Ways to quickly sober up at home - medicines and folk remedies. How to quickly sober up from alcohol with affordable methods at home

A fun feast is rarely complete without vodka or other strong drinks, but not everyone can control their use. How to sober up quickly, if the ingress of ethanol into the blood threatens with such unpleasant consequences alcohol intoxication like fume, headache, dehydration? It happens that it is necessary to get a person out of a state of intoxication in a matter of minutes for a good reason, for example, an urgent call to work. After all, appearing in front of the authorities in an unsightly form is not an option.

How to sober up fast at home

When alcohol enters the bloodstream and begins to act, the choice of an effective method will depend on the amount drunk and the duration of its effect on the body. To sober up quickly at home, there are several effective ways and it is not necessary to wait for the symptoms to go away on their own. Washing, cold showers, ear massage, liquids (water, tea, juice) and even brushing your teeth help to return to a sober state. How to sober up after a fun feast at home, if minutes count?

30 minutes

To bring a drunk person to life in half an hour is real. A number of effective techniques help to speed up the elimination of alcohol, minimize unpleasant consequences, and sober up quickly. Before starting sobering measures, it is recommended to induce vomiting and empty the stomach, a more effective technique is a cleansing enema. These are the most effective ways to get rid of the remnants of alcohol, and among other useful activities, how to quickly sober up a person in half an hour, are the following:

  • cold shower, snow rubdown to tone up nervous system;
  • breathing exercises that increase ventilation of the lungs also help to sober up quickly;
  • taking diuretics, green tea to activate the kidneys, which helps to quickly remove alcohol from the body, which has not yet had time to get into the blood;
  • the use of sweet fruits: bananas, grapes, pears, peaches;
  • freshly made tea with honey and ginger is another way to sober up quickly;

In 5 minutes

In such a short period of time, it will not be possible to sober up quickly. With a high concentration of alcohol in the blood, even the specialists of the toxicological department will not be able to cope with this task, but at moderate doses, some home methods will help bring the drunk person to life. The following folk methods give a practical instant effect of sobering up, but only for a short time:

  • Preparation of a special drink. To do this, take a glass of water (200 ml), drip 5-7 drops of mint tincture or ammonia, mix thoroughly, let the drunk person drink the entire volume of the sobering drink.
  • Cold. An effective method of how to quickly sober up from alcohol at home, provided that it is winter outside. In order to bring a drunk person to his senses, you should take him out into the frosty air or bring him to an open window. The breakdown of ethyl alcohol will slow down greatly and it will not poison the body - cold air will narrow the blood vessels. There is only one danger - do not overdo it, so that a radical way to quickly sober up does not provoke frostbite.
  • Foot massage. There are many active points on the soles of the feet, in the region of the lower extremities, so active rubbing helps to increase the tone of the nervous system.

10 minutes

Even with the minimum dose of alcohol consumed, the body will need a day to remove traces of alcohol. Therefore, in a short period of time, completely bringing a drunk person to life is an impossible task. In a situation where you need to sober up quickly, we are talking only about a temporary effect. Folk methods of sobering up in 10 minutes will be useful if used in a complex way, then there is a chance to briefly put a heavily intoxicated person on his feet:

  • Vomit. To apply the easiest way to remove alcohol, you need 2 liters warm water or room temperature. It is strongly not recommended to use carbonated water - only clean or boiled water. A drunk person, in order to sober up quickly, should drink as much liquid as possible, then put two fingers in his mouth and press on the root of the tongue. The head must be lowered so that the vomit does not lead to suffocation.
  • Teeth cleaning. After inducing vomiting, it is recommended to rinse your mouth, brush your teeth and tongue with mint toothpaste.
  • Ear massage. For the appearance of clarity of consciousness, reflexology can be used as a additional method. The auricles should be intensively rubbed with the inside of the palms, knead the earlobes with the thumb and forefinger. It is recommended to massage the point above the upper lip for 1-2 minutes, which also helps to activate the work of consciousness and sober up quickly.
  • Vitamin C. Taking ascorbic acid in a loading dose helps to sober up for a while, but more often this folk method is used to alleviate a hangover. For a sharp sobering effect, it is recommended to crush 5-6 vitamins, then stir them in a glass of water (200 ml), give a drunk person a drink in one gulp.

In an hour

A mild degree of intoxication in such a relatively long period of time can be dealt with even without the threat of a hangover. How to sober up faster in one hour for a heavily drunk person? In this situation, saving the situation is a little more difficult, but there is time to use folk methods that help to cope with intoxication in 5 minutes or half an hour. Vomiting, cold showers, a solution of ammonia or mint alcohol, reflexology, physical activity - all this helps to quickly sober up in an hour. What other methods can be applied in addition to them:

  • Soda solution. Take 1 tbsp. l. soda, stir in a liter of boiled water, give the drunk so that he drinks as much as possible.
  • Cucumber pickle. The most famous folk remedy helps to quickly sober up, while simultaneously playing the role of a cure for alcohol intoxication.
  • Unsweetened black tea (coffee). Hot drinks without sugar can be used as an additional measure to sober up quickly. Ethanol has a sedative effect, and tea and coffee have a stimulating effect, while adding sugar is not recommended, since an easily digestible carbohydrate accelerates the absorption of alcohol. Among other sobering hot drinks, tea with ginger, lemon, and honey has proven itself well.
  • Work for the mind. Solving arithmetic problems in your mind, making a plan for the day, counting a check in a restaurant, riddles - this is a folk method that helps to activate cerebral circulation. Mental activity is considered an effective way to sober up a person and bring him out of a state of intoxication.

How to sober up quickly

With severe forms of intoxication, it is better to contact a medical hospital. Intravenous infusions, hemodialysis and a number of other special procedures help a drunk person sober up quickly. At home, the remnants of alcohol, in addition to vomiting, cold showers, massage, help to remove self-prepared solutions, drinks, and some products.

What to drink

Reception a large number liquid helps to solve the problem of intoxication by making the kidneys work harder. Alcohol does not linger in the body, but together with drunk water, juice, solution, it is quickly washed out of the stomach into the small intestine. It is imperative to drink liquids when intoxicated in order to reduce the level of alcohol intoxication. The ban is imposed only on carbonated drinks, which have the opposite effect, and for sobering up it is recommended to drink:

  • clean water;
  • orange, tomato juice;
  • anti-alcohol cocktail with egg;
  • fruit drink;
  • brine;
  • milk;
  • kefir;
  • coffee.

What to eat

With the problem of rapid sobering, fruits and berries help to cope well. Any kind of food should be consumed after washing the stomach, otherwise everything eaten will come back along with the vomit. Fructose is easily absorbed by the body, in addition, watermelons, grapes, peaches, pears, raspberries, cranberries have diuretic properties, which accelerates the elimination of alcohol from the body.


Preparing a solution based on ammonia is perhaps the most popular home sobering method. Experts have a different view on this matter, their recommendations say that it is better to replace ammonia mint tincture. Orange or cherry juice can be another alternative to a miracle remedy, and if you are very intoxicated, you can moisten a cotton swab and pass it under the nose of a drunk person to bring him to his senses.

Activated carbon

Regarding this product, it is recommended to use it before the feast to prevent alcohol intoxication. The standard dose is 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight for an adult. Coal can be taken after taking alcohol, but then you have to make a solution. The activated charcoal particles will act as absorbents, absorbing the breakdown products of ethanol and removing them from the body. To achieve a noticeable effect, it is not recommended to combine coal with other drugs.

Folk remedies

The choice of home methods of sobering up is great. Someone will help a cold shower, massage and strong tea, someone will return to normal after washing the stomach, followed by rinsing the mouth, taking an anti-alcohol cocktail, and someone will have enough time to sleep until the morning. deal with hangover syndrome you will have to later, how to solve the question: what helps from the fumes? What else exist folk remedies so that sobering goes without consequences:

  • visiting saunas, baths;
  • physical activity (push-ups, light running in place, gymnastics);
  • nonalcoholic beer;
  • sleep all night in a cool room;
  • make an injection of 5% thiamine;
  • chew bay leaf, mint;
  • drink raw egg yolk.


It is very easy to get drunk. On the other hand, the ability to drink and not get drunk is an art, or at least the ability to control oneself. And this is certainly a skill that you can develop with experience and willpower not to go overboard.


    Don't drink. So, it is quite obvious that this is the easiest solution, but often it comes up against the most ridiculous excuses or assumptions that force you to drink. How to refuse if everyone else is doing it? This does not make alcohol mandatory. You should really be asking yourself why it's so important for you to keep up with the others by supporting the offer of a drink every time you go for a walk or somewhere where there is alcohol. And if this event is at work, why even indulge someone? In this case, by keeping a clear head, not clouded by alcohol, you will be more likely to win clients, mentors and deals, instead of giving people the impression of alcohol desperation.

    • Don't drink alcohol when you're worried, unhappy, or stressed. These conditions can make you drink until you drink in the hope of getting rid of emotional pain.
    • Learn to refuse drinks. Just say no. Even if your assertiveness is gaining momentum, take your will into a fist and bend your line.
  1. Eat before drinking. If you know you're going somewhere where you're going to be tempted to drink alcohol, feed your belly first. It can be tempting to forgo food to make room for alcohol, but that's the "trick" - it's a one-way ticket to a quick drink and one all-powerful hangover, not to mention the incomprehensible loss of control between them. Lack of food in your body will cause you to get drunk much faster, and it is also very risky, as this "binge" can lead to decreased alertness, nutritional deficiencies, judgment, long-term serious health consequences and disease.

    Set a limit. Try the actual maximum limits for daily alcohol consumption suggested by your public health agency or advisors and stick to them. Try to even stick even stronger than current restrictions. In general, one glass or standard bottle of the drink is likely to be sufficient, provided you are not a treated alcoholic and you are not discouraged from drinking for health or other reasons. And if you are unable to stop yourself after the first sip, it will be difficult for you to limit yourself further, and your limit should be zero; in this case, you will need to use some of the other tips in this article.

    Keep drinking one drink. Decide for yourself that the first alcoholic drink of the evening will be the last, and so be it. Drink it, alternating with the soda bought at the same time, water or soft drinks. Also, drink slowly. Keeping to the norm, drink one serving per hour until you reach your limit for the night.

    • Another alternative is to dilute non-alcoholic drinks with alcoholic drinks, for example, in shandy - half beer and half carbonated lemonade. You can even ask for three-quarters of the lemonade and the rest of the beer!
  2. Use a smart trick. If you find yourself in a place where you constantly worry that you are not drinking, get creative and pretend that you are drinking when you are not. Ask the bartender to pour the soda into a low glass. Ask to add another component to it. The resulting drink in your hands could easily pass for a gin and tonic, vodka and tonic, or other alcoholic drink. Drink and stay sober.

    • You can also pour Coca-Cola. Just pretend that it's "cola with something else."
  3. Drink consciously. Drink to feel the taste, not the effect of intoxication. Savor the taste and aroma of alcohol instead of just drinking. Indeed, shell out for an expensive but nicer drink, which will be the only drink of the evening. Perhaps one glass of aged wine, fine malt whiskey, or aged beer will do just fine. Whatever you choose, consider all the nuances.

    • Bring the glass to your lips and tilt it. Instead of drinking, just inhale the aroma.
    • Taste the drink by taking a sip. If it doesn't taste good, don't drink it!
  4. Copy the techniques of wine and beer tasters. If you have to try alcohol in your life, you will soon realize that it is very important to keep control.

    • Drink, don't sip.
    • Keep the glass a good distance away from you when not drinking. Keep a distance of 20 cm between you and a glass of alcoholic beverage.
    • As you drink, keep looking through the glass at the room, not at the ceiling. This means you drink less and enjoy more.
    • Assess what you are drinking. This is perhaps one of the secrets of how not to get drunk - learn to appreciate what you drink, and not consider the drink as a means of temporary good mood. Read the previous step on mindful drinking to help you achieve this.
  5. Tell others something else so that they will stop pestering you with an offer to drink. If you're hanging out with friends who constantly insist you need a drink, tell them that you're not feeling well, have to take medications that aren't compatible with alcohol, or that you have to get up early tomorrow. Another reason could be that you are clearing or fasting for medical tests and alcohol may not be part of your healthy regimen.

    • If you don't want to lie, actually sign up for some exercise, yoga, or beach workout classes early in the morning. This will encourage you not to drink to the state alcohol intoxication and will also be a good example for others.
  6. Choose a good place for a drink. You are likely to drink much less when you are in a certain place due to distracting environments such as eating, bowling, darts or pool. You're also more likely to forego drinks if the lighting is bright, the place isn't crowded, and you feel comfortable.

  7. Avoid temptations. If you know you're going to want to drink more than you should, there are a number of ways to remind yourself to stop. Some suggestions include:

    • Use the rubber band click trick. Put on an elastic band around your wrist. Any time you feel tempted to drink, click a rubber band on yourself to choose not to drink.
    • Ask a friend to remind you when to stop. This may be a friend who does not drink or knows his own norm well and when to stop. Or it could be a member of your family.
    • Take a break. Get up and dance, talk to someone for a while, play pool, order a real cocktail and enjoy it.
    • Hold in hand soft drink during communication, if it helps you feel at ease.
    • Allow yourself different rewards like shopping, favorite treat, going to the cinema, traveling with a friend, etc. instead of alcohol.
  8. Tips


    • Buy on your own alcoholic drinks if you don't trust your friends or others in this. Even if they have good intentions, buying you alcoholic drinks when you don't want to is an injustice and peer pressure.
    • Don't mix drinks. This makes it difficult to control how much you drink.
    • If you eat more, thinking that you will be able to drink more, you will still get drunk. Don't overuse it.
    • If you are unable to drink without getting drunk, talk to your doctor about therapy or treatment.
    • Avoid discussions about alcohol, suggesting who will out-drink whom, or claiming that you are completely off alcohol altogether. Not because it's a boring topic to talk about, but because it will grab attention as a question and threaten to argue - you'll be forced to drink if the argument gets too argumentative and pushy. Instead, change the subject or go to the bathroom.

Since ethanol is a dangerous poison that has a narcotic effect and can linger within the body for quite a long time, many people are concerned about the question “how to get rid of alcohol intoxication as efficiently as possible?”.

It is very problematic to quickly sober up a person or get an alcoholic out of binge, however, there are a number of ways to significantly alleviate the condition of a drunk person, bring him to his senses and eliminate the consequences of intoxication.

Stages of intoxication and help

The first phase of alcohol intoxication in medicine is known as elimination. During its duration, the maximum concentration of alcohol is observed in the patient's blood. This stage begins 15-30 minutes after the use of products containing ethyl alcohol, and lasts about an hour and a half. Certain types of alcoholic beverages (such as champagne and all sorts of cocktails) are absorbed into the esophagus much faster.

The following factors influence the absorption rate of ethanol:

  • gastritis and other lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • accelerated metabolism;
  • elevated body temperature.

The first phase is often accompanied by a loss of control over one's behavior and the loss of the ability to drink alcohol within the normal range. The second stage is called resorption. It is characterized by a decrease in the concentration of ethanol in the blood, it begins about an hour and a half after drinking alcohol.

In order to get rid of alcohol intoxication, it is important to track the current phase of intoxication. At the first stage, the maximum effective ways are those that are aimed at bringing the nervous system into a state of tone. The second phase requires constant fluid intake and measures to restore the water-alkaline balance.

Methods applicable at home

Alcohol is considered a dangerous narcotic substance, addictive and highly intoxicating even in low doses. There are plenty of ways to quickly sober up a person. Some of them require the availability of special tools, tools or hospital conditions, but most are quite applicable at home, and can provide serious support to a person in case of intoxication of the body and save him from disastrous consequences.

A few drops of ammonia, which is in almost every home first aid kit, can sober up a drunk person in a matter of seconds. Having diluted 6-7 drops per 200 ml of purified water, the liquid must be drunk in one gulp. It is strongly not recommended to exceed the indicated dosage, because in such a case, ammonia acquires toxic properties and becomes dangerous for the human body.

A cool shower can bring even a dead drunk person to his senses.

Alcohol tincture of peppermint (two dozen drops in a glass of water) is taken orally. You can use both a self-prepared tincture (2-3 teaspoons of dry mint per 200 ml of vodka), or bought at a pharmacy. With the help of a light pink solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), it is necessary to do a gastric lavage, which will require inducing vomiting.

By rubbing the ears and feet, you can increase the tone of the nervous system and quickly sober up a drunk person. Coffee and tea contain caffeine, which has a pronounced tonic effect, but such drinks should not be used if a person has any problems with the cardiovascular system.

A procedure such as rinsing the mouth helps to sober up faster. mineral water with gas. Infusion of mint with the addition raspberry jam or natural honey with ginger and lemon can alleviate the condition, but before using it, it is recommended to perform a gastric lavage. Activated charcoal is an excellent absorbent, it should be used at the rate of 1 tablet for every 10 kg of weight.

In the absence of the drug, it is quite possible to replace it regular milk, which prevents the absorption of ethyl alcohol.

You can remove alcohol intoxication with the help of foods rich in fructose, such as fresh peaches, grapes or bananas. Strawberries and watermelons have a diuretic effect, so they can significantly speed up the process of releasing the body from accumulated toxins. Dandelion infusion is also highly effective, oatmeal and mineral water without gas.

It is important to drink drinks rich in vitamin C, which include Orange juice, tomato or cucumber pickle. To restore the acid-base balance, you can use a solution of baking soda (1 tablespoon per liter of water).

Effective ways to quickly get rid of alcohol intoxication

How to sober up quickly? There are a sufficient number of effective methods that allow you to get rid of the state of alcoholic intoxication as soon as possible. For example, a cool shower increases the overall blood flow, which leads to a quick sobering up of a drunk person. If there is no opportunity to take a shower, it is worth taking a basin of cold water, placing the legs of an alcoholic in it for 5-10 minutes.

Fresh herbs and garlic are extremely rich in various antioxidants that quickly and effectively rid the body of accumulated toxins.

The following methods also contribute to the speedy sobering up:

  • Thanks to physical activity, it is possible to speed up the sobering process and increase the separation of sweat, with which various toxins and metabolites of ethanol are released. Squats, jogging or a short set of exercises accelerate blood flow and improve the condition of a drunk person.
  • What can be done to make you feel better? It is important to provide the patient with an abundance of oxygen by ventilating the room or taking a short walk in the fresh air.
  • To quickly sober up, instead of ordinary water, you should use various herbal infusions from bearberry, thyme, juniper berries, yarrow, mint, lemon balm, St. John's wort and others. medicinal plants and herbs.
  • Before using fruit juices, brine, infusions and other drinks, it is recommended to induce vomiting, which will prevent further absorption of the decay products of ethyl alcohol into the intestines.

If it becomes necessary to sober up quickly in order to drive, a cleansing enema filled with warm water room temperature. Between the lip and the nose there is an active point, acting on which, through gentle circular massaging movements, it will be possible to speed up the sobering process. Another point is located between the bases of the thumb and forefinger on the right and left hands.

Intellectual activity allows you to quickly get rid of intoxication and increase concentration, therefore it is very useful during the period of sobering to take the patient to solve crosswords, sudoku or other tasks that require a little strain on your own brain.

You can quickly sober up by contacting the hospital department of the nearest clinic. Currently, doctors use the method of intravenous infusion or hemodialysis using special medical equipment. Certain foods, such as zucchini, melons, natural honey, help sober up after vodka.

The following recipes help many people:

  • 400-500 ml of kefir are drunk in the morning for a short period of time, after which it is necessary to eat several activated charcoal tablets.
  • A wide glass is rinsed with olive or sunflower oil so that its inner walls are covered with a thin film. Then one yolk is added to it chicken egg, a teaspoon of natural apple cider vinegar, fuck and a small amount of red and black pepper. Drinks in one gulp.
  • A glass of clean water without gas with the addition of a few drops of ammonia allows you to sober up alcohol very quickly even for a person who is in a state of extreme intoxication.

It is recommended to get behind the wheel no earlier than one day after drinking alcoholic beverages.

In the process of splitting the decay products of ethanol in the liver, acetone and acetaldehyde are released, which are the most dangerous poisons. That is why a drunk person has a fume, to get rid of which you can chew fresh mint, parsley, dry bay leaf or cloves. Oil walnut or flax has an enveloping effect, so the synthesis of aldehyde in the intestine slows down significantly, which leads to a dulling of the smell of fumes.

Those who decide to attempt to drown out the alcohol “loop” with chewing gum with a strong menthol or mint flavor should be aware that such an attempt will only lead to an increase in the unpleasant odor.

A quick way to sober up is to go to the sauna or steam bath, as intense sweating removes toxins much more efficiently. However, this method is not suitable for people with diseases of cardio-vascular system and other ailments in which bath procedures are contraindicated. To sober up quickly, it is important to have a small meal that includes dishes such as soup, boiled potatoes, fresh salad and orange or Apple juice. Promotes sobering and tea with the addition of sage, ginger and lime.

Some "specialists" believe that ordinary aspirin has a positive effect on the rate of withdrawal of ethanol decomposition products. However, most doctors consider this method not very effective: it will not work to remove negative symptoms in an hour with acetylsalicylic acid.

There are a lot of different pharmaceuticals like "Antipolizei", designed to eliminate the fume and recover from alcohol intoxication. If they can still contribute to the task of getting rid of bad breath, then they are unlikely to be able to cope with sobering up, and you can’t deceive a breathalyzer that measures the degree of intoxication in ppm.

Sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that in the middle of protracted holidays, a situation suddenly arises that requires an urgent transition from a state of intoxication to a sober state, that is, a state that requires conscious actions, for example, there is a need to drive.

Before you learn how to quickly sober up, you should analyze the theoretical side of such a thing as intoxication. In the toxicokinetics of alcohol, two most significant phases can be distinguished: resorption and elimination. They differ as follows: during resorption, the concentration of alcohol in the blood increases, while elimination, on the contrary, decreases.

This does not mean that in resorption alcohol enters the body, but not in elimination. Taking alcohol orally (through the mouth), approximately 20% of the alcohol consumed is absorbed from the stomach into the blood, and 80% from the intestines. There are certain conditions under which resorption occurs through the oral mucosa (maximum 10% of the total volume).

Among the main conditions, one can single out: the presence of gas bubbles in alcohol, a long stay of alcohol in the mouth, drinking alcohol in small portions, excess sugar and glucose in alcohol, the temperature of the drink exceeding the temperature of the human body. All these qualities of drinks and the conditions for taking them are important to take into account because they lead to faster and stronger intoxication, and intoxication passes faster.

How does intoxication happen?

The highest concentration of alcohol in the blood is usually reached after 1.5 hours.

Drinks, the strength of which does not exceed 30%, champagne and various cocktails are absorbed very quickly. The speed of intoxication increases in case of action on the body of various causes that increase the permeability of the gastrointestinal barrier. For example, a person has gastritis, peptic ulcer, GERD, enterocolitis, fever.

In men and women, in terms of psychomotor consequences, the nature of alcohol intoxication manifests itself differently. For example, in a woman, motor disturbances precede emotional ones, in men, as a rule, everything happens the other way around.

Therefore, in the case of a forced car trip or the need to operate a complex device, a man should be chosen, even if he drank more alcohol, and in case of negotiation, a woman should be preferred.

Intoxication from a medical point of view is nothing more than a manifestation of the narcotic effect of drunk alcohol on the human nervous system. Therefore, it should be remembered that in a situation of urgent need to urgently sober up from alcohol, we are talking about nothing more than minimizing its impact on the central nervous system, namely on the brain.

Sobering up is the cessation or sufficient (according to pronounced signs and duration) reduction of the narcotic effect of alcohol taken to solve the problem. In this sense, the concept of "sobering up" does not converge with the concept of the complete removal of alcohol from the body, although it directly depends on it.

Alcohol has a narcotic effect, which consists in the loss of pain sensitivity. It has a narrow therapeutic range, and therefore, once the sensation of pain has been eliminated, alcohol can quickly lead to a state of deep alcoholic coma.

In other words, a person should not try to sober up in 5 minutes if he has a significant decrease in pain sensitivity, while not taking into account the fact that he drank, compared to other people, a smaller amount of alcoholic beverages.

How to sober up for a short time

How to quickly sober up a person? You can return a sober state for half an hour if you use means that increase the tone of the human nervous system. The following procedures will help you become sober: cold water and snow, taking cold showers, massaging the feet or ears, gargling with sparkling water, chewing mint, brushing teeth or chewing bay leaf. In the morning you should take black coffee or strong tea.

Since the intake of liquids, especially sweet drinks, enhances the absorption of previously taken alcohol in the stomach, it will be advisable to empty the stomach before drinking coffee or tea, that is, induce vomiting.

This method gives good results among men who regularly drink, but are not alcoholics, who drink soft drinks that are quickly absorbed.

How to sober up for a long time

If there is a need to become sober and maintain this state for more than half an hour, as well as in the event of circumstances requiring sobering up in the phase of alcohol entering the bloodstream, a drunk person cannot do without measures that accelerate the removal of alcohol from the blood.

This means that you need to cleanse the intestines with at least three enemas, using a total of 2 liters of water heated to room temperature. Then you need to re-lavage the stomach, increasing portions to 0.7 liters of water, using a total of 5-8 liters of water.

To speed up the elimination of alcohol that has entered the bloodstream and quickly remove intoxication, you need to do hemodialysis on an apparatus such as an "artificial kidney", intravenous infusions or forced diuresis. At home, an increase in oxygen consumption, a visit to a steam bath or sauna, a diuretic will help you sober up very quickly.

What to do to get a diuretic effect? It can be obtained if you drink a significant amount of liquid, preferably mineral water or non-alcoholic beer. Also, diuretics are a decoction of oatmeal, watermelon, zucchini, strawberries, strawberries, bearberry, dandelion, green tea, veroshpiron (spironolactone). Furosemide should not be taken to avoid complications. It is better for a drunk person not to take any of the drugs other than those listed above. Medicines such as valocordin, corvalol and others like them can only increase intoxication.

With good physical preparation, another very good way sobering up is a short and very intense physical activity. At the same time, it is imperative that profuse sweating and an increase in heart rate (at least 2 times the original one) occur.

After washing the stomach, in order to quickly sober up from alcohol, it is necessary to take ascorbic acid. It is better to choose a product in an instant form and take at the rate of 2.5 g per 70 kg of body weight. After 15 minutes, take 10 ml of a 5% solution of thiamine (vitamin B1), which is sold in pharmacies. This is an injectable solution, but you need to take it orally. To sober up, it would be ideal to take thiamine on a 20% glucose solution.

Since intoxication arises from the interaction of the brain with alcohol, a lot depends on the conscious activity of brain processes. How to quickly sober up with a load on the brain? Quite intense mental work will help a person to fight intoxication and the likely oppression of consciousness.

For example, it is better to start having a conscious conversation with a person, to force them to complete an arithmetic task, to remember specific details from his life, to solve a task for quick wits, and much more.

To urgently alleviate the state of intoxication, you need to know how to quickly sober up with a massage. After all, emergency reflexology gives an additional 5-10 minutes of sober consciousness. Massage should be carried out as follows: press on the point located between the nose and upper lip, press on the point between the base of the index and thumb of the left hand (applies to right-handers).

How to correctly determine the desired point and massage it? Usually, the desired point causes a person to react to strong pressure with a sharp pain signal. This highlights the point on the body.

When the necessary point is found, the tip of the thumb first touches the skin, and then they press hard and make circular movements with the finger in the rhythm of 2 revolutions per second. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the thumb always remains on one necessary point of the body. 30-50 seconds of exposure to the point will be enough to quickly sober up. This method is good because it can be used at any time, both in the morning and in the evening.

The above are ways to get sober quickly. However, after sobering, certain procedures must also be performed. When the situation is resolved, the sober person should refrain from drinking alcohol in the future. Instead, a person should get at least 3-6 hours of sleep. Resuming the reception of wine, beer or other alcohol is possible only after sufficient sleep, the next day.

It is important to remember one more warning. Often, articles are published on the Internet and in print media on how to sober up quickly, in which it is recommended to take a weak solution of ammonia. This fast way cannot be recommended. Since theoretically, such recommendations are not supported by anything today. There are no practitioners of doctors who could say about the effectiveness or, conversely, the inefficiency of this method.

Thanks for the feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone managed to save her husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying up, I don’t know what to do ((I thought of getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their markup brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through the pharmacy chain and retail stores in order to avoid overpricing. Currently, you can only order official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can not influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

“Got drunk again! And now your mother will come and nag me! Get up, to whom I say! Familiar situation? Well, it happens. And sometimes you need to urgently sober up a person. At least for a short time. The web is full of recipes from homegrown specialists. Some of them are funny, some are impossible, or even just life-threatening.

Let's figure out how to get rid of alcohol intoxication with improvised means, without calling an ambulance for drug addiction. For there will be no ceremony.

Inside: drink, eat

  1. Drink 0.5 liters of milk. In one gulp. Say, useful and sobering. Sometimes a person cannot even swallow saliva, what kind of milk? It helps a person who is already starting to sober up well. Alcohol intoxication does not remove, but how the adsorbent can be used.
  2. Alkaline water. For 1 liter of liquid, add 1 tbsp. l. baking soda, stir and give to drink. Helps to restore the acid-base balance of the body. Yes, not every sober person can swallow such a mixture, to say nothing of a drunk. Will not help. It just triggers a gag reflex.
  3. Juice. Orange, pineapple, tomato, apple. Not bad, but only to maintain the level of water balance. Getting rid of alcohol intoxication will not help.
  4. Lemon. Eat 3-5 pieces of fresh lemons at once. Have the advisors themselves tried it? Not only will it not help to sober up, but also the gastric mucosa with such an amount of acid will simultaneously be covered with a copper basin. Instead of such an extreme method, it is better to drink currant compote or fruit drink. And liquid and a good dose of vitamin C. By the way, intoxication will not relieve, it will only support the body.
  5. Ammonia. Add 4-5 drops to 250 ml of pure water. Stir and pour into the mouth of the "injured". Very effective method based on shock therapy. It is impossible to exceed the dosage, because you can poison a person instead of helping. In order not to risk it, it is better to just let the cotton wool with the impregnation smell.
  6. fresh raspberries. Give to eat 300 g of berries. I wonder what effect this recommendation is based on? Drunk in the insole will not be able to swallow or even choke. Sobering simply will not be able to eat, because even the liquid is taken by the body with difficulty. Fresh raspberries increase body temperature and nothing more. Getting rid of drunkenness does not help.
  7. Aspirin. It seems to help you sober up. What are you talking about! But what about the ban on the use of any medications while intoxicated? In no case! The pill will help with a hangover, but not for sobering up.
  8. Poppy. Everyone knows from childhood a mixture of sugar, soda and citric acid. In a ratio of 5 to 1 to 1. Stir in cold water and drink drunk. Again helps in the process of sobering up, does not solve the problem of intoxication.
  9. Honey. Take 5 tsp. every half hour. It is not specified how many times. Two or the whole day to eat honey? Some begin to feel sick after the third dose. It will not help get rid of alcohol intoxication, it will not save the body with a hangover.
  10. Potassium permanganate. Dilute a pinch in two liters of clean water to obtain a slightly pink solution. Drink as much as you like and a little more. The method will help if you induce vomiting after. Ugly, but effective. It's called gastric lavage. They do it until the distinct alcoholic smell disappears or the person comes to the desired state of sobering up.
  11. Diuretic. Any natural. watermelon, green tea, cold coffee, mineral water. You will have to run to the bathroom, but the body will quickly get rid of the decay products of alcohol.
  12. Herbal teas. Any composition is offered, but the quantity is terrifying. 20 glasses a day! Yes any herbal tea, if drunk in a bucket, can become poison. After all, with every reception useful material accumulate in the body, and are not immediately excreted. And by the way, no herbal decoction will help get rid of alcohol intoxication.


  1. Cold shower. good method if the water is cool, not icy. Otherwise, vasospasm may occur, which will lead to cardiac arrest. But it is cool water that greatly contributes to increased blood flow in the body. Which, in turn, will help to get rid of intoxication. Dip your feet in cold water hold it there for about 15 minutes. The method is very efficient. Feet freeze - I want to go to the toilet in a small way. The effect is the same as from taking a diuretic.
  2. Fresh air. Ensure a constant flow, breathe deeply. Oddly enough, but it helps. Fusel oils and alcohol vapors are expelled from the body through the lungs.
  3. If a person is able, then he should squat, run. In general, do any action that causes sweating. The products of poisoning come out through sweat, and the blood runs faster through the body. In severe intoxication, any attempt to move causes sweating. This is good, it means the person is sobering up.
  4. Bath. Like the above method, the action is based on sweating. Just be careful with the temperature. It should be tolerable, not extreme. Otherwise, instead of sobering up, you can get a stroke.
  5. Ears. Pinch the auricles with your palms and quickly rub them strongly. Provides blood flow to the brain. Helps for a short time. Doesn't get rid of drunkenness.

Outcome. Right Action

To get rid of alcohol intoxication, you must first:

  1. Remove as much alcohol from the stomach as possible. To do this, drink as much salted water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate as possible. Then induce vomiting. In most cases, it starts spontaneously, but sometimes you need to press on the root of the tongue for the reflex to work.
  2. Remove ethanol and fusel oils from the lungs. To do this, ensure the flow fresh air. You can go to the balcony or to the street.
  3. Help the body cleanse itself of the breakdown products of alcohol. This is the use of diuretic drinks (not drugs!) Or a cold foot bath. Increased perspiration - if possible physical exercise or light bath.
  4. Restore the water-salt balance. To do this, you need to drink mineral water, brine from pickled vegetables. It would be nice to make a person drink a strong salty broth. It's good to have a drink. By the way, the notorious Alka-Seltzer has a composition very similar to it.
  5. Help the brain. This is the use of warm sweet tea or sweet natural juices.
  6. Help cleanse the body as a whole. This requires the use of any adsorbent. The most common is the most common Activated carbon. 1 pill for every 10 kg of your weight and soon you can forget about excessive libation.
  7. Let the body rest. In the common people - sleep. If possible, be sure to do so.

But in no case at any stage should you just drink pure water. It dilutes the remaining alcohol in the body and allows it to circulate in the blood instead of being excreted. Replace the water with any drink: juice, tea, brine, mineral water.

How to get rid of alcohol intoxication? Of course, it is better not to get drunk at all. Or at least drink quality alcohol. But, if it really happened, then before using all the methods in a row, you should think about their appropriateness. Do not be zealous with dosages, think about the consequences. Take care of yourself.

Video: how to get rid of a hangover