Making moonshine from grain. Wheat-based grain mash for moonshine - the best recipes

Wheat moonshine appeared in ancient Rus'. It was one of the most beloved and widespread fun drinks, without which no merry Russian holiday could do. Thanks to natural raw materials and excellent taste The preparation of moonshine from wheat has survived to this day; many distillers make it at home. It's no secret that grain moonshine, made correctly, tastes better than distillate made from... sugar mash. To make wheat moonshine you need to spend more time and effort, but in the end it will be delicious homemade alcohol. Moonshine made from wheat is easy to drink, it is very soft with a sweetish taste.

Raw materials for wheat mash should be used only very good quality, it is advisable to take the highest grade grain. Spoiled grains can spoil the taste of the drink, give it bitterness and bad smell. There are quite a lot of recipes for making moonshine from wheat; the most popular ones are described below. simple recipes grain mash that can be easily replicated at home. You will learn how to germinate wheat for moonshine. how much water to use for this, what proportions and watch the video. The process of obtaining moonshine is divided into several moments: preparation of raw materials, making mash, distillation and purification of moonshine. Ready-made moonshine can be consumed as pure form, and use it in the preparation of tinctures, liqueurs and cocktails.

Wheat moonshine recipe without yeast

To make high-quality moonshine using sprouted wheat, it is advisable to use mash without yeast. Regular yeast needed to convert sugar into alcohol will replace wild wheat yeast. Braga for moonshine using wild yeast is prepared for one to two weeks, depending on the activity of the yeast. Moonshine with such a starter is soft and does not have the pronounced fusel smell of ordinary yeast.


  • Wheat – 4 kg;
  • Granulated sugar – 4 kg;
  • Water – 30 liters.


  1. Wash the wheat, separate the floating debris and grain.
  2. IN plastic barrel add 1 kg of washed grain, level it at the bottom and add 2-3 cm of water. Close the lid and leave for a day - soak for two.
  3. Add 0.5 kg of granulated sugar to the sprouted wheat and mix the contents thoroughly. Cover the can with a cloth and place it in a warm place for 7-10 days. Stir the mixture once or twice a day to prevent it from souring. During this time, you will get a leaven made with wild wheat yeast.
  4. Pour the remaining sugar and grain into the resulting starter. Fill with warm water at a temperature of 25°C, install a water seal and place the container in a warm place for fermentation for a week.
  5. At the end of fermentation, carefully drain the mash from the sediment and filter through a sieve. Braga is ready for distillation. The remaining sprouted wheat in the barrel is still suitable for preparing the next mash. Pour 4 kg of sugar into the starter, add water and ferment it again, so you can make three or four servings of mash with wild yeast without spoiling the quality of the moonshine.
  6. The finished mash is poured into a cube and distilled in a moonshine still to a strength of 5-10 degrees.
  7. If necessary, clean the raw wheat mash using coal.
  8. Dilute the moonshine with water to 20 degrees and re-distill the raw material fractionally, selecting the head fractions. The heads are selected at the rate of 5-10% of absolute alcohol, that is, approximately 30 ml per liter of raw meat. Then select the “body” to 40-50 degrees in the stream.
  9. Got wheat sam double distillation dilute with water to a strength of 40-45°. Let the drink “rest” for two to three days. If desired, you can refine the moonshine from wheat by infusing it with oak chips or stand in oak barrel.

Step-by-step video recipe for making wheat mash

Recipe for wheat moonshine with green malt

According to this recipe wheat mash prepared with yeast, but without sugar. At the beginning of the process, it is necessary to cook the grain raw materials. It is then saccharified with green malt; you can use regular store-bought brewing malt or make it at home. You can also use rye, barley, or corn grains in the recipe.


  • Wheat – 6kg;
  • Water 25l;
  • Dry yeast – 25g.


  1. Cooking green malt, for this, rinse 1 kg of wheat with clean running water, remove debris and floating grains. Pour 5-6 cm of water and leave to soak for 6-8 hours. Rinse the soaked wheat and pour in a strong solution of potassium permanganate for 15-20 minutes. After treating with potassium permanganate, rinse the wheat again and scatter it on a grid tray.
  2. Rinse the grain generously with warm water 2-3 times a day, and turn it over twice a day. When the sprout grows the size of the grain itself, the malt can be considered ready. On average, wheat and rye germinate in 2-4 days. It is important to soak the sprouted grains again in potassium permanganate, dissolving 0.2-0.3 grams per liter of water, this will prevent contamination of the future wort. After 15-20 minutes, rinse the malt. Grind in an electric meat grinder or blender. It is advisable to use it immediately.
  3. The rest of the wheat (5 kg) is crushed in a grain crusher. Pour it into the mash tank, pour hot water and boil for 10-15 minutes. At a temperature of 63-65°C, add malt and stir the mixture thoroughly. Wrap the container in a warm blanket and leave to saccharify for 2-3 hours. The wort should become sweet; to verify saccharification, you can do an iodine test. If the iodine does not change color, then everything is fine.
  4. Quickly cool the wort to a temperature of 25°, it is most convenient to do this using a chiller, or place the container in cold water with ice.
  5. Pour the cooled wort into a fermentation container, add yeast diluted according to the instructions. Close the container, install a water seal and place in a warm place with a temperature of 25-28° for fermentation for 4-6 days.
  6. When fermentation takes place, the wheat mash will partially lighten, become bitter and the release of gases will stop; it must be filtered through a gauze filter. If you plan to distill the mash in a steam-water boiler or using a steam generator, then you can carry out the selection along with the grain.
  7. Distill the mash twice. The first distillation without separation into fractions, the second time with the separation of heads and tails, as described in the first recipe. Make the strength of the drink 40-45 degrees. Soak the grain moonshine in glass for several days and you can begin tasting the grain distillate.

Wheat mash for koji moonshine

This recipe for making mash from wheat without yeast, but using the recently popular Koji. The technology and production of making mash using koji is very simple and economical, but it takes long time.

Koji- These are yeasts created on the basis of fungi and mold. They make it possible to process raw materials from starch into sugar. Eliminates traditional methods of saccharification with malt and enzymes and ferments these sugars.


  • Wheat cereal – 2.5 kg;
  • Water – 10 l;
  • Koji – 22 gr.


  1. Boil water, pour into wheat cereal. Stir thoroughly to prevent the formation of lumps.
  2. Cool the porridge to room temperature.
  3. Sleep it off required quantity Bring koji into the jam, taking all precautions.
  4. Install a water seal on the fermentation tank. Place it on a warm radiator.
  5. Koji mash usually ferments for 25-30 days. After fermentation is complete, strain the mash through cheesecloth.
  6. Distillation of mash is usual. The first, without reinforcement, is chased to the water. The second distillation of moonshine is fractional with the separation of head and tail fractions. Finally, dilute the moonshine to the desired strength and keep it in glass for 5-7 days.

The resulting distillate from wheat raw materials, after a short aging, can be left as is; in the old days, such a drink was called "or polugar". Now polugar is a very expensive alcohol and is elite drink. The price of one bottle (500 ml) of polugar reaches 200 US dollars.

Wheat moonshine is an excellent base for various tinctures, it makes good cumin vodka or Borodino tincture with the smell of bread and coriander. If the moonshine is aged in an oak barrel or insisted on, then you will get an excellent wheat whiskey, which also belongs to the elite brands of alcohol.

In its taste characteristics, grain moonshine is much superior to a product made from sugar. IN in this case special germination of grain is carried out, during which starch is broken down into sugar molecules, resulting in high-quality live moonshine.

To get high-quality grain moonshine, you must strictly follow the technology of its preparation, otherwise you may suffer a complete fiasco.

Since to obtain alcohol, fermentation with yeast is necessary simple sugars, then it’s clear that you need sugar. During the germination process, starch is converted into sugar, and this property is used to create moonshine from wheat grain or other grain crops.

You can buy ready-made enzymes, but many people prefer to do everything with their own hands; how to do it correctly will be discussed further. After the starch is converted into sugar, the fermentation process begins, and a mash is released, the strength of which can reach 12% vol. All that remains is to distill the resulting mash, and you will get high-quality moonshine.

Malt production process

In order for starch to be converted into sugar, malt must be cooked, as it contains enzymes that are necessary for this process.

The preparation of malt is carried out in several stages:

  • At the first stage, grain is selected. It is necessary to take into account that it is better not to take grain from a new harvest, or it is necessary that it rest for at least 2 months and must be clean, without impurities;
  • during soaking, the grain begins to germinate, and the necessary biological processes are activated;
  • during its germination, the maximum amount of enzymes is formed;
  • in order to strengthen and strengthen the enzyme base, a simmering process is carried out, that is, at this time the grain withers a little without moisture.

At home, wheat, barley or oats are most often used to make malt, since these are the most accessible and cheap grains, but it can be millet, rye or other grains. For more information about germinating barley, watch this useful video:

After the grain has been cleared of impurities and sifted, it is poured into a sealed box and filled with water. After a while, all the debris will float to the surface, it is removed along with the water and fresh water is poured in. The thickness of the grain layer should be about 10 cm, pour everything with water so that it covers it by 3 - 5 cm, and leave for a day. In winter, it is enough to stir the grain several times during this time, and in summer it is better to change the water 2-3 times. Please note that hard water slows down grain growth.

After a day, the water is completely drained from the grain, and it must be washed. It should feel damp to the touch, but should not be dripping with water.

During this time, the grain moisture content increases by 35 - 50%.

You can soak for a longer period of time, but this can be done until a white liquid appears on the fracture of the grain, which indicates that it was overexposed in water. It is no longer suitable for making high-quality malt, so it is given to animal feed.

At the next stage, the grain must breathe; for this, it is distributed in a layer of 5–8 cm and left for 6–8 hours. During this time, it must be stirred 2-3 times; to do this, pick it up in your hands and lift it above the box and pour it back, this way it is blown through and carbon dioxide is removed from it.

The growing process lasts from 4 to 12 days, it all depends on the type of grain used, its quality, temperature and humidity in the room.

At the next stage of germination, the grain is poured into a 10 cm layer into monolithic boxes or those with a mesh bottom. In boxes with a mesh bottom, you will need to stir the grain less often. The boxes can be covered with a damp cloth or not.

When drying, malt must be turned over and shaken

Every 6 - 8 hours, the boxes must be shaken and the grain turned over to remove carbon dioxide; if it dries out, then it must be slightly moistened, but not filled with water. Moisture should not accumulate at the bottom of the box; if this happens, it must be removed.

Wheat begins to germinate the fastest, then barley, and then oats, after 2 - 3 days the temperature inside the mixture begins to rise, it should not be allowed to be above 24 ° C, so the mixture must be constantly stirred and the layer thickness reduced to 3 - 5 cm.

When moistening grains, it should not be allowed that they become oversaturated with water; it is better that there is a little less moisture than excess.

Please note that during this process many harmful bacteria appear on the surface, so before drying and grinding the malt, it is necessary to disinfect it, for which the malt is soaked for 1 hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate; you can use a 1% solution of sulfuric acid for this. To learn how to make malt with your own hands, watch this video:

If we talk about the weight of malt, it is approximately 1.5 times greater than the weight of grain. After receiving green malt, it can be stored for several days, and if necessary longer, it must be stored at a temperature of 2 - 5 ° C.

You can dry the malt, this is done at 40 °C, then it can be stored for a long time.

If you store it in a closed container and its humidity is no more than 3%, then it will retain its properties for several years. This malt is white in color, and its activity towards green will be about 80%; this must be taken into account when adding it to the wort.

Malt milk

To make moonshine with grain, the next step is to prepare malted milk ─ a mixture of water and malt.

During this process Enzymes are extracted from the malt into the liquid, after which it is mixed with starchy wort.

To ensure high quality saccharification, it is better to use a mixture of different types malt. It is not recommended to use malt and starchy wort from the same type of grain.

When water and finished malt are mixed, malted milk is formed.

If you want to get wheat moonshine, the malt recipe for wheat should consist of 50% and 25% oat and rye malt. You can also use 50% barley and rye or barley and millet.

After the malt is ready, it must be crushed and diluted in water, the temperature of which should be about 30 °C. For 1 kg of green malt you need 2 liters of water, and for the same amount of white malt ─ 3 liters of water, this way you get a product called malt milk.

Wort preparation

At the first stage, boiling is carried out; steam is used for this, since open fire can cause grains to burn. It is very convenient to use a steam generator for this. The container for this can be made of stainless steel or another material, the main thing is that it is made of a chemically neutral material. To learn how to prepare wort, watch this video:

Add 4 liters of water per 1 kg of raw material and bring the mixture to 60 °C, after which it is maintained within these limits for 15 minutes. If the wort turns out to be very thick, then it must be diluted with malted milk, which can be added from 10 to 20% of the total amount.

After this, raise the temperature again by 5 °C and maintain it at these parameters for another 15 minutes, then turn on the steam generator at full power and bring the mixture to a boil, while stirring it every 10 - 15 minutes. The mixture should boil for 1.5-2 hours; if the boiling is rapid, you can stop stirring.

The duration of this process will depend on the quality of soaking of the raw material and its grinding.

It is better to cool the boiled wort quickly, when the temperature drops to 65 °C, then add malted milk and stir everything well. For 1 kg of green malt there are 4 - 5 kg of basic raw materials, and white malt you need 20% more.

Now you need to close the container, insulate it, stir it periodically to complete the saccharification process, which takes 1.5 - 2 hours. During this period, it is necessary to maintain the temperature as much as possible, otherwise bacteria may develop. If the temperature is above 70 °C, the enzymes are destroyed and the saccharification process stops.

During this time, the wort should taste sweet, which means that the saccharification process was successful. Now you need to quickly cool the resulting mass to 30 °C, and you can add the yeast. It is very important to carry out rapid cooling; this process should not take place slowly. If the cooling process is not accelerated, then during its natural course there is a high probability of rapid proliferation of bacteria in a sweet environment favorable for them.

In order for the yeast to do its job properly, the temperature must be 28 - 30 °C.

If the temperature is lower, the fermentation process slows down, and at higher temperatures, wild yeast develops and the percentage of alcohol yield decreases.

If you add dry yeast, then for 1 kg of raw material you need about 3 g, and if pressed yeast, then about 15 g. In order for the yeast to quickly capture the saccharified solution, it is better to introduce it not directly, but in the form of a solution in warm water. If you have pressed yeast, then for 1 kg you need to take 10 liters of water.

To pre-ferment the yeast, sugar is added to this solution at the rate of 0.5 kg per 1 kg of yeast and 0.5 liters of malt.

Fermentation should take place in a container with a water seal

Fermentation occurs in a hermetically sealed container with a water seal. During this, foam will form, so to prevent it from being thrown out through the water seal, the container should be filled no more than 80%.

This process should not be allowed to occur at temperatures above 30 °C; if it rises, then the fermentation tank must be artificially cooled.

The fermentation process can take place over different periods of time, this is influenced by the quality of all components and other factors. When gas stops coming out of the water seal, this indicates that fermentation is complete. When you open the container, you will see that the liquid has brightened, grain particles may float on its surface, and it is almost motionless. The liquid will have a pleasant sweet and sour taste, its acidity will be in the range of 4.8-5.5 pH.

Depending on the raw materials used and the technology followed, the mash can contain from 5 to 12% alcohol.

Distillation process

At home, it is best to distill the mash using a steam generator. Distillation is carried out in a stainless steel container, which must be filled to no more than 70% of its volume. Until the mash boils, the heating process is carried out quickly, and after it boils, the heating power must be immediately reduced. To get ready-made moonshine, you can use ordinary alcohol mashine, consisting of a coil, a steamer and a container for collecting moonshine. To learn how whiskey wort is brewed, watch this video:

This moonshine is made for further use, so it is necessary to carefully select the “heads” and “tails”. “Heads” are selected at the minimum power of the steam generator. Their number will range from 3 - 5% of the total volume. This can be determined exactly by smell and taste testing, as well as rubbing finished product on the palm.

The food fraction is selected at a high heating rate, but it is necessary to control so that splashes of boiling mash do not get into the moonshine.

The fact that the result is a cloudy product is due to the splashes of mash that got into it, and not the recipes grain moonshine. Select food moonshine it is necessary until its strength drops below 40% vol. You can check this using an alcohol meter or folk method─ while it burns.

The “tails” contain a lot of heavy fractions, so they are not suitable for consumption; they are left and added to the mash during the next distillation. In the case when you plan to carry out further rectification of the resulting moonshine, you can not separate the “heads” and “tails”, but select everything at once.

The taste of moonshine

Depending on the main raw materials, the taste of the final product will change. If it is wheat, then the moonshine will be soft and slightly sweet. If in this case you use barley malt, then the vodka will taste like whiskey, oat malt will add sharpness, and rye malt will add strength.

The taste of moonshine will depend on the composition of the mash and the quality of the raw materials.

If the main raw material is rye, the taste will be pleasant and harsh. When making moonshine from oats, it will be sharp and pungent taste without sweetening, as is the case with wheat.

Making vodka using barley allows you to get a drink with a taste of whiskey, and if you make enough distillations, you will get a product that tastes similar to this noble drink.

In any case, regardless of what main raw materials you use, if you follow the technology at all stages of making grain moonshine, you will be able to get a high-quality product that will not be inferior in its characteristics to the vodka sold in the store.

Hi all!

Today I will tell you how to make moonshine with wheat without yeast. In fact, it doesn’t have to be based on wheat - any grain crops will do (rye, barley, millet, etc.).

And mash, of course, can’t do without yeast and sugar. But we will not use the usual alcohol or baker's yeast, but wild ones that live on the surface of the grain.

And although it is still a sugar moonshine (since the carbohydrates of the grain are not fermented), it is a soft work wild yeast and the presence of cereals in the process give it a special original aroma. Moonshiners call this drink Wild Sam.

Moreover, each type of cereal gives moonshine its own individual taste. One moonshine is made from wheat, and another from barley or rye. You can also collect a blend of different crops in any proportion. In general, there is a lot of room for imagination. Yes, and one more thing - mash can be made with the same grain up to 4 times or more!


In the recipe I will give proportions calculated for a tank with a volume of 30 liters, because... That's what I actually use. You can recalculate it yourself to fit the container you need. The principle is this: take the volume of your fermentation tank and divide it by 7.5. The resulting figure will show required amount grains And then for every kilogram of grain you will need 1 kg of sugar and 5 liters of water.

So, the ingredients:

  • 4 kg of grain (in my recipe and in the photo there is wheat)
  • 4 kg sugar
  • 20 liters of water

The grain must be feed, i.e. that which goes to animal feed. You can buy it at the market, granary, base, etc. Seed most likely will not work, because... it is specially processed for storage. I can tell moonshiners from St. Petersburg where suitable cheap grain is sold.

Making mash

This is the next day. Foam appeared:

On the second day:

On the day when chaos is ready:


  1. We distill the mash as usual - without selecting the heads and tails, to the water.
  2. There is no need to clean anything coal, neither oil etc.
  3. We do the second distillation according to all the rules fractional distillation- with the selection of heads and tails. It is advisable to carry out a 3rd distillation.

Impressions from the recipe

I made moonshine with wheat and barley. I liked it better with wheat - it turns out very soft. Perhaps even too much. On barley it is tougher, but also very interesting.

They say that it works very well with a mixture of wheat and barley in a 50/50 ratio. I really want to try it.

In general, I liked Wild Sam so much that I made special labels for him. Don't judge strictly, these are my first attempts at creating my own labels.

Why boar, you ask? The first time I tried this recipe, water seal on the tank, which stood in the kitchen, made loud grunting sounds. At night they could be clearly heard in our bedroom, and my wife once told me, “You have a pig living in your kitchen that constantly wants to eat.” “But the pig is wild,” I thought. That's why there's a wild boar.

That seems to be all. I hope the recipe was explained clearly. If you have any questions, please feel free to comment.

Bye everyone,

Grain distillates, or simply wheat alcohol, were prepared by our ancestors in very uncomfortable conditions.

And the result was by no means an anecdotal “fusel”.

Centuries later, can’t we really repeat the same thing, relying on modern technologies, but without neglecting traditions?

Wheat moonshine at home: basic principles and preparation technology

The process of preparing moonshine usually consists of the following steps:

1. Preparation of malt mash.

2. Distillation.

3. Cleaning.

4. Re-distillation.

5. Diluting the prepared moonshine to the required strength.

These stages are worth considering especially, at least briefly.

1. Recipes for making mash, despite the fact that we are limited to the grain version, there are dozens of types. Relatively affordable ones are listed below, but some things need to be discussed in advance. Malt is sprouted grains of cereals; it can be fresh (green) or dry (light). Fresh is used immediately, while dry is usually ground into flour. Braga is prepared using yeast and yeast-free technology, which in addition to taste also affects the speed of fermentation. You have to choose the method yourself; experienced distillers go through many experiments, but rarely stop at one recipe.

2. The distillation process is no simpler; the taste of the final product depends on it to the same extent. The quality of the equipment used and strict adherence to temperature conditions are important here. Homemade, “garage”-made distillation apparatus produces a product of the same dubious quality. A good device, made of suitable metal, carefully calculated for performance and equipped with the necessary accessories (filters, thermometers), can be purchased by searching on the Internet. Usually it is also equipped with instructions for use, which rarely fails to mention the process of distilling moonshine from wheat at home.

3. If the distillation apparatus you are using is equipped with built-in filters, use them, although this is inappropriate if you want to obtain a distillate with a characteristic wheat or other grain flavor. Ideally, it is better not to use them, collect the product completely, “even out” the temperature to about 17% and pour it into the container Activated carbon(granular) at the rate of 15 grams per liter of product. You can use charcoal for kebabs, birch is best, its quantity is chosen a little larger. The cleaning procedure takes about 48 hours.

4. Repeated distillation is carried out in order to, as experts call it, “cut off the tails” - to get rid of the “hard” fractions of alcohol. In progress re-distillation“Pervak”, in an amount of approximately 5–8%, is collected and used as industrial alcohol. Further factions can also be divided, but this difficult process, requiring precise calculations, in principle it is enough to periodically select the product and measure its strength. For getting high-quality moonshine It is advisable to stop distillation as soon as the strength of the product drops below 38 degrees. The remainder can be re-purified and mixed with the next batch or used for infusion and re-distillation.

5. Dilute the finished moonshine, focusing on personal taste. To prepare tinctures and liqueurs, take a stronger one - 55–65 degrees; for use in its pure form, moonshine with a strength of 45 to 50 degrees is usually used. For dilution, use only very clean water - bottled, spring, or passed through a reverse osmosis filter.

Wheat moonshine at home from mash without yeast, with sprouted grains


Four kilograms of wheat grain;

Four kilograms of granulated sugar;

30 liters of purified (filtered) water.

Cooking method:

1. Pour one kilogram of washed grain, cleared of debris and remaining husks, into a metal container. Spread it in an even layer over the entire bottom of the container and pour in water. The water should be at least two centimeters higher than the wheat. Cover the container with a lid and put it in a cool, dark place on two bottoms. During this time, the grain will sprout; if this does not happen, change the grain and repeat the procedure.

2. When sprouts appear on the wheat grains, add half a kilo of granulated sugar and mix the contents of the container well with your hands. If the mass is too thick, you can add a little water. Cover the dishes with gauze and leave for a week and a half, at a temperature of 18 to 24 degrees. Under such conditions, during this time a leaven is formed that can replace yeast.

3. Then pour the prepared starter into a large glass bottle, add three and a half kilograms of sugar, three kilograms of refined wheat and fill everything with warm, pre-boiled water, with a temperature of less than 20 degrees.

4. Take a rubber medical glove, which will serve as a water seal, and put it on the neck of the glass container. Secure the glove well so that it does not fall off during the fermentation process. At the same time, keep in mind that excess carbon dioxide should pass out fairly freely.

5. For approximately ten days, place the container for fermentation in any suitable room, with temperature indicators fluctuating within 18–24 degrees, no more and no less.

6. After about ten days, the glove will deflate, this indicates that the fermentation process is complete and it is ready for distillation.

7. Drain the mash, and after pouring it into the still, begin distilling the moonshine. You can add four kilograms of sugar to the sediment remaining at the bottom of the dish, add water and reuse. The sediment can be used up to three times. The highest quality mash is obtained during the second and third use.

Wheat moonshine at home from mash on sprouted grains, with the addition of yeast


Two and a half kilograms quality wheat;

Twenty liters of purified, bottled water;

Six kilograms of unrefined granulated sugar;

Instant - 100 grams, or 500 grams pressed alcohol yeast;

Half a liter of fat kefir.

Cooking method:

1. In large flat trays with high sides, spread a two-centimeter layer of wheat, cleared of excess debris, and fill it with warm water. To ensure that the grain germinates, water should be poured so that it covers the grain quite a bit. After this, remove the pallets with the wheat soaked in them for several days in a dark, warm place where the air temperature does not drop below 18 degrees, but does not rise above 25 degrees.

3. Next, you should germinate the wheat until the length of the sprouts reaches two centimeters. While the wheat grains are growing, they are very carefully turned over at least once a day to prevent the process of souring and molding.

4. Once the sprouts have grown and begun to intertwine, carefully remove them from the trays. This is the so-called malt.

5. Pour bottled water heated to 60 degrees into a large forty-liter container, add sugar and stir until the crystals are completely dissolved. When the water has cooled to 24 degrees, transfer the prepared malt and yeast diluted in water into a container. Mix the contents of the container well again and install a water seal on top.

6. After the mash has finished drinking (after about 1.5 weeks), strain it through cheesecloth lined in a colander and distill it into moonshine.

7. The grain, as in the previous recipe, can be used without changing it up to 3 times.

The simplest recipe for homemade wheat moonshine with the addition of yeast


21 liters of filtered or spring water;

Four kilograms of wheat grains;

Six kilograms of sugar;

130 grams of pressed alcoholic yeast, always fresh.

Cooking method:

1. Grind the cleaned grain, washed from foreign impurities, through a meat grinder and pour three liters of warm, but not hot, boiled water.

2. Add one kilogram of granulated sugar, one hundred grams of crushed fresh yeast, stir well until they are completely dissolved and, covering with a lid, leave to ferment for five days in a warm place, without excess light.

3. Then add the remaining water, heating it. Add the remaining sugar and yeast, having previously diluted them. Stir everything thoroughly and leave to ferment again for another five days.

4. When the prepared mash becomes light, strain and distill it.

5. Grain is not reused with this method of mash preparation.

A simplified version of good wheat moonshine at home without yeast


Three kilograms of pure wheat durum varieties;

Three kilograms of sugar;

12 liters of purified, preferably bottled water.

Cooking method:

1. From three kilograms of granulated sugar and 0.6 liters of water, cook syrup and cool it until it cools completely.

2. Big enamel dishes pour in the washed millet and, pouring it with the prepared chilled syrup, leave it open in a warm place for four days, until carbon dioxide is released. In some cases related to grain quality, it may take longer.

3. When the surface of the syrup is covered with foam and an unpleasant sour smell appears, pour the “wadd” into a large glass bottle.

4. Then pour the slightly cooled but still warm syrup from the remaining sugar and water into the “wadd”.

5. Place a water seal made from a medical glove on the container and leave the mash to ferment at room temperature for six days. The process may take longer, up to one and a half weeks. It all depends on the temperature. Do not forget to periodically inspect the fermenting product; you must not allow it to sour.

6. The end of fermentation will be indicated by the grain sinking to the bottom, as well as the deflated glove.

7. Once the fermentation process is complete, the distillation process can begin.

Preparing high-quality light malt for moonshine from wheat at home


Water and wheat grain

Cooking method:

1. Full-fledged wheat grain stored for no more than a year, sift, rinse thoroughly with warm water and soak, preferably in a wooden container, until completely swollen. Change the water periodically, no more than every eight hours.

2. After the grain has completely swollen, spread it in a thin layer in a cool room, without access to light, covered with a thin layer of gauze. In the first five days, periodically turn the wheat over for ventilation. Then, leave it under gauze for another five days, but do not touch it.

3. After ten days, the wheat will germinate and sprouts half a centimeter long will appear on it.

4. Rinse the finished malt under running water, dry in an oven at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees or at fresh air until completely dry.

5. Then grind the dried malt using a grain crusher to flour. Well-dried malt before grinding provides it long-term storage. Store malt flour in linen bags.

“Granny’s” moonshine made from wheat at home with malt


6 kilograms wheat malt homemade, can be purchased;

25 liters of distilled or purified water;

50 grams of dry instant yeast (Voronezh type) or 300 grams of fresh alcoholic yeast.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the prepared malt into a large container chosen “with a reserve” and fill it with hot (no more than 55 degrees), boiled water. Add water in small parts, and stir the malt vigorously so that it does not stick to the bottom and lumps do not form.

2. When the mass becomes homogeneous, heat the prepared wort to 63 degrees and close the lid tightly. Leave for about an hour, holding temperature regime within 57–63 degrees, while constantly stirring the contents of the container.

3. After the top of the wort being prepared has lightened and a mushy sediment has formed at the bottom, the wort must be cooled. This must be done quickly, using forced cooling, since this part of the process should take no more than 45 minutes.

4. Pour the wort that has cooled to 25–27 degrees into a container intended for fermentation, add yeast diluted in water and, after mixing well, place under a water seal.

5. Move the vessel with the wort to a dark room where the air temperature does not rise above 25 degrees, but does not fall below eighteen.

6. The duration of fermentation depends on the sugar content of the prepared malt and the activity of the acquired yeast. Typically the fermentation process lasts from four to seven days.

7. At least once a day, remove the water seal and stir the mash.

8. U finished mash slightly bitter, but overall sour taste, it light color.

9. Before distilling moonshine, the malt mash should be filtered through a fine sieve, otherwise small particles of grain remaining during crushing into flour may stick to the bottom of the distillation apparatus and burn during intense heating.

Moonshine from wheat at home - tricks and useful tips

When choosing wheat, be sure to watch for the presence of impurities; accidentally introduced seeds of other plants will spoil the taste of moonshine beyond recognition.

Also make sure that the grains are whole when small quantity It’s even worth going through them manually. The “crushed grain” will not germinate, but, on the contrary, will sour and can spoil the entire malt.

It is preferable to use alcoholic yeast rather than baker's yeast.

The special, “bready” aroma can be enhanced by infusing wheat moonshine at home on bread crusts. This is best done with the so-called “tails” - a low-strength product. A kilogram of bread crusts for 7–8 liters of moonshine, infuse for 3–7 days, according to the desired strength of effect. You can add a few grams ground cinnamon. Both rye and white bread are suitable; white crackers should be dried a little in the oven until slightly browned. Next, the sediment is squeezed out and discarded, and the tincture is strained through cheesecloth, filtered and sent for further distillation.

The sub-category is entirely dedicated to the topic making grain moonshine at home. Are considered as grain moonshine recipes, flour and noble malt distillate. The section contains a variety of recipes and cooking methods. A method of saccharification of wort using green and white malt, a method of saccharification of mash using alpha and gluco-amylase enzymes, both cold and hot, is described. The section contains the following recipes: wheat moonshine, rye, corn distillate, millet, oat-wheat, rice, corn-barley, apple-grain and other combinations of grains. Each recipe is described in detail making grain moonshine from boiling raw materials and mashing, to saccharification, filtration and distillation of mash. The topic of grain germination for malt and drying of green malt is covered separately. All notes contain detailed step by step instructions, original photos moonshine, video recipe for grain moonshine with extensive tasting of the finished product. I will be glad to receive your advice and recommendations in the comments.

One of the most aromatic whiskeys is rye. I had an idea to prepare a rye distillate according to classic proportions for rye whiskey, evaluate its flavor and aroma qualities and at the same time test Bekmaya yeast using this grain distillate as an example. In this article I will outline an accessible method preparing grain moonshine, which can serve as the basis for rye whiskey.

Barley moonshine is an excellent product; in its pure form it is both sharp and has a sweet tint; you can pour it into a barrel - it will be grain whiskey, you can infuse it with wood chips - it will be an excellent refined distillate. In this article I will also outline a method for preparing grain mash using enzymes using the method of steaming cereals.

Wheat moonshine can be made without malt, without temperature pauses thanks to the enzymes alpha amylase and gluco amylase. From experience I can say that the product brewed this way has excellent organoleptic characteristics. In this article I will outline detailed technology making moonshine from wheat flour using cold saccharification enzymes.

I wanted to prepare a tasty grain distillate that I could pour into a barrel, put on oak chips, and just enjoy with pleasure. I came across a video about how I make whiskey Jack Daniels, in which the proportion of grains for this legendary whiskey was discovered. In this article I will tell you grain moonshine recipe based on proportions from the Jack Daniels distillery.