How to make grain cottage cheese at home. Grain cottage cheese: benefits, methods of preparation, options for delicious dishes. Curd mask for acne.

Cottage cheese- This is an incredibly healthy product that contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. It is used not only as delicious breakfast, but also a source of calcium, and some people even get rid of acne and wrinkles with it.

Cottage cheese - a universal product

Cottage cheese is not a separate product, but a variety of regular cottage cheese. It differs in the method of preparation, the main difference is that lightly salted cream is added to its composition. It also differs in taste and number of calories. Like regular, grained has mass useful qualities, but its advantage is that it is less caloric. Therefore, this is the product used by bodybuilders and people who want to gain a slim body.

Cheese can be combined with any type of food or even with drinks. These 2 brands of cheese are often compared by people as their consumers, either in recipes or in their tastes. What is the difference between Ricotta cheese and cottage cheese? And can they be used interchangeably? We will see through the words in this article. Ricotta Ricotta cheese literally means it's back. Ricotta is an Italian whey cheese made from sheep, cow, goat or Italian buffalo whey left over from the production of cheese and other cheeses such as mozzarella.

Dishes made from this product turn out incredibly tasty. But, in addition to eating it as a tasty breakfast, it is often recommended by doctors as a source of calcium and phosphorus for children and pregnant women. Also, grain has found its place in cosmetology. All this is written in detail in this article.

What do the doctor's say

Thanks to the great content useful substances, doctors often advise children and pregnant women to use it. A growing body requires a lot of calcium and phosphorus for normal growth of bones and teeth, and grain cottage cheese contains a lot of these elements. It contains milk protein, which has a beneficial effect on strengthening the body's cells. It also helps normalize metabolism, which will also be very useful for children.

Cottage cheese - a universal product

During the day the whey is collected and left to sit to ferment, then heated until curds form. finishing touch place the cheese in a damp cloth. You can add vinegar or lemon to allow the whey to ferment and spark the curdling process as the cheese heats up. The original flavor of Ricotta cheese is sweet and creamy with a smooth and grainy texture. Nutrition fact from Ricotta cheese is a whopping 428 calories and a fair amount of sodium.

Does grain cottage cheese cause any harm?

Cheese from curd cheese is a fresh cheese curd with a mild aroma from cow's milk. Cottage cheese is drained but not pressed, so some whey and some curd serums remain free and become coagulated. This happens when you put the starter on like rennet extract, onto heated milk. The whey will be in the form of a yellow liquid and will be separated from the curd. Cottage cheese is made with different percentages of milk fat: no fat, 1%, 2% and 4%, all of which are creams. The taste of curd cheese is milky, creamy and a little salty.

It is useful not only for children and pregnant women, but also for older people, especially with a number of diseases, such as:

  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hypertension;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • for problems with the liver and gall bladder;
  • disease related to the nervous system.

If a person has at least one of the diseases listed above, then grain curd must be present in his diet. Its beneficial substances contain antibacterial substances, which significantly improves the microflora. And thanks to the presence of lactic acid bacteria, phosphorus and calcium are easily absorbed in a weakened body. Cottage cheese is undoubtedly a very healthy product for people of all ages.

You'll experience chunks of cottage cheese texture with moderate moisture from the milk and cream. This cheese is low in fat in calories, which is only 220 calories, but less in sodium. Conclusion It's unlikely you're choosing, you're just thinking that if you're trying to lose weight, you need cheese to lower your cholesterol. Cottage cheese is correct. Ricotta is delicious when you put it on your pizza and jacket. Or as your final decision, forget about your diet and enjoy both!

And they are right to tremble with fear; My refrigerator has become a place where milk and creams from different types animals come to rub and grow old. Home cream cheese- my latest project. With freshness, butter and a little bit of smell, freshly made cream cheese completely ruined me for commercial cream cheese. Admittedly, in things like cheesecake or other bakery products, in which cream cheese is baked along with other ingredients, the huge difference between commercial cream cheese and homemade cream cheese is not so obvious.

Grain cottage cheese is the key to clean and healthy skin

It is described above that grain cottage cheese is widely used in medicine. But in addition to the benefits for the body, it also has a beneficial effect on the skin. Moisturizing masks based on grain cottage cheese have been used for several centuries. Even ancient women understood that it is very beneficial for facial skin. Cottage cheese is an environmentally friendly substitute for expensive cosmetics, based on chemicals. To clarify, below are all the beneficial properties of cottage cheese as a cosmetic product:

However, when cream cheese is served as the main, and sometimes the only, ingredient, quality matters a lot. And this is when knowing how to make your own cream cheese comes in handy. Chef Michaud's bilingual book contains instructions on how to make plain cheeses, including cream cheese, at home, and how to turn them into spectacular desserts. With yogurt, buttermilk, or some cultured dairy product, you will get the fermentation needed for the final product to have that familiar cheese taste.

But the texture will be more similar to farmer's cheese than commercial cream cheese. If that's all you're doing, there's no reason not to take the easier route. On the other hand, the method described here is reminiscent of how cream cheese is produced commercially; It aims to achieve not only fermentation, but also coagulation.

  • Cleanses the skin and gives it a natural white color.
  • Due to the presence of high calcium content, after using curd masks, the skin will become smooth and silky.
  • It will be useful for eliminating small wrinkles.
  • May have a beneficial effect on inflamed areas of the skin.
  • Thanks to the magnesium content, collagen production is significantly increased.
  • The vitamin A it contains helps rejuvenate the skin.
  • It also contains vitamin PP, which protects the skin from many natural phenomena (wind, frost, etc.).

Everything is clear about the beneficial properties, now you need to understand the rules for using curd masks:

The result is homemade cream cheese that has the same taste and texture of your favorite commercial cream cheese, albeit much fresher. Adapted from cheese? Equipment: Instantly readable thermometer. A piece of muslin gauze. Thanks to traditions and skills that have been developed and improved for more than a century, the company has become one of the leaders in the Latvian dairy industry.

We are honest with our customers, employees and milk suppliers. Honesty is the core principle of our company along with quality. Quality is achieved through high quality ingredients and the professionalism of our employees, as well as careful production control and supervision.

  • Use only fresh product.
  • After application, the mask should be kept on the face for about 20 minutes.
  • For those who do not know if they are allergic to dairy products, before use, it is better to apply it to your hand.

Important! Cottage cheese itself does not cause any harm, but if you have an allergy, there will be little good!

Various and exclusive cheeses, delicious and satisfying cottage cheese, as well as exquisite and original curd products- all these products have received recognition at competitions in Latvia and abroad. That's why we regularly and happily help those who need it most.

This unique cheese is carefully matured for 12 months using hard cheese yeast. When you eat the cheese, you will taste small grains of lactose, it's a little savory and caramel-like. Ingredients: Pasteurized milk, calcium fluoride, live culture of lactic acid bacteria, microbial enzyme, salt, color: beta-carotene.

  • The mask is used once a week for a month and a half, after which you should take a short break (2-3 weeks).
  • You need to rinse off with warm water.

And finally, for completeness, below are a couple effective recipes face masks:

The best recipes for masks based on grain cottage cheese

Rejuvenating mask

Smiltene cake with cottage cheese and lemon cream

By combining light cream cheese and rich, heavy cream, we've created this aristocratic cake that bursts with flavor from the lemon curd that's made... traditional recipe French tart-citron. For a sophisticated finish, we decorated it with luscious dark chocolate. And of course there are no added preservatives in this cake.

Grain cheese curd

White cheese curd for light and healthy dishes. For sweet snacks and spicy dishes. The granular texture ensures fluffiness, the curd does not contain resin and retains pleasant taste. Those who practice a balanced healthy lifestyle prefer to add mineral water to cottage cheese.

Exists a large number of cottage cheese masks, which are used for skin rejuvenation. But this recipe, according to many reviews, is the best.


  • grain cottage cheese - three tablespoons;
  • a pinch of parsley;
  • one teaspoon of dried nettle;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • two tablespoons of milk.

Cooking method:

Ingredients: Pasteurized milk. Naturally grainy cottage cheese, similar to homemade, and goes with almost everything. Starting with the classics, herring, fresh herbs and different vegetables, as well as fruits. Even raisin pies and cottage cheese pancakes with jam or apples. Packaged in 400 kg and 800 kg.

Ingredients: Pasteurized milk, live culture of lactic acid bacteria. You can enjoy this semi-hard cheese on its own or in different dishes, for example, crispy sandwiches with minced meat and caramelized onions, pie with tomatoes, basil and oregano or pasta and vegetables. Ingredients: Pasteurized milk, calcium fluoride, microbial enzyme, live culture of lactic acid bacteria, salt.

  1. Steam dried nettles with hot milk and let steep (about 30 minutes).
  2. Grind the parsley to a paste.
  3. Place all ingredients in one container.
  4. Mix.

It should be applied with light massage movements. It is also important that the mask particles do not get into your eyes, so you need to be careful.

Although the outside is fatty and nicely stringy, the inside is a surprise, a mass of creamy and smooth mozzarella and sweet cream. Ingredients: pasteurized milk, sweet cream, calcium fluoride, live culture of thermophilic lactic acid bacteria, microbial enzyme, salt.

Moreover, there is no need to cut this special cheese: each ball weighs only 5 grams. Ingredients: cheese, brine. Smoked cheese with the characteristic taste of mozzarella. The package contains 1 kg of cheese without liquid. Smoked mozzarella has no analogues with side dishes such as fresh herbs or pesto, freshly picked or sun-dried tomatoes, seafood or fried zucchini, olives or thyme. You can even fill it with veggies!

Curd mask from acne

This mask will be useful not only for girls, but also for all teenagers aged 13 to 18 years. After 10 days of use, acne should completely disappear.


  • three tablespoons of grain cottage cheese;
  • a pinch of dandelion leaves;
  • 3 tablespoons apple juice;
  • parsley;
  • 2 spoons of milk.

Cooking method:

Delicious recipes

Fresh soft and smoked cheese. Fat with a dry matter content of 45%. Cheese, fat part of moisture more than 67%. Natural cheese, containing real Mediterranean traditions and suitable for countless dishes typical of this region, from crispy pizza or gourmet snacks to juicy salad or first course served, for example, with light chicken fillet. Try Mozzarella on toast with cherry tomatoes and fresh basil on it!

Ingredients: fresh soft cheese. Product design only has information about the service offering. Light cream cheese with healthy tuna scattered throughout this breakfast sandwich takes you to the beach and gives you energy for the day. Even stews, salads and pies will do.

  1. Grind the parsley until it becomes a porridge.
  2. Pour milk over dandelion leaves and parsley porridge and let it brew.
  3. Add all other ingredients.

For a positive effect, the mask must be applied daily for 10 days. You also need to keep it for 20 minutes.

Does grain cottage cheese cause any harm?

Grain cottage cheese is an absolutely harmless product; it can be consumed by both very young children and elderly people. It contains only fresh, environmentally friendly clean products. It has a balance between all nutrients and beneficial minerals, so it cannot harm the body.

Cream cheese with tomato and basil

A true harmony of spice and freshness in one product - this is what a somewhat exotic cream cheese with hot chili and a carefully selected mixture. Ideal for spreading or for crunchy galettes or pita bread. Salad and cream aromatic cheese, which will remind you of Mediterranean feelings and will suit a variety of easy-to-prepare dishes - like classic snack, an exotic treat for a family picnic or a short excursion, or even as the basis for various dips.

Important! Despite all the benefits of grain cottage cheese, it should not be abused, like any other product!

The only thing you should pay attention to is the expiration date of the product. The product must be fresh, otherwise the development of E. coli will be inevitable. It is also worth looking at the packaging; the label should contain the abbreviations GOST or TU. If GOST is written on the packaging, then the product is made according to the state standard, and if it is TU, then the factory uses its own technology in the manufacture of the product.

Light cream cheese without additives for your kitchen experiments: easy snacks with your favorite greens, rich main dishes and gourmet desserts, for example, cheesecakes. Ingredients: cream, cottage cheese, butter, buttermilk, water, emulsifying salt, gelatin, salt, acidity regulator, seasoning 16%. Maasdammer cheese is a semi-hard type swiss cheese, manufactured in accordance with special recipe, characterized by large holes or "eyes" that make the cheese particularly attractive. The cheese is fermented in special cheese cellars at a certain temperature to give it a creamy, sweet and sour taste.

Calorie content of homemade and store-bought cottage cheese

As was already written at the beginning of this article, grain cottage cheese is considered less caloric than regular cottage cheese. On average, the calorie content of this product is 100 - 150 kilocalories. But depending on the brand, its calorie content also changes. Therefore, below is a table of caloric content of the most popular brands, as well as the home equivalent.

Can you freeze food containing cottage cheese?

Available in low-fat and low-fat varieties with 1% or 2% milk fat, cottage cheese can be good addition to your diet if you are trying to lose weight and reduce your intake of saturated fat or cholesterol. It can be replaced with others soft cheeses such as ricotta, in recipes that are used as a hearty pizza topping for potatoes or mixed with fresh or dry fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts for a quick and filling snack or breakfast. You can freeze prepared meals, such as lasagna, that contain cottage cheese without changing the texture or flavor of the cheese, but beware of freezing the cottage cheese yourself, advises the cooking site Kitchn.

And this is just a small list of brands that produce this type there is a lot of cottage cheese. Many people believe that homemade products are considered the healthiest and highest quality, and this is partly true. But when choosing grain cottage cheese, it is better to stop at store product. Firstly, everything is precisely balanced there, and the body will receive as many useful elements as it needs. Secondly, in homemade product more calories(this can be seen in the table above), and for people involved in sports, it is important to burn these calories. Well, in general, everyone should choose for themselves; in any case, grain cottage cheese is a healthy product.

What are the benefits of grain cottage cheese?

The cheeses and whey in frozen cream curds separate during thawing, causing the cheese to become watery and grainy. While you can still eat and cook with this curd, it will not be like the original one appearance and texture. Good Housekeeping reports that you can successfully freeze dried cottage cheese and raw cottage cheese, since these species do not separate when melting.

Does the cottage cook with gizzard cheese?

Although there is no solid scientific evidence that cottage cheese contains compounds to soothe an upset stomach, you may find some relief if you replace cottage cheese with other dairy products such as milk or yogurt in your diet. Cottage cheese contains less lactose enzyme compared to most dairy products. People who cannot digest lactose properly may experience nausea, stomach pain and bloating and consume cottage cheese. If you are suffering from severe stomach pain accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, avoid cottage cheese and all dairy products for at least two to three days after symptoms stop.

Kama should not eat cottage cheese

It has been said more than once in this article that cottage cheese is a healthy product. However, in some cases, it would be better to refuse it. People who suffer from allergies, namely intolerance to milk protein, should not consume cottage cheese, like any dairy products. It is also recommended to exclude or limit grain cottage cheese when following a salt-free diet, since cottage cheese contains salt.

Eating moderate portions of grain cottage cheese, while following a salt-free diet, will even be beneficial.

It is also worth remembering the shelf life. Once the package is opened, there are three days left to consume the cottage cheese. On the fourth day, the cottage cheese begins to disappear; if you eat it, you can get serious food poisoning. There are no other restrictions; even very young children can eat cottage cheese.

Before giving cottage cheese to a child less than one year old, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

Cottage cheese is a treasure trove of nutrients

Cottage cheese, like any other milk product, has many nutrients that are beneficial to the body. Namely, proteins, fats and carbohydrates; these substances are balanced in cottage cheese, which is why it is consumed by people involved in sports. But just like calorie content, the amount of nutrients depends on the brand under which the cottage cheese is produced. Therefore, below is a table similar to the one with calories, but with nutrients.

As can be seen from this table, proteins predominate in the nutritional composition of grain cottage cheese. And they can be called the most useful nutrient. Thanks to increased content casein (protein), bodybuilders who eat cottage cheese foods build muscle very quickly. And because of low content carbohydrates and fats, people whose diet is dominated by cottage cheese begin to lose subcutaneous fat. Cottage cheese is an indispensable product for both athletes and ordinary consumers.

Vitamins and minerals in cottage cheese

Everything is clear with calorie content and nutrients, now you need to figure out what vitamins and minerals are in cottage cheese. This time there will be no table with brands, since all manufacturers contain the same vitamins and minerals. Instead, below is a list of these substances, along with their beneficial properties for the body.


  • C (ascorbic acid) - this vitamin will help cope with various types infections. It will also promote rapid healing of wounds and strengthen cartilage, teeth and bones. It is also an essential vitamin for maintaining muscle mass.
  • B2 (riboflavin) – This vitamin helps the body maintain normal digestion and healthy skin. It is also capable of producing red blood cells (cells with hemoglobin).
  • B1 (thiamine) – this vitamin is necessary for better metabolism. It also helps the nervous, cardiovascular and muscular systems.
  • A (retinol) – the main benefit this vitamin brings to the retina of the eye. It also helps fight infections and has a positive effect on the respiratory system. This vitamin is also useful because it helps in the formation of bones and muscle tissue.
  • PP (niacin) – also called B3 or nicotinic acid. Niacin is useful in that it forms the nervous and digestive system. And also ensures normal metabolism (metabolism).


  • Iron is an important element for the maintenance of skin, hair, and nails. One more useful property This mineral is that it helps deliver oxygen to the organs.
  • Phosphorus is useful mineral for the most important organ - the brain. It contributes to the implementation biochemical processes. Phosphorus is also good for the nervous system and promotes the formation of vitamins.
  • Potassium - helps maintain normal muscles. It is also responsible for the functioning of the nervous system and regulates the amount of water in the body.
  • Sodium - its main activity is to monitor the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It also helps the nervous system work and dilates blood vessels.
  • Calcium - This is the main element in the formation of bone tissue. He also provides positive influence on nervous system and helps blood clotting.

As you can see, the list of useful substances is very large, so we can say with confidence that this product is an integral part of the human diet.

How to lose weight with cottage cheese

Of course, cottage cheese will help with weight loss, and this can be proven by hundreds of people who have tried it on themselves. cottage cheese diets. If the purpose of consuming this product is to reduce fat, then it is better to buy skim cheese. But, as practice shows, grain cottage cheese with 9% fat content is more useful, since phosphorus in this case is absorbed much faster.

Weight loss is achieved due to the predominant amount of protein. Casein builds up quickly muscle mass, and the more it is, the faster fat is burned, besides, cottage cheese contains a small amount of carbohydrates that are difficult to digest. Below are two dietary options for the cottage cheese diet:

Curd and vegetable menu:

  • Breakfast – cottage cheese with green onions and dill and green tea.
  • Snack – carrot salad.
  • Lunch - soup with vegetables and fruit juice.
  • Snack – green hour with honey.
  • Dinner – salad with vegetables.
  • Before going to bed, drink a glass of kefir.

Rich diet:

  • Breakfast – cottage cheese with green onions and dill and green tea. You can also have porridge with fruit.
  • Snack – fruit salad.
  • Lunch – fish, chicken, vegetable soup and fruit juice.
  • Afternoon snack - cottage cheese.
  • Dinner – fruit and kefir.

These diets will help fast weight loss, you should also not eat bread and potatoes. And the most important thing is to work hard. A cottage cheese and vegetable diet should be followed for no more than five days, and a saturated diet for no more than 10. If you use these diets for longer, they will do more harm than good.

How to make grain cottage cheese at home

There is a large number various recipes for the manufacture of this product. This article presents the easiest and fastest way.

On vinegar

You will need:

  • 3.7 liters of milk with zero fat content.
  • 3/4 cup vinegar.
  • Half a teaspoon of salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan and heat to 50 degrees.
  2. Pour in the vinegar and stir for two minutes.
  3. Cover with a cloth.
  4. Strain.
  5. Rinse and dry.

Tasty and healthy

There is an opinion that healthy food must definitely be tasteless. May be. But grain cottage cheese can prove that healthy foods can be very tasty. Below are two simple recipes.



  • 350 grams of cottage cheese;
  • two eggs;
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • six tablespoons of flour;
  • 100 grams of sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix all ingredients.
  2. Make cutlets.
  3. Fry on both sides until orange.

Curd omelette


  • one hundred milliliters of milk;
  • thirty grams of cottage cheese;
  • one tablespoon of starch;
  • one pod of hot pepper;
  • a pinch of curry;
  • four sprigs of fresh cilantro;
  • a tablespoon of sunflower oil;
  • a pinch of sweet paprika;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • two eggs.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the eggs with a whisk.
  2. Add spices and salt.
  3. Add herbs and continue whisking.
  4. Pour in milk and stir.
  5. Add a small piece of pepper.
  6. Add starch.
  7. Add grain curd and mix it all.
  8. Chop the butter in a frying pan and pour in the resulting mixture. The omelette takes about 3-4 minutes to cook. At the last minute, you need to simmer it a little by covering the pan with a lid.

You need to choose a frying pan with a thick bottom, otherwise the omelette will burn and all your work will be in vain.

You will find a step-by-step recipe for making cottage cheese in the following video:

Grain cottage cheese is a product that is both healthy and tasty. It can be used both for severe diseases and for skin rejuvenation. In addition, few people will refuse a cottage cheese omelet for breakfast.

In contact with

First of all, to be sure that your finished product will not have pathogenic bacteria, the milk is pasteurized. It is better to do this in a water bath and milk is good, and you will not worry that it will burn.

Heat the milk, stirring constantly, to 62-63 degrees, maintain this temperature for 15-20 minutes, then quickly cool to 42 degrees, placing the pan with milk in cold water and actively stirring it. This operation takes me 15-20 minutes. Be sure to use a thermometer, it will help you get a quality product the first time.

Add starter to warm milk. Pepsin is best diluted in small quantity water 10 minutes before use. If you add mesophilic starter, it will be scattered over the surface of the milk. After adding everything you need to the milk, mix it well for 1 minute, cover with a lid, wrap in a blanket and leave the milk alone for 45-60 minutes.

During this time, fermentation will occur (the milk will curdle), you will form a cheese curd that can be cut with a knife. The milk is ready, or to be more precise, you already have cheese, which we will turn into grain cottage cheese.

The cheese curd needs to be cut into conventional cubes measuring 1x1 cm. Previously, I did this with a knife, it was very unproductive, and I found a more acceptable way, using a whisk. You may find a method that works for you, but remember that the size of the cubes will determine the size of your grains in the final product.

So, you have achieved what you wanted, let's continue the process.

Prepare two pans with cold, clean water, pour water into one room temperature or from the water supply, if you trust it, and it’s better for a friend to put it in the refrigerator in advance and cool it well.

Place the pan with the future cottage cheese on medium heat and, with constant stirring, gradually increase the temperature of the whey to 54-56 degrees. Be sure to stir the cheese grains without stopping; this operation is necessary so that they do not stick together and gradually melt from the hot whey.

Once the temperature has reached the desired temperature, remove the pan with the curd from the heat and continue stirring, checking the grain for doneness. When you are sure that all the grains have become round and are falling apart, use a slotted spoon to remove the cottage cheese in small portions and quickly transfer it to a saucepan with cold water room temperature. For a confident result, mix the grains. Then transfer the cottage cheese from the first container into well-chilled water and complete the process until the grain is completely cooled.

This whole process took me no more than 40 minutes.

Place the cottage cheese in jars and fill with salted cream.

The product is ready and can be eaten immediately.

But that is not all. We are left with a wonderful whey from which we can get some Ricotta cheese.

Return the pan to the fire and heat its contents to 85 degrees, pour in 2-3 tbsp. apple cider vinegar and after 30 seconds, collect the finished cheese that forms on the surface of the whey, transfer it to a cotton cloth to drain off excess whey.

From all the prepared products I got: 750g of grain cottage cheese, and in finished form 1.2 kg, because... I didn't use all the cream. And 150g. tender Ricotta, the rest is whey, which can be used for dough, drinks and okroshka.