How to take whey protein for weight loss. How to take protein for weight gain and weight loss.

Many novice athletes do not know how to drink protein to gain muscle mass. Choice and correct application sports nutrition is baffling, and the motley advice of experienced "jocks" sometimes only interfere. Therefore, today we will talk not only about how to properly consume protein, but also where to buy high-quality sports nutrition without harming your wallet.

Whey protein isolate is the most common sports protein. It is a natural by-product of cheese production. During the production process from food additive excess fats and lactose are removed. Certain types of isolate also do not contain cholesterol and carbohydrates.

Whey concentrate is usually a dry, powdery substance that can be used to make various dishes ranging from meat to sweets and drinks. Because of their unique properties, whey protein concentrate is widely used as a dietary supplement - it supplies the body with protein in an easily digestible form.

Whey Protein Composition

Whey isolate is one of the most popular protein products that is free of carbohydrates, fat, cholesterol and lactose. One serving of protein will provide your body with the amino acids it needs to improve workout performance and muscle growth. This type of protein contains high level amino acids leucine and cysteine.

The great advantage of the isolate is that it supplies the body with pure protein and amino acids, without fat and lactose. This makes it an ideal dietary supplement for those who watch their diet and strive to acquire a slender figure.

Regular and correct usage protein contributes to:

  • muscle growth,
  • fat loss,
  • stimulates the body's immune functions,
  • reduce the risk of breast cancer in women,
  • normalization of blood glucose levels,
  • prevention of bone and muscle loss during aging,
  • increase the effectiveness of training,
  • improving overall health.

How to drink protein while exercising

Want to know how to consume protein the right way? The most important are the two intakes of whey protein:

  • 30-50 minutes before workout
  • within 30-40 minutes after training.

These rules are dictated by the composition of the protein, as it contains readily available components.

The rapid absorption of amino acids into muscle tissue before, during and immediately after strength training contributes to the maximum set of muscle mass. All other dietary sources of protein, such as chicken breast, eggs, fish and beef are not digested fast enough to be useful during training hours.

Why drink sports nutrition before exercising

Before training, consume protein in the amount of 10-20 grams. This technique is carried out to increase muscle strength, increase endurance, reduce muscle breakdown during heavy loads.

Keep track of the time interval between protein intake and the start of a workout. The body needs at least 30 minutes to absorb everything useful material. When you begin to break down muscle with force loads, protein components will already be available as building blocks for repairing muscle fibers.

Should You Eat Protein While Exercising?

Should You Drink Protein to Gain Muscle During Your Workout? it interest Ask, the study of which led to the conclusion - you should not use protein during power loads.

When you eat something, the stomach receives an additional volume of blood to digest and assimilate food. This can be a problem for a quality workout. If the blood supply to the stomach increases, then in other parts of the body it decreases. Muscles are less supplied with oxygen, which disrupts metabolic processes.

This remark is true for those who practice strength training. With cardio, you may need an additional boost of energy to continue a high-intensity workout. But even here, the benefits of taking protein are not great.

How to take whey protein after sports

Just after a workout, it’s right to drink protein to gain muscle mass. A drink containing 20-40-60 grams of whey protein is taken to restore muscles and stimulate protein synthesis in tissues. Quantity protein powder determined based on gender, individual needs and physical indicators (weight gain and weight loss; height and weight).

Post-workout time is critical. You have no more than 40 minutes to get the most out of your extra protein intake.

Supplemental protein intake for muscle growth

You can also drink extra protein to gain muscle mass. Take a drink containing 20-40 grams of whey as a snack between meals to stimulate muscle growth and support fat loss.

Protein before bed

Do you think eating before bed is wrong? As a rule, it is. Eating carbohydrates at night is not recommended, you should consume them in sufficient quantities during the day, but not before bed - this is fraught with weight gain. But this rule does not apply to additional intake of protein.

During sleep, the muscles are still recovering, and therefore it is correct to consume protein at night. This will help maintain the required protein levels for muscle growth throughout the night.

As a rule, bodybuilders and experienced athletes consume casein at night. It digests more slowly than whey protein. Because average duration sleep 7-8 hours, this is a justified replacement.

How to choose and buy whey protein

There are several types of whey protein on the market, which can be bought both online and in numerous sports nutrition stores. The most common type of this dietary supplement is a powder, which is intended for the preparation of drinks based on water or milk. You can also find isolate in the form of a drink, ready to drink.

Isolate powder, as well as a drink, may have various tastes- chocolate, vanilla, apple, lemon, etc. Recommendations for the use of dietary supplements may vary, so be sure to read the instructions for use before use.

Protein at iHerb

When I was puzzled by the search for high-quality protein, I went through all the sports nutrition stores and was horrified - how expensive it is !!! A few days later, studying the assortment of my favorite iherb online store, I found out what to buy Whey Protein you can go there, and the prices were much nicer than I've seen. So, let's start the review:

Bluebonnet Nutrition whey isolate for every taste:

  • Natural Original Flavor , 2.2 lbs (992 g) , 1.8 lbs (816 g) , 4 lbs (1.8 kg)
  • milk chocolate flavor, 2.0 lbs (907 g)
  • strawberry, 2 lb (907 g)

Method of preparation: mix 1 measuring spoon with 120-180 ml (2 spoons and 240-360 ml) of cold liquid, you can use a shaker. A prepared protein drink is recommended to drink to gain muscle mass between meals, as well as after training. When using this dietary supplement, it is recommended to drink at least 8-10 glasses of clean drinking water during the day.

To buy a whey protein isolate that will satisfy you in price, taste and can size, you can choose the product yourself.

Side effects and precautions

Before taking whey protein isolate, it is important to read side effects and precautions. Exceeding the recommended dose may cause symptoms such as fatigue, loss of appetite, headache, increased bowel movements, etc.

Protein concentrate should be avoided if you are allergic to cow's milk. In this case, you can try to drink protein for gaining muscle mass, made on the basis of soy.

Pregnancy or breast-feeding is also a contraindication. If you are taking any prescription medications, it is recommended that you check with your doctor before taking them with whey isolate.

This product is becoming more and more popular among people leading a healthy lifestyle, and therefore, the question “how to take whey protein” is becoming more and more relevant.

Whey protein is the most popular supplement taken for both muscle gain and weight loss. This is a mixture based on several protein subfractions. This product is mainly obtained from whey. Now a staple diet food athletes.

The unique biological properties of whey protein, which athletes consume, perform many functions:

  • strengthen immunity
  • help reduce stress
  • absorbed very quickly
  • have a high biological nutritional value
  • help get rid of fat
  • allow you to increase muscle mass
  • increase the level of glutathione (the main antioxidant produced by the body)
  • reduce triglyceride and cholesterol levels
  • increase power in sports and reduce symptoms of overtraining

How much whey protein to take?

The serving size will depend on several factors, such as diet - how good your diet is or how many gaps it has. On average, this 2-3 shakes on training days and 1-2 on recovery days. Depending on the time of day, the portion may vary, but more on that in a moment. In addition, do not forget that the preparation of a whey shake based on dairy products, on average, adds ready drink another 9-12 grams of protein.

When is the best time to take whey protein?

Perhaps the most optimum time for taking whey protein is 2 servings immediately after training (2 scoops). This is exactly the time when injured muscles simply need to recover as quickly as possible with the help of amino acids and muscle tissue protein synthesis. If all the necessary elements do not enter the body on time, then there is a risk of post-workout muscle pain, not to mention the ineffectiveness of the training as a whole. Whey protein takes only about half an hour to digest, and if taken immediately after the end of a workout, it ensures that the muscles are quickly saturated with amino acids.

It should be remembered - if the diet suffers, then no supplements and magic pills will help you achieve success in the gym.

Also, a cocktail can play the role of an indispensable source of BCAAs if take whey protein one hour before class. Thus, reserves of amino acids are created, which in turn protects the body from a deficiency of these trace elements during training. Otherwise, the body itself will begin to destroy muscle tissue, taking the missing substances from its own protein reserves, which is very undesirable for athletes.

Take 1-2 servings of whey protein in the morning - thereby negate the "muscle eating", which occurs due to the fact that the body produces the hormone cortisol. By taking this drink after a long sleep, you compensate for the lack of amino acids.

Scientists have found that if you add a little carbohydrate to a whey protein shake, it will double the protein synthesis in your muscles. Therefore, athletes who focus on gaining mass should pay attention to this fact and make some adjustments to the already familiar drink recipe, which will achieve amazing results in training. Alternatively, you can drink special mixtures - gainers.

Have you ever wondered how to take protein. Hardly. But with protein, things are completely different. It, unlike the protein that we are used to seeing on plates, is taken both before and after training, both for weight gain and for its reduction. This is a universal supplement, which is famous for being absorbed in just 30 minutes (meat cannot boast of such indicators).

So, let's see how to take whey, depending on what goal you have set for yourself.

After workout

Let's start with how to properly take whey protein after strength training if your goal is to acquire muscle relief. After strength training in the first 90 minutes after their completion, it is necessary to close the protein-carbohydrate window. We can easily cope with the second by drinking a glass of juice (fortunately, carbohydrates are absorbed at lightning speed), but after half an hour we would need to drink a protein shake.

The fact is that muscles after strength training should begin the process of repairing torn muscle fibers and the growth of muscle tissue. This will be possible only if the protein is supplied from outside. Otherwise, you will simply accumulate lactic acid, which will make the muscles swollen, but not beautiful, but sick.

Before workout

The next case is how much whey protein to take before training. Such an additive before strength training will help to avoid the destruction of muscle tissue. Muscles in the course of training will require essential amino acids (BCAAs), and if they are not available, muscle destruction will begin in order to be obtained from the body's protein.

A pre-workout serving should be no more than 25g of protein (no longer absorbed).

For weight loss

And also do not forget how important it is to take whey protein for weight loss. You are probably losing weight on a diet, which means you reduce your diet. The body lacks protein, and this will not add beauty. Whey protein should account for half of the total amount of protein per day (if you are losing weight and exercising).

Today it is much easier for a modern person to achieve perfect proportions, because at his service and efficient systems workouts, and simulators with an enhanced system of impact on all muscle groups, and sports nutrition, thanks to which an ideal, toned body becomes not a myth, but a reality.

Useful amino acids, proteins and proteins of natural origin - this is what our body cannot do without. And therefore, an important point in compiling a sports menu is the right amount of protein, which is responsible for building muscle mass, the athlete's excellent health, immunity, endurance and achieving maximum results. You can get protein from the usual food, but it is much more effective to make up for its deficiency with specialized sports supplements.

Proteins, getting into the digestive tract, break down into essential amino acids. The latter, in turn, affect the growth of muscle tissue, the formation of certain hormones, the growth of bone tissue, and are also a source for energy production. To calculate how much protein you need to consume per day, you can use the standard scheme: 1.5-2 grams per day per 1 kilogram of body. At the same time, it is important to take into account such a moment that a sports supplement cannot contain 100% protein, the average is 70-93%.

How to take different types of protein

To date, there are several types of protein mixtures, each of which is characterized by its own characteristics in terms of intake time and serving size.

Type of Advantages Working hours Assimilation rate biological value Recommended Portion Time of receipt
Whey Relatively inexpensive, mixes well with liquid, has a powerful amino composition, is quickly absorbed 1-2 hours 10-12 grams/hour 90-95% 30 grams Morning, before and after training
whey hydrolyzate One of the best sources quality protein Up to 1 hour 20-25 grams/hour 99-100% 25-30 grams Before and after workout
Casein Long working time, slower breakdown into amino acids 4-10 hours 4-6 grams/hour 75-85% 35 grams Before bedtime
Lactic A fairly inexpensive product that is a derivative of ordinary whey 3-4 hours 4-5 grams/hour 85-90% 35 grams Between meals
Egg Contains all the amino acids necessary for the body, as well as vitamins, minerals and other useful substances 3-5 hours 9-11 grams/hour 99-100% 30-35 grams Morning, pre and post workout
soy Long-term absorption, lowers cholesterol levels, great for the female body 3-5 hours 3-4 grams/hour 70-75% 35 grams Between meals, after exercise
Complex It is a mixture of balanced proteins with different digestibility rates, suitable for the implementation of any tasks. Up to 8 hours 5-8 grams/hour 70-95% 30 grams Between meals, before and after exercise

How to use protein depending on the goal?

Depending on the purpose of using the protein (weight loss, gaining muscle mass, to achieve relief), the dosage and time of taking the supplement will differ. Consider the main and most common options.

  1. How to take protein for weight gain. To achieve this goal, you need to distribute the daily serving of protein into 5-6 servings. It is better to give preference to whey or complex protein. The daily rate should not exceed 2 grams per kilogram of weight (during normal training). An enhanced program will require an increased amount of protein consumed up to 2.5 grams.
  2. How much protein to drink for weight loss. You should have 2 types of protein: fast isolate (whey) or complex (whey and egg), slow (casein);
    . Drink according to the scheme, as for gaining muscle mass, with the only difference being that 2 meals can be replaced with slow protein (casein);
    . Sports are the basis for acquiring ideal forms;
    . You can additionally use various fat burners, for example, L-carnitine.
  3. How to Take Protein for Muscle Growth and Muscle Gain. At night, the muscles go through a recovery cycle, so a portion of protein is needed in the morning. Drink a fast-digesting protein shake(serum or complex) half an hour after waking up;
    . Happy. The amino acid pool must be regularly replenished, and therefore between meals you need to drink a portion of the isolate (or complex protein);
    . Before workout. Drink isolate 40 minutes before class to maintain existing amino acid levels in the muscles;
    . After workout. This is a risky period for catabolism: glycogen stores and amino acid concentrations decrease. Drink complex protein with fast carbohydrates, gainer with simple carbohydrates;
    . Before bedtime. To ensure the influx of amino acids, drink casein protein (absorbed in 6-8 hours).

Despite the fact that protein is a useful and indispensable sports supplement, it is worth remembering that everything is useful in moderation. Don't think that adding more protein to your diet every day will increase your muscle mass. In the case of a large amount of protein intake (whey or egg), there will be no harm to the body. However, in any case, the body will not take more than can be absorbed - the excess is simply excreted.

It is also worth mentioning that soy protein in excess consumption for men can be harmful, as it affects the increased production of the female hormone estrogen. On days of active and enhanced physical training (before competitions), you can increase the usual dose from 2 grams to 2.5, but on ordinary days you should not abuse the supplement.

In addition, it is worth mentioning the three most common questions that arise in those who are going to take protein.

  1. Is it necessary to constantly consume protein, or can it be stopped when the goal is reached?
    Here the answer is unequivocal - if you want to keep the shape, then when you cancel the protein, you need to balance the diet in such a way as to make up for the amount of protein consumed earlier.
  2. Should I Drink Protein Blends on Rest Days?
    At the time of rest from active physical activity muscles also need to be replenished. PRIME KRAFT offers only balanced high quality protein blends that help maintain and maintain the resulting shape. In addition, our catalog offers customers useful amino acids and fat burners, without which it is impossible to imagine a sports menu.
  3. How much protein can I drink per day, or what are the norms of a single serving for men and women?
    Everything is quite simple here - the protein norm for men in aerobic training is 2 grams / kg of body weight, in an intensive format of loads - 3 grams. For women and beginners - 1.5 g / kg. In this case, a single serving should not exceed 40 grams for weight gain and 20 for weight loss.

We wish you the achievement of all your goals, as well as only high-quality sports supplements that will be the key to a successful result along with active physical activity!

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Timko Ilya- lord of all site and fitness trainer | more >>

Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999. Trained since 2007. CCM in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and the South of Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar Territory according to IPF. 1st category in weightlifting. 2-time winner of the championship of the Krasnodar Territory in t / a. Author of over 700 articles on fitness and amateur athleticism. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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Protein is taken in two cases:

1. To gain muscle mass.
2. To keep muscles while losing weight.

I am often asked: how much, how and when to drink protein? I must say right away that there are quite a lot of opinions on this matter. And I don't think my opinion is the only right one. So let's get started.

How much to take?

Physiologists have long found out that for muscle growth a person must consume at least 1.5 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day. It's minimum. And in a good way - 2 grams (). This is what we will deviate from.

It's no secret that the food we buy in stores is rich mainly in fats and carbohydrates. But not proteins. That is, often, even with a normal diet, a person may not have enough protein for muscle growth.

As a rule, if you weigh 70 kg, then you consume about 70 grams of protein per day with regular food. That is only 50% - 66% of the amount of protein that you need. Of course, this is a very average value. But let's get rid of it. In other words, the amount of protein you should be consuming per day depends on more than just your weight. But also on the amount of protein consumed with regular food. And on the amount of protein in the protein itself.

Let's say if you weigh 70 kg, then you should take about 100 grams of 70% protein per day. If someone did not know, then there is no 100% protein in proteins. Maximum 90% - 95%. And on average - 70% - 75%. That is, taking 100 grams of 70% protein, you consume 70 grams of protein.

If you weigh 100 kg, then it will be 150 grams per day. And you need to take it every day the same amount. Regardless of whether you have a workout today or not (). Well, these are all approximate numbers. Below you can more accurately calculate how much protein you would like to take per day in the form of a sports supplement. I emphasize that the results of the calculator show the amount of intake of sports nutrition, and not the amount of protein in general.

Quantity daily allowance protein (grams) Your weight (kg):
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
The amount of protein in the protein (%): 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
Number of workouts per week: No workout 1 workout 2 workouts 3 workouts 4 workouts 5 workouts 6 workouts 7 workouts

Table of the average daily protein intake per 1 kg of weight (grams)

weight loss weight maintenance weight gain
The male 2 1.2 - 1.5 2
Woman 1.5 - 2 1 - 1.3 1.5 - 2

How and when to take

Usually the protein is mixed with water, milk or juice. The amount of liquid does not matter. The only thing is that it should not be boiling water. AT hot water the protein denatures (coagulates) and loses some of its properties.

Your daily dose is best taken in two divided doses. Since it is difficult for the body to absorb such an amount of protein at a time. It is usually taken between meals. I recommend drinking it between breakfast and lunch and right after your workout. And if there is no training on this day, then between breakfast and lunch and before dinner.

In principle, you can divide at least ten receptions. But it will already be superfluous and unnecessary troubles. You can drink everything at once. But there is a chance that some of the protein is simply not digested.

If you want to lose weight and take protein for this purpose, then you should not drink it in addition to regular food, but instead of food. What does it mean? This means that you need to replace part of your regular food with protein. Let's say you drink it as a snack between meals. You can also replace dinner or breakfast with protein. This is done in order to increase the amount of protein per day, without increasing the total caloric intake. Read more in the article. Or you can use the selection below, where I chose the best ones from inexpensive ones (in my opinion):

  • BioTech: Protein Power (76% protein)
  • Syntrax Trophix (75% protein)
  • Your Trainer: YOUR Yoghurt Protein (68% protein)
  • Syntrax Whey Shake (77% Protein)

Expert opinion

Potnikov S.N. - chief consultant sports nutrition store GOLD - STANDART (coaching experience 30 years)

The author almost completely revealed the topic of the rate of protein (protein) consumption for a complete diet. The calculation table is also quite conveniently given, required amount squirrel.

I would like to add a little to what the author said, in the place where we are talking about mixing protein with liquids. I recommend to my customers to mix the protein with the least amount of liquid, just enough to better mix the shake. Because a large number of liquids will impair the digestion and absorption of protein. Whey proteins require less liquid as they the cocktail turns out to be quite liquid, more for caseins, because. the cocktail is much thicker. I think the most suitable option for stirring a cocktail is water, because. water does not slow down the process of protein digestion, unlike milk.

But immediately after training, I recommend that my athletes use whey protein isolate or hydrolyzate, because. only when taking these types of protein, you can achieve the most rapid recovery of muscle tissue. Other types of proteins will not give the desired result, and if it is not possible to buy an isolate, then it is better to start with complex carbohydrates, to replenish energy, and only then drink protein.

I absolutely agree with most of the author’s conclusions, it really matters how much protein you get in your diet, and not when you drink it. Moreover, the general consumed amount It is better to count protein not for a day, but for a week, as well as counting calories. Because this figure cannot be constant from day to day, and may vary, according to the needs of the body. But as a result, we get the desired 1.5-2 grams. protein per 1 kg of weight, as recommended by the author of this article.

Tatyana Rebenchuk - CCM in basketball, sports nutrition specialist at

Of course, for an ordinary person, the optimal proportion of protein intake per day is 1.5 g per 1 kg of weight. But do not forget that during active training, for example, during preparatory camps for competitions, athletes need to increase the amount of protein consumed up to 2, or even up to 2.5 g per 1 kg of weight. Since during such periods the body works at its maximum and it requires all the energy of the human body, which can lead to muscle catabolism.

You will achieve the best results if you consume half of the required protein from regular food, and the other from specialized sports nutrition.

Regarding the time of protein intake - here everyone chooses for himself. It is important to know that there is a so-called "fast protein" - which you can consume half an hour before a workout and be sure that it is fully absorbed. And “slow” - it is absorbed much longer, suitable for evening reception, for people gaining weight, and morning reception for those who wish to lose weight, thus replacing meals and providing themselves with the necessary complex of amino acids for the whole day.