Recipes for preparations for the winter from horseradish horseradish. Preparations for the winter: canned horseradish

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Spicy seasoning and a horseradish appetizer with your own hands is available to everyone. How to cook canned horseradish for the winter read and see further.

Preparations for the winter: canned horseradish

Horseradish is loved and appreciated in Russian cuisine for its sharpness and traditional taste. There are several ways to save horseradish for future use. Most often, horseradish is dried and canned. I suggest writing down recipes for canned horseradish for the winter to all lovers of this “evil” root.

Horseradish recipe with citric acid for the winter


  • horseradish roots

For filling:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 40 gr. citric acid
  • 30 gr. salt
  • 30 gr. Sahara

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly wash the roots of horseradish.

2. Soak the horseradish in cold water for a day if the roots were dry. Freshly dug horseradish roots do not need to be soaked, it is enough to rinse well.

3. With a sharp knife, scrape off the skin from the horseradish roots and cut off small parts.

4. Pass horseradish through a meat grinder or grate on a fine grater.

5. Prepare the filling. To do this, boil a liter of water and dissolve salt and sugar in it.

Take off dishes with filling from heat and add citric acid.

6. Pour the filling into the chopped horseradish and mix thoroughly.

7. Sterilize jars.

8. Fill jars with hot chopped horseradish and cover with lids.

9. Sterilize 0.5 l jars within 15-20 minutes.

Roll up the finished horseradish with lids and cool at room temperature.

You need to store such a workpiece in a cool place.

To make the horseradish even sharper or “angrier”, the sugar in the filling can be reduced or not added at all.

Horseradish recipe canned with vinegar


  • horseradish roots

For marinade:

  • 2 tbsp. water
  • 1 st. vinegar 9%
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the horseradish roots, peel and soak in cold water for 12-24 hours.
  2. Then the roots should be washed again with water.
  3. With a special knife or a fine grater, remove the top layer from the roots, peel the skin.
  4. Grind horseradish on a grater or in a meat grinder 1-2 times.
  5. For the marinade, boil water with sugar and salt.
  6. Pour vinegar into the boiling marinade.
  7. Pour horseradish with marinade, mix and leave to soak for 10 minutes.
  8. Sterilize jars and fill with horseradish.
  9. Cover jars with lids.
  10. Sterilize 0.5 l jars for about 10-15 minutes.
  11. Then roll up the jars and wrap them until they cool completely. Store horseradish in the refrigerator or any cool room.

There is another way, or rather a recipe for harvesting horseradish for the winter. Many call it "light" or "horseradish". See the video recipe for how to cook.

Video recipe " Horseradish - spicy horseradish seasoning"

Cook with pleasure and be healthy!

Always your Alena Tereshina.

In the winter stocks of every housewife there are dishes concocted with fuck. Due to the presence of a large amount of vitamins and essential oils in the vegetable, this root has healing properties. There are hundreds how to cook horseradish. The root crop is widely used in cooking. Consider the basic methods of harvesting horseradish for the winter.

Did you know? Horseradish root contains more vitamin C than lemon. It contains sulfur, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium.

Dried horseradish is popular with spice lovers. The root is the main source of nutrients. It is in dried horseradish that the maximum amount of useful substances is preserved. Before transgressing to drying horseradish for the winter, you need to wash and thoroughly clean the root of the skin. Then we cut the horseradish into thin narrow strips.

We spread it on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and set it to dry in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees with the door slightly ajar for 1.5 hours.

Important! To save all the useful substances in horseradish, drying time should be minimal.

When the roots are dry, they are ground to a powder using a coffee grinder or other methods. You need to save dried seasoning in a glass container with a hermetically sealed lid. Before using for food, take the right amount of ready-made powder and soak in warm boiled water. Dried horseradish is used to prepare preserves, pickles and marinades.

Frozen horseradish roots

Another way horseradish for the winter is freezing. Stored in the freezer, the root will not lose its beneficial properties. All that is required of you: thoroughly wash the roots, clean them, wipe moisture with a paper towel and grind to the desired size for ease of use. We place the workpiece in containers of the desired size and put in the freezer. In this form, root crops retain useful substances for up to a year.

Did you know? Pureed horseradish retains useful properties for only a week.

How to grate horseradish roots at home

Almost all winter recipes use chopped horseradish. Our main task is to understand how to grate horseradish without tears. In order for the root crop to become juicier and easier to pray, you need to soak it for a day in cold water.

The main problem when grinding a root crop is the release of essential oils by the plant, which irritate the nasal mucosa. If you have a good blender in your kitchen, leave the job to him. We put the peeled roots in a blender and voila - the horseradish is crushed. If you grind horseradish with a meat grinder, use the old-fashioned way: put a plastic bag on the outlet, it will significantly reduce the contact of your mucous membranes with this fragrant product.

Important! So that when grinding the essential oils of the root do not irritate the eyes and nasal mucosa, it must be sent to the freezer for an hour.

Horseradish preparations in combination with other vegetables and root crops

At home, preservation using horseradish has an incredible taste. There are many recipes for harvesting horseradish with other vegetables. We bring to your attention the most common and favored among gourmets.

Horseradish in its purest form

Classic horseradish recipe. We wash and clean the root crop from the peel. We grind horseradish by methods known to us. We put the ground horseradish in a sterile jar. Sprinkle with salt or sugar on top, add a little cold boiled water, close tightly with a lid and put in the refrigerator. If you plan to store the seasoning for a long time, then add vinegar and water to everything, sterilize the jars with the workpiece for several minutes and cork with lids.

Did you know? Horseradish belongs to the cabbage family and is considered a vegetable.

It is considered traditional recipe for horseradish with beets. Let's figure out how to cook horseradish root with beets at home. We will need: 300 grams of horseradish, 200 grams of beets. We thoroughly wash the root crops, clean and grind the products into a separate container. Put a teaspoon of sugar and salt in a bowl with beets.

We put horseradish in jars of 0.5 liters to half, pour in 1 glass of boiling water, then add beets. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and add vinegar to the jars, close the lids. Cooked seasoning can be stored in the cellar or refrigerator.

Horseradish with tomatoes and garlic

Horseradish seasoning used to prepare spicy tomato dressing - light. For dressing, we need: 300 grams of horseradish, 100 grams of garlic and 1 kilogram of tomatoes. We clean the components, wash them, scroll through a meat grinder, add salt, sugar to taste. We lay out the workpiece in jars, adding 1 tablespoon of vinegar to each. Seal jars with lids and store in the refrigerator.

Important! Horseradish should not be abused. There are a number of diseases in which the use of horseradish is prohibited: gastritis, ulcers, kidney and liver diseases.

You can make a delicious salad out of horseradish, carrots and apples. Once you try it, you will want more. The secret is simple - horseradish gives spice to vegetables.

To prepare a salad, we take 150 grams of carrots, 150 grams of sour apples, 1 horseradish root for a half-liter jar. For brine: water 1 liter, salt 70 grams, sugar 100 grams, vinegar 20 ml. Carrots and horseradish, peeled and seeds of apples, three on a coarse grater. We stir everything and put it in jars, pour hot brine, cover with lids and send it to be sterilized. Banks with a capacity of 0.5 liters are sterilized for 5 minutes.

The tradition of using horseradish as a seasoning is the prerogative of Russian cuisine. Horseradish for the winter, prepared according to this recipe, is an excellent spicy seasoning that goes well with any meat dish. A simple piece of boiled meat, spread with horseradish, turns into a delicacy. A small amount of horseradish (a teaspoon) added to a saucepan with ready-made borscht will enrich its taste. Horseradish can be served as a seasoning for meat cutlets, it is especially good in combination with dumplings, manti and aspic. On the basis of a wonderful vegetable, you can prepare delicious sauces, for example, with the addition of tomatoes. Today we will share a simple classic recipe for preserving horseradish for the winter. such horseradish is good for, and other baked meat.

Properly prepared seasoning is not only tasty, but also healthy. It improves digestion, has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and tonic effect. And there is no need to talk about the ability of the miracle root to fight respiratory diseases - everyone has long known about this. Try and rate!

Recipe Information

Cuisine: Russian.

Cooking method: crushing the root.

Total cooking time: 20 minutes.


  • horseradish - 2.3 kg
  • salt - 2 tsp
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • table vinegar 6% - 2 tbsp. l.


Note to the owner:

  • If someone in your family has a cold and is just starting to get sick, offer him something to eat with horseradish seasoning or let him just smell it. Its sharp aroma perfectly "pierces" a stuffy nose. Horseradish stimulates the immune system well and will not allow your family to get sick.
  • Add 50-70 g of raw grated beets to each jar, and then the seasoning will turn out to be a beautiful pink color.
  • To prepare the seasoning, choose horseradish roots, as thick as a finger or more. Good roots should be resilient, strong, juicy, and not damaged.

Horseradish was known as early as the ninth century AD. Slavic peoples grew and used it as a spicy-aromatic and antibacterial plant even before the adoption of Christianity. The specific aroma, pungent taste provided this plant with widespread use in the preparation of seasonings and sauces for fish, meat and vegetable dishes in our time.

The high content of vitamin C, the presence of essential and mustard oils still make it possible to successfully use its leaves and roots for salting, pickling and preserving vegetables (cucumbers, beets, tomatoes), mushrooms, and sauerkraut. It not only sets off and improves the taste of the main dish, but is also beneficial for human health, as it destroys pathogenic bacteria in the body.

Harvesting horseradish for the winter

You can prepare a delicious horseradish seasoning that your loved ones will enjoy at home. Since this burning root ripens in the fall, and you want to use it in home cooking all year round, you need to take care of harvesting it for the winter. Seasoning prepared at home, with prolonged use, loses its pungency, therefore, as a rule, they cook one serving for 2 - 3 weeks, and then do the next.

  • keeping fresh;
  • freezing;
  • drying;
  • conservation.

Keep fresh

After the horseradish roots are dug up, they are cleaned of dirt, dried and sorted. Thick, long, intact roots are left for storage. wooden box(or a box) is filled with clean, dry sand, horseradish roots are placed in a box in rows sprinkled with sand, so that they do not touch. The box should be stored at a temperature of approximately zero degrees (you can in the cellar, on the loggia or balcony).


The roots selected for winter storage are washed with cold water, the skin is scraped off with a knife. Then the rhizomes are cut into pieces of about 5 centimeters, placed in containers or in small bags for freezing (one bag is one serving of the product for making sauce or seasoning) and sent to the freezer.

It is believed that seasonings made from frozen rhizomes have a more pronounced burning taste.


Horseradish rhizomes are washed, peeled, cut into small pieces and dried in oven or in a special dryer for vegetables. This process must be fast, as all essential oils quickly evaporate from the cut product. Horseradish leaves can also be dried.

Dried pieces and leaves can be put into cotton bags or ground and stored in a glass jar with a tight lid to preserve the flavor.

Dried horseradish is not suitable for making sauces or seasonings. It is convenient to add to marinades, pickles, various culinary specialties all winter.


The people know many ways to preserve horseradish rhizomes: with and without vinegar, with mayonnaise, carrots, apples, beets.

Here are some recipes that will allow you to save and use horseradish in the winter for sauces and seasonings.

Horseradish root with vinegar (pickled)

There are many recipes for pickling horseradish, we will recall some of them in this article.

Recipe number 1.

To prepare the workpiece, you need to take:

  1. Root - 1.2 kg
  2. 9% table vinegar - 1 tablespoon
  3. Salt - 1 teaspoon
  4. Sugar - 1 tablespoon

The root must be thoroughly washed, remove the upper skin (scrape with a knife or vegetable peeler), then chop in any way (you can use a blender or a meat grinder). When grinding, you need to remember that the root emits burning essential oils which may get into the eyes. For protection, it is recommended to cover the container for collecting gruel with a plastic bag. Then, fill two-thirds of a three-liter jar with horseradish gruel, pour boiling water (about 1.5 - 1.8 liters), add salt, sugar and vinegar. Close the jar with a lid and shake well to mix the contents. After the mixture has cooled, arrange in sterilized jars to the very top, cork and store. in fridge.

Recipe number 2.

  1. Root - 1.5 kg
  2. Salt - 2 tablespoons
  3. Spices: cinnamon (1 stick) and cloves (4 - 5 pieces)
  4. Table vinegar nine percent - 20 ml

Pour 0.5 liters of water into the pan, add salt, granulated sugar, spices. Then the solution is boiled for 15 minutes, removed from heat and vinegar is added. The filling is left to infuse for about 12 hours. Then the horseradish gruel is placed in jars, filled with a solution and corked.

Recipe number 3.

  1. Root - 1 kg
  2. Boiled water - 2.5 cups
  3. Apple cider vinegar - 2.5 cups
  4. Salt - 2.5 teaspoons
  5. Sugar - 2.5 teaspoons
  6. Walnut (ground) - 10 tablespoons.

Add all the ingredients to the horseradish root gruel, mix well, arrange in jars, close tightly. Keep refrigerated.

Snacks from horseradish root for the winter

If you add various vegetables to horseradish, you can get a variety of snack salads with a spicy taste and bright aroma, which can also be prepared for the future for the winter.

Recipe number 1.

Horseradish roots and all vegetables are being ground in a meat grinder or blender, salt and black pepper are added, the resulting mass is placed in a saucepan, put on fire and boiled for about 40 - 45 minutes. Then the appetizer is laid out in pre-sterilized jars, sealed tightly with lids and stored in the refrigerator until winter.

Recipe number 2.

  1. Horseradish root - 0.5 kg
  2. Mayonnaise - 1 kg

The root is ground in a meat grinder or rubbed on a grater. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed with mayonnaise. The mixture is laid out in jars, corked and used as a ready-made sauce. It is better to store horseradish blanks for the winter in a cool place.

Recipe number 3 (one of the most beloved and well-known recipes among the people).

Grind the root in a meat grinder or in any other way. Add salt, sugar, vinegar to boiling water. Add the prepared marinade and beetroot juice to the horseradish gruel, mix everything well, arrange in jars, cork and store in a cool place. This sauce is perfect for any dish. meat and fishes.

Recipe number 4.

  1. Horseradish root - 1 kg
  2. Carrot - 0.5 kg
  3. Apple - 0.5 kg
  4. Salt - 2 tablespoons
  5. Sugar - 4 tablespoons
  6. Water - 1 liter

Horseradish root is ground in a meat grinder. Apples are peeled, the core and seeds are removed, then rubbed on a grater. Carrots are peeled and grated. Then carrots, apples and horseradish are mixed into a homogeneous mass. Salt and granulated sugar are added to the water. The solution is brought to a boil. The finished mixture of vegetables is laid out in pre-sterilized jars and poured with the resulting marinade. Banks are carefully sealed and stored in this form in a cool place.

Horseradish is a root crop, bright in its taste, from which any housewife, according to these recipes, without any special skills in cooking, will be able to prepare a spicy vitamin appetizer, and a spicy sauce for hot dishes of meat and fish, and an excellent seasoning for aspic and jelly, and dressing for first courses.

And on cold winter days, these preparations from a sharp and bactericidal root crop will not only diversify the dining table, but will also serve as a prevention of colds and viral diseases. Bon Appetit!

In the off-season, when autumn rain is drizzling outside the window or snow is quietly falling, you really want a vitamin, and not only fruits. After rolling compotes, jams and vegetables, it's time to prepare horseradish roots for the winter. A spicy seasoning made from them will warm you on winter evenings and add spice to boring dishes. Fish, meat or horseradish will taste better. In addition, horseradish will also strengthen the body, increase immunity, and help in the fight against colds. Keeping fragrant roots fresh for a long time will not work, although this is possible for some time. But canned horseradish will stand until the next harvest. Today we will tell you what you can do with horseradish for the winter to provide your family with fragrant and healthy seasoning. But first, let's reveal a few tricks of its preparation.

Some secrets of preserving horseradish at home

Horseradish has a very pungent smell, which is especially evident during the processing of the roots. To alleviate your "suffering", the whole procedure is best done outdoors. If you put a bag on the meat grinder and grind the roots directly into it, the smell will not be so sharp.

Do you know how to grate horseradish without tears? No matter how ridiculous it may look, but a regular scuba diving mask will protect your eyes from tears. You can simply grind in a blender with a bowl - it will be faster and more reliable.

There are a few more tricks that will make harvesting stinging roots easier and help preserve their flavor:

The most pungent horseradish seasoning is obtained from recipes that do not contain vinegar. The latter has the ability to change the taste of the roots, making it softer. And if you need, on the contrary, to remove the sharpness, before serving, the grated roots are mixed with cream.

Harvesting horseradish for the winter without additives

Not everyone likes when the characteristic horseradish flavor and pungency dissolve into the taste of additional ingredients. For example, if you add apples to the roots, they soften their pungency. The sauce from this becomes more pleasant and weak. If you are a hardcore condiment fan, just don't add anything to the roots. Then horseradish will turn out real and evil.

Horseradish recipe for the winter with vinegar

Before you start cooking, 1 kg of roots must be washed well from the ground and left for a day in water. Soaked horseradish on the second day can be peeled by scraping off the skin, as with a young carrot. The harvesting process itself is simple:

To prepare horseradish brine:

  • boil 250 ml of water;
  • pour in 1 tbsp. l. salt and sugar;
  • at the end, pour in 150 ml of vinegar (9%).

Pour the grated roots with the cooled brine, mix and arrange in jars. This seasoning is stored in the refrigerator. The maximum time is no more than 4 months. The purpose of preparing horseradish at home for the winter is often a longer shelf life. You can increase it by additionally sterilizing jars of sauce for 20 minutes.

Jars must be glass, with a well-twisted lid - in such a container, horseradish retains its aroma and “strength” better. They also need to be sterilized and allowed to dry.

Quick horseradish seasoning recipe

And not all housewives like to mess with jars, exposing their contents to additional heat treatment. On the one hand, this increases the shelf life of conservation and makes it more reliable in this regard. But at the same time, this is an additional time cost. A fragrant root crop is one of those from which you can make horseradish blanks for the winter without sterilization. This also has its advantages. Such products can be stored for several months, however, it is best in the refrigerator, but at the same time, the characteristic vigorous smell and pungency are completely preserved. In addition, “raw” horseradish also retains the maximum amount of useful substances, especially if citric acid is used instead of vinegar.

Useful seasoning is made like this:

  1. Soak the washed roots (1 kg) for 20 minutes, then peel and grind in any way.
  2. Pour into a mass of horseradish 2 tbsp. l. sugar and salt, stir.
  3. Boil 1 tbsp. water and immediately pour it into the grated roots.
  4. Pack the seasoning in sterilized jars and add 1 tsp to each. citric acid "under the lid". Cover tightly or roll up.

Recipes for harvesting horseradish roots for the winter with additional ingredients

Real gourmets will appreciate horseradish with apples or mayonnaise. They have a rich flavor while retaining all or almost all of the sharpness of the roots. And if you add spices to the sauce, you get a whole bunch of flavors.

Horseradish recipe for the winter with lemon and spices

Such a seasoning will not leave anyone indifferent. The triple composition of various spices is perfectly combined with the sharp aroma of horseradish, perfectly complementing it. Lemon juice will also add a pleasant sourness.

For cooking you will need:

  • horseradish in the amount of 1 kg;
  • 1 st. l. salt and sugar;
  • 1 lemon;
  • ground nutmeg and cinnamon - 1/3 tsp;
  • 3 cloves;
  • ¼ tsp mustard seeds.

First you need to clean the roots and leave them to soak in cold water for half an hour. After the specified time, you can start harvesting horseradish roots for the winter:

  1. Peel the roots and grind them in any way (through a meat grinder or on a grater).
  2. Squeeze juice from lemon.
  3. Prepare the marinade by bringing the seasoned water to a boil. At the end add lemon juice.
  4. When the marinade has cooled slightly, strain it and pour into the crushed roots.
  5. Mix well and divide into jars.
  6. Sterilize 20 minutes.
  7. Roll up.

Horseradish with lemon zest

Another recipe for the original horseradish-lemon snack will bring double benefits. It can be used as a seasoning for fish dishes, as well as used to prevent colds. As usual, the roots are washed, soaked, cleaned and crushed. Separately, you need to squeeze the juice from a large lemon, and grate the zest into a plate on a fine grater.

Now mix the grated horseradish with salt and sugar (1 tablespoon of each product). Then pour all the zest into it, and also pour 1 tbsp. boiled, but chilled, water. Mix all the ingredients and put the workpiece in jars. Before rolling into each container (from above, without stirring), pour in a little, about 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice.

The amount of horseradish per serving is 1 kg in purified form. It is not necessary to sterilize such a seasoning in order to preserve the maximum of useful substances.

Recipe for horseradish with apples for the winter

For cold meat dishes, a sauce of horseradish and sour apples is good. It turns out sour, but with a well-defined spicy note. However, the amount of ingredients can be changed depending on taste preferences. If you use sweet fruits, then the sauce will be sweeter and softer. And to get a spicy seasoning, you need to put more horseradish and.

So, for one serving of the sauce you will need:

  • 2 kg of apples;
  • 100 g of horseradish and garlic;
  • sugar, salt (to taste).

A horseradish appetizer with apples is made like this:

This sauce is stored in the refrigerator. And in order for it to stand longer without it, you need to add 1 tsp during the cooking process. table vinegar.

The sauce according to this horseradish recipe for the winter in its raw form is also very tasty. In this version, it is not boiled, but only apples are pre-baked. Horseradish and garlic remain raw. For winter storage, be sure to add vinegar.

Horseradish with mayonnaise for the winter

Spicy seasoning can be not only spicy, but at the same time satisfying. Mayonnaise will help add some calories to the horseradish sauce. The only drawback of such a blank is that it is not quite “winter”. Of course, well-closed jars will stand in the refrigerator for some time. However, mayonnaise significantly reduces the shelf life, although it makes the sauce tasty.

Such horseradish roots are prepared for the winter quickly as follows:

  1. Roots in the amount of 200 g wash, soak, peel and grate.
  2. Add mayonnaise to them (preferably in an amount exceeding horseradish by 2 times, that is, 400 g).
  3. Put a little salt (given that mayonnaise itself contains it decently) and 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  4. Pour 1.5 tbsp. l. vinegar.
  5. Mix the mass, arrange in jars and seal tightly.

As already mentioned, horseradish mayonnaise sauce should be stored in the refrigerator.

To make the seasoning as low-calorie and healthy as possible, it is better to use home-made mayonnaise.

To do this, break 1 egg into an immersion blender (so that the yolk remains intact), salt a little, add 1 tsp each. sugar, vinegar and mustard. Last pour 200 ml of refined sunflower oil. Now you need to cover the yolk with a blender and beat until a thick white mass, gradually raising the blender and adding oil.

Now you know what you can do with horseradish for the winter. We hope that among this selection there is also a recipe for your family, which can surprise loved ones and guests. Cook with pleasure and bring variety to the winter menu!

Horseradish video recipe for the winter

Two types of horseradish preparations - video