Required minimum: Utensils for those who decide to learn how to cook. What you need to make your first homemade beer

Dishes Japanese cuisine are becoming more and more popular in our country. Especially loved by many sushi and rolls. The last connoisseurs love for the appetizing look of mini-rolls, satiety, convenient format. Rolls are served in many restaurants today. But everyone can cook them at home on their own.

For this you need:

  • a wish;
  • a set of suitable products;
  • kitchen utensils and tools.

The process will take about 45 minutes.

A set of products for homemade rolls

Making rolls at home is easy. For this you will need the following ingredients:

  • rice vinegar;
  • special seaweed nori;
  • soy sauce;
  • fish;
  • cucumber, avocado, salad greens (to taste);
  • pickled ginger;
  • wasabi.

All products must be fresh and of high quality.

As additional ingredients other products can be used for rolls: various caviar (black, red, flying fish etc.), several types of fish, eel rolls, shrimp and crabs, mussels and octopuses, all kinds of sauces, including spicy, creamy and hard cheeses, crab sticks, sesame seeds and other products.

The basis of rolls and sushi is rice. You need to buy a special kind of cereal. Rice is sold in specialized departments of large stores, and sometimes it is also found in ordinary ones, among the shelves with cereals, and is called “Rice for rolls, sushi, japanese rice". Groats are cooked using a special technology. secret delicious rice of the rolls is rice vinegar. It is added about 5 tablespoons to half a glass of rice when cooking.

Rice turns out crumbly, but still a viscous consistency, and this is necessary so that our chopped rolls do not fall apart.

Take 2 cups of rice, rinse well cold water. Pour 2.5 cups of cool water, cover the saucepan with a lid and bring to a boil over high heat. After boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum, and leave the rice to cook for 12 minutes.

After we remove the pan from the heated burner, and leave to infuse for 15 minutes. Do not open the lid when you remove the dishes from the fire, everything is done with a strictly closed lid, otherwise the effect may upset!

While our rice is infused, prepare the vinegar. To do this, for 2 cups of rice, we need to take 50 ml of rice vinegar, 30 g of sugar and 10 g of salt. Mix all the ingredients and heat slightly, you can in the microwave for 20-30 seconds.

We shift the infused rice into a wide bowl and pour evenly with our vinegar mixture. The composition is quickly absorbed into the finished rice and it turns out what you need for the right rolls.

Nori (pressed) sea ​​kale) are purchased dry in layers in vacuum packaging. I usually buy Sensei or Shibuki nori. There are usually 10 sheets in a pack. Any fish can be used: raw, pickled, salted, smoked. The choice of this product depends on the taste preferences of the connoisseur of Japanese cuisine. As the most common, I take salmon and trout.

Soy sauce is recommended to choose natural, concentrated, without preservatives. If desired, it can later be diluted with water to taste. The best, in my opinion and taste, Kikkoman soy sauce, by the way, I choose rice vinegar of the same brand. It is used sparingly, so it is better to immediately buy more expensive and enjoy a bright and natural taste.

Ready rolls are served on wide dish along with thin slices of pink pickled ginger and wasabi (Japanese horseradish). A separate bowl with soy sauce is put on the table, in which it is necessary to dip the rolls. They eat rolls with wooden chopsticks, you need to get used to this, over time you will be able to take even the smallest pieces with chopsticks.

Cooking tools

The list of tools includes several fixtures. These may include:

  • machine for making rolls;
  • bamboo mat makisa;
  • sharp knife for cutting rolls.

Some home cooks use cling film in the cooking process. A blank of nori, rice, fish, and other components is wrapped in it. It is believed that this way the rolls are more accurate and dense. But practice shows that the use of a makisa or a special machine allows you to optimize the process.

Bamboo mat is considered a versatile tool for making rolls. It has been used by Japanese chefs for centuries. The rug is easy to work with. A little practice is enough, and you will get rolls no worse than restaurant ones.

On a rug wrapped around cling film, spread the rice with a layer of 1 cm, put our filling on top of the rice - you want cucumber fish and cream cheese, or shrimp, avocado, leaf salad and wasabi. You can experiment and even put everything at once, it all depends on the flight of your imagination.

After you have rolled the roll, transfer it to a cutting board and cut it into 6-8 pieces with a sharp knife.

It's not that hard to do simple rolls at home. You can make rolls with rice outside, and decorate with a piece of fish, or roll in caviar or sesame seeds. Such rolls are called Uramaki or Saimaki, all of you probably know the popular names of such rolls - California and Philadelphia.

Such rolls are made in much the same way as regular rolls, only first you apply rice to the nori, and then turn everything over so that the rice is on the bamboo mat, and nori is on top of it. Spread on a sheet of algae desired filling and turn, as in the first option.

Then press the folded roll well so that the rice does not fall off anywhere, and roll it over caviar, sesame seeds, or decorate with pieces of red fish.

Then carefully cut, put on a dish and enjoy gourmet delicacy Japanese cuisine, prepared at home, with their own hands.

Bon appetit and good company!

Whether you know how to cook fine dining or you can hardly cope with cooking store-bought dumplings, you can always please your soul mate with a surprise in the form of cooking the now extremely popular and very tasty Japanese food- rolls.

Rolls, in fact, are just cooking rice with a variety of additives, wrapped in seaweed. There is nothing complicated in the process of making rolls.


You can easily guess that when cooking rolls, you will probably need a saucepan for boiling rice. And you will be right. Next, you need to get a good cutting board, and - almost most importantly - a sharply sharpened knife. If the knife is blunt, then the whole idea will turn to dust, because the rolls will simply flatten out under its onslaught. For the preparation of rolls with rice outside, food-grade plastic wrap is useful.

From special devices you need to purchase a small makisu bamboo mat, which, in fact, will help you make a roll from everything that you are going to fit into it. And, of course, in the end, you will need chopsticks for eating rolls and soy sauce trays. Cymbals can be ordinary, or they can fully match the entourage of the moment and be with Japanese patterns.


It is impossible to cook rolls without rice. Rice is better to take a special, special variety that provides its best grip. It is sold in shops of the corresponding direction or "Japanese" corners of large supermarkets. This rice is sold either in smaller packages than usual, or in portioned perforated bags for ease of preparation. Some, however, use ordinary round-grain rice for rolls. This is also not forbidden, just the rolls are a little rougher due to its larger grains.

Rice needs vinegar, a special mitsukan rice vinegar, which will provide a decent bunch of rice grains into a single whole. This is necessary so that your rolls remain rolls in any situation (both in sticks and in soy sauce), otherwise your rolls will simply fall apart when you try to eat them.

Don't forget nori, dried seaweed. It is they who will help you roll the structure into a roll shape and keep it in this form until it is eaten.

Classic soy sauce and ginger are suitable as seasoning. Soy sauce is better to buy good, cheap will be more like water.

Pickled ginger is now sold in any decent grocery store, so getting it will not be difficult either. Initially, this product was used in the process of eating rolls to refresh the taste sensations between their different types, but our compatriots eat it together with rolls.

Wasabi, aka "green mustard" or "green horseradish" - spicy seasoning to sushi, which is exactly what is supposed to be eaten with them. But we often add it directly to soy sauce.

You can't do without stuffing. In essence, you can put absolutely everything that your creative nature desires into rolls. Of course, there are certain classic ingredients, which are usually put in rolls in Russia (though, as a rule, with Japanese rolls they have little in common). This includes salted or smoked fish- salmon, tuna or eel, cucumbers and avocados, Philadelphia cream cheese, crabs, sometimes scrambled eggs and small fish caviar. However, with due imagination and opportunities, you can vary this list at your own discretion. Some even make rolls from potatoes with herring or pickles, which is not without national flavor.

Rolls are both quite high-calorie and dietary (including vegetarian). You can even make them sweet, if instead of a nori sheet you use ordinary thin homemade pancakes, and put fruit filling inside. Just don't eat this type of sushi with soy sauce.

How to cook

To cook classic norimaki rolls (that is, seaweed rolls outward), you need to lay out a makisu mat in front of you, turning it away from you. Place a sheet of nori on top of the mat. It looks brittle and tough, but under the influence of wet rice will quickly become elastic enough to roll up.

Top the nori with boiled and slightly flavored with mitsukan rice. Just leave a small free longitudinal strip along the bottom edge of the seaweed to secure the roll after folding. On the opposite end of this strip, lay out your filling, for example, slices of cucumbers, slices of fish and a little Philadelphia cheese. Then start rolling the future roll into a tube, starting from the edge with the filling. A mat will help you with this, which you can lift over the edge, thereby wrapping the structure. Make sure the roll is even and tight enough so that it doesn't fall apart when you cut it. When you have cooked this sausage, seal the edge with the remaining free strip so that the rice does not spill out. Your roll is ready, it remains only to cut it with a very sharp knife into portioned pieces of the size you need.

If you decide to cook inside-out rolls or uramaki, the principle of operation changes somewhat: a cling film is spread on the makisu mat, rice is placed on it, and the filling you need is placed on the rice. Then the scheme is the same: we roll the roll with a flexible mat and dexterous hands, then cut it into portions.

Ready rolls can be flavored small caviar(flying fish or capelin, hardly anyone will notice the difference) or thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200band fried fish pieces.

Whatever rolls you decide to cook, remember: you can quite cope with the preparation of this already not very exotic, but still delicious dish.


It is better to make minced meat for cutlets yourself from chilled non-lean meat. Nearly classic version- a mixture of beef and pork in a ratio of 2: 1. Pure pork cutlets can get very fatty, and beef - not juicy enough.

You can also add chicken, turkey to cutlets or cook them only from poultry.


For cutlets, in principle, any fish is suitable. The main thing is that there are few bones in it. Therefore, it is better to choose fillets of large breeds: it is much easier to cook cutlets from it than from small bony fish. Ideal for salmon, cod, halibut, halibut.

Other Ingredients

Onion. It must be passed with meat through a meat grinder or finely chopped (in this case it is better to fry and cool a little), and then add to. You can, of course, chop the onion with a fine grater, but this process is a very dubious pleasure.

For 1 kg of meat, 2-3 medium onions are enough.

Stale White bread(baton). It is needed so that the cutlets keep their shape and are more tender. Bread must be soaked in boiled water, milk or cream, squeeze, remove the crust and pass through a meat grinder. Too much of it is not required: 100–200 g per 1 kg of minced meat is enough.

Vegetables: zucchini, carrots, potatoes, beets, pumpkin. They make the cutlets more juicy and tender. They can be substituted for bread if desired. Vegetables are best chopped with a grater.

Eggs. Controversial Ingredient: Some cooks think they make patties tough. However, the eggs help to stick the stuffing together. In order not to overdo it, it is better to use no more than two eggs per 1 kg of minced meat.

Salt. About 1 teaspoon of salt is enough for 1 kg of minced meat.

Spices and herbs. Be sure to add black pepper, garlic and other spices - if desired.

Water, oil, etc. AT chopped meat you can add a couple of tablespoons ice water, a spoonful of vegetable oil or a cube of butter, so that the cutlets are more juicy.

To fish cakes you can add cream, which will give tenderness to the dish, or lemon juice, which enhances the taste of fish.

How to prepare minced meat and mold cutlets

  1. Before chopping meat, remove all veins, films, bones and cartilage from it.
  2. If you pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder, try to alternate them so that the minced meat is more uniform.
  3. Minced meat must be kneaded well with your hands and beat off - so it will be saturated with oxygen. You can do this in a pot with high walls so as not to stain the kitchen. In this case, you need to throw the minced meat to the bottom of the container several times.
  4. It is better to cover the finished minced meat with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes so that it rests. After that, it should be mixed again.
  5. You need to sculpt cutlets with wet hands so that minced meat does not stick to your fingers.
  6. Try to form cutlets of the same size, do not grind too much: the larger the cutlets, the juicier they are. Pat the patties with your palms so that they are smooth and without seams.

How to bread cutlets

Breading helps the juice stay inside the cutlets, so you should not neglect it. Can be used breadcrumbs(store-bought or homemade from dry bread), flour, crushed nuts and sesame seeds.

Keep in mind that crackers absorb more oil. Therefore, if you want to reduce the fat content of cutlets, choose other breading options or dry ready cutlets paper towels.

How to fry meatballs

Put the cutlets in a well-heated pan with oil. Be sure to leave a distance between them, otherwise they will not be fried, but stewed.

First, fry one side over high heat for 1-2 minutes, then lower the heat and continue cooking for another 3-4 minutes. Repeat the same with the other side. After that, you can sweat the cutlets under the lid for 5-8 minutes.

20 minutes is enough for frying any meatballs. If in doubt, pierce one of them with a knife: light juice indicates that the dish is ready.

How to cook meatballs in the oven

Put the cutlets on a greased baking sheet and put in the oven, preheated to 180-200 degrees. After 15-20 minutes, pour half a glass of water onto a baking sheet and bake the cutlets for another 10-15 minutes.

In the oven, you can also bring fried cutlets to readiness. In this case, it is better to bake them at a temperature of 160-180 degrees.

How to cook cutlets in a slow cooker

For cooking in the "Frying" or "Baking" modes are suitable. The average cooking time is 40–50 minutes.

Cutlets should be turned every 15-20 minutes. If they start to burn, you can add a little water (about ¼ cup).

Preparing a dish in a double boiler is the easiest. You just need to pour the amount of water specified in the instructions inside, put the cutlets, turn on the appliance and cook depending on the minced meat:

  • 20–30 minutes - for poultry and fish cutlets;
  • 30–40 minutes - for meat cutlets.

If you do not have a double boiler, cutlets can be cooked in a water bath. To do this, boil water in a saucepan, put a large sieve on top so that it does not touch the liquid, and cover the structure with a lid. Please note that in this case, the pan and sieve should be approximately the same diameter.



  • 750 g chicken pulp (equal parts of breast fillet and thigh fillet);
  • 350 g stale loaf;
  • 220 ml of milk;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • ½ teaspoon ground black pepper;
  • ghee or butter - for frying.


Soak 150 g of a loaf in milk. When it swells, squeeze it out and pass it along with the chicken pulp through a meat grinder. Do not throw out the milk: it will still come in handy. Add 30 g of soft butter, salt and pepper to the minced meat, mix well and set aside.

Separately, prepare the breading mixture. To do this, cut the remaining 200 g of a loaf into small cubes(with sides approximately 4 mm) and dry them. Add eggs, a pinch of salt to a bowl of milk and stir.

With wet hands, shape the minced meat into medium sized patties. Dip each in the milk mixture, then roll in breadcrumbs and place in a well-heated pan with butter. Fry the cutlets over moderate heat on both sides until golden brown.


  • 300 g of beef;
  • 200 g pork;
  • 150–200 g of fresh champignons;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 slices of stale white bread;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • flour - for breading;
  • - for frying;
  • salt, pepper and other spices - to taste.


Cook first mushroom stuffing. To do this, thoroughly rinse and dry the mushrooms, and then cut them into small slices. Finely chop the onion, fry until soft. Add mushrooms and sauté until all the water has boiled away. At the end, salt and pepper the filling and let it cool.

While the filling is cooling, you can cook minced meat. Pass the meat through a meat grinder, add bread soaked in water (without crusts), an egg and chopped garlic to it. Stir the minced meat until smooth, add salt and spices, mix again and beat with your hands. You can cool the minced meat in the refrigerator, but do not forget to mix it again after that and beat it off.

With wet hands, form the minced meat into a flat cake. Put the mushroom stuffing in the middle. Cover it with a new tortilla of minced meat and make a round cutlet. Try to make sure that the filling does not come out of the minced meat, and the cutlet itself is even, without seams.

Dip the cutlets in flour and place in a frying pan heated with oil. Fry on both sides until golden brown(as described above) and bring to readiness on minimum heat under the lid.


  • 700 g cod fillet;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 9 tablespoons of oatmeal;
  • 3 tablespoons chopped cilantro or parsley;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
  • salt and ground pepper- taste;
  • 100 g butter;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.


cod fillet and onion pass through a meat grinder. Add greens, 3 tablespoons of oatmeal, lemon juice, salt, pepper to the minced meat. Mix everything and leave for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, cool and cut into cubes. Add eggs to minced meat and mix.

Grind 6 tablespoons of oatmeal in a coffee grinder or blender: they will be needed for breading cutlets. With wet hands, make a cake out of minced meat, put a teaspoon of butter in the center and form a cutlet.

Roll cutlets in crushed oatmeal, fry on vegetable oil until golden brown and immediately transfer to a baking dish. Send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 10-15 minutes.

So, the choice of equipment depends on what methods of brewing beer you will use when preparing:

  • Malt extracts. The easiest, most affordable and fast way- from hopped malt extracts (malt and hops are brewed in the required proportions, according to the recipe, and supplied as a concentrated extract). If you follow the simplest rules of disinfection and the recommended proportions, you will get a decent homemade beer that will taste like the extract you have chosen. These beers are difficult to mess up, easy and not troublesome to prepare, but there is no element of creativity in the preparation.
  • All-grain (grain)- you have to prepare your own beer wort, filter it and ferment it. To prepare in this way, you will need a recipe (with the necessary proportions of malt, hops, spices, temperature pauses etc.), the ingredients themselves and the yeast. Brewing beer in this way is more difficult, but the beer will most likely have a bright taste and you can also bring your own ideas to the recipe or even develop your own recipe.
  • It is also worth mentioning the ways in which blend of malt extracts and boiled malt. They are similar in complexity to all-grain, but the use of extracts allows you to achieve some flavor effects.
Initially, we recommend brewing beer according to the first option - from extracts, and then try options with brewing wort from grain. In the first case, the preparation of beer will consist of fermentation, bottling and post-fermentation in bottles. To do this, you can purchase a ready-made kit like BeerZavodik or buy the necessary equipment separately:
  1. Fermenter (hermetically sealed container with a water seal).
  2. Thermometer for measuring the fermentation temperature (may be included with the fermenter).
  3. System for pouring beer into bottles with the possibility of decanting from the yeast residue. It can be either a faucet with a pouring tube or an overflow siphon with a holder.
  4. Sealed bottles for poured beer (plastic or glass) in the right amount.
  5. A device for stirring (preferably plastic, so as not to scratch the container).
  6. Knife for opening cans.
Additionally, to control the fermentation process and calculate the strength of beer, you can use the AC-3 Hydrometer and a measuring container (a tap in the fermenter is desirable to drain the wort without breaking the tightness).
Of the ingredients you will need:
  • Hopped malt extract sized for the liter of your fermenter usually comes with yeast already.
  • From best to worst - unhopped extract (sometimes already hopped) or 1kg dextrose or 1kg invert sugar
  • Lollipops to add when bottling, or 150-250 gr. dextrose, or again sugar.
  • Means for disinfection and washing of equipment and bottles (you will need 2 times per preparation cycle).
  • Required amount water
The process of beer fermentation from the extract can be found on our website. Also, usually in the kit for breweries there is a detailed instruction.
When making beer from malt, hops and yeast, you will need almost all of the above equipment, as well as a mash tank in which to brew. It is worth mentioning that as the simplest container, you can use a good, large saucepan, mash bag and thermometer.

At the moment, from the equipment designed for the preparation of more than 20 liters of beer, which we can offer you - BeerZavodik home mini breweries and the Brewmaster fermenter. In both versions, you can prepare 23 liters of beer from malt extracts (BeerZavodik and Mini and Standard already include the first filling).

Sushi and rolls have long been a favorite dish oriental cuisine. They are eaten in special restaurants, ordered to be delivered by courier to your home or office. Some Japanese food lovers organize themed parties where these dishes are the main treat. You can cook them at home, which will turn out to be more financially profitable. True, not everyone knows what is needed to make sushi and rolls and how to make them yourself.

What do you need to buy for cooking?

If you decide to have a Japanese party at home and want to surprise your guests with dishes from this cuisine, cook rolls and sushi. At first glance, it may seem that this is a very tedious process that requires special training. But in fact, there is nothing complicated in this.

As a rule, everything you need to make rolls or sushi is located in one department in supermarkets. This is very convenient because it allows you to select everything necessary ingredients in just a few minutes and save time on shopping. You will need a package of top quality nori seaweed, about 1 kilogram of Japanese round-grain rice and about 300 grams of flying fish roe.

Soy sauce is indispensable for sushi and rolls. When choosing this ingredient, it is important to ensure that the label does not contain the inscriptions “mushroom”, “shrimp flavored” and other flavors. For the preparation of rolls and sushi, you must choose only classic soy sauce, and always in a glass bottle. For seasoning rice, you need rice or wine vinegar. Don't forget the seasoning ready meal- pickled ginger and Japanese wasabi mustard.

As a filling, you can use fried or smoked eel, salted red fish. You will also need fresh cucumbers and ripe avocados. Depending on what kind of roll you are going to cook, it may come in handy chicken eggs(for cooking Japanese omelet), lemon, crab meat, caviar. Often, sesame seeds are used for decoration.

What to do with rice?

To properly cook rice, it must first be washed very well under running water. This must be done at least 7 times, until after washing the liquid becomes transparent, without a white precipitate. Then rice groats pour water in a ratio of 1: 1 and put to cook on a strong fire under a closed lid. You can use a multicooker. You do not need to salt the water, as the finished rice is then seasoned with rice vinegar. Cooking time is 20-25 minutes.

The cooked cereal should be transferred from the pan to a wooden bowl. It is allowed to use porcelain, glass, but not metal. When dressing rice with vinegar, the metal can oxidize, and this makes the dish dangerous to eat. If the walls of the dishes are moistened with water, then the rice will not stick to them. While it's hot, you need to add to it rice dressing and mix thoroughly with gentle movements from the bottom up. So the rice does not turn into porridge and absorbs the marinade well. After that, it must be collected in a slide, covered with a waffle towel and allowed to cool slightly.

Before starting cooking, you should make a special solution for hands. It is necessary for disinfecting hands during work so that rice does not stick to them, as well as for better gluing rolls and sushi. This solution is made from water, rice vinegar and lemon juice. The volume of water used should be such that the palm can freely dive into it, this is approximately 400 grams. rice vinegar is taken in the amount of two tablespoons, and lemon juice is squeezed out of a quarter of the fruit.

It is desirable to form rolls and sushi only from warm rice, the temperature of which is slightly higher than body temperature. This is how it fits best. But from the cooled rice, sushi will disintegrate.

To breed wasabi, you need to take finished powder and add cold water to it in a ratio of 1: 1. When stirred, a sharp specific smell should appear. Do not immediately dilute too much powder, as it loses its taste after a few hours. It is better to do it in small portions.

How to shape sushi?

To prepare a serving of sushi, you will need the following set of products:

  • seasoned rice;
  • fillet of red fish;
  • nori seaweed;
  • sesame;
  • wasabi;
  • soy sauce;
  • pickled ginger.

You should start making sushi by preparing the filling. If you are going to cook them from fish, then use the fillet from the abdominal part. Here the meat will be most elastic and will not decay. The pieces are cut diagonally, their thickness is about 3-5 millimeters. Shrimps are also good as a filling.

Before taking a handful of rice, dip your fingers in the prepared solution. This procedure will prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the roll. Then, with your right hand, scoop up about 20 grams of rice and form a small ball out of it. Take a piece of fish in your left hand, put rice on it, press down slightly, and then turn over and smooth out the sushi. For decoration, you can use strips of nori and sesame seeds. For cutting algae, it is better to use scissors, as the knife can become dull very quickly.

How to form rolls?

To make rolls you will need:

  • seasoned rice;
  • nori seaweed;
  • fillet of red fish;
  • sesame;
  • wasabi;
  • soy sauce;
  • pickled ginger.

To form rolls, you need to purchase a makisa - a special mat with which you can spin the roll. A feature of such a device is that it is flexible in one direction, and rigid in the other. Wrap makisu with cling film so that the rice does not stick to it and does not clog between the reeds. The rug is first wrapped in the transverse direction, and then in the longitudinal direction. Such a technique will not allow the film to jump off during operation.

For rolls, you can use the back fish fillet, you need to cut it with ordinary sticks. The base is nori seaweed. They have glossy and matte sides. Rice should be laid out on the matte side. It has microvilli that will hold the entire contents of the roll and prevent it from crumbling when cut. To prepare one serving, you need half a sheet of nori.

For rice rolls, you will need more than for sushi, about 80-90 grams per serving. When distributing it over the surface of the algae leaf, it is necessary to ensure that the rice layer is even and even, about 0.5 cm thick. From the top edge you need to leave an empty strip. The filling should be laid out in the center in one layer so that it does not fall out when twisting. When rolling the roll, you need to check that the nori strips coincide with each other and stick together well.

It remains to cut the roll. It is advisable to use a sharp knife, and so that rice does not stick to it, it is moistened in prepared water with vinegar and lemon. The roll is first cut in half, and then both parts are folded to each other and two more cuts are made. So all the pieces are the same size.

Preparing the Philadelphia Roll

To prepare the well-known Philadelphia rolls, you will need a little more products:

  • seasoned rice;
  • nori;
  • fillet of red fish;
  • sesame,
  • cream cheese "Philadelphia";
  • cucumber or avocado.

For the filling, you need to use a cucumber without seeds. It is cut into four parts and a strip with seeds is cut off, this will avoid excessive moisture of the roll. Then the cucumbers are cut into thin slices and soaked in cold water to make them crispy. It is better to choose an avocado with pimples on the skin, because it is more convenient to peel it. Cut the fruit into thin slices of 2-3 millimeters thick (their width should be equal to half the nori).

Rice is spread on a sheet of algae over its entire surface. Then sprinkle generously with sesame seeds. Now you need to turn the nori with rice down on the mat and generously coat the reverse side with cream cheese. Then fish, cucumber and avocado are laid out. To make the roll more accurate, the edges of the nori and makisu are aligned, and then wrapped so that the ends of the nori and rice are connected. It remains to cut the roll into pieces.