Wheat mash without yeast recipe. Preparation of wort and re-fermentation

Wheat mash without yeast for moonshine is not without reason popular as a basis for cooking alcoholic drinks, because without artificial activation of wort fermentation, brewers receive a natural and high-quality product at the exit. The distillate from wheat raw materials is pure, which means that the alcohol will not contain harmful substances, but will have excellent taste qualities, elusive bready smell and mild taste - this is confirmed by centuries-old practice.

The only drawback of this cooking option is that it will take more time and effort, whereas by simply adding sugar and yeast to the wort you will get Reviver faster and easier. But it will be of lower quality, with sharp unpleasant smell yeast, not grain. The point is yeast-free preparation consists in the fact that ingredients are added to the wort, which themselves release fermentation products.

Wheat mash without yeast can be produced in different ways. Let's consider what ingredients you may need for moonshine brewing.

The first stage is choosing the right raw materials. Wheat must be of the highest quality for threshing and forage, and better yet, for food purposes. It is necessary to ensure that the grain has not been treated with any chemicals, such as pesticides. One way to verify the presence of chemicals yourself is to wet a handful of grains. hot water and sniff: if you smell a characteristic unpleasant odor from the wheat, then it is not suitable as a raw material for moonshine.

To prepare mash, wheat will need to be sprouted, and this also imposes some restrictions: it must be clean and dried, harvested no more than a year and no less than 2 months ago. If you do take wheat from a freshly harvested crop, it can be prepared by drying it in the sun, radiator or oven. The temperature should not exceed +30…+40 °C and be constant.

When choosing between spring and winter wheat, give preference to spring wheat - winter wheat will take longer to germinate.

First sift the wheat: remove defective (rotten or moldy) grains, clean out the husks and debris - all this will give a bad taste to the alcohol at the end. There is no need to wash the wheat: on its surface there is “wild yeast” that will replace ordinary dry yeast and ensure fermentation.


Then the wheat must be divided into two parts, keeping the proportions 1:4. A smaller part will go to the production of sourdough. Soaked and sprouted wheat contains substances that can break down starch into its component parts - glucose and maltose (malt sugar). It is these substances that yeast cultures process to produce alcohol.

Therefore, most of the wheat will be required at the stage of preparing the mash to provide starch. You just need to put it in a fermentation container.

  1. The part selected for fermentation must first be soaked.
  2. To do this, pour it into a thin, even layer (2 cm) into a wide container with low walls - metal, glass or plastic.
  3. Then pour warm water in large quantities - 3-5 cm above the grain level.
  4. Use soft water - minerals and salts negatively affect enzyme activity.
  5. If you use tap water, leave it for more than a day, then drain without sediment into another container.

But under no circumstances boil it - this will deprive you of the oxygen necessary for fermenting alcohol. Chlorinated water is also not suitable due to the presence of impurities.

After this, the container is left warm for no more than a day, depending on the volume. The grain needs to be stirred from time to time, and in the summer you also need to change the water 2 times a day. After time, the grains will swell, become soft, and can be easily pierced. If you break such a grain, the juice on the break will be transparent - this is an indication that you did everything correctly. If it is white, you have overcooked the grain.


Drain the water completely. To do this, they usually use another similar tray or basin with small holes in the bottom so that the water drains out better. After this, let the wheat “breathe” - leave it in a tray without water for 6-8 hours. Every 2 hours, stir the grain with your hands - this is necessary to saturate it with oxygen.

  1. After this, the wheat is covered with damp gauze or transparent glass.
  2. The raw materials for sourdough need to be turned and stirred several times a day to get rid of the carbon dioxide released, otherwise it will “sour” due to the “sweating” of the grain—an increase in temperature.
  3. If you use boxes with mesh bottoms, you can “turn” less often. Wheat and gauze should be sprayed with water several times a day, but make sure that moisture does not accumulate at the bottom.

Although the germination process itself is simple, wheat can often behave quite unpredictably - this depends both on its quality and on the temperature and humidity of the air.

On average, germination can take from 5 to 10 days. As a result, roots 1-2 cm long and thin white sprouts 7-8 mm long will appear from the grains, which will intertwine with each other - do not unravel them, remove the wheat as is.

The grains themselves should crunch when bitten and have a mealy taste. A pleasant smell will appear. If this does not happen, the wheat rots. If you did everything correctly, you will receive green malt. It remains viable for 3 days, so it can be dried for further use.

Dry malt

To obtain dry malt, after germination you need to send the grain to dry. Before this, you can soak it for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect it. Don't worry about taste.

The malt is dried at a constant temperature of +40 °C. Ideally, this should be done in a ventilated room and with heat guns, but at home you can use a radiator, an open oven and microwave, or simply leave it in the sun.

Preparation of ferment

There is also such a method as using fermentation for fermentation: here sugar is added not during the direct preparation of the mash, but immediately into the sprouted wheat.

  1. Soak the wheat, and germinate it in more water so that its surface is 1-2 cm from the grain level.
  2. A day after they laid it out in a tray and covered it with gauze, sprinkle a layer of sugar on top to activate wild yeast.
  3. Usually this requires 0.5 kg, and keep in mind that in this case the amount of sugar, as well as water, will need to be subtracted from the amount of ingredients that are needed directly during the preparation of the mash.

You'll get ready-made starter in 7 days or even earlier.

Wheat mash with sugar

Let's move on to preparing the mash in a simple way- with added sugar. The usual proportion of ingredients for making mash: approximately 1 kg of sugar per 1 kg of wheat, 3.5 liters of water per 1 kg of sugar.

Fast way

There is a simpler and quick method which will take no more than 4 days.

  1. Take dry malt and grind it into flour.
  2. Grind the wheat into flour.
  3. Mix flour and sugar.
  4. Fill with water, maintain the same proportions as in the recipe above.
  5. Stir so that there are no lumps left. There should already be less of them due to the fact that you add water after sugar.
  6. After only 4 days, the mash can be sent to moonshine.


You can make mash not only without yeast, but also without sugar. Sugar is food for microorganisms that secrete ethanol and carbon dioxide (therefore, during active fermentation, such a large number of seething foam). Since malt sugar is contained in the wheat starch itself, fermentation can be carried out without sugar at all, although in this case the amount of product released will decrease and the taste will deteriorate.

Moonshine mash is made from a variety of ingredients. Among them, the main ones are: water, sugar, yeast. But you can make mash without using yeast. Instead of the latter, cereal malt is used, i.e. sprouted wheat. Many moonshiners note the peculiarity of moonshine, which is based on wheat mash. How to make the right mash for moonshine from wheat and sugar without using yeast.

Recipe for mash made from sprouted wheat without using yeast

To prepare mash we need the following ingredients: wheat, sugar and water. The proportions are approximately as follows:

1kg wheat + 1kg sugar + 3 liters of water

Initially, wheat grains must be sprouted. First of all, pour grain (1 kg) into the container, leveling it in an even layer over the entire surface of the bottom of the container. Next, pour in clean water so that it covers the grain layer by 5 centimeters. Close the container and leave for a couple of days in a cool place until they germinate.

After the wheat grains sprout, add half a kilogram of sugar and mix well. If the resulting starter is very thick. then add a little water to it. We tie the container with gauze and leave it for about another week in a warm room. By these actions we received a starter that will be an alternative to the yeast used in the preparation of mash.

The following steps are no different from preparing the right mash with sugar and yeast. We fill a large container 3/4 with room water, dissolve sugar (3 kg) in it and add 3 kg. wheat. Mix thoroughly and leave in a warm room for a week. Very often for these actions they use a large glass bottle, on the neck of which they put rubber glove with small holes on the fingers. With these actions we can record the fermentation process. The fact is that as a result of the chemical reaction, in addition to the formation of alcohols, carbon dioxide is released as a by-product, due to which the glove quickly inflates on the bottle. The mash can be considered ready when the inflation of the glove subsides, i.e. carbon dioxide ceased to be released due to the weakening of the fermentation process.

How to make mash from wheat using yeast

Unlike the previous recipe, in addition to grain, yeast is used here.

The first step is to grind 4 kg. wheat. Add the resulting meal to 3 liters of water, then pour in 1 kilogram of sugar and 100 grams of yeast. Place the resulting solution in a warm place for 5 days. After this time, add 18 liters of water, 15 kg. sugar and 50g. yeast. Mix thoroughly and leave again for the same time. As a result, after 10-12 days from the start of preparation, the mash for moonshine from wheat, yeast and sugar is ready.

Video - fermentation of mash using wild wheat yeast

Video - How to make the right mash from wheat and sugar

In order not to negate all the benefits of wheat moonshine, you must use simple instructions, which will help you prepare the right mash. Before sprouting, the grain must be thoroughly cleaned; if it is dirty, then rinse it thoroughly to rid it of foreign odors and impurities. It is highly desirable that the wheat germinates well. Many people do not wait for the sprouts to appear and begin the cooking process ahead of time. There are cases when grain does not germinate at all (the grain is not “living”) - such a component is not suitable for making mash.

After the wheat mash is ready and the grains have settled, you should not rush to throw it away. From the remaining grains you can make several more servings of mash. To do this, you need to cover the already used wheat with the same amount of sugar, add water and start the process again. Moreover, repeated mash from wheat turns out even better than the first one. But after the 3rd revolution it is better not to use it, because... the quality of the mash for moonshine will deteriorate significantly.

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Only according to historical documents, moonshine has been brewing in Rus' for over 500 years, but there is every prerequisite to assert that it all began much earlier.

One of the first, along with fruit and corn, was wheat mash, since this grain was “mastered” by the Slavs for cultivation long before moonshine.

And since in those distant times artificially bred yeast had not yet been invented, they used wild grains living on the shell (see also:).

Going back to basics, try making your own wheat mash without using yeast to get a fragrant homemade moonshine with the taste of the cereal used.

The wort can only consist from wheat grain and water, and may also contain sugar (read:). Although gourmets prefer to do without it.

Attention. Adding sugar to the mash increases the yield of the finished moonshine, almost without affecting the taste of the product.

Here are several compositions of ingredients that are used to make mash on wheat without industrial yeast.

Composition 1, providing for preliminary dispersion of all grain:

  • High-grade wheat with germination rate of 95% - 6.5 kg.
  • Sugar – 5 kg.
  • Prepared water – 18 l.

Composition 2, in which first make sourdough, and then put the wort to ferment:

  • 5 kg of grain. Of this amount, 1 kg must be of the highest grade, the remaining 4 can be fodder;
  • 5 kg sugar;
  • 35-38 liters of water.

Ingredients 3, do not add sugar:

  • 5 kg of wheat or cereal;
  • 1 kg of green malt, prepared independently;
  • 400 ml of starter;
  • 24-25 liters of water.

Important. Do not take the given proportions as the ultimate truth.

There are many recipes where they are different. But we still advise you to start own production wheat moonshine without yeast from the most proven mash recipes.

Correct wort preparation and fermentation conditions

Different proportions and approaches to fermenting wort without yeast require a different approach to the process. But having chosen this or that recipe, follow general rules its practical implementation to get the best result.

Sprouting whole grains

If you use wheat mash with scattered grain (sprouted grain), in this case:

  • Rinse the grains thoroughly several times.
  • Fill them with lukewarm water (23-27 degrees) so that the level is 2 cm above the grain layer. If after a day the grains swell, having absorbed water, add to the same level.
  • Leave at room conditions, covering the container with gauze (cloth).
  • After 2-3 days, signs of fermentation will appear: a corresponding smell and foaming when shaking.
  • Add sugar, water according to the recipe and place under a water seal.

Advice. Experienced moonshiners say: it is better to make the dispersion in a wide container so that there is a greater flow of oxygen to it, and after signs of fermentation appear, transfer it to a bottle, make wort and place it under a water seal.


This starter is suitable for fermenting any mash - even. Moreover, 200-300 g of starter is enough for a 20-liter bottle, although you can put all of it.

Cooking is like messing around. Only when the wheat hatches (on the 2nd - 3rd day), half a kilo of sugar is added to 1 kg of wheat and left in the room for a week - 10 days, until pronounced fermentation. Then add the rest of the recipe ingredients.

On green malt

In order to get malt mash, you need to germinate the wheat and then grind it, for example, in a meat grinder:

  1. Rinse the wheat 3-4 times, removing any floating debris.
  2. Soak the grain for a day. Change the water every 8 hours.
  3. Drain off all the water so the grain is just damp.
  4. Place in a tray, making sure that the layer thickness does not exceed 8-10 cm. Cover with a damp cloth.
  5. Every day (preferably in the morning and evening), carefully stir the grain with your hands, releasing carbon dioxide and allowing oxygen to penetrate. If necessary, spray with a spray bottle if it dries out.
  6. When the sprouts/roots reach 2 cm and begin to intertwine with each other, the green malt is ready.
  7. Immediately grind it through a meat grinder with a fine mesh and add the wort. Green malt cannot be stored.

Reference. 1 kg of green malt can ferment 4-6 kg of dry grain that cannot be germinated.

Pros and cons of brewing with wild wheat yeast

The desire to prepare an absolutely natural alcoholic product of excellent quality is justified, because:

  • Wheat mash without using commercial yeast will produce moonshine that will have a wheaty smell and a malty aftertaste.
  • The smell of industrial yeast will not interfere with organoleptic properties (taste and aroma characteristics).
  • With proper double distillation, moonshine is largely free of fusel oils, is easy to drink, soft, and does not cause a severe hangover when consumed wisely.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • mash made with wild yeast sometimes behaves unpredictably and can turn sour;

Carefully. Do not place wheat mash without yeast under a lid (in a saucepan, milk flask, etc.). A water seal or a rubber glove with a punctured finger is a prerequisite for successful fermentation without souring.

  • small yield of the finished product without the use of sugar.

But if you follow the rules for making mash on wheat without yeast, you will end up with a soft moonshine with a balanced taste, which is an order of magnitude higher than the rest homemade alcohol and store-bought vodka.

One of the most natural alcoholic drinks, with a noble taste and sufficient strength, is moonshine made with wheat. To make moonshine from wheat at home exactly like this, you need to take into account all the nuances of the technology and follow the recommendations of experts in this matter. There are many recipes. We will dwell in detail on the recipe for making moonshine from sprouted wheat without yeast, and consider various recipes mash for wheat moonshine. And first, let's talk about how to correctly select first-class raw materials for making moonshine from wheat.

How to select the right grain?

In order for moonshine to have a pleasant bready taste without harsh notes, it is very important to select the right wheat for the mash. The grain must be of the highest quality. You cannot take wheat directly from the field; it must wait at least two months.

In the guide on how to make moonshine, an important link is knowledge of the germination of wheat grains.

How to germinate correctly?

  1. The selected grains are placed on a baking sheet or tray in an even layer of about 2 cm, before being thoroughly washed several times with water. Cover with a very wet cloth, maybe gauze, folded several times. Periodically moisten the cloth with a spray bottle and shake the baking sheets throughout 4-5 days until the grains germinate.
  2. You can thoroughly wash the grain several times, pour it into the jar not to the top, and pour room water over the top layer. No more, otherwise it may rot. We turn the jar on its side and periodically roll it from side to side throughout 4-5 days. This way all the grains remain moist and do not stagnate.
  3. If sprouted wheat is allowed to dry well in an oven or in the air, and then ground, it becomes malt flour. It is better to store it in a bag made of natural linen.

Recipe without adding yeast

Such moonshine is considered a living product. It has a special taste with a bready aftertaste. Let's take a step-by-step look at the technology for making moonshine from wheat without yeast.


  • 14.5 liters of water (preferably soft)
  • 5.5 kg. Sahara
  • 5 kg. wheat

Pour 1 kg of wheat into a saucepan. sugar and fill with water just above the level of the wheat. Cover with a cloth and wait 5-7 days.

Over the course of a week, add water little by little and monitor the sprouts, which should grow to about 5 mm.

Let's learn how to prepare wheat mash for moonshine. It is also called mash made with wild wheat yeast.

IN large saucepan or bottle we place sprouted wheat and fill it with syrup from 7 liters. water and 1 kg. Sahara. The syrup temperature is around 28-30 degrees. Mix and set aside for 4 days. This is our starter.

Then you can add the sugar and water that are left. Now we need to put the future mash under a water seal for 10 days, or simply put a rubber glove with a hole on the neck if it is a bottle. An inflated glove indicates that fermentation is underway. By the end of the 10-day period, the glove will fall off, and this is a sign that the wheat mash without yeast for moonshine is ready. By the way, the sediment can be refilled, the quality of the moonshine will not become worse.

It is advisable to thoroughly filter the mash and clean it with kefir. This will remove the fusel smell. Let's start distillation. If you wish, you can carry out secondary distillation, then the moonshine will be softer and more pleasant. We dilute the moonshine with water 1:1, drain the first fraction (50 g per liter of moonshine), then wait until the strength of the moonshine drops below 38-40 degrees.

If wheat moonshine without yeast it turned out stronger than necessary, dilute it with clean water, let it sit for three days, and invite guests for a tasting.

We looked at the recipe in detail wheat mash, and then moonshine from sprouted wheat grains without adding yeast. Everything is clear with the distillation. Let's look at the following recipes for wheat mash for moonshine.

Malt mash with yeast

At the very beginning it is described in detail how to do wheat malt at home.


  • 3 kg. malt
  • 12.5 l. water
  • 150 gr. alcohol yeast(preferably fresh)

Pour the malt into the pan. Add water in small portions, stirring vigorously to prevent lumps from forming. Add hot water, up to 55 degrees.

Heat the wort to 60-63 degrees, stirring occasionally and leave at this temperature for an hour.

The top of the wort should lighten and sediment should form at the bottom. We try to cool our container sharply, preferably within a maximum of 45 minutes.

Mix the wort that has cooled to 23 degrees with yeast (diluted with water) and set it for fermentation in a darkened room with temperature conditions 18-24 degrees under a water seal or glove.

Making mash from wheat, that is, fermentation, lasts 4-7 days. At least once a day it is worth removing the water seal and stirring the mash or shaking it.

Moonshine is made similarly from wheat flour. Flour is taken instead of malt, and special enzymes are added for saccharification.

Ready mash light color, It has sour taste with bitterness. Don’t forget to carefully filter the mash, and only then start distilling it into moonshine.

Braga with yeast


  • 2 kg. wheat grains
  • 10.5 l. water
  • 65 gr. alcohol yeast (fresh)
  • 3 kg. Sahara

Let's see how to make mash on wheat. Clean, pre-washed grain is ground in a meat grinder and filled with 1.5-2 liters of cold water. Add 0.5 kg of sugar and 40 g. yeast.

Stir everything well and let it ferment for 3-5 days. After this, add the remaining ingredients and leave to ferment for another 4 days. Be sure to add warm water.

The same way mash is made from wheat groats.

As soon as the wheat mash brightens, it can be distilled.

Braga without yeast

How to make moonshine from wheat without yeast?


  • 3 kg. wheat grains
  • 12 l. water
  • 3 - 3.5 kg. Sahara

Of all sugar and 0.6 l. boil the syrup with water. Cover the cooked grain with cooled syrup and leave for 4 days. We don't cover it with anything. Perhaps more time will pass. We are waiting for the foam to appear.

Add the syrup from the remaining warm ingredients, cover, and install a water seal.

For wheat mash to ripen without yeast, it should take from 6 to 15 days. We inspect the mash every day so as not to miss the end of fermentation. Then the grain will fall to the bottom, and if the glove serves as a water seal, it will signal by deflating. Wheat mash without yeast is ready.

Recipe with added yeast, but without sugar

This recipe for moonshine from wheat goes back decades. Let's see how to make moonshine using malt and yeast at home.


  • 6 kg. wheat, of which 1 kg. germinate as written at the very beginning
  • 6 kg. Sahara
  • 25 l. water
  • 25 g dry yeast

We take 1 kg. sprouted grain, grind it in an electric meat grinder. The remaining 5 kg. Grind in a grain crusher and leave to boil for 15 minutes. When the boiled grain has cooled to 60 degrees, add chopped sprouted grain. Mix everything thoroughly. Leave for 3 hours, if possible wrapping the container with something, using an old blanket. After this, the wort will become sweetish.

Place the container in ice water to cool it quickly.

Pour the wort into a fermentation container and add yeast. We install a water seal for 3-5 days.

After fermentation has stopped, grain mash on wheat it is filtered.

The simplest method

This wheat mash recipe is very simple, although the results are usually not disappointing.

Let's learn how to make mash.


  • 14 kg. Sahara
  • 30 l. water
  • 10 kg. wheat

We combine all the ingredients very carefully and set it to ferment. We use lukewarm water. Usually 4-5 days are enough.

Ancient grandfather's method

Another recipe for mash made with wheat without yeast. This method has been used by more than one generation of moonshiners. A proven method that guarantees excellent results from wheat moonshine. Old people say that in the past only lazy people did not make moonshine in villages.


  • 6 kg. Sahara
  • 20 liters of clean water
  • 10 kg. wheat

So, here's how to make mash from wheat. Pour well-washed wheat with water 5 cm above the level of the wheat itself. It swells for three days. After this, 3 kg is dissolved in 15 liters of clean water. sugar and pour over the wheat. Mix everything thoroughly. Leave under a water seal for fermentation. At the end of fermentation, add another 3 kg. sugar diluted in 5 liters of water. We install the water seal again.

This wheat mash recipe is time-tested. When using this method, the mash becomes a beautiful golden color and a slight bitterness. Can be distilled.

The sediment can be used three more times. The next time you refill the mash with wheat grain, fermentation occurs three days longer, and the mash loses its bready taste.

All is ready. You can distill moonshine from wheat.

Attention, TODAY only!

The finished drink combines a harmonious natural taste, high quality product and a pleasant aftertaste. The process of creating a fiery grain-based drink usually does not use yeast. Such a simple ingredient is replaced with a pre-prepared substrate called cereal malt. The recipe for moonshine from wheat at home requires careful attention to all processes and careful adherence to deadlines.

Overexposure or insufficient exposure can lead to changes in the finishing characteristics. It is also important to prepare high-quality raw materials, so wheat is selected of the highest grade without wormholes and spoilage. Purchased wheat grains must be carefully inspected for defects, since at this stage the foundation of the product is laid.

The main stages of production are:

  • selection of grain at a specialized point of sale;
  • mash making process;
  • direct distillation into raw alcohol;
  • final product purification.

Exist different ways making moonshine from wheat at home. Which one to choose is up to the distillers to decide on their own.

VIDEO: How to properly germinate wheat and put in mash

General principles of working with cereals

  1. The choice of grain - it should be dry, without signs of damage by insects or mold.
  2. To prepare wheat mash without yeast for moonshine, you can only use those cereals that are aged in a warehouse, and at least two months have passed since the time of grinding.
  3. Working with cereals begins with sifting and separating from debris and husks.
  4. Add warm water and pour it in so that it completely covers the grains plus 3-4 cm.
  5. The container has a wide neck - this makes it easier to control the process and subsequently work with the wort.

  1. For every 5 kg of grain, 1.5 kg of sugar is consumed, which is poured into the water covering the wheat. After the first “loops” appear (growth begins), add more warm water– 3 liters for each kg of grains and kg of sugar. These are the basic proportions.

Wheat mash recipe without yeast

This option is as natural as possible. It is widely used among amateurs and professionals.

During the manufacturing process you will need to perform the following operations:

  • For wheat moonshine, sift 5 kg of grain to remove possible debris and husks.
  • Fill with clean water room temperature(cold or hot liquid is strictly not allowed), slightly exceeding the filling level in a wide and flat container.
  • Add 1.5 kg of granulated sugar and send to a warm place for germination.
  • After sprouts appear from the grains, add 15 liters of water and add 5 kg of sugar so that the wort continues to cook.

  • We pour this composition into a container with a water seal and leave it for 10 days, also in a warm place.
  • After 10-12 days, the mash will be ready for distillation.

Some moonshiners find it difficult to answer how long the mash ferments on wheat without yeast, which depends on the temperature and quality of the wild yeast. On average, this period does not exceed 2 weeks.

Distilled moonshine from wheat without yeast is purified at home using a convenient method, for example, charcoal.

Grain distillate with added yeast

The first recipe for wheat mash without sprouting in this case will be as follows:

  • We select grain in the same way as for the yeast method.
  • Grind 4 kg and mix the grind with 1 kg of sugar and 100 g of yeast.

  • Pour 3 liters of clean water into the mixture and mix thoroughly.
  • We keep the wheat mash for making moonshine in a warm place for exactly a week.
  • We express the liquid and send it to double distillation on Dobrovar.

There is another, simpler recipe for making mash:

  • We prepare 2.2 kg of grain, sifting and separating it from possible husks.
  • You will need to fill it with water at room temperature, slightly exceeding the fill level.
  • Place in a warm place until sprouts appear. Usually it takes 3-4 days.
  • Heat 15 liters of water to 45-50°C to dissolve a five-kilogram bag of sugar in the liquid.
  • The syrup cools to 35-40°C, then add ingredients such as yeast 100 g. and prepared steamed eggs.
  • Mix the mixture well and send it to a warm place for two weeks.

We wrap the mixture in advance and cover it to ensure a constant temperature.

The easiest way to achieve a stable temperature is to use a regular aquarium heater. Set the required interval, connect and lower into the container.

Before preparing moonshine from wheat by distillation, we separate the liquid from the cake.

VIDEO: Recipe for wheat mash with wild yeast

Without sourdough

This kind of grain mash made with wheat without yeast takes exactly the same amount of time to prepare, and the process itself is simpler and more understandable even for beginners.


  • grain – 5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 6.5 kg;
  • drinking water – 15 l.

The fundamental difference between this recipe and others is that the entire volume of cereals is used at once.


  1. Pour wheat into a bucket, add 1.5 kg of sand and fill it with water.
  2. As soon as the grains “hatch” add the remaining sugar and warm water. Place a water seal or put on a glove to control the process of gas formation.
  3. After 2 weeks, the glove will fall off, which is a signal for filtering and distillation.

Helpful information

Using this method, you can prepare not only moonshine with wheat, but also use other ingredients for this purpose, for example, rye, barley, peas or corn. The result will also be extraordinary delicious drink, which is not inferior in strength or organoleptic parameters to its classic counterparts.

The process should involve not fresh, just harvested grain, but one that has been sitting for a couple of months so that excess moisture is removed from it. You need to choose a light and clean mass.

The purpose of germination is to achieve a maximum of enzyme components in the prepared material. During simmering, the enzyme base is strengthened.

Soaked wheat must be monitored carefully and regularly. Otherwise, it can turn sour. This can be prevented by simply stirring the composition periodically so that acid does not form.

Do not throw away the used thick mass. She can serve again. To do this, fill it with water, granulated sugar and add mash. The second batch turns out to be of no less quality than the first.

Stable monitoring of the condition of the product is important. This is done with the help of fire. We bring the lit match to the upper area of ​​the mash. If the released vapors do not extinguish it, but it continues to burn, then this is a sure sign of readiness for distillation.

The raw alcohol obtained as a result of primary condensation must be purified from fusel oils and harmful impurities. 50 gr is enough. charcoal per liter of finished liquid to eliminate the maximum amount of unwanted components.

It must be taken into account that the surface of the grain may be covered big amount harmful bacteria. You can get rid of them by disinfection. Before grinding malt, for malted milk or before drying, you can soak the composition in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 1-0.5 hours. A 1% solution of sulfuric acid gives a similar result.

Distillation technique

The finished mash is distilled using distillation steam generators. It could be alcohol mashine own production or industrial design. The volume of the cube is filled to 2/3. This will prevent foam from escaping. It can be heated to the boiling point quite quickly, but at the first signs of boiling, it is important to reduce the heating power to an acceptable level of condensation of alcohol vapor.

When the resulting moonshine from wheat is intended to be used as a finished product, you need to be careful about cutting off unwanted fractions - “heads” and “tails”. The initial heads removed are 3-5% of the estimated volume of alcohol. They are determined in more detail empirically and by smell by rubbing them in the palm of your hand.

The food fraction is selected quite quickly. It is important that in finished product do not get any splashes of boiling mash, as they will cloud the finished product. If the liquid contains less than 40% ethanol, then the selection into the food fraction stops, since then there are “tails” containing fusel oils. They do not burn with a lit match, but the mass thus selected is usually used for the next distillation.

You don’t have to cut off the “tails” and “heads” if further rectification is expected. All moving mass is selected.

VIDEO: Wheat-sugar moonshine with wild cereal yeasts