Fish oil dietary omega 3 biafishenol. Fish oil Biafishenol: instructions for use.


In the case of enrichment with biologically active preparations (for example, extracts of kelp, sea buckthorn, hawthorn, garlic), they are also quickly absorbed and supplement this useful product and many other properties as well.

The specific smell and taste of fish oil is no longer a problem, as the modern capsule form of the preparation completely neutralizes them.

You Might Need These Healthy Fats

The benefits of omega-3s range from several areas of health, from mental and behavioral health to preventing premature death from disease, among others. Most people do not consume enough omega-3s, making omega-3 deficiency probably the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. This deficiency can cause or contribute to serious mental and physical health problems and may be an important underlying factor in up to 1,000 premature deaths each year.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in "Biafishenol" can lower cholesterol levels and thereby prevent the occurrence of many diseases, such as ischemia, stroke.

"Biafishenol" is indispensable in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases.



Fish fat(made in Germany) - 100%.

Omega 3 and 6 fats have been found to affect these two genes - omega 3 tends to reduce the development of cancer cells, while highly processed and toxic omega 6 causes cancer development. Given that omega-3 deficiency is a common underlying factor in cancer and heart disease, it's no surprise that statistics show that this deficiency could account for about a thousand deaths a year.

Particular attention should also be paid to the fact that most women experience severe omega deficiencies. The result showed that they all had an omega deficiency. Another study compared Inuit women to Canadian women and found that the milk contained omega-3s from Canadian women who were breastfeeding.

Contains: omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids - 25%, vitamins A, D.

Pharmachologic effect:
Polyunsaturated fatty acids reduce the level of triglycerides in the blood serum, reduce the risk of blood clots in the vessels, promote the synthesis of prostaglandins that support the immune status of the body, are necessary for the normal function of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland.

Animal cells cannot produce omega-3s, so the fetus must get all the omega-3 fatty acids from the mother's diet. So remember that if you are pregnant, your baby is dependent on omega-3s from his diet through breast milk. In this case, it is important that you maintain an adequate intake of omega.

The perfect balance between omega 3 and omega 6 for your body

However, the average American consumes much more omega 6 in their diet and very low levels of omega. The ideal ratio between omega 6 and omega 3 is 1: in fact, the media has already reported that the lack of omega 3 is one of the most serious and urgent health problems facing the world.

Their deficiency increases the risk of developing gallstones and cardiovascular disease.
Vitamin A, contained in salmon oil, is important for the normal course of metabolic processes.

It affects the metabolism of lipids, cholesterol, the synthesis of nucleic acids and some hormones, increases the body's resistance to infections, and participates in the biosynthesis of antibodies.
Vitamin D maintains the mineral balance in the body, regulates the body's need for calcium.

They are found in too many common foods, which explains the excess levels of omega. Omega-6 fats predominate in American food, stimulating the production of inflammation in the body. Several scientists believe that one of the reasons why today is the high incidence of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, premature aging and some forms of cancer, is this profound imbalance between omega-3s and omegas.

Omega-3 Animal Sources

You may be wondering what animal-based omega-3 options are available to you. The only exceptions are wild Alaskan salmon and very small fish like sardines. The highest concentrations of mercury are found in large carnivorous fish such as tuna, sea ​​bass and marlin. You must be especially careful with canned tuna, as independent tests conducted by the Mercury Policy Project showed that the average concentration of mercury in canned tun is well above the "safe limits" set by the EPA. It's also important that you avoid captive salmon, which contains roughly half the omega-3 levels of wild salmon. It may also contain various contaminants such as environmental toxins, synthetic astaxanthin and harmful metabolic by-products, as well as agrochemical residues from GM feed and soy feed. Fish oil - Fish oil is one of the better ways increase your intake of omega fats. High quality fish oils can certainly offer several health benefits. However, this oil is poor in antioxidants. This means that as you increase your intake of omega-3s through fish oil, you also increase your need for more antioxidant protection. This is because fish oil is somewhat perishable and oxidation causes harmful free radicals to form. Therefore, antioxidants and other defenses are essential to ensure that fish oil does not rust or go bad in your body. Krill Oil is my preferred option for animal based omega-3s. In addition, the antioxidant power of krill oil is 48 times higher than that of fish oil.

  • In an ideal world, fish can provide everything required amount omegas.
  • These toxins do not recommend eating fish anymore.
Krill are small shrimp-like animals and have been a food source in Asia since the 19th century at least.

A lack of vitamin D in the body can lead to muscle weakness, can cause brittle bones in old age, and lead to skeletal deformities.

Indications: Adults and children over 14 years of age. It is recommended as an additional source of omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A and D.

How to use: Adults and children over 14 years old: 10 capsules a day with meals. Course 1 month.

Krill production can be completely sustainable and one of the most environmentally friendly on the planet. Krill is one of the largest biomass in the world and can be found in all oceans. Antarctic krill, by far the most widespread, is managed by an international organization of 25 countries known as the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources.

Antarctic krill biomass is subject to strict international catch limit regulations, which are reviewed periodically to ensure sustainability. Fish and krill oils are the two protagonists in the field of animal omega-3 fats. But I have many reasons to believe that krill oil offers even greater benefits. In fact, two studies illustrate this.

Can be repeated 2-3 times a year


: Individual intolerance to the components, hemorrhagic syndrome, acute gastrointestinal infections, pregnancy and lactation.

with Valerian and Motherwort

The addition of valerian and motherwort oils reduces reflex excitability and helps to relax spasm of smooth muscles.

Its molecular composition is said to be responsible for this better absorbency. If you've already joined the search for add-ons, you've probably immersed yourself in an ocean of information about yourself. This little addition has already made an impact, but is it really worth diving into this sea?

There's no denying, fish oil is fantastic! No pun intended, there is nothing wrong with this amazing supplement. Then drop your hook and follow the classes. These fatty acids are considered "essential" because they are essential for our proper functioning but are not produced by our body. Therefore, we must obtain them through food and supplements.

A sedative for insomnia, nervous agitation, spasms of the coronary vessels, migraines.

with vitamin E

Fish oil with vitamin E is recommended as a preventive nutrition for rickets, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, bronchial asthma, visual impairment, dermatitis, allergic diseases, to normalize cholesterol and lipid metabolism.

This ensures that what is written on the label is contained in the bottle. Fish oil is well tolerated by most people, although there are some side effects that may occur. These may include excessive bleeding if the product is consumed at high doses - well above what is recommended here. This is due to the ability of fish oil to break down blood clots in high concentrations.

Some people are allergic to fish oil and should not consume it. Perhaps the most common side effect associated with the consumption of fish oil is gastrointestinal discomfort. Many people also experience unpleasant belching when consuming fish oil. If this is the case, try using the product with enteric-coated capsules, which should reduce the frequency of burping.

Helps reduce bone fragility and improve the formation of the bone skeleton. It is an effective immune system stimulant.

The physiological activity of "Biafishenol with vitamin E" is manifested in the normalization of cell lipid metabolism and lowering cholesterol levels in the blood of people, which ensures high efficiency in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the thyroid gland and kidneys.

Contributes to the normal course of pregnancy and fetal development.

"Biafishenol with vitamin E" helps to rejuvenate the body, thereby increasing longevity.

with wheat germ

Thanks to high content natural vitamin E in wheat germ oil, this drug successfully copes with diseases of cardio-vascular system, hypertension, thyroid gland, strengthens the immune system, increases sexual activity, slows down the aging process.

The linoleic and -linolenic acids included in the composition give this drug the ability to significantly improve metabolism and strengthen immune system.

The drug can be used as effective remedy prevention of allergic diseases, especially in the spring.

with milk thistle and pumpkin oil

The main value of fish oil lies in the high content vitamins A, D and omega 3 PUFAs.

The role of milk thistle oil contained in the preparation is in the healing of ulcerative-destructive lesions of the mucous membrane, wounds, bedsores and inflammatory processes.

Pumpkin oil has a positive effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

with seaweed

Contains polyunsaturated eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic, linoleic, -linoleic, -linoleic fatty acids, thanks to which this drug contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Addendum seaweed provides prevention of thyroid diseases, improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system, and also helps to saturate the body with B vitamins.

with rosehip and flax oil

Biafishenol with rosehip and flax oil has good health and preventive properties with cardiovascular, skin and other diseases; renders beneficial effect on the immune system; has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The addition of flaxseed oil to fish oil leads to an increase in total PUFAs (omega 3 and omega 6).

Vitamin A is involved in the metabolism of lipids, cholesterol, positive influence on the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.

Vitamin D contributes to the maintenance of mineral balance in the body by regulating the need for calcium.

Carotenoids are natural antioxidants that have a positive effect on the metabolism of lipids, cholesterol, the synthesis of nucleic acids and some hormones.

Advantages: contains omega-3, strengthens the nervous system, restores blood vessels, lowers cholesterol, prevents diabetes

Cons: none

According to scientists, polyunsaturated fatty acid Omega-3 is not synthesized in the human body, it must be obtained from outside. And she plays very important role, so is contained in every cell of our body and makes it permeable to nutrients. If a person lacks omega-3, then this is fraught with blood clots, increased cholesterol, problems with blood vessels and veins, and deterioration nervous system. Such are the passions!

No wonder children have always been given fish oil, because it and fatty fish contain the highest omega-3 content! And also - in flaxseed oil, this is a vegetable source of this PUFA.

And now more about Biafishenol. I usually use linseed oil, but my husband really doesn't like its taste, so I decided to buy fish oil capsules. The choice was stopped at an inexpensive option for 53 rubles (100 capsules) - Biafishenol.

About the manufacturer:

Inside there is an instruction, I already threw it away, as it repeats everything that is written on the package. How to use: 5 capsules 2 times a day with meals.