Apple compote from fresh apples recipe. Apple compote

Many agree with the statement that grandmother's compotes are much tastier than store-bought juices. On this basis, hostesses are looking for delicious recipes, which involve the preparation of a drink from pure apples and in combination with other berries and fruits.

Fresh apple compote

  • granulated sugar - 0.3 kg.
  • seasonal apple - 1 kg.
  • drinking water - 950-1000 ml.
  1. First, sort the apples. You need to remove all specimens unsuitable for cooking compote. Do not use fruit with wormholes or bruises.
  2. After selection, rinse the fruits, cut them into pieces of arbitrary shape. Start sterilizing jars. The procedure is easy to carry out by means of a microwave or a water bath. Boil the lids.
  3. Prepare a container in which the drug will be boiled. Send apples to the pan, pour in table water and turn on the maximum heat. After boiling, lower the burner to a mark between medium and minimum.
  4. Simmer the fruits for another 6 minutes. After blanching, move the apple into a sieve, lower it into a basin with cold water. Next, pour the apples into a jar. Pour granulated sugar into the boiling water left over from cooking.
  5. Cook the composition until the grains dissolve, adhering to a small fire. When the granules are melted, fill the jar with apples with the sweet mass. Put the lid on top, but do not screw it on.
  6. Now start sterilization. Line a wide-bottomed pot with a towel and place the jar inside. Pour into an enamel container hot water, reaching the shoulders.
  7. Turn on the stove to the average, wait a third of an hour. After this time, carry out a hermetic seal, immediately turn the container over. Inspect the neck for leaks, wait for cooling (day).

Compote of frozen apples with pears

  • granulated sugar - 120-130 gr.
  • frozen apple - 0.28 kg.
  • frozen pear - 0.27 kg.
  • freshly ground cinnamon - in fact
  1. The recipe is good because the frozen fruits are already prepared. They do not require additional sorting and cutting. It is enough to move the pear with the apple into a colander and dip under the tap. After that, the fruits are dried.
  2. Now choose a pan of the right size. Send thawed apples into it, wait for it to boil. As soon as this happens, reduce the burner to a minimum. Wait another 8 minutes.
  3. Over the allotted time, the apples and pears will soften, which indicates that it is time to add cinnamon. You can enter a couple of cloves.
  4. After adding spices, wait 5 minutes, add granulated sugar. Stir the compote until the grains dissolve. Leave to cool at room temperature, use.

Apple compote with strawberries

  • lemon - 60-70 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 120-130 gr.
  • ripe apple - 3 pcs.
  • strawberries - 0.3 kg.
  • table (filtered) water - 1.6-1.8 liters.
  1. Rinse the apples, chop them into pieces. To remove the peel or not is a purely individual matter. But it is desirable to get rid of the core. Then sort the berries, remove the ponytails and foreign debris.
  2. Wash all the fruits again, then leave them in a colander until dry. Chop the strawberries into slices, squeeze the juice from the citrus. Chop the zest into strips.
  3. Put the listed components in a saucepan suitable for cooking, sprinkle with sugar. Stir by hand, leave for a third of an hour. During this time, boil water in the amount according to the recipe. Fill it with raw materials.
  4. Set the container on the stove, wait 25-30 minutes. Watch the fire, it should not be too intense. The optimal indicator is at which the apples slightly “bounce”.
  5. The finished drink must be infused until cool, then filtered with gauze (at the discretion). Apple-strawberry compote is served cold or rolled into jars hot.

  • table water - 2.8 l.
  • dried apple - 1.5-2 cups
  • beetroot sugar - to taste
  • fresh ground cinnamon - 1 stick
  • seedless raisins - 40 gr.
  1. Wash the dried apples, put them in a strainer and wait to dry. Then straighten the fruits in a suitable pan, add water, start boiling.
  2. Wait a quarter of an hour. During this time, grind the cinnamon stick into dust, soak the raisins in barely warm water. After the specified time, add sugar, fragrant spices and raisins.
  3. Continue languishing at a low rate until the grains dissolve. Then turn off the burner, let the mixture stand until it cools down. Filter after 11 hours and consume.

Compote of apples and viburnum

  • granulated sugar - 0.2 kg.
  • viburnum - 0.2 kg.
  • water - 1.9 l.
  • apple - 0.45 kg.
  1. Free viburnum, remove twigs and tails, dry the berry in a colander. Take care of the apples, peel them from the middle, chop them into cubes and wash them.
  2. Pour water into a bowl for making compote, add granulated sugar. Mix and put on the burner to languish. When the crystals dissolve, add viburnum with apples.
  3. Achieve a bubbling mass, reduce the power to a minimum, cook for another 7-10 minutes until the fruit softens. Then cool and consume immediately. You can roll up the drink in jars and leave it for the winter.

Compote with apples and lemon

  • drinking water - 1.45 l.
  • apple - 2.9 kg.
  • lemon powder - 1.5 gr.
  • lemon - 60 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 0.34 kg.
  1. First you need to select good apples, then wash and cut them. Remove the core and leave the peel. Scald citrus with boiling water, then wash with a sponge and soda.
  2. Cut the lemon into slices or half slices of equal size. Mix water with citric acid, wait for the particles to dissolve. Send apples to this solution for 10 minutes.
  3. Then add granulated sugar, enter the lemon, send the dishes to the fire. Boil until fruit softens. As a rule, 10-12 minutes are enough.
  4. After the allotted time, sterilize the prepared compote in a saucepan with boiling water, filling the jar up to the shoulders. Carry out hermetic capping with a tin, cool in an inverted state.

  • orange - 1 pc.
  • apple - 600-650 gr.
  • plum or cherry plum - 400 gr.
  • fructose, granulated sugar or honey (any sweetener) - to taste
  1. Engage in sorting and rinsing apples. Then rid them of the middle, do not remove the skin. Scald oranges with boiling water to make them juicier. Wash the zest with soda.
  2. Now chop the apples into slices, and the citruses into semicircles. Rinse cherry plum or plum (your choice), cut into 2 parts for easy removal of seeds.
  3. Send the cooked raw materials to an enameled pan. Add sweetener, water. Set the dishes on the fire, boil until it starts to boil. Then wait 7 minutes, turn off the burner, cool the compote.

Everyone loves homemade compotes. They are opened in winter, when the peak of fruit yield has already passed. The drink is consumed chilled in the summer to quench your thirst. Any of listed recipes can be adapted to your own taste by changing the amount of fruit and sugar, adding additional ingredients. Experiment and please your loved ones!

Video: whole apple compote for the winter without sterilization

There is an opinion that any apples are suitable for compote. Basically, I agree. There are only a few "buts":

With sour or sweet and sour apples, compote will be tastier and richer than that made from sweet varieties of apples. Because a sweet apple will actively require the addition of sourness in order to fully reveal the fragrant bouquet;

Not the most interesting taste in compote brewed from early summer apples(for example, the variety " White filling"). It will certainly be tasty, but somewhat rustic, without the rich palette that we want to experience. In addition, summer early varieties of apples are not strong and are very soft during the cooking process;

Rumor has it that any apples, even spoiled ones, will come down to compote. Yes, you can, but only if you cut them very carefully. Otherwise, the basic rule will work: bad products make bad dishes.

Based on these considerations, for apple compote I chose strong, sweet and sour apples of the Glory to the Winners variety. Agree, a very common and easily accessible apple.

So, let's start cooking. Put a pot of cold water on the fire. I had a small saucepan, about 2 liters. I poured it incomplete so that there was room for apples.

While the water is boiling, prepare the apples. They need to be thoroughly washed, cut into quarters, cut out the core. If you come across not very good places, just cut.

Everyone knows that sliced ​​apples quickly darken when exposed to oxygen. Slices can be sprinkled lemon juice(if not, then citric acid diluted in water). However, this must be done at will, because we do not serve fruit cutting, but we plan heat treatment apples, which will also change their original color.

By the way, cutting apples for compote is not entirely necessary. You can also use whole fruits. True, I personally do this only if I have small apples, "paradise". Because, in my opinion, the taste is revealed faster and more powerful if the apples are cut.

I decided to still add a little lemon to apple compote. Lemon is a versatile citrus. In compote, he will not win the palm over himself (as would happen with any berries), but he will shade very favorably apple flavor, giving the compote the necessary acid and a little bit of astringency.

By the way, my son always says that if lemon is added to the compote, then the compote tastes like a drink (yeah, which is forbidden to buy in our family, but every time it is still begged for).

Meanwhile, the water boiled. It's time to toss the apples. I immediately make the fire quieter, literally after 5 minutes I add sugar to taste. After another minute (as soon as the compote begins to boil again) I throw lemon slices. And then you can do it differently.

  1. Boil compote until tender, about 20 minutes. Its taste will be rich. True, the apples will be fairly boiled, and then you will have to strain the finished compote.
  2. I am going the second way. I cook compote on fire for a short time - the total time is no more than 7-10 minutes. Then I turn off the fire, cover the pan with a lid and leave it to languish on the off burner. I like that this way the apples remain intact and the “rags” do not float in the compote.

When the compote is ready, you will recognize it by its indescribable aroma. You always have a choice: drink compote hot, chilled or very cold, with ice cubes.

And the beauty is that everyone can get from such a drink what he wants right now. For example, I put pieces of apples in a glass with compote, turning a banal compote into almost a dessert.

If desired, you can set off the taste of apple compote with a few bright berries (then the compote will become not only tasty, but also beautiful in color, more saturated), sprigs of mint or lemon balm (which will give a special freshness to the finished apple drink), add a cinnamon stick or a small fraction vanilla (and then the usual apple compote will turn into a rich oriental drink, which I associate with winter - probably because of mulled wine).

In general, apple compote is the flight of your culinary fantasy. Cook unusual and delicious from the most ordinary and cheap products!

The variety of juices and sweet drinks in stores is great, but better than usual homemade compote so far nothing has been figured out. Making a blank in the form of apple compote for the winter, we are at least sure that there are no preservatives and flavorings in our compote, only natural products. Even the simplest apple compote for the winter is much healthier than any expensive drink from the store.

Apples allow you to cook any assorted compote according to your own taste, since apples go well with other fruits and berries. Compote of cherries and apples for the winter, compote of plums and apples for the winter, compote of apples and currants for the winter have proven themselves remarkably. A classic combination is considered to be a combination of apples and pears. Compote from apples and pears for the winter is valuable for its bright taste and fruity aroma, it quenches thirst well. And the amount of sugar in such compotes is determined depending on the degree of acidity of the fruit: sour apples, or the berries and fruits present in it, the more sugar you need to provide.

Apple compote for the winter is prepared both with sterilization and without sterilization or pasteurization. In the second case, the jars must be sterilized, dried before packing the fruit, and after capping, turn upside down and wrap in a blanket. It is also recommended to slightly increase the amount of sugar, which plays the role of a preservative.

It is advisable to cut large apples into slices, but if you have smaller apples, make compote from whole apples for the winter. Such a compote is more appetizing, looks better, although the taste of slicing fruit does not fundamentally change. Be sure to cook this simple, delicious and useful compote from apples. The recipe for the winter is on our website, use it.

A number of our tips will help you better understand how to make apple compote for the winter:

Compote needs large apples without visible damage;

It is advisable to sort the apples into varieties so that each jar contains apples of the same variety;

Apples are thoroughly washed, the skin is removed from them, the core is removed, the fruit is cut into slices;

Place peeled and chopped apples in cold, slightly salted water. But do not keep them in water for more than half an hour, as useful substances pass from apples into water;

After that, do not drain the water, it can be used to make syrup;

If you are preparing combined assorted compotes, remember that compotes with stone fruits (cherries, plums, apricots) cannot be stored for more than a year, and you can get poisoned. For long-term storage make fruit compote without pits;

Compote apples can simply be eaten as a dessert, or can be used as a filling for pies or apple pie.

Flavored drink made from fresh apples, perfectly quenches thirst and gives a feeling of freshness in summer. In winter, apple compote will bring back memories of warm summer days and saturate the body with vitamins. Even the youngest housewife can cook such a compote. However, there are some nuances that you should know to make the drink tasty and, importantly, healthy.

Do not peel fresh apples, because it contains most of the beneficial trace elements. Preference is given to green apples, slightly sour. Compote should not be cooked in aluminum or stainless pans, and in enamelware, since it is believed that the former spoil the taste of the drink.

Many young housewives are wondering how to cook such a compote, how long it takes to cook it so that everything is preserved. beneficial features, whether it is worth letting it brew after cooking to get a more aromatic drink.

According to its composition apple compotes are different types : with dried fruits (raisins, prunes, dried pears, dried apricots), as well as with the addition of various different berries and fruits (apricots, strawberries, cherries, lemons, tangerines, oranges, pears, peaches, etc.). For sweetness, sugar is often added (which can be replaced with fructose), and some housewives use honey.

Serving apple drink to the table hot, cooled or chilled. Boiled apples and other fruits can either be placed in a beautiful vase and put on the table, or left in each glass.

Despite the fact that there are a lot of recipes for making compote, the technology for preparing such a drink is extremely simple.

Making compote from fresh apples


  • 500-700 g of summer apples;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 100 - 200 g of granulated sugar (to taste).

First you need to prepare necessary utensils: large saucepan, cutting board and knife. Next, select half a kilo good apples(not overripe, but not hard). Selected fruits should be thoroughly washed with cool water, cut off all bad (rotten) places. After that, it is worth cutting out the core and cut each apple into 6 - 8 slices.

After everything is ready for the immediate preparation of the drink, put a pot of water on a high heat and wait for it to boil.

When the water boiled, reduce the heat to moderate and gently lower the apples cut into slices into boiling water.

Add some sugar (to taste) or honey. Sugar can be replaced with fructose. You can add a little cinnamon or mint if you like.

Cook compote for another 5-10 minutes, then remove from heat, close the lid and let it brew for at least half an hour.

Preparation of apple compote with oranges

A light drink perfect for a hot summer day..


  • fresh apples;
  • oranges;
  • plums;
  • sugar or honey (fructose).

The proportions can be any, depending on preferences. You can use a sweetener: sugar (fructose) or honey.

This type of compote is also not difficult to prepare. Preparing the components. Rinse the apples thoroughly, cut in half, cut out the core and divide the fruit into 5 - 8 slices of medium size. Rinse oranges and plums in water and cut into small pieces. Oranges do not need to be peeled first.

Put chopped fruit in a saucepan, pour water and put on fire. After boiling, you can add sugar or honey if desired. Cook the compote for a few more minutes, and after being ready, let it brew for 30 minutes. This drink should be served chilled.

Preparation of apple compote with prunes and cranberries

Very delicious drink, which retains the vitamins of the ingredients, improves health, in particular - digestion. Consider, how to cook apple compote with prunes and cranberries.


  • 500 gr fresh apples;
  • 100 - 150 gr cranberries;
  • 100 gr prunes;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • sugar (honey).

Before preparing such a compote, you first need prepare ingredients: select the cranberries and squeeze the juice, rinse the prunes thoroughly, then place the cranberry cake in water and put on fire, cook until boiling. If the berries turned out to be overdried, they can be pre-soaked in water for 10 - 15 minutes.

We filter the broth and add prunes, put on fire and cook for a short time - no more than 10 minutes. At that time, apples must be washed in water, cut in half, core removed and divided into 6 - 8 slices. After the water boils, gently immerse the chopped apples in the berries.

You can add to taste a little sugar or a couple of tablespoons of honey. Cook for a few more minutes, add cranberry juice. The drink must be mixed well, after which the pan is removed from the heat and let it brew for 15 minutes. Best served chilled.

Making apple and strawberry compote

Few people do not want a refreshing light drink on a hot summer day. Compote of fresh apples and strawberries is an excellent choice. Preparing it is quite simple, and the result will undoubtedly please. Thanks to the lemon, the drink will acquire a sweet-sour taste, which perfectly quenches thirst.


We wash fresh apples with water, cut, remove the core and divide into small slices. Some recipes skip this step and boil whole apples.

Sorting through the strawberries good berries rinse thoroughly from dirt and remove tails. Cut the strawberries into medium slices (not too thin). Also wash the lemon, do not separate the peel, cut into thin, neat rings.

When preparation is complete, put everything in a saucepan, fill with water and bring to a boil. Half a cup of sugar or fructose can be added to taste, but for those who like it sour, it is better to skip this step.

We brew the drink for about 20 minutes. When ready, let the fragrant brew brew for 15 minutes. You can strain the drink or leave the berries in a glass. Best served chilled.

Cook apple compote pure form, or with the addition various berries and spices is quite simple. However, there are some subtleties, knowing which you can make the drink several times tastier.

Unripe fruits should be selected - they will soften and turn into porridge during cooking. But don't take too much green apples- they have not yet reached the peak of their maturity and vitamin content.

When serving the finished compote in a glass, you can add a slice of lemon, orange or tangerine.

If the drink is prepared with the addition of spices, then it is better to leave it to infuse for the night, and if the compote is cooked during the day, then at least for a few hours. So it will turn out more tasty and fragrant.

For young children, apple compote can be boiled with pulp. To do this, the contents must be whipped with a blender and not filtered. In this case, the vitamins will remain in the liquid.

To prepare apple compote, if possible, use purified or spring water.

Sugar is always added to taste because the measure of sweetness varies from person to person. If it is decided to replace sugar with honey, then it should not be put in boiling water during cooking. The best option will add a couple of tablespoons of honey to the finished cooling compote, then mix it well.

If spices or spices are used, it is best to add them at the end of compote preparation. Otherwise, they will lose their taste and aroma.

And also, for the greatest preservation of vitamins, it is undesirable to remove the peel from apples, and when cooking compote, it is advised to add a little citric acid, thanks to which the drink will become even more useful.

Fragrant sweet drink quenches thirst well and refreshes in summer. In winter it reminds warm days and provides the missing vitamins at this time. There are many tricks for making apple compote, which are known only to experienced housewives. For example, it is not necessary to remove the skin from the fruit, because it contains the maximum amount useful substances. Before you cook apple compote in a saucepan, you should know which dishes are best to use. It is believed that it is better to take enamelware, because aluminum or stainless containers spoil the taste.

How to cook apple compote

How much to cook compote, what can be added, whether it is worth letting the drink brew - all this is of interest to young housewives. To get a rich taste, leaving intact most of the vitamins contained in the fruits, boil them for no longer than 15 minutes. Focus on the size of apples and their number. In addition, it is allowed to add any other fruits or berries to the compote: plums, raspberries, pears, apricots. IN winter compote you can put a few slices of orange. To cook delicious healthy drink, a number of rules must be taken into account:

  • Fruits are brought to a low boil (comote with apples is cooked over low heat). This allows you to save their useful properties.
  • The pieces must be the same size for simultaneous cooking.
  • The drink is served chilled, filtered (all components are previously removed from the dishes).

From fresh

An important point in the preparation of apple compote is to prevent overcooking. The pieces should keep their shape and vitamin composition. The duration of cooking, in addition to the size and number of fruits, depends on the variety of fruits. For example, if you use ripe Antonovka, then you only need to bring the water to a boil and remove it from the heat. It is better to boil Simirenka or Melba for 5-8 minutes.


  • apples (any variety to choose from, including paradise) - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • purified water - 3 liters.

How to cook compote from fresh apples in a saucepan:

  1. Rinse, cut the fruits into pieces, remove the core.
  2. Fill a saucepan with water, put on fire, bring to a boil.
  3. Add 1.5 cups of sugar, prepared ingredients, to the pan. In a boil, you can combine almost any other fruit. For example, a decoction of apples and pears is very tasty.
  4. When the water boils again, mark for 10-15 minutes, then remove the pan from the heat.
  5. Close the pot, letting the drink brew for 3-5 hours.
  6. The prepared broth can be preserved in order to leave a tasty and healthy preparation for the winter.

From dried

It is better to cook compote from dried fruits 12 hours before serving, so that it has time to infuse, become saturated. This will fully reveal the aroma and taste. As a rule, sugar is not used to prepare the broth, since dried fruits already give a lot of sweetness to the water. Boil the drink for 12-20 minutes, after soaking in cold water dry fruits. To give the broth a spice and festive aroma, you can season it with cinnamon or citrus peel.


  • dried apples- up to 2 tbsp.;
  • sugar (to taste);
  • water - 3000 ml;
  • raisins - 1 tbsp;
  • cinnamon - tsp

A simple recipe for making a broth:

  1. Rinse the ingredients thoroughly by draining the dried fruits in a colander.
  2. Fill a saucepan with water, add dried fruits and place on slow fire.
  3. After 15 minutes, add cinnamon and turn off the burner.
  4. When the broth is infused (12 hours), strain. Serve on the table.

From frozen

Some thrifty housewives fill the freezer with vegetables and fruits since the summer so that they can cook their favorite dishes in the winter. If you have frozen apples, you can quickly make compote or jelly with them. The first is equally tasty when served cold or hot. If served warm, it will become a non-alcoholic substitute for traditional mulled wine.


  • frozen apples - 200 g;
  • other frozen fruits - 300 g;
  • sugar - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • clove or cinnamon.

How to cook a drink from frozen fruits in a saucepan:

  1. Wash and dry fruits.
  2. Place them in a pot filled with clean water.
  3. When the liquid boils, reduce the heat and cook the ingredients for another 10 minutes.
  4. The fruits will become soft, and then it is worth seasoning non-alcoholic mulled wine cinnamon/cloves.
  5. After 5 minutes, add sugar and let the drink brew for a couple of hours.

Video: recipe for apple compote in a saucepan

Traditional fruit drink prepared with the addition of various berries, fruits: cherries, currants, peaches, gooseberries, pears. Both fresh and dried or even frozen fruits are used. Young mothers can prepare a natural apple drink for babies - this will be a great vitamin replacement plain water. After watching the proposed videos, you will learn how to properly cook it in a saucepan.

For the winter

Baby without sugar