How to cook porridge from wheat groats. Grilled wheat porridge with sausages quickly and tasty in the oven

Thanks to wheat groats, you can get a lot of energy, it helps to restore strength, and for this reason it is important for those people who are engaged in active loads.

How to cook wheat groats

In order to cook this porridge with high quality, it is necessary to build on the type of cereal that you can buy in the store. At the very beginning, you should pay attention to its expiration date, it is best to opt for fresh cereals.

The integrity of the packaging plays an important role, otherwise food moths are likely. Groats can be stored for up to a year, once this time has passed, it is better not to use it in cooking, as it may have a bitter aftertaste.

A valuable product for children and diet food is wheat porridge. Each of the modern housewives uses wheat flakes, which do not require cooking, it remains only to fill them with milk or water. An excellent addition would be dried fruits, banana, honey or nuts. In addition, take it as the basis of a side dish for meat dishes, after overcooking onions with carrots.

Wheat porridge contains a large amount of vitamins that improve performance nervous system supporting immunity and restoring the beauty of the skin. Porridge contains minimal amount sugar and good for baby nutrition. The contained choline, which is responsible for regulating fat metabolism, helps people not to gain excess weight.

If you eat wheat porridge in your diet, then breast milk will become much more. However, people who have a gastritis disease with low acidity should eat porridge with caution.

Wheat porridge cooked in water is perfect for meat, liver and fried mushrooms. Before cooking porridge, it must be washed in water, which will help get rid of flour. After that, pour the cereal with water, and as soon as it boils, make the fire smaller. Cook for 20 minutes, remembering to stir.

Add oil to the porridge. It is best to eat porridge hot, but if the porridge is left the next day, then cutlets can be made from it. Add an egg a small amount of semolina and mix. Form cutlets, fry everything in butter.

The best breakfast for a child is porridge cooked with milk, as it will provide energy for the whole day. When you want the dish to be sweeter, you can sprinkle the porridge with sugar or sprinkle with honey. To make porridge more watery, use this recipe:

  • Half a glass of cereal
  • liter of milk
  • half a teaspoon of salt
  • a tablespoon of granulated sugar
  • butter of your choice.

After boiling the milk, pour in the cereal, add granulated sugar and salt. As soon as everything boils, make a small fire and wait half an hour, close the lid.

During the cooking process, there is no need to stir the dish, turn off the stove after 40 minutes, put oil and mix. Wait about 10 minutes.

Wheat porridge recipes

It is ideal to take porcini mushrooms for cooking, since it is from them that the broth turns out incredibly fragrant. It is allowed to take other mushrooms, and then add a mushroom cube to the broth. Required components:

- 2 glasses wheat groats;
- 6 glasses mushroom broth;
- 400 grams of mushrooms;
- 4 onion heads;
- 80 grams butter;
- vegetable oil for frying;
- salt to taste.

At the very beginning, boil the mushrooms and discard them with a colander. After that, pour the broth into another bowl and cool the mushrooms, cut at your discretion. Melt the butter and add a little sunflower, chopped onion and fry, before finishing add a glass of mushroom broth and boil.

Add wheat groats and salt to the boiling broth. After the porridge becomes thick, add mushrooms and fried onions to it, put the porridge in the pan in the oven for 40 minutes. Serve porridge with herbs and butter.

- a glass of wheat groats;
- loin of pork or chicken;
- two cloves of garlic;
- carrot;
- two bows;
- 3 glasses of water;
- sunflower oil;
- pepper, salt and Bay leaf.

Grate the carrots, cut the onion and meat into small cubes. Using the blunt side of the knife, crush the garlic, you do not need to cut it finely, because in the future it must be removed from the finished porridge. In a cauldron, fry the onion, add carrots to it, and then fry for vegetable oil until golden.

After put the meat and garlic. Cook until the juices from the meat have evaporated. Pour in water, put a bay leaf and simmer for 30 minutes. Garlic and bay leaf can be removed. Pour in the wheat groats and, after boiling the liquid, reduce the heat, cook, stirring constantly, until the groats are ready. Leave the porridge to languish for 15 minutes and close the lid.

Serve in serving bowls.

Housewives with experience recommend cooking wheat porridge using cast-iron cauldrons, since they allow the porridge not to burn, and the dish will stay warm longer. However modern technologies make it possible to cook porridge in a slow cooker, which allows you not to stand at the stove for a long time, but simply set the required time and wait for the beep to sound ready.

Now you can diversify children food because there are a lot of recipes. To prepare porridge for a child, it is enough to take a glass of cereal, 3.5 glasses of water and butter. First, it is important to rinse the cereal, put it in a saucepan and add salt and water, and then put the butter.

Close the lid of the multicooker and set the buckwheat mode on it. After the signal, the porridge is ready, and it can be served at the table. This recipe can be used by replacing water with milk. In order not to spend a lot of time in the morning preparing breakfast for children, just pour the ingredients into the slow cooker and set the right time, the equipment will turn on by itself and everything will be ready by the right time.

You can add pieces of fruit to the porridge or prepare a diet gravy.

Required components:

- 400 grams of wheat
- 500 grams of cabbage;
- two carrots;
- a tablespoon of granulated sugar;
- 50 ml of vinegar;
- 50 ml of sunflower oil;
- salt;
- Bay leaf;
- pepper.

Finely chop the cabbage, grate the carrots, pour the wheat grits with water and put in the oven. It must be set at 50 degrees, left all night. After the cereal swells, it must be boiled in water with the addition of salt for 40 minutes. Fry carrots in vegetable oil in a saucepan, add cabbage and fry everything. Pour in sugar, pour rice vinegar, salt and water. Stew everything for a quarter of an hour, not forgetting to stir, and then throw in the chopped parsley and serve.

When a decision is made to go on a diet, then cooking porridge with milk is out of the question. Porridge is cooked only on water without the addition of sugar and salt. Wheat groats and without it is high-calorie product, because 100 grams of the product is 350 kcal.

5. Wheat porridge with potatoes

At the very beginning, you need to fry the meat in a cauldron, then add onion to it, wait a few minutes and add finely chopped potatoes. Make the fire to a minimum and add wheat groats, especially it turns out delicious if you use Artek groats.

It is important to take into account the fact that cereals quickly absorb moisture, therefore, during the cooking process, it is necessary to constantly add broth or water. All this is done until the grains boil evenly.

6. Wheat porridge with pumpkin on the water

Required Ingredients:

- 300 grams of pumpkin;
- a glass of cereal;
- 30 grams of cranberries;
- 2 tablespoons of nuts;
- a glass of milk;
- half a glass of water;
- honey to taste.

Want to get a satisfying and healthy dish? Learn how to cook wheat porridge correctly and what to combine it with.

Cooking wheat porridge in milk is very simple. The process does not take much time and a large number ingredients.

Required products:

  • 400 milliliters of milk;
  • a glass of wheat groats;
  • salt, sugar and butter to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Take a good pot with a thick bottom, pour milk into it and wait until it boils.
  2. Be sure to rinse the cereal, remove all excess and pour into hot milk.
  3. Reduce heat, add salt and sugar to your liking and cook covered for 20 minutes.

Crumb cooking option on water

Loose wheat porridge on the water - perfect breakfast or lunch for those who want to eat right.

Required products:

  • spices and oil optional;
  • a glass of dry cereal and twice as much water.

Cooking process:

  1. We sort out the grits, rinse so that the water becomes almost transparent.
  2. Pour water into the saucepan. It needs to be taken twice as much as cereals.
  3. Bring to a boil, pour in the "wheat", add seasonings to your taste and you can immediately put the oil.
  4. Cover with a lid, turn the heat to low and cook for 20 minutes.

In a slow cooker

Wheat porridge in a slow cooker is fast way get tasty breakfast. In addition, dishes cooked in this appliance retain their beneficial features. Another advantage is that you do not need to constantly monitor the process.

Required products:

  • a glass of cereal;
  • three glasses of water;
  • butter to your liking.

Cooking process:

  1. We start with the preparation of cereals. It must be thoroughly rinsed and all excess removed. The water should be relatively clear.
  2. Pour future porridge into a multicooker cup and cover it with water. If you want the process to go faster, you can pour in the already hot liquid.
  3. Add salt and other spices, herbs as desired.
  4. We turn on the device in the “Milk porridge” mode for 40 minutes and wait until the dish is completely ready.
  5. If after the specified time there is still liquid left, then turn on the multicooker again, but in the “Heating” mode for 20 minutes.

Serve the dish along with butter.

With the addition of pumpkin

If you love pumpkin, then by all means try this recipe.

Required Ingredients:

  • a liter of milk;
  • two glasses of wheat groats;
  • a piece of butter;
  • about 300 grams of pumpkin;
  • 120 milliliters of water;
  • spices to your taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Let's start with food preparation. The pumpkin needs to be cleaned of the skin and seeds, washed and chopped into small pieces.
  2. We also wash the grits, remove all unnecessary and pour it into pre-boiled water. It is advisable to salt it a little ahead of time.
  3. Pour milk into this mixture, add pumpkin and bring everything to a boil.
  4. Now you can lower the heat level, cover the container and cook the dish for about 20 minutes until all the liquid has evaporated.

Before serving, you need to let the porridge stand for a while and be sure to fill it with butter.

Cooking porridge in the oven from wheat groats

You can make this porridge in the oven only in a pot, but in milk or water - choose at your discretion.

Required products:

  • salt and sugar as desired;
  • one glass of cereal;
  • butter about 25 grams;
  • two glasses of water.

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse the cereal, it is advisable to do this three times so that the water is almost clean. Divide it into pots.
  2. Fill with water so that it covers the contents about twice, but does not reach the very edges of the container. Add any spices of your choice.
  3. There is no need to cover the pots. Put them in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, for 20 minutes - during this time the contents should boil. Once this happens, you can lower the heat to 150 degrees and hold the porridge for another 10 minutes.

If the mass turned out to be damp, add more water and cook further. The finished dish, when slightly cooled, can be eaten, seasoned with oil.

Hearty porridge with meat

Everyone is used to eating porridge for breakfast, but this option is more likely to become a hearty dinner for the whole family.

Required products:

  • 400 grams of any meat;
  • a glass of wheat groats;
  • carrot and two cloves of garlic;
  • about 700 milliliters of water;
  • seasonings to your taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse the selected meat well, remove fat, films and other excess parts. Chop it into small pieces.
  2. Put them in a preheated pan, season with spices as desired and bring to a beautiful ruddy color.
  3. Carrots need to be peeled, grated on coarse grater and put on the meat. Mix everything thoroughly and fry until the vegetable is soft.
  4. Then pour the cereal there, fill everything with water so that it covers the products by about two centimeters.
  5. Add spices, chopped garlic again and wait until the contents of the pan boil.
  6. After that, we set the heating level to the minimum value and cook under the lid until all the liquid has evaporated, and the porridge is soft and crumbly.

Necessary products for the dish:

  • carrots and onions;
  • a glass of wheat groats;
  • one zucchini;
  • Bell pepper;
  • two tomatoes;
  • clove of garlic;
  • two glasses of water.

Cooking process:

  1. All vegetables, if necessary, are peeled, washed and chopped: three carrots, and cut everything else into cubes.
  2. On the hot pan we start to extinguish everything in turn. It is to stew, and not to fry, so that there is juice. Therefore, the fire should be below average.
  3. We start with onions, then put carrots, zucchini, peppers, chopped garlic and finish with tomatoes.
  4. Pour the washed cereal into the pan, add water, seasonings to your liking and bring to readiness for 20 minutes so that the liquid evaporates.
  5. Pour the prepared porridge to stewed vegetables, mix, turn off the fire and let stand.

Despite the fact that the benefits of wheat for human health have long been proven, dishes based on it are still a rare guest on the tables of Russian families. In addition, not all housewives know how to cook this cereal correctly and tasty, in particular, many have questions about the time of its preparation. Therefore, it is worth considering recipes for various cereals containing wheat.


Due to its composition, wheat can bring many benefits to the human body.

In her in large quantities contains vitamins:

  • A and beta-carotene;
  • B1, B2, B5, B6 and B9;

This cereal is also rich in important trace elements, among which most of all in it:

  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • aluminum;
  • titanium;
  • sulfur;
  • silicon;
  • zinc;
  • gland.

The BJU formula for wheat usually looks like this:

  • 13% protein;
  • up to 3% fat;
  • up to 58% carbohydrates.

The nutritional value of 100 grams of this product is about 300 kilocalories.

Thanks to this unique composition, wheat-based dishes:

  • improve metabolism;
  • contribute to the detoxification of the body (especially cholesterol is excreted);
  • have a beneficial effect on immunity;
  • improve functions digestive system(due to fiber content);
  • strengthen nails and hair.

Wheat broth has been used in folk medicine since ancient times.

The main contraindication to the use of this cereal for food is individual intolerance to its individual components, among which gluten allergy is very common. Wheat porridge is strictly contraindicated for people with this disease.


Wheat differs significantly from most more familiar cereals in terms of cooking time. So, whole grains must first be soaked in boiling water for three hours, but even after this procedure, they will have to be cooked until fully cooked for at least three, or even four hours.

The refined version of the cereal requires a different procedure. proper cooking- it needs to be soaked in boiling water for a solid ten hours, but after that it is cooked for two to three hours.

Crushed cereals are prepared significantly less time - up to twenty minutes.


From wheat groats you can cook delicious and healthy dishes.

- Porridge on the water

The easiest way to prepare this cereal is to boil it in water. Basic proportion right porridge from wheat - 4 cups of water for 1 cup of cereals. In this case, water should be added as it boils away. Salt is added 20 minutes before the end of cooking. AT ready porridge butter is added and served, although it will be even tastier if you let it brew for half an hour.

You can vary the taste of this dish with additional ingredients, for example, it will be tasty and healthy to add half an onion bulb. At the same time, it is recommended to grind boiled wheat twice in a meat grinder, fry the onion in butter, add ground boiled cereals to it, cover the pan with a lid and leave to languish for five minutes.

-on milk

A variant of the wheat dish with milk is usually prepared as follows. 1 glass of water is added to 1 glass of cereal, the resulting mixture is cooked on a moderate burner flame until the liquid has completely evaporated. After that, about 2 cups of milk are added, in which the porridge will continue to cook until tender. 20 minutes before the end of cooking, salt and sugar are added to taste. The finished dish is allowed to brew for 20 minutes or brought in a warm oven. The taste of the dish can be improved by adding butter.

The calorie content of such a dish will be significantly higher than that of the option on the water, but high content fats will help the body to more fully absorb the vitamins and trace elements contained in wheat.

- With honey

The most common version of wheat porridge with the addition of honey is called kutya and is usually served at the table only at the Christmas Eve. However, nothing prevents modern housewives from preparing this tasty and healthy dish more than once a year.

The procedure for preparing kutya in terms of cooking wheat differs little from classic porridge on water, but other ingredients are used. The proportion of water and grains for kutia is usually 1 liter of water per three glasses of cereal.

Add to boiled porridge:

  • 2 cups crushed poppy seeds in a blender;
  • 2 cups chopped nuts;
  • 2 cups raisins;
  • 6-10 tablespoons of honey

Since even the most thoroughly cleaned cereals by the manufacturer can still contain unwanted impurities, before preparing any dish, it must be washed in cold water. Crushed wheat does not need to be washed before cooking.

In addition to following the recipe, it is important to choose the right cooking utensils for the taste and health of the dishes. Wide pans with a relatively thick bottom are best suited for cereal cereals, and it is best to find cast iron cauldrons. The size of the pan should be chosen based on the fact that the volume ready meal will exceed the volume of the original cereal by about 2.5 times.

Having mastered the preparation of dishes from wheat, you can try to combine it with other cereals or use it in various salads. At the same time, for salads, it will be enough to cook cereals not until fully cooked, but for about an hour.

How to cook a very tasty wheat porridge, see the video below.

The recipe for wheat porridge on water is simple, and the cereal itself has a more than democratic cost, these characteristics bring porridge to the top of one of the most popular dishes. Previously, wheat porridge could be found on the tables everywhere, then it was gradually shifted by cereals, which began to be brought everywhere from abroad, but over time, when a return to the origins of the native cuisine became a trend, many restaurants of Russian cuisine remembered this unpretentious cereal. We also decided to follow the new fashion trend and talk about how to cook wheat porridge in water.

Cooking wheat porridge on the water

We will start with the most minimalistic and simple recipe porridge, the list of ingredients of which includes only the cereal itself, water and a little oil. Spices you can choose and add at your discretion yourself.

The cooking scheme is so simple that it does not even need a detailed preliminary description of the required ingredients, it is enough to remember the 1: 2 ratio. Before cooking, millet should always be washed well. Such preparation will save the cereal from mealy plaque and litter, making it crumbly. Another way to clean wheat groats will be pre-scalding, in which the groats are first boiled until the liquid boils, then the water is drained and fresh water is poured in.

Pour the washed wheat groats with water and put on fire. After the liquid boils, add salt or sugar. How much to cook wheat porridge on water? Approximately 20 minutes: 10 minutes after boiling, and after another 10 after adding a piece of butter. Then the cereal is removed and left under the lid.

Wheat porridge in a slow cooker on the water

In a slow cooker, porridge is cooked according to a similar principle and based on the same proportions: for one multi-glass of cereal, there are two multi-glasses of water. First, the cereal is washed, and then poured into the multicooker bowl and immediately filled with water. Spices are also added immediately, and with them a piece is sent to the bowl. If you don’t want to use butter, take vegetable oil, the main thing is that the dish contains fat, which will prevent the grains from sticking together. On the device, select the "Porridge" mode, the multicooker will set the time automatically. After the signal, leave the wheat porridge to walk for another 10 minutes.

Wheat porridge on water can turn out to be much richer in taste. Before adding grits, fry the chopped onion and garlic right in the bowl, add a pinch and mix the fragrant roast with the grits. Then add water and continue cooking as described above.

How to cook friable wheat porridge in water?

You can always vary the consistency by increasing or decreasing the total amount of liquid. We will talk about the recipe for crumbly wheat porridge, and lovers of viscous porridges can achieve the desired effect by adding another glass of water on top.

Of all types of cereals, wheat porridge is my favorite, I like to cook it on water. Instead of water, you can take milk. I like its taste, smell, texture, and there is no need to talk about usefulness. The main thing is to choose the right cereal. It comes in two types of grinding - larger and very fine. I always try to choose a coarser grinding, then the porridge turns out crumbly. And from finer grinding, those who love can cook viscous porridge. Lovely breakfast or a side dish is provided for you!

We will need the following products:

Rinse the wheat groats well several times to wash off excess flour.

Pour water or milk, at the rate of 1:2. If you like more viscous porridge, then the amount of liquid needs to be increased. Put on fire, bring to a boil and cook on the lowest heat, covered for about 30 minutes. Make sure you don't run away. Salt to taste. If suddenly all the liquid evaporates, and the porridge is not yet ready, then it is not forbidden to add a little more boiling water so that the porridge reaches readiness.

Turn off the fire, add a little butter to the pan and leave the porridge to brew for about 10 minutes under the lid. My mother always wrapped the pan in something warm and thick so that everything inside was steamed and the porridge became crumbly.