How to fry cutlets with a crust. How long to fry cutlets from different meats

Minced meat cutlets are a universal dish; they are prepared not only for everyday meals, but also served for festive table. Once upon a time, cutlets were called meat on ribs, which were fried over an open fire. After cutlery appeared, the bone began to be cut out. Over time, cutlets began to be prepared in a completely different way: the meat began to be finely chopped or twisted into minced meat, adding various ingredients to it. As a result, the middle of the fried minced meat is juicy, and the outer crust is crispy. Nowadays cutlets are prepared from fish, vegetables and even cereals. We'll talk about how to cook cutlets based on beef or pork.

How to cook minced meat cutlets in a frying pan

What kind of meat is needed for cutlets

Meat for cutlets should only be fresh, so it is not recommended to buy a frozen product, because it is simply impossible to determine when it was frozen and how many times it was done. Opt for chilled meat. Its color should be dark pink or light red. If the meat is dark red in color, pass by; it has been lying on the counter for several days. But beware of too bright a color, as such a product may contain dyes that mask its staleness.

The fat on the meat should be light and not weathered; the yellower these layers are, the older the animal is. Before buying, press your finger on any part of the meat, if it is not sticky and the dent quickly disappears, then the product is fresh.

For preparing tender and juicy cutlets The best options are the flank of beef, the rib or shoulder of pork, and the boneless loin.

How to prepare minced meat for cutlets

Grind the meat through a meat grinder, preferably twice, but not in a blender. If the minced meat for cutlets is prepared in advance, you should not add spices and bread to it; this can only be done immediately before cooking.

The finished minced meat can be “beaten” on the table or cutting board, then it will be saturated with oxygen, and the cutlets will turn out airy and soft. Then it should be put in the refrigerator for at least half an hour to let it rest.

For minced meat, take one or combine several types of meat. The most delicious are considered to be cutlets made from combined minced meat, made from equal parts of beef and pork. Sometimes poultry is added to them. If you put the crumb from a stale loaf soaked in water or milk into the minced meat, the cutlets will not “fall apart” when frying. Eggs for the same purposes are used only in minced fish, meat products it gives rigidity.

Finely chopped onion, rather than minced, will also add juiciness to the cutlets.

IN Ground beef often added for juiciness lard, its content should be no more than a fifth of the total mass. If the minced meat turns out to be watery, add bread crumbs, crackers or semolina, and the lack of fluid is replenished a small amount milk or very cold water.

For cooking chopped cutlets meat and onions are chopped into small pieces, bread and spices are also added. Eggs will also be useful in this product, since minced meat will be less viscous.

How to properly fry minced meat cutlets

After thoroughly kneading the minced meat with your hands, begin to form the cutlets. The meat balls should be the same size and fit in your palms. Cutlets that are too small will turn out dry. If the mince sticks to your hands, wet them with water before shaping each portion. To prevent “cracks” from appearing on the surface of the cutlets when frying, through which juice flows out, beat them well. meat mass between the palms.

For juiciness and airiness, place a teaspoon of butter in each cutlet. To make them tender, “wrap” a piece of ice in the middle.

To coat the cutlets, use flour, breadcrumbs or semolina. Spicy taste The dish will be enhanced by crushed nuts or ground sesame added to the breading. To create a crispy crust, each cutlet is dredged in flour, then alternately in egg, breadcrumbs, and again in egg and breadcrumbs.

After the cutlets have been rolled in breadcrumbs, put them in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes, then the crumbs from them will not fall off and burn.

How long to fry cutlets in a frying pan

The formed cutlets are placed on a well-heated frying pan, and so that the oil does not “splatter” too much, it is lightly salted. It is advisable to use melted fat for frying. First, the cutlets are fried over maximum heat, for 2 minutes on each side, to form a crust that prevents the meat juice from leaking out. Then fry over moderate heat, covered, until done.

IN chopped meat can add fresh vegetables, rubbed on coarse grater, for example, cabbage, potatoes, pumpkin. It is only necessary to remember that their content should not exceed one third of the total mass. Minced meat cutlets with the addition of grated cheese hard varieties.

This question quite expectedly arises in almost every novice housewife after another unsuccessful experience in preparing this dish. Is there really some secret hidden in cooking homemade cutlets in a frying pan?

Cooking the right minced meat for the right cutlets

In order for the cutlets to turn out rosy and juicy, and most importantly not to fall apart during frying, considerable attention should be paid to the ingredients minced cutlets. Considering the types of cutlets (and there are not only meat ones, but also fish, vegetables, and even cereals), the following are needed to create them: classic ingredients : white bread, egg, onion, milk, ground black pepper, salt and, directly, the minced meat itself. It is not so important what kind of preparation it will be, homemade or purchased, it is important what you add to it yourself.

Depending on taste preferences, additional components can be varied, for example, replacing bread oatmeal or flour, then an egg will not be needed; also, zucchini, or even cabbage, would be good. You can give up milk, but onions are definitely needed, they give necessary for cutlets juiciness, additional juiciness can be obtained by adding raw mashed potatoes to the mass or butter into the center of the cutlet.

Each type of minced meat has its own cooking characteristics. It is necessary to add eggs to fish, vegetable and cereal dishes, otherwise the cutlet mass will simply fall apart.

A little secret of many housewives is that the minced meat needs to be beaten before molding; this can be done by placing the minced meat in a dense plastic bag, and taking a deep bowl into which to throw from a small height several times.

How the cutlets are formed is also important for high-quality frying. They need to be the same size, not too thick, so that they are well fried.


There are a great many recipes for making cutlets on the Internet; there are, of course, fewer breading options, but there are also plenty. As in breadcrumbs (small, large, thin, long) and in flour, and in eggs, and in various combinations of the above ingredients. The type of breading should be kept in mind when cooking. When the breading consists of a thick layer of crackers or bread, then such cutlets will need more oil.

When breading, many people have the problem of the cutlet mixture and breading mixture sticking to their fingers. This can be solved by simply placing a container with hot water, and periodically rinse your fingers in it, then the minced meat simply will not have time to stick to your hands.

Directly frying in a pan

There are several secrets to uniformly frying and juiciness of cutlets in a frying pan, and they lie in the fact that in addition to properly formed cutlet mass, you must also not go wrong with the choice of such kitchen equipment as frying pans. After all, it is known that there are types of coatings on which almost everything burns; on such dishes even a large number of hot oil. Therefore, in order to avoid a spoiled dinner, it is better not to use such kitchen utensils.

So, first you need to heat the frying pan, check whether it is hot enough by dropping water on the surface. Then add butter, butter or vegetable, to taste, or, as the French like, combine them. A considerable number of housewives believe that the most wonderful cutlets are made with fat or melted butter, but this, of course, is a matter of taste.

Having heated the oil thoroughly, you can place the cutlets in the frying pan; when all are laid out, each one must be moved to avoid burning. The main thing is to fry each side over maximum heat until appetizing. golden brown crust so that the juice does not escape during subsequent cooking. Having fulfilled this condition, you can reduce the heat and continue cooking, covering the cutlets with a lid. If you are not sure that they will cook properly, you can add a little water. If the cutlets have difficulty turning over due to the spatula not being thin enough, you can try to pick them up with a fork.

You can find out if the cutlets are ready by piercing them with a fork or knife; the juice that appears will be clear. If the juice is pink, then the cutlets are raw inside. To be sure that it is ready, you should break the cutlet, it should be uniform inside. gray When this is the case, then you can eat such a dish without fear. Semi-finished cutlets are fried in the same way, but it is better not to defrost them, otherwise the excess moisture formed during defrosting will make the cutlets too liquid.

When there is more than one batch, it is better to first clean off the crusts formed from the previous frying so that they do not burn on the next cutlets, and ideally, it is better to wash the frying pan for the next batch.

If you follow these tips, you can forget about previous failures and happily delight your family with a wonderful dinner!

Everyone loves meat dishes, because they are delicious, they also satisfy hunger for a long time, and there are a great variety of them - so there is always something to choose from. Today we will tell you how to fry cutlets in a frying pan - so that your family will salivate at the mere sight of this dish. There is nothing too complicated in this process, but it still doesn’t hurt to know all the intricacies of cooking.

How to properly fry cutlets in a frying pan

First of all, it is important to understand that cutlets require a special frying pan.

Cast-iron pan

  • The best thing is the one made of cast iron - it is strong, durable, and it also has thick walls and an impressive bottom that evenly distributes the temperature.

Over time, a natural non-stick coating forms on the surface of the cast iron.

Modern frying pans

  • Modern frying pans are also no worse for frying cutlets, but you can’t use very thin ones: if the pan has an excessively flimsy bottom, then the cutlets will start to burn and fry too much even before they are baked inside.
  • If you still don’t have another frying pan, then you will have to pour a sufficient amount of oil into such a frying pan, and then fry the cutlets over low heat.

Remember that a thin pan bottom can burn the bits much faster, turning a delicious crust into a tough, burnt crust.

Features of frying cutlets in a frying pan

  • Try to fry the cutlets only in a frying pan with a thick bottom - this is a guarantee of successful cooking.

  • It is also necessary to thoroughly heat the pan before pouring oil into it and starting to cook the cutlets.
  • If you post meat balls on a surface that is not fully heated, the minced meat will simply stick tightly to the pan. Therefore, always carefully heat the frying pan on the stove, and only then pour in the oil for frying and lay out the cutlets.

How to deliciously fry cutlets in a frying pan

Each dish has its own correct cooking technology, and cutlets here are no exception. Thus, many housewives complain about the meatballs being too fried, or, on the contrary, not being cooked well inside. In any case, it is best to fry the dish wisely so that the treat comes out exactly as required.

  • First of all, the cutlets are placed in a frying pan in small portions, and then fried on both sides. This important nuance, because a small crust will allow you to reliably retain the meat juice inside, so it simply will not be able to evaporate during the cooking process.
  • If you first fry the cutlets for a long time on one side, and then on the other, the juice will evaporate through the side where there is no crust. Therefore, first we will quickly fry each cutlet on all sides - literally for a minute, and only then we will continue to cook the cutlets until they are completely baked.

On initial stage You can fry the minced meat over medium heat, but in the future you will have to reduce the heat, otherwise the cutlets will dry out and be tough.

  • Experienced housewives fry cutlets in this way: after frying on both sides, as we mentioned above, cover the frying pan with a lid and keep the cutlets on each side for 5-8 minutes, depending on the thickness of the cutlet. The end result is delicious soft crust on top of the minced meat, and inside the meat remains juicy and tender.

  • It is better to be patient and cook the dish over low heat, even if you are in a hurry.

You definitely can’t fry cutlets over high heat all the time, especially without a lid. You will almost certainly end up with burnt meatballs that will be very dry inside.

  • Remember that minced meat is a capricious product. It does not like high temperatures, and from intense frying it turns into a “rubbery” mass that cannot be chewed. That’s why cunning chefs cook the cutlets under the lid so that the meat simmers slowly and does not lose either its taste or its juiciness.

How to fry homemade cutlets in a frying pan

  1. First dip fresh minced meatballs in flour - this will help better retain the juice inside the meat fibers, making the cutlets noticeably tastier.
  2. Place the cutlets exclusively on a dried and well-heated frying pan, into which enough vegetable oil has been poured. If there is too much of it, the meat will simply not be cooked well and will become greasy and sticky, and if there is not enough oil, it will quickly be absorbed into the fibers of the minced meat and the cutlets will burn.
  3. Place the cutlets next to each other, leaving a little space between the cutlets so that they can be easily turned over and do not stick together.
  4. First, fry a batch of homemade cutlets over medium heat on both sides - 40-60 seconds for each.
  5. Then reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid.
  6. When the first batch of cutlets is ready, remove them from the heat and transfer them to a dish or plate. Add oil to the pan and continue frying the balls.

Please note that excess flour can play a cruel joke, making the surface of the cutlets too dense, even hard. Therefore, it is better not to overdo it with breading.

However, if you have a sticky frying pan or it does not have a non-stick coating, this trick will also help prevent the minced meat from sticking too much to the metal bottom of the frying pan.

How to fry store-bought cutlets in a frying pan

  1. Place a frying pan on the stove with a thick bottom and preferably a non-stick coating. Heat it properly, and then pour in odorless vegetable oil. We are waiting for the oil to warm up properly.
  2. Please note that you don't need a lot of oil to fry store-bought cutlets - the cutlets will melt and release enough liquid. Therefore, to prepare such a dish, you can use half as much oil as usual.
  3. Place the cutlets in the pan next to each other, leaving a little free space between them. Fry the cutlets over medium heat for a minute on each side.
  4. After this, cover the pan with a lid and reduce the heat. The cutlets will begin to release juice and cook from the inside. If towards the end of frying there is excess liquid left in the pan, simply remove the lid and let the moisture evaporate.
  5. We fry the next batch of minced meat in the same way: add a little oil and place the cutlets on the bottom of the frying pan, fry on both sides, and then simmer until tender over low heat under the lid, evaporating excess moisture if it appears.

Frozen semi-finished products are very easy, simple and quick to prepare - this is a real godsend for the modern housewife. Before frying these cutlets, you don’t even need to defrost them; the meat balls go into the frying pan straight from the freezer.

Now you will surely be able to cook the perfect meat dish, and you will know how to fry cutlets in a frying pan so that they do not remain raw inside and do not burn on the outside.

Traditional cutlets made from minced meat are present on the dinner table in every Russian family. Homemade cutlets are rightfully considered the perfect dish for every day, because they have an excellent taste, satisfy the feeling of hunger well, and most importantly, they are simple and quick to prepare.

To make the cutlets juicy and appetizing, you need to know correctly.

It's no secret that novice housewives sometimes fail to make cutlets. They may fall apart or burn on the outside, but not cook through on the inside. To prevent this from happening, you need to take note of a few tips on how to fry cutlets.

The taste of meat cutlets primarily depends on the quality of the minced meat and the frying technology.

The juiciest and flavored cutlets are obtained from Cooking should begin with the purchase of meat. It can be pork, beef or lamb. In order to cook, it is preferable to take tenderloin. It is best to make a combined minced meat. Excellent cutlets are made from beef with the addition of pork, which is about 30%.

Many housewives add an egg to the minced meat, but you should know that this makes the food tougher. A spoonful of butter or cream added to the minced meat makes the cutlets juicy and soft. If meat is combined with bacon, then the latter should be no more than 10%. If desired, add garlic, fresh parsley or spinach to the minced meat. Salt must be added immediately before frying.

To prepare 10 cutlets you will need 500 grams of minced meat. The meat and one onion should be minced in a meat grinder. Add one egg, 50 grams of butter, salt and pepper. Soak two pieces of bread in water or milk, knead and add to the minced meat.

Now you can proceed to the cooking process. How to fry cutlets so that they turn out aromatic and tasty? From the resulting minced meat you need to make 10 cutlets and roll them in flour or breadcrumbs. To prevent the minced meat from sticking to your hands, you need to moisten them with water. To prevent the breading from crumbling during frying, keep the cutlets in the refrigerator for 10 minutes before frying. Most often, cutlets are cooked on vegetable oil, but it is believed that they turn out more juicy and rosy in melted fat.

How to fry cutlets so that they do not fall apart, are well browned and are not raw inside? To do this, you need to follow the frying technology. The cutlets need to be placed in a very hot frying pan with oil. First you need to place a piece of bread on a heated surface.

If you eat the bread, it will immediately fry, which means that the pan with oil has warmed up enough, and now you can add the cutlets. You need to fry them first on one side, then on the other. After this, reduce the heat, pour in a little water, cover the pan with a lid and simmer until done. You can add mayonnaise, ketchup, seasoning, and a little flour to the water.

If the cutlets are not cooked through on the inside but are very browned on the outside, you can let them sit for two minutes.

Cutlets can be decorated with herbs and served as a separate dish or cooked with them pasta, vegetables.

Initially, recipes for making cutlets came from Russian cuisine from Europe. The word "cutlet" was used to call portioned piece meat cooked on the bone. Over time, in Russian cuisine, the concept of “cutlet” and the general idea of ​​​​preparing the dish were rethought and, in some way, modified. Currently, the word “cutlet” means a thin, medium-sized flatbread made from minced meat – meat, fish, mushroom, vegetable or mixed.

Usually, although, of course, frying is not the most healthy way preparations. But for residents of almost the entire post-Soviet space fried cutlets– one of the religious and everyday symbols of family comfort and well-being. Therefore, we will learn to fry cutlets correctly and will fry, but not too often (we also know alternative ways cooking cutlets).

We'll tell you how to fry cutlets correctly.

General rule for frying

It is necessary to fry quickly on light animals or peeled vegetable fats. The best animal fats for frying are chicken or pork, as well as melted natural butter. Of the vegetable fats, olive or rapeseed oil are most suitable for this purpose. Sunflower oil (even purified) under the influence of high temperatures quickly begins to burn and carcinogens form in it.

First option for the lazy or those in a hurry

Sometimes cutlets are bought in the form of frozen semi-finished products, each such cutlet is made from a lump of minced meat, rolled in breadcrumbs, sometimes with the addition of spices.

How to properly and for how long to fry ready-made frozen cutlets in breadcrumbs?


Heat fat or oil in a frying pan. Fry the cutlets over medium heat, without defrosting, first on one side for 5-8 minutes, then turn over, fry on the other side and cover with a lid. Reduce heat and bring to readiness (total cooking time 20-25 minutes).

But, of course, it is better to prepare homemade cutlets from minced meat with chopped onions, eggs, bread crumbs and spices.

How to fry homemade minced meat cutlets?


  • minced meat (for example, pork and beef or with the addition minced chicken) – 400 g;
  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • ground black pepper, other spices - optional;
  • White bread(baguette) – 4-5 thin slices;
  • milk or water – 100 ml;
  • oil or fat.


Soak bread crumb without crust in milk or water. Grind the onion in a meat grinder or blender. Mix minced meat, onion, eggs and lightly squeezed soaked bread in a bowl. Season with spices and mix thoroughly. If the mince is too liquid, add a little wheat flour or starch. Form cutlets with wet hands and fry on both sides until golden brown over medium heat. Then reduce the heat and bring to readiness under the lid (this will take another 10-15 minutes). We serve cutlets with sauces, with any side dish, or better yet, just with vegetable salads(no bread is needed, it is included in the cutlets).

Delicious cutlets are also obtained from minced fish, cod, haddock, hake, pike, silver carp, pike perch, etc. are well suited for this.

How to fry?


  • fish fillet – 400 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • white bread (baguette) – 4 slices;
  • milk or water – 100 ml;
  • ground spices (black pepper, coriander, anise);
  • fat or oil.


We pass the fish, along with the onion and slightly squeezed out soaked bread crumb, through a meat grinder. Season with spices, add eggs, add a little salt. Adjust the thickness of the minced meat with starch or flour. You can add grated on a fine grater raw potatoes(1 piece medium size). We form the cutlets with wet hands; they will fry almost the same as meat cutlets, only a little faster, and yet, especially if you are preparing them from non-predatory river fish, you need to fry them until fully cooked.

But, of course, it is better not to fry any cutlets, both meat and fish, but to cook them in the oven, that is, bake, this is a healthier way of cooking.