What are soothing teas. Sleeping drink from peony

Today it is simply impossible to avoid emotional and psychological overwork, so it is very useful to take tea that calms the nervous system. If you do not deal with stress, the result is emotional overwork.

Calming herbal tea

There is nothing better and safer than tea made from natural herbs, which will play a good role not only in the nervous system, but also in the whole body. To do this, you can collect and prepare soothing tea yourself in spring, summer or early autumn.

Don't expect instant results like from a medicine or a tablet. Soothing herbs are gentle, slow to heal, and have a longer lasting effect, rather than being an "ambulance" for which it is important to remove the problem for the next hour or two.

Here are some of the most common herbs to help calm the nerves:

  • Chamomile. An excellent sedative, relaxing remedy that relieves muscle clamps and helps restore sleep, stop anxiety, and reduce panic.
  • Melissa. Helps relieve irritability, fatigue, depression and headaches. Do not abuse it: with prolonged use, it can cause increased blood pressure.
  • Valerian. The most common soothing herb that has gained its popularity due to the normalization of blood pressure and heart rate. It relieves nervous tension and irritability.
  • Lavender. Despite the fact that it has a bitter taste, you should not bypass the grass - it perfectly fights insomnia and stress.
  • Motherwort - reduces susceptibility to external stimuli and calms the central nervous system. Strictly contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.
  • Grass Veronica. Struggling with chronic nervous disorders.
  • Ginger. With all its many beneficial properties, ginger, in addition, contributes to the body's resistance to stress, quickly restores vitality and strength lost during stress.
  • Linden. A favorite in the fight against irritability and inadequate emotions. When taken regularly, it will reduce the reaction of the nervous system to various pathogens.
  • St. John's wort. Very gently affects the nervous system, making it more resistant to stress. Use only St. John's wort flowers collected from late June to mid-July.

Stabilization of the human condition

You can, of course, drop everything and leave without thinking about the consequences, or you can swallow strong sedative drugs, from which there is more harm to health than good. But this is not an option, after such measures, it will take much longer to disentangle the consequences and receive additional stress.

Even weakly sedative drugs are addictive, so you should look for another way to save the situation.

A simpler and at the same time effective way out can be the usual herbal tea. It will not only restore the nervous system, but also give pleasure.

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Herbal preparations for the nervous system

In addition to teas from individual herbs that calm the nerves, herbal preparations, which are best drunk before bedtime, have a stronger sedative effect.

  • melissa;
  • Linden;

The components must be boiled for 5 minutes. This collection contributes to a higher resistance to various irritants.

  • chamomile;
  • mint;
  • strawberries;
  • motherwort.

Pour boiling water over everything and let it brew for 15 minutes. Do not abuse the infusion.

It soothes very gently, without suppressing the nervous system at all, thanks to which this collection can be drunk for quite a long period without risk to health.

  • lavender;
  • Melissa;
  • barberry fruits;
  • strawberries;
  • fragrant violet.

Brew and drink at night in a cooled form. Recommended for those who struggle with insomnia.

  • valerian root;
  • hop cones;
  • mint;
  • trefoil watch.

Let it brew for about 20 minutes and drink half a glass at night and before breakfast.

  • St. John's wort;
  • thyme;
  • chamomile;
  • Melissa;
  • St. John's wort.

Infuse for 15 minutes and after adding honey, drink regularly at night.

When deciding which herbal collection to opt for, it is better to use proven formulations so as not to harm yourself. You should not be amateur and determine for yourself which herb is suitable for treatment. nervous disorders, depression.

It would be correct to study different herbal formulations and only after that feel free to start treatment. If you do not want to learn the technique of brewing tea, then a good solution would be to contact the pharmacy, where the pharmacist will offer what you need.

The choice in pharmacies is quite large. The main thing is to buy tea marked “calming” and before buying, familiarize yourself with which herbs are most conducive to the normalization of the nervous system.

The impact of green tea

Green tea in modern society is probably the most common drink among all existing ones. Therefore, it is very interesting to know whether it has a sedative effect on the nervous system.

The fact is that the secret of green tea is that after the first brewing, it contains such tonic substances like caffeine and tannin. They give the human body vitality and life force required for a full day's work.

It is necessary to brew tea twice and insist no more than two minutes.

It will dilate blood vessels and increase the body's resistance to constant stress, gently affecting the nervous and cardiovascular systems of a person.

Calming potions for babies

It is very important for mothers to know which tea calms the nerves and can be used for their restless children. It is better to give them to a child to drink before bedtime.

Some of the best-known herbal blends for good sleep include:

  • Chamomile tea with honey;
  • Mint with hop cones and valerian root;
  • Chamomile and Melissa;
  • Fennel with herb chamomile and mint.

For babies who sleep very poorly at night and wake up many times, Hipp herbal tea is also suitable. Tea will calm the child's nervous system and provide a healthy and full sleep.

Everyone wants to have a sound and peaceful sleep, a balanced mental state. Therefore, it is worth figuring out which herbal collection will be most suitable for your own emotional health and for the nervous system.

Soothing tea or pills - the choice is obvious

Medicine today is a lot of artificially created medicines that are designed to help a person. But do not forget that any medicine other than help can also cause harm. Having certain components in its composition, sedative tablets often cause side effects.

Teas that soothe the nervous system consist of herbs, and therefore have a number of advantages over drugs.

  1. Soothing tea is safe for health. Herbal teas have a distinctive feature from tablets: they do not affect the liver and are not addictive. Strong acting antidepressants have a detrimental effect on this important human organ. In addition, tea has a relaxing effect and heals the body.
  2. Such teas not only benefit the body, but also have pleasant taste. Some people drink soothing tea daily instead of black or green tea. tea drink. Healing tea has a fragrance fragrant herbs which gives it a freshness. Unlike traditional tea, the sedative composition does not contain caffeine, which means it will not affect blood pressure.
  3. If tablets with sedative effect have only one purpose, then tea that relaxes the nervous system can be used as lotions and compresses for the skin. In addition, a wonderful decoction is added to the bath, and also used for inhalation.
  4. Duration of application. This kind of drink can be drunk for a long time without harm to health. Contraindications are assigned to people with certain chronic diseases, or diseases in the acute stage. Such criteria cannot be used to characterize drugs.
  5. The availability of herbal soothing tea gives it another advantage over pills. In the pharmacy, herbs have reasonable prices, so the purchase of a collection, which will include valerian, motherwort or chamomile, will not hit finances.

Side effects and contraindications to soothing tea

Despite the large number of advantages of a soothing drink, tea is also not without side effects on the human body. The composition contains tannins - they give an astringent and tart taste, and also have an antibacterial effect on the body, and flavonoids, which strengthen internal organs person. These components are present in any herbs, and they, in turn, can cause individual intolerance in humans.

Undoubtedly, soothing tea can cause allergies in people who initially have such a penchant for certain herbs.

Most often, the composition of such tea contains the following plants:

  • chamomile;
  • motherwort;
  • mint;
  • valerian;
  • thyme;
  • hawthorn;
  • oregano.

For example, a pregnant woman is not recommended to often take oregano and valerian - these herbs can lead to poor health. People with a weak heartbeat or low blood pressure should not drink tea, which calms the nervous system.

Soothing tea should be taken with caution for people who drink certain sleeping pills - when used together, the effect of the pills may increase. No need to combine the intake of painkillers and tranquilizers with this healing drink.

You should also not drink soothing tea before going to work or before driving a car. Such teas have a significant relaxation on the body, and therefore, the full concentration of attention, which is so necessary when driving on the road, is lost.

It is better to take this aromatic drink at night before going to bed. So it will promote rapid falling asleep, and eliminate insomnia.

Popular soothing teas, their cost

Herbal teas to relax the nervous system can be found in pharmacies: they are sold both in the form of tea bags and in the form of crushed fees. When purchasing a soothing tea in a supermarket, carefully study its composition - there should not be any additives, only natural dried plants.

According to their composition, teas are single-component and multi-component. If the latter option is preferred, it is important to know your individual characteristics body, so that none of the herbs in the composition are harmful.

Some manufacturers and their products:

  1. Soothing collection "Fitosedan" No. 3. It contains the following plants in its composition: motherwort, oregano, thyme - in equal amounts, valerian and sweet clover grass. In pharmacies, such a collection is offered in the form of filter bags. It is used for sleep disorders and increased excitability. The average price is 75 rubles.
  2. Herbal tea "Soothing" - collection No. 7. The tea is made in Altai and is also available in 20 bags. The composition is slightly different - lemon balm leaves, hawthorn, mint, motherwort, hop cones, oregano. The cost in the pharmacy is 90 rubles.
  3. Collection number 10-a soothing. This composition is made in the Caucasus. This is a whole-leaf collection of chopped herbs, which must be brewed independently, observing the dosage. The composition is much more diverse than previous drinks. This includes motherwort, oregano, lemon balm, thyme, field mint, mullein grass. Peppermint, hawthorn, blackberry leaves, hops are also present. The price for such a collection, having a weight of 150 grams, starts from 250 rubles per pack.

If there is no trust in ready-made pharmacy fees, you can purchase each dried herb separately and, according to the recipe, prepare your own soothing tea. If you have experience in self-collection of plants, then enjoying tea will have a double pleasure.

General opinion of people who took soothing tea

Most people who have used sedatives as a treatment for nervous disorders note the positive effect of plants on the body. People who previously used sleeping pills for REM sleep gradually abandoned them by switching to this amazing drink.

Sleep stabilization was noticed, a feeling of cheerfulness in the morning, which persists throughout the day. The soothing tea normalizes blood pressure, which has also been highlighted by consumer reviews.

Taking one glass several times a day, there is a decrease in arousal and emotional stress. In addition, such fees are recommended for the prevention of insomnia, and when increased risks nervous disorders.

Some complain about the not too pleasant smell of tea when valerian or St. John's wort is present, but this is only a small drawback of fees, because with regular use, the effect of the drink shows positive results.

Do not neglect natural remedies and choose drugs that introduce addiction. Normalization of the psychological background with the help herbal collection It is a slow but sure way to overcome stress.

The effect of tea, calming the nervous system

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O healing power herbal decoctions, teas from medicinal plants were known to our ancestors. Classical black tea tones, cleanses blood vessels, eliminates inflammation and stimulates the production of serotonin ("happiness hormone"). In the conditions of dynamic everyday life, there is often a need for relaxation, at least a moment of peace without disturbing thoughts.

Properties of anti-stress tea

Soothing tea before going to bed will help to relax, calm the nervous system, and normalize the emotional sphere. Such a drink is made from a collection of various herbs that tend to relieve nervous tension and can normalize work. of cardio-vascular system. In addition, herbal infusion helps with dysfunctions of the nervous system, heart disease, insomnia, childhood hyperactivity, and anxiety. Soothing tea can be easily purchased at any pharmacy or prepared by yourself.

How to make herbal tea at home?

The most popular plants with a calming effect are mint, lemon balm, chamomile, valerian, motherwort, St. John's wort, lavender. By mixing the ingredients in equal proportions, you will prepare an excellent soothing tea with your own hands. Soothing tea can be made by following two methods. According to the first, you need to fill in 1 tbsp. l. collection of 200 ml of boiling water, insist and drink half an hour before meals every day during frequent stressful situations. The second scheme for preparing soothing tea involves brewing a drink with a calculation of 1 tsp. for a cup of boiling water. You can drink several times a day as needed.

What is better to brew soothing tea from, what herbs can be mixed to achieve a good effect? There is different variants choose the one you like best:

motherwort, lemon balm, valerian;

Chamomile, mint, hop cones, motherwort, rose hips (crushed);

Lavender, green tea;

Motherwort, green tea, hop cones;

Green tea, mint, linden, chamomile, St. John's wort;

Oregano, mint, hops, St. John's wort;

Honey, St. John's wort, lemon balm, calendula, green tea.

Soothing tea for babies

Collection of herbs for children's soothing tea:

Oregano, lemon balm, chamomile;


fennel seeds;

Valerian, Melissa;

Chamomile, mint, lemon balm;

Succession, rosehip, mint.

In stores you can buy ready-made soothing teas of famous trademarks(for example, "Hipp", "Bebivita", "Humana"). Many of them are focused on taking before bed to calm the child from an overabundance of emotions, eliminate nervousness, anxiety, improve sleep, and digestion.

it perfect option for those who do not abuse medicines and prefers to make homemade soothing teas for children. If you observe the measure and proportions, there will never be harm to the child. Store-bought soothing tea for children is made from the same herbs as for adults, but their concentration and collection is different. In addition, each pack children's tea indicated at what age it is recommended to take it. Tea can be packaged or instant (granulated).

If you plan to use a soothing tea for a long time, be sure to consult your doctor before doing so. An excess of amino acids and active substances in tea can be harmful to your health.

Contraindications to be aware of

Despite all the advantages of such drinks, they also have disadvantages that you need to be aware of. First of all, these are the side effects of herbs. With prolonged use or exceeding the recommended collection rate, headache, drowsiness (especially when taking valerian), problems with concentration, absent-mindedness, increased skin sensitivity (St. John's wort) may occur.

Soothing teas are not a panacea, but a real opportunity to cheaply and effectively improve the quality of life, mood and the functioning of the nervous system.

AT folk medicine There are many recipes for decoctions and infusions that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. However, it is recommended to use them subject to contraindications. Harmless at first glance, herbs can cause an allergic reaction and others that worsen the general condition.

Chamomile is a plant that can easily cope with irritability. However, its use is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Motherwort is indicated for frequent tantrums and insomnia. Its use is strictly prohibited in the presence of hypotension and bradycardia.

Soothing tea can be prepared from hop cones. This is a versatile plant that can relieve stress, eliminate insomnia and nervousness. Contraindications to it are pregnancy, lactation, as well as individual intolerance.

A good tea with a calming effect is obtained from valerian. True, to obtain the desired effect, you need to use it for a long time. Melissa restores normal sleep, but is undesirable for low blood pressure, duodenal ulcer and kidney failure.

Soothing Tea Recipes

With normal pressure and heart rate, you can make a tea with a calming effect from St. John's wort and motherwort, 2 parts each, as well as melissa, yarrow and chamomile, 1 part each. Plant components are thoroughly mixed and brewed 1.5 tablespoons of the mixture in 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse the remedy should be 15-20 minutes. Drink the prepared infusion during the day in 3-4 doses.

To combat insomnia, melissa tea is prepared by brewing a tablespoon of the plant in a glass of boiling water. Tea should be infused for no more than 3 minutes, since a strong infusion, on the contrary, will lead to the opposite effect. It is recommended to drink the drink just before going to bed.

Also, tea from hop cones will help to cope with insomnia. The 2nd cones are brewed with a glass of boiling water and left to infuse for 10 minutes. Drink the remedy during the day in several doses along with a small amount honey.

Chamomile, fennel, cumin and valerian are mixed in equal amounts. A tablespoon of the resulting herbal collection is brewed with a glass of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. Take the infusion during the day and in the evening, half a glass. The tool relieves nervous tension and helps to fall asleep quickly.

Calming tea is considered great option rest from a busy day at work. It helps to relax, forget about stress and nervous overload. In addition, it provides positive influence for the whole organism. If you do not start yourself, then to achieve calmness and balance, it will be enough to try to alleviate your condition with ordinary soothing tea.

Peace of Mind with Phytotherapy

Mother nature took care of people, allowing you to enjoy teas prepared on the basis of herbs not so easily, but with benefit. Soothing herbal teas are considered an alternative to medications, they are best left for later.

There are a considerable number of plants that have a sedative and calming effect. They are successfully used to make soothing drinks. Use:

  1. St. John's wort. It differs in that it has a mild calming effect and helps to increase the level of stress resistance.
  2. Dog. It has an excellent antidepressant effect. In the vast majority of cases, it is used as an additional component.
  3. Peppermint. It has a hypnotic effect, improves the quality of sleep, helps to fall asleep and increases the level of resistance to stressful situations.
  4. Chamomile medicinal. In addition to a calming effect, it also helps to eliminate the phenomena of inflammatory processes.
  5. Hop. It has a sedative and anticonvulsant effect.
  6. Lavender. The plant is known for its useful properties, it is endowed with a wonderful smell and helps to effectively get rid of the effects of stress and overload of a nervous nature.

What exactly will the best option stress management is up to you.

What to choose - soothing tea or medications

The answer to this question seems obvious. Despite the fact that the pharmaceutical industry has created a lot of good products, they cannot be compared with herbal remedies, because they lead to the formation of a large number of side effects and effects. Concerning herbal teas calming the nervous system, they have a number of advantages. This is mainly safety, because they do not have a negative effect on the liver and do not lead to addiction (for example, compared with the Sleep Formula drug).

In addition, tea has a pleasant taste and aroma, and also has a relaxing effect and helps to improve health. Many prefer soothing teas over Chinese green or black teas. The positive side of their use is also the fact that they do not contain caffeine, therefore, they do not have any effect on blood pressure indicators.

In addition to those listed positive features, it should also be noted that soothing tea can be used to prepare lotions, therapeutic baths and inhalations, which cannot be said about tablet medications.

Such drinks can be drunk for a long time. Herbs for the preparation of soothing teas are affordable, because their prices are quite reasonable.

Characteristics of teas that can be purchased at the pharmacy kiosk

First of all, it is necessary to focus on the fact that in order to achieve the best therapeutic effect, you need to use teas regularly. This feature is explained by the fact that they are endowed with the ability to accumulate in the body. For children, most often they are prescribed teas that can be bought at a pharmacy as:

  1. Hipp. Made from a mixture of chamomile herbs and lime blossom, it improves night sleep. You can give it to children from the age of four months. The composition of tea does not include sugar.
  2. Nipp good night. It is used for older children, it has a strong sedative effect. The composition of tea includes ingredients such as thyme, lemon balm and hibiscus.
  3. I bayu bayushki. Sleep tea is made on the basis of chamomile, fennel and lemon balm. It helps to get rid of the discomfort associated with overexcitation, as well as colic and constipation, improving the functioning of the digestive tract.

Adults use these soothing teas on herbs from the pharmacy, like:

  1. Healthy sleep. It includes herb motherwort, St. John's wort, lemon balm and mint leaves. Thanks to this composition, the remedy helps to get rid of irritability, neurosis and pain in the head. It normalizes the activity of the central nervous system, helps to fall asleep and improves sleep.
  2. Stop stress cantata. The use of tea can increase resistance to stress, get rid of insomnia, anxiety and headache manifestations. Due to the fact that stop stress does not contain bitter herbs in its composition, it can be used even by women during gestation.
  3. Seven Herbs for Calmness. Flower and herbal drink. The composition includes 7 types of plants, namely: rooibos, oregano, mint, lemon balm, motherwort, lemongrass, blackberry leaves.
  4. Phyto-tea "Health Keys".

Herbal teas prepared at home

Herbal teas are considered safe and effective in combating the dysfunction of the nervous system and other organs and systems. To prepare tea at home, it is recommended to collect herbs in spring, summer or autumn.

Please note that you will not see instant changes. It will take a long time to achieve a positive effect. The most common herbs that are used to make soothing teas at home are:

  1. Chamomile medicinal. Chamomile tea is endowed with the ability to have a calming, relaxing effect. It also helps restore energy, get rid of depression and anxiety.
  2. Melissa. Eliminates manifestations of pain in the head area, reduces the level of irritability, restores strength. Please note that drinking tea for a long period of time can lead to an increase in blood pressure readings.
  3. Valerian. This plant is known to every person, it is endowed with the ability to normalize blood pressure and heart rate. Perfectly eliminates tension of a nervous nature and irritability.
  4. Lavender. Helps improve sleep and falling asleep, as well as increase the body's resistance to stress. This soothing tea is best drunk before bed. The only drawback is that tea made from this herb has a bitter taste.
  5. Blooming Sally. Increases the body's resistance to irritating environmental factors, and also has a calming effect on the central nervous system. It is forbidden to take women during childbearing, as well as breastfeeding.
  6. Grass Veronica. Helps to get rid of nervous disorders that last for a long period of time.
  7. Ginger. Ginger tea increases the supporting ability of the body, quickly restores the reserves of vital energy and strength spent as a result of stress.
  8. Linden. Linden tea is at the forefront in the fight against irritability and negative influence stressful situations. Regular drinking linden tea increases the body's resistance to negative factors.
  9. St. John's wort. Only the flowers of the plant collected from late June to mid-July are suitable for making tea. Helps to make the nervous system more resistant to stressful situations.

Each of the medicinal herbs has its own special effect on the body. This must be taken into account when making tea in order to experience the desired result. For example, before a busy working day, it is better to drink tea prepared on the basis of bergamot or chamomile. In this situation, green tea is also suitable.

If you suffer from insomnia, depression or advanced level anxiety, it is recommended to opt for lavender, valerian, hops or mint tea.

Teas with a sedative effect

An infusion prepared on the basis of herbs with a sedative effect has a minimum of contraindications compared to medications. You can cook it on the basis of one ingredient or several.

The following plants are endowed with the best sedative properties:

  • Valerian - has a relaxing effect, contributes to the normalization of blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Hops - eliminates pain in the heart, stomach and intestines.
  • Dog grass - helps to get rid of a depressive mood.
  • Lavender - helps to get rid of insomnia and strengthens sleep.
  • Chamomile officinalis helps to eliminate the manifestations of inflammatory processes and stress of mental origin.
  • Mint - speeds up falling asleep and helps fight the negative effects of stressful situations.
  • St. John's wort - helps to get rid of obsessive thoughts, anxiety and fears.
  • Green tea - due to the fact that it contains flafonoids and antioxidants, it helps to overcome stress and increase the level of efficiency.

Teas prepared according to the following recipes have a pronounced calming effect:

  1. Mix valerian root, motherwort and lemon balm in equal amounts. After that, take 1 tbsp. l. mixture and pour 250 ml. boiling water and boil. It is recommended to drink tea three times a day for 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Take 2 tsp. green tea and mix with 1 tsp. lemon balm, St. John's wort and linden. Pour the mixture into 0.5 liters. leave boiling water for a quarter of an hour, then add honey and drink.
  3. Mix 50 g of valerian officinalis and mint with a pinch of dill seeds, pour the mixture into 250 ml. boiling water and leave for half an hour. After that, the infusion is filtered and drunk half a glass twice a day.
  4. Mix the same amount of motherwort grass, mint, valerian and rose hips, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Drink ½ cup twice a day.

Adverse reactions and contraindications

Although soothing tea has many positive properties, it can lead to side effects. Due to the fact that it contains tannins and flavonoids in its composition, it is necessary to understand that it is these components that can cause the formation of individual intolerance and allergic reactions.

As for contraindications, they can be different, for example:

  1. It is harmful for pregnant women to drink tea prepared on the basis of oregano and valerian, because these herbs can lead to a deterioration in overall well-being.
  2. People suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system are generally contraindicated in drinking soothing teas, as they lead to a decrease in blood pressure and bradycardia.

Pay particular attention to the following warnings:

  1. It is not recommended to combine the intake of sedative tea with sleeping pills, because they can enhance the therapeutic effect of drugs.
  2. It is not recommended to drink tea with a calming effect if the work involves the need to concentrate or drive a car.

The best time to take soothing tea is in the evening, before going to bed. Reviews of people who took soothing teas are only positive. What to stop personal choice is up to the patient. If necessary, consultation with a doctor is recommended.

Statistics does not tolerate compromises, but only bare facts. Recent global data show that recent years cases of neurotic conditions have become more frequent, to which not only adults, but also children are increasingly exposed. The disappointing statistics are largely due to the crazy rhythm of modern life.

A person in the realities of life in a metropolis is constantly exposed to stressful situations. If such situations are repeated regularly, then there is a high risk of neurosis. As practice shows, the key reason for the emergence of most complexes and accompanying neurotic deviations is a person’s desire to meet high standards, which is set by the reality surrounding him.

It is not surprising that from early childhood everyone intends to present themselves from the favorable side - to look slimmer, more attractive, to demonstrate sociability and intelligence during communication. In the context of which there is a demand for sedative drugs that become necessary for almost everyone.

Phytotherapy in pursuit of tranquility

From this article you will learn:

The practice of the last decade has shown that the most effective tool in the fight for nerve cells are teas from special herbs with a calming effect. Here it must be stated that mother nature has taken care of the sedative properties that can be easily found in many plants.

If you have not started yourself, then you can limit yourself to the usual soothing tea. It is enough to set aside a few minutes a day for yourself to enjoy fragrant drink and the effect will not be long in coming.

The composition of the drink does not play a significant role, here your own preferences will give a great hint.

  1. St. John's wort. It has a soft effect. At regular use tea can increase resistance to depression, stressful situations. With its help, it is easy to get rid of the feeling of growing anxiety or fear.
  2. Motherwort. The leaves of a small plant are actively used as additional ingredient for tea. It is famous for its excellent antidepressant properties.
  3. Peppermint. Increases a person's resistance to stress, normalizes sleep patterns.
  4. pharmaceutical camomile. An anti-inflammatory ingredient with a calming effect.
  5. Hop. An anticonvulsant that has proven itself as a sedative.
  6. Lavender. A well-known plant that is effective in combating stress. It has a rather unusual aroma. Despite the positive properties, it did not find much popularity.

How to make fees

Each of these herbs has a special effect on the human body. Therefore, each collection should be formed from the desired final effect. If a busy working day is expected, and nervous system already "playing up", it is better to opt for bergamot, green or tea.
If you are constantly overcome by a growing sense of anxiety, depression or insomnia, then plants such as lavender, valerian or hops will be indispensable.

Soothing Tea Recipes

"Good mood"

Take 2-3 hop cones, a teaspoon of motherwort and a few leaves. Pour all the ingredients in 300 ml of boiling water and infuse in a thermos for 40-60 minutes. Tea can be added.


In equal quantities, take hops, St. John's wort and oregano. Thoroughly mix the components together and add 1 tbsp to a glass of boiling water. a spoonful of the mixture. Before drinking, the drink should be infused for 10-12 minutes.


Contraindications largely depend on the ingredients tea collection. Individual intolerance to any particular component deserves paramount attention. Almost all of these plants have some side effects. The only exception to this rule is chamomile.

For valerian, side effects are known and well studied - poor concentration, blurred vision, drowsiness. In this regard, it is not recommended to drive a vehicle after drinking the appropriate tea.

Soothing tea is a very effective tool in the fight against insomnia, stress and depression. A large number of plants provide limitless scope for the formation of a unique tea drink that will help fight exactly the disease or complication that worries you.

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