Chocolate cake at home. Cocoa glaze - the final touch to the portrait of a gourmet dessert

We are all used to the fact that confectionery products, in order to give them an appetizing look and delicious taste, are covered with all sorts of sweet icing, which is prepared from a variety of ingredients (fruit fillers, powdered sugar, milk, butter, sour cream, eggs, chocolate, starch, condensed milk, cocoa) . But the main, popular and most beloved coating is chocolate icing, which is suitable for decorating absolutely all types of baking, making it sweeter, more attractive and keeping the product fresh for a long time. Let's learn how to make a variety of chocolate icing at home to make our confectionery more perfect.

Rules for working with chocolate icing

You can prepare chocolate icing by melting pure chocolate in a water bath, adding a little white chocolate or butter, but it is worth considering that this type of coating quickly hardens, crumbles and is only suitable for cakes with a perfectly even and smooth surface. Therefore, the basis of any chocolate mixture for coating cakes, muffins, rolls, cookies, marshmallows, pastries, sweets, eclairs, homemade pies is prepared from a cocoa product, the dry residue of which must be at least 25%.

When making chocolate icing, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • You need to glaze the finished product when it has completely cooled. If you do it "in hot pursuit" - your perfect chocolate icing will be covered with an unattractive cobweb of cracks of various depths.
  • It is impossible to apply hot chocolate icing on pastries, as it will simply spread over your product, ruining its appearance.
  • If you want to give your glaze a glossiness, put a small piece of butter or margarine into it, if it was not originally in the original recipe.
  • At the beginning of cooking, be sure to sift the cocoa, such a simple manipulation will saturate it with oxygen and make it more airy.
  • In order to evenly distribute the chocolate icing over the product, pour it all into the center of the cake, then carefully spread it from the center to the edges. Treat the sides of the product with a thicker frozen fudge.
  • Icing prepared on the basis of powdered sugar quickly hardens.
  • In order to diversify the taste of the glaze, you can add a little vanilla, mint, cinnamon or some special flavor to its composition. Chocolate icing is in perfect harmony with the taste of coconut, rum, cognac and vanilla.
  • The most important rule: you can adjust the density of your own chocolate icing by adding or subtracting sugar, cocoa or liquid ingredients.

Easy chocolate frosting recipe

The recipe for this type of chocolate coating is the simplest, easy to remember and taken as the basis of any other cocoa-based.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • by 5 st. l. milk (can be replaced with water), cocoa powder, sugar;
  • 50 g butter.

Cooking does not take much time and effort: a mixture of sugar and cocoa powder is poured into butter melted over low heat in milk. Everything is stirred until completely dissolved and brought to a boil.

Standard Glitter Chocolate Icing Recipe

To prepare the most ordinary fudge, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 5 st. l. natural cocoa powder;
  • 3 tbsp. l. water, any alcohol and powdered sugar;
  • 40-50 ml of high-fat cream (can be replaced with butter);
  • vanilla or cinnamon;
  • to improve the taste and texture of the glaze, you can add 50-60 g of dark chocolate.

Pour the required amount of water into a container placed in a water bath, pour a mixture of cocoa and powdered sugar into it, stir until completely dissolved. Then add cream, alcohol and flavoring.

Chocolate glaze on sour cream

The principle of preparation of this type of glaze is similar to the first, the only difference is that sour cream is added at the very end, adjusting the consistency of the product. This type of glaze in its texture is more like a cream, it has a peculiar density and a special taste, due to the addition of sour cream.

Prepare the ingredients:

  • 5 st. l. cocoa powder;
  • 4 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 3 tbsp. l. powdered sugar, water;
  • flavoring.

Chocolate glaze based on condensed milk

This type of coating will be beautiful, tasty and glossy. Mix and rub 3 tbsp. l. butter, condensed milk and cocoa powder. Heat everything over low heat, bringing to a boil.

To make your chocolate icing perfect, do not forget to strictly follow the chosen recipe. Remember that the lack or excess of any product can completely change the taste of the coating, and with it the dish being decorated.

Passing by pastry shops, you feel the aroma of freshly baked cakes and pastries. A sweet breeze flows around the visitors. I want to take a piece of cake and put it in my mouth. That's because of the chocolate icing. Freshly brewed, it fills the space with sweet coffee notes. Gives confectionery an unprecedented appetizing. But you can make such a delicacy yourself in your kitchen. Use the selection of recipes and surprise your loved ones with a sweet dessert.

Classic cocoa chocolate icing

Classic cocoa icing is quite simple to prepare. All ingredients should be mixed in a certain proportion. The recipe has a secret - the temperature of the ingredients. Read more in preparation. So, cocoa chocolate icing is the first recipe.


  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 3 art. l. cocoa powder;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 100 gr. sweet butter (82% fat).

How to cook

  1. Take the butter out of the refrigerator beforehand. This product has separate requirements. The oil should be of a high degree of fat content and at room temperature. In this case, it will not flow with water when heated. That's the whole secret.
  2. Combine milk, sugar and cocoa powder in a saucepan. Take unsweetened cocoa, Nesquik will not work. Stir in the cocoa icing with a whisk.
  3. Put the saucepan on a slow fire. Heat up while stirring. To ensure that the mixture does not burn, use dishes with a thick bottom. Or heat in a water bath.
  4. Once the mixture has become homogeneous, remove from heat. Cool at room temperature, stirring with a whisk.
  5. Is your prep already cold? Feel free to add soft sweet butter to it. Beat the mass with a mixer on the first speed.

The cocoa icing recipe can be slightly modified. Add a teaspoon of premium wheat flour to the saucepan along with cocoa. Or one egg yolk. After heating, the chocolate icing becomes thick .

Are you wondering how to make chocolate icing for a cake in a different way? Read on. You are waiting for recipes with sour cream, cream or gelatin.

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How to cook with sour cream

Chocolate cake with ganache based on sour cream will turn out beyond praise. Choose the amount of sweet mass yourself. Perhaps you will cover only the top of the biscuit or the entire surface with the treat.


  • 6 art. l. sour cream;
  • 6 art. l. powdered sugar;
  • 6 art. l. unsweetened cocoa;
  • 0.5 tsp vanilla powder.

Cooking step by step

  1. Chocolate icing for cocoa cake is cooked for 2-3 minutes. Mix the selected products in a saucepan. Use dishes with a thick bottom.
  2. Whisk with a whisk while heating. The fire needs to be slow. Has the cocoa icing bubbled up? Remove from fire. Cool at normal room temperature.
  3. A simple chocolate icing will cover the biscuit with an even layer. It will freeze in a couple of minutes. Chill the dessert in the refrigerator before serving.

Before you cook chocolate icing from cocoa and milk, make sure the quality of the products. When choosing sour cream, pay attention to the expiration date.

With cream

Cream is a fatty ingredient. In a recipe, cream is often replaced with a mixture of butter and milk. It turns out one of the versions of the classic recipe. But there is one "but". The fatter the cream is used, the better the cocoa glaze will turn out.


  • 3 art. l. fat cream;
  • 4-5 art. l. cocoa powder;
  • 3 art. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar.

How to cook:

  1. Mix all the other ingredients on the list in a small saucepan with cocoa. Whisk a little.
  2. Simmer over low heat until smooth. As soon as the mass begins to gurgle, the chocolate icing with cream is ready. Start using sweets.

There is another recipe for how to make icing. Cream and chocolate are mixed in a saucepan. For 50-60 ml of cream, one 120-gram slab of goodies is taken.

The mass is heated in a water bath with stirring. Once all the tiles have melted , mass is ready for use. Chocolate and cream icing will cover sponge cakes, petit fours or shortbread pie. She's so delicious , which will add shine even to scoops of ice cream or pieces of fruit.

White or dark chocolate bar recipe

Almost every housewife knows how to make chocolate icing from cocoa. How to melt chocolate chips? A chocolate-covered cake will become an appetizing treat if you cook a semi-finished product according to a step-by-step guide.


  • 200 gr. tiles (white or bitter);
  • 180 gr. sweet powder;
  • 2 full art. l. fat cream.

Cooking step by step:

  1. The preparation of chocolate icing begins corny. Break the tiles into pieces. Put in a saucepan. Place in a water bath.
  2. Add a spoonful of cream, sweet powder.
  3. Cook while stirring. Once the chunks are melted, add the rest of the cream. Remove from stove. Stir.
  4. Immediately use the mass for its intended purpose - for the cake. The recipe may not contain powder, but brown sugar. Choose your ingredients according to your taste.

This chocolate icing is a sensitive thing. The mass is easy to digest to many small lumps. Therefore, when heating, use a water bath. Be careful not to overheat the mixture.

Bars of white or dark chocolate contain slightly different amounts of cocoa butter. But the preparation of semi-finished products from them is similar. Dark chocolate icing may not be cloyingly sweet. Adjust the amount of sugar to taste. You already know how to cook sweet gravy.

With cocoa and milk

The cocoa cake frosting recipe usually uses milk. It naturally thickens the sweet mass. Making chocolate icing thick is not difficult.


  • 6 art. l. milk;
  • the same amount of sugar (or powder);
  • 50 gr. unsalted butter;
  • 2 full art. l. cocoa.

How to cook:

  1. Combine milk, sugar and cocoa in an enamel bowl. Heat up while stirring with a spoon.
  2. Is the mixture homogeneous? Take away the fire. Cool down a bit.
  3. Beat soft butter separately. Connect both blanks. Whisk until fluffy for a couple of seconds. Chocolate icing without butter will not be as thick. The fatter the oil, the better the sweet mixture is formed.
  4. Chocolate icing for cake coating is ready to use. Proceed to applying to the cake.

Would you like to replace milk with water? Sprinkle some starch, corn or potato. Take cocoa, sugar and water for 3 tablespoons. And also a spoonful of starch. The recipe is similar to the classic version. Glaze on water is applied easily, hardens quickly.

Mirror glaze for cake

There are several ways to make mirror chocolate icing. The most popular option is . Cakes with chocolate icing on gelatin form a glossy, appetizing dessert surface.


  • 80 ml cream;
  • 120 ml of boiled water;
  • 250 gr. powdered sugar;
  • 80 gr. cocoa powder;
  • 50 gr. tiles;
  • 1 tsp loose gelatin.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Rub the tile through the grater. Or grind in a coffee grinder.
  2. Soak gelatin in water. Take 4 teaspoons of water for 1 teaspoon of powder. Mix. Leave for 5-6 minutes.
  3. Separately, in a saucepan, mix the cream, the rest of the water. Add powdered cocoa. Cook over low heat until gurgling. Remove from fire.
  4. Mix the cream icing with gelatin, crumbs from the tile. A simple recipe for chocolate icing is over. Place the cake on the wire rack and cover with the sweet mixture. Refrigerate before use.

Expert opinion

Novikova Yana


Use the recipe for chocolate icing for the cake for other treats. Transform store-bought or baked waffles, shortbread cookies, sweet rolls with it.

With added oil

Butter and cocoa butter cake icing is used by confectioners all over the world for a reason. Cakes are covered on all sides with a sweet brown mixture. Or graceful smudges are made on a strong layer of cream. Chocolate icing looks presentable in any case. Whether it’s a wedding or a birthday, both adults and children will be delighted with the dessert.


  • 100 gr. chocolate drops;
  • 80 ml of milk (or cream);
  • 1 st. l. unsalted butter;
  • a pinch of vanilla.

How to cook:

  1. Bring milk (or cream) to a boil. Pour the chocolate drops into the bowl. Stir with a whisk. After a couple of minutes, the drops will melt. Do you have a few lumps left? Heat the mixture in the microwave for 5 seconds at maximum power. Stir again. As long as the chocolate icing is without butter.
  2. Add vanilla, oil. Whisk everything with a whisk. The cocoa and milk chocolate icing recipe is easy to follow and complete.

  • 250 gr. milk tiles.
  • How to cook:

    1. Make chocolate icing for a cake faster if you break the tiles into small pieces. Put them in a glass bowl.
    2. Melt the pieces with cream. To do this, bring the cream to a boil. Pour in the crumb. Leave a minute aside.
    3. Stir until the unmelted pieces are completely turned into a smooth mass. The same goes for dark chocolate ganache. .

    Immediately cover the cake or pie with it. For convenience, place the pastries on the wire rack above the baking sheet. The ganache freezes immediately. This is the best option for a well-set mixture for decorating desserts. Keep the cake in the refrigerator before serving.

    How to cover a cake with chocolate icing

    1. Glaze on water without milk falls on biscuits as smoothly as with milk. The difference is in the appearance of the coating. Somewhere sweet gravy will remain a rich brown color, somewhere it will be a little lighter.
    2. It is easy to check how the coating will lay down. Chill the glass in the freezer. Get it. Turn upside down on a plate. Imagine it's a cake. Gently spread some ganache with a spoon. The mixture should set in 1-2 seconds. Congratulations, you now know how to make the perfect frosting at home.
    3. How to do? With a spoon, pour a little of the gravy around the edge of the cake. The droplets will run off and solidify at about half the height of the dessert. Pour the rest of the chocolate frosting over the top surface of the cake. Smooth with a spatula or pastry spatula.

    The recipe for chocolate icing takes a little time. It is important to choose the right products. Use natural chocolate or a confectionery bar instead of sweets.

    • Milk chocolate icing is a universal recipe. Replace milk with sour cream or cream in the list of ingredients. Suitable for home baking, pie from purchased cakes.
    • Do you want to make your dessert original? Add a pinch of ground cinnamon, ginger or anise to the cocoa glaze. A special ground seasoning mixture called "For sweet dishes and pastries" is also suitable.
    • Perhaps the most original chocolate icing made from cocoa powder is with citrus juice. At the base, mix the cream with orange juice. Use freshly squeezed lemon juice if you like.
    • Chocolate icing made from chocolate and milk is prepared not only on the basis of cow's milk. Try coconut milk or plain sweetened condensed milk. The result will pleasantly surprise you.

    In all cocoa glaze recipes , powder can be replaced with freeze-dried or instant coffee.

    What frosting do you like?

    Cocoa frosting is simple and no-nonsense to help decorate a cake, pie or other baked goods. With the help of ordinary chocolate fondant, you can effectively decorate a festive treat, add richness to a dessert, or hide small flaws in the pastry chef when making treats.

    How to make cocoa frosting?

    Given the basis on which cocoa chocolate icing is made, its further use can be determined.

    1. If the recipe for making cocoa glaze involves the use of milk, cream and butter, this fudge can be safely used to decorate a dessert. It comes out smooth, shiny and hardens well. From it smudges are often made at the edges of the product.
    2. Simple cocoa glaze on water will harden quickly, its taste will not be as soft as milk-based, but no less tasty.
    3. You can make glaze only from cocoa, but adding dark chocolate to the composition, the consistency of the delicacy will come out smoother and the taste will be rich.
    4. Glossy or “mirror” glaze is obtained by adding gelatin to the composition, and in addition to cocoa, melted chocolate must be added.
    5. Soft cocoa glaze is made on the basis of sour cream or condensed milk, it does not harden during the impregnation of products.

    Cocoa and milk frosting

    The easiest way to decorate homemade cakes is to make cocoa and milk cake icing. By watering a delicacy with such a fondant, you can arrange original smudges on the surface of the product. Also, due to the liquid consistency, the top layer is additionally impregnated before the glaze hardens. In addition to coating the cake, the cream can be used to decorate cupcakes or as a topping for ice cream.


    • cocoa powder - 4 tbsp. l.;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • milk - 1 tbsp.;
    • butter - 50 g.


    1. Mix cocoa with sugar.
    2. In a thin stream, add milk to the dry mixture, stir, breaking up lumps.
    3. Heat the mass to a boil, cook for 5-7 minutes.
    4. Set aside the container, cool the contents a little, throw in the oil, mix.
    5. Glaze made from milk and cocoa is used warm.

    It turns out so tasty that you can eat it with a spoon. She decorates a lot of different sweets: cakes, donuts, cupcakes, eclairs. Slightly sour taste of sour cream goes well with chocolate. The main advantage of this excellent fudge is that it does not need to be boiled! If you use brown sugar instead of white, the icing will come out with a caramel flavor.


    • cocoa - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • sour cream - 150 ml;
    • water - 100 ml;
    • sugar - 100 g;
    • vanilla.


    1. Mix sugar, vanilla and cocoa.
    2. Enter the water, kneading a thick slurry without lumps.
    3. Enter sour cream, mix well and use immediately for its intended purpose.

    Cocoa and Butter Glaze

    This cocoa icing recipe is as simple and concise as others like it. The lipstick comes out soft, glossy and very rich. Add half a bar of chocolate to the composition and the taste will come out brighter. Such a glaze hardens well in the refrigerator and keeps its shape, while it does not harden much, but it does not spread either. From this cream, you can make inscriptions on the surface of the cake.


    • cocoa - 5 tbsp. l.;
    • oil - 100 g;
    • milk or water - 150 ml;
    • dark chocolate - 50 g;
    • sugar - 100 g.


    1. Mix sugar and cocoa, pour in the liquid, stir, relieving the mixture of lumps.
    2. Throw in the chocolate pieces, heat to a boil. Boil 10 minutes.
    3. Throw cocoa butter into the icing, stir and use immediately.

    Icing with cocoa and water

    Icing from cocoa and water for the cake is prepared in haste. It is used to completely or partially cover the dessert. For a more interesting taste, add vanilla sugar or a couple of drops of alcohol (white rum or liquor) to the composition, it will add a special aroma and glossy shine to the chocolate glaze. If you need a lean version of the cream, replace the oil in the composition with vegetable oil (coconut, for example) or do not use it at all.


    • sugar - 100 g;
    • cocoa - 4 tbsp. l.;
    • rum - 20 ml;
    • water - 100 ml;
    • oil - 50 g.


    1. Mix sugar with cocoa, pour in water, mix.
    2. Heat the mass to a boil, add rum. Boil for 10 minutes, stirring constantly.
    3. Set aside the icing, cool a little, throw in the butter, mix.
    4. Use warm cake icing.

    And cocoa is prepared according to the principle of creating ganache. The result is a cream that covers the products with a thin layer and instantly hardens. For a more pronounced taste, add a little extra dark chocolate to the composition, and thanks to this ingredient, the icing will definitely thicken. The resulting glaze according to this recipe is enough to decorate a cake with smudges on the sides.


    • chocolate - 50 g;
    • cocoa - 100 g;
    • cream - 250 ml;
    • oil - 50 g;
    • sugar - 100 g.


    1. In a saucepan, heat the cream, throw in the chocolate pieces, melt it.
    2. Separately, mix cocoa and sugar, pour warm chocolate cream into the dry mixture, mix, breaking up lumps.
    3. Warm the cream over low heat until thickened, set aside.
    4. Throw in the oil, stir and apply immediately.

    Delicious and insanely sweet condensed milk and cocoa glaze is prepared quickly and without hassle. In this case, you can not add sugar. To complement and enhance the taste, you can use confectionery flavors: chocolate, rum or vanilla. It will not be superfluous to add coffee aroma, you can brew espresso or use instant granules. This glaze can be used to cover eclairs or donuts.


    • cocoa - 100 g;
    • instant coffee - 2 tsp;
    • condensed milk - 200 g.


    1. Mix cocoa and coffee.
    2. Combine the condensed milk with the dry mixture, stir until all the granules are dissolved.
    3. You can use immediately.

    The most spectacular and especially popular - with cocoa. Every novice confectioner can make it, the result will be positive in any case. The secret of a beautiful coating lies in the addition of gelatin. In addition to cocoa, it is better to add melted dark chocolate to the recipe, it will add saturation to the taste and color. This amount of cream is enough to cover a small cake or 10-12 cupcakes.


    • cream - 100 ml;
    • water - 100 ml;
    • cocoa - 50 g;
    • chocolate - 50 g;
    • powdered sugar - 150 g;
    • gelatin - 10g.


    1. Soak gelatin.
    2. Mix cocoa with sugar and chocolate pieces, pour over water and cream.
    3. Bring the mass to a boil.
    4. Pass the glaze through a sieve, getting rid of lumps and grains.
    5. Transfer the swollen gelatin to the hot chocolate mixture, stir until the granules are dissolved.
    6. Use the frosting as directed when it has cooled to room temperature.

    Sugar free cocoa icing

    Often desserts come out too sweet, sometimes even cloying. In this case, cocoa powder icing without added sugar will help smooth out the taste of the treat. Fragrant fragrances in the form of vanilla, syrup or alcohol will complement the taste of the cream. Often this glaze is poured over ice cream or other soft, overly sweet treats.


    • cocoa - 100 g;
    • low-fat milk or cream - 100 ml;
    • rum - 50 ml.


    1. Pour cocoa into a metal container, pour preheated cream (or milk) into it.
    2. Dissolve the lumps while stirring, heat the mass to a boil, cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
    3. Add rum, stir, use chilled glaze.

    With cocoa, cooked in the microwave, is not inferior in quality to any other, created in the traditional way. It is important to monitor the time spent in the microwave, mix the mass every 10 seconds, make sure that the glaze does not boil before all the ingredients are mixed. This amount of cream is enough to cover a small cake.

    Cocoa icing is an indispensable ingredient in any holiday cake, if there are true lovers of baking with chocolate among the guests. Of course, cocoa powder cannot replace natural chocolate melted in a water bath, but the taste of cocoa icing prepared on its basis can change any pastry beyond recognition and give it new colors of taste.

    When preparing cocoa icing, sugar or powdered sugar is necessarily put into it, these ingredients are responsible for the sweet component. In order to regulate the consistency of the glaze, vegetable or animal fats are added to it. For these purposes, products such as vegetable oil, sour cream, milk and butter are used. Having decided on all the ingredients, it remains to mix them well, and then, depending on the specific recipe, heat in a water bath, or bring almost to a boil over low heat.

    Heating the glaze makes it homogeneous and leads to an even color shade. When the icing reaches the desired condition, you can immediately pour it over homemade cakes: cakes, muffins, pies, pastries, etc. Quite often, cocoa icing is used to decorate desserts and sweet snacks. During cooling, the glaze solidifies in an even layer, and forms an appetizing crust, thereby giving any dish its zest.

    If you have a desire and attitude, you can "play" with the color of the glaze. It depends not only on the quality of cocoa powder, but also on what you will cook it on. Glaze made with water will be the lightest, slightly darker with sour cream and milk. Add a few dark or milk chocolate cubes to add flavor and richness.

    Chocolate icing for cocoa cake

    This frosting is versatile. It is perfect for any cake: sand, biscuit, custard, etc. The filling won't really matter either, as it's hard to find a product that doesn't pair well with chocolate.


    • 3 art. l. Sahara
    • 5 st. l. milk
    • 3 art. l. cocoa
    • 70 g butter

    Cooking method:

    1. Pour sugar into a saucepan.
    2. Milk is slightly warmed up and poured into sugar 2 tbsp. spoons.
    3. Slightly melted butter, along with cocoa powder, add to the pan.
    4. We mix all the ingredients together and put on a small fire, stirring them constantly.
    5. After the oil has dissolved, add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of warm milk and mix again.
    6. Remove the icing from the heat and let it cool slightly, after which you can use it for its intended purpose or just eat with a spoon.

    Chocolate glaze from cocoa and sour cream

    The fattest version of the glaze, which is obtained as such due to sour cream. The glaze will be thick and hold its shape perfectly on any pastry.


    • 5 st. l. sour cream
    • 5 st. l. Sahara
    • 5 st. l. cocoa powder
    • 50 g butter

    Cooking method:

    1. We put sour cream in a metal bowl and add granulated sugar to it.
    2. Pour in the main cocoa ingredients and mix thoroughly.
    3. We put the container with the mass on medium heat and constantly stir with a wooden spatula or spoon.
    4. A few moments before the glaze boils, remove it from the heat.
    5. Add the butter to the mixture and stir again until smooth.

    Milk-free chocolate icing

    If you don't have milk in the fridge, you can make the frosting without it. It is enough just to replace it with ordinary boiled water, and the trick is in the bag.


    • 3 art. l. powdered sugar
    • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder
    • 2 tbsp. l. water
    • 1 tsp butter

    Cooking method:

    1. Pour powdered sugar and cocoa into a saucepan, mix them together.
    2. Pour the ingredients on top with water, and put on a small fire.
    3. Stir constantly until the mass becomes homogeneous.
    4. When the frosting has cooled down a bit, add the butter and stir. Then use in the desired recipe.

    Now you know how to make cocoa frosting. Bon Appetit!

    Cocoa frosting is very easy to learn how to cook. To do this, you do not need to have serious culinary skills. After some 10 minutes, you will have an excellent chocolate “watering” ready for any homemade baking, which will only benefit from the presence of such an “all-covering layer”. Finally, I want to give a couple of tips on how to cook cocoa icing correctly and tasty:
    • The key to a good glaze lies in the quality of cocoa powder, so choose products from trusted manufacturers;
    • Butter should be added at the very end of cooking the glaze, from this it will be more delicate in taste;
    • Make sure that during the stay on the fire, the glaze does not boil;
    • The finished cocoa icing should only be applied to baked goods that have completely cooled down. Otherwise, the external presentable appearance of the dish may be spoiled by streaks.

    One of the traditional ways to decorate sweet pastries is icing. Protein sugar icing for the cake will make it more festive and appetizing. In addition, thanks to the glaze, sweet pastries will retain freshness longer. In order for the mixture to acquire the desired color, cocoa or other dyes, as well as flavors, are added to it.

    This article will discuss how to make icing at home, what and how much to add to it so that it changes flavor and color shades. Various recipes will be offered, from which you can choose your favorite and treat your loved ones with a delicious dessert.

    The classic recipe and its variations

    First, let's look at the basic recipe for making glaze. As part of the classic recipe:

    • Vegetable oil - 6 g.
    • Sugar or powdered sugar - 150 g.
    • Milk - 20 g.
    • Potato starch - 10 g.

    If you need to make a cake with, then you don’t have to add any additional components, but if you want to make it in any color, then 1 drop of food coloring should be added to the composition. You will learn more about how to make white icing and color options later in the article.

    To achieve the desired result, buy finely ground powdered sugar. If you have a coffee grinder at home, then you can make it yourself. Start by combining the dry ingredients.

    Mix starch and powdered sugar in a bowl. Then gradually pour the milk into the dry mixture, while constantly stirring the contents of the bowl.

    The proportion of milk is not exact, as the result depends on the quality of the powder. You may need an additional 2-3 g of milk.

    With the help of such manipulations, you will get a thick gruel. Milk can be replaced with orange juice. After that, vegetable oil should be added to the composition. Bring to readiness in a water bath. The composition should not boil.

    In order for the icing for the cake to acquire the desired shade, food coloring helium can be added to it. Some cooks use natural additives.

    If you still tend to use artificial dyes, then be careful and do not overdo it.

    If the mastic is made in the same way as in the proportion indicated in the article, then for painting over, you need to add 1 drop of the coloring matter. To achieve the best result, the dye can be dropped onto a spoon and already from it add the required amount of pigment to the mastic.

    If you are a supporter of natural dyes, then you can extract juice from fruits and vegetables, such as cherries, carrots, beet, orange and mint tea and saffron tinctures. So you can achieve ivory, green, pink, yellow to cover pies and other goodies.

    Did you like the recipe?


    Step by step cooking recipes

    To cover a cake or even a cookie with chocolate, you may need several tiles, and this is not cheap, so culinary specialists have developed different technologies for making icing for baking. Let's take a look at some of them step by step to help you make frosting at home.

    Chocolate glaze with milk

    Another delicious icing for the cake is made with milk. For cooking you will need:

    • 4 tsp cocoa.
    • 50 g butter.
    • 6 tsp powdered sugar or sugar.
    • 6 tsp milk 3.2% fat.

    How to prepare glaze? Is being done it's in 3 steps:

    1. Pour sugar and cocoa into a bowl, mix, and then add warm milk to the dry mixture.
    2. The container is placed on a slow fire and boiled until the sugar is completely dissolved and milk foam is formed. During the cooking process, you need to constantly stir the mixture so that it does not burn to the bottom.
    3. Remove the mixture from the fire and let it cool down. Slightly warm mastic can be poured over delicate and tasty cakes, as well as cakes. After hardening, the watering will turn into a chocolate crisp.

    Expert opinion

    Anastasia Titova


    Advice! If you want to end up with a soft glaze, then add oil to the composition. It is added at the stage of cooking watering, so that the oil has time to melt. Milk can be replaced with the same amount of water.

    On sour cream or cream

    A simple frosting recipe will save you a lot of baking time. We suggest you familiarize yourself with a simple recipe, which consists of only 4 ingredients. You will need:

    • 3 art. l. cocoa.
    • 3 art. l. Sahara.
    • 50 g butter.
    • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream.

    You need to mix all the ingredients except the oil and boil them. To do this, put the container with the ingredients on low heat, stirring constantly, bring to a boil.

    Sour cream and cocoa can be replaced with cream and chocolate. After that, add the oil, wait for it to dissolve and remove from heat. A simple delicious icing is ready, after it has cooled, you can decorate the cake.

    On condensed milk

    Which sweet tooth doesn't love condensed milk? Did you know that this sweet treat can be used to make delicious mastic for cakes? We offer you a classic recipe. For this you will need the following components:

    • 4 tsp cocoa powder.
    • 1 can of condensed milk.
    • 1 dessert spoon of oil (fat content 62-72.5%).

    So, let's start cooking.

    1. Mix condensed milk and cocoa in a deep bowl in the indicated proportion. It is good if there is a pan with a non-stick bottom.
    2. Mix condensed milk with cocoa well, and then put it on a very small fire. After a slight heating, a few slices of chocolate can be added to the mass. As a result, the mixture should boil and boil for about one minute, during this process it is necessary to interfere constantly.
    3. Remove the mastic from the stove, let the mixture cool down.
    4. Then butter (butter) is added to it and kneaded until a homogeneous consistency. Now it's time to form the cakes with icing.

    with eggs

    Protein mastic is mainly prepared to decorate sweets. So, to prepare protein white glaze, you will need:

    • 0.5 cups of sugar.
    • Egg white from 1 chicken egg.
    • 0.5 cups of water.

    The cooking technology is as follows:

    1. Pour water and sugar into the container in the above proportion. Stir the composition with a spoon and cook over low heat until the water evaporates. You should have a thick syrup.
    2. Whisk the egg white until foamy.
    3. After the syrup has cooled, gradually pour the syrup into the protein mass in a thin stream. The whipping process must be continued until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The amount of frosting can be increased as needed.

    With starch

    Before making the glaze, which includes starch, I would like to immediately note that this ingredient can be added to any of the above recipes if the mastic does not become thicker , and despite the correct proportions, it remains liquid. So, this recipe includes:

    • 3 art. l. cocoa.
    • Potato or corn starch - 1 tbsp. l.
    • 3 art. l. boiled chilled water.
    • 4 tbsp. l. sugar or powdered sugar.

    The process of making glaze with your own hands consists of the following steps:

    • Pour dry ingredients into a container: cocoa, sugar, starch.
    • Mix everything with a wooden spoon and add water, preferably pre-chilled in the refrigerator.
    • Knead this mass until smooth.

    Ice water is best for frosting. The advantage of the recipe is that for icing the cake, you do not have to boil the glaze. And fast cooking is another plus in favor of this cooking technique.

    If you are not allergic to honey, then it can be used as the main component for making a cake topping, which will be a soft conclusion after a meal. So, you will need to prepare the following ingredients:

    • 1 st. l. honey.
    • 2 tsp cocoa.
    • 40 g chocolate.
    • 1 st. l. coconut milk.
    • 50 g butter.

    Cooking sequence:

    1. Grate the chocolate.
    To prepare the glaze, grate the chocolate on a grater

    2. In a separate container, mix the sifted cocoa, coconut milk and honey, and then add chocolate to this consistency.
    We can use honey to make glaze

    3. Constantly stirring the composition, cook it over low heat. Boil it until it becomes smooth and thick.
    Cook the glaze with honey and coconut milk, stirring constantly

    4. Remove from stove and let cool. Then add the butter and beat with a whisk or blender / mixer.

    Expert opinion

    Novikova Yana


    Advice! Ready mastic must be completely used before it cools completely.

    mirror glaze

    Gives a special shine to confectionery. She decorates cakes and pastries. How to make frosting that has no color? We offer you a classic recipe for making glaze.

    For this you will need:

    • 200 g of water.
    • 200 g sugar.
    • 4 g gelatin.

    We prepare a delicate and tasty decoration of cakes and pastries in this sequence.