How to make jam from watermelon peels. Classic watermelon jam for the winter - a simple recipe with lemon juice

If you want to cook, then this is the easiest recipe with step by step photos you will need. About a year ago, I already wrote how you can cook simple with the addition of lemon. This recipe is very similar to the previous one, only it has some differences. For a long time, I soaked watermelon peels in a soda solution before cooking jam, but this time I tried to cook jam, skipping this step. As a result, jam turned out no worse than with soda. Jam from watermelon rinds I got a beautiful yellow amber color, crystal syrup and transparent cubes of watermelon peel just ask for the table.

As for the additional ingredients. Watermelon, just like zucchini or melon, has a specific taste that not everyone likes. You can mask this taste with many additives. The simplest is citrus fruits, in particular lemon or lime. Instead of lemon or lime, you can add orange, vanillin. Spices such as cloves and cinnamon make watermelon rind jam savory and spicy.

Many housewives think that making watermelon peel jam at home is too troublesome and therefore immediately abandon this idea. In fact, things are far from being the case. And today I want to offer you watermelon rind jam - the easiest recipe with step by step photos. Cooking from watermelon peels with lemon will take place in three sets of fifteen minutes.

You can boil jam in the process of preparing any other dishes. And yet, I strongly recommend using only fresh watermelon peels for making delicious jam, and not those that have been collected for days in the refrigerator. The fact is that jam made from such watermelon peels can quickly ferment and turn sour.

To make this simple watermelon rind recipe, you only need a few ingredients that are in every home.


  • Watermelon peels - 800 gr.,
  • Sugar - 2 cups
  • Hot water - 0.5 cups,
  • Lemon - 1 pc.

Watermelon peel jam - the easiest recipe

So, after a watermelon meal, we still have peels. Cut off the remains of their red pulp, after that sharp knife cut off the hard skin. This must be done very carefully so as not to get hurt, it is best to ask your husband for help.

Prepared watermelon rinds for cooking watermelon jam ready. Now they can be crushed. We need to cut them into cubes. The easiest way is to cut each crust lengthwise into strips. After that, fold the watermelon strips into a bundle and cut them across 1 cm. As a result, you will get approximately the same size cubes of watermelon peel.

Transfer them to a bowl. Sprinkle with sugar.

Stir. Add half a cup of boiling water. Stir again. Thanks to boiling water, the sugar will dissolve faster, and the watermelon peels themselves will quickly release the juice.

V sugar syrup watermelon peels should stand for at least 5 hours, and it is best to leave them in syrup overnight.

Just like squash jam with lemon, this watermelon jam will cook three times in a short time, more precisely 15 minutes after boiling. Put the pot of jam on slow fire. As soon as the watermelon peel jam simple recipe boil, cook it for another 15 minutes with constant stirring.

After this time, remove the pan from the heat. Leave the jam to cool completely. We repeat the next cooking of watermelon peel jam in a few hours. This technology will allow the sugar syrup to penetrate the watermelon pulp, fill it, and in subsequent brews it will fully consolidate and turn ordinary skins into delicious marmalades.

So, after the second cooking, add lemon. It needs to be washed. Cut into four parts, remove the bones, then pass through a meat grinder.

Add the lemon to the watermelon jam while boiling. Boil simple watermelon jam for about 15 minutes, too.

Like other types of jam, we close watermelon jam according to a simple recipe for the winter in clean sterile jars. We boil tin lids for one minute in boiling water, jars can be sterilized in a water bath, as well as lids in boiling water, in a microwave or in an oven.

Pour this easy watermelon rind jam hot right after cooking. It is most convenient to pour it into jars with a ladle, first picking up cubes of watermelons, then pour them with syrup. Close the jars with lids, then turn them upside down. Cover and leave to cool. Ready jam it is not necessary to take it out into the cold, as it is well stored in an apartment.

Watermelon peel jam can be tasted a few days after harvesting. In addition to the fact that it can be eaten with buns, cheesecakes, pancakes, cheesecakes, a loaf and other pastries along with tea or coffee, marmalade watermelon cubes will come in handy when baking pies, pies, rolls as a filling. Wish you Bon appetit. I would be glad if this simple watermelon rind jam recipe You'll like it. You can also weld

If the same story happened to you as it happened to me: you dragged a watermelon from the market, cut it, and it is ... savory, this does not mean that you are out of luck. Now you have a great reason to learn how to make watermelon jam, step by step recipe with pictures attached to help you. The main thing is to look into the supermarket and buy a couple of lemons and a couple of bags of Gelfix or Jelly there. Without them, alas, the jam will not work. Without pectin-containing additives, you will end up with either fruit drink or, if you don’t break the pieces with a blender, sweet watermelon soup. Our plans do not include such results. We will make sweet and sour coral-colored jam with a very noticeable watermelon aroma.


  • 1.5 liters of watermelon juice
  • 1 liter of sugar
  • 150 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 2 bags of gelfix 2:1

I deliberately gave the number of products in volumes, because it is difficult to estimate how much pulp will come out of it by the weight of a watermelon with a peel and stones. But measuring the volume of already squeezed juice is more than easy. It is enough just to take a glass container of a suitable size.

How to make watermelon jam

I started by hanging the remaining half of the watermelon. It came out 3.5 kilos.

The next step was to scrape the pulp out of it. I read somewhere that you need to cut watermelon for jam in a special way - along the line of bones. And then carefully remove these bones. But I could not find these lines on my watermelon. Either the variety is not classic, or I have some problems with the eye. So I handed the spoons to the children and they cheerfully took out all the pulp mixed with the seeds from the watermelon.

And then I realized that the main question is how to separate these bones now? At first I tried to rub pieces of watermelons through a sieve. This turned out to be a very tedious and unproductive task. Attempts to grate the pulp also did not give results - the bones fell into the pelvis along with the pulp. And then I decided to act the old fashioned way. She stood over the basin and stupidly sorted through the watermelon pulp with her hands, separating the bones. I measured time. It took exactly 15 minutes. There were a lot of bones, they were small and half white. In general, an occupation for the strong in spirit. Gradually everything large pieces I took it apart and the juice mixed with the seeds remained at the bottom of the pan, so I filtered it through a sieve. Here's what happened.

We take a blender and turn the watermelon mass into juice. The whipping process produces a lot of pink foam - enough for two full cups for children.

Strain the juice again through a sieve. Throw away the incomprehensible shaking mass that remains after filtering. Juice is measured by volume. I got a can of one and a half liters (in the process of making juice, part was drunk, otherwise it would have come out more). We measure in liter jar sugar.

Squeeze juice from lemons. I had two gigantic-sized lemons - exactly half a glass of juice came out of them.

Pour the lemon juice into the bowl with the watermelon. Put on the stove and bring to a boil. We take two bags of gelfix 2: 1. Pour it into a bowl. Mix with 4 tablespoons of sugar. Pour into boiled watermelon juice and mix with quick movements. It is best to stir with a broom - it diverges evenly.

Bring watermelon juice with pectin to a boil, pour sugar into it and boil intensively for 5-7 minutes. Carefully! Do not leave the pan unattended! The juice may start to rise up when boiling to escape. And you need to have time to either reduce the heating of the stove, or raise the pan above the burner.

The finished jam turns out to be a fairly saturated coral color. Deep, slightly transparent. When hot, it is liquid. Check how well you reacted with watermelon juice pectin, you can very simply: take a flat plate and pour a little jam on it. It should gel fairly quickly. So, you can pour the jam into jars.

I got half a liter of jam. The next day it was already seized and kept on a spoon in a slide.

The bright color and large size of the berry, the sugar content of the juicy pulp and the grandmother's secrets of sweets from the crusts - all this makes the hero of our article very popular. At the same time, watermelon jam is not as famous as desserts from other berries, whose recipes with colorful photos filled the sections of culinary preparations.

Today we invite you to pay attention to three ideas for a delicious accompaniment to tea, and at the same time get distracted from the routine perception of watermelon possibilities.

Almost everyone knows about watermelon peel jam for the winter. Much fewer housewives make marmalade from the hard parts of watermelon jam (marmalade is obtained by pulling out the crusts from the jam and rolling in sugar / powdered sugar). And a very small number of hostesses pay due attention to recipes for jam from the pulp of watermelon.

But in vain! Watermelon pulp jam is a very beneficial application of our strengths in the kitchen! Even a novice cook can easily figure out how to make it. And as a result, according to any of the recipes, you will get a very sweet, tender and fragrant food, which is also perfectly stored in the form canned blanks until next season!

If you still do not know how to make the mentioned peel jam, we invite you to read in our article:

Watermelon jam: the easiest recipe

The only condition to take advantage of the simplicity of this recipe is the presence of a slow cooker.

We need

  • Watermelon, red pulp - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg

How to do

  1. My watermelon. We cut large slices, peel and seeds.
  2. We cut the prepared red pulp into cubes - as you like, but preferably with a rib of 2 cm.
  3. Pour the chopped pulp with sugar and leave for at least 2 hours.
  4. We send the watermelon that has let the juice into the slow cooker. "Extinguishing" mode, time 40-60 minutes.
  5. By the end of cooking, you can add spices or lemon and orange zest.
  6. We sterilize the jars and lay out hot jam for seaming on them.

We send the rolled cans to a cool place - to cool in the upside down position.

  • cherry leaves and fresh leaves mint: cut and add 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking;
  • Honey: add to the finished slightly warm (!) Jam;
  • Spices: add 3-5 minutes before removing from heat. Universal components are ginger, cinnamon, vanillin, cloves.

Read more about spices here:

Serve watermelon jam beautifully! The recipe you have chosen deserves an exquisite tea party with family and friends, for which you will want to take a photo as a keepsake.

At the same time, it is not at all necessary to complicate the evening by preparing a cake or cupcake. Just take out the workpiece and spread the jam on fresh bread, pour whipped cottage cheese, topping on yogurt or fruit salad, serving it in wide glasses on a thin stem.

Or fish out a crystal grandmother's vase from the far corner of the cabinet, placing it in the center of the table. From it, all participants will be able to get plenty of sweet food. We wish you a warm welcome and good recipes for a friendly get-together!

To make jam from watermelon peels, watermelons with a thick skin are usually selected. Taste ready sweets doesn't look like watermelon at all. These will be sweet crispy slices soaked in spices and the taste of citrus fruits.

White watermelon shell is quite useful. Trace elements in its composition fight obesity and edema. Also with dysbacteriosis, colitis, cholelithiasis it is recommended to introduce watermelon peels into the diet. Frequent use such a product will help restore fluid exchange in the body and cleanse it.

When eating a watermelon, do not rush to throw away the crusts. They can be preserved for the winter as a whole and make jam in pieces. For those interested in how to make watermelon rind jam, here are a few tips for making this unusual dish. By itself, the white peel does not have an outstanding taste. It is more neutral or with hints of an unripe fruit. But when boiled in sugar syrup, it acquires a pleasant sweet taste. For those who want to fill the jam with others palatability, it is complemented citrus fruits and spices. From spices, cinnamon, cardamom, vanillin are usually taken. To taste, you can take any spices that you like, they will not spoil the sweetness.

Watermelon peel jam can be cooked in ordinary enamel saucepan. It will not be difficult for owners of multicookers to prepare such an exclusive sweetness. Jam in any case comes out delicious. Keep ready dessert need in the refrigerator in a jar, closed nylon cover. This jam easily overcomes long-term storage under tin lid. Just pour it into jars hot, without waiting for it to cool.

To get the crispy properties of the finished crusts, they must be kept for a certain amount of time in a soda solution. Thus, they retain their shape during storage and crunch pleasantly while eating.

With individual allergic reactions to watermelon, it is better not to make dishes from its peels.

Watermelon peel jam without additives

If you are too lazy to make sweets for a long time, then the simplest recipe for watermelon peel jam is ready for your attention. Two main ingredients are taken - peels and sugar (1: 1). To maintain the shape of the chopped particles, you will need soda - 1 teaspoon, diluted with 1 liter of water.


Watermelon peel jam in a slow cooker

Those who wish to make jam from watermelon peels in a slow cooker should prepare a pound of watermelon peels and the same amount of sugar. To maintain the shape of the pieces, sprinkle 7 grams of soda.


You can add lemon or orange juice for a citrus flavor.

Watermelon rind jam with orange

Watermelon peel jam with orange has honey taste and citrus aroma. This recipe does not provide for the stage of saturating the crusts with soda solution, they already turn out crispy with the initially cut cube shape. For the dish you will need 1.2 kg of crusts and the same amount of sugar. One will serve as an additional ingredient. Those who wish can add one lemon to the composition. To make watermelon peel jam at home, you will need regular saucepan, vegetable grater and sterilized jars.


Before processing, each part of the peel must be pricked with a fork.

Watermelon rind jam with lemon

It will take up to two days to create jam from watermelon peels with lemon. Prepare 2 jars with a volume of 0.5 liters, which will include 1 kg of watermelon peels. Pleasant acid will bring 1, and exquisite spice - 1 teaspoon of cardamom and 5 grams of vanillin.


When removing the watermelon peel from the berry, it is better to hook on a thin red layer of pulp. It will bring watermelon aroma and flavor to the jam.

Rolling jam for the winter

For long-term storage It is better to choose jars of small volume with a screw cap. They must be sterilized for about 7-10 minutes, the same is done with lids. After boiling, with the help of a ladle, hot jam is collected and distributed among jars. You need to fill to the very top. Wipe the remaining sweetness from the neck so that the lid fits snugly. Screw on the lid tightly. It can be not only screw caps, ordinary tin caps are also great, which are tightly attached to the neck, thanks to a rolling machine. The finished provisions are turned over and wrapped in a warm cloth. The next day it should cool down and only then it can be moved to the pantry.

Watermelon peel jam can be safely attributed to extraordinary culinary dishes. Do delicious sweetness from a seemingly unnecessary product, this is an achievement. Delicious jam to you and bon appetit!

Recipe for jam from sunny Georgia - video

The fresh aroma of watermelon pulp is known to everyone, so every year everyone is looking forward to the onset of its ripening season. At the same time, not every watermelon lover knows how to make jam from watermelon for the winter. There are two main methods for preparing this sweet treat.

To make jam in the first way, you should prepare a pulp dessert, a sweet treat, in this case turns out smooth and soft. The second option is to use watermelon rinds, which turn into sweet candied fruits or candied slices during the cooking process.

Our article presents detailed recipes making watermelon jam Photo, as well as information about how to make jam from his crusts.

classic winter watermelon jam- simple recipe with lemon juice

To prepare the classic thick jam you need watermelon pulp. Cooked sweet delicacy can be served as a dessert or used as a filling for pies and cookies. It is recommended to use the ingredients in the exact proportion:

  • 1 kg ripe watermelon pulp, peeled and pitted;
  • 0.8 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 3 g of citric acid or 15 ml of lemon juice;
  • 3-4 grams of vanilla powder.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Wash the watermelon, peel the hard dark green rind, and remove the pits. The pulp is cut into arbitrary slices and covered with ½ part of granulated sugar. The resulting raw material is left to brew for several hours so that the watermelon gives juice.
  2. The juice is decanted into a separate container and put on fire. When it boils, pour out the rest of the granulated sugar and leave to cook until it is completely dissolved.
  3. The resulting hot syrup is poured into a saucepan with watermelon pieces and boiled all together for 5 minutes after the mixture boils. Then the container is removed from the fire and left overnight. This procedure is carried out so that the veins found in the watermelon pulp soften.
  4. When the sweet treat has cooled, lemon juice or acid and vanillin are added to it, then boiled to the desired consistency and rolled into sterilized jars.

Watch the video! Watermelon pulp jam

With spices and liquor

A watermelon delicacy can be made even more fragrant by adding spices and liquor during the cooking process.

  • watermelon pulp 1 kg;
  • sugar 1 kg;
  • lemon for juice 0.5 pcs;
  • carnation 2 inflorescences;
  • ginger 10-12 gr;
  • vanilla 3 gr;
  • light liquor or rum 20-30 ml.

Sequential cooking recipe:

  1. Wash the watermelon, remove the peel and seeds, cut the flesh into slices, cover them with sugar and leave for 1 hour.
  2. After that, put on fire and as the mixture boils, the watermelon is boiled in own juice 15 minutes. The syrup is boiled further, and the pieces of pulp are taken out. The jam is boiled down to 1/3 of the total mass taken initially.
  3. 20 minutes after boiling the liquid, lemon juice is added to it, and after 10 minutes spices are added in a gauze bag.
  4. Pieces of watermelon are added to a container with boiled syrup and pour in the liquor. The workpiece is boiled on fire for another 10 minutes, after which spices are taken out of it and canned in pre-prepared sterilized jars.

Marmalade from watermelon peels

Marmalade prepared according to this recipe cannot be stored long time. But the peels left after the pulp has been eaten can be used as food.

For one serving of goodies you need to take:

  • watermelon peels - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 0.6 kg;
  • plain water -0.3 ml;
  • half a lemon with zest;
  • soda-5-7 gr


  1. Watermelon rinds should be peeled of the green, thick skin and red flesh, then cut into small pieces.

Advice! For beautiful cutting you can use a curly knife.

  1. In a pre-prepared solution, consisting of 1 liter of water and soda, the crusts are soaked for 5-6 hours. When the procedure is completed, the raw materials are washed in a colander under running water.
  2. The crusts are folded into a thick-walled saucepan and covered with ½ part of the granulated sugar prescribed in the recipe, then water is added so that it covers the raw materials a little. All that is contained in the pan should be boiled for 15 minutes after boiling, removed from heat and kept crusts in syrup for another 12 hours.
  3. Boil and incubate the pieces in syrup 1 more time. During the third cooking, the rest of the granulated sugar and lemon are added to the crusts. The contents of the pan are left to cook for another 5-10 minutes, then the crusts are thrown back onto a sieve and wait for the syrup to drain. After the pieces have dried, they should be rolled in sugar.

Advice! Watermelon slices perfectly absorb tastes, aromas, colors, therefore, flavors added during the boiling process (vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom, orange peel, etc.) food colorings, will help to make a sweet delicacy even more unusual.

Watch the video! Watermelon peel marmalade recipe

With pectin for the winter

The vegetable thickener pectin turns a berry or fruit preparation into jam or marmalade, making it viscous and dense. As part of the watermelon, this component is absent, so it is recommended to add it separately during the cooking process. About, how to make jam with the addition of pectin, you can find out more.

To prepare thick jam with pectin for the winter, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • pulp peeled and pitted 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar 0.5 kg;
  • vanillin 3 gr;
  • lemon juice ½ part;
  • thickener based on pectin 20 gr.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Watermelon should be washed, peeled, cut into pieces and left for a couple of hours to let the juice flow. After that, you can start cooking.
  2. The resulting mass is brought to a boil over low heat, then boiled for 5-7 minutes. The contents of the pan are cooled and this procedure is repeated again.
  3. Lemon juice, vanilla, pectin-based thickener are added to a chilled treat. The composition should be thoroughly mixed and the procedure repeated again, bringing the jam to a boil. The sweet treat is boiled for another 5 minutes and closed in sterilized jars.

Watch the video! Jam - watermelon pulp confiture with agar-agar

Easy jam recipe watermelon with orange

Orange is often additional ingredient as part of jam from berries or fruits. It is used, most often, together with the peel. In order for it to soften during the cooking process, you should choose only fresh fruits with a thick crust.

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 kg of watermelon pulp;
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 3 pieces of orange.

Step by step recipe:

  1. The pulp of watermelon, pitted, cut into pieces, put in one container. Finely chopped orange along with the peel is added to it.

Healthy! Boiled in sweet syrup, the peel will resemble candied fruits.

  1. The mixture is covered with sugar and left to infuse for 30-40 minutes. Then, over medium heat, bring the mass to a boil and leave to cook for another quarter of an hour, after which it is cooled.
  2. It is necessary to boil the mixture at least three times, after which the delicacy is rolled into sterilized jars and left to be stored until winter.

Watch the video! Watermelon rind jam with orange and lemon

In a slow cooker

The slow cooker will help the hostess to cook delicious jam from a watermelon in just a couple of hours. The resulting workpiece will have liquid consistency, it should be stored no more than a couple of months.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • watermelon pulp - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • citric acid 3-4 gr.

Step by step recipe:

  1. The pulp of watermelon, cut into pieces, put in a slow cooker and covered with sugar. The mass is left for 2 hours so that the juice stands out.
  2. The delicacy should be cooked for 1 hour using the "Extinguishing" mode. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, add citric acid.
  3. The finished mass is transferred to pre-prepared sterilized jars and rolled up with lids, placed upside down until completely cooled.

Watch the video! Watermelon peel jam in a slow cooker

Jam from watermelon rinds

Very often, the purchase of a thick-skinned watermelon in a store becomes a cause for disappointment. However, you should not be upset, as you can make very tasty jam from the peels.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • watermelon peels 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar 1 kg;
  • citric acid 7 gr;
  • water 0.5 l.
  1. Prepare watermelon rinds. Pre-cutting the green peel and pulp. The white peel is cut into cubes and washed in running water.
  2. Bring 2 liters of water to a boil and add 4 grams of citric acid to it. The crusts are blanched in the resulting solution for 5-6 minutes, after which they are immersed in cold water for 2-3 minutes and recline in a colander.
  3. The syrup is made from water and granulated sugar. In it, while it is hot, they shift the crusts and leave the composition to infuse for 6-8 hours. Then, the mass is brought to a boil and boiled for another 3-4 minutes and again left to cool for 6-8 hours.
  4. Next, the delicacy is boiled again on fire for 3-4 minutes, adding 3 g of citric acid to its composition. After the third exposure, which lasts 6-8 hours, the pieces are boiled for another 10-15 minutes and rolled into sterilized jars.

Each housewife can choose the recipe for making watermelon jam to her taste, but she should not forget about the ingredients that perfectly complement any delicacy from this melon culture, in particular citric acid or lemon juice. These ingredients will not only add a sweet treat pleasant sourness but also act as a natural preservative.

Watch the video! Aromatic jam from watermelon peels

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