Omega 3 which is better to drink. Protection against premature aging of brain tissue. How to take golden capsules

Fashion for a healthy lifestyle makes its own adjustments to the nutrition of our fellow citizens. And perhaps that is why they began to pay increased attention to various vitamin complexes and polyunsaturated fatty acids. What do they represent fatty acid omega 3, what is the use of them for - these are the main questions that most people ask. The benefits of omega 3 are undeniable, because this category of substances belongs to those that are not produced in our body, but enter it with certain foods. But are these fats harmless?

These standards guarantee high quality fish oil, setting maximum surcharges for toxins, heavy metals, and oxidation, so be sure to buy from a manufacturer who can certify that their products meet or exceed these standards.

Also, check to see if any of the company's products are supported by independent clinical studies. This indicates the effectiveness of the product. A simple phone call to the company or a quick review of their website should take care of all your questions.

Composition of omega 3

The benefits of omega 3 fatty acids are beneficial effect on the growth and structure of cells, on their renewal and regeneration. Moreover, these useful material act as a kind of barrier against the negative effects of the environment. Unfortunately, the diet of an ordinary person is extremely poor in these important elements.

Help for the heart and blood vessels

Below is a brief link to the recommended intake. An omega-3 algae supplement can be a great vegetarian alternative to fish oil. The following website provides big list research on omega-3s in a wide variety of categories, including women's health and reproduction.

All evidence indicates that omega-3 and B vitamins are highly protected. Dr. Emma Derbyshire, Dietitian. Both play vital important role in brain function. Both are also effective at dampening inflammation, and Dr. Mocking says omega-3s may also affect levels of the brain-sensitive chemical serotonin.

However, not only specialized vitamins and nutritional supplements, but also certain types of food can help overcome the general deficiency of these fatty acids. Omega 3 acids are found in both plant and animal products. Especially useful, from this point of view, flaxseed, soy products and seafood.

There are four types of omega 3 fatty acids:

Processed fish oil

The new findings come as no surprise to Professor Michael Crawford, director of the Institute for Brain Chemistry and Human Nutrition and international authority on marine omega oils. He believes that these brain fatty acids are critical to the evolution of the human brain and continue to be critical to cognitive well-being.

However, our consumption of foods such as fatty fish, which are rich in omega-3s, has plunged, while consumption of omega-6s, which blocks the absorption of omega-3s, has led to the rise in popularity of soy and vegetable oils. Professor Crawford is convinced that this is a factor in the growth of brain disorders and mental health problems.

  • Alpha linolenic (ALA). Synthesized exclusively in plant products.
  • Docosapentaenoic (DPA). This acid can only be found in oily marine fish. It helps the body to produce other useful substances and, in addition, the body spends a minimum of energy on its absorption.

According to the Office for National Statistics, one in five adults experience anxiety or depression, while the British Journal of Psychiatry estimates that one in 11 of us is on antidepressants. The latest study adds to the growing body of evidence that omega-3s are another option for people with depression.

Canada's four-year study - a double-blind, randomized trial involving 432 patients - found that an omega-3 supplement was as effective as a prescription antidepressant for patients diagnosed with depression. Here are 16 best products superfoods that fight disease and promote good health. Dr. Hilary Jones said that one day there may be "beer filled with the same drugs as contraception" and "tea combined with painkillers", could this be the future superfood?

This acid can only be found in oily sea fish.

  • Docosahexaenoic (DHA). These types of acids are incredibly important for human health. They are often synthesized sea ​​fish, shrimp, but in plants it is contained in scanty doses. This type of omega 3 is incredibly beneficial for the health of pregnant women, as well as for the prevention of toxicosis, and will also be useful for children, for their normal growth and development. In addition, this type of fatty acids is useful to take to prevent the development of diseases such as allergies, diathesis, heart attack, as well as chronic diseases of internal organs.
  • Eicosapentaenoic (EPA). It is rich in meat, fish and even vegetable products. It is an excellent prophylactic for osteoporosis, is used for hypertension and menopause.

Few people in childhood managed to avoid the "torture" of fish oil. This is not surprising, because knowing how important fatty acids are for the body, and that in addition fish oil also contains additional vitamins necessary for babies, doctors considered it their duty to prescribe this remedy to almost all children for prevention purposes. But of course, they are useful to the same extent for adult women and men.

Large population studies have also confirmed the link between low fish intake and increased incidence of depression. There are other benefits to the brain as well. And scientists from the Leibniz University in Hannover have warned: Neurocognitive disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, dyspraxia, and autism spectrum disorders are often associated with a relative lack of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s can even help as we get older.

There is also evidence that omega-3s can boost the brain benefits of other nutrients. While nine out of 10 of us know there are health benefits of omega-3s, only two out of five adults claim to eat the recommended minimum portion of oilfish per week.

The main benefit of omega 3 lies in their ability to strengthen the structure of cell membranes.

The main benefit of omega 3 lies in their ability to strengthen the structure of cell membranes.

Once inside the body, acids improve cellular activity, which naturally affects normal functioning all organs and systems of the body. Saturation of the body with omega 3 fats allows you to achieve the following results:

Why dietary supplements are more reliable?

In fact, there are conflicting viewpoints for almost all of the rumored benefits of these omega-3s. Coates, Ph.D., Director of Management food additives to the National Institutes of Health. According to him, researchers do not understand why this is so.

They are believed to have a stronger link to good health than varieties found in herbal products such as soybean oil and flaxseed. There are still many questions that can be answered as we continue to explore omega-3s. In the meantime, here's what the latest omega-3 science says it can't "do for your health."

  • significantly improves brain function, of cardio-vascular system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • the emotional and psychological state of a person normalizes, after which the chronic fatigue, irritation, depression;
  • the state of pressure improves, which accompanies a decrease in the risk of stroke and a crisis in hypertensive patients;
  • disappear pain and inflammation with arthrosis and rheumatism;
  • improves sexual function in men;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;

Omega-3 fatty acids probably can't keep your memory. Add-ons at least don't do the trick. But "very few studies have demonstrated a beneficial or protective effect of omega-3 fatty acids in enhancing cognition" in humans, she says. It's possible that a higher dose could be beneficial, or that getting omega-3s from our diets would make more of a difference to our brains, she says. Perhaps there are other ingredients that are more important for protecting our brains than omega-3s, or it could be the combination of ingredients in fish that is important, she says.

Omega 3 lowers blood cholesterol

  • strengthens the immune system and the hormonal background is leveled;
  • increases the body's ability to regenerate, rapid healing of wounds and damage to internal organs;
  • the body is rejuvenated in a natural way, the tone and elasticity of the skin increases, nails and hair follicles are strengthened;
  • significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer.

Separately, one should dwell on the importance of such fatty acids for pregnant women. Products rich in similar substances are highly recommended for expectant mothers in the second and third trimesters, since they not only contribute to the normal development of the child, but are also a prophylactic against histosis (an extremely dangerous type of toxicosis).

Types of fatty acids

Probably they can beat off the inflammation. Quick update: yes. One is acute and occurs when your body is fighting an illness, healing a sprained ankle, or coughing through an asthma attack. The other is the chronic, low-grade kind that you may not even notice, but which quietly raises your risk for serious health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis.

The most understood theory about how omega-3s go down is that inflammation is due to what you don't get if you get more omega-3s. Colger says that omega-6 fatty acids, much more abundant in the typical American diet from our consumption of vegetable oil, are converted into inflammation-causing chemicals in the body.

Besides beneficial features omega 3 for pregnant women does not end there, because they also reduce the risk of miscarriage and premature birth. Therefore, even if women have problems with the diet due to toxicosis, they will certainly be impregnated with fish oil, which is considered not only the main source of omega 3 fatty acids, but also contains many other useful vitamins.

Omega-3s can also produce their own chemicals that “turn off” inflammation, Calder says, by destroying or reducing the activity of inflammatory chemicals and cells. They can also help joint pain. We have pretty solid evidence that omega-3s can hurt, Calder says, although exactly when and where has remained a bit of a mystery. We know that omega-3 supplements appear to help people with rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disorder that damages the lining of the joints.

Take What Your Diet Is Lacking

And for some inexplicable reason, omega-3s don't really help the pain of osteoarthritis. However, researchers are not dismissing the pain-reducing properties of fish oil. According to Calder, the early work being done to study the effects of fish oil could have a bearing on the duration and severity of headaches. The problem is that most research is still being done either in test tubes or in mice. to figure out dosage and delivery to people living in real time, he says.

This drug is also good for men, since fish oil is able to replace all animal fats, and most importantly, it is not deposited under the skin. Such properties of the product make it indispensable for athletes, but it is also indispensable for ordinary males. Omega 3, which is contained in fish oil, contributes to the production of testosterone, inhibition of stress hormones, and this makes it an indispensable assistant in difficult jobs associated with physical and emotional stress. In addition, regular intake of fatty acids minimizes the risk of prostate problems in men.

They may probably protect you from heart disease, but they may not save your life. Calder says whole omega-3s can be traced to heart health. They rarely ate fruits and vegetables - you know, because of all that ice in there - but they had surprisingly low rates of heart disease. What they ate in abundance was fish, whale, and seal. Perhaps the researchers suggested that it was the omega-3s in all those fatty seafood that held their tickers. Stop a little ahead and now we know that even among Westerners, people who eat fish are at a lower risk of heart disease than people who are not ordinary and simple.

Harm omega 3

However, eating too much omega 3 can cause serious harm to the body. Like any "drug", unsaturated fatty acids also have their own side effects. That is why it is important to carefully control not only the dosage of preparations containing omega 3, but also to monitor the consumption of seafood and vegetable oils, which are sources of fatty acids.

The more, the more fish we eat, the more Calder says we're protected from heart disease risk factors like high and high. But more recent studies have not been able to replicate these results, Calder says. "It obviously rocked the boat." Taking fish oil now doesn't seem to prevent strokes or heart attacks, although taking more fish still seems to protect people from the average risk of ever having heart problems. Supplements lower triglycerides, a type of fat in the blood, so if yours is high, he recommends discussing with your doctor.

The main harm of excessive consumption of omega 3 is blood thinning.

The main harm of excessive consumption of omega 3 is blood thinning. Therefore, there are contraindications for the use of these unsaturated acids people suffering from hemarthrosis (bleeding into the joints). Also side effects these substances are also felt in other vascular diseases. It is noteworthy that due to blood thinning, even with a minor cut and capillary bleeding, the harm can be very significant.

Perhaps they will improve your mood. It's not entirely clear how they affect our emotions, Coates says, but because our brain cell membranes contain a large number of omega-3 and other fatty acids, getting enough can affect the way these cells function. in turn, "may affect the expression of depression," he says. So far, the results have been mixed, both in terms of mental health type of moderate versus major depression versus bipolar disorder, for example, and the type and amount of omega. and even some suggestion that they might work as well as antidepressants, but still not part with your therapist. Overall, research suggests that omega-3s may be helpful in reducing symptoms of depression in some people, but they do not and should not be used in place of conventional treatments for depression, Coates says.

Contraindications for taking omega 3 apply to the following individuals:

  • people prone to allergies to any kind of seafood;
  • side effects can occur in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as during lactation;
  • contraindications also apply to children until they reach the age of seven;
  • victims, with severe injuries and significant blood loss;
  • side properties of acids also appear in the postoperative period;

They cannot stop you from cancer. Don't get carried away by promising animal studies that you think omega-3 fatty acids do wonders for cancer. "I think omega-3s stop rats and mice from getting colorectal cancer in labs, but that's different from people with a genetic predisposition and lifetime exposure to carcinogens," Calder says. I don't think the science is strong enough.

Since inflammation seems to stimulate cancer cell growth, it's reasonable to assume that inflammation-fighting omega-3s would in turn fight cancer, Coates says. Fatty acids have been linked to a reduced risk of breast and colorectal cancer in animal studies, but researchers haven't figured out why. In addition, conflicting studies have shown both an increase and a decrease in the risk of prostate cancer after taking an omega-3 supplement. Dietary Supplement Management is sponsoring an upcoming clinical trial of omega-3s for cancer treatment, Coates says, but with such a small amount evidence and the lack of a consistent picture at the moment, he cannot recommend taking them for cancer prevention.

Do not take omega 3 in the postoperative period

  • suffering from hemorrhoids, as well as diseases of the biliary tract, kidneys and liver, fatty acids will definitely cause harm;
  • contraindications are also relevant for the active form of tuberculosis and some diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • the side effects of acids become apparent even against the background of acute and chronic diseases internal organs.

But the usual consequences that may be faced healthy people with an excess of omega 3 in the body, this is nausea, diarrhea and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If they were discovered Negative consequences If you are taking fatty acids, then to minimize harm, you should immediately stop taking products containing them, limit the consumption of foods rich in omega 3 and seek medical help. Keep in mind that this also applies to children. Therefore, it is important to know at what age they can take drugs with omega 3. However, usually their dosage is prescribed by a pediatrician and it is better to do without amateur performance.

Omega-3 fatty acids are the most important structural elements of the body, which must be obtained from food. Unfortunately, not everyone knows what omega-3 acids are useful for, and the normal functioning of which organs is completely impossible without them.

There are three main types of omega-3s:

  • alpha-linolenic acid (ALA):
  • eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA);
  • docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

Basically, docosahexaenoic (DHA) acid works in the human body, performing structural functions.

There are 6 double bonds in the DHA molecule. And this makes it especially flexible.

Docosahexaenoic acid is found in cell membranes, giving them, as well as intercellular spaces, fluidity.

The more “fluid” the membranes of nerve cells or the retina of the eye are, the more efficiently they transmit and receive nerve impulses. As a result, connections between nerve cells are formed faster and work better.

Helping children develop their brains

DHA is the dominant omega-3 fatty acid in the brain and plays an active role in brain development and function. EPA in the brain is 250-300 times less than DHA.

The amount of docosahexaenoic acid entering the third trimester of pregnancy determines the level of this compound that the child will have in the first months of his life. And this level is extremely important for normal development.

Most DHA is in the gray matter of the frontal areas of the cerebral hemispheres, which are responsible for memory, information and emotions.

That is why DHA has such a significant impact on the development of a child's planning skills, development of attention, the ability to solve logical problems and adapt socially.

Lack of omega-3 docosahexaenoic acid at an early age leads to learning disorders, hyperactivity syndrome, aggressive behavior and many other problems.

Moreover, according to some studies, insufficient intake of omega-3 acids by a pregnant woman significantly increases the risk of developing severe damage to the eyes and nervous system in a child.

Protection against premature aging of brain tissue

However, don't think that omega-3 fatty acids are just for babies and young children. Not at all.

So the level of DHA in the brain directly affects the rate of aging of this organ.

It has been established that many age-related changes in the brain, for example, a decrease in its size and weight, are associated precisely with a decrease in the level of docosahexaenoic acid in tissues.

Symptoms of such negative changes are memory problems, cognitive decline, inability to solve logical problems, speech problems, etc.

In addition, a lack of DHA is observed in the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Interestingly, with this disease, the level of DHA in the brain drops significantly, but the amount of EPA and DPA increases.

Treatment for depression and anxiety

Depression and chronic anxiety are the most common mental health problems in the world.

In numerous experiments, it has been shown that taking dietary supplements with omega-3 fatty acids makes it possible to reduce the severity of the symptoms of these disorders.

And the most efficient this case type of omega-3 fatty acids is EPA. One study even showed that the effect of EPA on the treatment of depression is comparable to that of the famous antidepressant Prozac.

Normalization of sleep

Decreased levels of DHA in the brain leads to a decrease in concentration, that is, to problems with sleep. And both in children and adults.

Docosahexaenoic acid supplementation improves sleep duration and quality.

Omega 3 for the eyes

Docosahexaenoic acid is an essential component of retinal membranes. It activates the protein rhodopsin, which is necessary for the eye to transmit what it sees to the brain.

Rhodopsin changes the permeability of membranes, their fluidity, thickness, and some other properties. This enables the eye to transmit signals to the brain.

Lack of DHA leads to vision problems, which is especially noticeable in children.

Fighting chronic inflammation

Chronic sluggish inflammation can cause a lot of serious diseases, so characteristic of modern Western society. This includes heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

A number of studies have already confirmed that taking omega-3 fatty acids can reduce chronic inflammation. This is due to the fact that omega-3 fatty acids slow down the production of molecules associated with inflammation - cytokines and eicosanoids.

In fact, the elimination of chronic low-level inflammatory conditions is the second most important (after structural) function of omega-3 acids. For almost all other positive effects of these compounds, whether it is the prevention of heart disease or the reduction of pain in arthritis, to one degree or another, are associated precisely with the anti-inflammatory effect.

Help for the heart and blood vessels

Cardiovascular health is what omega-3 fatty acids have been taken for for many years.

These compounds have been found to help protect the heart and blood vessels. However, only long-chain molecules from animal sources, EPA and DHA, have a positive effect. Short ALA from plants almost does not have such a positive effect.

But EPA and DHA can do the following:

  • reduce triglyceride levels;
  • reduce arterial pressure in those who suffer from hypertension;
  • increase the level of high-density lipoprotein (“good” cholesterol);
  • normalize the work of the endothelium of blood vessels.

Omega-3 fatty acids help you lose weight

  • There is evidence that omega-3 fatty acids help fight metabolic syndrome and, above all, its manifestations, such as chronic inflammation. And it is well known that it is these two pathological conditions that underlie weight gain.
  • The second way in which omega-3 compounds help to break up overweight, is associated with their ability to increase, and, consequently, burn more calories with constant physical activity.
  • In addition, DHA treats non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. This disease is very common today, especially among those people who need to lose weight. Omega-3 acids reduce the amount of fatty deposits in the liver area, and thus help prevent the development of many severe chronic diseases.
  • Another important quality of omega-3 fatty acids, which has already been mentioned above, and which helps to lose weight, is the ability of these compounds to improve sleep. After all, it is well known that without a good night's rest, it is extremely difficult to maintain normal body weight.

Skin healing and rejuvenation

Unlike most other organs where DHA is the main concern, the skin needs both eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid.

DHA is a structural component of the skin. It is responsible for the normal functioning of the membranes in the skin. In turn, healthy cell membranes ensure that the skin remains supple, smooth and hydrated.

EPA acid has other functions, namely:

  • regulation of oily skin;
  • protection against hyperkeratosis of the hair follicles, which most often affects the upper parts of the hands;
  • prevention of premature aging of the skin;
  • acne prevention.

In addition, EPA is essential for UV protection. The molecules of this fatty acid block the release of substances that corrode collagen structures after prolonged exposure to the sun.

A Few More Benefits of Omega-3s

  1. Help in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. It would be a big exaggeration to say that omega-3 fatty acids can cure autoimmune diseases. But they reduce the symptoms of their manifestation, and therefore are indicated for such pathologies as: systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, psoriasis.
  2. Cancer prevention. It has been proven that regular intake of omega-3 acids reduces the risk of developing colon cancer by 55%. There is also speculation that these compounds may help prevent prostate and breast cancer.
  3. Reducing arthritis pain. Docosahexaenoic acid helps to reduce pain in inflammatory joint lesions.
  4. Prevention of osteoporosis. Omega-3 acids help calcium to stay in the bone tissue. It strengthens bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
  5. Asthma treatment. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce asthma symptoms. They are especially useful in this regard for children and young people. Positive influence DHA on asthmatics is associated with suppression of mucus secretion.
  6. Relief of menstrual pain. It is noted that women who regularly take omega-3 acids are less likely to suffer from painful menstruation. In one study, omega-3s were even shown to be as effective in reducing period pain as the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen.


In conclusion, let's recap what omega-3 fatty acids are good for.