Healthy fats - a list of products. Saturated and unsaturated fats: a complete list of foods.

We will talk about dietary fats, their types, functions, harm and benefits for the human body.

Fats are an important part of our diet. Due to the fear of gaining extra pounds, many underestimate their importance and eat only proteins and carbohydrates, which is fraught with health problems. You can’t neglect the fats in your diet, you just need to find out which ones and in what quantities will benefit you.

Fats aid in the digestion of food and the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and nutrients from food. Nutritional fats help hormones function. Dietary fats replenish our body's energy reserves very quickly. Moreover, the energy released during fat oxidation is stored in the body. long time. Therefore, in the cold, fatty foods help us keep warm. On the other hand, the body needs to use up all the energy it receives from fat, or it will be transformed into excess weight.

Fat classification:

  • vegetable and animal;
  • natural and trans fats;
  • saturated and unsaturated.

Saturated fats are considered the most harmful to our body, which differ from healthy unsaturated fats in their molecular compounds that linger in the vessels and interfere with the digestion of food, creating health problems. Such fats are found in margarine, palm and coconut oil, spread, butter (there are also healthy fats), cheese, milk, cream, sour cream, fatty red meat, lard, fast food, confectionery, chocolate.

Trans fats are also classified as unhealthy fats. They are made from liquid vegetable oils in an artificial way. Thus, they produce cooking oil, spread and margarine, which are added to sweets, pastries, confectionery and bakery products, mayonnaise, ketchups, sauces, canned food, snacks and other snacks from the store. Such products are practically indigestible and contain great amount simple carbohydrates.

Unsaturated fats are of great benefit to our body, which are monounsaturated (contain omega-9 fatty acids) and polyunsaturated (contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids).
The benefits of polyunsaturated fats:
  • decrease in the level of bad;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • pressure normalization;
  • prevention of cardiovascular and oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus;
  • improvement of the immune system;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • energy production;
  • memory improvement;
  • maintaining the beauty of the skin, nails.
Sources of monounsaturated fats are: sesame, nut, olive, rapeseed, sunflower and butter(butter consists of a third of monounsaturated fats, the rest of harmful saturated fats - it is useful to use in moderation), almonds, peanuts,.

Sources of polyunsaturated fats are: corn, linseed and soybean oil, sesame and sunflower seeds, soybeans, fatty sea fish (salmon, salmon, mackerel, herring).

  • You need to eat sea fish twice a week.
  • Prefer white lean meat(chicken, turkey and rabbit), lean veal and pork.
  • Do not use meat broths for cooking food.
  • Refuse to fry in a pan, cook food on a steam or grill, simmer in a sealed container.
  • Season salads with unrefined vegetable oil.
  • Eat nuts and seeds in limited quantities.
  • Eat dairy products with low content fat.
  • When shopping, read labels and avoid products containing modified ingredients, artificial colors, and preservatives.

Pictured is a table of harmful food additives

It is important to add only one-third of your healthy fats to your diet. daily allowance nutrition.

With increased physical activity, after a long outcome of the disease and in the cold, it is desirable to increase the rate of fat intake in the body, and with diabetes, diseases of the liver and pancreas, obesity and some other diseases - reduce.

Dietary fats should be fresh, as they quickly oxidize and accumulate harmful compounds that disrupt the functioning of the stomach, kidneys, and liver.

Video on whether fats are needed in the diet:

Video on the topic - which fats are allowed and which are not allowed during weight loss:

Foods that burn fat:

Obesity is the real plague of the 21st century. Every person who is overweight is at risk of acquiring a number of chronic and dangerous diseases. The first step towards slim figure is the right diet. To determine the diet of permitted foods, consider which foods contain fats.

Varieties of triglycerides

The group of substances called "fats" is extremely heterogeneous in composition. It highlights three major categories:

  1. Containing only saturated fatty acids. Most of them are found in the meat of animals. The body assimilates them extremely slowly and with great difficulty. The excess of this substance in the human body is clearly indicated by deposits on the abdomen. If you do not change your diet and lifestyle in any way, then the appearance of dangerous diseases will not take long.
  2. vegetable and fish oils . On the contrary, they are very useful when used in moderation. Included in the mandatory menu suffering from excess cholesterol.
  3. If the previous type of fat is subjected to trans-configurations, then the output will be extremely dangerous for health. I. It can be found in abundance in fast food restaurants, mayonnaise, ketchup and sweets.

Unfortunately, the composition on the label almost never indicates the type of triglycerides contained there.

What are the enzymes that break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates?

Especially popular in dietetics are products that accelerate the process of processing fats. They seem to burn substances unnecessary to the body, leaving only those that are really necessary for health.

Such miracle products primarily include:

In this video, nutritionist Evgeny Matveev will talk about the rating of foods that can burn fat in your body:

What is in fish oil?

Fish oil is found mainly in the body of the inhabitants of salty sea waters (mainly mackerel and herring).

The composition of this substance is a real storehouse of substances useful for human health:

  • Omega 3- is valued in medicine for its remarkable ability to increase the volume of blood vessels. That is why its use is indicated for people suffering from thrombosis. Another positive effect is the strengthening of the body's regeneration processes and the improvement of the condition of the integumentary systems. Arterial pressure comes in order. In addition, the effects of stress are reduced;
  • Retinol- plays a significant role in strengthening the defense system of a weakened organism. Accelerates metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane. Also indispensable for people with impaired visual acuity;
  • VitaminD- is crucial in the assimilation of some beneficial trace elements. Useful for strengthening the skeleton;
  • Antioxidants- serve as reliable protection internal organs from the strong attack of free radicals. Increases the stability and lifespan of cells, thereby stopping aging.

What foods contain fats: a list of products

Some amount of triglycerides can be found in many foods. Depending on the share of their content, several groups can be distinguished:

  1. The largest amount (share 4/5 by weight) of these substances is contained in various types oils used in food: vegetable, butter, etc.
  2. There are also a lot of them in margarine, salted smoked lard, confectionery pastes from cream with sugar (a frequent component of cakes);
  3. About 2/5 fats are composed of thick sour cream, halva, various varieties sausage products, smoked canned fish in oil, goose and duck meat, dairy cream;
  4. From 1/10 to 1/5 fat is found in broiler chickens, sausages, sea ​​fish, processed cheese, eggs and meat of cattle;
  5. In small quantities (less than 1/10) triglycerides can be found in chicken meat second grade, cheap ice cream, kefir and some fish (pink salmon, horse mackerel, etc.);
  6. Bread, beans, as well as fish - pike and hake, have very little fat in their composition.

Benefits of fat for the body

According to the opinion of the medical community, the proportion of fat consumed by an adult on a daily basis should not be more than a third. In this case, the ratio of saturated and unsaturated triglycerides should be 1:2, respectively. If a person has chronic diseases, the diet needs to be adjusted with the participation of a doctor.

However, there are a number of cases where cutting out fat can be extremely unhealthy:

  • Physical labor and hard sports activities;
  • Prolonged exposure to low air temperature. In winter, an increased amount of energy is spent on maintaining the body in good shape. In addition, the fat deposited in the tissues serves as an additional barrier against freezing;
  • The period of bearing a child. The processes that take place at this time in the body of the expectant mother require the intake of Omega-3 acid in increased quantities;
  • Men suffering from impotence;
  • Lack of energy in the body.

Harm of fats for the body

Any substance is salvation, any substance is poison. It all depends on volume of consumption. We list the cases when it is worth limiting the use rich in fat food:

  • Overweight;
  • A healthy person in the hot season;
  • Employment in mental, not physical work;
  • Problems with heart;
  • Liver disease;
  • people of retirement age;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • Problems with the thyroid gland.

However, even for those who found themselves on this list, in no case should you refuse fatty foods altogether.

In a number of countries, shops and manufacturers are required to indicate which products contain fat in in large numbers. First of all, sweets, smoked products, lard and other stars of gastronomy fall under the blow.

But one should not forget that completely cutting out fatty foods can be even more harmful than the unrestrained eating of it.

Video about the dangers of fatty foods

In this video, nutritionist Anton Denisov will tell you all about the dangers of fatty foods, which foods are high in Omega-3 fatty acids:


We all know that chocolate, cakes, ice cream and biscuits are the foods who "gift" us the largest number calories. You can deny yourself the consumption of these goodies as often as you like, but this will not save you from the calories that are hidden in other foods that we consume much more often than the above desserts. And if you are serious about preparing your body for the beach season, you might find it helpful to learn more about some of the products that do their "dirty work" invisibly., adding to our body more than one hundred extra calories daily.

1. Mayonnaise.

How to limit consumption? Replace mayonnaise with a low-fat seasoning: add a little to the salad soy sauce or balsamic vinegar. Better - use regular low fat (or low fat) unsweetened yogurt . You can also add your own sauce with so-called homemade cheese (cheese "cottage"). Stop adding mayonnaise to a salad with chicken or tuna - try adding greens, black pepper and a little tomato instead.

2. Nuts.

How to limit consumption? It must be remembered that, in spite of everything, nuts are an essential part of a balanced diet. And even if the fat content in this product is very high, nuts do not contain cholesterol, and fats are the so-called good monounsaturated variety. But if you are concerned about the problem of getting rid of extra pounds, it makes sense to stop eating handfuls of nuts every day. It is also worth choosing nuts with the lowest fat content: for example, the same almonds.

3. Creamer for coffee.

How to limit consumption? Even though you hate coffee without creamer, cream should be eliminated from your diet completely, as it is a real storehouse of harmful saturated fats. There is no other way to stop adding cream to coffee! However, it is possible to use skimmed (or low fat) milk. If you don’t have a refrigerator (for example, at work), you can use milk powder - everything is better than adding cream!

4. Peanut butter.

How to limit consumption? Despite the fact that this product is rather typical for American and Western European cuisine, the fashion for peanut butter is beginning to gain momentum in our country as well. And no wonder - peanut butter is an excellent source of monounsaturated fats. However, your waist will not thank you if you abuse this product. However, now you can find analogues of this oil that do not contain sugar. Of course, the amount of fat from this will not decrease, but the calories will decrease. It is recommended to consume no more than four teaspoons of peanut butter per week - and try to eat it only as part of sandwiches.

5. Potato chips.

How to limit consumption? If you often buy chips, read the information on the product packaging - the amount of fat and calories varies, depending on the manufacturer and brand. However, chips - this is the product in whose justification there is practically nothing to say. It makes sense to replace it regular popcorn- of course, not purchased, but self-cooked. Even saltine crackers contain less fat than crisps, although this is not the best way. As a last resort, choose variations of these foods that do not contain trans fats.

6. Cheeses.

How to limit consumption? Whenever possible, always choose low-fat cheeses (like the aforementioned "cottage" cheese, or variations thereof). In more durum varieties cheese, such as cheddar, gouda or parmesan contains much more fat. Try to cut down on foods that contain a lot of cheese. We are talking about products such as pizza, macaroni and cheese, as well as various hamburgers and sandwiches widely offered in fast foods.

7. Red meat.

How to limit consumption? If you compare red meat (pork and beef) with other foods on this list, the percentage of fat does not seem that much. However, the problem is that we eat meat much more often and in much less time. more than, say, the same peanut butter. Buy lean meats (veal, meat of animals obtained by hunting, poultry meat). Eat fish meat more often than red meat. When cooking meat, try to remove as much fat as possible. Avoid consumption of products where fat is clearly visible - salami, homemade sausage etc.

8. Pies and flour products.

How to limit consumption? Bad news for all those who love to bake and eat pies: this dish is literally teeming with some of the most harmful fats for the body. And don't be fooled by the fact that pies are in eighth place on this list in terms of the amount of fat they contain.- we can eat a pie much more than the same mayonnaise, which comes first. It is worth limiting the consumption of this type of product if you want to lose extra pounds and improve heart health. Replace it with whole grain or rye flour baked goods.

9. Deep-fried dishes.

How to limit consumption? Deep-frying has never been considered a healthy option for any of the dishes. It is better to eat fried donuts or cook sausages on the grill (which is also far from the most useful things!) than to cook deep-fried dishes. We recommend that you also consider any other cooking options - fry, stew, bake - but try to avoid deep-fried foods.

10. Avocado.

How to limit consumption? As you know, the so-called monounsaturated fats contained in avocado fruits are also a necessary part of a balanced diet. But excessive consumption of this product will lead to the appearance of extra pounds so don't eat more than one medium serving of this fruit per week. There are lovers of flavoring this product with mayonnaise, we recommend that you abandon this habit so as not to aggravate the situation, but add a little lemon instead - just for flavor!

Despite the "fat-free" craze, foods containing fat are not as bad for your waistline as they seem. Healthy fats- animals and plants - on the contrary,.

Which foods are low and which are high in fat? Which ones are helpful and which ones are harmful? Read on.

Foods containing are about 30% of a person's daily calorie intake. There are 9 calories in 1 gram of fat. Is there any point in "fat-free" foods and diets?

How do we gain weight?

If there's more calories than , then you get fat. If less, you lose weight. It doesn't matter if you eat fat or carbs. All the calories you didn't burn today will end up at your waist tomorrow (or wherever your body likes to store fat). Harmful, beneficial, animal, vegetable - all extra fat from food will go "to the reserve". Not fats and not carbohydrates make us fat, but overeating.

Under the guise of diet food, stores sell food products that contain little or no fat. The inscription "0% fat" is even on products in which there can be no fat. This inscription is made by marketers, trying to better sell the product. And if you look at the composition on the packaging of low-fat yogurts, it turns out that there are as many calories in them as in regular ones (due to sugar). And for weight loss, the most important thing is not how much fat foods contain.

Foods high in fat

Vegetable and animal fats

Vegetable fats are found in products of plant origin: nuts, seeds, vegetable oil, avocados.

Animal fats are found in animal products: meat, fish, poultry, eggs, butter.

Products containing animal fats

Food product Fats, g (per 100 g of product), g
Butter, pork fat over 80
Cheese, fat sour cream (more than 20%), pork, duck, geese, eel, smoked sausage, avocado from 20 to 40
Fat cottage cheese (from 10%), cream, cream ice cream, lamb, beef and chicken (shank, ham), eggs, low-fat sausage, salmon, herring, mackerel, caviar 10 to 19
Milk, kefir, cottage cheese (4-9%), milk ice cream, lamb, beef, pink salmon, mackerel, tuna 3 to 9
Shrimps, pike perch, pike, hake, chicken breast, less than 2
Fat-free cottage cheese, milk and kefir, squid, cod less than 1g

Products containing vegetable fats

Foods containing bad and good fats

Healthy fats

If you reduce fats to a minimum, then you will be slower, and health problems will also appear (in particular, for girls, the menstrual cycle may go astray, and for men, this is not only a lack of energy in training, but also a decrease in libido).

Foods containing healthy fats

bad fats

These are all trans fats and excess saturated fats.
trans fats- these are margarine, fried foods (fries, etc.), baked goods (snacks, pizza, chips, etc.)
Harm of foods containing trans fats: heart and vascular disease, type 2 diabetes, chronic inflammation, obesity, possibly cancer. All trans fats are bad. Eating them is like building your house out of hollow bricks. Also, our body - the building material for it must be reliable.

Saturated fats- this is fatty meat, chicken skin, fat milk and cream, butter, etc. By themselves, these fats are not harmful and must be in the diet (7-10% of daily calories). But if you eat too much saturated fat, then the total calorie intake will be higher. The result is extra weight, and extreme case obesity and related health problems.

* if you use too much

The presence of fats in the diet is necessary, the daily minimum of these nutrients provides normal functioning organism. Not all types of fats are the same. What foods contain saturated and unsaturated fats? The answer to this question lies at the heart of a healthy diet.

Everyone knows that our health and physical fitness are most dependent on. To eat a balanced diet, foods must be selected so that the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in them is 1: 1.2: 4.6. Constant excess consumption of fats can lead not only to an increase in body weight, but also to pathologies of internal organs.

It is impossible to completely abandon the use of fats, since this is the main source of energy and some groups of vitamins. However, you need to remember which foods contain healthy fats and which do not. So, dietary fats are divided into 2 groups:

  • saturated;

What foods contain saturated fats

Saturated fats remain solid room temperature. They contain a large number of:

  • margarine;
  • fatty meat, especially fried;
  • Salo;
  • fast food;
  • milk products;
  • chocolate;
  • coconut and palm oils;
  • egg (yolk).

Excessive consumption of foods that contain saturated fats can in some cases cause considerable harm, although in small quantities they are necessary. Saturated fatty acids, entering the bloodstream, settle on the walls of blood vessels in the form of cholesterol plaques and lead to the development of atherosclerosis, a dangerous disease. of cardio-vascular system. In addition, their excess slows down the metabolism and contributes to obesity.

What foods contain healthy fats (mono- and polyunsaturated)

Unsaturated fats remain liquid at room temperature and are commonly referred to as oils. Products with high content monounsaturated fats can freeze in the cold, but polyunsaturated fats never freeze.
The richest in this group of fats are:

  • bird (except skin);
  • fatty fish;
  • nuts: cashews, peanuts (monounsaturated), walnuts, almonds (polyunsaturated);
  • vegetable oils (sunflower, linseed, rapeseed, corn (monounsaturated), olive, peanut (polyunsaturated)), as well as the products from which they are obtained (peanuts, olives, sunflower seeds etc).

Fats of this group contain the main fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, F, B12, K. However, they should not be abused either - fat consumption in any case should not exceed the body's needs for nutrients and energy, otherwise a set excess weight and the formation of gallstones.

Knowing what foods contain fats, you can correctly compose your diet. 70-75% of fat consumed should be unsaturated, 30% saturated. The share of vegetable fats in daily diet should be about 40%, animals - about 60%. For older and overweight people, the ratio should be changed in favor of vegetable.

With the exception of vegetable oils, any product contains different types fats, such as in lardthe most useful arachidonic (polyunsaturated) fatty acid. Therefore, refuse completely foods rich in saturated fat, it’s not worth it, it’s enough to use them little by little, and then health problems and weight gain will not threaten you.