Real whiskey - how to distinguish from a fake. How to distinguish original Jack Daniel's whiskey from a fake

This alcoholic drink has a very interesting story grounds.

Priest Denn Call is considered the founder of the Jack Daniel's brand. He was the owner of a distillery and made high-quality whiskey there. Once he took the seven-year-old boy Jasper Daniel as his assistant. The boy, despite his young age, turned out to be very smart, he quickly learned all the intricacies of making whiskey and soon the priest Denn made him his full-fledged partner in production.After the death of Denn Call, Jasper Daniel became the sole owner of the distillery.This is how a great story began legendary drink Jack Daniel's.

The uniqueness of the drink is that in its production they use additional purification through maple charcoal. Thanks to this whiskey acquires a special taste and softness.

Gradually, over time, a small distillery grew into a full-fledged Jack Daniel's whiskey distillery. Already in 1866, the distillery was officially registered, and it was the world's first official whiskey production.

Soon the plant was moved to the city of Litchburg, as there were springs with very soft and crystal clear water. Jasper was well aware that the taste properties of the drink directly depend on the quality of the water.

At first, whiskey was sold in earthenware bottles with wooden corks and an engraving of Mr. Jack. In 1895, a square-shaped bottle was born, which is still used today. These bottles are very convenient to use and transport. The shape of the bottles has not changed since then, only the manufacturer adds additional security marks to their design. This allows you to protect yourself from fakes.

Since 1904, Jack Daniel's has received almost every year the awards of the most the best whiskey around the world at various exhibitions.

The recipe for the drink did not change until 1988. This year, the new head of the brand, Jack Reir, decided to change the technology of whiskey production. Since then, the drink has undergone a double purification: before being placed in a barrel and after four years of aging through ordinary coal. This gave the whiskey even more softness and at the same time a special characteristic taste.

Given the popularity of the drink around the world, it is not surprising that there are many manufacturers of fake Jack Daniel's whiskey on the market. To learn how to distinguish a fake from the original, you need to know the features of this drink.

Signs of fake whiskey

Jack Daniel's is the most forged whiskey in the world. In order not to be disappointed and avoid buying low-quality whiskey, let's look at the main differences between the original and the fake.

The first thing you see when you buy is the bottle. This is the main object of our analysis. This is the only thing that will help you determine the originality of the drink without making a purchase.

Shake the bottle - in a real drink, after shaking, large bubbles should appear that stay on the surface for a long time. The color should not be too dark, but not light either. Not even the slightest sediment or turbidity is allowed.

Don't get too excited when you see discounts on this whiskey in the store. The original Jack Daniel's brand does not hold promotions and discounts are quite rare and very small. If you see a 50% - 70% discount, be sure that you have a fake.

Now look at the lid. It is in the original plastic drink, covered with a plastic film. The film should have Old No.7 brand on the front of the bottle and Tennessee WHISKEY on the back. Also on the plastic film there should be perforation: two strips vertically and one horizontally.

The neck of the bottle in the original is faceted, in fakes it is most often just round. The edges should be even and slightly convex. There should be a convex ring at the base of the neck. The drink is poured a little above it.

In the shape of the bottle itself, the edges should be clearly visible. Counterfeit drink bottles usually have rounded edges. In the photo below, a fake bottle is on the left, and the original is on the right.

Also pay attention to whether there are Jack Daniel's engravings on the shoulders of the bottles. They should be very neat and even, without errors. The volume of the drink should also be engraved at the bottom.

The bottom of the bottle should be a clear square shape with cuts, evenly angled on all sides. First photo below typical view the bottom of a fake whiskey bottle. And the second is the original.

And finally, the label. It should be embossed, evenly pasted without streaks and traces of glue. There are no mistakes allowed in the inscriptions. The label is glued in real Jack Daniel's evenly on three sides of the bottle. On the left side of the label there must be a unique code that indicates the number of the barrel and the date the whiskey was bottled.

If you have already bought Jack Daniel's whiskey, then when uncorking, pay attention to whether there is a dispenser. There is a misconception that the original Jack Daniel's should not have a dispenser. In fact, this is just an indicator of the originality of the drink. But fakes save on the presence of a dispenser.

The smell of the drink has characteristic notes of coal. The taste is tart-sweet with a caramel aftertaste. Fakes always give themselves out with a sharp alcohol smell and taste. Such whiskey can not only spoil your holiday, but also provoke poisoning.

Beware of shopping at suspicious points of sale. It is best to make a purchase of such a noble drink in specialized stores of alcoholic beverages.

As whiskey became popular around the world, so did the number of counterfeits. Now fake whiskey can be found in almost any store. Moreover, a high price is not always a guarantee of quality. Every lover of this alcohol should know how to distinguish real whiskey from a fake. It is to this issue that the current material is devoted.

In order not to buy fake whiskey, you need to pay attention to the following important points:

1. Selling point and price. Real whiskey, especially if it has the inscriptions “Deluxe” or “Premium” on its label (this is how elite varieties are designated), should be bought only in specialized stores selling alcoholic products. I advise you to ask the seller to show you a certificate of quality. The store is obliged to show this document at the first request of the buyer.

Another advantage of specialized alcohol stores is that you can use the services of consultants there. They will select whiskey that will satisfy your requirements for quality and price.

If your city does not have separate shops selling liquor, then it would be correct to buy whiskey in large supermarkets, but not in kiosks. Experts advise you to choose one store whose product quality suits you, and always buy alcohol only there.

It will not be superfluous to pay attention to the cost of the drink. If in one store the whiskey of the chosen brand is several times cheaper than in others, then it is better to refuse such a purchase, since you risk buying a fake.

2. The appearance of the bottle. Usually counterfeit manufacturers rely on the inexperience of the buyer and the low price, so they save on the bottle.
A sign of fake whiskey is an incorrectly pasted or poor quality label. If you have decided on the brand of whiskey you are purchasing, then even before buying on the manufacturer's website, you can see what the bottle looks like and what protection it has.

The absence of excise stamp. This may indicate that the whiskey was brought into the country illegally or is simply a fake. In any case, you should not buy it, because no one guarantees the quality of the drink.

3. Color. High-quality whiskey must be transparent, this indicates the purity of the water from which the drink is made, and the full observance of production technology. The color of whiskey ranges from light yellow to brown, but in any case, the drink should not be cloudy and contain sediment.

The right whiskey color

4. Shaking. You can distinguish whiskey from a fake using one simple method: shake the bottle well and look at the bubbles. They should last a long time and be large. In high-quality whiskey, drops after shaking slowly flow down the glass of the bottle, in fake whiskey - very quickly.

5. Smell and taste. Whiskey should have a light oaky or malty aroma and not stink of alcohol. quality drink leaves a long aftertaste.

Counterfeit whiskey is fraught with mortal danger, so it should not be purchased and consumed under any circumstances. There are a number of signs by which it is easy to determine the authenticity of the drink. Before buying, you should carefully examine not only the bottle and label, but also the liquid itself.


How to distinguish a fake? When buying, pay attention to certain features of the product. Of considerable importance is the cost and place of purchase of the product. The original product must be bought exclusively in specialized places where alcoholic products are sold.

It's good if the label says Premium, Deluxe. This fact signals the elitism of the drink. For complete safety, a sales representative should be asked for a quality certificate: it should be provided at the first request of the client.

Whiskey Quality Certificate

A good advantage of specialized shops with alcoholic beverages is the help of a consultant in choosing the right product. Using his services, you can save a lot of time, as it is enough to voice the appropriate cost and wishes regarding quality. The store employee will pick up the corresponding copies quickly.

In the absence of the opportunity to go to a specialized store, it is best to buy whiskey in a large shopping center. Beware of fakes, you can not go for a drink in kiosks and other small retail outlets. According to experts, it is necessary to buy whiskey in a store whose products are time-tested, and the products suit the taste and quality.

It will also be possible to recognize a surrogate by cost. When in a particular store a certain brand of whiskey is sold at a lower price than others, it is better not to risk your health. It is likely that this is a fake, since such savings do not justify themselves at all.

It is important to know!

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Often, when making a counterfeit product, the manufacturer decides to save on the bottle, guided by the inexperience of the consumer and the low cost of the product. The appearance of the packaging will tell a lot, for example, an incorrectly glued label indicates a fake, it may be of poor quality. Having chosen a suitable brand of drink, before making a purchase, you should go to the manufacturer's website and familiarize yourself with the means of protecting the bottle, its appearance.

bottle protector

The consumer should immediately be alert if there is no excise stamp: this is the first sign of a fake or illegal entry of goods into the country.

You cannot buy such a drink, as there is no guarantee of its quality.


You should always pay attention to the color of the product. Quality whiskey is characterized by transparency, which is an indicator of pure water. This is a guarantee of full compliance technological process. Unlike a fake, real whiskey is free from sediment, it is not cloudy. Its hue can range from light yellow to deep yellow, sometimes reaching a brown tint. It all depends on the recipe, exposure.

It will be possible to determine the original using one simple method: you need to shake the bottle thoroughly and look at the bubbles that have formed. Their size must be large, and they must be preserved for a long time. AT natural drink drops flow down the walls of the vessel slowly after shaking, which cannot be said about a fake specimen.

Determination of the naturalness of an alcoholic beverage

When the bottle is opened, the aroma of malt should come from the drink, with a slight hint of oak. If there is a strong smell of alcohol, then the quality should be doubted. It leaves a long, very pleasant aftertaste in the mouth.

To make good finished product malt is used, while ethanol and methanol are often found in cheap scotch and bourbons. It should be borne in mind that whiskey made from the by-products of alcohol production will never have a decent taste.


In England and other European countries, the manufacture of counterfeit scotch whiskey is a serious crime. If whiskey is not distilled according to technology or contains alternative components, then it is very dangerous to use it for health. If a person drinks a small amount of a drink containing methanol, he has abdominal pain, there are malfunctions digestive system, organs of vision.

With the abuse of fake whiskey after a short time, there is a high level of risk of ill health. The most terrible diagnosis is cirrhosis of the liver. In the body, there is a restriction of blood flow through this organ, the liver will become unable to destroy toxic substances, control blood clotting.

Misuse of counterfeit alcohol

It should be noted that in natural whiskey there is a very high level of strength, but there is no need to talk about a fake. The minimum is 40%. Even if you drink a quality drink in large volumes, you can get poisoned. When reaching in the blood excessively high level concentration of alcohol, breathing problems are observed, vomiting occurs, frequent heartbeat.

Attention should also be paid to the fact that the uncontrolled use of whiskey causes the disappearance of the line of permissibility. Strong intoxication leads to risky actions, drunk driving and other manifestations of aggression and agitation. Deadly consequences often occur if there is no feeling of fear.

Many characteristics can indicate a fake, so the choice of a drink must be approached responsibly so as not to regret the consequences later. True gourmets and whiskey connoisseurs prefer only natural products, imitation products are created for people who want to know the approximate taste of whiskey.

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Counterfeit and counterfeit whiskey has not noticeably entered the consumer market and is quietly pushing all lovers of “sivukha”. What you need to know before buying whiskey to protect yourself:

1. Place of sale/purchase and price

Real whiskey, especially if it has the inscriptions “Deluxe” or “Premium” on its label (this is how elite varieties are designated), should be bought only in specialized stores selling alcoholic products. I advise you to ask the seller to show you a certificate of quality. The store is obliged to show this document at the first request of the buyer.
Another advantage of specialized alcohol stores is that you can use the services of consultants there. They will select whiskey that will satisfy your requirements for quality and price.
If your city does not have separate shops selling liquor, then it would be correct to buy whiskey in large supermarkets, but not in kiosks. Experts advise you to choose one store whose product quality suits you, and always buy alcohol only there.
It will not be superfluous to pay attention to the cost of sold whiskey. If in one store the whiskey of the chosen brand is several times cheaper than in others, then this is a clear sign of a fake.

2. The appearance of the bottle and packaging

Usually counterfeit manufacturers rely on the inexperience of the buyer and the low price, so they save on the bottle.
A sign of fake whiskey is an incorrectly pasted or poor quality label. If you have decided on the brand of whiskey you are purchasing, then even before buying on the manufacturer's website, you can see what the bottle looks like and what protection it has.
The absence of an excise stamp should immediately alert. This may indicate that the whiskey was brought into the country illegally or is simply a fake. In any case, you should not buy it, because no one guarantees the quality of the drink.

3. The color of the drink

High-quality whiskey must be transparent, this indicates the purity of the water from which the drink is made, and the full observance of production technology. The color of whiskey ranges from light yellow to brown, but in any case, the drink should not be cloudy and contain sediment.

4. Shaking

You can distinguish whiskey from a fake using one simple method: shake the bottle well and look at the bubbles. They should last a long time and be large. In high-quality whiskey, drops after shaking slowly flow down the glass of the bottle, in fake whiskey - very quickly.

5. Smell and taste

Whiskey should have a light oaky or malty aroma and not stink of alcohol. A quality drink leaves a long aftertaste.

Overview of brand differences:

Whiskey Jim Beam
To distinguish fake Jim Beam whiskey before the purchase, you need to carefully inspect the bottle.

photo - fake whiskey jim beam

Particular attention should be paid to the following signs:
- Lid. Real American Jim Beam Bourbon top part the lid has no ribs - it is smooth;
- The bottom of the lid. The original whiskey has two stripes of golden color, above the image trademark"Jim Beam"
- Bottleneck. The genuine Jim Beam has facets only on the lower half of the neck, while the fake has a faceted neck along the entire length;
- Bottle shoulders. Real whiskey has an embossed inscription "Jim Beam" on the shoulders of the bottle on four sides.

Johnnie Walker Black Label, Red Label
One of the most counterfeited whiskeys is Johnnie Walker Black Label, which, however, can be explained by the popularity of the original drink. Due to the variety of fakes, the description will be immediately in the picture.

In order to distinguish a fake, you need to pay attention to the following signs:
1. Cover.
2. Embossing on the label

In order to distinguish a fake, you should pay attention to the following signs:

photo - differences fake Jameson

1. Plastic shell on the lid - the original Jameson has a metal lid without any shell;
2. The lack of embossed inscriptions on the bottle - real whiskey has two embossed inscriptions: "Product of Ireland" - at the bottom of the front side of the bottle, and "John Jameson" - at the bottom of the back side.
3. The 0.7 liter capacity is the most commonly counterfeited Jameson capacity. If you have any doubts about the quality of the drink, it is better to refuse to buy whiskey in a bottle of this volume. Buy a liter!

Jack Daniel's
There are several signs of a fake:

1. Metal lid - original Jack Daniel's only comes with a plastic lid covered with a plastic shell;
2. Round "shoulders" of the bottle - since 2011, bottles have been produced in a new design;
3. Smooth "shoulders" - on the "shoulders" of the bottle on four sides there should be an embossed inscription "Jack Daniel's";
4. "Curved" label - the label must be glued evenly, and the order of the inscriptions on it must correspond to the established pattern.
5. Absence of the "Registered trade-mark" ® on the bottle neck shell. It must be present on the original whiskey;
6. Smooth bottle neck. In a genuine drink, the neck of the bottle has edges along its entire length.

Whiskey Jameson, can not be called the most expensive alcoholic drink on the market, but this does not bother the "craftsmen" who produce counterfeit products. This drink counterfeited as actively as other brands elite alcohol. This is largely due to the high demand for Irish whiskey.

In order not to become a victim, and to avoid buying fake alcohol, go to a large specialty store. To finally make sure that in front of you original drink, ask the seller to show the quality certificate. By law, the seller cannot refuse this request, but if there is no certificate, then you have counterfeit products.

Always look to appearance bottles, the content of the inscriptions on the labels. Even minor discrepancies, errors in the names of alcohol will indicate a fake.

Another way to make sure that you have an original product is to have an excise stamp. Its forgery is possible, but for these purposes special expensive equipment is required, which not all counterfeit manufacturers can afford. Let's consider all this in more detail with examples.

Above and below the label there is a relief that repeats its shape. The shape of the relief should be well distinguished.

Below the label is a well-read inscription - "Product of Ireland" and two men with barrels. At the very bottom of the bottle there is a dotted relief, which the fake does not have at all.

On the back of the bottle? Under the back label? johnjameson inscription and bottling date. On the fake, the last information is missing, and the first one is not clear.

Above the back label is the inscription Since 1780 - pay attention to its quality.

At the bottom of the bottle, there is a well-felt (embossed) and readable information for the consumer, as well as an even trace from the pressing machine.

On the label, under the name of the drink, there is a company logo. In original products, it is embossed. Fake doesn't have anything like that.

Another important fact is the cork. On a fake, the inscription JohnJenneson “flaunts” - you probably never heard of this! Pay attention to the mysterious symbols in the center of the cork. They also cannot be on the original.

There is a similar inscription around the cork on the neck. Remember, no JohnJenneson has anything to do with our drink!

The original cork looks like this

Around the neck original bottle the name of the founder of the company, Jameson, is repeated three times. No other spellings of the original surname are allowed.

The fastest way to identify a fake is to shake the bottle. After that, you will notice large bubbles, slowly dissolving in the bulk of the drink. Drops of drink slowly flow down the glass. All this is characteristic of the original alcohol.