What to drink tea with mint. Mint tea with ginger and honey

Mint tea- This is a delicious and loved by many drink. Modern research has shown that mint leaf tea is great for both adults and children. Furthermore, flavored drink has many useful properties and has a positive effect on the human body. So what do we know about the benefits and harms of mint tea?

A little about mint

Mint is an herb with many health benefits. The composition of this medicinal plant contains such components necessary for the human body as: menthol, carotene, glucose, arginine, ascorbic acid. Also, mint is rich in tannins, phytosterols, saponins, essential oils, resins, oleic and chlorogenic acids.

It has long been known that mint leaves in tea can alleviate a person's condition in the heat, strengthen the immune system, act as an excellent additional medicine for ARVI diseases, and also calm the nervous system, relieve tension, help fight insomnia and restless sleep.

In addition, mint leaves were used in the treatment of diseases of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system, helped to cope with headaches and menstrual pain, alleviate the course of toxicosis.

That is, we can say that different types of mint were used by our ancestors as a medicinal herb for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Useful properties of mint are used today. The most striking example of this is mint tea.

Useful properties of mint in tea

Mint is a medicinal plant and for good reason, because it has at least three useful properties:

1. Pain reliever

2. Soothes

3. Tones

Thanks to such an additive in tea, the drink begins to positively affect the human body. Peppermint tea has the following health benefits:

Diuretic action

Promotes fat burning

biliary action

Eliminates nausea and vomiting

・Soothing effect

Eliminates bad smell from mouth

・Pain relieving effect

· Strengthens the immune system

・Anti-inflammatory action

・Antibacterial action

Relieves seasickness

Eliminates constipation

From the foregoing, we can conclude that mint tea - great helper at huge number diseases and conditions, which, of course, disposes to its use.

Harm of mint tea for human health

Despite the fact that a tea drink with mint leaves, and the plant itself, have a large number of useful properties, this does not mean that there are no contraindications to drinking mint tea. Tea with mint leaves can be harmful, and this drink is not recommended for people with certain diseases and conditions. So who shouldn't drink mint tea?

Pregnant and lactating women

For pregnant women and mothers during lactation, mint tea in the diet is allowed, but in minimal quantities. Abuse of the drink is fraught with early miscarriage and lack of breast milk.

People who are allergic to mint or menthol

An allergy to menthol or the plant itself often manifests itself in childhood. If you know about the presence of an allergic reaction, then you should not tempt fate and it is better to find an alternative to fragrant mint tea. If an allergy appeared or was discovered in the process of drinking tea with mint leaves, then it is necessary to immediately exclude this drink from the diet and consult an allergist.

Hypotonic patients

Peppermint tea is one of the drinks that perfectly lowers blood pressure, and is recommended for hypertensive patients. However, for people who suffer from chronic low blood pressure, mint tea can cause serious harm to health.

People prone to heartburn

In addition to the above, mint tea poses a threat to men, as a drink with the leaves of a medicinal plant lowers the level of testosterone hormone and reduces potency.

Also, uncontrolled use of mint tea can be fraught with many serious deviations. The optimal dosage is one cup of tea per day. Nothing can be as harmful as the consumption of a product in unlimited quantities.

How to brew mint tea?

Tea connoisseurs will say that the taste, aroma and, most importantly, the benefits of the drink depend on the correctness and literacy of the process of its preparation. Brewing tea has long been included in the traditional national rituals of many peoples, but how to brew tea with mint leaves at home, preserving the maximum benefit in it, without resorting to the methods of distant peoples and ancient ancestors?

Peppermint tea is not particularly difficult to brew. For the preparation of a refreshing drink, black and green tea.

The first step is to boil water to make tea. Water must be boiled for several minutes, and then allowed to cool to 90-100 degrees. By the way, a drink with mint leaves retains the maximum benefit in a ceramic or glass teapot. Before brewing tea, the teapot should be warmed up. To do this, it is enough to rinse the vessel with boiling water several times.

Mint must be prepared in advance by cutting it the size of tea leaves. In this form, mint juice will enrich the taste as much as possible. tea drink. When brewing components, you should pay attention that mint dust should be slightly less than tea leaves. Having determined the proportions, mix the ingredients and pour boiling water (90-100 degrees).

The last step is to let the tea brew. To do this, close the teapot with a lid and wrap it with a warm towel. Usually, 15 minutes is enough for a fragrant and healthy tea.

Having studied the rules for brewing mint tea, we can conclude that it is not necessary to make special efforts to preserve the beneficial properties of the drink. The process of making tea with mint leaves does not take much time, but it will give the whole spectrum of its positive impact on the human body.

The effect of mint tea on children

As for mint tea in the diet of children, here we can say for sure that children under 5 years old should not drink tea with mint leaves. But even after the fifth year of life, you should not give a child a tea drink containing mint as well as an adult. The dosage of mint in tea should be reduced by 2 or even 3 times so as not to harm the health of the child.

These complications include an allergic reaction to herbaceous plant or menthol, itching of the skin, redness and rash.

Moreover, scientists have not yet investigated the question of the effect of mint on children's body, therefore, it is impossible to boldly argue about the benefits or harms of tea with mint leaves for children. Before deciding to include peppermint tea in your child's diet, you should consult with your pediatrician.

In conclusion, we can say that, of course, both mint, as a plant, and tea containing mint leaves are a storehouse useful substances. But you should use such a drink with extreme caution, not exceeding the dosage norm and paying attention to contraindications.

Mint tea is shown to relieve nervous tension, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed in detail in this article. What else is different about this drink? First of all, mint tea normalizes blood pressure, prevents the development of inflammatory diseases, and improves sleep. However, the product cannot be called completely safe, and the harm of mint tea sometimes outweighs the possible benefits.

Cold tea will quench your thirst on hot days. A hot drink with honey will be useful during the cold season. What are the benefits of mint tea and why is it so popular in traditional medicine? Mint leaves are characterized by a high concentration of menthol, which gives healing drink unique aroma and exceptional properties. However, the composition of mint is quite diverse, and in addition to menthol, it contains:

  • vitamin C,
  • tannins,
  • betaine,
  • carotene,
  • organic acids
  • hesperidin,
  • routine,
  • trace elements,
  • terpenoids,
  • flavonoids.

Mint is a perennial plant that feels great both in the backyard and in a pot on the windowsill. By giving the plant required amount light and water, you can get an evergreen shrub that will delight the owners with fresh herbs for making healing tea.

Peppermint tea benefits and preparation methods

The presence of biologically active compounds increases the benefits of mint tea and reduces possible harm. The medicinal drink is indicated for gastrointestinal disorders, cholelithiasis, headaches. Indications for the use of mint tea are:

  • colds,
  • nausea,
  • neuralgic pains,
  • stomach cramps,
  • flatulence,
  • hepatitis,
  • increased emotional excitability.

The drink is indicated for secretory insufficiency and increased acidity of the stomach. Peppermint tea is useful for dysbacteriosis, cholecystitis, hepatic colic. Peppermint tea has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. The expectorant property allows the use of this remedy to relieve coughing attacks and treat diseases of the lower respiratory tract.

The product contains a high concentration of vitamins and essential trace elements. Peppermint tea is especially rich in potassium, copper and calcium. The drink improves blood circulation, normalizes the work of the heart, relieves spasms. Peppermint tea is indicated during pregnancy in the presence of toxicosis. The drink eliminates nausea, relieves stomach discomfort and relieves headaches. Mint tea in high doses is not recommended for low blood pressure due to the hypotensive effect of mint.

Mint tea with lemon and ginger can be called a real health drink. To prepare healing tea, take 1 lemon, 3 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 liter of water, medium ginger root and a bunch of fresh mint. Lemon juice is triturated with sugar, chopped mint greens and finely chopped ginger root are added. Pour in boiling water. The drink can be consumed both hot and chilled.

Mint goes well not only with lemon, but also with such useful products like clove, cinnamon and honey. For cooking medicinal tea, which will be useful for colds, take 3 tbsp. l. dried and chopped mint leaves, 2 liters of water, 1 lemon, 2 tbsp. l. honey and a teaspoon of cloves and cinnamon. All ingredients are crushed and poured with boiling water. AT ready tea add honey.

One-component mint tea is prepared as follows: 20 g of dried mint leaves take 500 ml of water. Insist 10 minutes. If necessary, add honey to taste.

Harm of mint tea

Calling mint tea harmful is quite difficult. It is not the product itself that can harm, but its misuse. In the presence of contraindications, mint tea should not be consumed at all. Mint is prohibited when:

  • individual intolerance,
  • in childhood,
  • reproductive problems in men.

Peppermint tea should be taken with caution at low blood pressure. The product is also not recommended during breastfeeding, as it may lead to a reduction in lactation.

Reception of therapeutic tea in patients with bronchial asthma should be agreed with the doctor. Availability essential oils and the strong action of menthol can provoke an attack. For the same reason, mint tea is not given to young children because of the high risk of reflex depression, up to respiratory arrest.

With excessive use of mint tea, side effects of a local nature are possible. Often these are allergic reactions, accompanied by skin itching and redness. In some cases, a mint drink can cause apathy, decreased performance, lethargy, loss of interest in what is happening. This is due to a pronounced sedative effect, which should be taken into account by those whose nervous system is characterized by depression.

The benefits and harms of tea from mint leaves, green tea with mint

Of course, the main influence is exerted by the main component - mint leaves, which can be used in dried or fresh. In their chemical composition about 3% of essential oil, as well as menthol, which gives a feeling of freshness, tannins, vitamin C. Almost all the properties of mint remain unchanged in tea based on it or with its addition, since vitamins and microelements do not die when properly brewed.

  • The visible benefit of mint tea is its ability to calm the nervous system, relieve vascular spasms, which leads to a decrease in the severity of pain. The menthol, which is part of the leaves, expands the vascular walls, having a beneficial effect on the blood flow. For the same reason, doctors advise drinking mint tea at night to get rid of insomnia, reduce arterial pressure at overvoltage.
  • The high content of ascorbic acid makes such a drink useful during a flu epidemic, during the rainy season, or simply with a weakened immune system, as preventive measure against SARS and ARI. For greater effectiveness, lemon, honey and fresh ginger root are added to the tea. Simultaneously with the strengthening of the body's defenses, the drink will warm and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve airway patency.
  • Mint is considered a very valuable plant for those who experience problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Here, mint leaves act as an antiseptic, helping to fight infections and also increase appetite. It is worth noting that mint tea also stimulates the outflow of bile, therefore it is indicated for liver diseases of the hypodynamic type.
  • The drink also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, protecting against strokes, heart attacks, and heart pain. It also helps to normalize the heart rhythm.
  • The properties of mint tea change depending on the temperature at which it is served. If warm will soothe and relax, then cold perfectly tones up, awakens, works almost the same as coffee, but without stress on the heart. Baristas took advantage of this feature, creating a non-alcoholic mojito.

If you want to achieve maximum benefit from mint leaf tea, the plant must be harvested before it begins to bloom. In dried form right conditions leaves will keep for several years.

Effects of mint tea on men

Mint tea during pregnancy

Mint tea for weight loss - does it make sense?

To whom is mint tea contraindicated?

Mint tea: benefits and harms, recipe, beneficial properties

What are the benefits of mint tea?

First of all, it should be noted that mint leaf tea is an effective remedy for colds. freshly brewed, hot drink relieve symptoms of the disease, eliminate headaches, improve breathing.

To prepare it, pour 1 tbsp. l. dried leaves. Add 200 ml of soft boiled water there. Cover the cup with a saucer on top, wait about 10 minutes. Strain the finished infusion, drink in small sips.

If a child has a cold, prepare a not so strong infusion for him. For this, 1 tbsp. l. dried mint, pour half a liter of boiling water. Wrap the dishes with a drink, wait about 1 hour. Strain the finished infusion, stir a little linden honey in it. Give the patient moderately warm tea, half a glass. With a cooled infusion, you can rinse the nasal passages with nasal congestion.

It should be noted other useful properties of the aromatic drink. Since the plant contains a large amount of menthol (which gives it nothing incomparable taste and aroma), a drink based on it has antibacterial properties. Therefore, some healers use it in the treatment of skin diseases. External use of the infusion reduces inflammation, eliminates itching, rash.

Mint drink improves metabolic processes, helps with gout, enhances immune system. A drink is useful for non-inflammatory kidney ailments, it will help in the treatment of the stomach and intestines. In particular, it is recommended to take it with increased acidity of the secretion of the stomach, it will help with colitis. The drink will eliminate increased gas formation, bloating.

Peppermint tea is useful for women during critical days, as it relieves pain in the abdomen. It will ease the symptoms of menopause. Pregnant women can also drink mint tea (as opposed to menthol drops and tablets). But they don't need to get involved. Just 1-2 small cups per day will help eliminate nausea with symptoms of toxicosis.


Let's look at the benefits of mint tea for both sexes. This fragrant soothing drink endowed with mass medicinal properties.

Health benefits of mint tea

What are the benefits of mint tea?

Mint and other drinks medicinal plants Today they are actively used as an additional tool in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections. Of course, the drink itself is not a drug, but it can significantly improve well-being. It is also known that mint teas reduce the acidity in the stomach. The processes of food processing in the digestive tract are normalized. There is a removal of spasms and inhibition of infectious pathogens. By using this natural aromatic remedy, we have a chance to improve metabolism. The functioning of the immune system improves. We also note the positive effect of mint tea on the cardiovascular system.

Mint for women

Now it is necessary to name a number of positive points that are important for the female. On difficult days of menstruation, women may experience various ailments, such as abdominal pain. In each case, there is a different intensity of pain. The good news is that peppermint tea helps reduce this discomfort.

Everyone knows that women different ages often suffer from migraines and muscle pain in different parts of the body. The drink helps to improve the condition with a headache associated with high blood pressure or having a psychogenic nature. And it also relieves muscle pain without fail.

Girls are characterized by mood swings, many suffer from depression for various reasons. This cannot be completely cured, since women's vulnerability and the tenderness of their character play a decisive role here. Fortunately, mint is available to us, when drinking drinks from this plant, the work of the nervous system is normalized and tension is instantly relieved.

At regular use Mint tea in moderation, women notice signs of a decrease in unwanted male hormones in the body. This can be determined by a decrease in the amount of vegetation on the body and a decrease in rigidity in behavior.

Experienced women in adulthood should know how mint tea is useful and, if necessary, use the drink to improve well-being. Women in menopause are often recommended to brew mint, as it helps to more easily endure all the physiological changes in the hormonal system that inevitably occur at this time.

Mint for men

Mint tea is not contraindicated for healthy men. Correctly selected herbal teas help the body to cleanse itself in a timely manner and resist the destructive activity of free radicals. When using a maximum of 1 cup of weakly brewed infusion per day, there will be no harm.

Men are not immune from the so-called colds. A weakened body, in addition to medicines, needs medicinal herbs. AT this case mint tea is the best.

You can use a mint drink as a heartburn remedy, a drug to reduce too high stomach acid, or a safe choleretic agent.

To calm the male nervous system, you can add peppermint oil to aroma lamps, drip mint extract into bath water, or relax on a pillow with dried herbs inside.

Evening cool foot baths with the addition of a few drops of mint extract help men get rid of excessive sweating of the feet and relieve tired legs after hard physical labor.

Do not abuse mint-based products. There may be a series side effects. For example, from too concentrated mint drinks in in large numbers there are deviations - a decrease in libido and negative changes in male potency.

Tea with mint: with moderate use, it is useful for the female and male body, however, the drink has contraindications

How to make healthy mint tea?

Standard way


  • dry mint.

To prepare traditional mint drink we need properly dried mint. The crushed leaves are taken in the amount of 1 large spoon. To mint it is necessary to pour 200 milliliters of clean boiling water. To get real tea, you need to infuse for 10 minutes. Ready infusion can be consumed with any preferred additives, chilled or hot.

Mint for colds


  • dry mint;
  • lemon;
  • natural honey.

To brew an effective cold drink, you need a freshly prepared classic mint infusion, the recipe of which is described above. For a hot drink, for a speedy recovery, you need to put a slice of lemon and a small amount of honey. It is optimal to take a drink 4 times a day, a single dose is about half a glass. The infusion should be warm or moderately hot. The nasal passages are washed with pre-cooled mint infusion and the sore throat is rinsed. At the same time, one should not forget about traditional treatment.

Peppermint tea for the stomach


  • dry mint.

Small doses of concentrated mint drink contribute to the rapid recovery of the body in the treatment of intoxication of the body or serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of an infectious nature. Dry mint is taken in the amount of 2 large spoons, crushed leaves should be poured with boiling water - 1 cup. In this case, it is necessary to insist the remedy for about 2 hours. Strained infusion should be taken three times a day for 1 large spoon, each time doing this in the process of eating.


We have discussed the benefits of peppermint tea, but it is also worth describing the contraindications in general terms. Despite the many healing qualities of peppermint tea, we need to be extremely careful.

  1. The inflammatory process in the kidneys or liver is a contraindication.
  2. Tea helps to reduce pressure, so it is contraindicated for hypotensive patients.
  3. When consumed in significant quantities, it is possible to impair milk production in nursing mothers.
  4. If a man is in large quantities drinking herbal teas with the addition of mint, then there is a risk of a decrease in libido and a dangerous decrease in the percentage of testosterone in the blood.
  5. It should be borne in mind that even in a relatively healthy body, individual intolerance to the active substances that are part of mint can be detected.

Mint goes well with black and green tea, and is also compatible with many medicinal herbs. This fragrant plant is actively used as part of diets. Drinks with mint are characterized by the presence of impressive doses of essential oils, so they can suppress the feeling of hunger. In order not to suffer from a pronounced diuretic effect, in addition to drinks with mint, you need to drink enough clean water.

Mint is an ancient aromatic plant that was discovered and used many centuries ago. The plant began to gain its popularity in Ancient Greece and that's when his fame reached Ancient Russia, then here he was given the name “mint” we now know. Generally, the herb is used in medicinal purposes, but also used in everyday life. She washed the floors, so that the air in the room became better. Similarly, it was considered an excellent hand rinse. Back in those days, people were convinced that this herb helps to refresh the mind. For this reason, noble people put wreaths on their heads, which were woven from mint.

Specialists distinguish a large number of its varieties.

What are the types and varieties of mint

  • australian mint,
  • pineapple mint,
  • pennyroyal,
  • water mint,
  • dahurian mint,
  • longleaf mint,
  • fragrant mint,
  • ginger mint,
  • canadian mint,
  • spearmint,
  • small-flowered mint,
  • peppermint,
  • field mint,
  • apple mint,
  • japanese mint,
  • and etc.

We most often find peppermint, field and fragrant mint.

The chemical composition of mint

Vitamins: A, C, D, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP.

Minerals: iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium, zinc, phosphorus.

Acids: valerian, linoleic, mellisin, oleanolic, acetic, ursolic.

Mint is especially valued for its essential oil content (2.5-4.5%), which consists of menthol and its esters. Interestingly, the leaves contain only 0.5% menthol, while the stem of the plant contains 40%.

mint calories - 50-70 kcal per 100 g.

Useful properties and health benefits of mint

  • has analgesic and diuretic properties,
  • helps with flu
  • prevention and treatment of colds,
  • relaxes the abdominal muscles,
  • improves digestion,
  • treats diseases of the stomach,
  • relieves flatulence,
  • helps with diarrhea
  • promotes weight loss
  • stops putrefactive processes in the intestines,
  • eliminates the feeling of nausea,
  • treats diseases of the respiratory system,
  • fights tuberculosis, asthma and bronchitis,
  • slows down the heartbeat
  • helps with hypertension
  • eliminates headaches,
  • relaxes the nervous system
  • relieves irritation and fatigue,
  • helps to sleep
  • strengthens eyesight
  • refreshes the mouth
  • heals wounds and bruises,
  • reduces the growth of unwanted hairs
  • treats skin diseases
  • relieves skin itching,
  • improves the condition of the skin and hair.

Properties and uses of peppermint essential oil

Peppermint oil is one of the popular essential oils. It fell in love with its aroma, which captures pleasant notes of chill.

The mint smell is considered to be feminine, it symbolizes her charm, courage, desire for adventure. The energy of mint is able to completely renew and restore a person's strength. That is why oil is often used to improve the functioning of the nervous system. It gives self-confidence, relieves irritability, relieves feelings of anxiety, strengthens the heart. In addition, it is recommended to carry peppermint oil with you if you get motion sickness in transport.

In cosmetology, it is used to treat skin diseases, diseases of the oral cavity and improve the condition of the hair.

Mint tea is good for health

Peppermint tea is drunk for calming and for spiritual harmony. In addition, the fragrant drink eliminates indigestion, increases appetite, and perfectly tones up in the heat. It is used medicinally to reduce cough and reduce fever.

Peppermint tea recipe

It is very easy to prepare. Necessary fresh leaves mint or 1 tbsp. dry raw materials brew 1 cup boiling water. The broth will be ready in 10-15 minutes. Optionally, you can add a slice of lemon and a cinnamon stick.

Is it possible to drink mint during pregnancy

Pregnancy is an unpredictable period, so there are still many opinions about the use of mint while expecting a baby. In general, mint solutions are not contraindicated and will be very useful, but in limited quantities. It is recommended to drink them 1 time per day 3-4 times a week.

During pregnancy, the herb helps with nausea, relieves colic, itchy skin and relaxes the nervous system. In addition, tea with mint leaves is very good for constipation, which is common in this period in women.

Contraindication and harm

  • individual intolerance,
  • infertility,
  • breast-feeding,
  • children under 3 years old,
  • low pressure,
  • varicose veins.

Excessive consumption of mint leads to heartburn and a decrease in male libido.

How mint affects men. Impact on potency

The negative impact of mint on male potency is a very common misconception. A negative result is achieved only under the condition of prolonged brewing of the leaves (at least 5 minutes) and drinking mint decoction in large quantities (2-3 times a day). If a man drinks only 1 cup of weakly brewed herbal tea, and even very rarely, then there is no reason for concern.

True, there is information that this plant slows down the activity of spermatozoa, but this does not apply to potency itself.

When to collect

The entire summer period is considered the time of mint collection. If you want to pick leaves for cooking fresh tea, then this can be done in the spring when the first sprouts appear. But if you need grass to harvest raw materials for the winter, then you should wait until mid-June. July is the peak harvest season. At this time, the mint has already grown and gained the maximum of its aroma. Leaves should be cut 1-3 times a month.

How to dry mint at home

1 way. Cut the grass stems along with the leaves and flowers. Rinse the lower part with clean water, wait until it drains. Then spread the mint on a clean cloth somewhere in the shade, out of direct sunlight.

2 way. Collect the grass in thin bunches and hang on a hook in a dark place. The room must be well ventilated. The sun has a negative effect on the aroma of grass - avoid it when harvesting raw materials.

3 way. For a quick harvesting process, an oven is also suitable. But this is not recommended, as many useful properties of the herb are lost.

How to store mint in the refrigerator

1. Freezing. Thanks to the manufacture of modern refrigerators, there is an amazing way to store herbs, berries, vegetables, etc. for a long time. So why not use this method and freeze mint? Especially great option is freezing, which will easily find their application. They can be added to homemade smoothies, as well as consumed in soups and salads. AT winter time year frozen mint can be brewed and enjoy an incomparable fragrant tea with medicinal properties.

2. "Wet" method. You can use a good option that will keep mint leaves fresh for 7 days. To do this, it is recommended to moisten a towel, wrap mint in it and send it to the refrigerator. You can resort to the help of another option: put the mint in a bucket or vase. Firstly, it will allow you to keep it for a long time, and secondly, it will saturate your home with an unsurpassed aroma. Only in this case it is necessary to change the water in which mint is standing daily.

3. Dry way. The "drying" of medicinal herbs has long been famous - this allows them to be stored for many years. The only drawback when choosing this method is that over time, mint loses its beneficial properties. That is why it is best to renew the supply of mint every year. Drying methods have been discussed above.

The use of mint for health and beauty

Mint treatment

For insomnia, headaches and irritability. Drink mint tea 1-2 times a day.

With increased acidity. 20 g mint + 10 g valerian + 15 g chamomile + 10 g dill seeds + 10 g caraway seeds + 5 g hops. Pour the herbal mixture with 5 cups of boiling water. Take a decoction in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 glass every 2 hours throughout the day.

For digestion. Take 1 glass of peppermint decoction in the morning and evening.

From wounds and bruises. Grind the mint and apply it as a compress on the sore spot. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes.

For the oral cavity. With inflammation of the gums and their bleeding, rinse your mouth with a decoction of mint. It is recommended to brush your teeth with tooth powder, which includes grass.

Applying mint to your face

Mask for oily skin. Grind fresh leaves or add water to dry raw materials. Apply the herb on your face and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. You can add 1-2 drops of peppermint essential oil to your favorite cosmetic product or base oil.

Moisturizing mask. 1 tbsp chopped leaves of the plant (or 1 drop of essential oil) + 1-2 tbsp. olive oil or honey. The mixture is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes.

Ice cubes for the face. Prepare a decoction of mint and fill ice molds with it. Wipe the face with ready-made cubes in the morning and evening. This method perfectly tones the skin, gives it a healthy look, a blush appears. In addition, there is a narrowing of the pores. The method is not suitable for sensitive skin.

How to use for hair

Mint improves hair growth, gives them shine, and prevents them from tangling. Apply 2-3 drops of essential oil to the comb and distribute it along the entire length of the curls.

rinse aid. Prepare 0.5-1 l (depending on the length of the hair) mint decoction. Rinse your head with it after washing your hair, you do not need to rinse it off.

Application in cooking

The herb is used in the preparation of smoothies, cocktails, soups, fruit and vegetable salads. Mint attached extraordinary taste and flavor to dishes and confectionery. For example, gingerbread with mint is very famous. It has become fashionable to use it as a flavoring for soft drinks, such as lemonades.

Recipes with mint

Chocolate mint cocktail

Mint is very popular and loved folk remedy. Its healing properties help to overcome many ailments, and the tonic aroma relaxes and calms the nervous system.

Main component healthy drink are mint leaves, which gives a unique taste and aroma. The most popular types of plants are pepper, field and long-leaved. Their properties are used in medicine, cooking, cosmetology. The plant has its famous smell thanks to the menthol it contains: it is refreshing and has beneficial properties. The benefits and harms of mint tea will be revealed below.

The benefits of mint tea

The benefits of a mint drink are due to the content of vitamin C and carotene, tannins, essential oils, and natural acids.

Peppermint tea has a long list of beneficial, healing properties for the body that are not capable of causing harm. healthy person. It has analgesic, choleretic, bactericidal, diuretic, vasodilating effects.

In addition, the benefits of mint tea, drunk at night, is to relieve tension after a hard day's work, to calm the shattered nervous system. It will relieve spasms and pain in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in the lower abdomen during female menstruation, and facilitate the transition to the menopause stage. Peppermint tea is good for diabetics.

A mint drink will benefit in the following situations:

  • during the period of colds, it will alleviate the condition of the sick person, as it has a preventive property;
  • useful in diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • with problems with sleep, nervous overexcitation, headache, irritability;
  • during periods of decline;
  • with problems with the gastrointestinal tract: flatulence, nausea, heartburn;
  • in diseases of the cardiovascular system: angina pectoris, hypertension; mint tea is especially useful for high blood pressure, contributes to its normalization;
  • in cases of diseases of the stomach with low acidity;
  • with diseases of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder.

mint tea calories

Peppermint tea can be safely included in the diet of a person seeking to reduce weight or keep it at one mark. In addition to the undeniable benefits and no harm to the human body, tea has a low calorie content: only 8.38 kcal per 100 grams.

The energy value is distributed as follows:

  • proteins: 0.46 g - 22%;
  • fats: 0.08 g - 9%;
  • carbohydrates: 1.7 g - 81%.

Benefits of mint tea for women

The benefits of mint tea for women are worth special attention.

Due to the useful property to normalize the hormonal background of a woman, a vegetable drink facilitates the passage of menstruation, relieves pain and cramps. Entering the menopause will make it softer and more inconspicuous. In addition, it will relieve nervous tension and stress during this difficult period. Also, the normalization of hormonal levels leads to the fact that women stop hair growth in unwanted places.

Useful tea is used as an adjuvant therapy in the treatment of gynecological inflammatory diseases due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

A mint drink will be useful for girls in their puberty, as it is effective in caring for oily skin, in the fight against skin rashes, acne, dermatitis. It helps to narrow pores and eliminate oily sheen without harming the skin.

Peppermint tea, due to its properties, smoothes wrinkles, refreshes, tones the skin, relieves fatigue. That's why useful plant actively used in cosmetology, adding to lotions, face masks, or simply frozen and rubbed with cubes of ice broth on the face.

Can pregnant women drink peppermint tea?

During pregnancy, a woman is forbidden to take most drugs, as they can be harmful expectant mother and fetus. Mint tea during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, is also undesirable to use.

Attention! Mint is a medicinal herb, it actively affects the body, so mint tea can be drunk only after consulting a doctor and in limited quantities.

Along with the undeniable benefits, mint tea can be harmful: bring the uterus of a pregnant woman into tone and provoke premature birth. This property is caused by the content of the hormone estrogen.

At the same time, during the normal course of pregnancy healthy tea can be used to combat nausea, heartburn, bloating. To avoid possible harm for a child, you can drink no more than three cups of mint drink per day and only on the recommendation of the attending physician.

Mint tea while breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a crucial period in a woman's life, at which time most drugs are prohibited. nutritional supplements that can be harmful, since what is eaten and drunk by the mother enters the child's body through breast milk. Along with beneficial properties, mint tea has the ability to harm lactation. At the same time, it is believed that mint tea is a remedy that improves this process.

This contradiction is due to the fact that different types of plants have opposite properties. For example, the peppery species contains menthol, which promotes vasodilation. With a single use of tea from peppermint will benefit: the amount of milk will increase. If you drink a mint drink often in large quantities, menthol will do harm: it will reduce the amount of mucous secretions, including milk.

Spearmint does not contain menthol, it contains carvone, which will positively affect lactation.

Thus, with adjusted breastfeeding you can sometimes treat yourself to tea with a few leaves of the plant, it will not harm. If hyperlactation is observed, that is, there is too much milk, the woman has constant congestion and pain, you can try to slightly reduce the rate of milk production with a mint drink.

Is mint tea good for men?

The effect of mint tea on the body of a man is ambiguous. Its benefits for both sexes are undeniable. Positive effect for the gastrointestinal tract, sedative effect on the nervous system, tonic, anti-inflammatory properties.

However, with regular use of a mint drink in large quantities, the sedative effect becomes too pronounced, male hormones are produced less actively, therefore, if there are other problems in the genital area, a man may develop sexual impotence.

Is it possible to give mint tea to children

Possessing many useful properties, mint tea has a pronounced sedative property Therefore, children are advised to give it no earlier than three years. Even within the herbal collection for children, use mint leaves with caution, they can cause serious harm.

Important! Before introducing a new ingredient into the baby's diet, you need to consult a pediatrician.

If you start giving peppermint tea to a child before the age of one, this can provoke an allergic reaction or affect the heart rate.

After the age of three, soothing peppermint tea will benefit the nervous and immune systems of the child's body.

Benefits of mint tea for weight loss

Despite the fact that there have been no official studies on the benefits of mint drink for weight loss, many nutritionists include in the diet those suffering from excess weight people this component. This is justified. The drink has choleretic properties. Bile is involved in the breakdown of fats and facilitates the passage of pieces of food through the digestive tract. In addition, the aroma of the plant suppresses appetite.

How to brew mint tea

Making mint tea is a simple process. You can brew the leaves separately or add them to black or green tea to taste. It should be noted that green tea with mint is especially useful for weight loss.

To properly brew mint tea, you must definitely take porcelain or glassware. Pour your favorite tea and dried herb in a one to one ratio. Pour boiled, cooled down to about 90 degrees with water. Let it boil for about ten minutes.

Mint tea recipes

There are many recipes, each of which has a certain benefit.

Herbal tea with mint and lemon balm

Herbal tea is very easy to make. It is necessary to pour useful dried herbs in equal amounts into glassware, pour boiling water over it, cover with a lid and let it brew. Tea from mint and lemon balm is useful for weight loss, has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity, calms, and normalizes blood pressure.

Mint tea with ginger and honey

Ginger tea with mint is indispensable for weight loss. Due to the property of ginger to speed up metabolic processes, as well as the ability of mint to remove bile, it will become an assistant in the fight against overweight. In addition, the benefits of tea with ginger and mint is that it will invigorate and eliminate headaches.

  1. To prepare such a mint drink, add two thin slices of ginger root and half a teaspoon of dried grass to a mug of brewed black tea.
  2. Infuse for five minutes, add honey to taste.

Green tea with mint and lemon

it classic recipe which can be found from many manufacturers. But homemade with fresh ingredients is much tastier.

  1. You need to take twelve green tea bags and 20 grams of dried leaves.
  2. Pour hot water, cover with a lid and leave for a couple of minutes.
  3. Then in hot tea add half a glass lemon juice and honey to taste.
  4. Dilute this mixture with three glasses of water.

This algorithm can be used for a recipe for iced green tea with mint and lemon.

Such tea will refresh on a hot day, calm, relieve stress, help with colds.

Moroccan mint tea

In spite of unusual name, Moroccan tea consists of green tea and mint. Unusual is only the process of its preparation.

  1. Boil 750 ml of water in a saucepan.
  2. Put four teaspoons of green tea in one teapot, 60 g of sugar and four sprigs of fresh mint in another.
  3. Pour 250 ml of boiling water into a teapot with sugar and dried herbs, pour the rest into green tea.
  4. After three minutes, stir the mixture.

This tea has the same benefits as regular green tea.

Tea with mint, cinnamon and lime

For cooking, you will need half a lime, a cinnamon stick, fresh mint and sugar to taste.

  1. Wash the leaves and separate from the twigs, put in a teapot.
  2. Add thinly sliced ​​lime and cinnamon to it.
  3. Pour the ingredients with 750 ml of boiling water, cover and leave for about five minutes.

You can drink hot or cold.

This tea perfectly invigorates, tones and refreshes.

Mint tea with honey and cranberries

Mint tea with honey and cranberries is a healing nectar prepared on the basis of black tea.

  1. It is necessary to pour three tablespoons of tea leaves into the teapot, two tablespoons of dried herbs, pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for ten minutes.
  2. Rub 100 g of cranberries with two tablespoons of honey and add to the teapot.
  3. Leave for another five minutes.

Such a drink is indispensable in the cold season, it will strengthen the immune system, saturate the body with vitamins.

Tea with mint and milk

  1. Tea leaves and dried herbs in equal proportions pour boiling water.
  2. Add milk or cream to taste.

Such a drink is good for the microflora of the stomach, as it softens the effect of milk, restores the immune system, and helps to overcome stress and neuroses. In Asia, this tea is drunk to quench thirst.

Has a diuretic effect.

Tea with thyme and mint

Making tea is easy. You need to take dried herbs in equal proportions, pour boiling water over them and insist for fifteen minutes.

You can serve with milk.

The drink is beneficial for the nervous system and immunity.

How to drink mint tea

Peppermint tea can be drunk in the amount desired for a person according to the daily routine. In the absence of contraindications, tea is not capable of causing harm.

If specific goals are pursued, then a certain algorithm must be observed. For example, to stay awake throughout the day, mint tea should be drunk on an empty stomach and the next serving of food should be made up of fiber and protein.

Collection and preparation of mint for tea

It is better to collect grass during its flowering period: in July - August. Collect to produce far from roads, landfills, factories. Cut the branches along with the flowers. You need to choose a dry sunny day when the dew has already dried.

To dry the plant, it is laid out on a cloth or paper in a dark place for several days, sometimes turned over. Dried grass is stored in cloth bags or cardboard boxes.

Harm and contraindications

Mint - medicinal plant, has a number of contraindications for use and is capable of causing harm in some cases:

  • if a person has low blood pressure;
  • arrhythmia, low heart rate;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • pregnancy, children under three years of age.

The video will tell about the benefits and harms of mint tea:


The benefits and harms of mint tea are clear. In the absence of contraindications, it is not capable of causing harm. And the benefits for the body are enormous. Combined with others medicinal herbs the drink can show any properties depending on the desire of the person.