Salad with canned tuna, eggs and potatoes. Baked potatoes with canned tuna

Tuna is able to transform absolutely any dish. In combination with the simplest root crop, potatoes, it turns out to be even more refined. Undoubtedly, this fish has bright, saturated palatability, much more noble than, for example, herring or sardine. very tasty, even then to talk about those in which tuna is used - this is just a culinary masterpiece, and not a simple snack.

V this case not only the products are perfectly matched, but also the presentation of the salad from canned fish with potatoes is very original. After all, these are not just products laid out in a salad bowl, but a real picture. In this form, the salad will certainly attract attention. Even the kids will not be able to resist him, he looks very beautiful and unusual.

For a salad with canned fish and potatoes you need:

  • 150 gr. tuna in a jar;
  • 200 gr. potatoes;
  • 2 medium tomatoes;
  • 1 beam head;
  • 80 gr. arugula;
  • 20 gr. parsley;
  • 2 gr. salt;
  • 4 gr. pepper;
  • 1 sweet pepper.

Salad with canned fish and potatoes:

  1. The potatoes are washed with a brush, transferred to a saucepan and poured over plain water, boil, after which, douse cold water and cool, peel and cut into large pieces.
  2. The onion is cleaned, laid out on a board and chopped with a knife into thin slices, after which it is poured with boiling water and infused for five minutes. At the end of the preparation, the water is drained, and the onion itself is squeezed a little.
  3. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and spread the potatoes and onions. Slightly fried with the addition of your favorite spices.
  4. Tomatoes are washed, wiped and small cubes cut with a knife, excess juice, be sure to drain.
  5. To already prepared products, add tuna along with the liquid, mix.
  6. Rinse the pepper, remove the seed box and white partitions, cut into medium pieces.
  7. The greens are washed, finely chopped with a knife.
  8. All components are laid out on a dish, decorated with arugula leaves and chopped parsley.

Tip: This salad is equally delicious, both warm and chilled. It can be served in two variations.

Canned fish salad with potatoes

Due to the rich composition, this dish turns out to be insanely satisfying and at the same time multifaceted. All proportions are precisely matched, due to which the taste is heterogeneous, but harmonious. Visually, the salad looks appetizing, sunny, and festive. It can be safely prepared for any holiday, it will certainly fall in love with everyone and will be no less frequent guest on the table than "Crab" or "Olivier".

For a salad with tuna and potatoes you need:

  • 300 gr. canned tuna;
  • 1 beam head;
  • 300 gr. potatoes;
  • 2 medium pickled cucumbers;
  • 100 gr. cheese;
  • 3 large eggs;
  • 100 gr. from a jar of corn;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 2 gr. salt;
  • 4 gr. pepper.

Salad with tuna and potatoes recipe:

  1. Eggs are boiled in a saucepan with water, then poured with ice water and cooled, cleaned and rubbed on a medium-sized grater.
  2. Boil potatoes in a saucepan, then cool and peel, cut into small squares.
  3. Carrots are peeled, rubbed on a grater.
  4. The onion is freed from the husk and chopped with a knife into thin plates.
  5. Cucumbers are also cut into circles on the board.
  6. A jar of corn is opened, the marinade is decanted.
  7. To grind cheese, take a medium-sized grater and rub it on it.
  8. A jar of tuna is opened and the entire contents are crushed with a fork.
  9. Pour everything into a salad bowl and pepper, sprinkle with salt.
  10. At the end, pour over everything with mayonnaise, mix.
  11. Decorate if desired.

Tip: this canned fish salad with potatoes will be excellent if carefully laid out on a dish using serving rings and garnished with ordinary greens. You can also put cucumber slices and corn kernels nearby.

Canned fish salad with potatoes

Incredible, simple and at the same time fabulously delicious salad with canned fish and potatoes. With its help, you can easily satisfy your hunger after a busy day at work, and it will not look simple on the festive table. On the contrary, it is he who will attract a lot of attention to himself, will become the main among all dishes, a real favorite.

Required components:

  • 420 gr. tuna in a can;
  • 500 gr. potatoes;
  • 2 large eggs;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 80 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 10 gr. dill;
  • 10 gr. parsley.

Salad with tuna, potatoes and eggs:

  1. The potatoes are washed with an ordinary brush, then wrapped in foil and baked for about forty minutes, then unwrapped, cooled.
  2. The eggs are boiled in a small saucepan, then they are forcibly cooled and cleaned.
  3. Potatoes are peeled and chopped a little. The pieces should be larger. After cutting, lay out in a salad bowl.
  4. The jar in which the tuna is located is opened, the liquid is drained and cut a little smaller with a knife or simply broken with a fork, poured into a salad bowl.
  5. Peeled eggs are laid out on a board and chopped with a knife.
  6. Bulgarian pepper is washed and cut, separated from all seeds and veins are cut out from it, cut into strips.
  7. The greens are washed and chopped on the board.
  8. All products are placed in one container and poured with mayonnaise, if necessary, salt and pepper are added and mixed with a spoon.

Tip: according to many chefs, a thin film of bell pepper must be removed, as it negatively affects the gastric mucosa. To do this, the peppercorns are doused with boiling water and after that the film is hooked with a knife and peeled off.

Potato and fish salad

The combination of ingredients in this recipe is very unusual. at the same time piquant, even spicy and at the same time gentle, light. Its main feature is that you need to cook tuna yourself, and not buy canned food from the store. You can’t always guess what is in these jars, in general. Having prepared the fish yourself, you can be completely sure of its quality.

Required components:

  • 250 gr. tuna;
  • 70 gr. mozzarella;
  • 50 gr. olives
  • 150 gr. potatoes;
  • 200 gr. string beans;
  • 3 large eggs;
  • 3 medium tomatoes;
  • 1 head of red onion;
  • 10 gr. mustard;
  • 10 gr. basilica;
  • 40 gr. olive oil;
  • 20 gr. honey;
  • 20 gr. lemon juice;
  • 10 gr. wine concentrate.

Salad with potatoes and tuna:

  1. Initially prepare the dressing. For this purpose, mustard is mixed with oil, honey and wine concentrate, finely chopped greens are added there and insisted for about thirty minutes.
  2. Tuna is washed and poured with a mixture of oil and lemon juice, marinated.
  3. Washed beans are poured into the pan and fried for about five minutes, then poured with lemon juice, sprinkled with chopped herbs and insisted a little.
  4. Already pickled fish is placed in a pan and fried.
  5. Eggs and potatoes are boiled in separate saucepans, cooled and peeled after boiling.
  6. Cut potatoes into small cubes and pour into a salad bowl.
  7. Shrimps are boiled in a saucepan filled with water and thrown into a colander, cooled there and dried.
  8. Washed tomatoes are cut into slices.
  9. All prepared products are poured into a salad bowl with potatoes.
  10. Tuna meat is cut into thin slices and added to a salad bowl.
  11. Cheese is rubbed on a medium-sized grater.
  12. Eggs are cut into slices.
  13. Decorate the salad with chopped eggs and cheese, pour it with abundantly infused sauce.

Salad with tuna and potatoes

This one seems very simple, but at the same time it has an amazing, incredibly rich taste that can not only cause delight, but also amaze even real gourmets with its taste. This is a real miracle, and not a simple dish worthy of being on the table as often as possible.

Required components:

  • 400 gr. tuna in a jar;
  • 150 gr. peas from a jar;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 250 gr. potatoes;
  • 2 large eggs;
  • 120 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 2 gr. salt.

Tuna salad with potatoes:

  1. Potatoes and carrots, without peeling, are boiled in a saucepan, after which they are poured over with cold water and cooled, peeled and cut into rings.
  2. Peas from the jar are laid out in a colander, gently washed and dried there.
  3. Pour prepared potatoes, carrots and peas into one bowl.
  4. Filter the sauce in the jar with tuna, cut the fish itself (in case there are large pieces in the jar).
  5. Tuna is laid out in a bowl with other products.
  6. Sprinkle the contents of the bowl with salt, pour it with mayonnaise, take a spoon and mix everything with it.
  7. They shift the salad into beautiful plates, decorate with greens if desired.

With the addition of tuna, they always turn out special, unusual. They have absolutely everything you need for a quality meal. This and amazing taste, and a wonderful aroma, and many useful properties, and nutritional value. At the same time, it cannot be called expensive, which means that you can safely cook more often, and not just for the holidays.

A lot of people love salads, which recipes do not exist for "salad" gourmets. At every feast and holiday, our table is decorated with beautiful and not small dishes with some delicious salad. But often the same dishes appear on the tables, which no longer affect either your stomach or the stomach of guests and loved ones. Let's disperse boredom and master delicious recipe lettuce with canned tuna! Our simple salad with canned tuna and a few other ingredients will become your culinary crown.

Learn how to cook delicious tuna salad

This canned tuna salad includes some more delicious and simple ingredients, so discard the thought that we suggest you master a meager and very dietary recipe. This dish is moderately satisfying and not too influencing the figure, since its calorie content in 100 grams is 161 kcal. But before we start mastering the recipe, let's go through the right products, which make up a salad of canned tuna.

Salad ingredients

There are no frills, everything is simple and accessible to the maximum. So, you need to prepare the following components without which cooking will simply be impossible:

  • 6-8 normal size potatoes.
  • A jar of canned tuna, you can adjust the number of grams yourself.
  • 3-4 chicken eggs.
  • 100 gr sunflower oil.
  • 60-80 gr of wine vinegar.
  • Milk - 50 ml.
  • A bunch of green onions.
  • A bunch of parsley, if you like other greens, then add it at your discretion, adjusting the amount.
  • Salt and ground black pepper are all to taste.

Let's start cooking tuna-egg-potato dish

You have prepared the products and now you can safely master the cooking process. We know that many of you need detailed instructions action, which is painted step by step, because many are just starting to take steps in the culinary arts.

So here is our simple action plan:

  1. Cooking will begin with peeling the potatoes, peeling all the tubers from the skin, washing them well. After we immerse the potatoes in a saucepan where water, milk and salt are already poured. We begin the process of boiling tubers, it will take you 30 minutes to do everything about everything. Drain the water, cool the vegetable and cut it into beautiful cubes or slices. The neatness of the forms is important to us, because our salad with canned tuna and egg cannot look untidy.
  2. We figured out the potatoes, now it's the turn to boil the eggs. Eggs must be hard boiled. When the eggs have cooled, we peel the shells from them, rinse lightly with water and start neat cutting. Slicing should be the same shape as the potatoes. Pour the eggs into a salad bowl.
  3. Now let's deal with canned fish, open them and drain all the oil, and carefully break the tuna itself into small pieces. We throw it into the salad bowl, where the eggs are already waiting.
  4. It's time to cut the greens, chop them finely and add to the bowl with the rest of the ingredients of the dish.
  5. Add the remaining potato slices to the salad bowl.
  6. Now the preparation of the dressing, without it, our canned tuna salad is not a very tasty and slightly bland mixture of products. In a small bowl, mix the following ingredients: salt, ground pepper, sunflower oil and vinegar. It is better to mix these ingredients with a whisk. Pour this mixture into our dish.

Well, that's the end of cooking, you yourself and without any problems mastered the salad recipe with canned tuna, eggs and potatoes at home. A cute serving option for this dish will show our photo at the bottom of the article.

Sunday, we woke up late, it was already almost 11:00 am on the clock ... my stomach grumbles and coffee does not save ... I need to cook ... just what? The shops are closed, I look around the kitchen, I look in the refrigerator and I understand that I will have to cook from what is available ... There is cheese, one egg, leftover yogurt and a tomato, I look into the vegetable department, there are 3 potatoes and two carrots, I think , Hmm ..., but there’s nothing meat ((I resort to a stash, oops, canned tuna in olive oil(life buoy, I thought), and now, now you need to cook something that you like in all respects, and so that the serving is excellent ... not just a blunder on a plate))

The bottom line is this:

2 carrots

2 onions

2 s. garlic

3 potatoes

1 tomato

about 50 gr. cheese

canned tuna 75 gr

about 50 ml. 0.9% yogurt

salt, ground peppers

a bunch of fresh parsley ... and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bimagination, but by the way, when you cook from what is, the best ... is baking;)

My fantasy version:

1. Coarsely chop the onion and fry in hot sunflower oil until golden brown

2. Add coarsely chopped carrots to the onion and fry for 5 minutes. on medium fire

3. Prepare the form (cover with food foil) and lay out the layers:

1 sl. potatoes (young)

2 sl. canned tuna

3 w. onion with carrot

4 w. leftover potatoes

5 w. tomatoes

4. Beat the egg, add yogurt and quite a bit ice water(if necessary), a pinch of salt, and if you salt each layer of the future dish, salt is not needed and add the garlic passed through the garlic press. Pour the prepared sauce over the casserole, pepper.

5. Preheat the oven to 200 0 C, as soon as you place the "casserole" to bake, lower it to 180 0 C - 30 minutes. bake + 5 min. sprinkle with cheese before serving (as you like, just melt or wait for a beautiful, golden crust)

When serving, sprinkle with parsley or your favorite herbs, be sure to decorate the plate beautifully and enjoy your breakfast lunch.

While I was decorating the dish ... I could not resist and "stole a tomato" ... Mmm .. my husband was pleased, and I was doubly pleased.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: not specified

Having learned about the benefits of tuna, I began to wonder - what kind of dishes can be prepared from canned fish? It turns out that there are many such dishes, and they are diverse. They cook casseroles with tuna, bake pies, make snacks, sandwiches and pasta. This fish is very healthy, so it will not be superfluous to include it in your diet. And also an undoubted bonus is the excellent combination of canned tuna with vegetables, both fresh and pickled, with legumes, herbs, eggs.
Time to prepare a salad with tuna and potatoes - 40 minutes. The number of servings is 4.

- potatoes - 4 pieces,
- fresh cucumber - 1 piece,
- quail eggs - 6-7 pieces,
- canned tuna - 300 grams,
- dill - 5 sprigs,
- salt - 2 pinches,
- vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.

Step by step recipe with photo:

Potatoes for salad with tuna need to be boiled. The main thing is to make sure that the potatoes are not overcooked. Ready potatoes we cool in cold water, wash and clean. Then cut into cubes, according to the principle of salad "". Pour the potatoes into a deep salad bowl or a small saucepan.

My fresh cucumber, we try for bitterness. Cut into cubes like potatoes. If the peel is tough, it is better to cut it off. Certainly, tastier salad it will turn out if you take a cucumber from the garden. But if you are preparing such a salad in early spring, then you have to be content with what you have. Pour the chopped cucumber into a bowl.

Quail eggs need to be boiled. They cook very quickly, literally 2 minutes after boiling water. We also cool them in cold water. Then clean and cut into circles or quarters. Of course, you can take the usual egg. Nose quail eggs the salad has a completely different look, more original and aesthetic. Such a salad is not ashamed and on festive table put.

Open a can of tuna. If you took special canned “tuna for salad”, then simply transfer the contents of the jar to a saucepan. If the canned tuna in the jar is whole, or in pieces, then we first transfer the fish to a separate bowl, chop it with a fork, and only then send it to the salad.

An indispensable attribute of such a salad is fresh herbs. She is in company with fresh cucumber add freshness to the salad. Here you decide to your taste - someone likes parsley, someone likes lettuce, dill or basil. As for me, it goes best with fish and seafood fresh dill. We wash it, shake off excess water, and chop finely. We send it to the salad. The amount of greenery is also conditional. Some people like its light flavor in a salad, while others consider greens a full-fledged ingredient.

Now you need to salt the salad, and season. If the tuna was in oil, then you can do without dressing. And you can leave the oil in a jar, and add fragrant sunflower oil, or olive oil to the salad.

Mix salad and serve. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of such a salad, since all the ingredients have a high nutritional value. You can include such a salad in the children's menu.
Bon Appetit!