess fat. A distinctive feature of pancakes is the obligatory addition of eggs beaten into a fluffy foam and baking powder. Beaten eggs make pancakes very tender, and milk and butter make them extraordinarily tasty. Americans eat pancakes in their own way - with maple syrup, but we can flavor them with our favorite additives - sour cream, butter, condensed milk.


  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1 cup flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • a pinch of salt

How to cook pancakes with milk:

Wash chicken eggs well and dry with paper towels. Break the eggs and separate the proteins from the yolks, put them in different dishes. First of all, let's take care of the egg whites - they need to be whipped into a strong thick foam. To do this, we need a mixer or blender with a whisk attachment, and before whipping, add a pinch of salt to the proteins. In order for the proteins to whip well, they must be cold.

In another bowl, into which we sent the egg yolks, you need to pour milk, add sugar. Sift wheat flour and baking powder for dough through a sieve to enrich with oxygen, and also add to the dough. All products should be mixed together. So that there is no lump left in the dough, at this stage you can use a mixer.

Carefully, using a spoon, fold the fluffy protein mass into the dough. Trying not to crush the dough, stir it. The result is a tender, airy dough that looks like whipped sour cream.

Add two tablespoons of odorless vegetable oil (refined) to the dough and gently mix the dough again with a spoon.

Grease the pan with a little oil once, before the first batch of baking. To do this, you can use a silicone brush or walk along the bottom of the pan with a napkin dipped in oil. In the future, the procedure for greasing the pan can not be repeated, the pancakes will be baked in a dry pan. If you want to do without oil at all, take a pan with a non-stick coating.

Heat up a skillet over high heat. Pancakes are baked one at a time, the dough should be spread with a large spoon or ladle in the center of the pan. The usual size of pancakes is about the size of a palm, that is, slightly larger than pancakes. Pancakes are cooked very quickly, one might say, instantly. As soon as the surface of the “pancake” is covered with holes, it must be turned over with a spatula to the other side and held on the stove for literally another half a minute.

Thus, we bake pancakes one by one until the dough runs out. We stack ready-made American pancakes on a dish, and serve hot to the table.
These fluffy American pancakes are crispy and delicious. Agree, this is a worthy alternative to your favorite pancakes, which are fried in a large amount of oil. Children will especially like this delicacy! Do not forget to serve your favorite toppings with pancakes - jam, honey or melted chocolate. Bon Appetit!!!

It is unlikely that someone has not seen in traditional Western films, American pancakes called pancakes (pancakes). Usually, movie characters have breakfast, pouring maple syrup or honey over dessert. What are they? In appearance, pancakes look like a hybrid of large fluffy pancakes and ordinary pancakes.

Pancakes or American pancakes - a classic recipe

In America, such pancakes are considered a quick and very satisfying breakfast. Preparing a dessert is not difficult.

In order to cook 10-12 pancakes, you will need:

  • 200 ml milk or cream.
  • 3 chicken eggs.
  • 2 tbsp Sahara.
  • 150 g flour.
  • 2 tbsp butter or vegetable oil.
  • 2 tsp baking powder.
  • Vanillin.
  • Salt.

A separate dish is taken, where the yolks separated from the proteins are added. A pinch of salt is added to them and beaten properly with a whisk or mixer. Then milk, flour and baking powder are poured and all this is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Protein and sugar are whipped separately until a white foam appears, after which they are very carefully added to the dough with a spoon or whisk.

Oil is poured into the resulting mixture and mixed, after which it is immediately poured into a preheated frying pan. No oil is added for frying. As soon as bubbles appear, the pancake is flipped to the other side. After the pancakes are browned enough, the dessert is ready.

Recipe for sour milk

Cooking American pancakes with sour milk or kefir is very simple.

For 4 servings of dessert you will need:

  • 150 g flour.
  • 2 tsp baking powder.
  • 2 tbsp Sahara.
  • ½ tsp soda.
  • 1 chicken egg.
  • 250 ml of sour milk or 1% kefir.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • 2 tbsp oils.

One bowl is taken where flour, baking powder, sugar, salt and soda are mixed, and another where milk, egg and butter are kneaded. Then both parts are combined, but not completely, and lumps should remain in the mixture.

fluffy pancakes

A traditional American pancake recipe.

What you need:

  • 100 ml of milk.
  • 1 chicken egg.
  • 120 g flour.
  • 5 tsp Sahara.
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar.
  • 1 tsp baking powder.

The eggs are beaten, after which milk and both types of sugar are added to them. All this is whipped again until a homogeneous mass. Flour, baking powder are added. The mixture is stirred, then poured into a frying pan without oil and fried over low heat. If the dough burns and sticks, then you can add a little vegetable oil to it.

Fry both sides of the pancakes for 1 minute until bubbles form.

American pancakes with kefir and milk

What you need:

  • 300 g flour.
  • 4 chicken eggs.
  • 250 ml of milk or low-fat kefir.
  • 1 tsp salt.
  • 3 tbsp Sahara.
  • 1 tsp cinnamon.
  • 2 tsp baking powder.

Eggs are divided into yolks and proteins. The yolk is poured into a separate bowl, and the protein is removed for a while in the refrigerator. Cinnamon and sugar are added to the first part, everything is evenly whipped with a whisk or mixer. Then milk is poured into it and mixed again.

Sifted flour, mixed with baking powder, is introduced into the resulting mixture and all this is beaten to a state of homogeneous mass without the formation of lumps. The consistency of the dough should be similar to sour cream.

Proteins are taken out of the refrigerator. Salt is added to them and slowly whipped, gradually picking up speed. The foam must be stable. To check this, it is enough to turn the bowl over - if not a drop has spilled, then everything is done as it should.

The finished protein mass is carefully transferred to the dough. Mix with smooth movements. The mixture should be light and airy, reminiscent of meringue. Then it is poured into a preheated pan or crepe maker and baked on both sides until golden brown without using oil for 1 minute.

Chocolate pancakes

Chocolate American pancakes are a delicious delicacy that can be served on the festive table as a dessert or simply cooked for breakfast.

Not everyone has tried American pancakes, and only a few know how to cook them. Do you want to be one of those chefs? Then find out the recipe, cook and delight your household!

What it is?

What kind of dish is this? The recipe for pancakes (the so-called American pancakes), as many believe, came to us from America. And if you believe the experts, then this dish appeared and settled there thanks to migrants from Scotland.

Pancakes look like a cross between pancakes and pancakes. They are as thick and fluffy as pancakes, but as big as pancakes. Surely you have ever seen in American films how the whole family gathers at the table and eats pancakes. Yes, this tradition has been preserved to this day. Everyone in the household gathers for breakfast, drizzles pancakes with maple syrup, and begins the meal.

Is there any traditional recipe? It is already quite difficult to judge this, since almost every dish on its way from home to other countries of the world is transformed and acquires new ingredients and cooking features.

Set of ingredients

What products are included in the recipe for such pancakes? It depends on the preferences of the person who will cook this dish. The basis is always flour. Most housewives prefer wheat of the highest or first grade, but some use other types, such as corn.

Flour needs to be diluted with something. And here the opinions of culinary experts can also differ.

Most often there are recipes for American pancakes in milk. But it is quite possible to replace it with kefir, sour cream, yogurt, fermented baked milk or even whey.

This is reflected in the taste, but it all depends on personal preferences.

In order for the pancakes to rise during the baking process, you need to add soda, which reacts with the rest of the ingredients and gives the dough splendor and lightness. Usually soda is quenched with boiling water or vinegar. But this ingredient can be replaced with baking powder (baking powder), which is sold in stores.

Sugar and salt will add flavor. Their number may vary. You don't need much salt. But sugar should not be abused either. Firstly, then the pancakes will burn, and secondly, they are served with sugary syrup.

Sometimes the composition includes eggs, but as the practice and experience of housewives shows, sometimes you can do without them. Another ingredient is oil. You can choose vegetable (sunflower, corn or olive) or creamy. Margarine will also work, but the taste will not be the same.

Several variants

There are many recipes for American pancakes. Each of them is good in its own way, but any hostess has her own brand and uses only it. We offer you several options. Choose one that everyone in the household (and you) will appreciate.

Pancakes with milk and cinnamon

To prepare such a dish you will need:

  • 240-260 grams of wheat flour;
  • 230 ml of medium fat milk;
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon of soda;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • salt to taste.

Take care of the eggs first. Separate the yolks from the whites, put the latter in the refrigerator for now. Rub the yolks with cinnamon and sugar until the dry ingredients are completely dissolved, then add milk. Continue stirring and gradually begin to add flour. Do this slowly and carefully so that no lumps form.

Soda extinguish with boiling water or vinegar, add to the rest of the ingredients. Soften the butter (do not melt it), put it into the dough.

Now think about proteins. Add salt to them and start beating. It is better to do this with a mixer, as strong and fairly stable peaks should form in the end.

Now add the resulting mass of egg whites to the dough and gently, starting from the bottom, slowly mix everything.

Put the pan on a slow fire. You can oil it a little, but only once. Using a ladle or large spoon, pour the batter into the pan. Remember that the pancakes will be thick, so don't skimp on the dough. When the pancake is browned on one side (check this), turn it over and fry the other side. Fry the rest of the pancakes in the same way.

Pancakes on kefir

And here is another recipe. For cooking you will need:

  • 2 cups of kefir;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 2-3 chicken eggs;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 30-40 grams of butter;
  • ½ teaspoon salt.

Break the eggs into a bowl in which you will knead the dough. Add sugar and salt, beat everything (not too vigorously, just slightly). Then add kefir, beat everything again. Mix flour and soda (it is not necessary to extinguish it, since kefir acid will do this without other components), pour into a bowl with the rest of the ingredients.

Butter must be melted to a liquid state and added to the dough. Mix well.

Preheat a frying pan (greasing is optional) and using a large spoon or even a mug, pour out the batter for one pancake (there should be more than a regular pancake). When one side is browned, you can turn over. When the other side is done, transfer the pancake to a plate. Fry all the other pancakes in the same way.

Fruit pancakes with sour cream

Pancakes prepared according to this recipe turn out to be incredibly tender, fluffy, tasty and not at all dry due to the consistency of sour cream and the juiciness of fruits. For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 100-150 grams of flour;
  • 250 grams of sour cream (it is better to take medium fat content);
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 1 sachet of vanillin;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 2 nectarines;
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Mix sugar, sour cream and eggs. Beat it all with a mixer (at medium speed and not for long, otherwise the sour cream will become liquid and nothing will work). Add vegetable oil there, mix all the ingredients. Sift the flour to make the dough fluffy, mix with soda. Gently and gradually pour it all into a bowl of liquid ingredients, stirring constantly with a spoon to avoid lumps.

Now take care of the nectarines. Cut each of them in half, remove the stone and cut the fruit into small pieces, and then spread it in a bowl with dough. Leave everything for half an hour so that the pulp gives its juice and soaks the rest of the ingredients.

Preheat the pan, reduce the heat to low and start pouring the dough. No need to feel sorry for him, remember that you are cooking pancakes, not thin lacy pancakes. When one side is a dark golden color, flip the pancake and fry the other side until cooked through. Do the same with the rest of the dough. You should end up with about 7-10 pieces.

banana pancakes

This recipe involves the use of an ingredient such as bananas, which makes baking fragrant and tender. The ingredients are:

  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 100 grams of milk;
  • 1 banana;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 20 grams of butter;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder (it can be replaced with soda, but it should be quenched);
  • 1 pinch of salt.

So, first mix all the dry ingredients: sugar, flour, salt and baking powder. Grind the banana in a blender, then add milk, egg yolk and pre-softened butter to it. Beat everything at medium speed blender for about a minute.

The protein is whipped separately until a strong and thick foam is formed. Combine the dry ingredients mixture with the banana-yolk mixture, mix well, and then add the beaten protein and mix again, but only carefully so that the foam does not fall off. The dough is ready, you can start cooking.

Corn pancakes

For their preparation it is necessary:

  • 1 cup cornmeal (it must be finely ground, otherwise nothing will work);
  • 200-230 ml of natural yogurt without additives (it can be replaced with low-fat sour cream);
  • 50-70 grams of wheat flour;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 sachet of vanillin;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder for dough.

Combine yogurt, butter, sugar, vanilla and eggs, mix well. Mix flour, sift, add baking powder and start pouring into a bowl with the rest of the ingredients, constantly stirring everything with a spoon.

Heat the pan and pour the dough, spreading it over the entire bottom. Fry the pancake on both sides until golden brown. Ready!

So, you have chosen one recipe for yourself. And no matter which one you prefer, there are some subtleties and tricks that will help you make perfect pancakes. Helpful Hints:

  1. Usually American pancakes are fried in a dry frying pan. But if you added a little oil to the dough, or just didn’t have a good day, then take a fork, wind a cotton wool around the cloves, soak it in oil and grease the bottom of the pan. Then the pastry will not be greasy, but it will not burn.
  2. If you use a pan with a non-stick coating, the chance of burning will be reduced.
  3. To make the pancakes even, take the pan by the handle, pour the dough into the middle and, turning the pan, spread the dough all over the bottom. If you try to pour the dough on a standing device, the pancake will turn out crooked and will not fry evenly.
  4. It is best to serve such pancakes with some syrup so that it soaks the dough. But liquid honey, jam or condensed milk will do.

Let your American pancakes be the most delicious! Use your favorite recipe and enjoy!

Admit it, a world without fluffy pancakes would be pretty bleak. You love pancakes, don't you? Do you cook them? Of course! I am no exception in this regard. I really like to watch how drops of fragrant honey flow down from the edges of my pancake turret, like some kind of sunny waterfall. I offer a simple recipe for American pancake pancakes with photos that will be appreciated not only by adults, but also by children.

A completely reliable recipe that has been tested time and time again, so pancakes are always obtained. You can adapt the recipe depending on your mood and your taste. For example, you could add chocolate drops to your batter or blueberries. For both options, I always prefer to add them when the pancakes are pan-fried to make them prettier. For even more advanced toppings and chocolate lovers, make yourself a homemade Nutella. Or just enjoy them with a dollop of butter on top and a generous helping of honey or jam.

These pancakes have many advantages. American pancakes are extremely quick and easy to make, with few available ingredients. They have an amazing fluffy and light texture, during the baking process, pancakes do not absorb fat and therefore are less caloric than regular pancakes. Unlike pancakes we are used to, pancakes are always thick and not very large in circumference. You can’t wrap anything in them and traditionally they are poured with honey, condensed milk, jam and other liquid sweets.

You can bake pancakes on kefir, milk and whey. This recipe uses kefir, it will make pancakes more fluffy.

Taste Info Pancakes


  • Kefir - 300 g;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • Soda - 1 tsp;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sunflower oil - 25 g;
  • Wheat flour - 250 g;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp

How to make thick American pancake pancakes

Add soda to kefir of any fat content. Send to a small fire. While stirring, warm up the kefir mass quite a bit.

During heating, soda reacts well with the sour-milk product and many holes form on the surface.

Break the chicken egg. Stir with a whisk.

Sprinkle salt, vanilla sugar and granulated sugar. Stir to dissolve all crystals.

Sprinkle in the sifted wheat flour. Take either a hand whisk or a hand mixer and beat until smooth.

Pour in vegetable oil. Stir again. The dough is of medium thickness.

Heat up the pan on the fire. Oil lubrication is not required. Put two tablespoons of dough in the center and spread along the bottom, give a round and even shape. Fry over low heat until browned on both sides.

American kefir pancakes are ready. Quickly invite everyone at home for a delicious and hearty breakfast. Happy tea!

Note to housewives

  • Use all pancake ingredients at room temperature.
  • Baking should turn out magnificent, for this, sift the flour before cooking.
  • It is better not to pour oil into the pan at all. However, if you are not sure about its non-stick coating, you can lightly grease the bottom with a cooking brush with a drop of oil.
  • Don't let the dough stand too long, start baking pancakes immediately after kneading the dough.

  • Heat the pan well over medium heat before frying the pancakes.
  • Take better soda, not baking powder, and do not extinguish it.
  • Not everyone has the perfect pancake pan with a diameter of 14 cm, so you need to achieve the consistency of the desired thickness to form beautiful round pancakes.