Recipe for the correct wheat mash for wheat moonshine. The best recipes for moonshine from wheat grains

Making moonshine from wheat at home is not limited to one recipe. The drink can be prepared from regular grain or sprouted crops, with or without yeast, granulated sugar. It all depends on the taster's preferences. The main difference between this product is its naturalness and unusual taste qualities.

The main stages of preparing mash from wheat for moonshine are as follows:

Before preparation, the moonshiner faces an important task: he needs to decide on the type of main ingredient and select it correctly. There should be no mold in the grain mixture, otherwise the final product will not only have an unpleasant aroma, but can also harm human health. Therefore, the choice of raw materials must be taken responsibly.

VIDEO: Wheat moonshine – step by step recipe from mash to tasting

Yeast wort

So, what characteristics should it have? alcoholic drink at the exit? If you need a mild taste, then the best option Wheat will serve as the base, to obtain a more fortified and sharp alcohol you need to use rye, and from barley you can get a drink reminiscent of whiskey.

A homemade wheat moonshine recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • drinking water – 25 l;
  • granulated sugar – 6.5 kg;
  • wheat grains – 2.7 kg;
  • granulated dry yeast – 100 gr. or live – 500 gr.;
  • kefir, spoiled milk or fermented baked milk – 500 ml.

First of all, you need to soak the grains in water and let them brew for 30-45 days. After this time, pour the grain crop into the fermentation container.

In a separate container, dissolve sugar in water and pour the syrup over the grain. Activate alcohol yeast, add them along with kefir to the main composition. Mix everything thoroughly and place in a warm place.

After the wort stops emitting carbon dioxide, foam, the taste of the mash becomes bitter, and the aroma becomes alcoholic, the product is ready for distillation.

When preparing moonshine from wheat at home, do not forget to separate the “tails” and “heads”. This part of the alcohol is not suitable for use, but it can be left for the secondary distillation of moonshine.

VIDEO: Tail and head selection process

Yeast-free moonshine from sprouted malt

Homemade moonshine made from wheat without yeast is of higher quality than alcohol prepared according to the previous recipe. As a traditional yeast product in in this case the grains will appear in sprouted form, that is, wild yeast. Distinctive feature such a product – the absence of a pronounced odor fusel oils.

The task of yeast in such recipes is performed by cereal malt - as a result, you can get pure wheat alcohol

A fairly simple recipe for moonshine with wheat involves the use of the following components:

  • grain – 4.5 kg;
  • sugar – 4.5 kg;
  • purified water – 31 l.

The main steps on how to make moonshine from wheat:

  1. Rinse the grain thoroughly and remove foreign impurities. When filling a container with grain with water, all the debris will rise to the surface, so it will not be difficult to separate it. For moonshine made from wheat, this is a very important stage, since impurities can transfer their aromatic or taste qualities to the product, which is unacceptable in this case.
  2. Place 1 kg of grain crops in a plastic container, distribute evenly at the bottom and fill with water so that its level is 2 cm higher than the surface of the grain. Cover with a lid and leave to swell for 1 day.
  3. After this period, pour 500 grams into a barrel with grain. sugar, mix the ingredients. Cover the reservoir with gauze and place in a warm place for 8-10 days. Shake the components every 2 days to eliminate the possibility of souring.

  1. Add the rest of the ingredients and water at a temperature of 25°C to the grain starter. Close the fermentation container with a water seal and place in a warm place for another 7-9 days.
  2. When the fermentation process is complete, drain the mash for wheat moonshine from the sediment and strain. The wort is ready for distillation.

The remaining starter can be used to prepare mash 3-4 more times. At the same time, the quality finished product won't spoil. It is enough to add 4.5 kg of granulated sugar, water and put it back into fermentation.

To make moonshine from wheat at home, pour the mash into a Dobrovar cube or other modern moonshine still and distill the product into alcohol. It is recommended to clean the raw material with charcoal.

Next, the moonshine is diluted with clean water until a strength of 20° is obtained and distilled again, but with division into “heads”, “body” and “tails”. Heads - the first moonshine in a volume of 5-10% of the total amount, approximately 30 ml per liter. Next comes the “body” with a strength of 40-50°. Tails - everything below 40°, they are selected and can be used for external use.

If necessary, the resulting alcohol is diluted with water, after which it is left for 2-3 days to infuse. If you wish, you can make a tincture from grain moonshine on oak blocks. This will be an imitation of cognac.

VIDEO: How to prepare mash on wild yeast wheat

Making mash without sugar

This recipe for making mash uses yeast, but does not use granulated sugar. The latter is green malt home made.


  • grain – 6 kg;
  • drinking water – 25 l;
  • granulated yeast – 25 gr.

Stages of preparing mash:

  1. Making green malt

To obtain green malt, you need to thoroughly wash 1 kg of grain, remove any debris from it, and soak it in water for 7 hours. Next, the raw material is washed away from mucus again, filled with a solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes, after which it is distributed in an even layer on a tray and left for 3-5 days.

The grains need to be washed generously 2 times a day. The moment of readiness is determined by the wheat germ; the sprout should be equal in size to the grain itself.

  1. Wort preparation

After preparing green malt, it must be treated again with a solution of potassium permanganate in a proportion of 0.2 g. for 1 l. After 20 minutes of infusion, the raw materials are washed and ground.

The remaining grain product is also crushed and placed in a mash container, filled with water, and heated to 65°C. At this point you need to add green malt and mix the ingredients.

Remove the tank from the stove, wrap it in a warm blanket and leave for 3 hours. During this time, the wort acquires a sweet taste. Cool the consistency to 25o, transfer to a fermentation tank, add pre-activated yeast. Close the container with a water seal and place it in a place where there is a constant temperature of 26-29o. Exposure time – 5 days.

  1. Completion of fermentation

After the mash has fermented, it will acquire a bitter taste, more light color and stops emitting carbon dioxide. Strain the ingredients through multi-layer cheesecloth.

Wheat moonshine must be distilled using a steam generator or steam-water tank. During the primary distillation, the fractions are not separated; during the secondary distillation, the tails and heads must be selected separately. After preparing the moonshine, it is recommended to let it sit for 4-7 days.

Classic recipe with yeast

It is not always possible to ferment wort using wild yeast, and then alcohol yeast comes to the rescue. In terms of the quality of the finished drink, to be honest, you can feel the difference between the yeast and yeast-free methods - the latter is softer, lighter with a bready taste. But we couldn’t help but talk about this method.


  • wheat – 3.5 kg;
  • drinking water – 2.5 l;
  • sugar – 6 kg;
  • kefir 3.5% fat – 0.5 l;
  • pressed yeast - 0.5 kg (replace mono with dry granulated 100 g).


  1. The grains are laid out in a wide-necked bowl, filled with warm water and placed in a warm place to activate growth.

If after this time the cereals have not sprouted, they need to be changed - the quality of the raw materials is poor. To avoid souring, carefully shovel the grain every day.

  1. After 3-4 days, the first loops of sprouts appear, they should grow to 2-2.2 cm and look tangled.
  2. You can add it to the mash in this form, but it is more convenient to grind the dried sprouted grains and add them to the main wort.

  1. To do this, pour into the tub warm water, add sugar and stir until completely dissolved, then add malt and soaked yeast and mix again. Close the lid tightly, set the water seal and send it to a warm, dark place for fermentation. It is advisable to wrap the container or use an aquarium heater.
  2. When the fermentation process has stopped, remove the liquid from the sediment by passing it through a gauze filter or a regular colander (the latter is less preferable, since the cake may burn during distillation).
  3. Kefir is added to the mash, it absorbs some of the harmful impurities and fractional distillation begins.
  4. After the second distillation, the product is purified by coal column and diluted to the desired strength.

VIDEO: Wheat – second launch

Experienced moonshiners know that grain moonshine much better than usual sugar mash. But to prepare it you will have to spend more time and effort. We will look at how to make moonshine from wheat or other grains (barley, oats, millet or corn) at home. The technology is not very complicated, anyone can repeat it.

First, let's look at the taste of grain moonshine; it depends on the choice of culture. Wheat produces a soft drink. From rye you can distill strong and pungent moonshine; from barley you can make something similar to whiskey. The choice of raw materials is yours. Personally, I prefer wheat.


  • grain – 2.5 kg;
  • water – 25 liters;
  • sugar – 6 kg;
  • dry yeast – 100 grams (or 500 grams pressed);
  • Ryazhenka (kefir) with high fat content – ​​0.5 liters.

Before soaking, the grain must lie for at least 2 months. It is better to use alcohol yeast rather than baker's yeast, then the fermentation will be more intense. Sugar increases yield without compromising quality.

Wheat moonshine recipe

1. Making malt. Place the wheat in a layer of no more than 2 cm on flat trays, then soak in warm water. The water should only slightly cover the grain, otherwise it will not germinate. Place the pallets in a warm (18-25°C) dark place.

On the second or third day after soaking, the first shoots will appear. If they are not there, it means the grain is of poor quality and you will have to take another one. During germination, turn the wheat once a day so that it does not become moldy or sour.

When the sprouts reach 2 cm in length and begin to intertwine with each other, remove the grains from the water without separating them.

Wheat sprouting

2. Making mash. Add warm water (50-60°C) and sugar to a 40-liter container. Mix well. Wait until the water cools down to 28-30°C. Then add the malt made at the previous stage and yeast diluted according to the instructions on the package. Stir again, then install a water seal on the container. During fermentation, the room temperature should be in the range of 18-28°C.

3. Distillation. Strain the spent mash (it will taste bitter without sweetness) through a colander to filter out the wheat. The collected grain can be used 2-3 more times. The quality of moonshine will not deteriorate.

Add 0.5 liters of kefir or other to the wheat mash fermented milk product to eliminate fusel odor.

Distill the mash using a moonshine still of any design, removing the distillate until the strength in the stream drops below 35 degrees.

4. Cleaning. This is an optional step, but many experienced moonshiners purify the moonshine with charcoal after distillation, even if it is not made from sugar, but from grain crops.

5. Re-distillation. Improves quality wheat moonshine. Measure the strength, determine the amount of pure alcohol. Dilute the distillate with water to 20% and distill a second time. Pour the first 8-15% of the yield from the amount of pure alcohol into a separate container. This is a harmful fraction that worsens the taste. If the strength in the stream drops below 40 degrees, stop selecting the main fraction.

Our ancestors brewed moonshine from grain ingredients (wheat was more often used), since sugar and yeast were unaffordable for the majority of the population.

Wheat moonshine at home was of excellent quality: strong, practically without fusel odor, transparent and soft. Today, recipes are rarely used without adding sugar, which accelerates fermentation, increasing the yield of moonshine.

The basis of wheat moonshine is sprouted grain - malt, which contains natural enzymes that convert wheat starch into sugar. Exit pure product strength 38-40° is 900 ml per kilogram of grain.

Raw materials should be taken of the highest quality, for food purposes, with high content gluten The feed product used to feed livestock is not suitable. The yield of moonshine in this case is reduced by 3 times.

It is recommended to prepare a vessel with a wide top and low sides (up to 10-15 cm). The grain must be thoroughly washed, debris and hollow seeds must be separated. Soaking raw materials accelerates their germination and activates biochemical processes.

Sprouting wheat for moonshine:

  • spread the wheat layer in a layer of 5-7 cm and fill with water 2 cm above;
  • in summer it is recommended to change the water 2 or 3 times a day, and in winter - mix the grain by hand;
  • Every day, drain the water, rinse the grain and set it to germinate, covering the top with a wet cloth. You can regularly spray the raw materials with water;
  • wheat should be stirred frequently so that it “breathes” air;
  • When roots and sprouts 5-7 mm long appear, germination is considered complete.

It is recommended to soak the sprouted grain in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate for 1.5-2 hours to destroy bacteria and fungi on its surface. Then the raw materials need to be slightly dried and ground in a blender or meat grinder, if green malt is needed within 1-2 days.

For more long-term storage The product with sprouts is dried in the oven with the door open. The temperature should be maintained no more than 40° C; at higher temperatures, the enzymes will die. Continue drying until the grain becomes completely hard (white malt).

Stages and rules of production

To prepare wheat moonshine, you must follow the technological process:

  1. Produce enzymes that break down starch into sugar by sprouting wheat for moonshine.
  2. Make mash on the resulting malt with the addition of wheat raw materials (sugar and yeast are added as desired to speed up the process).
  3. Distill the workpiece in a moonshine still.
  4. Clean grain moonshine thoroughly if you need to double distill the raw material.
  5. Dilute the alcohol to the required strength and refine the drink.

Adding sugar increases the amount of finished alcohol, accelerates the fermentation process, and softens the taste. The amount of sweet product added to moonshine made from wheat without yeast must be equal in weight to the main raw material.

High-quality wheat moonshine is obtained by using grain that has not been treated with chemicals to protect against insects and resist spoilage, rot, and mold.

How to make wheat moonshine without yeast?

Lovers of organic products prefer to drink real moonshine made from wheat without yeast and sugar, prepared according to old Russian recipes.

To prepare it, you need to convert the starchy contents into sugar using malt enzymes. How to make it correctly wheat malt:

  • crushed grain or wheat flour is placed in a container and filled with hot (50-55°C) water taken in a 4:1 ratio;
  • the raw materials are thoroughly mixed so that there are no lumps;
  • It is better to heat with a steam generator (hot steam) so that the product does not burn;
  • It is recommended to heat the mixture gradually, increasing the temperature by 5 degrees and taking a break for 10-15 minutes;
  • bring the mixture to a boil and boil the wheat for 1.5-2 hours with slow heating and simmering;
  • fully boiled wort should be quickly cooled to 65 degrees;
  • add a solution of malt with water, calculating 1 kg of green malt - 5 kg of wheat. If mixed with white malt, it should be taken 20% more;
  • the vessel should be insulated, but it is recommended to stir the contents every half hour to speed up the reaction;
  • readiness is determined by taste after a two-hour period;
  • The mass must be quickly cooled to 28-32 °C and the yeast must be added. You can use dry (3 g per 1 kg of base), pressed (50 g per 3-4 kg), homemade, for example, from hops (0.5 l per 1 kg of wheat);
  • The mash container should be filled three-quarters full to provide room for foaming.

The fermentation process lasts from 4-5 days to 2 months, depending on the ambient temperature, the properties of the yeast, and the quality of the raw materials. The amount of alcohol in the mash ranges from 5 to 12%.

Insisting on oak bark, dried fruits, aromatic plants are ennobled by homemade alcohol.

The product is purified using the method double distillation, using a steamer, straining through carbon filter. You can use activated carbon tablets, the amount of which is 15 g per liter of product (pour the crushed raw material into a jar of ready-made alcohol and strain the liquid after 2-4 days).

Moonshine made from wheat has a decent strength, soft pleasant taste, bready aroma. By adhering to the technology of preparing alcohol, you can improve the proposed recipes, improving the taste and quality of your homemade strong drink.

Prepare good moonshine made from wheat at home is real. There are many time-tested recipes. Braga, or wort (the product obtained as a result of the fermentation process) for the drink is made with and without yeast. This affects the speed of the fermentation process and determines the taste of the finished product. It is important what equipment is available - a homemade device of dubious quality or a modern one, easy to use, made of good metal, equipped with everything necessary (filters, thermometers).

What is moonshine

Strong alcohol, which is produced by artisanal distillation of mash using special devices, is called moonshine. You can make the devices yourself, but factory-assembled equipment is much more efficient. The mash from which moonshine is obtained is obtained during fermentation sugar syrup, grains, potatoes, beets, fruits. If done correctly you will have a drink home production, which will surpass store-bought vodka and whiskey, you can create delicious natural liqueurs and tinctures based on it.

How to make moonshine from wheat

Classic recipe moonshine made from wheat at home has been known since ancient times. There are also Russian traditions of creating strong alcohol, but the technological conditions have changed - the process of preparing malt, mash, and wheat moonshine has become less complex and faster. Making moonshine from wheat in a home distillery is more labor-intensive than making moonshine from sugar, but the quality of the product is much higher. You can use yeast and do without it, take sprouted grains and regular ones. The main thing is to follow the instructions:

  • prepare quality seed;
  • make mash and distill it;
  • purify the resulting product.

Low-quality grain will not make a decent drink, so when choosing raw materials you should always focus only on high-quality grain. Shelf life of seeds – important condition production, since rancid taste will certainly affect the quality and aroma of the resulting alcoholic product. Look for fresh grain, harvested at least two months ago, dry, without mold, debris or husks. Then moonshine made with wheat without yeast will live up to your expectations.

Wheat sprouting

It is possible to prepare good wheat moonshine only from grain, without excess sugar. For this to be a truly high-quality alcoholic drink, the wheat should be prepared. It should be sprouted so that each grain produces enzymes that facilitate the complete breakdown of starch into sugars. How to do this correctly so that moonshine from sprouted wheat without yeast comes out successfully:

  1. Choose high-quality grains that are not grown or processed using chemicals.
  2. Place the cleaned grain on flat trays or dishes in a 2 cm layer, add water (room temperature), covering the top by 3-5 cm.
  3. Leave for a day in a warm place, then drain the water. The grains should soften and “grow”, become larger.
  4. Place the wet raw materials in boxes and leave them in a warm and dark place.
  5. Stir the contents of the boxes constantly to remove carbon dioxide. It is necessary to moisten (do not fill with water!) the grain every 7-8 hours. You can cover the drawers with a damp cloth, which should be moistened as it dries.
  6. Sprouts should appear on the 3rd day; if this does not happen, you will have to start all over again with another batch of grain. Unsprouted grain cannot be used - it is considered “dead”.
  7. Sprouted grains can be dried for future use and used to make moonshine. It is necessary to dry grain with sprouts 6-7 mm long, in a ventilated room, using a fan. It is allowed to heat the raw material in the oven (keep it for at least 24 hours at a constant temperature of 40°C), under the sun or on a hot battery radiator. A sweetish smell will indicate the readiness of the malt.

Recipe for wheat moonshine without yeast

Since ancient times, grain moonshine has been prepared in Rus' - a natural, alcoholic drink of high strength. Even then there were many recipes traditional drink, and to this day old ways are very popular. The raw materials for moonshine are natural - these are fruits, vegetables, berries, any kind of fruit. But the leader remains the wheat drink. To begin the process, it is necessary to prepare sugar, clean, preferably spring or well water, and a good, modern moonshine still.


  • water – 7 l;
  • wheat – 1.5 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Stir 200 g of sugar in a liter of water.
  2. Sift the grain, cleared of debris and husks.
  3. Pour the grain into a wide-necked bowl, pour the prepared syrup over it and leave for 3-5 days for the mixture to ferment well.
  4. Pour the rest of the sugar and water into the same container and close with a water seal. Leave for 10 days, but not unattended, but periodically shaking and stirring, so that the wheat mash for moonshine is completely overpowered. The color of the mash should be transparent.
  5. Strain the liquid through a layer of gauze.
  6. Distill the mash through a moonshine still at least 2-3 times until you obtain a clean, strong, high-quality alcoholic product.

From sprouted wheat at home

There is already a diagram of how best to germinate wheat for mash. Sprouting wheat should not be wet - just a little damp, so as to prevent the seeds from souring, deteriorating, or rotting. Then the mash will turn out right, and moonshine made from wheat without yeast will delight the consumer. The drink will be created according to all the rules and will turn out lively, soft, with a pleasant bready taste. It must be kept in mind that ready mash cannot be stored for a long time, it must be distilled in time.


  • water (soft) – 14.5 l;
  • sugar – 5.5 kg;
  • wheat raw materials – 5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Place sprouted wheat in a large saucepan or bottle, pour in lukewarm syrup consisting of one kilogram of sugar and seven liters of water, stir, and leave for 4 days. You will get sourdough.
  • Add the remaining sugar and water to the starter, put it under a water seal for 10 days or put it on the neck of the bottle rubber glove with a hole.
  • The glove that inflates during fermentation will fall off after about a week and a half. Braga is ready for distillation.
  • The thick sediment can be diluted with water again, you will get another, secondary mash for the second portion of the drink.

With wild wheat yeast

Fermentation of moonshine with wild wheat yeast results in bread vodka. Such yeast does not have a pronounced sour odor, and ready drink will have the aroma of natural wheat grain. The aftertaste will be pleasant, soft, bready. Prepare this " wild moonshine"Can be made from either wheat or other cereals. First you need to start making sourdough, which will require grain from any spring crop, water, and sugar. Seeds must be selected, cleaned, and sifted.


  • wheat – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 2200 g,
  • water – 11 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Dissolve 200 g of sugar with a liter of heated water, cool.
  2. Pour the prepared wheat into a glass or enamel container, pour in the syrup so that it covers the grain by 2-3 cm.
  3. Place the dishes covered with gauze in a warm place for 3 days to ferment. Wait until bubbles and the sour smell of kvass appear in the mixture.
  4. Dissolve 2 kg of sugar in 10 liters of water, cool to 30°C. Pour fermentation and syrup into a sterilized fermentation container.
  5. Place the dishes under a water seal and let them ferment at 26–29°C. The sweetness has disappeared - it’s time to pour the mash into the distillation cube and drive.
  6. The remaining wheat in the container can be filled with syrup again and set for fermentation, maybe even more than once.

With sugar

Brewing moonshine for your own use is not prohibited in our time. Can buy good device to make the manufacturing process high-tech. But the main thing is to choose good recipe and grain for making a wheat drink without yeast, but with added sugar. It will not be possible to make “forty-degree” quickly; it will take at least 2 weeks, but your efforts will be rewarded - you will receive a product with a pleasant sweetish taste with the aroma of wheat and bread. Moonshine made from wheat without yeast is easy to drink, even if it is more than 40 degrees.


  • wheat – 4 kg;
  • sugar – 4 kg;
  • water – 30 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort and rinse clean grain before use.
  2. Place a quarter of the grain on the bottom of a large container. Add water until the seeds are barely covered. Close the lid and keep for 1-2 days in a dark, humid environment so that the grains hatch and sprout.
  3. Add a 0.5 liter jar of sugar and mix everything. Keep the dishes, tied with gauze, in a place where there are no drafts for 10–12 days, so that the leaven forms.
  4. Pour the starter into a glass bottle with a narrow neck, add the rest of the grain, sugar, pour everything cool, but not cold water.
  5. Place a rubber glove over the neck of the bottle; When the fermentation process begins, it will rise. This process lasts a week and a half.
  6. Braga is distilled into alcohol using any available alcohol moonshine still- homemade or purchased. The labor-intensive process will result in a high-quality drink.

Strong natural drink It can be obtained without yeast and sugar, but subject to the technology. Alcohol-containing mash can be made from grain, potatoes, corn, boiling the raw materials in advance: this will simplify the process of breaking down starch. Fruits and vegetables can also be processed, especially if their sugar content is high. During times of shortage, moonshine was successfully made at home even from tomato paste! Be sure to monitor the fermentation process: if it is slow, harmful impurities will appear in the mash, which will have a bad effect on the quality of the product.


For parking:

  • water – 2 l;
  • fresh hops – a handful (if dry – 2 handfuls);
  • wheat flour – 1 handful.

For mash:

Cooking method:

  1. Place the peeled grains in a wide container, add water, covering the grain by 2-3 cm.
  2. Place the container under the lid in a cool room for 3-4 days so that the starter begins to ferment and a white foam forms.
  3. For steaming hops and wheat flour add water and let stand for two days, let it brew.
  4. You can add beets, potatoes, pears, apples, berries to the bottle with steaming - that is, raw materials that contain sugar.
  5. Dilute everything well, pour in 5 liters of lukewarm water;
  6. Cover the container with a water seal and leave to steep for 8 to 12 days. Stir regularly.
  7. Distill the finished mash into moonshine.

Prepare moonshine without yeast using home kitchen– a labor-intensive task that takes time. But this is a fascinating process, which also leads to savings, because high-quality store-bought drinks are expensive, and you can also buy counterfeit products that are dangerous to your health. Your own is always better, the main thing is to follow the production technology and follow useful, proven advice from experienced “moonshiners”:

  1. Wheat can be replaced with corn, peas, oats, barley, and rye. This will not affect the degree and quality of the finished moonshine.
  2. The grounds that remain after straining will still be useful. It will make a good new mash, you just need to add water and sugar. This “second” moonshine will turn out to be of even higher quality, with excellent taste.
  3. You can check the readiness of the mash like this: pour a little into a spoon, bring a burning match to it. The appearance of a flame in the spoon means the raw material is completely ready for distillation.
  4. The drink can be purified activated carbon. Grind 50 mg of this product into powder and pour into a container with moonshine for a week. It is better to replace pharmaceutical charcoal with homemade charcoal. You can also use potassium permanganate, but only a little. The container should be kept in a dark place during cleaning.
  5. The finished moonshine is diluted with very clean water - use the ratio according to taste and depending on the purpose. For use in in kind It is best to have a drink whose strength is from 45 to 50 degrees. To prepare tinctures and liqueurs, it is better to take a stronger one, up to 55 degrees.


Dear friends, experienced distillers know that moonshine from grain crops is of much higher quality than from the usual mash with sugar and yeast. Although the process of preparing raw materials takes longer final result worth it. Depending on the choice of starting materials, alcohol with different taste characteristics is obtained. Today we'll figure it outwheat moonshine, the composition of the mash recipe and the features of distillation of the product.

Wheat moonshineIt turns out soft and tasty. During Soviet times, such a drink was in high demand. This was due not so much to quality as to the availability of ingredients. Nevertheless, the taste characteristics of strong alcohol will appeal to many.

Before you start studying the recipe and preparing to make mash, you should choose the right grain. It is important to understand that delicious moonshine requires only a high-quality grain product. Stale, dirty and musty wheat should under no circumstances fall into the vat with the prepared wort.

The grains for moonshine must be dry, clean, free from pests and diaper rash. Before using the cereal for its intended purpose, the grains must be sifted to remove dust, excess impurities, husks and other unnecessary substances. It is important to make sure that the wheat is not only harvested, but has been in the warehouse for at least 2 months, that is, it has ripened and dried. In this case, the grain must be alive and have the ability to sprout, otherwise the mash will not work.

Wheat moonshine:current recipes

Today there are several options for preparing mash for wheat moonshine. Among them are yeast and yeast-free ones. We will not ignore any of them.

Classic recipe

This method is the most common, therefore it has every right to claim the title of classic. The quantities and list of ingredients are as follows:

  • wheat – 2.5 kg;
  • water – 25 liters;
  • granulated sugar – 6 kg;
  • yeast, pressed - 0.5 kg, dry - 100 g;
  • Ryazhenka – 0.5 liters.

How to choose the right grain has already been said above; all recommendations must be followed.

Malt preparation

The first step in the process of preparing high-quality wheat moonshine will be the preparation of malt. To do this, you need to choose containers like baking trays, flat and wide. Cereals are laid out on it in a layer of no more than 2 centimeters and poured warm water. There should be little water so that it barely hides the grains. Leave the wheat for several days in a warm and dark place. This is necessary for the grain to sprout.

The first sprouts appear on the third, maximum fourth day after soaking. If this does not happen, it means that the grains chosen for moonshine are of poor quality and you will have to repeat the procedure with other raw materials. While the grain is germinating, it is necessary to regularly turn the wheat to prevent mold from occurring. It is important not to damage the sprouts. It is necessary to wait for them to grow 1.5-2 centimeters and begin to intertwine, this is a signal that it is time to remove the grain from the water and proceed to the next stage.

Preparing mash

The next step is to prepare the mash. Based on the number of components, you will need a container with a volume of at least 40 liters. It is important that it be dishes made of glass, stainless steel and other material that does not react with alcohol and does not oxidize, otherwise the tastemoonshine from wheat will be spoiled.

Water is poured into the container, preheating it to a temperature of no more than 60 degrees. Pour sugar into it and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved. As soon as the liquid has cooled to a temperature of 30 degrees, you can pour sprouted wheat and diluted yeast into it. If the water is hotter at this moment, the yeast will die and fermentation will not start.

The mash is mixed and closed with a water seal; you can use a medical glove with a puncture on the finger. We place the mash in a dark, warm place (ambient temperature at least 20 degrees) and wait for the end of fermentation. The glove will fall off, and the mash will become bitter and form a sediment; the process usually takes two weeks.

Third stage: distillation

Before placing the mash in the distiller, you need to strain it and remove the used grain. It is worth noting that malt can be used several more times, this will not spoil the taste of the alcohol. Mix mash with fermented baked milk or high-fat kefir to separate and adsorb fusel oils. As soon as milk product will curdle and precipitate, the mash is drained and placed in.

It is enough to distill the mash only once. During the initial distillation, you immediately need to separate the fractions and select only the “body” of the moonshine. As soon as the strength of the alcohol dispensed drops below 35 degrees, the distillation process can be completed. After that it costs additionally in any convenient way. You can dilute the resulting alcohol to 20 degrees and expose re-distillation to further increase its quality.

The resulting moonshine is diluted with water to the desired strength and sent to rest for at least 2-3 days. From these ingredients, about 6 liters of the finished product is obtained.

Yeast-free recipe

This cooking optionmoonshine from wheatno less popular than the previous one. At the same time, it allows you to get the maximum natural product at the exit. Without accelerating the process artificially.


  • wheat – 5 kg;
  • sugar – 6.5 kg;
  • water – 15 liters.

Using the method described above, you need to prepare the selected grain. That is, sift, clean from dirt, dust and husks and send to germinate. Wheat is poured a small amount room water and add 1.5 kilograms of sugar. The cereal germinates in sweet water.

As soon as the process of active growth has become noticeable, the grains are moved to a container more suitable for mash, and the remaining sugar and water are added. And leave it for another 10 days. The container must be sealed with a water seal and, if it is impossible to provide a warm room, wrapped and placed near the radiator. After a couple of weeks, fermentation will be completed, this will be additionally indicated by the absence of bubbles in the water seal or a fallen glove. The mash will also lose its sweet taste and become lighter in color.

We filter the resulting liquid and send it for distillation. If desired, you can repeat the distillation process twice. If you don’t want to re-distill the moonshine, then you need to carefully free it from fusel oils. To do this you need, and then strain through a charcoal filter. To better purify the drink, re-distillation is still recommended.

If the moonshine turns out to be too strong, you can always dilute it with water to the desired concentration. It is important in this case to use clean, filtered water. Liquid from the tap will not work. The initial amount of ingredients yields 3-4 liters of the final product.