Gainer for body weight. Rating of the best gainers for gaining muscle mass. "Serious Mass" from the manufacturer Optimum Nutrition

Which gainer is the best? A good option contains the optimal set of proteins, carbohydrates and natural fats, which help to add both calories and muscle mass. Many of the beginners simply cannot cook, buy and eat, say, 3000 kcal per day to increase their mass.

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Massive body volume of Australian bodies

In addition, it is creatinine and glutamine, which contribute to muscle recovery. Cons: This is a lower protein formula so your muscle gains won't be as fast as you want them to be. It is ideal for weight gain and promotes muscle recovery after a workout.

Top gainers for gaining muscle mass

Contains a blend of concentrated whey and whey protein for maximum muscle growth. Body volume in 100 grams contains. Disadvantages: The main source of carbohydrates is sugar, so it is not recommended to exercise because it is not a sustainable source of energy.

Their use allows the athlete to eat in a more familiar way and at the same time gain weight. In this article, we will tell you about the 5 best ones to recruit. muscle mass, and in addition, to consolidate the material, we recommend reading the article , where you will understand how and which is better to buy a gainer or protein.

This mixture contains 80 g of carbohydrates, 65 g of proteins and very little a large number of fat in each serving, which is fully in line with the nutrients. You can use this mixture with “heavy” level gainers that require more carbohydrates - just mix it with milk or fruit juice, and its calorie content will immediately increase. Probably the best option in its segment.

Get your goals more easily!

This review will be very helpful to compare various products available on the market, making it easier for you to choose according to your learning goals. As you can see, each supplement gives you different proportions of macronutrients and ingredients, although every person is a muscle mass winner.

These supplements will provide additional energy to your daily diet as they are rich in calories, which promotes optimal and rapid weight gain. Remember that no supplement replaces meal times, always maintain a balanced diet, and use these foods only as a supplement.

Cytogainer contains, as well as whey protein isolate - these substances tend to be quickly absorbed, so they are good to take immediately after a workout. The supplement mixes with the rest of the food almost instantly, and can be taken one to three times a day.

Definitely deserving of its place in this top 5, this blend features a host of specialties, including two types of L-Glutamine, an extensive network of amino acids, a blend of vitamins and minerals, and MCT oils - which, if you follow the information, indicated in “Supplements 101”, significantly affect muscle mass. Nutrients include 50 g of proteins, 70 g of carbohydrates and 17 g of fatty acids.

Avoid consuming more than the manufacturer's recommended dose, excess supplementation leads to an excess of proteins and can cause acute kidney failure. Remember that it is always important to consult a specialist if you have doubts or any adverse reactions, as many of these products contain egg or gluten.

All the guys are subtly asking about the workout plan and commenting on how to gain muscle mass and all that women are shy and giggling whenever you walk by. Imagine going out for a night out with friends and feeling all eyes on your back, groups of pretty girls whispering to each other as they subtly explore you.

The complete set of proteins is a fast-digesting whey, casein, egg and milk protein. In addition, True Mass contains some peptide-hydrolyzed amino acids that help the body process proteins with enzymes and thus absorb them faster. True Mass is ideal to take both before and after your workout, and you can also take it before bed - if you want to gain even more weight.

Why build muscle mass?

Simply put, if you're attractive, people automatically assume they're also competent, smart, and fun to be around.

Physiology of muscle growth

Fortunately, there is a simple solution. The only thing that guarantees an athletic, healthy physique that attracts other people rather than repels them.

Muscles only grow when stress is applied to them. When we exercise, we literally break muscles in our bodies. So within hours of a workout, our body begins to repair damage by repairing and thickening the tight back of the proteins that actually make up our muscles. Because you've worked hard and damaged your muscles, your body is flipping, making those muscles bigger and fatter, adapting to the work you've already been forced to do.

This mixture from our ranking is not for everyone, as it sometimes leads to endomorphic fat deposits and converts carbohydrates into unhealthy fats. 252 g of carbohydrates contained in each serving, it is better to buy in addition to "heavy" gainers. Typically, such programs are used by only a small number of people who gain weight irregularly.

Things like candy and soda really short-circuit your body, sabotage your efforts by sending your hormones out of control, making stubborn simple sugar hard to remove fat. The best thing you can do is eat everything and as natural as possible. Lean meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, nuts, cheese, milk, oats. They should be the staples of your weight gain diet, the staples you build around your meal plans.

There is nothing wrong with eating the same thing over and over again. This means there is never any question about what is and there is no way to go wrong. This means that you will be consistent, day after day, week after week. And this sequence leads to constant muscle growth and weight gain.

In addition, Serious Mass contains 50 g of proteins and creatine, as well as L-glutamine - two of the most effective supplements according to Natural Anabolics and Good Glutamine News. You can take the mixture by adding half of the 1250 calories to your serving and eating the second part after 30-60 minutes - to avoid discomfort in the stomach.

Exercises to increase muscle mass

This is consistent, even if it looks like you've already stabilized, because again it's consistency that will lead to results. If you're exercising and eating right, there's only one last step you need to make sure you're getting the most benefits you can. Usage good set weighting factors as protein supplements.

Sometimes it can be as simple as protein cocktail every morning because most people don't eat enough calories. Most people starting a new exercise program and looking to get big or skinny definitely don't eat enough protein.

Aftershock Critical Mass contains 52 g of protein, 85 g of carbohydrates and 18 g of fat. The carb blend contains waxy maize, or more simply, starch molecules, which are great for building muscle by leaving the gut quickly and going straight to the muscles, according to The Carbohydrate Rating.

International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness. It is difficult, especially with the hectic life that we all take in this day and age, to prepare good, clean, healthy food and even more difficult to find time to eat it among us, we must do the rest. Fortunately, with weight gain from supplements available on the market, getting the right amount of protein and nutrients to boost your workouts and put your body on the cutting edge when it comes to muscle growth is easier than ever.

After all, when his muscles grew. When you are not lifting weights. After you finish your workout, when you rest, your body is doing the work of adding muscle mass and giving you the shape and definition you're looking for. In fact, if you don't give your body the right amount of rest exercise, it can actually destroy muscle instead of building it. It is important to make sure you get the right recovery and that your body is supplied with all the nutrients and vitamins it needs to rebuild.

The Aftershock Critical Mass Gainer consists of a lactose-free whey protein isolate, one of nature's fastest and most viable proteins. The healthy fat blend contains a mass-building and fat-burning acid known as coupled linoleic acid. According to Supplements 101, this acid leads to weight gain. One of best gainers for mass gain.

The easiest way to deliver what your body needs to repair itself and maximize growth? Serious weight gain program. Most the best manufacturers weight eat what their bodies need and deliver targeted releases of nutrients right where they are needed, when they are needed.

Side effects such as hair loss, acne and oily skin destroying any positive effect will have a new constitution. As serious side effects as heart problems, kidney damage and liver failure. Not to mention the “excitement”, increased aggression and uncontrollable temperament that inevitably comes with the cycle. With all these side effects, to get the same result you can start with a well supplemented and consistent exercise program, steroids are generally a bad deal.

Up Your Mass includes 58 g of carbohydrates, 54 g of fat, and 11 g of fatty acids. Comprised of casein and soy, whey protein is a long-lasting product that can fuel your muscles for hours. The BCAAs added to the mix facilitate recovery and prevent muscle protein from leaving the body.

Natural Supplements for Weight Gain

So what are the best supplements to gain muscle? We recommend the following weighting factors. Why #1? This combo package is ideal for people who are just starting out on a new lifting program, as well as any climb, as they feel like they can hit a plateau.

But it's not just for the short term. Regular supplementation can increase free testosterone in the body by up to 400%. More testosterone obviously equates to more natural muscle growth, more muscle mass, less stress-induced muscle wasting, and more calcium retention in your skeleton. Why not #1? However, it cannot be used alone; You can combine it with other weights to get the best results. Taken just before your workout, you will be able to stand up stronger, longer and recover much faster than you ever imagined possible.

Carbohydrates are based on natural barley and oats, and fatty acid contain linoleic acid, MCT oils, linseed oils and omega-3 acid.

We hope that now you have made your choice and understood which gainer is better to buy, based on your preferences.

In fact, it was literally engineered to allow elite athletes to push through plateaus and work harder than they could ever imagine. Laboratory studies show that athletes taking Metadrol without changing anything gained strength and also reduced body fat 2.5 times faster.

However, it works as an anabolic and can cause the hormonal suppression that such supplements usually come with. Today, the bodybuilding market is dominated by supplement brands. Faced with this, many people end up buying supplements that have not been proven to work, such as collagen. This is more marketing work on the product than the actual effectiveness of the body and its goals. And who was it hurting, we consumers are basically the laziest consumer on the subject who understands little and ends up buying because he thinks it's good or because the ad says it is.


Gainer- this is food supplement in sports nutrition, carbohydrate-protein mixture for gaining muscle mass. The main component - carbohydrates, provides the body with energy during intense workouts, and protein, which is used as a building material for muscle growth. Today, gainers are gaining more and more popularity, as various studies have shown the effectiveness of this sports nutrition for faster recovery after workouts and a quick set of muscle mass.

Video: Best Mass Gain Supplements

Plus, it talks about the uses of each, timing, dosages, and more. Watch the video and learn more about each infographic app above. Reading is definitely essential as it complements everything you have learned above. It seems strange to start with an addition that a few years ago, even before his re-election in Brazil, was hailed by the crowds as miraculous, but which today has become a mockery and even a devaluation of his importance.

And yet, what is better for gaining mass - gainers or proteins?

Creatine is a peptide derived from three amino acids, glycine, arginine and methionine, that is produced endogenously in the body but is not very efficient in terms of performance. And that's why we ingest creatine externally, not just for food, but mostly for supplements.

How was this ranking made?

When compiling the top of the best gainers, customer reviews and opinions of experts from reputable sites,, voting on thematic forms, and of course, our own experience were taken into account. Perhaps it would be more correct to call this list “Best Selling Gainers”, because one way or another, it includes hyped and popular brands of sports nutrition. On the other hand, the best cannot be cheap. Of course, you overpay for the brand, but we are really sure that all the manufacturers presented produce products of excellent quality, which can be safely recommended for use.

However, our creatine stores are low when we rely on external nutrition. And that's why we're supplementing it to increase concentration in muscle tissue and make it get more energy for longer. In Brazil, one can talk about omega 3, but whoever has the scientific technical knowledge of this fatty acid and who uses it can put into practice how effective it is, but unfortunately, it is still devalued and does not receive permanent loans. its use.

However, despite being one of the essential fatty acids, it can be considered the most important of them. This is because, mainly in the Western diet, omega-3s are deficient because we usually ingest large amounts of other sources of omega-6s, for example. Although they are almost the same with the same enzymes, omega-3 is a fatty acid converted into other fatty acids, which contributes to numerous benefits for the body, such as the structure of the nervous tissue, anti-inflammatory factors, factors that reduce the chances of the development of numerous diseases, as well as assistance in muscle recovery.

Of course, we also tried to highlight the objective characteristics of each product, such as: composition, price, quality and percentage of ingredients. But we must remember that today there are no exact criteria for determining the best choice gainer for a specific person. This will only help personal experience and results of practical application. But for the initial selection, you can use our list.

Top 5 best gainers!

Gainer Sirius Mass from Optimum Nutrition has been leading in various world and domestic ratings for many years. Good combination components for a set of total muscle mass. This is a "turbo gainer", a serving contains a lot of calories. Recommended people with a fast metabolism who find it difficult to gain weight.

  • Qualitative protein component: Whey Protein a, calcium caseinate, whey, egg white.
  • Contains a balanced complex of vitamins and minerals in sufficient daily dosage.
  • Contains creatine, glutamine, albeit in small dosages.

  • The main source of carbohydrates is maltodextrin. it fast carbohydrate with a high epidemic index. Therefore, the gainer is recommended primarily for ectomorphs, who hardly gain every kilogram. This is more likely not a minus, but a feature of the product, which must be learned when choosing.
  • Heavily advertised brand, so prices are higher than other gainers with similar composition.
  • Most often forged. Buy only from reliable stores.
  • Recommended by the manufacturer daily dose- This is two measuring cups of dry mix (334g), which equals 1250 calories. This is a lot, even if you divide the dose into 2-3 doses per day. You can safely start with half of this dosage or even less, gradually selecting the daily portion for yourself, depending on your own weight and training intensity.
  • Most pleasant tastes in our opinion - chocolate and vanilla. Banana is too sweet.

Where could I buy?

Serious Mass Gainer comes in plastic jars 2.72 kg or in more economical large bags of 5.45 kg. Below we have compared the prices of the product in some popular online stores.

Price update: 9.8.2017

True-Mass (BSN)

A quality gainer from an American manufacturer, one of the market leaders. Unlike Serious Mass, this is a high-protein gainer, it has a lot of protein and less carbohydrates per serving. Suitable for mesomorphs (“average” body type) for gaining lean muscle mass without fat deposits.
But if you still do not have enough calories in the diet, then BSN has a gainer called TrueMass 1200 , it is similar in composition, but contains large quantity carbohydrates, one serving of this mixture includes 1230 kcal.

  • High protein gainer.
  • Multicomponent protein matrix.
  • Contains dietary fiber.
  • Contains BCAA amino acids.

  • High price

Where could I buy?

The True Mass Gainer comes in 2.6kg cans or 4.65kg bags. Please note that stores often hold promotions and make big discounts on sports nutrition, the expiration date of which is coming to an end. Here the choice is always yours, you can save a little or take a fresher product.

Price update: 29.8.2017

This gainer has unique composition. First of all, it is distinguished by a high-quality carbohydrate component, which is a mixture of components with a low glycemic index. Some questions are raised only by the use of soy in protein composition- not the most quality look a squirrel that has many opponents.

  • High quality carbohydrate blend complex carbohydrates(barley, oats, oat fiber) with almost no sugar content.
  • Contains healthy fats: MCT, CLA and Omega-3, which help better anabolic processes.

  • The main protein is in the form of soy protein isolate.

Where could I buy?

MHP's Up Your Mass Gainer comes in 0.9kg and 2.2kg cans or 4.5kg bags.

Price update: 23.8.2017

  • Quality protein - whey protein concentrate, calcium caseinate, egg white.
  • Contains creatine monohydrate and a special amino acid blend.
  • Good price per calorie.

  • Carbohydrates - maltodextrin, suitable only for ectomorphs.

Where could I buy?

Super Mass Gainer is available in 2.7kg and 5.44kg packages.

High quality endomorph gainer. More suitable for people with a fast metabolism. Lots of quality protein in every serving. For this product, we have found many positive feedback from consumers.

  • Quality protein blend.
  • Contains a mixture of healthy fatty acids.
  • The composition includes a glutamine mixture.
  • Contains a blend of enzymes to enhance absorption.
  • Moderate price.

  • Maltodextrin - as carbohydrates. This gainer is only suitable for thin or intensely trained athletes.

Where could I buy?

The Muscle Juice 2600 Gainer comes in a 2.1kg 5kg pack. Larger packaging is, as usual, more economical.

Price update: 9.8.2017

Top 5 gainers - summary table

Serious Mass (Optimum Nutrition) True-Mass (BSN)

Serving Size 334 g 145 g 132 g 334 g 265 g
calories 1250 626 510 1280 1020
Fats 3.5 g 15.5 g 11 g 10 g 14 g
Carbohydrates 254 g 75.5 g 58 g 252 g 170 g
of which sugar 23 g 14 g 2 g 19 g 18 g
Protein 50 g 46 g 46 g 52 g 56 g

Per 100 gr

calories 374 432 386 383 385
Fats 1 g 10.7 g 8.3 g 2 g 5.3 g
Carbohydrates 76 g 52 g 43.9 g 75,5 64 g
of which sugar 6.9 g 9.6 g 1.5 g 5.69 g 6.8 g
Protein 15 g 31.7 g 34.8 g 15.6 g 21 g

What to look for when choosing a gainer?

The best gainer for everyone and everyone does not exist. Everything is defined here individual features organism. You can start with a small package of the product you like, which will last at least a couple of weeks or more, and then follow the changes in your body. Keep in mind that you will gain some percentage of fat in any case, this is normal, but this value should not be too large.

The ratio of carbohydrates and proteins

For simplicity, let's take as a basis the formula that a gainer is proteins plus carbohydrates. Then when choosing a product, use the following factors:

  • You are thin, your metabolic rate is very high, it is difficult to gain every kilogram. Gainers with high content carbs, such as Optimum Nutrition's Serious Mass or Dymatize's Super Mass Gainer.
  • You have some fat, or most of your calories come from your regular diet. Then choose, for example, True-Mass from BSN, which has fewer carbohydrates per 100 grams of the mixture.

Remember that manufacturers usually indicate the composition for one serving, and not for 100g.

There should be very little sugar in the composition of the gainer, and ideally, it should not be at all. True, many gainers contain maltodextrin as the main carbohydrate. Formally, this is of course not sugar, but it is also a fast carbohydrate with a high glycemic index, consider this when choosing. It is better that it be a mixture of complex and simple carbohydrates.

Protein quality

It is better if several high-quality protein sources are used in the gainer: whey protein, calcium caseinate, whey, egg white. Be wary of cheaper soy protein.

Presence of other components

The presence of glutamine, creatine and vitamin complex will save on the purchase of these components in the form of separate products.

Scheme of work

The word "gainer" is of English origin. In Russian, it is translated as "recruiter" or "purchaser". In the context of sports and bodybuilding, we are talking about muscle mass, strength gains and energy reserves: all of the above must be acquired by the athlete after taking the drug. Gainer was a pilot supplement - it appeared one of the first in the list of drugs for bodybuilders. Initially, it was made from inexpensive varieties of protein, sugar and fat were added to it to increase the calorie content. The first mixtures were of rather low quality, and did not have a significant effect on muscle mass growth.

Modern drugs that are produced by reliable, well-known companies do not contain cheap components. A well-known brand gainer is a very effective and absolutely safe mixture for the body. Excellently purified protein and polysaccharides form its basis, and supplements are "attached" to it, which positively affect the process of recovery and growth of muscle mass. Today it is difficult to meet a professional bodybuilder who does not take a gainer on an ongoing basis. In addition to strength athletes, this drug is also popular with runners, football players, basketball players, and wrestlers.

Note that the drug is more suitable for ectomorphs- people who are not burdened with extensive muscles and have an accelerated metabolism. It is to them that the drug promises a rapid build-up of muscle mass, as well as an increase in strength in a short period of time. Athletes with a slow metabolism are more likely to take a protein that does not contain carbohydrates; otherwise, carbohydrates will quickly be processed into body fat.

To summarize what has been said and list the cases in which the use of a gainer is most effective:

  • The increase in muscle mass, weight gain and strength - especially good results are achieved by people with a lean physique.
  • Recovery of strength and energy reserves after hard work in the gym, regardless of the type of load (strength or aerobic).
  • Weight stabilization.
  • Quick recovery after any, not only sports, loads.

Researchers claim that adding 3 servings of a gainer to regular food can significantly improve athletic performance (subject to regular and full-fledged training). Thin people may require a change in diet and an increase in dose. It is better for obese athletes not to take gainers: the carbohydrates contained in them are quickly transformed into lipids.

Frequently asked Questions

When Should You Take a Gainer?

Most often, trainers and nutritionists advise taking a gainer directly. after the end of the workout. It is at this time that the athlete's body needs an additional influx of building material for cells and "fast energy". A large dose of protein contained in the gainer will not only increase muscle mass, but also eliminate the effects of catabolism, achieving complete regeneration of muscle tissue.

Athletes with a fast metabolism, who are not threatened by the appearance of body fat, often take a gainer directly. before training: catabolism is suppressed at the initial stage, and the cells receive nutrition “on demand”, immediately after the stress experienced during exercise. One hundred percent ectomorphs tend to take a gainer at every opportunity: before training, after training, and during breakfast. This method of administration can be recommended to people who are absolutely not inclined to be overweight. Otherwise, the appearance of a fatty layer is inevitable, and the mass gain will not come at the expense of the muscles.

How to breed a gainer?

As a rule, the gainer is offered in the form of a powder and must be diluted in a liquid. Almost any composition can be a liquid: water, juice, milk. It can also be added to a protein shake if you decide to combine protein intake with other sports nutrition components. Before taking, be sure to read the instructions, which indicate the acceptable doses, as well as the method of administration (the amount of powder and the required amount of liquid).

In our opinion, it tastes best with milk. Use low fat milk. Also, milk or water should not be hot, otherwise the protein in the mixture will curdle.

Can a gainer replace a regular diet?

No, he is unlikely to cope with this task, but he will easily satisfy his hunger after training. If you do not have the opportunity to eat within the next few hours, a loading dose of a gainer will allow the body to compensate for the lack of substances necessary for recovery and survive the time before eating a full meal.

Gainer or protein, which is better?

Can girls drink gainer?

Thin girls who want to gain weight, of course, can use a gainer. There is no gender difference here, the mixture can be used by both boys and girls. The only point is that you need to choose an individual dosage, because manufacturers usually indicate a rather high portion size for middle weight athletes.

Where is my measuring spoon?

Most manufacturers take care of their customers and add a scoop or scoop to the package / jar of sports nutrition. If you opened the container and did not find a spoon, do not despair, according to the "law of the genre" it is somewhere at the bottom of the jar, just dig it out 🙂

How to make a gainer at home?

The disadvantages of this additive include only a high price. It is much more expensive than protein. If you do not have enough money to buy gainers from well-known manufacturers, you can try to make it yourself by adding juice and other products containing a large amount of carbohydrates to the protein concentrate.

Here are a few more weight gainer recipes that can be made from regular foods.

Recipe 1.

  • 200g low-fat cottage cheese
  • 50 g nuts
  • 2 bananas
  • 600 ml milk
  • 2 spoons of honey

Mix everything in a blender. The resulting mixture will contain approximately 110 g of carbohydrates, 50 g of protein and 20 g of fat.

Recipe 2.

  • 50 gr oat flour (buckwheat, barley)
  • 10 gr bran
  • 5 gr fructose
  • 1 serving of protein
  • 250 g milk

How to breed a gainer with milk?

With milk or other liquid, the gainer is easiest dilute in a shaker. Buy a sports shaker for yourself. It is very convenient to prepare any sports mixtures in it. You will easily prepare a cocktail without lumps. For protein-carbohydrate shakes, the size of the shaker should be 600-750 ml, since the size of the dry portion is quite large.

Use skimmed milk. The liquid must be room temperature or slightly warm.

How are gainers different from each other?

In fact, they differ only in the percentage of protein and carbohydrates. If you are involved in strength sports, you should opt for a drug that has more protein. If you give all the best during aerobic exercise, pay attention to instances where there are more carbohydrates.

Will a weight gainer help a lean person gain mass?

It is for weight gain that this type of sports nutrition was developed. But you should not rely only on a gainer, it is only an additive to your general diet.

Is it possible to drink a gainer without training?

To begin with, we recall that a gainer is a very high-calorie mixture of proteins and carbohydrates. Therefore, taking large portions such a cocktail, you will probably gain 2-5 kg ​​per month even without physical exertion. But most likely your weight gain will be almost entirely fat 🙁

Can you take creatine with a gainer?

Creatine is much better absorbed when taken with carbohydrates and amino acids. Therefore, a gainer is an ideal basis for consuming creatine. Simply add a serving of creatine to your shaker when making your shake. But pay attention, some gainers already contain creatine in their composition (usually in a small amount), keep this in mind when calculating your portion. Generally, creatine is recommended to be taken after a workout.

How many kg can you gain with a gainer in a month?

It is optimal if you gain up to 2-3 kg per month using a gainer. At the same time, the usual diet and power training nobody canceled. If you gain more, take a good look in the mirror, most likely you are growing at the expense of body fat and you are better off switching to a less carbohydrate mixture or protein.

Is it possible to drink a gainer at night?

At night, the muscles also need nutrition and regeneration. High protein gainer with slow carbohydrates you can drink at night for ectomorphs who have difficulty gaining weight. Especially if your workout takes place late at night, eating a serving of a gainer can help the body recover and protect against catabolism. In other cases, it is better to use protein at night, especially casein.

Is gainer harmful for teenagers?

On the one hand, there are no special age restrictions for the use of a gainer. On the other hand, there is an opinion that the best option for a teenager there will be a balanced diet with necessary quantity calories, proper exercise and proper sleep. An exception may be professional sports, but in this case you can already get recommendations from your coach.

Are there contraindications and side effects?

Question before first purchase possible contraindications and side effects sounds quite natural. No, the gainer is not dangerous to health and is unlikely to harm the body. However, you should pay attention to the composition: in some cases, you can find components that you personally cannot tolerate. Most often, problems arise when buying an unnamed product with an unknown composition. Sometimes problems can arise as a result of improper storage: moisture that gets into the powder creates favorable conditions for the growth of pathogenic bacteria that can cause food poisoning.