What does lemon peel look like? Lemon peel in cosmetics

Our poor ancestors could remove the valuable skin from a lemon with only a stone knife. We are more fortunate because we can use a variety of kitchen appliances that can easily do this job for us. We can even use a woodworking tool that chefs have adopted - a special Microplane grater. Use an ordinary grater or vegetable peeler, and if you want to know how our great-grandfathers in the savannas felt when peeling a lemon, take a small fruit peeler.


Peeling with a regular grater or Microplane grater

    Rinse the lemon. Washing the fruit is especially important if you plan to eat the peel in the future. Rub the lemon thoroughly and vigorously with your hands or with a clean sponge dipped in hot, soapy water.

    Lay out the necessary supplies on the cutting board. The Microplane grater produces a thin zest that is ideal for baking and cooking. various dishes. If you do not have such a grater, use a regular grater with the smallest holes. Position the grater as follows:

    • Microplane Grater or Regular Grater: Hold the grater with the handle facing you, with the end of the grater at a 45º angle to the cutting board. If the flat grater is not stable, rub the zest over the bowl, pressing it against the side of the bowl.
    • Multi-sided grater: Place the grater on a cutting board with the side of the grater with the smallest holes facing your hand holding the lemon. Press the handle of the grater so that it does not slip on the surface.
  1. Rub only the yellow part of the peel. Gently rub only the yellow part of the peel, do not touch its bitter white part. Many graters achieve this result from the first stroke. Be careful, especially if you are not using a Microplane grater.

    • On a regular grater, you can only grate in one direction, the Microplane grater allows you to grate the zest in up and down movements. But the easiest way is to slide the lemon down the grater, then set the lemon aside and return it to the top position again.
  2. Rotate the lemon and repeat the procedure. Once the white part of the peel is visible, turn the lemon and remove the zest from the next part of the peel. Repeat until you have removed as much zest as needed to prepare the dish according to your chosen recipe.

    • You should not remove the zest from the very tips of the lemon, even if there is a yellow peel there.

    Peeling with a Cocktail Zester

    Peeling with a vegetable peeler

    1. Wash the lemon. As usual, wash the fruit thoroughly with soap and water. You will eat the peel, so the presence of pests and pesticides on it is not acceptable.

      Prepare the zest. A peeler is not ideal for zesting, but if you have no other choice, use one. Gently and slowly pull the peeler along the surface of the peel. Try not to grab the white part of the lemon skin. After you remove a strip of peel, grind it as thoroughly as possible to get a real zest.

      • The zest obtained in this way will be less aromatic than if you grated it on a regular grater or on a Microplane grater. You may end up with more zest this way, but keep in mind that the pieces will be more visible and less attractive.
    2. Make lemon cocktail spirals. Remove a short and wide strip of zest as described above. Hold the strip of zest with the peel facing towards the drink, and twist it around with your thumb and forefinger so that the lemon oil comes out straight into the drink. Rub the strip on the rim of the glass to add more flavor to the drink, then slide the spiral straight down into the cocktail.

These fragrant sunny fruits are loved by many of us. We know that oranges are high in vitamin C and are therefore good for preventing colds and flu. But we know less about the zest of this fruit. It turns out that it is also very useful.

Health Benefits of Orange Peel

The zest is the top layer of citrus fruits. That is, orange, tangerine, lemon, lime and others. In addition to vitamin C, the zest also contains A, P, B1 and B2, as well as the minerals phosphorus and calcium. This product is a source of flavonoids, solid fibers, photochemicals. This composition determines the beneficial properties of this product.

Top layer of peel:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • relieves fear and stress;
  • soothes nervous system;
  • removes insomnia;
  • normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • stimulates bile formation;
  • reduces pressure;
  • helps with diseases of the liver and heart;
  • eliminates constipation;
  • removes toxins and toxins from the body;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • helps with diseases of the throat and gums.

Due to the presence of phytoncides, orange peel has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. That is, it kills germs and relieves inflammation, relieves fever. Magnesium and calcium contained in this product, combined with B vitamins, strengthen the nervous system and improve blood composition. Since it contains a lot of fiber and pectins, it is very useful for people with overweight. Flavonoids have a beneficial effect on blood vessels and the heart, improve the functioning of the heart muscle.

Essential oil, which is also obtained from the peels, has not only disinfectant, but also soothing properties. It should be used for neurosis, nervous tension and depression. And in cosmetology, oil is used for skin care. It nourishes and moisturizes, prevents the formation of wrinkles.

How to make orange peel

You can easily make zest from orange peels - very useful product. First of all, you need to use fresh fruits, since the skin of a stale product will dry quickly and that's all essential oils evaporate.

And now the cooking process itself:

  1. wash the fruits and scald with boiling water;
  2. cut off the top layer of the peel with a sharp knife (it is important not to remove the white layer);
  3. dry the peel for 4 days, spreading it on paper in one layer;
  4. then grind the finished peel and pack it in a container.

A very important question is how to remove the zest from an orange. We must approach this moment very carefully.

If you remove it together with a white film, it will have a bitter taste and will not pleasant taste. It is for this that it is first recommended to scald the fruit with boiling water, then the upper layer will lag behind the lower one and it will be easy to remove it.

You can remove the top layer with a grater immediately after scalding. And after this procedure, already dry.

Rules for long-term storage

The most the best container for storage - glass jars, while the lids should close very well. Sealable foil-lined bags are also suitable. In such packages, essential oils are stored for a long time and do not fade. therefore fragrant product will retain its scent for a long time.

It can also be stored in tin can. The most important thing is that it is well corked. Otherwise, moisture will get into the container and the zest will deteriorate.

Where can it be applied?

It can be used to cook delicious jam, fragrant pies, compotes, different teas and sauces, as well as various desserts and salads.

Here is a recipe for lemon and orange peel jam.

You will need:

  • oranges - 620 g;
  • lemons - 140 g;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • water - 280 ml;
  • ginger root - 50 g.


  1. remove the top layer of the skin from the lemon, cut the skin of the oranges as small as possible;
  2. cut the fruit into slices, grate the ginger;
  3. to the bottom enamel pan pour water, put an orange and sprinkle with some sugar;
  4. then lay out the lemon zest and ginger;
  5. sprinkle everything with some sugar and put the lemon and orange peel;
  6. sprinkle with remaining sugar;
  7. cook for about an hour, stirring.

You can make jam from some oranges and the top layer of their peel, you can add nuts, cinnamon, pears, apples. In any case, the jam will be delicious and very fragrant.

If you want to make jam with oranges and zest, try the following recipe.

You will need:

  • sugar - 350 g;
  • oranges - 3 pieces;
  • orange liqueur - 50 ml;
  • lime juice - 50 g.

How to cook:

  1. remove the zest from the oranges;
  2. cut the fruit itself into slices;
  3. cover them with sugar, add lime juice and leave for 12 hours;
  4. then boil for half an hour;
  5. leave the jam until the next day and cook again;
  6. repeat the procedure 2 times;
  7. then add liqueur and stir.

That is, to make jam, you just need to cook the mixture longer.

Plants, certain parts of them, seeds and fruits have long been used by people as spices - aromatic and flavoring additives to food. Fragrant and luxurious, citrus zest is an exquisite spice with health benefits, and how to prepare and use it is in our article. Her soft spicy taste and light aroma make any dish “play”, demonstrating the versatility of all ingredients, including the simplest ones!

The zest is the outermost shell of the fruits of citrus trees: lemon, lime, orange, orange, grapefruit and tangerine. This shell is intensely colored with pigments, covered with pores (glands) filled with essential oils. Essential oils in glandular sacs, having volatility, flavor the dish and give it a light piquant flavor.

How to make dried zest

The peel of citrus fruits consists of two layers: the upper one is pigmented and ethereal and the lower one is a white, dense and springy subcortical layer. This white mass should not end up in the peel raw material, as it is bitter and can spoil the final taste of the cooked dish.

Essential oils, which are so rich in the outer shell of citrus fruits, are located in the ethereal glands, which look like pores. Here we must carefully remove them with a knife! The thinner you cut the peel, the better the zest.

Before preparing the zest, the citrus fruit must be carefully washed with a brush, placed in a deep cup and poured with boiling water for 1 minute. This is a necessary step in the preparation of citrus peels, as manufacturers often treat their surface with protective chemicals.

If the surface of the fruit looks too shiny or sticky to the touch, then most likely the products are processed with a wax composition, so you need to keep the fruit in boiling water before you get the zest. Next, remove the moisture with a towel and carefully cut off the top layer of the peel.

To cut off the top pigmented layer, you need very sharp knife with a thin blade, with which the zest is removed, as a rule, with a thin ribbon. You can purchase a special peeler, with which the upper shell is cut off with a layer of 2 mm in the form of a ribbon. Such cutting allows you to get a very high quality product.

Often, a grater with sharp knives of medium or small size is used to obtain fresh zest chips. We do not recommend doing this, because frequent grater knives resolve the ether-bearing glands, as a result, the esters evaporate, and the smell becomes weak or disappears altogether.

We lay out the cut pigmented shell in a thin layer on a porcelain flat dish. It is advisable to cover the bottom of the dish with a sheet of white paper, and lay a zest tape on top for drying.

In the process of drying, stir up the chips, turning the other side. finished product becomes brittle and crumbles easily between the fingers. Usually in the conditions of the kitchen, the skin completely loses moisture within 3 days. Then grind it in a mortar or crush it with a rolling pin to crumbs and put it in glass jar with tight lid.

How to freeze zest

Frozen zest in the juice of the citrus of the same name is an impressive ingredient in sauces, gravies, flavorings in drinks and desserts. In general, this is a universal spice in the recipe of many dishes!

We cut off the top layer of citrus peel, lay it out in ice molds and fill it with the juice of the fruit that we have just peeled. Let's freeze! The spice is ready! Most often frozen lemon and orange zest.

The ethereal shell sprinkled with sugar is an excellent addition to tea and other drinks, in the filling of sweet pies, for flavoring desserts, casseroles, babs and puddings.

Typically, candied zest is made from an orange, lemon, lime, or tangerine.

Let's look at the benefits of citrus zest and the features of the use of each of its types.

lemon zest

This is the most used zest in cooking! Before removing the upper ethereal layer of the lemon peel, you need to especially try! We recommend that you do this work very diligently, because the lower subcortical layer of white color is very bitter, and if part of it gets into food, the food will taste bitter.

If you competently and thinly cut the ether-bearing layer from the lemon peel, and choose a truly ripe lemon, then its color after drying retains its lemon-yellow color. If you have captured too much white subcortical mass, then the zest will be uneven yellow with brown spots.

Health Benefits of Lemon Peel

The benefits of lemon peel for human health are so great that it would not be wise to neglect its use in recipes! Lemon peel is literally saturated with vitamins, mineral compounds and valuable organic acids.

100 g of the ethereal layer contains 129 mg of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), 160 mg of potassium and 134 mg of calcium!

  • The outer peel of a lemon is good for our bones, saturating them with bioactive calcium! Together with vitamin C, it prevents the development of arthritis and arthrosis, joint rheumatism and osteoporosis.
  • Removes toxic substances and radionuclides - due to high content bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids also prevent the formation and accumulation of cholesterol in the vessels.
  • The use of lemon peel will help mitigate the effects of oxidative stress, which is accompanied by metabolic disorders of oxidative reactions in the body.
  • The saturation of the peel with potassium makes it effective means to strengthen of cardio-vascular system and to normalize blood pressure.
  • Lemon peel is saturated with antioxidants, as well as salvestrol Q40 and limonene, which protect cells from their degeneration into cancerous ones.
  • Eating ground dried lemon peel will keep your mouth healthy as the vitamin C in it helps with scurvy, bleeding gums and gingivitis. It can also whiten tooth enamel.

The use of lemon peel in cooking

The ethereal top layer of lemon does not contain citric acid, and therefore, when it is added to any dishes, it does not transfer its acid to them, but only an easily recognizable aroma. As a rule, zest powder is poured a couple of minutes before the dish is ready and insisted for another 3-4 minutes.

You can use this lemon product in a wide variety of dishes - from vegetables and meats - to any pastry! In addition to cold and hot dishes, they enrich all kinds of drinks - with or without alcohol.

The ethereal shell of lemon gives a special taste and aroma to fish and meat dishes, gravies for them, as well as jelly, aspic, casseroles and puddings. Soups and hodgepodges, salads and pates acquire an amazing aroma and taste if you add dried lemon peel to them.

All of the above properties and uses also apply to the lime peel, only the lime has a more refined aroma, which is reflected in the aroma of its peel.

orange zest

The juicy flesh of the orange is inedible due to its bitter and sour taste. Therefore, only its upper porous shell is used in cooking, resembling lemon in aroma, and orange in properties and chemical composition.

Orange peel has a much more subtle flavor than orange or lemon peel.

Useful properties of orange peel

  • Orange peel is very useful for reduced appetite or metabolic disorders. Ground peel in dishes will help the liver and kidneys with their predisposition to the formation of stones, i.e. it has a diuretic and choleretic effect.
  • Strengthens the immune system, demonstrates an antioxidant effect. Eliminates beriberi, improves blood counts, treats anemia.
  • Increases the elasticity and strength of connective tissues, slows down the aging of the body.
  • It has an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect.
  • The aroma of orange is an excellent antidepressant! Creates a positive mood and relieves feelings of longing.

The use of orange peel in cooking

It is mainly used in confectionery (baba, Easter cakes, muffins), in alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, in various desserts. As a spice with a delicate aroma - in meat and fish sauces, in fillings for poultry and fish.

Shredded white products, such as cottage cheese, yogurt, protein cream or rice, colors a rich light yellow.

orange peel

Orange is a wonderful vitamin fruit. In addition to the healthy pulp of an orange, its zest, as a spicy additive, will significantly increase the nutritional value of the dishes in which you add it. Essential orange oil is squeezed from the top layer of the peel of the fruit.

How to cook the zest, we have already described above. By the way, it is easier to cut it from an orange than from a thin-skinned orange or lemon, since the subcortical layer is not as bitter and tart as theirs.

Before removing the zest layer from an orange, the fruit must be thoroughly washed with a brush and kept for a minute in hot water. This technique will help get rid of possible chemicals on the surface of the peel. If you do not do this, then the cooked product may be harmful to health.

After drying the cut peel, pour it into a dry jar and store it under a lid in a dark place.

The ethereal layer of the orange peel is the most beneficial part of the fruit! If the benefits are so great, then why do we habitually throw away the peel? We hope that after our information you will not throw away something that will help improve the quality of your life.

  • As in the peel of a lemon, the outer layer of an orange is concentrated great amount vitamins and mineral compounds. It is also rich in pectin and saturated with essential oil, which has impressive medicinal qualities. It is obtained by cold pressing or distillation.
  • Pectins and fiber have a beneficial and gentle effect on the intestines, improve all processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract. Useful substances in orange peel improve its motor function and prevent the development of putrefactive bacteria in it. They also contribute to satiety and relieve hunger, harmonize metabolism.
  • Dried and fresh outer shell of oranges lower blood cholesterol levels, increase immunity (due to vitamins C and group B). Mineral salts of phosphorus and calcium strengthen bones and restore healthy joints.
  • Essential oils, organic acids and pectins normalize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, cleansing and improving their elasticity.
  • The crusts help the liver cope with the load, as they have a choleretic effect.

The use of orange peel in cooking

Orange peel actually retains its orange color even when dried, slightly staining white foods. It is used in the formulation of exclusively confectionery and desserts, as well as in the production of alcoholic and other beverages.

But there are no limits for experimenters! Try to include it in both fish and meat dishes. It turns out very spicy!

The peel of tangerines is used very rarely for peeling - due to its subtlety and the difficulty of removing it from the subcortical layer. When dried, it does not lose its tangerine flavor.

Useful properties of tangerine zest

What is useful tangerine zest? Her medicinal properties slightly different from the properties of other citrus fruits, although they partially repeat them. But there are also features:

  • Upper layer tangerine peel(her infusion) has high expectorant properties and is often used in the treatment of bronchitis to thin the secret. tangerine zest powder traditional medicine used as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent.
  • It is a reliable astringent for diarrhea.
  • Demonstrates a calming effect, stabilizes mood, is useful in depressive states.

The use of tangerine zest in cooking

powder from dried tangerine peel used for flavoring pastries, confectionery, creams, ice cream and other desserts. Mandarin zest has a very delicate and refined aroma.

It is also used as a light spice in sauces and gravies for fish, meat and vegetables, and is added to pie fillings.

grapefruit peel

Grapefruit is a hybrid fruit resulting from natural cross-pollination. But this did not make it less useful than other types of citrus fruits, and even vice versa! A hybrid of lemon and orange strikes with the richness of its chemical composition and medicinal properties.

Removing the zest from a grapefruit is very easy! It is not necessary to cut it thinly, because the subcortical white layer is not bitter, but has a rather pleasant taste. The topmost shell has a very multifaceted and strong bouquet of aromas and perfectly emphasizes the taste of dishes in which it is added as a mild spice.

Useful properties of grapefruit zest

All parts of grapefruit are extremely healthy! But the outer layer of the peel has its own secrets!

  • The brewed crust of the fruit helps to lower blood sugar, improve well-being in diabetes.
  • Relieves heartburn, helps with diseases of the stomach and liver.
  • Grapefruit peel, both as an independent dessert and as a spice, has a beneficial effect on metabolism, most often speeding it up and normalizing it. Therefore, all parts of the fruit are used in many well-known weight loss diets.
  • Massage with dried and powdered upper grapefruit peel helps to get rid of cellulite.

The use of grapefruit peel in cooking

The top layer of the peel is used in confectionery and baking, for the manufacture of alcoholic tinctures and soft drinks. Also, the delicious aroma of ethereal grapefruit peel enhances desserts and fruit salads.

Citrus zest is an amazing spice that simply must be in your storerooms! Having tasted its aroma and mild taste, you will add it to almost all dishes!

This soft spice, with a weak taste, so you can include it in the recipe in large quantities- in comparison with the use of other spices. The measure is the taste of the dish - the appearance of a slight bitterness indicates the sufficiency of the amount of spice.

Which is used as an ingredient in many confectionery and drinks. The zest contains essential oils that saturate dishes with a citrus flavor and aroma. In addition to essential oils, the zest contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, which makes it also beneficial for the body.

Lemon zest can be bought at the store ready-made or obtained from a lemon by peeling off the outer layer of its peel.

Lemon Peel Information:

Composition of Lemon Peel:

Lemon peel contains:

  • Water - 81.6%;
  • Dietary fiber - 10.6%;
  • Carbohydrates - 5.4%;
  • Proteins - 1.5%;
  • Ashes - 0.6%;
  • Fat - 0.3%.

AT chemical composition lemon zest includes macronutrients such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus. Among the trace elements in the lemon peel contains iron, copper, selenium, zinc.

Lemon peel is rich in vitamins such as A, C, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, E, PP, alpha Carotene, beta Carotene, beta Cryptoxanthin, Lutein, Zeaxanthin. Most of all, lemon peel contains vitamin C. 70 grams of lemon peel contains daily rate ascorbic acid. Dishes containing lemon peel are useful for strengthening immunity and preventing colds.

The calorie content of lemon peel is only 47 kcal per 100 grams of product.

How to make lemon zest at home:

In order to get lemon zest, you first need to buy fresh lemons and rinse them well under running water. Then, in order for the top layer of the lemon peel to peel off well, you need to pour boiling water over the lemons or place them in boiling water for a few seconds in a colander. Wipe the lemons dry.

After this, carefully peel off the yellow thin layer with a knife or vegetable peeler, or you can rub it on a fine grater. Place the zest in a clean container. Ready. Then it can be used for cooking.

The zest removed with a knife is of better quality. It does not contain pieces of lemon pulp that remain on the zest when it is rubbed. They can get bitter. The ideal zest is precisely the thin outer yellow layer of the lemon peel. Using just such a zest in a recipe will give an unsurpassed citrus flavor. confectionery.

How to save lemon zest:

Once obtained, lemon peel can be used immediately or saved for future use. The zest is stored both grated and crushed.

In the first case, after obtaining the zest, it is dried, placed in a dry, clean container, tightly covered with a lid and stored in a dry place.

In the second case, the zest is carefully cut with a knife or vegetable peeler. Dry on a tray for 3 days in a ventilated room, periodically turning yellow thin slices so that the zest is dried on all sides. After the zest is completely dry, it is crushed into powder. Then put in a dry container, tightly cover with a lid and store in a dry place.

Substitute for lemon zest:

If there is no lemon or its zest on hand, then you can use the zest of another in the dish. citrus fruit, for example, an orange, it is closest in taste and aroma to lemon. Also, lemon zest can be replaced with tangerine or grapefruit zest, however, in this case, the taste will be significantly different from what you want. culinary product It won't turn out exactly like the recipe intended.

Benefits of Lemon Peel:

Lemon zest not only gives the confectionery a pleasant lemon taste and aroma, but also saturates it with vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to human health.

Vitamin C, contained in large quantities in lemon peel, helps to strengthen the immune system and the protective functions of the body. 100 grams of zest contains more ascorbic acid than a person needs per day. In addition to enhancing immunity, lemon peel kills germs and produces a disinfecting effect in the oral cavity. It also has an antifungal effect, prevents gum bleeding and eliminates bad breath.

The antioxidants contained in the zest slow down the aging process of the body and prevent the development various diseases promote skin rejuvenation. This is a real gift for those who want to look young and be healthy for years to come.

The presence of potassium in lemon peel helps to improve heart function, strengthen blood vessels and improve blood circulation. Lemon peel has a cleansing effect on the human body. It removes toxins and toxins, helps cleanse the liver.

Another useful property lemon zest is to strengthen bones, teeth and hair by saturating the body with calcium, which, like vitamin C, is present in large volumes of zest.

Harm of lemon peel:

Lemon peel should be discarded for allergy sufferers and people with stomach diseases such as ulcers, gastritis and enteritis.

If you are allergic to citrus fruits, lemon peel can cause an allergic reaction as it is part of the lemon.

The harm of lemon peel for people with stomach ulcers is due to the fact that it increases the acidity in the gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to exacerbation of gastritis, enteritis or ulcers.

People with these conditions should consult a doctor before using this product to find out if they can eat lemon peel, and if so, in what quantities.

For everyone else, lemon zest can be useful. But you should eat it, like any other products - in moderation.

Lemon is a real storehouse of useful components and vitamins. However, his wealth is not only in healing properties, which carries a juicy pulp. A dense, bright peel, called lemon peel, should also be actively used in traditional medicine, cosmetology, and cooking.

Lemon zest - features of preparation and storage

Lemon is a special product, because it upper part- skin - saturate with essential oils, which are perfectly preserved when dried.

Important! The zest is only the top layer of the peel that is colored!

To get the lemon peel, the fruit is thoroughly washed (preferably using a brush), after which it is poured with boiling water in order to more reliably disinfect. After that, you will need a kitchen knife or grater.

To cut the lemon peel, you will need a sharp knife, because only a thin layer is removed from the fruit. The zest is obtained by rubbing the cut peel with a grater, and care must be taken to erase only the yellow layer of the peel, otherwise the dish will turn out bitter.

After that, the resulting mass is dried and placed in a glass or metal container under a tight lid. To store the product, it is recommended to choose a place isolated from moisture. The zest can be frozen. To do this, the peel is placed for a couple of hours in freezer, after which they take it out and rub it on a grater.

Health Benefits of Lemon Peel

The chemical composition of lemon peel is quite diverse. Saturation with fiber, fats, vitamins, minerals and flavonoids make the zest extremely useful.

It is allowed to use zest in any form, the main thing is to do it systematically and not overdo it with the amount. If you approach the issue reasonably, noticeable improvements can be noted soon.

Why is lemon peel so useful?

  • helps prevent bone disease;
  • able to prevent the development of thrombosis;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • improves appetite;
  • has an effect on blood vessels, increasing their elasticity;
  • helps to cleanse the body of toxins and other harmful deposits;
  • peel components enhance the properties of the immune system;
  • able to relieve sore throat;
  • normalize blood flow, cleanse the liver;
  • has a curative effect on fungal pathologies.

Positively affects the process of digestion. All this is due to the presence of dietary fiber, noted in the composition of the lemon peel. This component enhances intestinal motility, promotes the excretion of waste, relieves gas formation and spasms in the intestinal region.

The healing properties that the zest is endowed with have made it popular in folk medicine for the treatment of gastric disorders, the elimination of colic, vomiting, and dyspepsia. The unique product is able to get rid of putrefactive bacteria in the mouth and intestines, thereby eliminating bad breath and improving digestion.

Lemon peel has anti-cancer properties. Due to the content of flavonoids, the peel is able to block the spread of cancer cells. And the substance limomnen is endowed with antitumor properties. Research scientists have shown that those people who eat slices of lemons without peeling off the peel are much less likely to develop malignant tumors in the lungs, large intestine and mammary gland. And a special easily digestible substance pectin has a retarding effect on the development of skin and prostate cancer.

Oral hygiene. In order not to encounter some gum pathologies (gingivitis, bleeding, etc.), you need to enrich your menu with vitamin C, which in in large numbers found in lemon peel. Also, the merit of this vitamin lies in its active fight against bacteria that provoke the appearance of caries and periodontitis.

Lemon peel is also used for weight loss. Lemon peels contain pectin, which slows down the absorption of carbohydrates. Thus, the fight against extra pounds is carried out. This component provides a long-lasting feeling of fullness, and cravings for sweets disappear.

Thanks to the lemon peel, the work of the heart muscle is optimized, and this leads to a decrease in the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Bioflavonoids present in lemon peel are active antioxidants that can prevent oxidative processes. Under their influence, the body gets rid of free radicals that provoke mutations in cells, as a result of which premature aging, cancer and pathology of the cardiovascular system.

In addition to the undeniable advantages, lemon peel can be harmful. First of all, people suffering from peptic ulcer should be careful.

It is important to remember that excessive consumption of citrus fruits can provoke an allergic reaction.

If the throat is very inflamed, then you should refrain from drinking lemon, as you can get a burn of the larynx.

At hyperacidity the consumption of zest must be excluded, otherwise heartburn will torment.

Lemon peel in cosmetics

Lemon peel is widely used in cosmetic procedures.

Those who do not know how to get rid of the yellowed skin of the feet should use the zest, which rubs the feet.

Lemon peel can solve the problem of overdried dermis in the elbow area. It is enough to rub it on the problem area and the issue will be resolved.

An excellent face and body scrub can be prepared from olive oil, sugar and lemon zest, grated. After mixing all the ingredients, the composition is ready for use. This scrub is great for moisturizing.

Anyone who makes soap at home on their own should take note of the fact that lemon zest is a good cosmetic additive.

Lemon peels can help keep your home clean and smell good.

The benefits of lemon peel in everyday life

Lemon peel is actively used in everyday life. With its help, it is possible to eliminate a number of problems.

  1. Eliminate stains and grease. lemon vinegar excellently copes with pollution of various character. The grated peel is placed in a glass vessel and poured with vinegar, the lid is covered on top. After a couple of weeks, the infused mass is filtered, and diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. As a result, it is possible to obtain unique composition capable of cleaning almost anything. In addition, vinegar, obtained from the zest, is endowed with excellent disinfectant properties.
  2. Get rid of the bad smell in the refrigerator. If placed lemon peel in the fridge, then bad smell you can forget.
  3. Helps to fight insects - pests. Uninvited guests in the apartment - ants, fleas, moths, cockroaches - do not tolerate the citrus smell. To combat them, you can try to place zest at doors, window sills, cracks.
  4. Removal of lime deposits. Taps and other chrome surfaces often suffer from lime deposits, which cause a lot of trouble for housewives. The stone will disappear if rubbed with lemon peel.
  5. For cleaning brass, copper and stainless steel, sea ​​salt mixed with zest, the contaminated area is wiped with this composition, after which everything is washed off.
  6. With the help of zest, coffee and tea stains on cups and glasses are easily removed. To eliminate the problem, the crushed peel is applied to the problem area and moistened with water. The cup is left for several hours, after which it is wiped with a cloth. There will be no trace of stains.
  7. cleansing microwave oven with the help of zest - an interesting find. The whole process boils down to the following: the peel is laid out in a bowl of water and placed in the microwave for 5 minutes. While the water is boiling, steam will fill the inside of the appliance. After that, the bowl goes out, and the microwave is wiped.

lemon zestunique product, which has found application in cooking and everyday life. A useful component can enrich the human body useful substances, vitamins and microelements.

Video: 8 ways to use lemon