A dish of oriental cuisine is lamb lagman. Lamb lagman

Prepare all the necessary ingredients.

Any part of lamb with a bone is suitable for lagman. The pulp will be used for a complex filling, and the seeds will be used for a rich, concentrated broth. Cut the pulp from the pit and cut into small, equal pieces. Add salt, add spices and mix thoroughly, as if rubbing the spices into each piece of meat. Cut off the fat on the meat and heat it separately in a heated frying pan.

Remove the fried cracklings from the frying pan, and place the chopped pieces of lamb into the rendered fat. The meat will release juice and simmer a little, and then begin to fry. Fry the lamb pieces on all sides over medium heat until nicely browned. This will take 15-20 minutes.

Peel one onion and one carrot, wash and cut into thin rings. If the onion is large, then use half rings.

Add the onions and carrots to the fried pieces of lamb, stir and cook for 2-3 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally.

Transfer the meat and vegetables to a cauldron (or thick-walled pan).

Wash the pepper, remove the stem, seeds and cut into thin strips.

Cut cherry tomatoes or any other into small cubes. If you decide to cut the tomatoes into large slices, then it is better to peel them (to do this, you need to make cross-shaped cuts on the tomatoes, then pour boiling water over them and easily remove the skin).

Place eggplants, peppers and tomatoes in a cauldron. Sprinkle salt, spices and finely chopped cilantro on top.

Place the bones from which the pulp has been cut into a saucepan along with one peeled onion and half a carrot, pour in 1 liter of water and put on fire. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook for 30-40 minutes. Then strain the broth through a fine sieve and pour into the cauldron with the meat and vegetables.

Cover the cauldron with a lid and simmer over low heat. If the lamb is young, 30 minutes is enough. If not, increase the simmering time. The meat should become soft and easily separated into fibers.

In a separate pan, boil long noodles in boiling salted water. It should be “al dente” - cut to the teeth, slightly undercooked. This will take 5-7 minutes. I used store-bought long noodles, but you can substitute another favorite pasta or make your own. In order to make noodles with your own hands, you need to crack 3 chicken eggs into a bowl, add a pinch of salt and a pinch of turmeric, stir a little with a fork and start adding sifted flour in small portions. Because chicken eggs different sizes, it is difficult to indicate the amount of flour, approximately 250-320 grams. Knead the dough, it should become soft, not sticky to your hands and very flexible, like softened children's plasticine. Then let the dough rest for 10 minutes under a napkin. Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough into a layer 2 mm thick and cut into long strips 5 mm wide. Twist each strip into a nest and leave it on the table to dry while the meat and vegetables are being prepared, and then boil for 5-7 minutes in boiling salted water.

Place boiled noodles in a deep bowl and place lamb and vegetables on top.

Serve hot, aromatic and satisfying lamb lagman.

Bon appetit!

Lagman – widely famous dish Asian cuisine. Recipes delicious lagman Different nationalities have slightly different composition of ingredients. It is prepared in two different ways, it is boiled and served with broth, like a soup, or without broth, like a main course. Lagman made from lamb or beef is considered the most correct. But, the irreplaceable part of the lagman is always, it is its self-name - lagman, and it became the name of this amazing delicious dish. Today we will learn how to prepare lagman at home from lamb.

We will make homemade noodles for this dish. Ideally, the noodles should not be cut from rolled out dough, but pulled out with your hands from pieces of dough. The process is quite specific, and, if desired, you can replace the stretched noodles with cut ones. It is important here that it be.

Cooking lagman at home from lamb

The dough for a delicious lagman should be... Mix it from 3 eggs, 100 milliliters of water and 300 grams of flour. You may need to add more flour to get a really stiff dough. The dough needs to be kneaded very well, covered with cling film and let it lie for about an hour.

Then we divide the dough into 10 pieces, roll a “sausage” from each piece, grease the “sausages” with vegetable oil, roll them out on the table as thin as possible and carefully pull them in different directions, gradually stretching them. This must be done slowly and very carefully, otherwise the noodles will tear. When the noodles are long enough, but still thick, you need to fold them in half and continue to stretch them further until they reach a thickness of about 4 millimeters. You can fold the noodles several times while stretching. Place the finished noodles in a spiral on a greased baking sheet and cover with cling film or a wet towel. I repeat once again that pulling out noodles requires skill, and novice cooks can buy ready-made noodles for lagman, and also cut the noodles themselves or using a noodle cutter.

In a cauldron or deep frying pan with a thick bottom, fry in small quantity vegetable oil lamb fat, remove and dip spices and a small pod into the melted fat hot pepper, fry the pepper for 30 seconds and remove it from the pan.

We use lamb bones to make a strong broth for lagman at home. Cut the pulp into small pieces and place in a frying pan. Fry the lamb over high heat, then add salt and simmer the meat until cooked.

When the meat is ready, put the potatoes cut into cubes into the frying pan and simmer them with the meat for about 5 minutes.

After this, add the peeled and cut into pieces, and continue to simmer the meat with tomatoes and potatoes over high heat for about 3 minutes.

Then add the cut into half rings into the frying pan. onion, cut into long strips, mix all the ingredients and leave them on the fire for another 3 minutes.

Before serving, dip the noodles into the hot broth for a couple of minutes to warm them up, then drain in a colander, place on deep plates, top with meat and vegetables, and sprinkle generously with chopped herbs. Delicious homemade lamb lagman is ready and you can safely serve it to the table. Bon appetit!

Ingredients for homemade lamb lagman

  • Lamb on the bone – 2 kilograms.
  • Lamb fat – 150 grams.
  • Potatoes – 3 pieces.
  • Onions – 2 pieces.
  • Carrots – 2 pieces.
  • Tomatoes – 3 pieces.
  • Eggplant – 1 piece.
  • Bell pepper – 2 pieces.
  • Garlic – 5 cloves.
  • Hot pepper – 1 piece.
  • Zira – 1 teaspoon.
  • Saffron – 1 pinch.
  • Cumin – 1 pinch.
  • Salt and herbs to taste.

For the dough of delicious lagman

  • Chicken egg – 3 pieces.
  • Water – 100 milliliters.
  • Flour – 300 – 500 grams.

Delicious, aromatic, satisfying lamb lagman is traditionally prepared in Central Asia. It is something between the first course and the second; it has many recipes, including from different meats. But classic lagman- it’s always lamb and a combination of two parts - meat sauce waji and special elongated noodles.

The essence of the preparation is to combine meat fried and stewed with various vegetables and boiled noodles. Layers of meat with pasta with fresh herbs, spices, seasonings give a unique Asian taste and rich aroma. It's worth a try!

Lagman in Uzbek style is prepared only with real handmade noodles, no spaghetti or anything else. pasta not required here. Therefore, he should pay special attention. By the way, all other versions of this delicious dish are prepared on this basis. You will have to do everything from start to finish, including making real Uzbek noodles for lagman.

For the present Asian taste you need to go to the market and buy good products and spices.

So, to prepare the broth, take:

  • one and a half kg of lamb bones from the neck or brisket;
  • three tomatoes and three carrots;
  • a couple of onions;
  • black pepper and salt.

For the noodles you will need:

  • 1 kg flour;
  • one and a half glasses of water;
  • 3 eggs;
  • salt.

For vaja:

  • 1.5 kg different vegetables, including bell peppers, onions, carrots, turnips, garlic. Proportions don't really matter;
  • half a kilo of lamb pulp;
  • 4 tomatoes;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • salt and cumin;
  • greens for sprinkling (cilantro, dill, parsley).

We will spend at least two hours on everything, but the result is worth it!

So, let's prepare a real Uzbek lagman.

  1. Combine salt, water and flour, knead into a stiff dough.
  2. We put it in film and wait an hour.
  3. We cut into pieces, stretch each one in turn in length, fold the edges in half towards the middle.
  4. We roll it with our hands like a tourniquet, periodically lubricating our hands with any vegetable oil.
  5. Holding the tourniquet with your hand, stretch it with the second.
  6. We do the same with another piece of dough. Having made a similar blank from it, we put it aside and work with the first one. Roll the first tourniquet on the table with your palms, twisting it a little.
  7. As soon as the tourniquet becomes quite thin, we place it in a spiral on a greased spreader, coat the spiral with oil and, covering it with film, set it aside. We do this with all pieces of dough.
  8. We set the bones or ribs to fry, after which we put them in oil and cut into small pieces lamb
  9. While the meat is fried, cut carrots, peppers, turnips and other selected vegetables into strips.
  10. Place carrots, turnips and onions in the roasting pan with the meat.
  11. After frying a little, add chopped tomatoes or tomato paste, add pieces of bell pepper.
  12. Pour water into the fryer to cover everything, wait until it boils, add salt. Next, it remains to add finely chopped potatoes, garlic, spices and herbs.
  13. While everything is still stewing a little, let's continue working with the dough. The prepared strands must be stretched again. To do this, we pull 2-3 strands of dough and, wrapping them around our hands, forcefully throw them onto the table to beat them off a little. In this way, we stretch the dough a couple more times, achieving a thinner stretch.
  14. Cook the finished noodles in a large volume of salted water, stirring to prevent them from sticking to the bottom. Cooking time - 3 minutes.
  15. Throw back and wash cold water, pour boiling broth over it, put stewed meat on top and sprinkle with herbs.

To cook salt noodles, use 10 tablespoons per 5 liters of water - the water should be well salted.

Lamb lagman - classic recipe

The classic step-by-step lamb recipe is prepared with the addition of radish.

Let's take:

  • 0.5 kg good quality lamb;
  • liter of broth;
  • 1 piece each potatoes, carrots, onions, radishes, tomatoes, peppers;
  • 2 spoons tomato paste;
  • a little vegetable oil;
  • garlic to taste;
  • spices - coriander, marjoram, rosemary and others, which go well with lamb;
  • salt, pepper, herbs.

This is how it is done step by step.

  1. Cut the meat into small pieces.
  2. We clean the vegetables and cut them into strips or cubes.
  3. In a cauldron or deep frying pan, fry the meat in hot oil, gradually add carrots, onions, and radishes.
  4. Once the vegetables are fried, add tomatoes and tomato paste.
  5. IN last resort Once everything is fried, add the potatoes.
  6. After chopping the garlic, put it in a cauldron, stir and simmer for several minutes.
  7. Simmer the lamb pieces in broth or water until they become soft. Season with spices, salt, simmer for another 10 minutes.
  8. At this time, boil the noodles, prepare the greens and add everything to the cauldron. Already on the switched off stove, the dish should arrive.

How to cook in Tatar style

The Tatar lagman does not have any significant differences, except perhaps the use of eggplants in vegetables and katyk-based sauces. The radish for the Tatar version is black.

Katyk - traditional fermented milk product, which is similar to curdled milk. Everything else is prepared in the same way as in classic recipe. There is no place for pork in the Tatar lagman, but lamb and beef are often used.

With added radish

Any lagman can be prepared from the set of vegetables that the housewife currently has. Of course, winter lagman is simpler in composition than summer lagman. It is prepared without eggplants or tomatoes, but radish is used very actively.

In the Tatar version, black radish is preferred, Uzbek lagman cooked more often with green. By the way, with radish you get a delicious vegetable lagman - it is important to fry the vegetables well and season them correctly with spices.

Traditional Uyghur lamb lagman

They say that it was the Uyghur people who brought the recipe for making lagman to Central Asia from China. Trying to find the real one Uyghur recipe were not successful. What is known for sure is that the Uyghurs do not use cauldrons for their dishes; their production tools are frying pans with thin walls. They make vegetables and meat more fried and crispy. Another feature Uyghur lagman is that it is more like a second course - with thick sauce And big amount noodles Everything else is prepared in the same way as regular lamb lagman.

Lamb fillet Dungan style

The Uzbek dish lagman has many recipes, and each nationality prepares it with its own characteristics. So the Dungans, living in Central Asia and China, have their own recipe.

The difference between the Dungan lagman is that only red meat is used for its preparation, as well as the national seasoning teho and the leaves of a plant that tastes like garlic or wild garlic - dzhusai. It is also important that this lagman is quite thick, about enough for a spoon to stand in it.

Products you will need:

  • lamb fillet - half a kilo;
  • wild garlic or jusai - 150 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • 4 onions;
  • half a green radish;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste;
  • garlic;
  • teho, red and black pepper, salt.

First fry the meat, cut into small cubes, in oil, then “gild” the onion, add carrots, jusai, and tomato. At the very end, add finely chopped radish. Everything is fried again and poured hot water or broth. It is stewed and then simmered on the lowest heat while the noodles are cooked.

Step-by-step recipe in a slow cooker

Lagman is prepared in a slow cooker like this.

  1. Take 600 grams of lamb, cut it into small pieces, and put it in a multicooker on the “Baking” or “Frying” mode. Of course, first a little vegetable oil is poured into the bowl.
  2. The meat is fried for about 30 minutes, in the meantime, onions (2 pcs.), carrots (1 pc.), radish (1 pc.) are chopped. Instead of radish, you can use celery root; it also gives an unusual and pleasant aroma.
  3. Add chopped vegetables to the fried meat and mix everything together.
  4. Next, all that remains is to peel and cut into cubes 3 potatoes, a couple of sweet peppers, the same number of cloves of garlic and herbs.
  5. Add everything to the meat with vegetables, salt and pepper, pour in two diluted tablespoons of tomato paste and add water to make it quite thick. Cover and simmer for an hour and a half.
  6. During this time, boil any noodles and serve, pouring sauce over meat and vegetables.

In a cauldron on a fire

The dish turns out especially tasty when cooked over a fire. And in preparation it is almost no different from ordinary lagman cooked on the stove.

Of course, the noodles are boiled separately. And vaja is prepared in a cauldron, with smoke. For it, you can take, in addition to the usual set of vegetables and meat, also zucchini, a lot of pepper, and fresh tomatoes. If you cook over a fire, it means it’s summer and everything that grows in the dacha is suitable for cutting into lagman.

A hot dish where they combine perfectly delicious noodles with aromatic gravy of meat and vegetables, spices and herbs - this is lamb lagman. The dish is truly unique and is prepared using a special technology.

Lamb lagman - general cooking principles

First of all, prepare the gravy - vaju - from fresh mutton, vegetables and spices.

It is advisable to choose young meat for cooking, ideally ribs or tenderloin with layers of fat. Vegetables can be anything: potatoes, bell pepper and chili peppers, tomatoes, carrots, onions and many others. The most commonly used spices are adjika, cumin, and suneli hops.

You can buy ready-made noodles for lagman or make your own from flour, eggs and water. The peculiarity of the noodles is that they are thin and very long: when cooked correctly, the length of the noodles can reach 5 meters. From these products, a stiff dough is kneaded, rolled out, cut into thin layers, and then the strips themselves are subsequently pulled out by hand. The process is, of course, difficult, but not impossible.

One more distinctive feature lagman is the serving of the dish. Lagman noodles are placed in a special plate - a bowl, filled with prepared vajja, adjusting the thickness, and sprinkled with herbs.

1. Lamb lagman in Uzbek style


Sunflower oil – 100 ml;

Tomatoes – 5 pcs.;

Onion – 3 heads;

2 carrots;

2 potatoes;

1 sweet pepper;

Packaging of lagman noodles;

5 cloves of garlic;

Salt - a pinch;

Krasnodar adjika– 2.5 tbsp. spoons;

Ground black pepper – 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

1. Cut out all the films and fat from the meat, cut across the grain into thin long strips.

2. Place the meat in a heated cast-iron pot with sunflower oil and fry until lightly crispy and until the liquid evaporates.

3. Add onion half rings to the meat and simmer for ten minutes.

4. Cut the carrots into thick strips and place them in the meat with onions.

5. A few minutes before it’s ready, add half rings of bell pepper to the meat.

6. In a separate cast iron pot, place potatoes in large cubes and tomato slices, simmer in oil for 15 minutes.

7. After this time, add adjika to the potatoes and tomatoes and simmer for another 3 minutes with the lid closed.

8. Mix the finished potatoes and tomatoes with the meat.

9. Boil lagman noodles, drain the water, scald with hot water and place on a serving dish.

10. Place lagman on top of the noodles and sprinkle with herbs.

2. Sliced ​​lamb lagman


For the dough:

Water – 250 ml;

Salt – 20 g;

Flour - half a kilogram.

For the sauce:

A small piece of lamb;

Potatoes – 1 pc.;

Carrots – 1 pc.;

Bell pepper- 1 PC.;

2 small tomatoes;

1 onion;

4 cloves of garlic;

Sunflower oil – 80 ml;

Water – 700 ml;

Salt – 20 g;

Ground allspice – 1 teaspoon;

Zira seasoning – 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method

1. Pour water into a cup, add some salt, break one egg, stir with a fork.

2. Add the sifted flour and make the dough, like for dumplings.

3. Leave the dough under cling film for 20 minutes.

4. Divide the dough into several parts and roll into thin layers.

5. Cut the layers into thin strips of about half a centimeter, boil the noodles, drain the water through a colander, and rinse with hot water. Do not pour out the noodle broth; it will be useful for the sauce.

6. Cut the meat into thin long pieces, together with the fat, fry in a cast iron skillet in sunflower oil.

7. Add onion, cut into half rings, to the meat.

8. Cut the tomatoes into slices and also add them to the meat.

9. Add chopped garlic to the lamb and simmer with the lid closed.

10. Cut potatoes, carrots and bell peppers small cube, put it in the stew, add salt and pepper. Pour in some noodle broth and simmer for 15 minutes.

11. While the meat and vegetables are stewing, prepare the sauce: put chopped garlic in a frying pan heated with oil and fry for 1 minute, add cumin seasoning to it, pour half a glass of broth and boil for 5 minutes. Pour the finished sauce into a bowl.

12. When serving, place the noodles on a plate and place on top vegetable stew with meat, put the sauce next to it.

3. Uyghur lamb lagman


Lamb pulp – 300 g;

Lagman noodles – 1 package;

6 pods of green beans;

Sunflower oil – 100 ml;

5 cloves of garlic;

1 tomato;

1 onion;

Celery – 3 stalks;

Sex black radish;

1 eggplant;

1 sweet pepper;

Chili pepper – 1 pod;

Cilantro – 20 g;

Coriander – 10 g;

Red pepper – 20 g;

Salt – 5 g.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the noodles in salted water. Drain the liquid through a colander, rinse with cold water, and mix with oil.

2. Prepare laza-chang seasoning: chop 3 cloves of garlic, add a little chopped coriander, 20 g of red pepper and 3 tablespoons of chopped cilantro, salt, pepper, put in a frying pan with hot sunflower oil, mix everything thoroughly and instantly and remove from the fire.

3. Pour oil into a cast iron pot, heat it up, add finely chopped onion and thin slices of garlic, bean pods, salt, add the remaining coriander, celery and fry for about 5 minutes.

4. Cut the meat into small cubes and add a small amount of it to the onions and beans, season with coriander, salt and fry a little.

5. Also add diced eggplant and radish, fry until soft. Pour some noodle broth into this mixture and mix thoroughly. Ready mixture Place in another cup and cover with a lid.

6. Pour oil into the same cast iron, put the rest of the meat in it, fry for 5 minutes until golden crust, add coriander, salt, onion, garlic, chili pepper slices, fry for another 3 minutes. Place bell pepper half rings, fry for 3 minutes, add large slices tomatoes without skin, fry until completely evaporated tomato juice. We also add coriander, salt, chopped cilantro. Dilute with broth, bring to a boil, mix well, transfer to a clean cup.

7. Pour hot water over the boiled noodles and place in a cup.

8. When serving, put 4 cups on the table: the first is noodles; the second is laza-chang sauce; third - stewed eggplant, radish with meat; fourth – stewed bell peppers, tomatoes with meat. You can also put noodle broth in a separate cup.

4. Tatar-style lamb lagman


Lamb – 0.5 kilograms;

Tomatoes – 5 pcs.;

Sweet pepper – 5 pcs.;

Onion – 3 heads;

2 potatoes;

2 chili peppers;

Khmeli-suneli seasoning – 1 pack;

Coriander – 1 teaspoon;

A bunch of parsley;

Celery – 2 stalks;

Salt – 10 g.

For the noodles:

Water – 200 ml;

Flour – 1 glass;

Salt – 10 g;

Cooking method:

1. From the listed ingredients, knead a tight dough.

2. Coat the dough with sunflower oil, wrap it in film, and leave for 10 minutes.

3. Divide the dough into 3 parts, roll out into thin layers and cut into strips approximately 5 mm wide.

4. Cook the prepared noodles, place in a colander, pour a little oil, and stir.

5. Free the meat from fat. Cut the fat into pieces, put it in a cast iron pot and heat it. Use a slotted spoon to catch the fat.

6. Place meat, cut into thin strips, into the melted fat and fry until crisp. Place in a clean cup.

7. Cut the carrots and onions into small cubes, fry them in a cast iron skillet, add half rings of sweet pepper there, and fry for another 4 minutes.

8. After this time, add potato cubes and mix everything thoroughly.

9. Pour noodle broth over the vegetables, add khmeli-suneli seasoning, add fried meat, stir, add chopped tomatoes and parsley, simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.

10. 3 minutes before readiness, add chili pepper, cut into slices.

11. Pour boiling water over the noodles, place on a plate, pour over the prepared vegetable and meat sauce, and decorate with herbs.

5. Homemade lamb lagman


Half a kilogram of lamb meat;

Onion – 2 heads;

1 carrot;

1 green radish;

1 bell pepper;

Garlic – 4 cloves;

Flour – 2.5 tbsp. spoons;

Tomato - half a glass;

Parsley – 1 bunch;

Salt – 10 g;

Allspice – 30 g;

Vegetable oil – 1 cup.

Cooking method:

1. Pour a little sunflower oil into a deep frying pan with a thick bottom, heat it up, add the meat, cut into thin strips, fry over moderate heat, adding water several times.

2. Add chopped onion to the meat, fry for 5 minutes, shredded carrots, fry for another 5 minutes, and then add the shredded radish, stir well and simmer for 15 minutes, stirring frequently.

3. Add tomato paste, salt and pepper, pour 2 liters of water and boil over moderate heat.

4. When gurgling bubbles appear in the cast iron, add bell pepper, cut into strips, chopped garlic, cook for another 10 minutes, add chopped parsley and simmer for 3 minutes.

5. Break 3 eggs into a cup, add flour in several additions, stirring frequently. There is no need for water in the dough, it should not be very tight, but also not stick to your hands.

6. Cover the dough with a towel and let it rest for a while.

7. Roll out the dough into a layer 2 mm thick, cut into long strips.

8. Boil the noodles. We rinse it in a colander with cold water and pour oil over it, mix well.

9. Place the noodles in a soup plate, put stewed vegetables and meat on it and pour over the broth.

6. Dungan-style lamb lagman


Lamb fillet weighing 300 g;

3 onions;

Sweet pepper – 2 pcs.;

1 green radish;

1 carrot;

Noodles for lagman – 1 pack;

Tomato – 2.5 tbsp. spoons;

Noodle broth after cooking – 3 cups;

Burning and black ground peppers– 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the lamb into medium cubes and fry in oil until crispy.

2. Place onion in half rings into the meat, fry for 5 minutes, add salt.

3. Add carrots, cut into strips, bell pepper, and season with spices.

4. A few minutes before readiness, add the radish cut into strips and tomato paste.

5. Fry everything over high heat with continuous stirring, pour in the broth, salt, pepper and simmer for 15 minutes.

6. At the end, add chopped parsley.

7. Place some boiled noodles in a deep plate, then a layer of vegetables with meat and cover with another layer of noodles. On top is another layer of vegetables and meat.

8. In a separate bowl, serve lazhan, which is prepared as follows: fry chopped garlic in a frying pan, add finely chopped chili peppers, pour in a little broth, stir thoroughly until thick.

Don't forget about greens, this is an important component of the dish. Add greens to taste: celery, jusai, dill, cilantro.

Vaja needs to be simmered over low heat, and the longer it cooks, the tastier the lagman will be.

It is important that the noodles (ready or homemade) do not boil, otherwise it will spoil both the taste and appearance dishes.

Simple recipe traditional dish Central Asian peoples - a very tasty lamb lagman, as well as step by step photos and detailed video.

90 min

185 kcal

5/5 (1)

Lagman is another traditional Eastern and Central Asian dish. It resembles something between a soup and a stew. The main component of lagman is lamb, which is sometimes replaced with another type of meat.

Lagman is prepared with a large variety of seasonal vegetables, so there is no clear single recipe indicating a specific quantity and type of vegetables. The side dish for lagman is sticky noodles, which can be replaced with spaghetti or made yourself.

I offer you my recipe for delicious lagman, which an Uzbek friend taught me, and our family really likes it. Having prepared it once, you will understand how easy it is to make, and I hope that lagman will become an equally desirable dish on your table.


Kitchenware: cauldron, saucepan, cutting board, colander.

List of required ingredients:

Cooking sequence

When preparing lagman, some people prefer to prepare all the ingredients at once. But I like to do everything one by one. This saves time, and the process itself becomes more interesting.

First stage of preparation

  1. Take a cauldron or saucepan with a thick bottom, pour in oil and set to heat up.
  2. Cut the lamb into medium pieces and place in hot oil. Stirring, fry on all sides over medium heat.

    There should be frying of both vegetables and meat, so the fire should be even slightly higher than average, and the contents of the cauldron should be stirred as often as possible. The vegetables should be fried, not stewed and falling apart, but also not burnt.

  3. If you use tomato paste instead of tomatoes, then it is added at the moment when the meat is fried, before adding the vegetables. In this case, the paste does not need to be diluted with either water or broth. Unlike tomatoes, it will give lagman a more saturated color.
  4. Peel the onion and cut it into half rings or medium cubes. Add to the meat and mix.

  5. We also peel the carrots and cut them into one-centimeter pieces. Put it in the cauldron and mix again.

  6. Cut the eggplant into the same cubes. We send it to the cauldron and mix.

  7. Asparagus or green beans cut into approximately one and a half centimeter pieces. Transfer to the future lagman and mix.

  8. Cut the bell pepper in half, remove the cores and cut into cubes. We also put it in the cauldron and mix.

  9. Chop the celery and also mix with the rest of the ingredients of the cauldron.

  10. If you have tomatoes instead of tomato paste, then make light cuts on top and lower them into boiling water for one minute. After such scalding, the skin is easily removed from them. We cut the tomatoes into traditional cubes and also put them in the cauldron and mix.
  11. Now finely chop all the greens you have: cilantro, parsley, dill and green onions. Set aside a little to sprinkle the finished lagman, and put the rest in the cauldron. Mix.

Second stage of preparation

Third stage of preparation

Also easy to prepare