How to fry bread for kvass. Stage II: preparation of young sourdough kvass

Kvass from black bread is a wonderful thirst quencher! Recipes, subtleties and secrets of making a nutritious and healthy kvass drink on black bread. Kvass refreshing drink summer heat from which it is simply impossible to break away. Even before our era, the Egyptians prepared a delicacy similar in composition to modern kvass. It was thought to have healing properties and effectively treats many diseases. But nevertheless, Russia is truly considered the birthplace of kvass. In Russia, kvass was recognized as a drink consumed everywhere and daily. And his presence in the house symbolized well-being and happiness.

Kvass is rightfully considered a healing product. Known great amount useful properties black bread, on the basis of which it is prepared. And they are confirmed not only by people who monitor their weight, nutrition and health, but also by doctors and nutritionists. Rye bread helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, removes toxic harmful substances from the body, contains B vitamins, minerals and amino acids, is rich in magnesium and iron, helps to eliminate cholesterol, strengthen blood vessels and increase hemoglobin.

Kvass is a delicacy that gives a feeling of satiety and lightness at the same time! It is very easy to prepare kvass from black bread at home. And to taste, believe me, it will not be inferior to what was previously poured in barrels.

General principles for making kvass on black bread

  • Making kvass at home is really easy! Two required ingredient: yeast and dry bread. Yeast must be fresh, follow their expiration date. It is welcome to add honey, raisins, mint and other herbs to the drink.
  • Dishes should be glass or enameled, but not metal, so that oxidation processes do not occur.
  • Ready kvass is recommended to be drunk within a few days, since then it can ferment and simply become sour. Store, of course, should be strictly in the refrigerator.
  • For kvass, we dry crackers in the form of sticks. It is best to do this in the oven, on a dry baking sheet, at a temperature of 120 degrees. Place the tray in the preheated oven. During drying, the pieces are mixed at least three times.
  • The average time for kvass fermentation is one and a half days. Timing varies depending on the chosen starter (with or without yeast) and room temperature.

Classic kvass from bread

  • 800 g rye bread;
  • 4 teaspoons of dry yeast;
  • 6 art. spoons of sugar.

1. Bake fresh bread in the oven at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes until golden brown. Toasted bread will give kvass a beautiful dark shade.

2. Put dried pieces of bread on the bottom of a three-liter glass jar. Sprinkle sugar on top and pour half the boiling water over the bread. We leave for 20 minutes.

3. After a third of an hour, add warm water to the very top. We send yeast there, stir well and leave for a day.

4. Next day ready kvass it remains to strain to get rid of the pulp of the bread. At first, kvass may seem cloudy to you, but after leaving it in the refrigerator for half an hour or an hour, the drink will become clearer.

Kvass from black bread with herbs

  • water 5 liters;
  • black rye bread 0.5 kg;
  • 20 g of pressed yeast;
  • melissa 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • coriander teaspoon;
  • cumin 0.5 tsp;
  • granulated sugar 180 g.

1. Dry the bread and brown in the oven for about an hour over low heat. Pour crackers into a container with water at room temperature, cover with gauze and leave for two days in a warm place.

2. After two days in boiling water, brew pre-chopped cumin, coriander and lemon balm. Leave the infusion for 15-20 minutes.

3. Add yeast to warm water, sprinkle with sugar.

4. While the herbs are brewing and the yeast is activated, we filter the kvass wort.

5. Subsequently, in future kvass add infused herbs, sugar and yeast. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until sugar dissolves. Leave for 16 hours in a dark place with a loose lid.

6. After that, pour into another container (plastic bottle), close tightly and leave for another 5-6 hours in a warm place.

7. Then we cool the kvass to 10 degrees by immersing it in a refrigerator or in a bucket with cold water.

Kvass on black bread with mint

  • 6 liters of water;
  • a loaf of black bread;
  • fresh mint;
  • 170 g of sugar;
  • a tablespoon of dry yeast.

1. Dry the bread in the oven at 130 degrees for half an hour.

2. Break the croutons into pieces, mix in a saucepan with warm water, cover with a lid and put away for 2 days in the pantry.

3. Kvass wort over time, we take it out of a dark room and filter it.

4. Add a little boiling water to mint, in a saucer with sugar too. Stir the sugar until it is completely dissolved, leave the mint to infuse. In a glass of warm water, add yeast and a teaspoon of sugar, mix.

5. Add sugar water, mint, yeast to a container with kvass and mix well. Cover with a lid and leave for 18 hours.

6. After that, pour the kvass into a plastic bottle and leave it in the refrigerator for 5 hours.

A simple recipe for kvass on brown bread

  • black bread 1/5 loaf;
  • 9 mint leaves (20 g);
  • yeast (25 g).

1. Dry the pieces of black bread and make sure that it does not burn. Break them apart with your hands as small as possible.

2. The resulting crackers are transferred to a stainless steel container. Fill them with boiling water and let stand for three hours.

3. After 3 hours, strain. Add 200 g of sugar through a sieve. Add mint and 25 g of yeast. Leave again in a warm place for 6 hours, covered with a towel.

4. After half an hour, the dough rises, in several places we pierce it with a spoon so that it falls, and leave it further for 5 hours.

5. Secondly filter and bottle into bottles, in which raisins were previously placed (a pinch in each bottle).

6. Pour our foamy kvass through the funnel, tightly close the lid and send it to cool in a supine position.

Kvass on black bread Traditional

  • black bread crackers;
  • a pack of dry yeast (10g);
  • half a glass of granulated sugar;
  • granulated sugar 200 g

1. Pour the crackers into the pan, pour hot water(1.5 l). Hot water will draw out the taste and color from the crackers well. Leave to cool to a temperature of 35 degrees.

2. Pour 100 ml of water into a deep bowl, pour 3 tbsp. spoons of sand and a pack of dry yeast. Mix all the ingredients until the yeast is completely dissolved.

3. Pour the resulting liquid into the crackers, mix a little. Cover the pan with a towel and leave in a warm place for a day.

4. After a day, we take out the swollen crackers from the water, filter the liquid through a double layer of gauze or bandage.

5. Pour the liquid into the pan, pour out the remaining sand, add a small amount of raisins and 2 liters warm water. Cover with a towel and leave to ferment for another 12 hours.

6. After 12 hours, pour kvass into plastic bottles without topping up to the end. Leave some empty space so they don't explode.

7. We put the finished kvass in the refrigerator for a day so that the fermentation processes come to an end. Such kvass is perfect as a dressing for okroshka.

Kvass on black bread without yeast

  • water 3 liters;
  • black bread 300 g;
  • 40 g raisins;
  • 200 g of granulated sugar.

1. Black bread cut into small pieces. We put it in the oven to dry, at this time we boil water and cool it to room temperature.

2. Pour crackers into a separate container, pour unwashed raisins there, on which kvass can easily ferment.

3. Dilute sugar (130 g) in cooled water. Pour into container sweet water. We fill not to the very top, so that during fermentation it does not flow out. Mix thoroughly and, covering with gauze, remove the kvass in a dark place. As soon as foam and a slight smell of fermentation appeared, the croutons began to mix - we measure exactly two days.

4. Two days later, add the remaining sugar (70 g) to kvass, filter through cheesecloth and bottle with 3-4 raisins. Close tightly and remove for 10 hours at room temperature. Saturated with carbon dioxide, transfer to the refrigerator until completely cooled.

5. Leftover bread can be used as starter for new kvass.

  • If the taste of kvass is too tart and tastes like alcohol, do not rush to get upset, add a little sugar and water.
  • It is important that the crackers do not burn and break well. The best solution is to put them on a low temperature, but for a long time. To give a darker color to kvass, it is necessary to overcook the crackers a little. Another trick is to add a few pieces next to each other. white bread to monitor the change in its color while in the oven, because it is difficult to notice burntness on black bread.
  • In order for kvass to ferment more efficiently, we leave the bottles with its contents in a supine position. The area of ​​​​contact between the yeast and the wort will be wider.
  • In no case do not add dry yeast to a hot mixture, the yeast will die, and kvass will not turn out.
  • Thanks to raisins, kvass will become carbonated.

Kvass from black bread is a traditional Slavic drink that underlies many dishes. It cannot be ignored useful qualities and pleasant invigorating taste. Now kvass on black bread is a healthy competition to a large number of drinks that can quench thirst in the summer.

Be sure to try one of our recipes for a nutritious drink!

  • Sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • Dry yeast - 30 g;
  • Raisins - 50 g;
  • Instruction

    Cut the bread into small flat pieces. Lay the bread on a baking sheet in one row and put in the oven. You need to dry the bread at a small, until the formation golden brown. The crust should not be overcooked, otherwise the kvass will acquire a taste.

    After 2 days, strain kvass through cheesecloth or a sieve, so as to completely separate all the thick. Remove the grounds in the refrigerator. Pour the remaining sugar and raisins into a jar. Raisins must first be washed thoroughly. Mix the contents well and leave for 12 hours in a warm place.

    Pour the kvass into bottles and close the lids very tightly. Remove kvass for a day in the refrigerator. After a day, kvass can be drunk.


    During fermentation, sugar turns into alcohol, which means that kvass will contain 1-2% alcohol. Motorists and parents of young children need to remember this.
    Yeast must not be bred in hot water otherwise the fermentation process will be defective.
    While the fermentation process is in progress, the jar of kvass should not be closed with a tight lid.

    Useful advice

    Bread for cooking homemade kvass you can take any, but from rye bread, kvass will acquire a rich brown color. Stale bread is also perfect for making kvass. If the bread is stale, it is not necessary to dry it in the oven.

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    • how to make kvass from bread

    Homemade rusk - a drink that perfectly quenches thirst and is suitable for making your favorite summer dish- okroshki. Having mastered the basic recipe, be sure to try cooking kvass various flavor nuances. At a summer party, serve your guests a selection of homemade drinks that they will surely appreciate.

    You will need

    • Homemade rusk kvass: - 500 g rye rusks; - 5 liters of water; - 300 g of sugar; - 30 g of yeast. Currant kvass: - 500 g crackers; - 5 liters of water; - 15 g of yeast; - 200 g of sugar; - 0.5 cups of currant jam; - currant leaves and fresh mint. Kvass with horseradish and honey: - 600 g crackers; - 4 liters of water; - 300 g of sugar; - 30 g of yeast; - 100 g of honey; - 100 g of horseradish.


    Prepare the main raw materials for kvass a - crackers from rye or Borodino bread. Cut the loaf into slices, and then into narrow ribbons or cubes. Dry the crackers in the oven until a thin crust forms, making sure that they do not burn. For a drink, crackers can be crushed in a mortar or scroll in a meat grinder, turning them into small crumbs.

    Try several cooking options kvass and choose the one that seems more suitable for you. Raw materials can be poured with boiling or warm water, sugar or pre-prepared sugar syrup can be added, added to kvass a decoction of mint, currant leaf, raisins, honey, cumin, horseradish or jam - and as a result, get more and more new variations of this drink. However, the base of the cracker kvass but remains unchanged - it is rye crackers, yeast and water.

    Kvass is prepared in bulky dishes - all glass or enameled. Pour crackers into it, pour boiling water over them and leave the mixture for 10 hours. Boil sugar mixed with a glass of water in a separate bowl. Pour the cracker infusion into another container, add sugar syrup and yeast to it. Stir the mixture and leave for 4 hours - during this time the fermentation process takes place.

    Remove the foam from the finished drink, strain kvass send through gauze to the refrigerator for aging, pouring it into glass jars or bottles. For each add a few raisins. Young after 2 hours kvass he'll be ready. The longer it sits, the richer the flavor will be. However, it is not recommended to withstand more than two days, it is better to drain the remnants and fresh kvass.

    Leftover from the first batch kvass new must can be used. Add breadcrumbs and yeast to part of the mixture. Instead of sugar, put half a glass of homemade in the mixture. In a separate bowl, brew a handful of fresh currant leaves and a few sprigs of fresh mint. Pour the wort with hot boiled water, add a decoction of herbs and infuse the mixture for 6 hours at room temperature. Then strain, pour into clean glass jars and put in the refrigerator.

    Try another one unusual optionkvass with and hell. Pour the crackers with boiling water and leave for 4 hours to infuse. Strain the infusion through cheesecloth, add yeast and sugar to it. Put kvass for fermentation for 4-6 hours. Grate the horseradish root and mix it with liquid honey. Add the resulting mixture to the young kvass, mix thoroughly, pour into jars or bottles and refrigerate.

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    • homemade kvass from breadcrumbs

    Kvass is a soft and refreshing drink that can quench your thirst and be used as a base for making okroshka. Homemade kvass is quite easy to prepare. There are many original recipes making kvass at home, which not only make this drink tasty, but also healthy.

    Classical rye kvass

    Cut a loaf of rye bread into slices. Then put the bread slices on a dry baking sheet and put in the oven at maximum temperature. We are waiting for the bread slices to become dark in color. Care must be taken not to burn the bread. Transfer the breadcrumbs to suitable dishes and pour 5 liters of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave to infuse for 5 hours. Strain the wort through gauze, add a tablespoon of yeast, half a glass of sugar and a tablespoon of raisins. Stir, close the lid and leave overnight. Pour the finished kvass into bottles, cork and put to cool in the refrigerator.

    Bread kvass with dried fruits

    Pour a mixture of dried fruits with water and cook for 10-15 minutes. Dried rye bread pour boiling water and leave in a sealed container for 3 hours. We filter the decoction of dried fruits and the wort and combine it together. Add sugar, yeast and put in a warm place for fermentation. We pour the fermented kvass into bottles and put 3 raisins in each. We put in a cold place. Instead of sugar, you can use honey boiled with water. After 3 days kvass is ready.

    Kvass with mint or oregano

    Cook in the same way as before, only add a little honey in addition and flavor with fresh or dried mint or oregano grass, dipping a gauze bag in kvass for 10 hours. Mint gives a refreshing taste, and oregano improves digestion.

    Kvass with calamus

    Calamus roots have a beneficial effect on the digestive organs, improve the condition of the gums, and lower blood pressure. in cooked in the usual way bread kvass add infusion of calamus. On 3 liter jar kvass, add 1 cup of infusion of calamus roots or put dry calamus roots (80 grams) in a gauze bag for 5 hours.

    Kvass from fresh carrots

    Wash the carrots and peel them. Grate on coarse grater and put in a 3 liter glass jar, add dried brown bread crusts, pour warm boiled water and leave for 10 hours, covering the jar with gauze. After infusion, we filter the liquid (wort) and add the yeast diluted in warm water, with a small amount of flour and set to ferment overnight. After that, you can add on the tip of the knife citric acid. It will turn out not only refreshing, but also a drink enriched with vitamins and microelements. For 3 liters of kvass you will need 150 grams of carrots, a glass of sugar, 20 grams of yeast, 500 grams of rye bread, citric acid, a tablespoon of flour.

    Lemon kvass "Ekaterininsky"

    To prepare kvass "Ekaterininsky" we will prepare 700 grams of lemons, a handful of raisins, 500 grams of sugar, 50 grams of yeast and 10 liters of water. Add granulated sugar to a pot of water and wait for the water to boil. Then you need to cool the water with sugar. Grate lemon peel, squeeze the juice from the lemons, knead the yeast and add everything to the pan. Mix everything, throw a handful of raisins and put in a cool place for 3 days.

    For more than 1000 years of its history, it has acquired the status of not only national, but also the most healthy drink. Even in Russia they knew: kvass not only quenches thirst on a hot summer day, it is also useful for vitamin deficiency, increased fatigue, and has bactericidal power. And most importantly - it can be cooked at home. You just need to know that kvass is obtained by fermentation and infusion of bread, water, sugar, malt and yeast. To taste, you can add raisins, lemon, spices, cranberries, lingonberries, mountain ash. Do not forget that on the basis of kvass, you can use both okroshka and, for example, tyurya or botvinya.

    You will need

      • 25 g yeast
    • 3 liters of water
    • 1 kg rye crackers
    • 100 g raisins
    • 100 g sugar
    • 100 g honey
    • 200 g ginger root or 100 g horseradish


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    If kvass turned out to be very spicy when adding horseradish or ginger, the volume of these additives recommended in the recipe can be halved.

    Useful advice

    Blackcurrant, cherry or lemon balm leaves, dried fruits and berries are also suitable as flavorings for homemade kvass.

    Kvass is cool and invigorating, just what you need in hot weather. This drink has been drunk for several thousand years and the Slavs were the first to make it. There are many varieties of kvass: strawberry, raspberry, beetroot, apple, pear and even with spices. We, however, will learn in more detail about the benefits of bread kvass, which is familiar to us.


    Kvass is perfect summer drink. It quenches thirst well, adds strength after exhausting heat and fills the body with useful substances. Kvass contains vitamins B, C, PP and E, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and various amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates and organic acids.

    good property is that kvass stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, improves metabolism, and affects the stomach, like kefir, maintaining a healthy microflora. It helps to get rid of heaviness in the stomach after overeating and has a slight laxative effect.

    It has been noticed that with frequent, but not excessive, use of kvass, tooth enamel is strengthened, hair falls out less, brittle nails disappear. And, thanks to the content of yeast in kvass, acne and pustules on the skin disappear. To improve the condition of hair and skin, kvass is used externally, rinsing the hair and making lotions on the face.

    Drinking kvass on time will also bring a lot of benefits to you and your baby, if there are no contraindications. It improves immunity and replenishes vitamins. Of course, you should not get too carried away with this drink because of the risk of gaining extra pounds. There are 21 kcal per 100 ml of drink.

    Even the useful ones have contraindications. So, for example, kvass is not recommended for people with urolithiasis, elevated blood pressure, kidney diseases, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, increased flatulence, diarrhea), as well as people with gastritis and stomach ulcers. Pregnant women should not drink the drink if there is a threat of pregnancy and increased uterine tone.

    Unfortunately, store drinks with "Kvass" are far from a real drink in terms of their composition and origin. They contain a lot of chemicals and preservatives, so such a product will not benefit the body. It is better if you are not too lazy and prepare a soft drink yourself at. Moreover, there are so many on the Internet a variety of recipes.

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    When no one wants to eat dried bread, it has to be thrown away or given to the birds. From the fact that it is no longer possible to return to him the original taste that causes appetite. But for an experienced housewife, everything goes well. And if the original state of bread really cannot be given, then let's go the other way - we will use ingenuity!

    You will need

    • Old, beginning to stale bread (the main condition: not moldy).


    We dry crackers.
    To do this, we take bread (here you can also use fresh; the variety is not important). We turn on the oven at 180 degrees. We cut our bread into small pieces-cubes. Lay out on a baking sheet. We put the tray in the oven. We keep the crackers closed for about 10 minutes, waiting for them to brown. Then turn off the oven and leave to cool without removing the crackers from it. The main thing is to observe the golden mean: do not let the crackers burn out and not dry out. Burnt crackers are inedible, and under-dried ones spoil rather quickly.

    We fry the croutons.
    Cut the bread into medium-sized pieces. Croutons are different:, garlic,.
    To prepare croutons with, ingredients: 3 eggs, 1 glass of milk. Mix milk and eggs, whisking in a homogeneous mass all the time in one direction (so that the protein does not twist back). If we want to get croutons for tea, then add 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Dip slices of bread in the resulting mass, spread on a preheated pan. And then be sure, frying on all sides, we carefully monitor that they do not burn!
    There are two cooking methods garlic toast. First, the already obtained croutons are rubbed with salted garlic mass; second, garlic is first fried in a pan, and only then croutons are added. But beware: garlic burns very quickly!

    Cooking kvass.
    We will need: 3 liters. water, 200 g. sugar, 20 g.

    An invigorating and refreshing drink prepared at home will appeal to all households. Despite the wide variety of cooking methods, each recipe for kvass from black bread, in order to comply technological process, involves the use of crackers from a rye loaf. Since it is unlikely that it will be possible to purchase ready-made crackers, the hostess needs to prepare them in advance at home.

    To make crackers, you should buy a black loaf of bread without any additives. The optimal cutting of future crackers is 1 by 1.5 cm. Also, do not forget that the stronger they are fried in the oven, the richer the color and taste of the finished drink can turn out.

    1. Crackers from half a kilo of "Borodino" rolls are poured into a container for further fermentation and poured on top of 5 liters of chilled boiled water. After that, the container is covered with a thick cloth or towel and placed in a dark and warm place for 24 hours.
    2. After a day, the resulting liquid is poured into a dry jar through a sieve with gauze. Rusks are carefully squeezed out and thrown away.
    3. 200 grams of granulated sugar and 7 grams of fast acting yeast. The neck of the container is covered with multilayer gauze or cloth and placed in a dark and warm place for another 15 hours.
    4. After a certain time, the finished drink is drained from the sediment, if necessary, additionally sugared, hermetically sealed and removed to cool.

    Homemade bread kvass with yeast

    1. In the evening, 100 grams of crackers and 4 tbsp are taken to prepare the sourdough. Sahara. Everything is poured into a 3 liter jar, poured with boiling water on top of ¾ of the volume of the container taken. The jar is covered with a terry towel so that the heat lasts as long as possible.
    2. In the morning, 15 grams of fresh pressed yeast is diluted in half a glass of warm water and poured into crackers. The neck of the jar is covered with gauze or a napkin and removed for a day or a little more in a warm sunny place.
    3. The readiness of the starter can be determined by the state of the contents of the jar: the soaked crackers will rise to the neck of the container, and the must itself will completely settle at the bottom.
    4. When the starter “ripens”, the layer of crackers must be carefully removed with a spoon, and the infusion should be poured into the sink, leaving the yeast suspension inside the jar.
    5. The wort prepared for kvass is transferred to a clean 3-liter jar, 150 grams of fresh crackers and 1/3 cup of granulated sugar are poured there. For lovers of sweet homemade kvass, you can increase the amount of sugar indicated in the recipe several times, guided by your own preferences.
    6. Prepared products are poured with warm boiled water, leaving room at the neck for fermentation. The jar is covered with multilayer gauze or a napkin and left for a day.
    7. Ready drink strained into plastic bottles, each of which contains a few raisins for carbonation. Tightly closed bottles are placed in the refrigerator.
    8. For a new portion of the drink, it is necessary to replace ½ of the sour crackers with fresh ones. Add sugar and pour warm boiled water.

    Bread kvass with mint at home

    1. 150 grams of well-fried rye crackers are poured into a clean and dry 3-liter jar, which are poured with boiling water and left to cool to 40 degrees.
    2. 6 tablespoons are poured into the cooled liquid. sugar, 10 grams of fast-acting yeast and 3-4 small sprigs of mint or lemon balm. The mixture is stirred and left to ferment for 10 hours.
    3. The fermented drink is filtered into bottles, in each of which 3-5 raisins are added and, without closing the lids, put in heat for another 3 hours.
    4. After the time has elapsed, the bottles are corked and placed in the refrigerator to cool.

    If sprigs of mint are placed in a jar at the same time as breadcrumbs and poured with boiling water, then the finished drink will be more saturated and taste like mint candy.

    Recipe for kvass from black bread with herbs

    1. Crackers made from 0.5 kg of black bread are poured into a 5 liter container with filtered or chilled boiled water. The neck is covered with multilayer gauze, which is fixed with an elastic band. The container is cleaned in a warm and dark place for 48 hours.
    2. After 2 days, half a glass of your favorite herb or a mixture of herbs is brewed with boiling water and left for 20 minutes.
    3. 50 grams of sugar and 20 grams of raw yeast are diluted in a glass of warm water.
    4. Bread sourdough through gauze and a strainer is drained into a dry container.
    5. Strained infusion of herbs, yeast suspension and 200 grams of sugar are added to the sourdough. The liquid is mixed until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved, the container is closed with a towel and placed in a dark place for 16 hours for fermentation.
    6. After the time has elapsed, kvass is drained from the sediment, corked and placed in a warm place to ripen for 6 hours.
    7. The finished drink is put into the refrigerator for cooling.

    Bread homemade kvass with raisins without yeast

    Despite the fact that homemade bread kvass without yeast does not differ in taste originality, it perfectly quenches thirst and is widely used by housewives for making okroshka.

    1. Ready crackers from 1/3 Borodinsky loaf and 10-15 raisins are poured into a clean, dry 3-liter jar.
    2. Separately, 2.5 liters of water are boiled, in which 5-6 tablespoons are dissolved. Sahara.
    3. The liquid is cooled to room temperature and poured into a jar of crackers.
    4. The container is covered with a multi-layer cut of gauze or a linen napkin and placed on a window located on the sunny side.
    5. The fermentation process will begin only on the 2nd day. Thus, the drink will be ready in 3-4 days.
    6. Ready kvass is filtered into bottles and stored in the refrigerator for further consumption.
    7. If desired, put re-sourdough, for this, half of the soaked crackers are removed from the jar, a handful of fresh crackers, a few raisins and 3 tablespoons are added. granulated sugar. Warm boiled water is poured so that there is room for carbon dioxide to escape.

    Bread alcoholic kvass recipe

    As usual, homemade kvass with yeast contains no more than 1.2% alcohol, but for lovers of strong drinks, you can make “drunk kvass” while maintaining its traditional taste.

    1. 300 grams of fried crackers are poured into a 5 liter container and poured with 3 liters of boiling water, covered with a lid and left in the room for 3 hours.
    2. The infused liquid is filtered into a container for fermentation.
    3. Soaked crackers are poured with 2 liters of boiling water and aged for about an hour. After the time has elapsed, the liquid is filtered, the crackers are squeezed out and thrown away.
    4. The second infusion is poured into the first, 5 grams of fast-acting yeast or 30 grams of fresh yeast, diluted in a glass of grain liquid, are added to the container. 3 grams of citric acid and 300 grams of sugar are also poured there.
    5. The contents are mixed, covered with a towel and left for 10 hours in a warm and dark place. If after 2-3 hours foam appears and a characteristic hiss begins, you can be sure that the fermentation process has successfully begun.
    6. After 10 hours, you need to taste the fermented drink. If kvass has a low strength, then another 200 grams of sugar is poured into the container, gently mixed and left for 4-5 hours. The amount of sugar introduced in small portions regulates the strength of the finished drink and can vary from 300 grams to 1.5 kg. When using the maximum amount, kvass will contain up to 13% alcohol.
    7. The procedure for adding sugar must be repeated until the drink reaches the desired strength and sweetness.
    8. Having kept kvass for 4-5 hours after the last portion of poured sugar, kvass is poured into plastic bottles and tightly closed. Putting the bottles in the fridge will stop the fermentation.
    9. The shelf life of "drunk kvass" is up to 10 days.

    A quick way to make kvass

    1. Warm boiled water is poured into the jar, into which 2 teaspoons of fast-acting yeast are poured and dessert spoon citric acid. Everything is gently mixed until the dry substances are completely dissolved.
    2. 200 grams of sugar is poured into a small saucepan, which is brought to a golden brown color over medium heat.
    3. After the sugar has acquired the desired color, the fire is turned off, and half a glass is poured into the pan cold water and everything is thoroughly mixed.
    4. Sweet water is poured into the yeast liquid.
    5. The neck is closed with a dense cloth and removed in heat for fermentation.
    6. After 30-50 minutes, the finished kvass is drained from the sediment in bottles, corked and placed in the refrigerator.

    Bread kvass at home with ginger

    1. At the bottom of an enameled 9 liter container, 30 grams of ginger, peeled and cut into medium-sized slices, is thrown.
    2. 12 tablespoons are poured into ginger. granulated sugar and rye crackers made from a whole roll.
    3. In a separate saucepan, boil 6 liters of water and pour crackers with boiling water, leaving to cool to room temperature.
    4. When the liquid has cooled, 1.5 packets of high-speed yeast are poured into it or "raw" yeast is poured (1/8 of a pack diluted in a glass of warm boiled water).
    5. The contents of the container are gently mixed, closed with a lid and left for a day for further fermentation.
    6. After the required time has elapsed, carefully remove the bread cap from the bowl with a slotted spoon.
    7. Dry, clean glass containers carefully pour kvass through a sieve and gauze, leaving a white suspension of yeast at the bottom of the container.
    8. The container with kvass is closed with lids and removed for 12 hours in a cool dark place so that the drink "gain strength".
    9. For a second portion of the drink, place the soaked crackers, taken out with a slotted spoon, into a container with a yeast suspension, add 8 tbsp. sugar and pour warm boiled water.

    Kvass is a primordially Russian drink, which has always been on the table of people of different classes. He was loved and drunk by both peasants and nobles, kings. Homemade kvass from crackers - delicious drink which perfectly quenches thirst and refreshes. In addition, the people claimed, and still claim that the drink is able to restore strength and relieve fatigue.

    Making kvass at home is not so difficult as it might seem, but unlike a store-bought bottled or draft drink, such kvass is much more pleasant and interesting in taste, and it is really healthy.

    There are many recipes for homemade kvass from crackers, this drink is prepared with and without yeast, and with raisins, mint leaves, currants and other ingredients. Each recipe, despite the apparent complexity, is easy and easy to prepare, moreover, the set of ingredients for the product is minimal and affordable.

    Homemade kvass from crackers - interesting facts, general principles of preparation

    Many are sure that kvass is useful, but not everyone knows exactly what benefits this drink has. It contains many vitamins and microelements - vitamins of group B, E, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, lactic acid, as well as amino acids.

    Even in the old days, kvass was successfully used to treat beriberi, increase efficiency, and improve mood.

    To make homemade kvass, you need to purchase black, rye or Borodino bread and yeast. Small cubes are cut from bread, from which crackers are then made. Also, the composition of kvass from crackers usually includes granulated sugar and boiled water. In addition, other ingredients are added to taste: honey, raisins, and even horseradish with garlic.

    For infusion, use enameled or glassware, in no case take aluminum or plastic. It is recommended to store ready-made kvass in a cool place, the expiration date is house drink is three days.

    Homemade kvass from breadcrumbs without yeast

    Sourdough for homemade kvass from breadcrumbs without yeast


    50 grams of rye crackers;

    400 ml of boiled water;

    A teaspoon of granulated sugar.

    Cooking method:

    1. Boil two glasses plain water cool it down to room temperature.

    2. Pour water into a liter jar.

    3. Dissolve sugar in lukewarm water.

    4. Put rye crackers into the resulting liquid.

    5. Cover the neck of the jar with gauze or cotton cloth, put in any warm place for two days.

    6. After the time allotted for fermentation, the leaven should acquire a sharp smell and a cloudy color.

    7. Now you can safely proceed to the stage of making homemade kvass from crackers.

    Kvass from crackers from yeast-free sourdough


    100 grams of rye crackers;

    0.5 liters of yeast-free sourdough (recipe 1);

    One and a half liters of boiled water;

    Tablespoon of sugar.

    Cooking method:

    1. Pour into three-liter jar prepared sourdough breadcrumbs.

    2. Put crushed, dried to a golden color, crackers, sugar.

    3. Top up the cooled boiled water to the very brim.

    4. Cover the jar nylon cover, put a container with homemade kvass for a day in a warm place.

    5. Drain two-thirds of the drink into another container, add boiled water to the remaining jar.

    6. Add a couple more pieces of crackers, if there is not enough sweetness - sugar.

    7. Insist for another day.

    8. When pouring kvass into a glass, make sure that the turbidity does not rise from the bottom.

    Homemade kvass from breadcrumbs with yeast


    A kilogram of rye bread;

    40 grams of yeast;

    Three liters of water;

    One and a half cups of sugar.

    Cooking method:

    1. Cut the bread into small pieces, put on a dry baking sheet, place in the oven. Fry until golden brown.

    2. Put the crackers in a saucepan, pour one and a half liters of water. Soak the crackers in water for two hours, remembering to stir the mass from time to time.

    3. Carefully pour the infusion into a suitable container, pour the same amount of water for another hour. Drain again into the same container.

    4. The resulting wort should have a temperature of 20 degrees.

    5. Add granulated sugar, yeast to the wort, after diluting it with the same wort.

    6. Remove the jar of kvass for 12-16 hours in a warm place.

    7. Pour the prepared kvass into jars or bottles, put in the refrigerator.

    Kvass from crackers and flour with mint


    800 grams of rye bread;

    Five liters of water;

    One and a half kilograms of sugar;

    70 grams of yeast;

    Cup wheat flour;

    Mint leaves to taste.

    Cooking method:

    1. Pour yeast into a glass, fill with warm boiled water. Stir.

    2. Rinse the mint, pour boiling water over it, let it brew.

    3. Dry the bread cut into small cubes in the oven, then pour boiling water over it. Cool the mass to thirty degrees.

    4. Mix crackers diluted with water together with liquid with mint infusion, yeast.

    5. Cover the jar with a lid or gauze, put it in heat for a day.

    6. After the time has elapsed, add sugar, mix until all sugar grains are completely dissolved.

    7. Keep the kvass from crackers warm for a couple of hours, then pour it into suitable containers and put it in the refrigerator.

    Homemade kvass from Borodino bread crumbs with raisins


    Two slices of Borodino bread (200 grams);

    Three liters of water;

    15 grams of yeast;

    a teaspoon of flour;

    Large handful of black raisins.

    Cooking method:

    1. Cut the Borodino bread into cubes, dry it until lightly crunchy in the oven on a baking sheet.

    2. Pour the crackers with boiling water, insist the mass for three to four hours.

    3. Mix the yeast and flour, pour the mass with five tablespoons of slightly warm water, mix thoroughly.

    4. Pour the yeast into the wort, keep in a warm place for a day.

    5. Strain the finished drink, put washed and dried raisins into it.

    6. Keep homemade kvass from breadcrumbs warm for another 3-6 hours, then put it in the refrigerator for further infusion for 2-3 days.

    Vigorous homemade kvass from breadcrumbs with horseradish and honey


    800 grams of rye crackers;

    100 grams of honey;

    50 grams of raisins;

    100 grams of grated horseradish;

    25 grams of yeast;

    Four liters of water.

    Cooking method:

    1. Pour rye croutons boiling water, let them brew for about 3-4 hours, then strain.

    2. Add yeast to the resulting liquid, cover the container with a cloth, remove for fermentation for 6-8 hours in a warm place.

    3. Put diluted honey, chopped horseradish into the must. Mix thoroughly.

    4. Bottle the kvass. Place a small amount of raisins in each bottle.

    5. Infuse the drink first for three hours in warmth, after three hours in the refrigerator.

    Beet kvass from breadcrumbs


    Two liters of water;

    A kilogram of beets;

    80 gram piece of black bread;

    a tablespoon of sugar;

    Half a teaspoon of salt;

    A clove of garlic.

    Cooking method:

    1. Rinse the beetroot thoroughly, peel it and grate it on a large grater segment.

    2. Put the mass in a three-liter jar.

    3. Add crackers made from black bread, a little salt, granulated sugar.

    4. Pour all the ingredients with slightly warm boiled water, cover the jar with gauze, put the kvass in heat for three days.

    5. A day before readiness, put purified, but not crushed kvass into the drink.

    6. Put the finished drink in the refrigerator.

    Rye homemade kvass from crackers


    600 grams of rye bread;

    Pack of dry yeast (20 grams);

    Two glasses of sugar;

    Black currant leaves.

    Cooking method:

    1. Cut the bread into small pieces, lay out on a cloth so that the pieces do not touch each other. Dry for a day, then brown in the oven.

    2. Pour the finished crackers with boiling water, leave for 10-14 hours.

    3. Rinse the currant leaves, pour boiling water over it, leave for 10-15 minutes, then drain the liquid into a glass.

    4. Strain the prepared wort through a sieve or cheesecloth. Mix the infusion of crackers with a decoction of currant leaves.

    5. Add granulated sugar and yeast, infuse for 6-8 hours.

    6. Remove the foam from the settled kvass, strain.

    7. Pour the drink into a suitable container, put it in the refrigerator.

    Apple kvass from breadcrumbs


    100 grams of sugar;

    100 grams of light raisins;

    100 grams of honey;

    200 grams of rye bread;

    Two large sweet and sour apples;

    Cooking method:

    1. Pour granulated sugar into a glass of boiled water, mix. Achieve complete dissolution of sugar.

    2. Rinse the apples, peel, cut into 8 pieces, remove the core.

    3. Put the prepared fruit in a small saucepan, add the sorted and rinsed raisins. Pour products sugar syrup.

    4. Remove the starter for 2-3 days in a warm place, stir the mass from time to time.

    5. Cut the bread into small cubes, dry it in the oven, laying it on a dry baking sheet.

    6. When the finished crackers have cooled, twist them through a meat grinder or chop with a crush for mashed potatoes.

    7. Strain the settled sourdough, mix the infusion with breadcrumbs.

    8. Transfer the mixture to a clean 3 liter jar.

    9. Add honey, fill the jar with cooled boiled water, not reaching the very edges by two or three centimeters.

    10. Bandage the neck of the jar with gauze, put the kvass in a warm place for five days.

    11. After the allotted time, carefully pour the kvass into a suitable one so that the sediment and turbidity remain at the bottom.

    You can re-fill the remaining sediment with water and also withstand homemade kvass for five days. Further use of the starter is not recommended.

    When drying crackers, do not forget to stir them and make sure that they do not burn. Burnt crackers will not only give an unpleasant dark color to the drink, but also spoil it with a repulsive smell of bitterness and a rancid taste.

    When you remove kvass to ferment, do not cover the container tightly. The product must breathe, so it is recommended to use gauze fabric.

    Kvass, especially homemade, is very useful product but in spite of all positive traits this drink has certain contraindications. Homemade kvass from crackers contains a small amount of alcohol, from about 0.6 to 2.6%, so it is contraindicated for children under seven years of age. In addition, people suffering from cirrhosis of the liver, vegetovascular dystonia, hypertensive patients, as well as lactating and pregnant women, drivers on the road should refrain from drinking this drink.

    Be healthy, drink and eat tasty, live brightly!

    Kvass without yeast has a significant advantage - the absence of a distinctive smell that gives baker's yeast. Recipes for bread kvass without yeast are not significantly complicated.

    Yeast-free kvass quenches thirst well in hot weather, improves body tone, and increases efficiency. Appetite increases, the work of the digestive tract improves - kvass promotes the digestion of fatty foods and normalizes the balance of salts and fluids.

    Kvass strengthens the physical strength of a person, supplies the body with microelements. The composition of the ingredients and special technology cooking contributes to this.

    Yeast-free kvass helps to get rid of excess weight: it is low-calorie, promotes the restoration of metabolism, improves the absorption of food and metabolism, during the diet it supplies the body with the necessary nutrients.

    Naturally, yeast-free kvass is not a means for weight loss, however, as an auxiliary component, it accelerates the course of weight loss with low-calorie diets and reduces the feeling of hunger.

    Homemade kvass starter

    The whole process of making yeast-free homemade kvass consists of two stages: preparing the wort, and then making the homemade drink based on the sourdough.

    Sourdough can be prepared from 2 slices of black bread with crusts, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 2 cups of warm boiled water.

    Dry the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bbread in the oven until a golden-dark hue appears, cool and pour into a half-liter jar, add water and sugar. Cover with gauze and keep in a warm place for fermentation.

    The sourdough will be ready in a day or two, to taste - sharply sour and cloudy in color.

    Just prepare a starter for homemade kvass from hops. 3 tablespoons of hops pour half a liter of boiling water. Put the pan on a quiet fire and boil for 15 minutes. Cool the composition to 40 ° and strain.

    Add a tablespoon of honey and mix, add flour until a creamy mass is obtained. Leave in a warm place for a day or two.


    Recipes for homemade yeast-free kvass

    Recipe 1: classic

    classic yeast-free kvass - ingredients:

    • Yeast-free rye bread - 400 g;
    • Raisins - a handful;
    • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • Water - 2.5 liters.

    Cut rye bread into cubes and air dry. Dry the resulting crackers in the oven until a golden-dark crust appears, put in a 3-liter jar and add chilled boiled water.

    Add sugar and raisins, cover with gauze, put in a warm place. After a few days, the homemade drink will be ready.

    Recipe 2: with wheat and honey

    Yeast-free kvass with wheat and honey - homemade kvass is very rich and tasty. It has a lot useful substances, enzymes, bifidobacteria.

    • Wheat - 3 cups;
    • Boiled water - 4 liters;
    • Honey - one and a half glasses;
    • Sourdough - 8 tbsp. spoons.

    Cooking method. Place the wheat in a bowl, rinse and pour cold water for 10 minutes. Drain water, rinse again. Cover the container with wheat with a cloth and leave for two days for germination. Periodically change the water and rinse the wheat so that the grains do not sour.

    After the appearance of sprouts on the grains in 2-3 mm of wheat, dry and grind in a coffee grinder. Pour 4 liters of water into a five-liter container, place wheat, honey, sourdough in it. Cover the container with a napkin and keep warm for two days.

    The appearance of bubbles on the surface and a carbonated taste are a sign that the homemade drink is ready.

    Recipe 3: bread

    Yeast-free bread kvass.

    For sourdough:

    • Rye bread - 1 piece;
    • Sugar - 1 teaspoon.
    • For kvass:
    • Sugar - 1 teaspoon;
    • Rye bread - 2 pieces;
    • Sourdough - 0.5 l;
    • Water - 1.5 liters.

    Cooking method. For sourdough: place sliced ​​bread, sugar and a glass of boiled water in a 1.5-liter jar. Leave the jar covered with gauze to ferment for two days in a warm place. When ready, the starter becomes cloudy with a sharp taste. Pour the starter into a two-liter jar, add sugar and two crushed pieces of rye bread.

    Top up with cold boiled water to the brim. Cover with a cloth and leave for a day. After a day or two, carefully drain, without shaking, three-quarters of the volume of kvass into another container. Add 2 slices of bread to the remaining sourdough, add water and let it brew.

    Recipe 4: sourdough rye

    Homemade yeast-free rye kvass on sourdough rye flour. The leaven from the bottom of the container is suitable for the next use after the kvass has been poured into another container.

    • Rye flour - 2 handfuls;
    • Sourdough - 0.5 l;
    • Water - 3 l;
    • Sugar is a glass.

    Cooking method. Put flour and sugar in a 3-liter container and completely dissolve in 1 liter of warm boiled water. Pour over the starter and add water to the brim. Wrap the container and leave for a couple of days.

    After fermentation, kvass can be poured into other containers and stored in the refrigerator. From the sourdough from the bottom of the jar, you can make a new homemade drink.

    Recipe 5: rye for okroshka

    Yeast-free rye kvass for making okroshka:

    • Rye flour - 1 kg;
    • Water - 10 liters.

    Cooking method. In 1 liter of warm boiled water, stir the flour until homogeneous mass. Cover the container with gauze and wrap with a cloth. Keep warm for 2-3 days. Dilute the fermented dough with water and insist at room temperature. Strain homemade drink through cheesecloth.

    Recipe 6: with beets

    Yeast-free bread kvass with homemade beets. Kvass is very rich.

    • Beets - 1 kg;
    • Yeast-free rye bread - crust;
    • Sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
    • Water - 2 liters.

    Cooking method. Grind the peeled beets on a grater or finely chop. Cut the crust of bread into pieces and dry for 5 minutes in the oven.

    Place beets, dried crust of bread in a 3-liter jar, pour sugar and pour chilled boiled water. Cover the jar with gauze and insist in a warm place for 3-4 days. Strain and bottle homemade drink. Refrigerate before use.

    Recipe 7: rice kvass

    Yeast-free rice kvass:

    • Rice - 4 tbsp. spoons;
    • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • Raisins - 5 pcs.
    • Water - 1 l.

    Place the ingredients in cooled boiled water. Let stand 3-4 days in a warm place. Pour the strained drink into bottles and store in the refrigerator. Such homemade kvass is useful for preventing osteochondrosis and.

    Recipe 8: oatmeal kvass


    • Oats - 0.5 kg;
    • Sugar - 100 g;
    • Water - 3 liters.

    Place the washed oats in a 3-liter jar, add boiled water. Pour in 100 g of sugar. Tie the neck of the jar with gauze and keep in a warm place for 2 days.

    The appearance of a film on the surface of kvass is a sign that the drink is ready. Such homemade kvass is noticeable and is used in diets for weight loss.

    Recipe 9: Russian kvass

    An old yeast-free recipe:

    Thoroughly mix malt and flour in 3 liters of warm boiled water. Cover bowl with cheesecloth and leave for 1 hour. Then transfer the dough to a cast-iron dish with a lid and put in the oven to evaporate. After mixing the evaporated dough, add boiling water.

    After a day, transfer the dough to a large container, where kvass will be infused. Add 16 liters of warm water, croutons and bread. Mix everything and leave for 10 hours to infuse. After clarification, drain the fermented wort into a clean barrel. Add 15 liters of hot water to the remaining thick.

    After 3 hours, drain the wort into a barrel, add mint infusion and leave to ferment for a day. Place the barrel in the basement. After the fermentation decreases, add molasses, at the rate of 1 kg per 30 liters of drink. Plug the keg. Kvass is ready in 3-4 days. In a cold place, a homemade drink will keep for several months.

    Recipe 10: homemade white

    Homemade yeast-free white kvass:

    • Crushed rye malt - 1 kg;
    • Barley malt - 0.3 kg;
    • Wheat flour - 0.3 kg;
    • Buckwheat flour - 0.3 kg;
    • Rye flour - 0.5 kg;
    • Mint - 20 g;
    • Raisins - 10 g;
    • Water - 5 liters.

    Thoroughly mix bread products, pour boiled hot water, knead a stiff dough. Transfer the dough to a separate container and pour 5 liters of boiling water.

    After stirring the dough, add 8 tablespoons of sourdough, mint infusion, cover with gauze and put in a warm place. After settling, drain the kvass from the thick, pour into bottles, throwing a few raisins into each. Store sealed bottles in the refrigerator.

    Homemade Additives

    For flavoring kvass, you can use various additives. Depending on individual preferences, you can use mint, sage, St. John's wort, hops, berries, lemon zest.

    Yeast-free kvass should not be prepared in containers that contained dairy products. Before preparing a homemade drink, the dishes should be washed well and scalded with boiling water to kill pathogens.