Green tea with bergamot benefits and harms. Types of bergamot teas and brands

The tart citrus aroma, which is often compared to the smell of cologne, is well known to lovers of tea with fragrances. It smells like bergamot (princely pear). This is a hybrid plant obtained by crossing a citron plus an orange. Drink and also essential oil, squeezed from flowers, leaves and fruits, is used in the perfumery, food industry, and medical cosmetology.

What is bergamot plant

The Latin name is Citrus bergamia. It belongs to the rue family, a genus of citrus fruits.

What part is added to tea. Add oil obtained from the peel of a citrus hybrid of Seville orange and pear-shaped lemon. This hybrid was bred around the 15th century near the city of Bergamo, which gave it the name Bergamo, that is, bergamot.

The subtropical climate is favorable for the plant. The main plantations are located in Italy (province of Calabria). It is also grown in the Mediterranean countries and South America.

There is also a herb with a smell reminiscent of its aroma - monarda.

Other names: lemon balm, bee balm.

Botanists number about twenty varieties of this plant, which takes root perfectly in the climatic conditions of the middle zone, but, alas, is less useful.

What does bergamot look like photo

Many of us love to drink tea with bergamot, but not everyone knows what it looks like. So, this tree, reaching a height of 10 meters, the branches are covered with long thorns.

Large purple or white flowers have a pleasant, fragrant aroma. The fruit looks like a ball or pear, covered with a thick peel. The inner part consists of segments-slices of bitter-sour taste.

Because of bad taste the princely pear is practically not used in cooking. Although craftsmen make candied fruit, jam, marmalade from it, and flavor tea with oil.

Benefits of Bergamot Herb

Monarda leaves are added to salads, meat dishes as a spice.

The beneficial properties of bergamot herb is that it has a mild analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and also immunostimulating effect.

Some people believe that the miracle herb helps to lose weight, supposedly burns fat.

Extracts with essential oil are added to tinctures for external use, which heal wounds, are effective in fungal diseases, and have antiseptic properties.

Read how to use essential oil correctly.

Bergamot: benefits and harms

Since we are trying to objectively consider all the properties of the plant, it is impossible not to note the harm of bergamot. Phytoelixirs and essential oil supplements are contraindicated primarily for allergy sufferers and young children.

In addition, doctors warn about their tonic effect, which causes insomnia, nervous excitement. External products are not recommended for people with sensitive skin: if exposed to direct sunlight, pigmentation may appear.

magical properties bergamot, of course, is not proven. However, it is often used in "love" magic "for wealth." Perfume, where there is a note of bergamot, is recognized as a powerful aphrodisiac.

Citrus bergamia also increases sociability and optimism, enhances creativity, clears the aura. Incense with the addition of essential oil relieves heart anguish, helps to establish peace of mind. Twigs, dried flowers and leaves are used in rituals that attract wealth and good luck.

Bergamot oil properties and uses

Due to its many medicinal properties, bergamot essential oil is considered almost a panacea. It is used for:

  • depression;
  • halitosis;
  • fungal infections;
  • flu, colds;
  • skin problems such as eczema, sores and acne;
  • burns and insect bites;

By adding a couple of drops to the aroma lamp, you can quickly relax, forget about troubles and sorrows.

Bergamot pear is widely used in cosmetology, both industrial and home. There are thousands of recipes, but, alas, we cannot acquaint readers with all of them. We offer the simplest and most popular options.

Composition for tanning

Prepare by mixing a tablespoon of liquid honey + three drops of magic oil. If you rub it, you will not burn, but the skin will quickly acquire a pleasant golden hue. Although there is a risk of becoming a bait for flies and bees.

Face cream that tightens pores

Ingredients: egg white + 5 drops of bergamot oil (mix and beat into foam).
How to use: apply for 5 minutes, rinse warm water.

Acne cream

Ingredients: add 5 drops of bergamot and thyme to 7 ml of grape extract.
How to use: apply for 15 minutes, can be used daily.

If a few drops of a miracle remedy are rubbed daily into the hands and nails, you will soon notice that the skin is moisturized and has acquired a healthy appearance, the burrs and plate defects have disappeared.

Bergamot oil for hair

To make hair lively, healthy, shiny, add 2-3 drops of oil to your usual shampoo. Just rinse your curls thoroughly, otherwise, instead of luxurious hair, you will get an unaesthetic washcloth. And masks for the scalp will help to cope with dandruff.

The antiseptic properties of the plant are used in gynecology. Lovers of home recipes douche them with thrush, cystitis.

Tea with bergamot, benefits and harms

Fragrant drink - tea with bergamot, not only has pleasant taste, is also characterized medicinal properties. It enhances appetite and improves the functioning of the stomach, improves immunity, lowers temperature, helps with viral, colds, eliminates fungi, reduces stress, and improves mood.

Which tea is better: black or green can be read.

They are flavored with black and green tea. The first has a beneficial effect on the skin, heals and rejuvenates it, it is advised to drink it in the morning or in the middle of the working day for tone. Green tea less popular, due to the high content of caffeine in it, the usefulness of the component in question is reduced.
I bring to your attention an interesting video with Elena Malysheva:

Note recipe

Pour quality loose leaf tea into tin can, add randomly 5-7 drops of oil, close tightly. Within 5 days, do not tear it off, periodically shake and turn over.

Such welding is much better than ready-made options, especially packaged ones.

Bergamot is an additive that reveals and complements the taste and aromatic properties of tea. Despite the wide distribution, only a few have complete information about the qualities of this product. Can you drink bergamot tea? What are its benefits and harms?

What is bergamot?

plant in question is a perennial tree. green it all year round. Appeared as a result of crossing orange and lemon. The ripening period is the end of autumn. This plant is grown in the same way as citrus fruits. The difference is unpretentiousness. Thanks to this quality, it can be easily grown at home.

The fruits are characterized by palatability and combine a touch of bitterness and acidity. Such properties are the reason why they are not used in their natural form.

Rich chemical composition and a wide range of medicinal qualities have led to the use almost all parts of the plant. The use of leaves, flowers, fruits and their peel is possible in various areas.

Procurement of raw materials is a simple process. It consists of the following steps:

  • collection of initial products;
  • drying in any way;
  • storage in a glass container (the lid must be tightly closed).

More difficult is the production of essential oils. They are also obtained from various parts.

From tea with the addition of pieces of bergamot peel, tea with the oil of this plant is more soft.

Useful qualities

The answer to the question of what is useful for the drink in question includes a long list of positive qualities. The latter include the following:

Cosmetologists use tea with the herbal supplement in question in the fight against skin problems and body pigmentation. For this purpose, a strong infusion should be prepared. Soak a cotton pad in it, squeeze out excess moisture. You can use it in two ways: wipe your face. Result after first use - anti-puffiness, skin hydration. With regular use, there is an alignment of complexion and cleansing of rashes.

The active use of chemical components concerns most areas of the food industry. natural supplements for tea can be replaced by conventional flavors. In this case, about useful and harmful properties speak inappropriately.

Possible negative properties

The fragrant plant in question can have a negative effect on the human body.

Possible harm Note
Feeling of physical impotence, feeling of lack of oxygen, pressure disorders They can appear as a result of the perception of a rich aroma over a long period.
Allergic reaction of the body The herbal supplement in question is a strong allergen. It can cause rashes on the skin and / or swelling of the nasopharynx.
Feeling of nausea, vomiting It is explained by the high concentration of thymol. Manifested as a result of excessive consumption of the drink.
Negative impact on the female genital area The strong tonic quality of the plant can lead to sudden violent uterine contractions and bleeding.

At the first manifestation negative impact on the body, the use of tea with bergamot should be immediately abandoned. Depending on the severity of the situation, it is necessary to seek medical help.

To avoid negative impact on the body Can. To do this, follow the quantitative recommendations. Up to three cups of the drink in question are allowed per day.

Use after a single non-critical manifestation of a negative effect is possible. However, in this case, pampering yourself is advisable. no more than once a week.


Can everyone drink tea with bergamot? The list of contraindications for such a drink is short and includes the following items:

  • the period of bearing a child;
  • any gynecological diseases or suspicions of them;
  • children's age (up to 12 years);
  • sleep disorders;
  • increased susceptibility to allergic reactions;
  • period of antibiotic therapy.

Forbidden combining the tea in question with alcohol. This combination has a negative effect on the kidneys. The result is swelling, pain in the lower back.

The essential oils of the fragrant plant in question increase the effect of antibiotics. Specialists in the field of medicine treat this property with caution.

Indications for use

Can bergamot tea be drunk for specific health concerns? Positive properties drink determine this possibility. However, in most cases this is not enough. It is optimal to supplement the prescribed treatment regimens with them.

Tea with such an additive is especially useful:

  • at not enough breast milk;
  • with stress and emotional upheaval;
  • with disorders of the functioning of the immune system;
  • with the development of viral infections;
  • with such manifestations of flu and colds as a runny nose, sore throat, cough;
  • with unstable blood pressure;
  • with flatulence;
  • with stomach cramps;
  • with urethritis;
  • with cystitis;
  • with atherosclerosis.

cooking recipes

Exist various options making tea with bergamot. The most popular among them are:

summer drink


  • green tea leaves - 40 grams;
  • bergamot - 40 grams;
  • lemon - 5 fruits;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • sugar.

Tea preparation procedure:

winter drink


  • Black tea;
  • bergamot.

Drink preparation procedure:

  • the teapot is heated;
  • tea is placed in it;
  • poured with boiling water;
  • insists;
  • a spicy additive is placed in another teapot;
  • poured with boiling water;
  • infused for a third of an hour;
  • the resulting liquids are combined.

Such a drink in the cold season is suitable for the prevention of colds. You can increase efficiency with the use of honey.

Varieties of teas with bergamot

The drink in question can be obtained in two ways:

  • by combining tea leaves and spicy additives;
  • by purchasing ready-made options.

The latter are represented by such samples:

  • Gunpowder-Bergamot. Tea is suitable for daily use. It is characterized by moderate taste and aromatic qualities. Based on green tea leaves.
  • Earl Grey. This drink is a tea with bergamot oil. The standard uses a black brew, but there are exceptions. The oil is made from the peel of the fruit of the plant.
  • Ti teng. This tea has a classic taste and moderate aromatic properties. Based on green tea leaves. The result of the use is an emotional upsurge and a surge of vitality.

Regardless of the option chosen, the taste properties of the drink in question are remembered for a long time. It combines spice, light astringency and citrus hue.

In the circle of relatives, colleagues or friends, on the run during a lunch break or leisurely at dinner. A cup of tea is appropriate anytime, anywhere. And if the additive in question is the basis of this drink, then the taste qualities are complemented by huge health benefits for the body.

One of the most famous additives used for blending known teas. The aroma of the resulting infusion cannot be compared with anything else: barely perceptibly spicy and tart, invigorating. It is not surprising that tea connoisseurs give primacy to him.

What is bergamot.

Bergamot is the name of an oily volatile substance obtained from Citrus bergamia plants. This is a subtropical tree from the Rut family, belonging to the genus Citrus, or rather, a hybrid obtained by crossing a citron plant with an orange. This variety was brought out in ancient times by representatives of Southeast Asia, since they have long used such essential oils to flavor local types of tea. There is another version of the appearance of this culture. Which considers the presented trees to be clones of wild-growing orange species. It is believed that the seedlings were delivered to the Old World by Genoese merchants. It is a tree, over 10 meters high, with branches studded with long thorns. The leaves have a specific smell, if they are slightly kneaded. Inflorescences, during the flowering period, spread a wonderful smell.

Ripe fruit, yellow-green, similar to lemons. The pulp of the fruit is very bitter, so it is not used in food. From the inflorescences and leaves of trees, essential oil is obtained by distillation. A quality product is made from the peel of ripe fruits, according to ancient technology, using manual presses. The resulting essential oil has a distinctly floral scent with pleasant citrus accents and a green coloration. It is used in products for the care of problem skin, in the creation of perfume compositions and the food industry. High-quality essential oil is produced on the southern tip of the Apennine Peninsula, in the province of Calabria, in the areas around the city of Bergamo. At present, plantations of cultivated trees can be seen on the territories of the Hindustan peninsula, South America, China, Spain, France, in the southern regions of Crimea and on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. They grow well in areas with subtropical climatic conditions. According to a number of features, experts can easily determine the region of origin of the essential oil. Bergamot, which is used to flavor dry tea, has unique properties and is made only in Italy. Fresh bergamot oil is recognizable by its greenish hue in color and surprisingly harmonious sweet smell.

With a long exposure of the concentrate, a coffee shade appears in color, and bitter shades appear in the smell. Positive traits Essential oils of bergamot are largely found depending on the place of manufacture of the essential oil.

Features of the substance of bergamot.

The volatile substance of the plant contains a number of original components that have a positive effect on the human body. Even in ancient times, healers in China began to use it to prevent many diseases. To avoid the development of allergic reactions, this substance must not be used undiluted. For external use, it should be added to the base oil in a ratio (1:10). Beforehand, be sure to test for skin sensitivity to the product used. Do not add the substance directly to teapot. This component is used only for flavoring dry tea before packaging in packs.

Indications for the use of essential oils.

Bergamot oil is used as an anti-spasmodic, sedative, anti-inflammatory agent. The positive qualities of bergamot essential oil are indeed varied. With it, you can:

  • Treat trophic ulcers;
  • Stimulate your own immune defenses;
  • Quickly bring a person back to normal after severe stressful situations;
  • Correct the work of the intestine;
  • Activate sensory sensations;
  • Restore the proper functioning of the fatty glands of the skin.

Many pay attention that tea with bergamot:

  • Increases efficiency;
  • Helps to resist colds;
  • Shows the action of an aphrodisiac.

It must be clarified that the positive properties of tea with bergamot are found only if real essential oil was used in its manufacture. The use of synthetic additives, desired properties does not give tea.

Contraindications for the use of tea with bergamot.

Like all substances prepared from citrus fruits, bergamot has properties that must be taken into account in order to prevent negative results of use. These include:

  • The development of allergic manifestations of the body to the presence of individual components of the entire citrus family;
  • The presence of diseases of the heart or blood vessels;
  • Violations in the system of hormonal regulation of the body;
  • Increased or decreased activity thyroid gland;
  • Exacerbations of acquired diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • Manifestations of a lack of pancreatic hormone;
  • Childhood.

Many have tried tea with the addition of bergamot. This subtle, spicy, fresh fragrance hard to confuse with anything. Some people become his admirers for a lifetime.

Ordinary black tea will permanently relieve depression if you add a drop of bergamot to it. You will forget about feeling unwell, it is worth introducing an invigorating drink into your diet. The yellow pear-shaped fruit is fraught with the secrets of health and beauty. The main thing is to find out who benefits from black tea with bergamot and what time of day it is best to drink it.

The drink of the gods: black tea with bergamot

Whether you are a true gourmet or a novice connoisseur of tea ceremonies, do not ignore black tea with bergamot. The uniqueness of this drink is in the combination of astringency of strong black tea and delicate spicy aroma of a unique fruit. One cup a day gives peace and confidence, two - fill life force and cheerfulness, three - give health and longevity.

The first question of a novice tea drinker is quite logical: what is bergamot and what does it look like? An evergreen citrus tree from the rue family with long spines and pear-shaped fruits of bright yellow color - this is what this fruit looks like. Essential oil for flavoring tea is obtained from the leaves, flowers and skins of the fruit of the tree.

Bergamot: pear or orange?

There are several theories about the origin of this fruit.

  • Story #1. Some lovers healthy tea consider his birthplace the town of Bergamo in Italy. Hence the name of the fruit. It was here that it began to be cultivated and sold through perfume shops as an oil.
  • Story #2. According to another version, the motherland is unusually healthy fruit- Southeast Asia. Supporters of this theory believe that the name of the fruit is translated as a princely or master's pear and is of Turkish origin.
  • Story #3. The third version has a touch of true British nobility. According to this theory, tea unique taste and pleasant aroma comes from China. The world learned about it thanks to the English Earl Gray (hence the name of the famous tea). The count promptly provided assistance to the Chinese ruler, and he, as a token of gratitude, presented his savior with a box with the treasured tea.

No matter how many lovers of tea with bergamot argue about the origin of the plant, they completely agree on one thing: it is an enchanting drink with unsurpassed taste and beneficial properties.

What is the use of unique tea?

What is bergamot in tea? This is a drop of essential oil, which is successfully used in medicine, cosmetology, perfumery. It contains over three hundred useful substances, among which a special role belongs to limonene, linalyl acetate and linalool.

Healing properties or what is useful tea with bergamot:

  • Calming: mug fragrant tea and you will forget about depression and bad mood.
  • Antispasmodic: significantly improves the functioning of the digestive tract, has a beneficial effect on the muscular system.
  • Antiviral: regular use serves as the best prevention of colds, perfectly strengthens the immune system.
  • Antiseptic and disinfectant: you can and should drink in case of infectious diseases.
  • Cosmetological: systematic use will help get rid of acne, solve the problem of enlarged pores and irritation.

When is the best time to drink this tea?

This tea is not just a drink to drink sandwiches or porridge. The morning portion will give an incredible boost of energy for the whole day. Experts have noted that morning tea improve skin condition.

A cup at lunchtime will fill you with strength, put things in order in your thoughts and help you get down to business with renewed vigor. You will forget about problems with digestion and fully focus on work.

Evening Portion unique drink will bring the desired rest and peace, normalize sleep, will beneficial effect for the entire body as a whole.

Can bergamot tea be drunk with milk or honey? Yes. Useful properties and healing power drink will not diminish from such a neighborhood.

Caution: bergamot

tea with fragrant oil endowed with great healing power, but not always useful and not for everyone. The main contraindications: pregnancy and a tendency to allergies.

With caution, it should be introduced into your diet for women during pregnancy. Substances contained in the fruit can provoke uterine contractions, so it is better to exclude this drink during childbearing. A nursing mother, on the contrary, needs to drink tea with a drop of an invigorating fruit. Tea with bergamot during breastfeeding is very useful, as it has a positive effect on lactation.

Substances that are present in the fetus can stimulate menstruation. Therefore, it is advisable for women to take breaks in the use of tea with the oil of this fruit, alternating it with another drink.

Should not be abused magic drink people prone to allergies. Like any citrus, it can provoke an allergic reaction.

Interesting fact. There is an impostor in the bergamot realm. From its leaves you can also brew a fragrant drink, but it has nothing to do with the world famous tea. The twin plant is native to North America and its correct name is monarda. No less tasty tea is brewed from flowers, stems and leaves of lemon monarda.

The last argument in favor of black tea with fragrant bergamot is that it perfectly stimulates brain activity, has a positive effect on concentration and improves memory. A great reason to make exquisite and delicious black tea with bergamot your favorite drink!

IN last years became very popular different kinds tea with additives. So on the shelves of stores you can find a great variety of such products for every taste and budget. Tea with bergamot enjoys a high degree of popularity. It can be bought both in the form of tea leaves and in bags for quick and convenient preparation. However, many users, in addition to taste, are also interested in the properties of such a drink. Is it beneficial for the body, or, conversely, can it harm a person? Let's try to answer these questions in detail.

What is the value of tea with bergamot? The benefits of the drink

Bergamot itself is a citrus plant, previously it was used exclusively in the perfume industry, but the British, having learned about the usefulness of this culture, created the famous Earl Gray tea based on it.

The unique qualities of bergamot were known to our ancestors many centuries ago. So the essential oil of this plant was actively used for antiseptic purposes in the treatment of wounds, stomatitis and a variety of skin problems of an inflammatory and infectious nature. In addition, it was used to eliminate an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.

The benefits of tea

Bergamot has previously been used to treat a variety of pathological conditions as a good alternative to antibiotics. In the form of tea, it helps to quickly cope with colds or viral lesions. Such a drink has a remarkable expectorant effect, lowers the temperature and stimulates the processes of separation. In addition, it well activates the body's defenses.

Systematic consumption of bergamot tea can improve skin turgor by an order of magnitude. In addition, such a drink perfectly narrows the pores and reduces the intensity of the activity of the sebaceous glands. Accordingly, its systematic consumption helps to give the skin a healthy color, smooth it and even eliminate various kinds of rashes.

The aroma of bergamot brings great benefits to the nervous system. It eliminates anxiety and fatigue, has a good tonic effect and reduces the harm of stress to the body. Inhaling the aroma of bergamot, you can lift your mood and eliminate depressive states. It also helps optimize the quality of your night's sleep.

Among other things, experts say that the consumption of a drink with such a plant helps to increase milk production in women who carry out breast-feeding, and in general to establish lactation.

Scientists have found that bergamot is an excellent aphrodisiac. Tea with its addition can be consumed as a good sexual stimulant. It effectively enhances potency, adds sexual strength and even enhances sensations and impressions.

Also, such a drink is able to eliminate all kinds of spasms, it activates digestive processes and helps to remove "bad" cholesterol from the body. Drinking bergamot tea has a positive effect on brain activity, because this drink effectively activates attention and improves memory. In addition, it can increase communication skills, add vitality. It can be consumed throughout the working day, so that this time passes more fruitfully.

Experts came to the conclusion that bergamot is an excellent cure for vegetovascular dystonia. Such a plant (including in the form of tea) perfectly optimizes the activity of the vegetative nervous system and has a positive effect on blood vessels.

As you know, both black and green tea are sources of a significant amount of caffeine, but if they contain bergamot, it can reduce the tonic effect of this element, making it less aggressive for the body.

Who is dangerous tea with bergamot? Drink harm

Some categories of people should be quite careful to drink teas with bergamot, as some of the active particles in this drink can cause a number of undesirable effects. Thymol, for example, can cause nausea, vomiting, rashes, and pain in the stomach. An element such as bergapten can provoke the development of phototoxicity. A person with such a problem should temporarily refuse to be in the open sun with bare skin. You should not use any products with bergamot while you are expecting a baby, as this plant can provoke uterine contractions, which can cause miscarriage or premature birth.

If you suffer from problems with falling asleep, you should not drink bergamot tea shortly before the planned night's rest.

It is worth considering that only natural teas with bergamot are highly useful. Tea bags do not contain a share of useful substances from both the tea itself and the additional component. Thus, in order to get really high-quality and healthy drink, it is worth buying only tea leaves, and it is better to do this in specialized tea shops.


In order to get all the benefits of bergamot tea, you also need to brew it correctly. Before carrying out this procedure, rinse the teapot with boiling water. Next, place tea leaves in it, at the rate of one teaspoon per cup and pour the appropriate amount hot water(80-90C). Infuse such a drink for five to ten minutes, then pour into cups and drink with pleasure.

quality tea with bergamot is really able to benefit our body.