Uyghur lagman: recipe. Uyghur lagman: technique and subtleties of preparation

This is a dish consisting of two equal parts: noodles (or chuzma) and gravy (vaja). It is the noodles that give lagman its taste and aroma. The preparation process and composition of the gravy may differ significantly from recipe to recipe, but there is no single correct preparation option - each nation and cook prepares it according to its own method.

Secrets of preparing dough for lagman in Uighur style

Since noodles are the basis of lagman, you should be extremely careful when preparing it. It is made by hand from premium flour and homemade eggs. This is the most labor-intensive work in the entire process of preparing lagman and it consists of several stages:

  1. Kneading the dough;
  2. Processing it with soda and saline solution so that the dough becomes elastic and can be easily stretched into noodles;
  3. Forming noodles;
  4. Boiling.

The most important point is pulling the noodles out of the dough. The taste of noodles and lagman, respectively, depends on this. The process looks like this:

  1. The dough should “rest” a little in the form of a large cake;
  2. Coat the entire flatbread with sunflower oil;
  3. Cut the dough into wide (5 cm) strips;
  4. Punch each strip and roll it into a sausage - gradually stretching it out;
  5. Place the resulting pasta in a cup, again greasing it with oil;
  6. Cover the bowl with film for half an hour;
  7. Afterwards, stretch each strip well on both sides as much as possible;
  8. After pulling out the last strip, return to the first one again, repeat the process until the correct consistency and shape of the noodles are obtained;
  9. The result should be long pasta, each of which must be collected with an “accordion” and hit on the table 5-6 times;
  10. Cook in boiling salted water and drain in a colander.

Usually, the whole family participates in the noodle making process, helping to pull and beat the noodles. Perhaps that’s why the noodles turn out so delicious!

Classic recipe cooking at home

Ingredients Quantity
flour - 5 – 6 tbsp.
egg - 2 pcs.
warm water - ½ l
oil - 1 tbsp.
salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.
soda - 0.5 tsp.
lamb meat (tenderloin) - 0.4 kg
onion - 2 pcs.
carrot - 300 g
turnip - ¼ part of a whole
hot peppers - 2 pcs.
Bell pepper - 1 PC.
tomato - 200 g
green beans - 200 g
garlic - 3 pcs. (teeth)
spices with herbs - taste
sunflower oil - 50 ml
Cooking time: 150 minutes Calorie content per 100 grams: 220 Kcal

This recipe for Uyghur lagman has long been known in Uzbekistan, where nomadic peoples brought it many years ago. It differs only in the ingredients for the sauce.

  1. Prepare the noodles: pour water into a bowl, add salt, then beat in the eggs;
  2. Mix with a whisk;
  3. Add flour and start kneading the dough;
  4. When the dough comes together into a ball, wrap it in a damp towel and leave for an hour;
  5. Knead it periodically;
  6. When the dough becomes smooth, take it out;
  7. Prepare the solution: mix half a glass of water with soda and salt;
  8. Rub the solution into the dough over the entire surface. The dough should become elastic;
  9. Pull it into a rope and cut into medium pieces;
  10. Coat each piece with oil and let it soak for 10 minutes;
  11. Pull the pieces into thin sausages and brush with oil again;
  12. Repeat the procedure several times;
  13. Roll pasta into a spiral;
  14. Boil a large number of water with salt;
  15. Gather long strings of pasta with an accordion and lower them into water;
  16. As soon as the noodles rise, they are ready;
  17. Peel the tomatoes after dousing them with boiling water;
  18. Peel all other vegetables and remove seeds from peppers;
  19. Cut everything: tomatoes into cubes, turnips, sweet peppers and onions into thin strips, chop carrots, chop garlic in a press, and cut chili into small pieces;
  20. Wash the lamb, remove pieces of film and fat;
  21. Cut the meat into strips;
  22. Heat sunflower oil in a cauldron or cast iron pan with a thick bottom;
  23. Fry the meat until golden brown;
  24. Throw onions into the cauldron, after 7 minutes - turnips, carrots and beans;
  25. Stir and throw in tomatoes and peppers;
  26. Simmer for five minutes;
  27. Throw garlic, herbs and spices into the cauldron;
  28. After a couple of minutes, add water so that it completely covers all the vegetables;
  29. Simmer for about ten minutes;
  30. Finally, add salt to taste;
  31. Remove the cauldron, cover it and leave for 15 minutes;
  32. Place the noodles in the cauldron, stir and serve.

How to cook Uyghur lagman with beef

Beef is considered more healthy meat than lamb because it is less fatty. But this does not affect the taste of lagman at all - it turns out just as satisfying and appetizing.


  • ready noodles - 400 g;
  • beef tenderloin – 0.3 kg;
  • potato tubers – 2 pcs.;
  • medium blue;
  • pepper – 1 pc.;
  • tomato;
  • black radish – 100 gr;
  • parsley - a bunch;
  • oregano – 1 tsp;
  • salt and seasonings to taste;
  • fat - 50-60 gr.

Time spent: 1 hour.

Calories: 250.

  1. Grind the meat into pieces of 2-3 cm;
  2. Melt the fat in a cauldron and fry the meat in it;
  3. Pour water over the meat and simmer for five minutes;
  4. Peel all vegetables;
  5. Throw the potatoes into the cauldron;
  6. Grate the radish, cut the potatoes into strips, the eggplant and tomato into cubes, and the pepper into thin strips;
  7. When the potatoes become soft, add radish and eggplant;
  8. Fry the tomatoes and peppers separately and throw them into the cauldron 7 minutes after the radishes;
  9. Finely chop the greens and add to the cauldron along with all the seasonings at the end of stewing;
  10. Remove the cauldron from the heat and let it brew;
  11. Mix the sauce with the noodles pre-cooked in salted water and serve!

How to cook Uyghur lagman without noodles

The most difficult thing about lagman is preparing the noodles. Therefore, if you want to enjoy the taste of this dish, but don’t want to bother with noodles, then you can safely prepare only the gravy.

  • beef fillet – 0.6 kg;
  • sunflower oil - 30 ml;
  • potatoes – 2-3 pcs.;
  • onion - 50 gr;
  • garlic cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • pepper - 50 gr.;
  • carrot;
  • radish (optional) - 50 g;
  • tomato puree- 40 gr;
  • spices and salt (to taste) – 5 g;
  • broth - 1 l;
  • greens for serving.

Time required: 1 hour.

Calories: 275.

  1. Cut the fillet into medium pieces;
  2. Heat oil in a deep frying pan or saucepan and throw meat into it;
  3. Fry until golden brown;
  4. Peel the carrots and onions and chop them into cubes;
  5. Peel the pepper from the seed box and cut into strips together with the radish;
  6. Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes;
  7. Add vegetables (except potatoes) to the meat one by one and stir them constantly;
  8. Chop the garlic, throw it into a cauldron and simmer;
  9. If the saucepan is still deep, then you can continue cooking in it; if not, put everything into a saucepan with a thick bottom;
  10. Add potatoes and tomato puree to meat and vegetables;
  11. Pour in the broth (you can use plain water);
  12. Simmer for 40 minutes, reducing heat to low;
  13. Chop the greens and sprinkle with lagman when serving.

Like any National dish, Uyghur lagman has its own cooking characteristics:

  1. To prepare lagman you need the right dishes: a thick-walled cauldron, thanks to the shape of which the dish is stewed evenly. The cauldron can be replaced with a cast iron pan with a thick bottom;
  2. The correct noodle dough should be stretchy and very elastic; for this, cooks advise mixing different varieties flour in equal proportions;
  3. In the process of kneading dough for lagman, not only eggs and water are often added, but also soda and vinegar. This is not in original recipe, but these products will help a beginner cope with the test;
  4. It takes many people up to three hours to pull out the right noodles. Chefs of Asian restaurants recommend initially cutting the dough into pieces and rolling them into flagella. To prevent the noodles from drying out during the process and tearing, each bundle should be generously lubricated with oil;
  5. Noodles can be replaced with high-grade spaghetti. Boil the pasta according to the instructions and pour in the sauce;
  6. You can use any vegetables for the sauce: tomatoes, zucchini, zucchini, carrots and onions, radishes, potatoes, peas, celery and others;
  7. Lagman is prepared with any type of meat, so you should choose according to your taste. Lamb and pork are very fatty, therefore, it will be necessary to reduce the amount of oil. Mixing several types of meat (beef + lamb) is also popular;
  8. The following spices are usually used: ginger and star anise flowers, turmeric, all types of peppers, cumin, ground coriander;
  9. Traditionally, lagman is decorated with greens when serving. This could be: basil, cilantro, parsley, dill, arugula, wild garlic, jusai onion.

Lagman has long taken its place among hearty main courses and everyone will be happy to try it!

Lagman is a dish traditional for Central Asian cuisine. It consists of home-cooked noodles, which are seasoned with a tasty but very spicy sauce. As a matter of fact, these two components are the main components of the dish.

The recipe for delicious Uyghur lagman has come from ancient times. Now, as once many centuries ago, lagman enjoys unprecedented popularity, decorating evening and holiday tables.

So, what features does the Uyghur lagman recipe have? How to cook it and how to choose the right ingredients? More on this later.

What kind of dishes to choose for preparing lagman

In order to do delicious gravy for noodles, you should definitely pay attention to the choice of utensils. Ideally, this should be a cauldron, in which food is most often prepared outdoors. In the absence of one, it will work perfectly regular frying pan. The main rule for it is thick walls and bottom. This is necessary so that during the first stage of frying the food does not burn.

General requirements for noodles for lagman

The basis of any lagman is homemade noodles. That is why, in the process of creating such a dish, special attention should be paid to whether it meets the classical requirements that are set before the product added to the Uyghur lagman, prepared according to a recipe from Central Asia.

First of all, you should pay attention to appearance: Ideal noodles should be as thin and long as possible. In this form, it will look most aesthetically pleasing when served, and will also harmonize perfectly with the sauce. In addition, the noodles should separate well. Some Asian chefs recommend thoroughly greasing the dough with oil when preparing such a product - in this case, the noodles will be as tender, smooth and separate as possible.

What meat to choose for lagman

There are many recipes for Uyghur lagman. At home, you can make this dish with the addition of various types meat. However, despite this, classic dish It is prepared exclusively from lamb - it is with the help of this component that you can achieve the original taste of the finished noodles. If desired, lamb can be replaced with beef - this option will also be quite worthy.

As for the qualities of meat, there are few of them. When buying fillet for lagman, it is best to choose the meatiest and fattest piece - so the taste ready-made dish will be truly unique, thanks to the juicy gravy. Professional chefs recommend using tenderloin, ham, shoulder and even ribs for this purpose.

What additional ingredients are included in lagman?

The recipe for the Uyghur lagman "Guyru" involves adding various ingredients to the dish that can advantageously emphasize the taste of the meat, making it richer and more varied. Among them, chefs especially often recommend adding beans, sweet bell pepper, as well as tomatoes. Radishes and carrots are less often recommended. Onion- this is another main component correct lagman, which should not be deleted from the list of components.

In addition to vegetables, great attention should be paid to the set of spices that will be included in the dressing of the dish. Among them, it is especially often recommended to use suneli hops, adjika and garlic. If desired, you can experiment thoroughly with this type of component.

Secrets of making noodle dough

In the process of preparing lagman, all housewives are faced with an integral stage - preparation homemade noodles, which is a rather labor-intensive process that requires attention and some skills.

In order for it to be as elastic as possible, after the base (dough) is ready, it must be thinly rolled out on the table, thoroughly greased with sunflower oil and, after a short period of time, cut into strips 5 cm wide. After that, each of them you need to roll it into a “sausage” and stretch it well. The resulting pasta must be greased again with oil, placed in a cup and wrapped in a bag or cling film. They should remain in this state for 30 minutes. After this period of time has passed, the procedure should be repeated. This must be done until the noodles become as thin and long as possible, as indicated in the classic recipes for Uyghur lagman.

How to make noodle dough

The basis for homemade noodles, intended for preparing lagman, is quite simple to make. To do this, you need to combine 500 ml in one container. barely warm water, a pinch of salt, and a couple of eggs. These ingredients should be thoroughly beaten, then add 5 tbsp. sifted flour. In this composition, the products need to be thoroughly kneaded and, having made a more or less elastic and smooth ball, leave it for an hour in a warm place, kneading it from time to time.

As soon as the allotted time has passed, you need to lubricate the surface of the dough with a saline solution prepared from 0.5 cups of water, 0.5 tsp. soda, as well as 1.5 tbsp. l. salt. After treatment with this composition, the dough will become very elastic and pliable for further work.

Lagman recipe in Uyghur style (with photo)

In order to prepare such a delicious dish, you should prepare the noodles as described above and start preparing the meat. To do this, the lamb loin (about 400 g) needs to be thoroughly washed, all films removed and cut into thin strips. In the meantime, place a thick-bottomed frying pan on the stove, pour vegetable oil into it and wait for it to heat up. As soon as this happens, you should fry the lamb in it until it forms on the surface. golden crust.

While the meat is frying, you need to cut a couple of onions into half rings, then add it to the pan. After 7 minutes, add a quarter of a turnip tuber, 200 g of green beans and 300 g of carrots, chopped in any convenient way, to the total mass. After this, you immediately need to cut 200 g of tomatoes and one bell pepper into strips and also add them to the frying pan. In this composition, the ingredients need to be simmered thoroughly for 10 minutes under the lid. When the cooking process comes to an end, the gravy needs to be salted, stirred and after 15 minutes of infusion, serve it with boiled noodles.

In addition to the classic one, there are many other lagman recipes that prescribe other options for preparing the gravy. In many cases, they differ in the composition of the ingredients, and in some cases, in their quantity. One of them is recommended by Stalik Khankishiev. This chef's recipe for Uyghur lagman will undoubtedly appeal to housewives who appreciate the taste of this dish.

Lagman from Stalik Khankishiev

This is another option for preparing lagman, which is quite easy to use. To prepare the dish in this way, you should peel and cut into strips an onion, one carrot, a small celery root, and also chop a head of garlic. Onions and garlic need to be thoroughly sautéed in a frying pan with a thick bottom, then add 600 g to them beef tenderloin, cut into strips and, stirring constantly, fry over high heat until a golden crust forms. As soon as the desired effect is achieved, add celery and carrots to the mixture, and then continue to simmer for a short period of time. At this stage, you need to add spices to the vegetables and meat to taste and mix well.

As soon as the vegetables are almost ready, you need to add a small amount of radish, cut into cubes, chopped two tomatoes, and parsley. All ingredients must be filled with a liter beef broth, add soy sauce(60 ml), small amount hot pepper and, after simmering for some time, serve with noodles made from lagman dough (Uyghur recipe).

Lagman with beans

This is another option for preparing lagman, which can be classified as traditional. For such a dish, you need to first prepare and boil the noodles and start preparing the gravy.

To make it appetizing and aromatic, you should take 800 g of lamb or beef fillet, cut it into strips and fry with 5 small onions in a thick frying pan, using a large amount of vegetable oil. After the meat acquires a golden hue, you need to add 1 radish chopped into strips, a couple of tomatoes (without skins), one carrot and 8 crushed cloves of garlic. The products must be poured in this composition a small amount tomato diluted with warm water, and simmer for 10-13 minutes. Then three bean pods need to be cut, placed in a frying pan, and 400 ml added to it meat broth and continue to simmer for 30 minutes.


Another recipe for Uyghur lagman is prepared according to Asian traditions. In order to make it a reality, you need to take juicy piece lamb and cut it into strips, and then fry with three chopped onions. After the meat becomes golden, add vegetables cut into strips: half a radish and the same amount of eggplant, 6 beans, 3 stalks of celery, squeeze out 5 cloves of garlic and cut three tomatoes without skins into slices. All ingredients need to be sprinkled with the desired spices, mixed, salted and simmered until the meat is cooked. A couple of minutes before the end of cooking, cut the bell pepper into rings, sprinkle with herbs and let the gravy brew for at least 30 minutes.

General features of cooking

Basic collateral delicious lagman- exact observance of all the features of preparing such a dish. Most of them suggest professional chefs from Asia, who specialize in creating such a culinary masterpiece.

It's no secret that properly prepared noodles are the key to excellent taste of dishes. To prepare it, it is best to choose only the highest grade flour, since it produces the most elastic dough.

And this advice is given by housewives whose household members adore homemade noodles. In order not to spend a lot of time preparing pasta each time, you can form them in advance and put them in the freezer. If necessary, the ingredient can be used by immediately throwing it into boiling water without defrosting.

Greetings to all friends and guests of my blog! Anticipating streams of criticism from experts, I want to warn you in advance, so to speak, “on the shore.” I found this recipe at a master class from a restaurant where this dish is in great demand and is very expensive. That's why my lagman is Uyghur. And it is called Guyru Lagman.

Who knows how to cook better or thinks that “it’s not the right recipe", write to me in contacts. I'd love to try your own, better recipe. In the meantime, I cook this way myself, and all my friends have copied this very classic recipe.

Lagman is Uyghur just like any other national cuisine is a soup and a second dish in one dish. In fact, it is a stew with vegetables and homemade stretched noodles. It is better to take fresh vegetables, but I added frozen tomatoes and bell peppers. This did not spoil the taste of the finished dish.

You just need to learn how to make noodles once, and subsequently it will turn out better and faster. Moreover, properly prepared dough will easily stretch into a thin thread. For meat we take lean lamb or beef. The classic recipe involves first simmering the meat with spices until soft. And at the very end, add vegetables so that they do not overcook and remain crispy.

For those who are ready to prepare this amazing dish with their own hands, follow my step-by-step recipe and you will succeed.

Recipe for making dough for Uyghur lagman

Perhaps the most difficult step for beginners in preparing this dish is making the dough correctly. However, once you master this whole process, everything will go like clockwork.

By the way, some sources contain information that the name “lagman” comes from the word “lamyan”, meaning “stretched dough”. Whether this is true or not, I will not say unequivocally. I'll tell you instead step by step recipe, which helps to properly prepare manual dough for lagman.


First of all, sift the flour. This will reduce the risk of foreign bodies being introduced into the dough during the production process. And the flour will become looser, so it will be easier for you to knead the dough. Then place the egg in a bowl with the sifted flour.

Heat the water to 35-37 degrees and dissolve the salt in it. Next, gradually add water to the flour and mix the ingredients until smooth.

Please note: continue kneading the dough until it becomes soft and pliable.

Roll it into a bun, cover with a bowl or cling film and leave for 45-50 minutes.

The settled bun became soft and pliable. Lubricate your palms with oil and gently stretch it with your hands into an oval cake. Then we cut this layer into strips approximately 2 cm thick.

Grease your palms again and begin to stretch out the dough. We work with each piece separately. First we give it the shape of a cylinder. Then we roll it out onto the table into flagella with our hands.

You need to roll out the dough in stages. That is, first, all the pieces were brought to approximately the same diameter, then we begin to roll out the flagella in a second circle, reducing their diameter.

Bowl with vegetable oil Place it nearby and lubricate your hands with it constantly.

And we do this 3 times. As a result, the thickness of the flagella should be as thick as a little finger (or maybe less).

Try to roll out the dough very quickly. Otherwise, it will dry out and nothing will come of it.

And while the rolled out dough is waiting in the wings, cover it plastic bag: This will slow down the drying process.

We roll the rolled flagella into a spiral. This dough can be placed on a flat plate, covered with cling film on top and placed in the refrigerator. Here it can be stored for 2-3 days.

And if you put the product in the freezer, you can increase its shelf life to up to a month. All you need to do next is take out the dough and let it thaw for an hour at room temperature. And then you can safely make noodles.

If you expect a lot of guests and you think that you need to cook from the entire dough, just roll the flagella into a spiral in a bowl. Cover and set aside for half an hour.

Let's start pulling out the noodles. Take the dough with 2-3 fingers and gently pull it into threads. Use your fingers to gently twist the threads. As a result, they should be approximately 5 mm thick.

Then we begin to wind the threads on both hands (this is something like in childhood, when you played with threads). Next, we pull the dough - lift it and sharply lower it onto the table (do this 2-3 times).

Place the finished noodles in small batches into boiling salted water.

Do not skimp on liquid, pour more of it so that pasta did not stick together during cooking.

Gently stir with a fork and cook for about 4-5 minutes. Remove to a colander and rinse cold water. This will help prevent the noodles from overcooking, as they can still “cook” at their own temperature.

Place the finished dish in a bowl and place in a cool place. Here it can stand for a couple of hours without losing its taste qualities. Before serving, place into serving bowls.

Video on how to make hand dough and pulled noodles

Guyra-lagman is called the king of lagmans. And quite rightly so. For the Uyghurs this is a dish like pilaf for the Uzbeks. They are ready to eat it all year round and every day. This delicious dish never gets boring. Although each chef has his own cooking nuances.

The famous chef Abdulaziz Salavat prepares Uyghur lagman every day. In this video clip, he will show you the process of kneading dough and preparing pulled noodles from beginning to end.

I would have already died over this basin. Of course, only men can knead dough like this. My recipe is still much easier.

Classic gravy guira sai at home

The name of the gravy for lagmans may vary. In Central Asia, the sauce is called vaja, and among the Uyghurs it is called sai. It is not difficult to prepare, although there are a lot of ingredients. And it turns out simply amazing.

What you will need:

  • Meat - lamb or beef - at least 500 g (however, the more the better)
  • Chopped ginger - a little
  • Ground coriander - a little
  • Salt - to taste
  • Khazhu pepper (it can be replaced with ground black) – on the tip of a knife
  • Red and green bell peppers – 1 pc.
  • Red hot pepper – 1 pc.
  • Dungan radish or daikon – ½ medium root vegetable
  • Onions – 2-3 pcs.
  • Chinese cabbage – 1/3 head (you need a hard core)
  • Leaf celery – 2-3 leaves
  • Garlic – 4-5 cloves
  • Green bean pods – 5-6 pcs.
  • Wild garlic or garlic feathers – 4-5 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 3-4 medium fruits (if you take cherry tomatoes, you will need 6-7 of them)
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Star anise – 1 star
  • Water (broth) - glass


To prepare the gravy, choose lean pulp. Cut the meat into rectangular pieces measuring 2-4 cm. Their thickness should not exceed 5-7 mm. Next, marinate the meat. Season it with salt, add some chopped coriander and khazhu.

We clean the bell pepper from stalks and seeds. Then wash and cut into small slices. If you like it spicy, wash the chili pepper and cut it into thin rings. If you don’t like spicy food, you can make the gravy without chili.

Wash the radish and cut into cubes. Peel the onion, wash it and cut it into thin half rings or quarters.

We wash the cabbage and cut its hard part into thin pieces.

By the way, you can then use the remaining soft leaves to prepare a vegetable salad.

Yes. The lagman uses the hard part cabbage leaf, the very core.

We do the same with celery. We wash and separate the leaf part from the stems. Set the greens aside and cut the stems into 2-2.5 cm pieces.

Peel the garlic. Then we wash it and finely chop it with a knife. We wash the green beans and wild garlic or garlic feathers, and then chop them with a knife.

We wash the tomatoes. Cut them into large slices. And also, if you wish, you can remove the skin from the tomatoes.

If you have small tomatoes cherry tomatoes, just cut them into halves.

So, when all the vegetables are chopped, we begin to prepare the gravy. Heat up a cauldron or deep, thick-bottomed frying pan. Pour vegetable oil into it (pour enough so that you can fry the meat and onions in it). The fire must be strong.

Throw the star anise into the heated vegetable oil. This spice will give the oil a unique taste and amazing aroma. Fry the star anise until the star turns black. Then remove the star anise from the oil and add the meat to it. Fry it over high heat until golden brown crust. Next, add onion to the meat and fry it too.

Then add other vegetables. Each with an interval of 3-4 minutes. The recommended order is: celery stalks, tomatoes, garlic, green beans, wild garlic, radish, bell pepper and Chinese cabbage. Mix all ingredients well. Pour the broth over it all and simmer until the vegetables are ready.

It’s difficult to say exactly when it comes to time: be guided by the fact that the vegetables should not be boiled.

Chop the celery greens: they will be used for sprinkling on plates. Essentially, the guiru sai is ready. You can call guests to the table. Uyghur lagman is served as follows: put noodles on a plate, put sai on top and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Uyghur lagman - recipe from Stalik Khankishiev

Here's the one quick way preparing this delicious dish. For those who don’t have time to cook pulled noodles for a long time, or who are afraid that it won’t work out. Uyghurs call it kesip-lagman. Kesip translates as “to cut.” That is, it will be homemade cut noodles. No less tasty and cooks much faster.

Look at the beauty Stalik makes in this video clip. However, if you don’t have a rolling machine, you will have to roll out the dough with a rolling pin. And cut sharp knife You can also do it manually. I showed you how to do this when I was cooking. chicken soup With .

The sauce is also interesting with Sichuan pepper and soybean paste. If you try to use these spices, you will see that this oriental taste of real lagman cannot be confused with anything else.

Basic cooking secrets

Revive the noodles before serving. To do this, place it in a colander and pour boiling water over it. Thanks to this procedure, the noodles will be hot and taste as if you had just boiled them.

Some experts are very particular about cooking vegetables. Vegetables should remain crispy and not boil under any circumstances. Although, in my opinion, this is a matter of taste.

Some people serve laza-jan (also called laza-chang) with lagman. This sauce is very easy to prepare. For it, take 2-3 garlic cloves, peel them, rinse and chop them using a garlic press. Mix this paste with 2-3 teaspoons of crushed black pepper and 2-3 pinches of ground coriander. Add 2-3 pinches of chopped cilantro and a little salt. Heat 3-4 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil and pour it into the total mass. Mix everything thoroughly - laza-chang is ready. Add it to your plates a little at a time.

By the way, this dish is usually eaten with chopsticks. If this is not your option, you can get by with a fork. Believe me, this will not make the taste of the dish worse.

I am sure that today's article will be useful to you. She will help you prepare such lagman at home with your own hands that your guests will simply be shocked by your culinary abilities. Of course, you don’t eat such yummy food every day. And in order not to lose the recipe, click on the social network buttons.

Lagman- a dish that everyone undoubtedly associates with Central Asian cuisine. This cooking masterpiece, despite its enormous popularity, does not have a single unambiguous recipe for cooking. Everyone does “according to the dictates of the soul.”

But let's go back to the roots. Historically, the lagman recipe was “gifted” to us by the Uyghurs and it is somewhat different from the one we are used to seeing. What's the difference?

Firstly, it's consistency. There is no liquid gravy in real Uyghur lagman. All ingredients are fried!

Secondly, this is the name. The sauce in lagman is called sai in Uyghur. Usually, several of them are prepared, and depending on the gourmet’s preferences, they are mixed or served in separate bowls.

Uyghur noodles should definitely be prepared by stretching, not slicing!

Recipe. Uyghur lagman.

To prepare Uyghur lagman we will need:

1. 1 tbsp. flour.
2. 0.3 kg beef or lamb tenderloin.
3. 3 onions.
4. 1 small radish.
5. 0.5 pcs. eggplant.
6. A handful of green beans in pods.
7. Celery.
8. 0.5 pcs. red bell pepper.
9. 2 pcs. tomato
10. 0.5 heads of garlic.
11. Cilantro, hot pepper, salt, coriander.

How to make Uyghur lagman?

First of all, you need to make the noodles. This process may take long time, especially if you are a beginner. You will need:

- Wheat flour;
- salt.

The most amazing thing about cooking is pulling the noodles. Don't look at the fact that these ingredients are extremely simple. These will make the most successful noodles.

1. Sift the flour and add a little salt and water.

2. The kneaded dough needs to be kneaded. Do this carefully. This is the key to success.

3. Make a “ball” out of the dough and wrap it around it. This lump needs to be hidden in the refrigerator for an hour.

4. Remember the dough again and make a flagellum out of it.

5. Cut the resulting flagellum into strips and twist small flagella from them.

6. Take wide dish and place thin sticks on them, carefully spreading sunflower oil on them. Let them sit for about 30 minutes, making sure that the dough does not dry out. To do this, periodically turn the flagella from side to side.

7. Check if it is easy to pull out thin strips from the dough. If yes, get started. Gently, holding the edge with one hand and holding the middle with the other, slowly stretch the dough along one side. After that, move on to another one.

Try to make the noodles as thin as possible, because after overcooking, they will swell.

8. Boil the noodles. To do this, place it in lightly salted boiling water. It cooks very quickly. Take it out and drain it in a colander, rinse it under cold water and grease it a little with sunflower oil.

9. For classic lagman Let's prepare laza-chang.

Chop the garlic;
- mix garlic, cilantro, coriander, salt. Take a pinch of all ingredients;

Add a couple of tablespoons of hot oil;
- set aside the seasoning to cool.

10 . Let's cut up the ingredients for saye. There will be two of them. White and red. There are no special cutting rules. At your discretion. However, the meat must be cut into thin pieces.

11. Heat the vegetable oil (a couple of spoons) in a wok pan and pour in half of the onions, garlic and beans.

It's time to get to the meat. Take exactly half. Fry it for a few minutes, continuing to stir. Salt again, add eggplants and radishes.

Add some broth that contained the noodles. Wait until everything comes to a boil. A couple more minutes and you can turn it off. White sai is ready! Transfer it to another bowl and cover without letting it cool.

12. Let's start cooking red sai. Take the same frying pan, heat the oil in it, and fry the meat.

For a Uighur, lagman is like borscht for a Ukrainian. This dish is prepared from meat (mostly lamb), vegetables and special noodles. It is popular among people eastern countries and among the Crimean Tatars. In Japanese culture, Uyghur lagman is known as ramen. But if Uzbek lagman allows liberties with the composition of products, then the Uyghur requires not to deviate from the recipe. It is worth noting that Uyghur-style lagman is prepared exclusively with pulled noodles, with which you can put on a real show. Served on the table in cups and with Chinese chopsticks. According to the Uighurs, it tastes better this way.

Lagman recipe in Uyghur style

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • Lamb - 300 g;
  • Green beans - 6 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 5 teeth;
  • Daikon radish or green Margelan radish - 0.5 pcs.;
  • Eggplant - 0.5 pcs.;
  • Onions - 2–3 pcs.;
  • Bell pepper (preferably red) - 0.5 pcs.;
  • Tomato - 7 pcs. small or 3 pcs. large;
  • Chopped cilantro - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt;
  • Celery stalk - 2–3 pcs. or 1 bunch of leaves;
  • Hot pepper - 1 pod;
  • Ground coriander - 2 tsp.

Preparation of lagman

Step 1: Noodles for lagman

To prepare home lagman, you need to knead the dough. To do this, mix flour with a pinch of salt in a bowl and add a little warm water, knead thoroughly. It is worth noting that the dough for lagman should be tight. Then form the dough into a ball, wrap it in cling film and place it in the refrigerator to proof for about an hour. Then the dough needs to be kneaded again and rolled into a long cord. Next, cut the rope lengthwise into strips 2 cm thick. Use your palms to “wind” thin ropes and place them in a flat container in a spiral, greased with vegetable oil. Leave the dough to “rest” for 30 minutes, remembering to turn it over periodically. You need to pull the flagella from the middle, starting from one edge and gradually moving to the other.

Each bundle should be approximately 1–1.5 meters. We do this procedure with the entire dough, stretching it as thin as possible.

Noodles for lagman must be boiled in advance in boiling salted water. It is better to take a larger pan for such purposes, since the dough tends to “grow” during cooking. Cook the flagella until tender. We take out the noodles with a slotted spoon or a colander and pour over cold water, sprinkle with sunflower oil, and stir.

Step 2: Seasoning for lagman (laza-chang)

Laza-chang is traditional spicy sauce from a mix of ground, hot pepper, salt and garlic with the addition of chopped cilantro. To prepare it, you need to heat 4 tablespoons of sunflower oil in a separate bowl and pour it into the prepared mixture.

Step 3: Gravy for lagman (sai)

Cut the meat into cubes or strips 2 cm thick. For convenience, it is also better to chop all the vegetables into strips, and cut the beans in half. Heat sunflower oil in a cauldron and fry the meat until a crust forms. Then pour the onion, celery and sweet pepper into the cauldron one by one, add salt and a pinch of coriander. Next, place the radish, eggplant and beans cut into strips into a deep frying pan or cauldron. When frying, you need to ensure that the radishes become soft. Next, you need to add the tomato, garlic along with the juice and pour in a scoop of the water in which the dough was cooked.

Fried lagman should be served in soup plates or bowls. Place noodles, gravy and sai in each. This method of serving is the highlight of the Uyghur lagman. It happens that the noodle broth itself is poured into a separate bowl, depending on your taste.