The benefits of mint tea, delicious drink recipes and cooking secrets. Contraindications and possible harm

Peppermint tea has unique natural properties. Its refreshing taste, easily recognizable aroma and beneficial properties explain the drink's popularity among people of all ages. Its healing qualities are used in the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases.

Tea from mint leaves gives coolness, refreshes on a hot summer day. It will help cure a cold cold winter. It will give strength to a tired body, strengthen immune system. It will help you relax and calm your nerves. A sip of a fragrant drink will improve your mood, help you forget about problems and troubles for a while.

Today we will talk about fragrant tea with mint, we will find out the beneficial properties of the drink. Consider several cooking recipes and find out if it has contraindications.

What is useful Mint tea?

First of all, it should be noted that tea from mint leaves - effective remedy from a cold. freshly brewed, hot drink relieve symptoms of the disease, eliminate headaches, improve breathing.

To prepare it, pour 1 tbsp. l. dried leaves. Add 200 ml of soft boiled water there. Cover the cup with a saucer on top, wait about 10 minutes. Strain the finished infusion, drink in small sips.

If a child has a cold, prepare a not so strong infusion for him. For this, 1 tbsp. l. dried mint, pour half a liter of boiling water. Wrap the dishes with a drink, wait about 1 hour. Strain the finished infusion, stir a little linden honey in it. Give the patient moderately warm tea, half a glass. With a cooled infusion, you can rinse the nasal passages with nasal congestion.

It should be noted other useful properties of the aromatic drink. Since the plant contains a large number of menthol (which gives it to her with nothing incomparable taste and aroma), a drink based on it has antibacterial properties. Therefore, some healers use it in the treatment of skin diseases. External use of the infusion reduces inflammation, eliminates itching, rash.

Mint drink improves metabolic processes, helps with gout, strengthens the immune system. A drink is useful for non-inflammatory kidney ailments, it will help in the treatment of the stomach and intestines. In particular, it is recommended to take hyperacidity secretion of the stomach, it will help with colitis. The drink will eliminate increased gas formation, bloating.

Peppermint tea is useful for women during critical days, as it relieves pain in the abdomen. It will ease the symptoms of menopause. Pregnant women can also drink mint tea (as opposed to menthol drops and tablets). But they don't need to get involved. Just 1-2 small cups per day will help eliminate nausea with symptoms of toxicosis.

How to make mint tea?

To preserve the full value of mint leaves, prepare the drink in porcelain, glass or ceramic dishes. Pour into a suitable container 2 tbsp. l. fresh crushed leaves, or use dried mint. Now boil soft, purified drinking water. Wait five minutes and then pour over the mint leaves. It will take 300 ml of water. After 10 minutes, the drink will be ready. Remember that it is freshly brewed mint tea that has beneficial properties. During storage, it loses these properties.

As a prophylactic, drink this tea in half a glass 3-4 times a day. It can be drunk hot or chilled. For taste, it is recommended to add a couple of slices of lemon, as well as Bee Honey. It is better to give up sugar.

In addition to the traditional mint tea, you can prepare black and green tea with the addition of the leaves of the plant. Healthy and very tasty refreshing drinks are also obtained. It's not hard to cook them, ready tea you will be very pleased with the refined taste.

Black tea with mint

To preserve useful properties and palatability, also use porcelain, glass or ceramic teapot. Pour 1 tsp there. black tea leaves and 1 tsp. mint. Pour boiling water (90 degrees). In 10 minutes the tea will be ready. Pour it into cups through a strainer and enjoy an invigorating drink.

Green tea with mint

Pour 1 tsp into the teapot. Chinese green tea, put a few mint leaves. Or add half a teaspoon of dried herb. After that add hot water about 70 degrees. Wait also 10 min. After that, the drink can be filtered and drunk. For taste, you can add lemon, put a little honey.


Indeed, the beneficial properties of mint tea are undeniable. However, there are contraindications for its use. For example, it will not benefit people suffering from low blood pressure, as it has properties to reduce it. Do not drink it to nursing mothers, as frequent use may reduce milk production. Peppermint tea is contraindicated in people with liver disease, inflammation of the kidneys.


We had a story on the topic - mint tea, benefits and harms, recipe, beneficial properties of the drink. We found out during the conversation what our body can give mint drink. Given the contraindications and warnings for men, we can say that in all other cases, the use of this drink will only give a positive result. So drink mint tea and be healthy!

Mint tea- This is a very fragrant, delicate and refreshing drink that gives coolness. It refreshes, gives strength, improves digestion. At the same time, mint tea relieves nervous tension, helps to relax and forget about problems.

Healing properties of mint tea

Mint is classified as a medicinal plant, so mint tea has many benefits. healing properties. It quenches thirst, relaxes, restores strength.

Benefits of mint tea

Peppermint tea is a very good helper for colds, makes breathing easier, and is effective for migraines. Such an effect on the body has menthol, the extracts of which are made from mint leaves. Mint tea is also useful for people with cardiovascular diseases, it normalizes blood pressure, contributes to the normal functioning of the heart.

Peppermint tea is considered a women's tea and many men do not like it because it tends to reduce the level of male hormones in the body. Due to this, women have reduced hair growth in unwanted places. It also helps with women's problems, mint helps relieve pain, regulates the menstrual cycle, improves the condition during menopause.

Harm of mint tea

It is also not advisable to drink peppermint tea during pregnancy, as it can affect the formation of the fetus, especially if it is a boy.

How to brew mint tea

Mint itself is very fragrant and tasty, so it can be brewed as an independent herbal infusion. But you can also add it to green and black tea or herbal preparations.

Green tea with mint - recipe

Take porcelain or glassware, pour 1 tsp. green tea and add a couple of sprigs of fresh mint (you can use dried mint), pour boiled slightly cooled water. Let it brew for 10 minutes. Lemon and honey can be added to taste.

Black tea with mint - recipe

For brewing black tea with mint, it is also advisable to use porcelain or glass.

Take black tea one part and mint leaves one part. Chop mint leaves and add to tea. Fill with boiled water at about 90 degrees. Let's insist.

Mint iced tea

Boil water and add mint to it, preferably fresh. Let it brew for 15 minutes. After that, cool and pour into glasses, add ice. You can garnish with mint leaves and lime.

There are many more recipes, both hot tea with mint and refreshing. You can always experiment and find new flavors.

Green tea It is considered one of the most popular drinks of our time, but there are still disputes about its harm or benefit. Green tea with mint is especially popular. The article discusses two aspects of the influence of green tea with mint on the human body, its benefit and harm.

Pro benefits of green tea not much is said, but in fact little is known. How to drink it? What to brew with? Will this ceremony be useful? Let's try to figure it out.

Green tea rich in and contains great amount useful substances and compounds, vitamins and antioxidants. But you should use it regularly.

As already mentioned, green tea is often consumed in Everyday life by brewing it with mint. What is mint? What is this plant? Since ancient times, mint has been considered a plant that is used in the fight against diseases. nervous system with gastrointestinal problems. Together with green tea she is often treated for sore throats and colds.

In nature, there are about thirty kinds of mint and many are used in industry, proving their beneficial effects on human health.

Often with tea brewing It is garden mint that is used, which is available to everyone, it is called peppermint or lemon balm mint. Do you remember the aroma of this miracle plant? What kind of tea can be brewed? This is a miracle of nature in our cup.

Often green tea is used as the main drinking supplier for diets, it should be consumed every day, and if green tea is brewed with mint, then there will be even more positive effects. Let's give an example

  • Green tea with mint in the hot season is refreshing, cold winter warms.
  • Against colds and sore throats
  • The use of green tea helps to relieve nervous stress, nervous tension of the whole organism as a whole, essential oils Mints really help with this.
  • Mint contains a substance such as menthol, which is simply necessary for spasms.
  • Green tea with mint helps to cope with sleep disorders in both adults and children after 6 years
  • Very often, mint green tea (namely with peppermint) is drunk by women with breastfeeding when you want to increase your milk supply
  • This tea is more beneficial for women than for men, because it is this tea that promotes the production of female hormones.
  • Tea infusion can be used not only inside, but also to wipe the inflamed areas of the skin, relieving irritation and inflammation.

Now you can talk about the dangers of green tea with mint.

  • Peppermint green tea should not be consumed by people with high blood pressure.
  • It is contraindicated in children under six years of age, because it has the opposite effect, namely, exciting them.
  • Again, men do not need to drink such tea, it produces female hormones, namely, it affects potency.
  • Also, pregnant women should not get carried away due to increased pressure. But such tea helps with toxicosis, this is in the piggy bank of pluses.
  • You can not drink it with heartburn and infertility.

It is always worth remembering the measure, you can not brew too much strong green tea, it is bitter and changes its taste. There are many ways to enjoy tea drinking and many recipes for brewing tea, but to this day, one of the best teas brewed with mint is green tea with mint. Drink more often, more and enjoy the taste while improving your health! Do not be ill!

Mint green tea is valued around the world for pleasant taste and aroma. This is a recognized classic of the tea collection. To properly prepare green tea with mint, you need to know some of the subtleties, the secrets of its brewing. They are not difficult and within the power of any, even a beginner, cook.

Mint green tea is loved not only for its taste and refreshing effect. Thanks to the unique chemical composition, it heals the body:

  • menthol will dilate blood vessels, is useful for atherosclerosis, angina pectoris;
  • helps to remove stones, sand from the kidneys;
  • normalizes the work of the heart;
  • has a sedative effect: reduces anxiety, regulates sleep;
  • facilitates the course of colds (especially with a runny nose, sore throat);
  • helps to reduce appetite, improve metabolism.

The benefits of green tea with mint for women are especially noted. The drink normalizes the hormonal background, facilitates the menopause, reduces pain during the menstrual cycle.

It is believed that its regular use gently cleanses the entire body of toxins and toxins.

However, there are a number of contraindications. The drink should not be consumed (or should be drunk in limited quantities):

  • people suffering from low blood pressure;
  • pregnant, breastfeeding women;
  • children under 3 years old;
  • allergy sufferers (with intolerance to the components of the drink).

This is interesting! A lot of controversy is caused by the benefits and harms of mint exposure to men. This plant contains a large amount of phytoestrogens, female hormones. IN large quantities they can negatively affect the male body, lead to sexual dysfunction, various diseases. However, medical studies have confirmed that 1-2 cups of peppermint tea a day will have a beneficial effect on men's health. But more than that should really be avoided.

Does mint green tea increase blood pressure?

This question is of particular interest to hypertensive patients. Studies have shown that green tea itself lowers blood pressure. Its daily use helps hypertensive patients to steadily reduce high blood pressure by up to 10%.

A similar effect has menthol contained in mint. Its properties include a decrease in vascular resistance, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure.

Thus, green tea with mint is an excellent drink for people with normal and high blood pressure. But hypotensive patients should use it carefully.

How to brew green tea with mint according to all the rules

At the heart of all recipes for green tea with mint and other ingredients is a classic recipe. Veterinary chefs have their own tricks to make this drink especially tasty:

  1. The quality of the water is of great importance for the taste of the drink. Use carefully filtered or store-bought bottled water. Hard chlorinated water can spoil the taste of even expensive brewed tea leaves. If you have no other water than tap water, let it sit for at least a few hours before drinking.
  2. The recommended water temperature for brewing green tea is no more than 80 degrees. Too steep boiling water will make the tea too tart, sharp in taste. True connoisseurs and masters of "tea affairs", the Japanese, recommend brewing it at a temperature of 50-70 degrees. Since water boils at 100 degrees, let it cool down a bit before starting to brew the tea leaf.
  3. For optimal taste, the recommended ratio is 2.5 g of tea leaves per 100 ml of water.

With all the subtleties, making classic green tea is not difficult.

Classic mint green tea recipe


  • green tea leaf - 10 g;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • fresh mint - 3-4 leaves.


  • to boil water;
  • cool to a temperature of about 70 degrees;
  • put tea leaves, mint leaves in the teapot;
  • pour water, let it brew for 5-7 minutes;
  • pour the finished tea into cups.

Tea is sweetened with sugar or honey.

Attention! This recipe is designed for a tea party for two. If you need to make mint green tea for more people, simply increase the amount of ingredients proportionally.

Best Recipes

The taste of green mint tea combines a large number of spices: cardamom, anise, allspice, cloves, nutmeg. But the combinations of mint-lime, mint-cinnamon, as well as teas with the addition of lemon, lemon balm, and ginger were in the top most favorite drink connoisseurs.

Attention! To prepare green mint tea with spices, use classic recipe. Just put it in a teapot for brewing with the main ingredients or directly into cups. The amount of these spices is also designed for 2 servings of the drink.

With lemon

Quantity: 2 slices (or 1 circle) of lemon.

What gives: tea with mint and lemon acquires a specific sour taste and a richer citrus aroma.

with melissa

Quantity: 1 sprig or 4-5 leaves of fresh lemon balm.

What it gives: a drink with mint and lemon balm has a characteristic taste and fragrant aroma, often with lemon notes.

with lime

Quantity: 2 wedges (or 1 round) of lime.

What it gives: tea with mint and lime has a slight bitter taste, which is especially appreciated by its lovers.

with ginger

Quantity: 1 tablespoon fresh ginger, grated or cut into small pieces

What it gives: tea becomes sharper, more warming, and recognizable ginger shades appear in its aroma.

Nuances: the grated root is added directly to the teapot, and the drink with mint and ginger is filtered into cups through a strainer.


Quantity: 1 stick or a pinch of loose cinnamon.

What gives: a drink with cinnamon and mint becomes tart, bittersweet.

His original recipe green tea with mint and other ingredients are shared mentioning useful properties drink in this video.

Mint green tea is a drink that is delicious and cold. Just put the prepared tea in the refrigerator. You will get a great soft drink for any time of the year.

On the shelves of shops it is easy to find green tea with mint in bags or leaf. The popularity of the drink is so great that it is present in the assortment of almost any major tea manufacturer. Teas Tess, Ahmad, Dilmah, Lipton green tea with mint are popular inexpensive varieties available to any consumer.

Does the drink help you lose weight?

This effect is achieved due to the properties of the drink:

  • dull the feeling of hunger;
  • improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reduce the stress that is inevitable during dietary restrictions;
  • cleanse the body of toxins;
  • tone up, give a feeling of cheerfulness.

Important! Of course, the role of green mint tea in losing weight is auxiliary. Don't expect it to magically "burn" excess weight. The basis of the diet is food restriction, increased physical activity. And a hot drink will be a good helper in this.

Phytopreparation based on green tea with mint

The therapeutic effect of the drink is so attractive that green tea with mint in tablets from Vivasan is produced and in demand.

1 tablet replaces several cups of tea in effectiveness. This result was achieved by extracting the most useful substances from the leaves of tea and mint and concentrating them.

Useful properties of tablets "Green tea with peppermint from Vivasan":

  • have a pronounced antioxidant effect;
  • contribute to the general improvement, rejuvenation of the body;
  • prevent the development of inflammatory, oncological diseases;
  • supports the work of the liver, endocrine system;
  • strengthens the immune system, increases the body's resistance to disease.

A significant advantage of the phytopreparation is that it can be used by men and pregnant women.

Among popular recipes there is a choice of green tea with mint for every lover. This hot drink is not only tasty, but also has healing properties. But it is necessary to study carefully possible contraindications restrictions on its use. In their absence, tea is suitable for daily use and brighten up any meal.

Enjoying green tea with mint is one of the pleasant and simple ways add health to the body. It contains a large amount of polyphenols, which are the most powerful antioxidants. Mint leaves add to the drink medicinal properties and refreshing aroma, promote healthy digestion. It prevents skin aging and cancer if consumed regularly: 7 days a week.

Benefits of green tea with mint

The main advantages of mint tea:

  • protection against cancer cells;
  • blood purification;
  • reduction of minor pain and muscle spasms;
  • high content of thiamine;
  • contains minerals: calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, magnesium and manganese;
  • Relieve symptoms of colds and flu;
  • has a sedative and calming effect on the body.

Mint contains menthol, the oily composition of which gives it a pungent minty flavor and aroma. In addition to the calming effect and slight numbness, this tea can be used to treat nausea, diarrhea, indigestion and other diseases. It is a source of antibacterial and antifungal components.

A cup of mint tea after a meal eliminates harmful bacteria in the mouth, leaving a feeling of freshness. Modern researchers have found that it has antibacterial and bactericidal effects against many of the bacteria found on infected tooth roots. Peppermint green tea helps relieve post-operative pain.
Cigarette smoking is an unhealthy habit that has consequences: oxidative DNA damage to lung tissue. Regular use green tea with mint is indicated for smokers, as it reduces the oxidative process and soothes the throat.

This tea can be drunk before bedtime, the effect of caffeine, which is contained in green tea, is interrupted by the calming properties of mint.

Harm of green tea with mint (contraindications)

  • men. Green tea with mint is not recommended for men to drink in large quantities. The fact is that the properties of such a drink act on the body of a man with a relaxing effect, greatly calm and reduce the level of testosterone in the blood. In addition, from mint there is an active production of female hormones. The result is a shift in the male libido towards the female;
  • pregnant women. There is no complete contraindication for this category, but prolonged use of the drink can affect the formation of the fetus, especially on the boy;
  • nursing mothers. Mint has qualities that can slow down the production of milk in a woman, so green tea with mint, during lactation, can cause the loss of milk;
  • children under 6 years old. The use of such a drink by children will lead to drowsiness, fatigue, lethargy, and exhaustion.
  • people with low blood pressure. It is better to completely abandon mint green tea for people with low blood pressure, because mint will lead to an even greater decrease in blood pressure;
  • people suffering from diseases of the liver and kidneys. Mint has a negative effect on kidney stones and hepatic colic. It is better to completely abandon the drink with such complications.

mint green tea recipe

How to brew green tea with mint?

First of all, you need to prepare the dishes for brewing. Pour boiling water into the kettle for a couple of minutes. Then, of course, the water must be poured out. This action is necessary so that the kettle warms up properly and brewing takes place at higher temperatures.

1. The recipe is traditional.

Boil the water first so that it has time to cool slightly. Pour 2 teaspoons of green tea and about one mint leaf into the teapot. You can take dried mint, or fresh chopped leaves.

Wait 10 minutes and your mint green tea is ready to drink.

2. Recipe for mint lovers.

Pre-boil the mint leaves for 2-5 minutes. Then pour this water into a teapot with green tea (the water should have a temperature of about 70 degrees). With this method of brewing, the mint flavor in tea is felt more clearly, and it turns out to be soft.

We looked at ways to brew green tea with mint. Do not forget that high quality tea is needed for brewing, without additives. We will add everything you need. We wish you a delicious and healthy tea drinking!

Green tea with peppermint

The addition of fresh or dried leaves to the body will help to significantly increase the tonic properties of real Chinese green tea on the body. peppermint. The prepared chilled drink has a refreshing effect - in the heat it easily quenches thirst, and with regular use for 1.5 months, it removes accumulated toxins and toxins that clog the intestines. The harmonious mint taste of the drink discourages excessive appetite, and cleansing contributes to the gradual resorption of subcutaneous fat. At the same time, a person does not experience any discomfort (for example, diarrhea) associated with the process of losing weight.

How to prepare and consume Chinese green tea with mint for weight loss.

You can take a large leaf. Chinese green tea without additives in packs, but it is better to buy tea by weight in special. shop, the quality of which is guaranteed. Peppermint can be fresh or dried, but keep in mind that fresh mint has a richer aroma and flavor when finished.

Peppermint green tea recipe

Brew tea leaves with mint should be in a thermos, or in porcelain. dishes with a wall thickness of 0.3 cm.

Water should be taken max. filtered, if not available, then freeze the tap water in the freezer, and then remove it.
For 0.5 l. goth. tea use 2 tsp. with a slide of tea leaves and ext. 5 tsp dried mint (without a slide) or 15 fresh leaves. We put the mixture in a thermos or in a preheated porcelain container. Pour boiling water (not cool!), And brought to a temperature of about 90 gr.

We insist in tech. 10 minutes. For the best effect, drink in tech. a day at least 1 liter of drink. In the morning, 30 min. before breakfast, drink at least 150 ml, to taste, you can put a slice of lemon and tsp in tea. honey.