How to collect currant leaves for tea. Alternative methods of harvesting leaves

Julia Vern 4 423 0

Since ancient times, tea from currant leaves and berries has been actively used by ancestors for daily tea drinking, treatment and prevention of a number of diseases. cooking recipes natural drinks on the basis of the gifts of nature, they have survived to this day, albeit in a somewhat modified form.

Tasty, fragrant, healthy infusions and decoctions of currant leaves and berries are prepared for their own pleasure and to improve health. What methods of brewing a drink are used, when to collect leaves and berries, and how to prepare them for the winter? Helpful Hints below.

Most right time to collect raw materials in order to make tea from red currant or black - the beginning of summer. During this period, the leaves of the shrub are the most fragrant, clean, fresh, not damaged by diseases and insects.

Phyto-tea from currant leaves collected in June, early July will turn out to be tasty and fragrant, it will keep everything healing properties.

About the benefits of tea from the leaves of the currant bush

The leaves of both red and black currants as the main raw material for the preparation of the drink have a number of useful properties:

  • a high percentage of vitamin C - strengthening immunity;
  • allows you to solve problems with kidney disease and swelling due to the diuretic effect;
  • a large number of phytoncides - help to cope with colds and viral diseases, tonsillitis, flu and bronchitis;
  • can be used to disinfect and relieve inflammation;
  • stimulate appetite;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • improve the work of the digestive tract;
  • normalize the process of the liver.

To make blackcurrant leaf tea really useful, and not just tasty and pleasantly smelling, you need to properly prepare the raw materials.

Harvesting leaves for tincture and decoction of currants: effective methods

The simplest and available method prepare the leaves of the shrub for long-term storage - dry. To do this, the collected leaves and branches (you can also make tea from currant branches) are laid out in a thin layer on paper, cardboard or plywood under a canopy in a well-ventilated area. As soon as the raw material dries, it must be cut and the process of preparation for storage in the oven continues.

There is another way to prepare currant leaves for phytotea. Unlike drying, it is not so simple, but more effective. It's about fermentation.

The leaves collected in June are laid out for a day in an even layer, giving them the opportunity to wither.

After withering, they are twisted in such a way as to provoke the release of juice. The finished raw material is placed in a wooden box, covered with a damp cloth, allowed to ferment, leaving for 8-9 hours. After this period, the leaves are re-dried in vivo in the sun or in the oven at a low temperature (not higher than 100 degrees) for 30-40 minutes.

Ready tea leaves should have a size of no more than 3-4 mm. Only in this case the drink will turn out to be transparent without a cloudy sediment. Now that the answer to the question of how to make fermented tea from currant leaves has been received, you can try to put the tips into practice, not forgetting that the leaves from black and red currant bushes are collected and prepared separately, mixing them, if desired, directly during brewing a drink.

It is better to save dry raw materials for tea and tinctures in environmentally friendly containers, for example, from natural fabric, paper, wood.

As an option, ceramic and glass containers with tight lids are suitable. In order for herbal tea to retain its beneficial properties, it should be stored for no longer than two years in a dry place.

Berries as the basis for brewing a healing drink

Currant tea can be prepared not only from leaves and branches, but also from shrub fruits. A total of 20 blackcurrants contain daily allowance vitamin C, so pamper yourself delicious tea with sourness is possible and necessary not only in summer, but also in winter during a period of weakened immunity.

Tea from currant berries is a number of useful properties. Drink helps:

  • solve the problem of hypertension;
  • prevent the development of cancer;
  • deal with diabetes in the early stages;
  • cure gout and eczema;
  • solve problems with arthritis, rheumatism and dermatitis.

In addition, regular consumption of currant tea clears the mind, improves memory and helps prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease. A drink with currant berries has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, spleen and pancreas, and also normalizes metabolism, cleanses the blood with an increase in clotting ability.

You can cook berries for the winter as with heat treatment, and without. In the second case, the benefits of the drink will be many times higher. It is better to collect the fruits of the plant after they are fully ripe, followed by freezing, drying or grinding with sugar. Those who care about the calorie content of products will be pleased to know that currant berries contain a minimum of calories - 62 kcal per 100 g, while linolenic acid, which is part of it, will speed up the process of splitting fats.

What you need to know about contraindications

A drink based on currant leaves or berries is a benefit and a harm at the same time, although the negative impact on the body compared to the healing properties is minimal and boils down for the most part to individual intolerance and allergies.

Doctors say that the fruits and leaves of both red and black currants cannot be included in the diet of people prone to blood clots. The reason is vitamin K, which increases the level of blood clotting. Those recovering from a heart attack or stroke also need to be careful.

The high level of acid in currants can cause some harm to people with gastrointestinal problems, as well as those suffering from different types hepatitis A.

Options for harvesting berries for a drink for the winter

To drink currant tea all year round, berries can not only be frozen, dried and ground with sugar. There are several ways of preparations that lovers will appreciate to enjoy delicious currant jam and jam.

An interesting and most importantly simple way is to prepare blackcurrant berries with sugar and water. For cooking, you need a kilogram of ripe fruits, the same amount of sugar, a glass of water. Before proceeding with the harvesting process, the berries must be thoroughly cleaned of twigs and sorted out, washed and dried.

Clean sorted berries are poured over with boiling water in a colander. The next step is to prepare the syrup. To do this, sugar is mixed with water and allowed to boil until the latter is completely dissolved. Berries are dipped into the finished syrup and boiled for no more than three minutes. The prepared mass is poured into sterilized jars and hermetically sealed.

With this method, the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients in the berries is preserved. In winter, with a five-minute jam, you can drink tea as a bite, or pour boiling water over it to get a hot or cold fruit drink.

You can also prepare currants for tea without using water with the addition of sugar. For this recipe, per kilogram of berries you will need half the sugar. Just as in the previous case, the fruits are thoroughly washed, dried, and the branches are separated.

Ready berries in the amount of 200 g are crushed in a blender. Sugar and the rest of the berries are added to the fruit puree, and then brought to a boil, allowing it to simmer for another five minutes.

Currant in own juice laid out in pre-sterilized jars.

Tea from berries - in search of the perfect recipe

Most popular recipe- preparation of a hot drink. To do this, you need a teaspoon of black or green tea, two tablespoons of fresh or prepared currant berries, sugar or honey to taste.

The fruits are crushed into fruit puree, after which they are brewed in a teapot along with tea for about 0.5 liters of boiling water for 15 minutes. Sugar is added to hot tea, honey only after the temperature of the drink drops to 40 degrees.

Cold tea is no less useful. To prepare it, you will need the same ingredients as in the previous recipe. The fruits are crushed with a blender or passed through a sieve, honey or sugar is added to them, and then poured boiled water room temperature. IN ready drink you can add mint leaves, lemon balm, ice. In addition to the healing effect, it will be indispensable in summer heat helping to cope with thirst.

With a currant leaf or dry berries, you can prepare an excellent decoction for the treatment of colds, as well as diseases of the throat and cough.

In this case, the fruits or leaves are poured with boiling water, wrapped tightly with a towel and left to infuse for two hours. Ready tincture is drunk three times a day between meals.

A variation of the recipe with the preparation of a decoction is a method that involves a short boil of fruits or leaves. After the raw materials are boiled for 10-12 minutes, the broth is removed from the stove and filtered, then cooled and drunk in small portions (no more than 25 ml) four times a day, again, in order to combat diseases and for their prevention during the period weakening immune system.

In conclusion, we note that tea from the fruits, leaves, buds or branches of black and red currants is a godsend for modern man. The bushes of the plant are unpretentious, can grow in a harsh climate, bear fruit stably and abundantly, are distinguished by a persistent aroma and rich taste of fruits, which means that anyone who likes to take care of their health and loved ones can prepare healing herbal tea at home.

Fresh blackcurrant leaves have delicate fragrance which dulls slightly after drying. Tea can be prepared from fresh or dried leaves, and dry berries can be added for flavor. Such a drink is rich in antioxidants and other components that are very beneficial for health:
  • Blackcurrant tea, like berries, is rich in vitamin C. A quarter cup of dried leaves can make 2 cups of a wonderful drink. A tablespoon of dried currant leaves contains over 50 milligrams of vitamin C, which is a natural antioxidant and provides immune system stimulation, helps in the repair and development of tissues in the body. As an antioxidant, it protects the body from harmful free radicals and toxins.
  • Blackcurrant leaves and fruits contain anthocyanins, a type of polyphenol that is a natural antioxidant. James Duke, author of The Herbal Handbook, states that blackcurrant leaf extract is a useful anti-inflammatory agent. A study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food in 2012 found that blackcurrant extract is also rich in antioxidants with powerful anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce the harms of smoking and exposure to toxins.
  • The 2014 issue of Frontiers in Microbiology described a study that found that blackcurrant leaf extract can protect against influenza A virus and is simultaneously useful in preventing influenza virus proliferation in its early stages - less than two hours after infection.
  • Blackcurrant, like other dark purple fruits, is rich in anthocyanins, which slow down and inhibit the growth of cancer cells. As a result of the research, it was found that regular use juice from the fruits of this plant led to a significant reduction in the proliferation of liver cancer cells. The scientists concluded that blackcurrant extract could be used to prevent and treat liver cancer in humans.
  • The antioxidants found in blackcurrant leaf tea are very beneficial for the skin. They can protect her from premature aging and minimize the damage from environmental free radicals that we all deal with on a daily basis.
  • Such a drink also contains a large amount of iron, which is necessary for the blood, carries oxygen to the cells and protects the body from various immune complications.
  • Blackcurrant leaf tea also contains calcium, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese and potassium. All of these minerals are essential for many bodily functions.
Dried blackcurrant leaves are used to treat:
  • arthritis,
  • gout,
  • joint pain (rheumatism),
  • diarrhea,
  • colic,
  • hepatitis and other liver diseases,
  • convulsions,
  • bowel disorders,
  • for the treatment of coughs, colds and whooping cough,
  • disinfection and stimulation of urine flow,
  • removal of stones from the bladder,
  • like a cleansing tea
  • for the treatment of wounds and insect bites.

Women use the extract of this plant to treat menopausal symptoms, premenstrual syndrome, painful periods, and to boost immunity.

Blackcurrant leaf tea contraindications

Raspberry leaves: useful properties for women

Raspberry leaf tea (not to be confused with commercial raspberry flavors) has long been used as an elixir of health and youth for women, as it contains a large amount of magnesium, potassium, iron and vitamins, while being no less useful for men. At the same time, it is very quite tasty and can be prepared in the form of cold or hot tea.

Raspberry leaf tea has a number of health benefits, including:

  • increasing fertility in women,
  • strengthening the immune system,
  • heart protection,
    reducing inflammation,
  • acceleration of metabolism,
  • hormone regulation,
  • nausea prevention,
  • healing gastrointestinal problems.

Raspberry leaf tea is extremely beneficial for people suffering from:
  • colds,
  • flu,
  • psoriasis,
  • eczema,
  • acne,
  • obesity,
  • indigestion,
  • constipation
  • high blood pressure,
  • diseased joints,
  • general inflammation.

It has been scientifically proven that eating red raspberries can prevent cancer by preventing cells from turning abnormally cancerous.

Tests performed at the Hollings Cancer Center at the Medical University of South Carolina showed that human body easily absorbs ellagic acid from red raspberries, which can cause apoptosis (death) of some cancer cells.

  • Red raspberries contain strong antioxidants such as vitamin C, quercetin and gallic acid, which, in addition to the above diseases, also fight age because:
    • contains vitamin E,
    • contains omega-3 fatty acids
    • is a natural sun protection factor (SPF) 24-50.
  • Cardiovascular problems: The concentration of potassium in this tea helps lower blood pressure and protects the heart. vascular system from atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of raspberry leaves are beneficial for digestion:
    • helps relieve stomach pain
    • can prevent constipation
    • Stimulates smooth muscle contraction, which can normalize bowel movements and relieve bloating and cramps. In excess, these properties make the tea laxative, so it is consumed in moderation.
  • Immune system: Vitamin C found in raspberry leaf helps improve the functioning of the immune system and stimulates the production of white blood cells in the body.
  • Infertility: Traditionally, raspberry leaf tea has been used to promote fertility in both men and women, primarily because it is able to balance hormone levels. The compounds in this tea can normalize both deficiency and excess of hormonal imbalances in humans.
  • Inflammation: The strong antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds in raspberry leaves can help relieve symptoms of:
    • arthritis,
    • gout,
    • headache,
    • temperature,
    • gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Skin irritation: high level vitamins E and C, as well as various antioxidants able to soothe inflammation caused by psoriasis, acne and eczema, among others, can be used topically in the form of compresses or lotions
  • Weight Loss: Commonly known as low calorie, raspberry leaf tea is popular with people who are trying to lose weight. Red raspberry ketones are currently used in Japan as an adjunct to weight loss diets.
  • Pregnancy: If you want to strengthen and tone your uterus before childbirth, experts recommend drinking 2-3 cups of raspberry leaf tea per day starting in the third trimester. It is best to start with 1 cup per day and see how your body reacts. If you are not experiencing any negative side effects you can gradually increase this dose up to 2-3 cups daily.

Harm of tea from raspberry leaves

According to doctors at the University of Michigan Public Health, raspberry leaves are considered effective in treating diarrhea, relieving excessively heavy menstrual cycles, and preventing complications during pregnancy. Most of the side effects associated with raspberry leaf are minor, but they are still there:
  • have laxative properties and can lead to loose stools,
  • have a moderate diuretic effect and can increase urination,
  • people taking other medications or supplements with laxative or diuretic effects should be careful about using raspberry leaves to avoid diarrhea or excessive urination.
  • pregnant women should avoid taking raspberry leaves during the first three trimesters, as their effect on the uterus can cause premature birth.
  • Patients with asthma should not take raspberry leaf tea.

How to prepare tea from currant and raspberry leaves

Blackcurrant and raspberry leaf tea Herb tea without caffeine, has a rich taste, reminiscent of fresh berries. The leaves of both shrubs perfectly complement each other in taste and at the same time enhance useful qualities each other.

To prepare such tea, you need to take two teaspoons of chopped fresh or dried leaves of both shrubs, add 500 ml. boiling water and let it brew for a few minutes. Tea is ready!

Fermentation of currant and raspberry leaves implies their special processing. It includes withering of raw materials, fermentation followed by drying. If everything is done correctly, the taste and aroma will be even more pronounced than that of a fresh leaf, and most of the beneficial properties can be preserved. The procedure involves the collection of leaves at a certain time of the year, their cleaning and further processing. Almost everyone can use such teas, with the exception of a small list of contraindications associated with high content in vitamin C leaves.

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    Fermentation of currants and raspberries

    Many in the summer at home brew tea from freshly picked leaves of fruit trees and bushes. Raspberry and currant leaves are especially popular for such tea drinking. They are brewed freshly picked, and also left for the winter, drying. But stocks of dried tea are not as fragrant and tasty compared to fresh leaves. Fermentation allows you to save not only the color, aroma and taste of tea, but also make it more saturated.

      fermented tea

      The method of leaf fermentation is that insoluble tissue substances are converted into easily digestible and soluble substances. During fermentation, the structure of the leaf is destroyed until the release of juice begins.

      Fermentation methods

      There are three ways: twisting in a meat grinder, freezing and twisting the leaves between the palms.

      With this treatment, the leaf is oxidized, and fermentation starts. Bacteria that are in the air and on the surface of the leaves begin to contribute to the process. After some time, the color and smell of the fermented leaves begin to change. When a rich and strong aroma appears, they are sent for drying.

      The collection of leaves for tea takes place throughout the season, but in early spring they are more tender and juicy. They are easier to roll and ferment better. Autumn leaves are coarser and take much longer to ferment. In this case, twisting can be facilitated by freezing. But tea from raw materials harvested in autumn turns out to be more saturated and bright, it has a different color, aroma and taste.

      When collecting, be sure to pay attention to the quality of the sheet. They are damaged by garden diseases and various insects.

      Before fermentation, the leaves are recommended to wither. To do this, you need to lay them out on linen or cotton fabric, in a layer of no more than three to five centimeters. Wither for about four or eight hours, until the "crunch" of the main vein disappears from most of the raw material. With warm and dry air, withering occurs faster, and with damp air, it takes longer. In order for it to happen more evenly, it is worth periodically stirring up the leaves.

      If, during further fermentation, the leaves are twisted in a meat grinder, then granulated tea will turn out. After that, you need to cover the mass with a linen napkin. This is done so that the tea granules do not dry out. Then put them to ferment at a temperature of about 25-27 degrees. In this case, do not let the napkin dry out.

      In a dry room, it is worth leaving a gap under the lid for ventilation of the granules. The fermentation process takes six to eight hours. A good, rich smell will be a signal that the fermentation is over. You need to dry in the oven, at 100 degrees for about one hour. In this case, it is important not to forget to stir with a spatula made of natural wood. The main thing is not to overdry the tea, because then it will lose its aroma and taste qualities.

      Currant leaf fermentation

      Many people like to drink tea from freshly picked currant leaves in summer. This is a great replacement for a store bought one. Everyone who grows this berry in the garden knows how many useful properties currants have.

      For the winter, the leaves can be dried, but it is best to have fermented ones. Thanks to this method, the aroma and taste of tea is enhanced, while brewing all the beneficial properties are preserved.

      Useful properties of currant leaf

      The unique properties of the drink help in the treatment and prevention of many diseases. Currant tea is beneficial for high blood pressure, in the cold season it excellent tool to maintain immunity. The composition contains essential oils, tannins, phytoncides and a set of vitamins necessary for the body.

      Tea can promote good sleep, reduce the manifestations of toxicosis, improve the functioning of the immune system. He:

      • prevents kidney disease;
      • strengthens the nervous system;
      • heals the respiratory system;
      • fights colds;
      • has a general strengthening effect;
      • improves the functioning of the urinary system;
      • improves digestion;
      • is a prophylactic agent for Alzheimer's disease and oncological diseases;
      • enhances metabolism;
      • treats diabetes;
      • renders useful action with constipation, anemia, gout.

      The leaves of blackcurrant have an excellent diuretic and diaphoretic effect, besides, they stimulate the functions of the adrenal cortex well.


      They don't suit everyone. There are contraindications when using a currant leaf for pregnant women. But if you coordinate his intake with a doctor, then such a drink will not cause any harm to health.

      The main reason for refusal to take are individual intolerance and hyperacidity stomach. You can not take such tea with thrombophlebitis and a tendency to it, as well as with ulcers and inflammation of the duodenum.

      tea preparation

      When harvesting raw materials for currant leaf fermentation, certain requirements are imposed:

      • The currant bush should grow in a slightly shaded place.
      • Raw materials should be collected early in the morning, in good, dry weather.
      • Leaves should be collected in spring.
      • After harvesting, they should not be washed for better fermentation.
      • If there is dirt or dust on the currant, then after washing the sheet should be dried with a towel.

      The first stage is withering, during which essential oils begin to accumulate. The mass should be spread out in the shade, with a layer of no more than five centimeters. Cooking time - twelve hours. To check the prepared raw materials, you need to squeeze it in a fist. If it is of high quality, then it should not fall apart.

      After withering, the mass is placed in a bag for a day, then in freezer. This is done to produce juice. The sheets are stacked in piles of four or six pieces, twisted with effort between the palms into a tight roll until it is moistened. After fermentation, they are folded into any container with a layer of up to seven centimeters, then covered with a cloth soaked in water. This process takes eight hours. Before drying, the rolls are cut into pieces.

      Another simple recipe - the leaves do not wither, but immediately after harvest they are sent to the freezer, frozen, then thawed, rolled, fermented and dried.

      Leaf rolls

      The final stage is to spread paper on a baking sheet, the mass is laid out in a layer of no more than one centimeter, the temperature should be 100 degrees. Then the mixture cools with the door open for about 1.5 hours with constant stirring. Store in a jar with a tightly closed lid.

      Raspberry leaf fermentation

      Raspberry leaves have quite strong medicinal properties. They are added to various healing infusions, decoctions, fragrant tea is prepared. Such leaves are very useful for residents of large cities, where there is a high level of air pollution, because they contain a lot of ascorbic acid. Help with various diseases:

      • bleeding;
      • hemorrhoids;
      • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
      • weak immunity;
      • inflammation of the appendages;
      • angina and bronchitis.

      They have the following actions:

      • hemostatic;
      • expectorant;
      • anti-inflammatory;
      • diaphoretic;
      • antipyretic;
      • restorative;
      • immunostimulating;
      • antitoxic.

      In the presence of a large amount of toxins in the body, you should drink a glass of raspberry tea. It is recommended for female inflammations to take baths, sitting in a decoction of raspberry leaf. Treatment of infertility and ovarian dysfunction is done by douching with a decoction of the plant.

      Raspberry leaf is used in the treatment of colds. It facilitates expectoration, lowers body temperature and all inflammatory processes. The tool is suitable for the prevention of viral infections, especially during their exacerbation. It can be used for severe choking cough and other ailments respiratory tract. Raspberry tea is used for gargling, perfectly relieves swelling and eliminates pain.


      It is very important to know that pregnant women can drink decoctions and infusions of raspberries only from 36 weeks and strictly after consulting a doctor.

      Also, teas have contraindications for use:

      • individual intolerance;
      • allergy;
      • chronic constipation;
      • nephritis;
      • gout.

      It is forbidden to take herbal remedies, including those based on raspberries and currants, in the treatment of aspirin.


      Raspberry fermentation is carried out in different ways:

    1. 1. A few fresh sheets are taken and rolled with little effort between the palms - they become a little darker. The resulting rolls are cut into several parts.
    2. 2. The leaves are folded into a bowl and intensively kneaded by hand. In the process, juice will begin to stand out, and the plates will become thin and slightly twisted.
    3. 3. Raw materials are passed through a meat grinder with a large grate

    Preparing granulated tea

    But still more proper preparation fermentation is considered to be grinding the leaves by hand. Leaf tea obtained by the second method, and granular welding - by method No. 3.

    Then the billet is sent for fermentation. The thicker the layer, the better the process will go. Top with a piece of damp cloth and send to a warm place. From time to time, you should look to see if the fabric has dried out, and moisten it if necessary.


    Fermentation should take place at a certain temperature from 22 to 26 degrees. If it is cold in the room where the fermentation takes place, then the container with the mass should be wrapped in a blanket. Since fresh raspberry leaves contain a lot of moisture, it is not recommended to dry them in cloudy weather, because the raw material will simply rot. But even under direct sunlight it is impossible - in this case, the destruction of most of the useful substances will occur.

    You can collect raspberry foliage throughout the season, because it is not badly damaged by pests. Freshly picked leaves should be dried fresh air under a canopy, laying them out in an even thin layer on a piece of burlap - this The best way drying. In order for the raw material to dry evenly, it must be mixed regularly.

    Ready raspberry tea should have brown - green color and a strong fruity-floral aroma. Store it in glass containers or plastic container with tight-fitting lid. Fermentation happens:

    • Light: after three to six hours. The tea will have a delicate and mild taste, strong aroma.
    • Medium: after ten to eleven hours. The tea will be fragrant and slightly sour.
    • Deep: twenty to thirty hours later. There will be a tart taste and a light aroma.

    To brew tea from raspberries and currants, you need to put a spoonful of the dried mass in a cup and pour boiling water over it.

Hello dear readers and friends!

I remember how once a big family in the summer we drank tea from garden leaves. We collected the leaves of all fruit and berry crops growing in our area, brewed them in a large teapot and enjoyed. We could drink several mugs, because it was so delicious! And even more so in the heat and after working in the beds.

Now I have a slightly different life, but tea from fresh leaves I still love garden plants very much and often drink in the summer. Here, however, I don’t harvest leaves for the winter, except perhaps mint, but in vain. I want to correct this situation, I will stock up on leaves of fruits and berries with you.

IN winter evenings with frosts and winds, they will come in handy. We will brew currant or raspberry leaves in a porcelain teapot and remember the summer, and at the same time we will treat a cold.

From the leaves of which garden plants tea is made

Raspberry, strawberry, currant, apple and cherry leaves can perfectly replace ordinary tea in the country.

Most often they are used. You can also brew tea from the leaves and berries of wild rose, hawthorn, strawberries, blackberries, lingonberries, mountain ash, as well as willow tea, mint, lemon balm, birch, nettle, dandelions, teas from fruit leaves.

While natural tea containing theine and caffeine is invigorating or calming, almost all garden leaf teas do not contain such stimulants. But on the other hand, they contain protein, sugar and fats, therefore they are very nutritious, in addition they have healing power and pleasant aroma.

If you drink tea from garden leaves more often in summer and winter, and the cost of buying ordinary tea will decrease, and the tea will be varied, tasty and healthy, unlike, which you absolutely can’t drink!

Strawberry leaf tea is obtained with a very pleasant aroma, and most importantly, very healthy, as it contains vitamin C, just like blackcurrant leaf tea - fragrant and very tasty.

Blackcurrant leaf tea is useful for gastritis, colds.

Tea from birch leaves, blackberries and lingonberries stimulates the excretion of urine from the body.

Tea with nettle leaves cleanses the blood, improves the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and is useful for anemia.

Raspberry leaves are wonderful.

A decoction of clover flowers restores body cells, and tea with clover smells like honey!

Ivan-tea strengthens the immune system, helps with insomnia and headaches.

Be sure to plant mint in your area. Peppermint contributes to the treatment of neurosis and angina pectoris, has a choleretic, sedative and analgesic effect. Tea with mint leaves helps with headaches, reduces arterial pressure, stimulates the work of the heart. Mint tea Invigorate in the morning and relax in the evening.

Dried mint can be folded into a beautiful bag (sachet), hung over the head of the bed and you will forever forget about insomnia.

Mint can be added to tea from any garden leaf for flavoring, as not all leaves have a very pronounced delicious aroma, and mint just compensates for this shortcoming.

If roses grow in your garden, collect and dry their petals, the rose greatly ennobles the tea and gives it a delicate aroma.

When to pick leaves for tea

The leaves, flowers and stems of plants are of the greatest value at the beginning of flowering. At this time, it is better to collect them for tea.

Since the flowering time for all plants is different, we can collect all summer.

Leaves of birch, currant, cherry, wild strawberry, lingonberry are harvested in May-June.

In June-July, it will be possible to collect leaves and flowers of raspberry, blackberry, thyme, clover, Ivan-tea.

And the time for collecting flowers of calendula, mint, chamomile is July-August.

Collecting leaves for tea should be done in the morning after there is no more dew.

Leaves of different plants should not be collected in one pile, even if later you are going to make tea collections from them.

Collect and dry each plant separately.

How to dry leaves for tea

Leaves do not need to be washed.

Drying leaves for tea is very simple: spread them on paper or cloth in a thin layer (up to 4 cm) and place them in the shade under a canopy. The leaves should not be exposed to direct sunlight, otherwise they will lose their color and aroma.

When the leaves are withered, they are turned over and stirred from time to time so that they do not cake and sour.

Dry leaves are cut into small pieces (tea leaves) and slightly dried in the shade or roasted in the oven.

Roasted leaves darken and when brewed, they give a more appetizing and fragrant infusion.

Leaves can also be dried rolled into a tube. Tea from such leaves is especially delicious. I found out how to do it.

To do this, the leaves are slightly dried in the shade, then twisted into tubes, covered with a damp cloth (towel, burlap) and left for 3-10 hours. During this time, a fermentation process takes place, which contributes to a particularly rich flavoring of the leaves.

The rolled leaves are dried in the shade with the obligatory access of air. Fold in a well-closing and impervious to moisture and air wooden or clay storage containers, paper boxes or bags, glass jars.

How to make leaf tea

Fresh or dried leaves can be used alone or in mixtures.

You can add garden leaves when brewing black or green tea. This is exactly what I do and love most of the time. Very convenient, and each time tea with a new taste.

Tea is prepared at the rate of 1 teaspoon of dried leaves per 1 glass of water.

Put the water to boil and watch it. As soon as it clogs with a white key (bubbles appear), the water is turned off, poured into a cup and the tea from dry leaves is poured in so that it is completely immersed in water. Close the lid and insist 3-5 minutes.

In summer, I don’t particularly measure the number of leaves, I take one or two fresh leaves of different fruits and berries and brew them with boiling water in a teapot.

And I make it from berries. Sheer enjoyment and enjoyment!

leaf tea recipes

In principle, the technology described above is suitable for brewing almost all leaves. But you can also experiment, make blends, make tea in a thermos. Here are some leaf tea recipes.

Rosehip leaf tea

Not only leaves, but also twigs and rose hips are suitable for making tea. We brew a pinch of dry leaves and branches with a glass of boiling water, leave for 5 minutes, add to fragrant drink a teaspoon, but no sugar!

Black tea with raspberries and currant leaves

Take 1 teaspoon of black loose leaf tea, dried berries raspberries, black currant leaves, oregano. One spoonful of the collection is brewed with a glass of boiling water.

Blackcurrant leaf tea, blueberry and stone fruit

Brew three tablespoons of the collection with half a liter of water in a thermos. Leave to infuse for 2 hours.

This tea is well absorbed by the stomach, it cleanses the body of toxins, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar, treats kidneys, utilities, anemia, acute respiratory infections.

A blend of garden leaves and herbs

It is even more interesting to make tea from a mixture different leaves and herbs. It turns out especially fragrant and doubly and even triple useful.

The leaves of several plants are used for blending. Pick them up according to your taste. But, if there is no experience, at first it is better to take no more than 4-5 components, you can start making tea from leaves of 2-3 types.

Before making tea from the leaves, they are collected and mixed, put in a jar and allowed to make friends with each other for 3 days.

Pour 2-3 tablespoons of dry leaves into a teapot, pour boiling water and let it brew for 10-15 minutes.

It is possible to infuse tea from fruit and berry leaves for a longer time, while the healing properties will increase significantly. But, so that the tea does not cool down when it is kept for a long time, it is convenient to brew it in a thermos. Although such tea can be drunk cold. Both hot and cold tea beautiful from garden leaves

It would seem that with all the assortment of tea that is presented today in stores, we should have forgotten about herbal infusions a long time ago. But, nevertheless, they are still popular, and even many refuse industrial drinks, returning to what nature gives us. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to go to forests and fields in order to prepare fragrant raw materials. You can collect plant leaves in your own garden or from relatives and friends if you don’t have your own plot.

In any garden there is sure to be a blackcurrant. And this plant is already enough to stock up for the winter fragrant and useful blank for infusion. The main thing is not to forget about how to properly collect and dry currant leaves. Then all their properties will be fully preserved until the next harvest. You can even freeze future tea if there is nowhere to lay out the leaves to dry, and there is no place to store them later. Or even puzzled by fermentation, when there is a desire to get something new and it is absolutely not a pity for time.

Currant leaves do not just allow you to make amazingly fragrant tea. Such an infusion can help with colds (this plant contains great amount vitamin C), prevent diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, normalize the condition of the oral cavity, improve digestion. This is not limited to - the vitamins and minerals contained in them have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole.

In order to preserve all the properties of currants, it is very important to choose right time to collect them. Of course, the easiest way is to go to the garden and pick leaves, since they remain green almost until autumn. But, made from such raw materials, tea will be fragrant and tasty, but there will be practically no benefit in it.

The optimal time for harvesting currant leaves is the time of flowering. It is at this time that the plant contains a maximum of vitamins and minerals. Usually it begins to bloom in late May - early June. But today many new varieties have been bred, which may differ in characteristics from the species we are used to. Therefore, when planning the collection of fragrant leaves for the winter for tea, first of all, you should focus on the appearance of flowers on the branches, and not on the calendar.

The second important condition is the time of day. collection specialists medicinal plants it is recommended to harvest in the morning, around 10 - 11 o'clock, when the dew on the leaves has already dried up, and the sun has not yet begun to bake. In addition, it is advisable to wait for the day when there is no rain. Wet leaves will not dry properly. Most likely, they will grow moldy, and all the work will go in vain.

Another interesting point that is often taken into account by those who are engaged in the preparation of plant materials for tea is the cycles of the Earth's natural satellite. It is believed that best time for the collection of medicinal plants is the growing moon. During this period, they contain the maximum concentration of vitamins and minerals.

In general, there is nothing difficult in harvesting currant leaves, especially if you have your own garden. You just need to wait until the bushes are covered with flowers, the weather will be dry, the moon will begin to grow, and you can start collecting. It is worth picking off whole leaves, without signs of disease and damage by pests. Perfect option- upper young shoots. Such rules are the same when collecting raspberry leaves for tea.

Procurement and storage rules

No less important is the collection and how the drying of raw materials will be carried out. Even properly harvested leaves can be easily ruined if the wrong place is chosen. Although there is nothing complicated here. The main conditions that must be observed are:

  • warm;
  • dryness;
  • lack of direct sun;
  • Fresh air.

That is, it is enough to find a place where the rays of the sun will not fall on the tea, but at the same time it will be warm and dry enough so that the leaves do not get moldy. Now you need to lay out the workpiece on a clean cloth or sheets of paper. But in no case should newspapers be used for this, since printing ink contains toxic substances. Drying on such a substrate will change the properties of the leaves, not for the better.

Periodically, raw materials need to be stirred and checked for mold. As soon as the leaves become brittle, you can send them for permanent storage. Store dried currants in cloth bags or in jars with tight lids. The place where the workpiece will be located for healthy tea should be dry, cool, well ventilated. In addition, spices and other products with a strong odor should not be nearby.

Another way to dry leaves is the oven. It is good when there is not enough space to decompose raw materials and dry. naturally. You can dry it in the oven, but you should know that with such a preparation, some of the useful substances disappear. With this method, the leaves must be laid out on a baking sheet in one layer and sent to an oven preheated to 100 degrees. The door must be left slightly ajar. After 1.5 hours, the temperature is reduced by half, and the raw materials are brought to full readiness.

Alternative methods of harvesting leaves

You can still resort to a more complex, but allowing you to get an excellent result, the process of harvesting leaves. It's about fermentation. This method allows you to get more fragrant raw materials for tea, but it will take more time and effort than the usual drying.

Most often, tea raw materials, which are familiar to us, are processed in this way. But other plants can also be fermented. It is best to use one that contains in large numbers tannins, otherwise the future tea will turn out tasteless. And raspberry leaves with currants are great for fermentation.

The leaves must first be laid out in an even layer and left in the shade. For the backing, it is better to use cotton or linen fabric. So the raw materials undergoing the drying process will not dry out ahead of time and will not absorb harmful substances, as can happen when using synthetic fabrics.

The first stage of fermentation can take from 12 hours to a day. You should focus on the condition of the leaves - if there is no longer a crunch of the central vein when bending, the workpiece is ready for further processing.

You can also wrap future tea in a piece of cloth. This option is suitable for those who have too dry at home, or, conversely, too humid air. In addition, this is still a significant time saving - the workpiece is ready for further processing in just 5-6 hours.

After the indicated time has elapsed, it is necessary to twist the withered raw materials so that the juice begins to stand out. This is one of the most important moments in fermentation. The released liquid contains many useful substances, the more it comes out, the tastier and more aromatic the tea will be.

There are several ways to carry out this procedure. You can twist 5-7 leaves into rolls, and then cut them - this will turn out small-leaf tea leaves. You can just mash the blank well in a bowl until they become wet - this will already be loose leaf tea. Another interesting way blanks for fermentation - scroll vegetable raw materials in a meat grinder. It will already be a granular version.

Next, the workpiece must be put in a bowl or any other suitable dishes. Top with a damp cloth and leave to ferment. This process usually takes five to nine hours. As soon as a strong fruity aroma appears, you can proceed to drying.

Air temperature is very important for fermentation. The optimum is considered to be about 26 degrees. If the room is cold, then a cup with leaves can be wrapped in a warm blanket. If the temperature is too high, you should find a cool place, otherwise ready tea will acquire a not very pleasant smell.

Fermented leaves are laid out on a baking sheet and sent to the oven at 100 degrees until completely dry. It is important to catch the moment when the future tea leaves have already dried. Overdrying will cause the taste and aroma to become less intense.

Determining readiness is quite simple - if the leaves break when pressed, and do not crumple, then you can pull them out of the oven. Such tea should be stored in cloth bags or in glass jars in a dark, cool room.

By the way, the collected leaves can be frozen. It is believed that everything useful material much better preserved. But many note that such a preparation is less fragrant than dried.

Of course, if there is no place to lay out the leaves, and you don’t want to use the oven so as not to lose even some of the useful properties, then it’s best to freeze the leaves. To do this, the collected raw materials must be washed well, dried, cut into pieces and put into bags. It is worth giving the workpiece a flat shape - it will be easier to store in the refrigerator and then defrost faster.

It is to prepare currant leaves for the winter for a tasty and useful infusion there is nothing difficult. You just need to choose the right time to collect and dry or freeze the leaves. And then in winter it will be possible not only to enjoy fragrant tea but also forget about colds.

photo:, ewastudio, ursolv, Rawlik