Homemade grog recipe made from rum. Grog is a rum drink that gives warmth and joy every day.

Autumn has passed its halfway point, and the time has come for mulled wine, punch and grog. Nothing invigorates you on a gray, foggy morning, warms you up on a frosty day, or drives away an incipient cold like a cup of hot and fragrant drink. Take a sip and the alcohol flows through your veins like a warm wave, giving you a feeling of comfort.

In fact, grog and punch are late successors to mulled wine. Even the ancient Romans, who conquered the province of Britannica, learned to heat wine and add various spices to it. This drink was very fond of the Germanic tribes and received the German name “mulled wine”. Well, later they began to replace wine with stronger alcohol. In this article we will tell you how to prepare grog at home. Making this drink is very simple, the process does not take much time. But grog (if consumed within reasonable limits) is very useful. It strengthens the immune system, invigorates, improves mood, and improves overall tone.

A little history

Grog is a drink consisting of strong alcohol and water. IN classic version The base was rum. Why would anyone dilute this pirate drink with water? The fact is that until July 1970, rum was included in the daily ration of a British sailor. Drinking this type of alcohol was believed to prevent scurvy. But in the eighteenth century, the rum ration was serious: two hundred and forty milliliters of eighty-proof alcohol. It is not surprising that after him the sailors were drawn to various feats: starting a mutiny on a ship or boarding a ship. Admiral Edward Vernon decided to put an end to rampant drunkenness. The sailors behind his back called him “Old Grog” (translated as “old cloak”). It cannot be said that the sea wolves were delighted with the resulting drink. Moreover, the admiral diluted the rum significantly: he added four times more water than alcohol. But the British appreciated this drink. I just needed to heat the water.

Later the drink acquired many variations. It is prepared using hot tea or even wine. Rum is sometimes replaced with vodka, cognac, whiskey and even absinthe. Lemon, cinnamon, and nutmeg, cloves, pepper, ginger. Since the British drink tea with milk, it soon emerged with cream. But let's focus on the classics first. Initially, grog is 15-20 degrees strength. To prepare it at home, put a small saucepan on the fire and pour four hundred milliliters of water into it. When it boils, remove the dishes from the stove. Squeeze two lemons into the water, pour a glass of dark rum in a thin stream (Bacardi and Jamaican varieties are best suited for grog). Sweeten the drink to taste with cane sugar.

Tea grog: homemade recipe

It would be optimal to use “English Breakfest” or some other black varieties. Some are fashionable modern recipes use and green tea, as well as rooibos, mate, senchu. The main thing is not to skimp on the brew. We put the kettle on the stove. Bring the water to a boil. In a large porcelain teapot, pour four spoons of dry tea, 2 tbsp. l. brown sugar, four cinnamon sticks, fifteen cloves. Let's fill it with four hundred milliliters of boiling water. Let's let it brew. Grog is a warming drink. Therefore, it should be served in ceramic mugs or thick-walled glass glasses. This will prevent the drink from cooling down too quickly. First, pour fifty milliliters of rum into a mug. Let's dilute it with twice as much tea. Place a slice of lemon in a mug and serve.

Ladies grog

In this recipe, we will replace the rum with a more gentle alcohol. This can be one hundred milliliters of liqueur or 50 ml each of cognac and cherry (currant) syrup. A spoon of black tea with grated orange zest Brew half a glass of boiling water. Place two cloves in a saucepan cinnamon stick, star anise, a pinch of vanillin and ground nutmeg. Pour cognac with syrup (or liqueur). Strain into a saucepan and tea leaves. We put the dishes on a very low heat and warm them up - but do not boil them. Then let it brew for another five minutes under the lid. Place lemon slices or mugs into cups. We pour the drink.

Heligoland grog

In this recipe we will add very little water (forty milliliters), and combine dark rum with red wine. As a result, we will get a very strong grog. The home recipe calls for heating the alcohol first. For sixty milliliters of wine you need to take 40 ml of rum. Let's dilute the alcohol with water. Let's put it on slow fire, but how good coffee, keep it from boiling. You can heat the alcohol mixture in a water bath. Pour hot grog into a thick-bottomed glass. Decorate the edge of the glass with a circle of lemon or orange. Serve with straws. This drink can be varied with liquid honey, maple syrup, a mixture of spices that are usually added to mulled wine.

"Hot Buttered Room"

You can also prepare an original viscous and thick grog. Recipe with rum that can be substituted quality cognac. First, let's get it out of freezer butter and quickly grate a small amount into coarse shavings. Put two pieces of sugar in a glass and add fifty milliliters of dark rum. Fill the glass three-quarters full with boiling water. Place the cereal on top butter. Lightly mix all the contents with a thin spoon.

"Hot Heinrich"

Heat one hundred twenty-five milliliters of water in a saucepan. Dissolve the same amount of honey in it. Grind the spices (six cloves and peas of black pepper, and half of grated nutmeg) in a mortar and add to the liquid. Boil for about a quarter of an hour. Remove and let cool a little. Pour in two hundred and fifty milliliters of vodka. Place the cut lemon peel into the pan and cover. Let the grog brew for five minutes. Then strain the drink into glasses through a strainer.

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Grog is hot alcoholic drink| Let us clarify that masculine and very conceptual | Prepared from strong alcoholic drinks such as rum, whiskey, cognac, vodka and hot water| IN ready drink add tea, lemon or honey

Why does this drink have such a reputation? A short excursion into history...

There are many versions of where the grog recipe came from | But they all agree that English sailors had a hand in creating grog... It seems that in the 18th century, one of them accidentally found out that a drink made from rum, hot water and lemon juice helps to avoid scurvy | In those days, when voyages lasted so long and food was very meager, such a recipe was a very important discovery | He quickly gained popularity among sailors throughout the English fleet | And soon it spread throughout the world

The recipe for making grog has changed over the centuries; a variety of ingredients have been added to it, for example, coffee, spices and even milk | Today there are many such recipes, but they remain unchanged a few rules

  1. Rule one- it doesn’t matter what alcoholic drink is the basis | The main thing is that the ratio of water and alcohol is always constant - one part strong alcoholic drink, four parts hot water
  2. Rule two- do not mix | The good old rule | Do not mix alcohol in a drink | If you took whiskey, don’t add cognac
  3. Rule three- alcohol is poured hot water, and not vice versa.

Cooking grog in a water bath. It is served hot, the temperature should be about 70 degrees. Don't forget to warm up the glass. It is customary to drink in small sips. The recommended dose is one glass. However, it is recommended for English sailors.

Today you can very easily prepare your own grog.

So: we cook using hot water or tea. Add spices to taste. You can choose cinnamon or cloves, nutmeg or allspice peas. Add lemon juice. If you want, you can add sugar or honey. Bring the mixture to a boil, but do not boil. Remove from heat, then add alcohol. Don't forget to warm your glass. The traditional component of grog, of course, is rum. But options with whiskey or cognac will be no less interesting.

This is the basis of the recipe. Try it various options. Find your own recipe that you can tell your son or grandson about. We're sure they'll appreciate it.

Very relevant grog it's becoming winter, because it's excellent remedy for colds and for a good mood.


Effect on the body:

Alcohol, turned into a medicine two and a half centuries ago, is still popular today. After all, over the years grog has not lost its medicinal properties. It warms and protects the body from infections, gives strength and calms the nerves. Being an excellent alternative to mulled wine and punch, grog lifts your spirits and protects against colds. Especially gloomy autumn and cold winter.

You can't drink grog:

  • V large quantities(no more than 200 ml at a time)
  • with a tendency to alcoholism and binge drinking, metabolic disorders and endocrine diseases ( diabetes, obesity, gout, rickets, etc.)
  • for liver and kidney diseases

Types of grog:

Not every drink can boast such variability as grog. The thing is that a number of factors contribute to this.

Firstly, the alcoholic base of grog can be not only rum, but also cognac, brandy, and whiskey. It is recommended to use dark rum, but gold and even white are quite suitable. There are recipes for the drink even based on vodka and even absinthe. In addition, there is grog and no alcohol at all.

Secondly, classic recipe consists of only three components: rum, water and sugar. But additives such as honey (instead of sugar), tea or coffee (instead of water), spices, citrus juice or liqueur are a matter of taste. They allow you to create a recipe for everyone.

As for spices, you can use various compositions of cloves, pepper, star anise, cinnamon, nutmeg, etc.

It is worth not forgetting that every tea and coffee is already new option grog. This way you can create, for example, coffee grog. And this does not take into account the fact that some people add milk, cream, chicken eggs and dried fruits.

Just pay attention to the fact that when preparing grog at home, the optimal proportion of alcohol (rum, cognac, etc.) and the water part (water, tea, coffee) will be 1:3. This means you can reduce or increase the amount of alcohol in recipes to create the optimal balance.

Having made sure that the composition of the grog depends on the flight of fancy and the aspirations of the soul, you can move on to the main part.

How and with what to drink grog?

Drink this drink hot (but slightly infused), in small sips or through a straw, savoring and enjoying. It requires thick-walled dishes made of glass, porcelain or clay (to retain heat longer).

Most often, the drink is served with baked goods, dried fruits, chocolate candies, pancakes or pancakes. But he is good on his own. And many people love him just like that, in pure form, without any snacks.
There are various ways to prepare grog:

  1. Boiling. All components, including alcohol and spices, are boiled in water for 2-3 minutes, infused and poured into a cup.
  2. Brewing. Initially, tea or coffee with spices or herbs is brewed in a large teapot, where after 5 minutes lemon juice, sugar or honey and alcohol are added.

Using these methods you can prepare exclusive grog, just yours. And our recipes will serve as the basis for choosing components.

Grog "Classic"


  • rum (dark or amber) - 200 ml
  • water (boiled) - 400 ml
  • lemons - 2 units.
  • sugar - 4 teaspoons

You need to prepare it like this:

  1. Squeeze the juice out of the lemons.
  2. Boil water and, reducing the heat, pour alcohol, juice and sugar into it.
  3. In 2-3 minutes of continuous stirring, the sugar will dissolve and the drink can be poured into cups.
  4. Boil the homemade grog for 2-3 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved, stirring it with a kitchen spatula.

Try making the same recipe, but replace the rum with cognac (or use white rum), sugar for honey (in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons), and water for tea and add 2 cloves and 1 cinnamon stick (or other spices as desired). They need to be immersed in water after it boils along with other components. At the end, this drink needs to be strained. Spices can be added without boiling - but only before bottling. But then there is no need to filter the drink. By the way, it is quite appropriate to put a slice of orange and lemon into a cup of grog.

Coffee grog


  • rum (Jamaican) - 40 ml
  • cognac - 30 ml
  • coffee (freshly brewed) - 240 ml
  • water (boiled) - 50 ml
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • lemon - 1 unit (for decoration)

You need to prepare it like this:

  1. Sugar must be completely dissolved in water
  2. Pour rum and cognac into hot coffee, sugar syrup and pour into cups. Garnish with a slice of lemon.

Try making coffee grog according to this recipe, replacing rum and cognac with red port (70 ml), and granulated sugar with condensed milk. Or add cinnamon (or allspice, cloves, nutmeg, anise, lemon and orange peels in dried or fresh and so on.). Is the quantity of spices for grog calculated from the quantity? teaspoon for 3 cups of coffee.

Grog "Winter"


  • rum, cognac or vodka - 300 ml
  • water - 200 ml
  • sugar - 200 grams
  • cherry juice - 30 ml
  • black tea (bagged) - 5 grams (1 bag)
  • raspberries (or raspberry jam) - 50 grams

You need to prepare it like this:

  1. Bring the cherry juice to a boil, add granulated sugar, add the alcoholic part and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.
  2. Separately, boil water and brew tea.
  3. Mix both parts and let sit for about 5 minutes.

Grog "Honey"


  • white rum - 80 ml
  • black tea (brewed) - 400 ml
  • honey - 1-2 tablespoons
  • lemon juice - from 1 piece (small)
  • cinnamon - ? sticks
  • carnations - 2 buds

You need to prepare it like this:

The tea is brewed with spices for about 10 minutes, filtered, juice, alcohol and honey are added.

Grog "Sea"


  • cognac - 40 ml
  • red wine (can be homemade) - 40 ml
  • black tea (brewed) - 240 ml
  • cardamom - 2 boxes
  • cinnamon - 1 pinch
  • lemon and apple - for decoration
  • honey - optional

You need to prepare it like this:

You need to mix the drinks, add spices, leave for 5-10 minutes, filter. Decorate before serving.

Non-alcoholic grog

This perfect option for people who cannot tolerate alcohol and children. It will help fight colds and overcome insomnia. They usually drink it after frost or before bed. At the same time, you can drink it, unlike alcoholic options, 2 cups at a time.

This grog has a number of variations in composition. While they are prepared either by infusion or boiling, which are described just above. Therefore, we will omit the details of their preparation technologies and write for you only the components included in this or that grog.

Option 1:

  • black tea (hot) - 1 glass
  • cherry juice - 150 ml
  • sugar - 50 grams
  • cinnamon -1 stick

This grog is prepared by heating the ingredients for 10 minutes.

Option 2:

  • hibiscus tea (hot) - 1 glass
  • cinnamon - 1 stick
  • cloves - 2 buds
  • ginger - 2 pieces
  • honey - to taste

This grog is prepared by heating the ingredients (without honey) and infusing them for 20 minutes. After this, honey is added, heated again and drunk.

Option 3:

  • black or hibiscus tea (hot) - 2 cups
  • cinnamon - 2 teaspoons
  • cloves - 3-4 buds
  • pepper - 3-4 peas
  • lemon/orange juice - from? fruit
  • honey - 70 grams

The spices are heated with tea for 3 minutes, the citrus juice is squeezed out, left for 30 minutes, heated again and honey is added.

Sometimes star anise (2 stars), cardamom (8 boxes), or ginger (2 pieces) are added to this grog.

But if it suddenly happens that you don’t like more than one of our recipes, prepare the grog yourself. So that your grog is non-alcoholic, choose your favorite tea, dried berries and spices. Brew them for a few minutes, add lemon, lime or orange juice (you can use slices of these fruits), honey or sugar to taste and enjoy. By adding 70-80 ml of one of your favorite alcoholic drinks, you will get alcoholic grog. It's simple.

Grog appeared in 1740 thanks to Edward Vernon, who was then admiral of the British fleet and only after 1970 ceased to be part of the daily diet of British sailors. The admiral could not prohibit the sailors from drinking alcohol, but he also could not tolerate drunkenness.

He began diluting their 80 percent rum with water, to which sugar, spices and lemon juice were eventually added (to prevent scurvy and colds). It was the medicinal properties of the invented drink that prevented the sailors from tearing Vernon to pieces for weak alcohol.

The grog received its name in honor of the admiral’s waterproof cape - his constant companion, which in English was called “grogram cloak”.

The strength of grog ranges from 15 to 27%, and it is almost always drunk hot.

Effect on the body:

Alcohol, turned into a medicine two and a half centuries ago, is still popular today. After all, over the years, grog has not lost its medicinal properties. It warms and protects the body from infections, gives strength and calms the nerves. Being an excellent alternative to mulled wine and punch, grog lifts your spirits and protects against colds. Especially gloomy autumn and cold winter.

You can't drink grog:

  • in large quantities (no more than 200 ml at a time)
  • with a tendency to alcoholism and binge drinking with metabolic disorders and endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, obesity, gout, rickets, etc.)
  • for liver and kidney diseases

Types of grog:

Not every drink can boast such variability as grog. The thing is that a number of factors contribute to this.

Firstly, the alcoholic base of grog can be not only rum, but also cognac, brandy, and whiskey. It is recommended to use dark rum, but gold and even white are quite suitable. There are recipes for the drink even based on vodka and even absinthe. In addition, there is grog and no alcohol at all.

Secondly, the classic recipe consists of only three components: rum, water and sugar. But additives such as honey (instead of sugar), tea or coffee (instead of water), spices, citrus juice or liqueur are a matter of taste. They allow you to create a recipe for everyone.

As for spices, you can use various compositions of cloves, pepper, star anise, cinnamon, nutmeg, etc.

It is worth remembering that every tea and coffee is a new version of grog. This way you can create, for example, coffee grog. And this does not take into account the fact that some people add milk, cream, chicken eggs and dried fruit to the drink.

Just pay attention to the fact that when preparing grog at home, the optimal proportion of alcohol (rum, cognac, etc.) and the water part (water, tea, coffee) will be 1:3. This means you can reduce or increase the amount of alcohol in recipes to create the optimal balance.

Having made sure that the composition of the grog depends on the flight of fancy and the aspirations of the soul, you can move on to the main part.

How and with what to drink grog?

Drink this drink hot (but slightly infused), in small sips or through a straw, savoring and enjoying. It requires thick-walled dishes made of glass, porcelain or clay (to retain heat longer).

Most often, the drink is served with pastries, dried fruits, chocolates, pancakes or pancakes. But he is good on his own. And many people love it just like that, in its pure form, without any snacks.
There are various ways to prepare grog:

  1. Boiling. All components, including alcohol and spices, are boiled in water for 2-3 minutes, infused and poured into a cup.
  2. Brewing. Initially, tea or coffee with spices or herbs is brewed in a large teapot, where after 5 minutes lemon juice, sugar or honey and alcohol are added.

Using these methods you can prepare exclusive grog, just yours. And our recipes will serve as the basis for choosing components.

Grog "Classic"


  • rum (dark or amber) – 200 ml
  • water (boiled) – 400 ml
  • lemons – 2 units.
  • sugar – 4 teaspoons

You need to prepare it like this:

  1. Squeeze the juice out of the lemons.
  2. Boil water and, reducing the heat, pour alcohol, juice and sugar into it.
  3. In 2-3 minutes of continuous stirring, the sugar will dissolve and the drink can be poured into cups.
  4. Boil the homemade grog for 2-3 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved, stirring it with a kitchen spatula.

Try to prepare the same recipe, but replace the rum with cognac (or use white rum), sugar with honey (in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons), and water with tea and add 2 buds of cloves and 1 stick of cinnamon (or other spices as desired). They need to be immersed in water after it boils along with other components. At the end, this drink needs to be strained. Spices can be added without boiling - but only before bottling. But then there is no need to filter the drink. By the way, it is quite appropriate to put a slice of orange and lemon into a cup of grog.

Coffee grog


  • rum (Jamaican) – 40 ml
  • cognac – 30 ml
  • coffee (freshly brewed) – 240 ml
  • water (boiled) – 50 ml
  • sugar – 1 tablespoon
  • lemon – 1 unit (for decoration)

You need to prepare it like this:

  1. Sugar must be completely dissolved in water
  2. Pour rum and cognac into hot coffee, sugar syrup and pour into cups. Garnish with a slice of lemon.

Try making coffee grog according to this recipe, replacing rum and cognac with red port (70 ml), and granulated sugar with condensed milk. Or add cinnamon (or allspice, cloves, nutmeg, anise, dried or fresh lemon and orange peels, etc.) to the composition. The amount of spices for grog is calculated from the amount of ¼ teaspoon per 3 glasses of coffee.

Grog "Winter"


  • rum, cognac or vodka - 300 ml
  • water – 200 ml
  • sugar - 200 grams
  • cherry juice - 30 ml
  • black tea (bagged) - 5 grams (1 bag)
  • raspberries (or raspberry jam) - 50 grams

You need to prepare it like this:

  1. Bring the cherry juice to a boil, add granulated sugar, add the alcoholic part and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.
  2. Separately, boil water and brew tea.
  3. Mix both parts and let sit for about 5 minutes.

Grog "Honey"


  • white rum - 80 ml
  • black tea (brewed) – 400 ml
  • honey – 1-2 tablespoons
  • lemon juice - from 1 piece (small)
  • cinnamon – ½ stick
  • carnations – 2 buds

You need to prepare it like this:

The tea is brewed with spices for about 10 minutes, filtered, juice, alcohol and honey are added.

Grog "Sea"


  • cognac – 40 ml
  • red wine (can be homemade) – 40 ml
  • black tea (brewed) – 240 ml
  • cardamom – 2 boxes
  • cinnamon – 1 pinch
  • lemon and apple - for decoration
  • honey - optional

You need to prepare it like this:

You need to mix the drinks, add spices, leave for 5-10 minutes, filter. Decorate before serving.

Non-alcoholic grog

This is an ideal option for people who cannot tolerate alcohol and children. It will help fight colds and overcome insomnia. They usually drink it after frost or before bed. At the same time, you can drink it, unlike alcoholic options, 2 cups at a time.

This grog has a number of variations in composition. While they are prepared either by infusion or boiling, which are described just above. Therefore, we will omit the details of their preparation technologies and write for you only the components included in this or that grog.

Option 1:

  • black tea (hot) – 1 glass
  • cherry juice – 150 ml
  • sugar – 50 grams
  • cinnamon -1 stick

This grog is prepared by heating the ingredients for 10 minutes.

Option 2:

  • hibiscus tea (hot) – 1 glass
  • cinnamon – 1 stick
  • cloves – 2 buds
  • ginger – 2 pieces
  • honey - to taste

This grog is prepared by heating the ingredients (without honey) and infusing them for 20 minutes. After this, honey is added, heated again and drunk.

Option 3:

  • black or hibiscus tea (hot) – 2 cups
  • cinnamon – 2 teaspoons
  • cloves – 3-4 buds
  • pepper – 3-4 peas
  • lemon/orange juice – from ½ fruit
  • honey – 70 grams

The spices are heated with tea for 3 minutes, the citrus juice is squeezed out, left for 30 minutes, heated again and honey is added.

Sometimes star anise (2 stars), cardamom (8 boxes), or ginger (2 pieces) are added to this grog.

But if it suddenly happens that you don’t like more than one of our recipes, prepare the grog yourself. So that your grog is non-alcoholic, choose your favorite tea, dried berries and spices. Brew them for a few minutes, add lemon, lime or orange juice (you can use slices of these fruits), honey or sugar to taste and enjoy. By adding 70-80 ml of one of your favorite alcoholic drinks, you will get alcoholic grog. It's simple.

First let's mix tea infusion with hot milk. Then we heat the contents to 70 degrees. Next, pour in the rum in a thin stream along the edge. Mix and pour into cups.

Cranberry grog

  1. Dark rum – 150 ml
  2. Cranberry liqueur – 150 ml
  3. Cranberry juice– 500 ml
  4. Mint – 5 leaves
  5. Honey – 25 g
  • Cherry grog

    1. Rum – 200 ml
    2. Red dry wine– 500 ml
    3. Pitted cherries – 200 g
    4. Cinnamon – 2 sticks
    5. Sugar – 3 tbsp. l.

    Attention! The berries must be cooked in wine initially.

    Coffee grog

    1. Light rum– 250 ml
    2. Red port – 500 ml
    3. Hot instant coffee- 2 tsp. for 250 ml water
    4. Condensed milk – 1 tbsp. l.
    5. Cane sugar – 100 g

    Heat all the ingredients at the same time, without bringing the drink to a boil.

    Pomegranate grog

    1. Light rum – 200 ml
    2. Water – 500 ml
    3. Pomegranate seeds – 250 g
    4. Cinnamon – 1 stick
    5. Cardamom – 5 seeds
    6. Star anise – 1 pc.
    7. Cloves – 3 pcs.
    8. Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.

    Pomegranate seeds are initially filled with water. Before adding sugar and rum, the liquid must be strained.

    Spicy grog

    1. Dark rum – 180 ml
    2. Water – 180 ml
    3. Lemon juice – 80 ml
    4. Cinnamon – 2 sticks
    5. Cloves – 4 pcs.
    6. Nutmeg – 1 pinch
    7. Cardamom – 5 seeds
    8. Fresh mint– 3 leaves (optional)
    9. Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Berry grog

    1. Cognac brandy – 15 ml
    2. Cointreau liqueur – 20 ml
    3. Strawberry-raspberry syrup – 15 ml
    4. Water – 130 ml
    5. Berry tea – 8 g
    6. Strawberries – 20 g
    7. Blueberries – 10 g
    8. Raspberries – 10 g

    Pour boiling water over the tea and set aside for a few minutes. Place finely chopped or blended berries in a grog glass, then pour syrup and liqueur over them. Add infused and strained berry tea. Next, carefully pour in the brandy along the back of a bar spoon and set the contents of the glass on fire for 10 seconds. Then, fully enjoy the result.

    What is grog

    Grog in its classic form is a hot alcoholic drink whose strength ranges between 15 and 20 degrees. At the same time, any the right recipe grog implies mandatory boiling of all its ingredients. Otherwise, you'll just end up with a grog-shaped cocktail.

    The basic composition of the drink includes water, rum (mostly dark), sugar and lemon juice. At the same time, various modifications and additions to the original version are allowed. For example, replacing sugar with honey, we get honey grog. It is also possible to replace plain boiling water with black or green tea, coffee, juices and even milk. In addition, you can diversify the drink by adding various berries or fruit. When replacing the alcoholic base, such apocryphal drinks as cognac grog or whiskey grog are obtained. Finally, many lovers of the mentioned drink willingly add various spices to it: cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, mint, ginger, etc.

    Grog appeared in 1740 thanks to Edward Vernon, who was then admiral of the British fleet and only after 1970 ceased to be part of the daily diet of British sailors. The admiral could not prohibit the sailors from drinking alcohol, but he also could not tolerate drunkenness.

    He began diluting their 80 percent rum with water, to which sugar, spices and lemon juice were eventually added (to prevent scurvy and colds). It was the medicinal properties of the invented drink that prevented the sailors from tearing Vernon to pieces for weak alcohol.

    The grog received its name in honor of the admiral’s waterproof cape - his constant companion, which in English was called “grogram cloak”.

    The strength of grog ranges from 15 to 27%, and it is almost always drunk hot.

    Effect on the body:

    Alcohol, turned into a medicine two and a half centuries ago, is still popular today. After all, over the years, grog has not lost its medicinal properties. It warms and protects the body from infections, gives strength and calms the nerves. Being an excellent alternative to mulled wine and punch, grog lifts your spirits and protects against colds. Especially gloomy autumn and cold winter.

    You can't drink grog:

    • in large quantities (no more than 200 ml at a time)
    • with a tendency to alcoholism and binge drinking with metabolic disorders and endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, obesity, gout, rickets, etc.)
    • for liver and kidney diseases

    Types of grog:

    Not every drink can boast such variability as grog. The thing is that a number of factors contribute to this.

    Firstly, the alcoholic base of grog can be not only rum, but also cognac, brandy, and whiskey. It is recommended to use dark rum, but gold and even white are quite suitable. There are recipes for the drink even based on vodka and even absinthe. In addition, there is grog and no alcohol at all.

    Secondly, the classic recipe consists of only three components: rum, water and sugar. But additives such as honey (instead of sugar), tea or coffee (instead of water), spices, citrus juice or liqueur are a matter of taste. They allow you to create a recipe for everyone.

    As for spices, you can use various compositions of cloves, pepper, star anise, cinnamon, nutmeg, etc.

    It is worth remembering that every tea and coffee is a new version of grog. This way you can create, for example, coffee grog. And this does not take into account the fact that some people add milk, cream, chicken eggs and dried fruit to the drink.

    Just pay attention to the fact that when preparing grog at home, the optimal proportion of alcohol (rum, cognac, etc.) and the water part (water, tea, coffee) will be 1:3. This means you can reduce or increase the amount of alcohol in recipes to create the optimal balance.

    Having made sure that the composition of the grog depends on the flight of fancy and the aspirations of the soul, you can move on to the main part.

    How and with what to drink grog?

    Drink this drink hot (but slightly infused), in small sips or through a straw, savoring and enjoying. It requires thick-walled dishes made of glass, porcelain or clay (to retain heat longer).

    Most often, the drink is served with pastries, dried fruits, chocolates, pancakes or pancakes. But he is good on his own. And many people love it just like that, in its pure form, without any snacks.
    There are various ways to prepare grog:

    1. Boiling. All components, including alcohol and spices, are boiled in water for 2-3 minutes, infused and poured into a cup.
    2. Brewing. Initially, tea or coffee with spices or herbs is brewed in a large teapot, where after 5 minutes lemon juice, sugar or honey and alcohol are added.

    Using these methods you can prepare exclusive grog, just yours. And our recipes will serve as the basis for choosing components.

    Grog "Classic"


    • rum (dark or amber) – 200 ml
    • water (boiled) – 400 ml
    • lemons – 2 units.
    • sugar – 4 teaspoons

    You need to prepare it like this:

    1. Squeeze the juice out of the lemons.
    2. Boil water and, reducing the heat, pour alcohol, juice and sugar into it.
    3. In 2-3 minutes of continuous stirring, the sugar will dissolve and the drink can be poured into cups.
    4. Boil the homemade grog for 2-3 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved, stirring it with a kitchen spatula.

    Try to prepare the same recipe, but replace the rum with cognac (or use white rum), sugar with honey (in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons), and water with tea and add 2 buds of cloves and 1 stick of cinnamon (or other spices as desired). They need to be immersed in water after it boils along with other components. At the end, this drink needs to be strained. Spices can be added without boiling - but only before bottling. But then there is no need to filter the drink. By the way, it is quite appropriate to put a slice of orange and lemon into a cup of grog.

    Coffee grog


    • rum (Jamaican) – 40 ml
    • cognac – 30 ml
    • coffee (freshly brewed) – 240 ml
    • water (boiled) – 50 ml
    • sugar – 1 tablespoon
    • lemon – 1 unit (for decoration)

    You need to prepare it like this:

    1. Sugar must be completely dissolved in water
    2. Pour rum and cognac into hot coffee, sugar syrup and pour into cups. Garnish with a slice of lemon.

    Try making coffee grog according to this recipe, replacing rum and cognac with red port (70 ml), and granulated sugar with condensed milk. Or add cinnamon (or allspice, cloves, nutmeg, anise, dried or fresh lemon and orange peels, etc.) to the composition. The amount of spices for grog is calculated from the amount of ¼ teaspoon per 3 glasses of coffee.

    Grog "Winter"


    • rum, cognac or vodka - 300 ml
    • water – 200 ml
    • sugar - 200 grams
    • cherry juice - 30 ml
    • black tea (bagged) - 5 grams (1 bag)
    • raspberries (or raspberry jam) - 50 grams

    You need to prepare it like this:

    1. Bring the cherry juice to a boil, add granulated sugar, add the alcoholic part and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.
    2. Separately, boil water and brew tea.
    3. Mix both parts and let sit for about 5 minutes.

    Grog "Honey"


    • white rum - 80 ml
    • black tea (brewed) – 400 ml
    • honey – 1-2 tablespoons
    • lemon juice - from 1 piece (small)
    • cinnamon – ½ stick
    • carnations – 2 buds

    You need to prepare it like this:

    The tea is brewed with spices for about 10 minutes, filtered, juice, alcohol and honey are added.

    Grog "Sea"


    • cognac – 40 ml
    • red wine (can be homemade) – 40 ml
    • black tea (brewed) – 240 ml
    • cardamom – 2 boxes
    • cinnamon – 1 pinch
    • lemon and apple - for decoration
    • honey - optional

    You need to prepare it like this:

    You need to mix the drinks, add spices, leave for 5-10 minutes, filter. Decorate before serving.

    Non-alcoholic grog

    This is an ideal option for people who cannot tolerate alcohol and children. It will help fight colds and overcome insomnia. They usually drink it after frost or before bed. At the same time, you can drink it, unlike alcoholic options, 2 cups at a time.

    This grog has a number of variations in composition. While they are prepared either by infusion or boiling, which are described just above. Therefore, we will omit the details of their preparation technologies and write for you only the components included in this or that grog.

    Option 1:

    • black tea (hot) – 1 glass
    • cherry juice – 150 ml
    • sugar – 50 grams
    • cinnamon -1 stick

    This grog is prepared by heating the ingredients for 10 minutes.

    Option 2:

    • hibiscus tea (hot) – 1 glass
    • cinnamon – 1 stick
    • cloves – 2 buds
    • ginger – 2 pieces
    • honey - to taste

    This grog is prepared by heating the ingredients (without honey) and infusing them for 20 minutes. After this, honey is added, heated again and drunk.

    Option 3:

    • black or hibiscus tea (hot) – 2 cups
    • cinnamon – 2 teaspoons
    • cloves – 3-4 buds
    • pepper – 3-4 peas
    • lemon/orange juice – from ½ fruit
    • honey – 70 grams

    The spices are heated with tea for 3 minutes, the citrus juice is squeezed out, left for 30 minutes, heated again and honey is added.

    Sometimes star anise (2 stars), cardamom (8 boxes), or ginger (2 pieces) are added to this grog.

    But if it suddenly happens that you don’t like more than one of our recipes, prepare the grog yourself. So that your grog is non-alcoholic, choose your favorite tea, dried berries and spices. Brew them for a few minutes, add lemon, lime or orange juice (you can use slices of these fruits), honey or sugar to taste and enjoy. By adding 70-80 ml of one of your favorite alcoholic drinks, you will get alcoholic grog. It's simple.