Green tea with peppermint. The benefits of mint tea, delicious drink recipes and cooking secrets

An amazing remedy for relaxation - mint tea - should be in a separate teapot in every home. The benefit of such a drink is that the body relaxes after it, sleep improves. A simple folk method will help to strengthen the shattered nervous system, get rid of insomnia. It is quite possible for them to replace sedatives, some of which can cause banal addiction or have other negative effects on the body.

Peppermint is a natural component that soothes the body and soul! But like any other potent remedy, mint has a number of contraindications, which you will learn about later. If such a “mint” tea drinking has become a habit for you, after a while your “steel” nerves can be envied. But you need to observe the measure in everything: even when it comes to unusually healthy and harmless mint tea.

The benefits and harms of mint tea: just the facts

Fact number 1. Peppermint tea, like peppermint essential oil, is an excellent sedative. But it is still not worth using it in liters. One small cup is enough before going to bed. The dosage must also be observed: for a single tea party, one mint leaf is enough.

Fact number 2. Peppermint tea is an excellent remedy for headaches. The drink can significantly reduce the blood pressure of the brain. It is enough to brew a cup of fresh mint, get comfortable and drink warm drink in small sips. You can add a spoonful of honey.

Fact number 3. Mint tea is also an invigorating drink. Brew green tea with mint and refrigerate the drink. During the day, you can drink chilled tea, but no more than two cups - drowsiness and weakness may appear. For greater effect, you can add a pinch of cinnamon or ginger.

Fact number 4. Peppermint tea can be used for skin beauty! Brew a few mint leaves, cool the infusion and pour into special ice molds. Such a massage with ice cubes will not only improve blood circulation, but also make the skin of the face supple and soft. A simple wash with chilled mint infusion will help refresh your face.

Fact number 5. Peppermint tea promotes the production of female hormones. The drink noticeably stabilizes the hormonal background and helps to cope with the mood swings that often overcome women during menopause or pregnancy.

Fact number 6. Mint can be added to green tea, black tea, chamomile, or any other tea drink. Green tea with mint is especially useful for the female body. It helps to cleanse the body, rejuvenate and lose weight. In addition, it will quickly relieve headaches, stress and fatigue.

Fact number 7. Surprisingly, completely different ingredients can be added to mint tea, depending on your taste preferences or the desired effect. Cinnamon, ginger - will give a charge of vivacity, honey and lemon - help to strengthen the immune system, chamomile - will calm, a combination with lemon balm will relieve a headache.

Fact number 8. Mint tea has some contraindications. Its use is especially not recommended for people suffering from low blood pressure. The drink contributes to an even greater decrease in blood pressure. Also, mint tea is contraindicated for nursing mothers, because it can provoke the loss of milk.

Fact number 9. For a pregnant woman, especially in the early stages, mint tea is a real find. Hormonal surges cause a lot of inconvenience. Taking sedatives is quite dangerous for the health of the baby and the expectant mother. A cup of tea before bed will relieve nervousness and irritability.

Fact number 10. Men should be careful with this drink. It calms not only the nerves, but the whole body, and in the truest sense of the expression. Of course, mint tea will not cause impotence, but a significant decrease in libido is quite. Only the frequent use of mint tea in large quantities can cause a similar result. You can adjust the use of mint tea to your advantage: for example, drink such a drink for a man during a difficult pregnancy of his wife, childbirth, gynecological problems and other difficult situations in family life.

Fact number 11. For young children, mint tea is not the best drink. It can cause drowsiness, reduce activity. But in case of excessive children's activity, for example, before going to bed, a cup of mint tea can only benefit.

Fact number 12. You can store mint in dried form for quite a long time. Many housewives specially dry mint for the winter. Of course, some recipes call for fresh mint leaves. But tea with the addition of dried leaves has no less aroma and the same properties.

In order to calm down and throw off the burden of everyday life, it is not necessary to resort to potent drugs. It is enough to brew a cup of aromatic tea with mint. The main thing is to observe the dosage and “do not overdo it” with a relaxing drink.

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Green tea It is considered one of the most popular drinks of our time, but there are still disputes about its harm or benefit. Green tea with mint is especially popular. The article discusses two aspects of the influence of green tea with mint on the human body, its benefit and harm.

Pro benefits of green tea not much is said, but in fact little is known. How to drink it? What to brew with? Will this ceremony be useful? Let's try to figure it out.

Green tea rich in and contains great amount nutrients and compounds, vitamins and antioxidants. But you should use it regularly.

As already mentioned, green tea is often used in everyday life, brewing it with mint. What is mint? What is this plant? Since ancient times, mint has been considered a plant that is used in the fight against diseases of the nervous system, with problems in the gastrointestinal area. Together with green tea, she is often treated for sore throats and colds.

In nature, there are about thirty kinds of mint and many are used in industry, proving their beneficial effects on human health.

Often with tea brewing It is garden mint that is used, which is available to everyone, it is called peppermint or lemon balm mint. Do you remember the aroma of this miracle plant? What kind of tea can be brewed? This is a miracle of nature in our cup.

Often green tea is used as the main drinking supplier for diets, it should be consumed every day, and if green tea is brewed with mint, then there will be even more positive effects. Let's give an example

  • Green tea with mint is refreshing in the hot season, warming in the cold winter.
  • Against colds and sore throats
  • The use of green tea helps to relieve nervous stress, nervous tension of the whole organism as a whole, peppermint essential oils help directly in this.
  • Mint contains a substance such as menthol, which is simply necessary for spasms.
  • Green tea with mint helps to cope with sleep disorders in both adults and children after 6 years
  • Very often, mint green tea (namely with peppermint) is drunk by breastfeeding women when they want to increase the flow of milk.
  • This tea is more beneficial for women than for men, because it is this tea that promotes the production of female hormones.
  • Tea infusion can be used not only inside, but also to wipe the inflamed areas of the skin, relieving irritation and inflammation.

Now you can talk about the dangers of green tea with mint.

  • Peppermint green tea should not be consumed by people with high blood pressure.
  • It is contraindicated in children under six years of age, because it has the opposite effect, namely, exciting them.
  • Again, men do not need to drink such tea, it produces female hormones, namely, it affects potency.
  • Also, pregnant women should not get carried away due to increased pressure. But such tea helps with toxicosis, this is in the piggy bank of pluses.
  • You can not drink it with heartburn and infertility.

It is always worth remembering the measure, you can not brew too much strong green tea, it is bitter and changes its taste. There are many ways to enjoy tea drinking and many recipes for brewing tea, but to this day, one of the best teas brewed with mint is green tea with mint. Drink more often, more and enjoy the taste while improving your health! Do not be ill!

Surprisingly, mint has long been considered a medicinal raw material. It was used to combat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous diseases, as well as colds and flu. In ancient times, mint was included in the list of sacred plants that can significantly prolong human life.

Nowadays, the scientific world is not so categorical in its assessments, but there are really a lot of benefits in this plant. In this regard, mint is widely used in the food and pharmacological industries, in perfumery, aromatherapy, herbal medicine and household chemicals.

In nature there is over 30 different types of mint. And many of them are used in traditional medicine. The benefits of mint tea are directly related to what kind of mint is used, with what specific herbs and in what proportions.

Most often, peppermint, field, marsh or lemon balm mint are used to brew tea.

Any kind of mint has a persistent smell due to essential oil content. It is this property that allows it to be used as an additive in cosmetics and spa treatments. And remember Ancient Russia, there was a mint decoction in every bathhouse! And after all, it was valued not only for its relaxing effect, but also for its disinfectant properties (to destroy bacteria from the surface of the skin and cleanse the respiratory tract). Thus, in the bathhouse they not only washed and steamed, but also spent mint inhalation. Double benefit!

Peppermint helps to cope with depression and insomnia. This can be confirmed by every phytotherapeutist. Try it yourself - take it before going to bed and you will have a great rest. Peppermint tea will provide you with a healthy sound sleep until the morning.

Mint, like a spicy spice, perfectly complements any meat dish. At the same time, the taste of the dish does not deteriorate, on the contrary, it acquires some sophistication, gastronomic charm and piquancy. For the same purpose, mint is used in cocktails, sweet desserts, confectionery and various side dishes.

In addition, mint is an excellent antiseptic, as well as analgesic and antispasmodic. It is able to reduce and bring to normal the acidity of gastric juice, increase appetite for those who suffer from its absence, invigorate and give strength.

Thus, mint tea cannot be excluded from our daily diet at any time of the year. Moreover, it does not matter at all whether you follow a strict diet or do not adhere to it. In the cold season, tea from mint leaves perfectly warms, in the heat - refreshes.

What else is peppermint tea good for?

Peppermint tea is great for soothing, so it is recommended. use for stress, nervous stress, depression. The result will not keep you waiting. Just one cup of mint tea relieves stress, calms the nervous system. And the person feels much better.

Mint in its composition contains menthol, which is known for its vasodilating properties, therefore it is recommended for angina pectoris and atherosclerosis. Menthol also has an anti-spasmodic and choleretic effect, helps to get rid of migraines and renal colic, removes stones from the liver and kidneys. And in the treatment of the common cold and sore throat, menthol is simply irreplaceable. Just imagine what the benefits of mint tea can be!

Now consider the benefits and harms of green tea with mint.

It is not difficult to prepare it. Just add mint leaves (fresh or dried). In hot weather, this drink will perfectly quench your thirst. In addition, it will provide freshness to your breath, help to cope with sleep disorders and even relieve you of toothache and migraine.

Green tea with the addition of mint is actively used for weight loss. The fact is that the polyphenol contained in such a drink dulls the feeling of hunger and helps to remove excess fat from the body. In addition, this mixture of green tea and mint is able to remove toxins and toxins, enhancing metabolic processes. Agree, for weight loss it is important.

It should be noted that green tea with mint is not recommended for everyone. In particular, expectant mothers, as well as nursing mothers, should not take such tea. Firstly, there is too much caffeine in the drink, and secondly, mint reduces lactation. This is worth remembering.

Mint is contraindicated for small children under 6 years of age. It has an overwhelming effect on the child's body.

Anyone who suffers from high blood pressure should not get carried away with such tea.

And further. Mint is a female herb, it affects the production of female hormones, and men do not need it. So, green tea with the addition of mint should be taken in moderation.

The benefits and harms of peppermint

Peppermint is a type of mint that cannot be found in the wild. Peppermint is an exceptionally cultivated plant with a bright, pleasant aroma and unusual taste. It is rich in essential oils, valeric and acetic acid, as, by the way, is common mint. However, they do have one difference. If mint is not recommended for nursing mothers, then peppermint, on the contrary, enhances the lactation process in women and can be successfully used.

The benefits of mint for men

As mentioned above, men should not get carried away with mint tea. This is due to the fact that mint provokes the production of female hormones, but testosterone in the male body is not produced. As a result, men's sex drive is reduced. It should be noted here that one glass of mint tea a month will not cause any harm. Everything is good in moderation. And for too suspicious and superstitious men, you can be advised to find another drug with the beneficial properties of mint, but without such a serious (for men) side effect.

The benefits of mint for women

For the female body, mint brings great benefits, this is undeniable. Studies have confirmed that with the constant use of mint tea, you can significantly reduce unwanted body hair in women (meaning hair that needs to be epilated). As a result, we have the so-called "mint epilation". In addition, mint tea helps to increase 1-2 sizes. breast volume and also boost your libido.

Naturally, for this, mint tea should be taken five or more times a day. In this case, the drink should be highly concentrated.

Mint is used not only for internal use, but also externally. Mint infusion is perfect for sensitive and irritated skin. He relieves skin irritation and cures unwanted breakouts. This infusion should treat problem areas.

Peppermint belongs to the mint family. The Mediterranean countries are considered the homeland. In our country, the plant is cultivated everywhere, since it is extremely rare in the wild. Peppermint is widely used as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes, salads, various juices are flavored with it.

The benefits of the plant allow you to prepare healing teas from it. Mint tea is able to have a positive effect on the body, healing and restoring it. However, the harm of tea for some categories of people is also not ruled out, which is caused by the rich composition of the plant, which includes:

  • tannins;
  • trace elements;
  • flavonoids;
  • carotene;
  • organic components.

Peppermint is also characterized by a high content of menthol in it, which makes it possible to use it in the field of medicine: rheumatoid conditions and respiratory pathologies are treated.

Green and black teas can be prepared with this plant and sold loose or in bags. It is recommended to purchase the leaf version, as it fully exhibits useful properties. At the same time, tea bags can contain a lot of garbage and processing waste. The resulting herbal drink has a fragrant smell and fresh taste.

Useful properties of mint drink

To understand the benefits of mint tea, you need to pay attention to its properties:

  1. Antispasmodic. Due to the menthol contained in mint, it becomes possible to get rid of a headache, which is achieved by lowering blood pressure in the brain.
  2. Soothing. Green tea with mint is an excellent remedy for relieving nervous tension, getting rid of stress and depression. Calming properties are manifested in the relaxation of the body, which is especially useful for people suffering from insomnia.
  3. Tonic. Helps maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the skin. To do this, you need to brew a few mint leaves, cool the drink and fill it with ice molds. Subsequently, ice cubes are used to massage the body, which improves blood circulation, making the skin firm and soft.
  4. Antiseptic. Antiseptic properties are manifested due to phytoncides that dissolve in tea, which disinfect mucous membranes and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. Antacid. Mint contains special substances that can reduce the secretory activity of the gastric mucosa. Due to these components, the drink becomes especially useful for people suffering from gastritis.

Benefits to the body

Peppermint tea and its properties can have a beneficial effect on the body when:

  • angina attacks;
  • hypertension, normalizing blood pressure;
  • colds, lowering the temperature values ​​​​of the body, while alleviating the symptoms of the signs of a cold;
  • pathologies of the gallbladder, kidneys and liver, removing bile, stones and sand from the body. Peppermint tea acts as an excellent diuretic, as it removes excess fluid in a short time. Thus, the drink is especially useful for lovers of salty foods. Mint compensates for the harm caused to the body by salt consumed in excessive quantities;
  • pregnancy, helping to fight hormonal surges, suppressing nervousness and irritability.

Also, mint drink becomes especially useful in combination with other ingredients. For example, black tea with thyme and mint has a healing and diaphoretic effect, which is important for colds. And tea with mint or lemon has a general strengthening effect, helping to increase the immune forces of the body.

Possible harm

Despite the beneficial properties, peppermint, as well as tea from it, can cause certain harm to the human body:

  1. Excessive consumption of tea can provoke drowsiness, apathy, and in some cases severe depressive states.
  2. Also, excessive use of tea has a negative effect on sexual desire in men and women. The latter reduces the likelihood of pregnancy.
  3. Peppermint helps to reduce the tone of blood vessels, which impairs the outflow of venous blood. As a result, the occurrence or exacerbation of varicose veins, hemorrhoids.
  4. In the presence of hypotension, drinking peppermint tea can worsen the condition, as it significantly lowers blood pressure.
  5. In case of low acidity of gastric juice, peppermint provokes heartburn.

Effect on the child's body

Apart from the possible harm of tea, the drink has a calming effect on the adult body. However, due to the not fully understood effects of mint tea on the children's body, it may be contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.

Due to the presence of the same menthol in mint from tea, the following manifestations can be observed:

  • allergy;
  • itching on the skin;
  • rash.

Even after the child reaches the age of 3, a tea drink with mint should be prescribed only after a medical consultation.

However, if the child has hyperactivity and increased arousal before bedtime, mint tea can have a beneficial effect on the child's body, calming and relaxing it. To do this, you need to drink black tea with the addition of mint at night.

Contraindications for use

Mint tea, the benefits of which were discussed above, may have some contraindications for use. For example, it is not recommended to use the drink for nursing mothers, as it helps to reduce the amount of breast milk. Green tea drink with mint is especially contraindicated for people suffering from low blood pressure. Contraindications are the presence of allergic reactions and individual intolerance to the plant. And tea with mint or lemon can cause even more harm to people with respiratory diseases. To identify specific contraindications to the use of tea, it makes sense to seek help from a specialist.

Peppermint tea has unique natural properties. Its refreshing taste, easily recognizable aroma and beneficial properties explain the drink's popularity among people of all ages. Its healing qualities are used in the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases.

Tea from mint leaves gives coolness, refreshes on a hot summer day. It will help cure a cold in the cold winter. It will give strength to a tired body, strengthen the immune system. It will help you relax and calm your nerves. A sip of a fragrant drink will improve your mood, help you forget about problems and troubles for a while.

Today we will talk about aromatic tea with mint, we will find out the beneficial properties of the drink. Consider several cooking recipes and find out if it has contraindications.

What are the benefits of mint tea?

First of all, it should be noted that mint leaf tea is an effective remedy for colds. A freshly brewed, hot drink will relieve the symptoms of the disease, eliminate headaches, and improve breathing.

To prepare it, pour 1 tbsp. l. dried leaves. Add 200 ml of soft boiled water there. Cover the cup with a saucer on top, wait about 10 minutes. Strain the finished infusion, drink in small sips.

If a child has a cold, prepare a not so strong infusion for him. For this, 1 tbsp. l. dried mint, pour half a liter of boiling water. Wrap the dishes with a drink, wait about 1 hour. Strain the finished infusion, stir a little linden honey in it. Give the patient moderately warm tea, half a glass. With a cooled infusion, you can rinse the nasal passages with nasal congestion.

It should be noted other useful properties of the aromatic drink. Since the plant contains a large number of menthol (which gives it an incomparable taste and aroma), a drink based on it has antibacterial properties. Therefore, some healers use it in the treatment of skin diseases. External use of the infusion reduces inflammation, eliminates itching, rash.

Mint drink improves metabolic processes, helps with gout, strengthens the immune system. A drink is useful for non-inflammatory kidney ailments, it will help in the treatment of the stomach and intestines. In particular, it is recommended to take it with increased acidity of the secretion of the stomach, it will help with colitis. The drink will eliminate increased gas formation, bloating.

Peppermint tea is useful for women during critical days, as it relieves pain in the abdomen. It will ease the symptoms of menopause. Pregnant women can also drink mint tea (as opposed to menthol drops and tablets). But they don't need to get involved. Just 1-2 small cups per day will help eliminate nausea with symptoms of toxicosis.

How to make mint tea?

To preserve the full value of mint leaves, prepare the drink in porcelain, glass or ceramic dishes. Pour into a suitable container 2 tbsp. l. fresh crushed leaves, or use dried mint. Now boil soft, purified drinking water. Wait five minutes and then pour over the mint leaves. It will take 300 ml of water. After 10 minutes, the drink will be ready. Remember that it is freshly brewed mint tea that has beneficial properties. During storage, it loses these properties.

As a prophylactic, drink this tea in half a glass 3-4 times a day. It can be drunk hot or chilled. For taste, it is recommended to add a couple of slices of lemon, as well as bee honey. It is better to give up sugar.

In addition to the traditional mint tea, you can prepare black and green tea with the addition of the leaves of the plant. Healthy and very tasty refreshing drinks are also obtained. Preparing them is not at all difficult, and the finished tea will please you with a refined taste.

Black tea with mint

To preserve the beneficial properties and taste, also use a porcelain, glass or ceramic teapot. Pour 1 tsp there. black tea leaves and 1 tsp. mint. Pour boiling water (90 degrees). In 10 minutes the tea will be ready. Pour it into cups through a strainer and enjoy an invigorating drink.

Green tea with mint

Pour 1 tsp into the teapot. Chinese green tea, put a few mint leaves. Or add half a teaspoon of dried herb. After that, add hot water, approximately - 70 degrees. Wait also 10 min. After that, the drink can be filtered and drunk. For taste, you can add lemon, put a little honey.


Indeed, the beneficial properties of mint tea are undeniable. However, there are contraindications for its use. For example, it will not benefit people suffering from low blood pressure, as it has properties to reduce it. Do not drink it to nursing mothers, as frequent use can reduce milk production. Peppermint tea is contraindicated in people with liver disease, inflammation of the kidneys.


We had a story on the topic - mint tea, benefits and harms, recipe, beneficial properties of the drink. We found out during the conversation that a mint drink can give our body. Given the contraindications and warnings for men, we can say that in all other cases, the use of this drink will only give a positive result. So drink mint tea and be healthy!