How is spruce different from beer. Ale is a typical English beer

The fact that ale is a beer that the British love is known to most compatriots from films and books.

In Britain, they say that you can only recognize their country by stepping over the threshold of a pub, where ale beer is still brewed and its bittersweet taste and fruity aroma are considered a gift from God.

The taste of ale differs from the usual beer, but still it certainly belongs to the family of foamy drinks based on barley malt. The taste of classic ale is special - it has hints of herbs, spices and fruits, and the absence of hops and quick preparation make it sweetish.

The finished product is not filtered or pasteurized. Features of the technology provide this variety with unique qualities - having tasted ale once, you will never confuse it with lager or beater.


In the XII century, a drink with this name already existed in England. The recipes and composition have not been preserved, but it is known for sure that hops were brought to the island of Great Britain much later.

Everything that was prepared by brewers was called ale, and in order for the drink to ferment and not spoil too quickly, herbs and spices were added to the wort - gruit, consisting of wormwood, ginger, nutmeg, heather, etc. In the Middle Ages, bread and ale were the main products - the minimum set, without which the British could not imagine life.

Hops were brought to England from Holland only at the end of the 17th century, and brewers began to add it to the wort. To designate a new drink with hops, they began to call it beer, but ale continued to be prepared according to the old recipe. A hundred years later, ale was recognized as a type of beer, now it is included in the generic concept along with porter, beater and lager.

Now ale is produced in many countries, for example, in the USA, Belgium, Ireland. Now they often use in recipes, which violates the classic recipe, but brings the drink closer to modern tastes.

How is ale different from beer?

Ale cannot be different from beer - it is beer itself, or rather, one of its varieties. Like all varieties, English ale is obtained from the fermentation of the must. Recipes use barley or wheat malt, sometimes rye and unmalted grains, and usually no hops.

We are accustomed to the pale frothy lager that we consider true beer, so it makes sense to understand the differences.

Type of fermentation

Ale is top-fermented, an ancient method used by the Sumerians. On our continent, in the era of the birth of ale, “light” fungi grew, during fermentation they floated to the surface and formed a yeast cap.

"Heavy" fungi arrived in Europe after the discovery of America, they settle to the bottom of the fermentation tank. It is this yeast that is used in the lager recipe.


Light yeast loves heat, so the optimum fermentation temperature is 15-24°C. For other types of beer, a material is used that is more comfortable in cool temperatures up to 14 ° C. In the cold, undesirable microorganisms lose their activity, the wort does not sour and can slowly ferment for a long time.

But in the heat, ester compounds are released, giving the ale a bright and deep taste. The temperature factor also plays a role in the fermentation period - ale matures faster than lager, in some breweries it takes as little as 2 weeks.

Filtration and pasteurization

Real English ale is not filtered or pasteurized, it ferments to the last drop. Live beer is stored for several days, but its taste is very rich.

Lager can travel long distances, which largely explains its popularity.


Real ale is easy to recognize after the first sip - it is almost always weaker than lager and has less carbon dioxide. Ale is not intended for intoxication, it is drunk for pleasure and thirst quenching.


Ale is a tasty, weak and perishable beer. Its characteristic feature is a sweet aftertaste and a light fruit and vegetable aroma without a pronounced smell of alcohol.

Each brewery has its own set of ingredients, in British pubs you can find a soft drink that resembles kvass, bitter weak and very dark, light strong with a nutty flavor and many more varieties.

Ale types

The criteria for classifying British and Irish ales are taste, color, aroma and sourdough additives. There are almost as many varieties as there are breweries - practically every pub in the UK offers 2-3 varieties of the drink.


Barley Wine- strong ale from 8.5 to 12% vol., known as barley wine. Brewed from a dense wort, which gives a bitter taste. This beer has a pronounced fruity aroma and dark honey color. Due to the strength, the variety does not lose its qualities for a long time, and over time it becomes soft.


Weizen Weisse- light, smelling of freshly baked bread, flowers and fruits. The ancient recipe and golden color distinguish the variety from a number of modern ales. Fortress - 5-6% vol.


This beer was once called Porter's ale- that is, ale for port workers. The brand is known all over the world, the taste of beer with aromatic additives made Porter one of the leaders in popularity. Porter can be dark or light - it depends on the additives and types of malt. Medium strength beer - from 4.5 to 7% vol.


Stout is often confused with porter. Irish stout is derived from porter, but is always dark due to the roasted malt. The species has long been considered a rejuvenating drug, and the darkest of all ales is now drunk for pleasure.

Varieties differ in strength, saturation of color and taste, but coffee notes are always guessed in the stout.


Weisse or Berliner Weisse- very light (2.8% by volume) sour German ale. In Germany, light beer with a slight fruity note may be served with sweet syrup.


Bitter the British rightly consider it a matter of national pride. In fact, this is not the most bitter variety. The bitterness is due to the use of hops and the absence of sugar in the recipe. It can be very light or dark copper in color. Fortress - from 3 to 6.5% vol.


Lambic- reddish Belgian variety with cherries and raspberries. Prepared in old wine barrels from barley malt, unsprouted wheat and hops. Yeast is not used in cooking. The strength varies depending on the aging time and the recipe.


Easiest MILD, close to kvass in strength - from 2.5 to 3.5% vol. Two types are produced - light and dark, both with a distinct malt flavor.

What is the use of ale?

In beer that has not been filtered and pasteurized, the beneficial substances of barley and brewer's yeast are preserved.

  • Chemical elements P, Mg, Mn, Ca, Se, vitamins E and group B. This set is useful for metabolism, maintaining healthy hair and skin.
  • Live beer contains many amino acids that activate protein metabolism, which, in turn, stimulates muscle growth during physical exertion.
  • If the ale contains hops, during top-fermentation its substances have a beneficial effect on digestion, improve appetite and soothe irritability.
  • In moderation, the drink has a relaxing effect, blood vessels dilate and pressure decreases.

Attention! Starting a course of beer therapy, do not forget about the sense of proportion. 100 ml of ale contains about 40 kcal. This must be taken into account if you value the figure.

How to drink ale?

  • Pour the beer slowly down the side of the tilted glass. Ale does not like high foam - a pleasant bitterness goes into it. In pubs, filling a mug can take more than 5 minutes.
  • Do not chill for a long time, the taste opens at +7-12 o C. The British usually heat up a dark drink, but this is a matter of tradition.
  • Dark beers are good for warming up, while light beers are good for the summer beer season.
  • Do not rush to empty the glass in a few sips, but do not drag out the process, otherwise the aroma will fizzle out. The British compare the pace of drinking with a slow gait - not in a hurry, but moving towards the goal.

Ale is a type of beer. Its main difference lies in the technology of preparation - they use fast top fermentation at a high temperature. For the manufacture of water, malt, hops, barley and yeast are used.

The preparation of ale resembles the recipe for beer - the wort is brewed in the same way, but differences appear during the fermentation of the product. Yeast is used riding, so they do not settle, but rise to the surface. Due to fermentation at high temperature (15-25ºС), the process is reduced to 3-5 days. The fruity-floral notes in ale are due to the yeast's reaction to the heat. Usually the aroma is reminiscent of a pear, prunes, apple, banana or plum. As a result of fermentation, the ale matures and then matures for 1-2 weeks in a cool room.

Traditional ale is not pasteurized or sterilized, so the beneficial substances contained in brewer's yeast are fully preserved. Hops are added to the modern drink - it was not used until the 16th century.

Due to the fact that ale is not filtered, there is always sediment (brewer's yeast) in the container. It was this sediment that at the first appearance of the drink on the domestic market caused bewilderment among Russian consumers, since at first it was confused with the sediment characteristic of sour beer. The differences are obvious - sediment in ale is homogeneous and quickly falls off, and in spoiled beer it looks like flakes and makes the liquid cloudy.

Ales differ in several ways, including the percentage of alcohol. Today, in an Irish drink, this percentage is usually in the range of 4-5%. The maximum alcohol content of ale is 10-12%. This drink is called barley wine. The minimum alcohol content in soft ale is 2.5-3.5%.

Ale originated in England. In connection with the conquest and subsequent subjugation of Ireland and Scotland by this country, the drink spread to them.

It is believed that ale became widespread in Ireland at the beginning of the 18th century. Thanks to the unique recipe, bitter-strong beer became softer and acquired a unique shade. The founder of this drink in Ireland is considered to be John Smithwick. Today, a brand of Irish ale is named after him, one of the best in the world.

In the 80s of the last century, they began to produce a new ale - Kilkenny, drier and stronger. Today this brand is well known in European countries, as well as in Canada and Australia. This ale is brewed in County Kilkenny at Ireland's oldest brewery.

In our store you can buy Irish ale under Kilkenny and Smithwick̕ s brands.

Initially, Kilkenny ale was considered a stronger variation of a similar drink under the Smithwick̕s brand, and was also distinguished by a greater saturation of the characteristic red hue. The main reason for changing the name of Smithwick̕s to Kilkenny was the different pronunciation of the word - “Smittix”, “Smidiks”, “Smiziks”, etc. Under the name Kilkenny, ale was exported. Today these brands are independent from each other.

You can buy Smithwick̕s pale ale from us with a typical pale ale gravity of 10.6% and an alcohol content of 4.5%. Pale ale has a rich golden color, which is why in America the drink began to be called amber. Pale ale has a rich taste and slight bitterness, and the aroma is an unsurpassed blend of malt, flowers and fruit.

Our store also has the famous Kilkenny ale. It has a lower density (10%) and a lower alcohol content (4.2%). Kilkenny is red in color and has a bitter taste with a hint of sweet roasted malt.

We invite you to get acquainted with the rich culture of draft ale and beer. With us you will always find a variety of brands and varieties, density and alcohol content.

Perhaps it is worth starting with the fact that this rather popular question, in its essence, is not entirely correct. The fact is that beer refers to all low-alcohol drinks obtained as a result of alcoholic fermentation of malt wort. Thus, ale that falls entirely under this category is only one of the varieties of beer. That is, formally the question is: “how is ale different from beer?” is the same nonsense as, say, the question: "what is the difference between grappa and brandy?".

However, in the beer culture inherent in the post-Soviet space, beer is actually identified with its other variety - lager. Accordingly, by asking the above question, the Russian-speaking lover of low-alcohol malt products really wants to understand for himself how ale differs from lager. And this is the question that really needs to be answered.

Modern ales

Before talking about the distinctive features of ale, it would not be superfluous to determine what kind of drinks belong to this type of beer.

Today, almost the only place where the tradition of mass production and consumption of ale has been preserved is the British Isles. Therefore, it is not surprising that the vast majority of modern varieties of this drink are of British origin.

  1. bitter ale

    Appeared in England around the XV century. It got its name due to the addition of previously unknown hops to the drink.

  2. Pale ale

    Compared to the average bitter colleague, it is a stronger and richer drink with a nutty and fruity flavor.

  3. Indian ale (standard and double)

    Close to pale, but stronger and contains more hops. Thanks to these features, the drink easily endured transportation to the most remote corners of the British Empire.

  4. soft ale

    It is characterized by a pronounced malt flavor, low density and minimal alcohol content. This drink has both light and dark variations.

  5. brown ale

    In addition to all shades of brown, it has a strong malt flavor and a characteristic nutty aroma.

  6. strong ale

    Outperforms paler varieties in terms of body, alcohol content and maltiness. Its taste may contain fruity notes or a sour tint. Old, aged and dark ales are also considered special varieties of strong ale.

  7. barley wine

    A drink often containing more than 10 degrees of alcohol. It has an extremely rich malt flavor, but hoppy and fruity notes are also not alien to it.

  8. Red ale

    Beer with a rich red or reddish-amber color and a pronounced malt flavor. The drink is especially popular with the British Celts. Accordingly, it is divided into Irish and Scottish varieties. Irish red ales are characterized by buttery-creamy and caramel notes in taste, due to the addition of corn, rice or sugar.

  9. Scottish ale

    Malt brew from which local whiskey is distilled. This drink has a predictable full-bodied malt taste and a smoky aroma unusual for its English counterparts.

  10. Porter

    A very dark drink made from heavily dried barley grains and so-called roasted malt. According to its characteristics, it also belongs to the category of ales. It has a pronounced nutty flavor and high foaminess. In addition to the classic English porter, today there is a strong (rich) porter popular with American manufacturers, as well as a Baltic porter flavored with nuts, caramel or licorice, made in the countries of the region of the same name.

  11. stout

    An Irish derivative of brown porter, distinguished by the presence of distinct coffee notes and burnt flavors in the flavor bouquet, as well as perfect opacity. These days, alongside the relatively high-alcohol classic, there are the more popular sour oyster stout, Irish dry stout, its lactose-laden English sweet counterpart, and the transportable imperial and tropical stouts.

In addition, the concept of ale includes such drinks as Trappist beer produced in Belgium, Holland and France (including the famous Quadrupel), red or Burgundy (according to the wine color of the drink) Flanders ale of Belgian origin, Bavarian Wheat beer, as well as Old beer comes from German Düsseldorf.

Ale is different from beer on several important parameters. In the manufacture of ale, the method of top alcoholic fermentation, known to the Sumerians and the ancient Egyptians, is used. It is based on the lightness inherent in yeast fungi growing in the Old World. In the process of fermentation, such yeast inevitably floats to the surface of the liquid, forming a kind of hat. Only with the discovery of America, a heavier variety of yeast came to Europe, settling during fermentation at the bottom of a vat or barrel. Subsequently, it was these yeast fungi that began to be used in the manufacture of lager.

Ale fermentation temperatures range between 15 and 24°C as lighter yeasts prefer heat. Their overseas counterparts feel much more comfortable at lower temperatures (5-14 ° C, and sometimes even lower). The latter circumstance makes it possible to reduce the intensity of reproduction in the liquid of various microorganisms, and thereby protect the beer from rapid souring. However, the possibility of using American yeast on an industrial scale, and hence the introduction of lager into mass production, appeared only with the invention of powerful refrigeration units.

Fermentation at higher temperatures, accompanied by intense release of various ester compounds and natural flavors, makes the ale brighter and richer, although less stable and controllable than lager.

In addition, thanks to the same thermal factor, the process of primary maturation of ale is much faster than in the case of lager. It lasts an average of two weeks to two months.

Classic ale, unlike lager, is not pasteurized or filtered. Therefore, he continues to wander, as the British say, to the last drop. Such a "live" drink has an incomparably brighter and more individual taste, but its shelf life is limited to a few days.

And, finally, the vast majority of ales are historically designed not to achieve alcohol intoxication, but to quench their thirst. Accordingly, in comparison with the average lager, ale contains an order of magnitude less alcohol and significantly less carbon dioxide.

Summing up all of the above, it can be noted that from the point of view of the direct consumer, ale is weaker, richer and more capricious, while lager is a stronger, more stable and transportable drink.

That being said, it's worth emphasizing that the capriciousness and instability of an ale, as a rule, lies in the fact that it can be either good or excellent. Not for nothing, as one of our readers noted, when blindly tasting various varieties of foamy drink, beer drinkers in the overwhelming majority of cases choose not lager, but ale.

The most popular alcoholic drink in the world is beer. A simple technological scheme, the absence of specific raw materials and expensive specialized equipment led to the rapid spread and emergence a large number private breweries. The history of beer is as rich as the number of varieties.

According to the European classification, there are two main areas: bottom-fermented (lager) and top-fermented beer. It is to the second category that ale belongs.


El- a type of beer obtained from the top alcoholic fermentation of malt wort. This type of processing has a clear difference from other methods of preparation.

Beer- the general name of all types of drinks obtained by alcoholic fermentation of malt wort. The beer category includes lager, ale, porter, wheat beer, stout.


The difference between ale is in the technological scheme of production. The main thing in it is a high (as for beer) fermentation temperature (from 15 to 24 ° C) and, accordingly, the use of a specific yeast starter. At the same time, an increased amount of esters, other flavoring and aromatic substances are released. Yeast that has not been cold-treated is collected at the top of the fermentation tank, which gives the technology its name.

El, unlike lager, is not pasteurized or filtered. After infusion (from two weeks to two months), it is poured into barrels. Mostly metal is used, in some areas - wood. Sugar is added to spilled beer to start re-fermentation.

Interesting way to drink. Classically, the moment of drinking a cask of ale is determined by the bartender. A faucet is driven into the bottom of the barrel, through which the beer will be poured into mugs. A small hole is made in the upper part of the barrel for air access. The yeast cap prevents the ale from oxidizing quickly, but not for long. In order to avoid souring of the product, such a keg should be drained in a couple of days.

Findings site

  1. Beer is the common name for a low-alcohol drink. Ale is a type of beer.
  2. Ale is a beer product of top alcoholic fermentation, obtained at an elevated fermentation temperature.
  3. El is not subjected to the process of pasteurization and filtration, which allows you to preserve the taste and aroma of real beer as much as possible.

El- a type of beer that is obtained by rapid fermentation.

Unlike lager, ale takes less time to brew and is sweeter. The preparation of such a drink takes 3-4 weeks, some types are prepared for 4 months. Drink also changes its taste depending on the storage time. Aged for several weeks, it tastes like a young beer with a sharp taste, but ale, aged for several months, has a pleasant herbal flavor.

To increase the strength of the ale, it is enough to store it for a month at room temperature. Beer lovers claim that such storage makes the drink even tastier.

Ale is a very ancient drink. Even the Sumerians knew how to brew it, however, they did not add hops to it, and therefore it took very little time to cook it. The first mention of intoxicated ale was first found in England already in the 15th century.

The name "el" has Proto-Indo-European roots and literally means "intoxication". Before hops were introduced to England, the name "ale" meant drinks made by fermentation. Drinks containing hops were called "beer". The presence of hops has become a characteristic feature in order to separate beer from similar drinks. The hops gave the beer a pleasant bitterness, and also set off the sweetness perfectly. Ale was originally made with gruit. It was a kind of herbal beer, which had tonic and even psychotropic properties.

In the Middle Ages, ale was very common. This is due to the fact that in those days drinking water was a very valuable product, it was obtained from rain or snow in small quantities. The water from the rivers was dangerous to drink, as it contained a large number of dangerous microorganisms. Low-alcohol drinks, including beer, were considered safe alternatives to drinking water. Unlike other products, such beer had a long shelf life, which at that time was a very important advantage. Beer gained particular popularity in those areas where growing grapes was a problematic occupation due to the characteristics of the climate or soil.

It is customary to classify ale according to the type of yeast, as well as the temperature of fermentation. At a standard ale temperature of 15-24 degrees, esters are released. As a result of this production process, the drink is obtained with an original, slightly fruity taste. In its preparation, mainly barley malt is used.

Ale beer is very common in England. It is one of the few countries where ale-type beer prevails rather than lager. The British drink mainly draft beer, so the maturation of this product is not carried out in brewing companies, but directly in the cellar of the pub. Atrektus is considered the first British brewer. His name was discovered during the excavation of a Roman fort, which indicates that the Romans used Celtic ale in Britain. In 1342, the London Guild of Brewers appeared, which was a great event in the history of intoxicating drink. The founding of the London Guild marked the professionalization of the brewing industry.

On the world market, the UK remains the main producer of ale beer, accounting for about 90% of all production. Basically, traditional ale can be found on the manufacturer's territory; it is rather problematic to buy English ale abroad.

How is ale different from beer?

Many lovers of intoxicating drinks often do not know what is the difference between ale and beer.

According to accepted standards, "beer" is the general name for drinks that are obtained by fermenting malt wort. Ale is one of the types of beer, but has clear production features. Ale, unlike another type of beer - lager, not pasteurized or filtered. The drink is first insisted, and then poured into barrels. The main distinguishing feature of ale is that it produced by top fermentation. The result is a drink with a more complex aroma and taste, mostly copper in color (see photo).

Ale is poured into small casks, in this form it enters the bar. Next, a tap is installed in the lower part of the barrel, and a small hole is left in the upper part so that air enters the barrel. The presence of air allows you to maintain the so-called "yeast cap", which, in turn, protects the drink from rapid oxidation.

To avoid oxidation, a keg of ale should be drunk several days in advance.

Ale types

Traditional ale is usually divided into the following types:

Bitter or bitter ale, - the national English beer, it appeared due to the fact that brewers began to add a little hops to the drink, so the ale tasted with a slight bitterness. This drink has a pleasant dark copper color and a refreshing taste. Fortress Bitter is in the range of 4-5%.

pale ale A type of ale made from pale malt. Its feature is the local water of the city of Burton, in which the brewers first made this drink. Burton's water is rich in minerals, which could not but affect the taste of the new drink. Pale ale was so fond of the local population that soon all of England knew about the new beer. The name of the drink is translated as "pale ale", because its color is pale honey or golden, which distinguishes it from other types of ale. It has a pleasant taste with a slight bitterness.

Indian pale ale- it was invented at the end of the 18th century in India, which at that time was a British colony. Unfortunately, the beer did not withstand sea travel. When the drink reached the shores of India, its taste was hopelessly spoiled. In this regard, the brewer George Hodgson decided to add more hops to the ale, which would play the role of a natural preservative in the drink. So George Hodgson invented a new strong intoxicating ale that finally endured a sea voyage without loss of taste. This drink became known as "India Pale Ale", it is stronger than other types of ale, today it is produced in Burton and London.

Porter- the drink appeared in the 18th century as an alternative to traditional ale. Porter owes its appearance to Ralph Harwood, who began to use dark malt and burnt sugar for the production of beer. The beer was distinguished by a light taste, in which sweetness and bitterness were harmoniously combined. The drink got its name due to the fact that it was very fond of the London porters "porters". The strength of beer is 4.5-10%.

stout- a type of porter, refers to the type of ale. Ireland is considered the birthplace of the stout. Stout is a beer with a characteristic bitterness. Its taste and color is due to the high degree of roasting. This is what distinguishes a stout from other types of ale. There are many types of this drink: dry, coffee, etc. It all depends on the characteristics of the preparation and the additional ingredients that make up the ale.

brown ale- British beer, known as "brown ale". Initially, it was a dense sweet low-alcohol beer. Then they began to add a large amount of hops to it. The range of taste of this ale is extremely wide (it can be a nutty, caramel drink, etc.).

A special kind of ale is the traditional " real ale”, it differs in that the drink is not subjected to filtration and pasteurization. The shelf life of the so-called "live ale" is only a few days.

Real ale is a traditional British ale known since the 17th century.

Beneficial features

Useful properties of ale are due to the presence of hops in its composition, as well as other components. El in moderation prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases. The drink contains vitamins B1, B2, as well as minerals such as potassium, calcium, zinc, selenium, and iron.

How to drink?

Ale beer has its own characteristics of use.

In order to fully enjoy the taste of ale, it should be drunk from special beer mugs. They are traditionally made of glass, ceramics, wood. Nowadays, such mugs have been replaced by transparent glasses (it is believed that the game of this foamy drink is better visible in them).

In the UK, it is customary to drink beer in pints, that is, a little more than 0.5 liters. To begin with, they drink about half of the drink, then half of what is left. They drink ale beer, slowly, enjoying its pleasant taste. Before drinking, beer can be slightly cooled (up to +6 degrees), as supercooled drink loses its taste. Interestingly, some types of porter are served warm.

Beer ale eating is not accepted, as even the most delicate dish will interrupt its light fruity taste. The traditional Russian snack for beer, that is, fish, is simply inappropriate when drinking ale. In addition, it is quite difficult to get rid of the fishy smell, and it will definitely fall into the glass. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is not customary to wash beer dishes, just rinse a mug or glass with hot water.

Ale is not customary to mix with other alcoholic beverages, they drink it on its own. Drinking beer on the go is also considered bad manners. The true taste of ale can be enjoyed in a good bar or in the company of close friends.

Use in cooking

In cooking, ale can be used to prepare some dishes.

The drink has a pleasant bitterness, as well as a sweetish aftertaste, which gives the dishes a special taste. Ale is perfect for preparing the base for soups with the addition of oysters or crabs. Also, the preparation of beef, onion and cheese soups is not complete without it. El goes well with seafood, meat dishes, fish.

The drink is great for making very delicate French batter. In order to cook batter on beer, we will need ale directly, 2 egg whites, 40 g butter, 125 g flour. 1/8 l of ale is poured into the flour, mixed until a homogeneous consistency. Then add butter, 2 proteins, mix again. This batter is perfect for cooking meat, fish, and also for frying shrimp.

How to cook at home?

At home, you can easily prepare a refreshing one. This is a fizzy all-natural intoxicating drink with a strength of 4-5%.

According to the recipe, to prepare 5 liters of such ale, we need 300 g of sugar, 1 tsp. yeast, 2 lemons, ginger root. All ingredients are available, ginger root can be bought at the supermarket. It must be finely grated. The sharpness of the future ale depends on the amount of grated ginger added, so in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases it is better to use a smaller amount of the root. For those who do not like spicy, it will be enough to put 4-5 tbsp. l. grated ginger. Next, squeeze the juice of 2 lemons. Lemon juice, grated ginger, 300 g sugar and 1 tsp. yeast, now you need to pour 5 liters of water. Water should be boiled, but not hot(about 40 degrees).

The future ale is poured into a bottle, on which a water seal is installed. Soon the drink will begin to ferment, and after two days the water seal can be removed by closing the bottle with a lid. Next, homemade ginger ale is left in the refrigerator for another day. After that, the drink can be consumed.

Benefits of ale beer and treatment

The benefits of ale have long interested scientists around the world.

So, in Finland, scientists came to the conclusion that hops, on the basis of which beer is produced, prevents the release of calcium from bones which, in turn, is the prevention of the formation of kidney stones.

Drinking a small amount of stout will also do more good than harm. Thus, the drink is able to enhance antioxidant processes, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the cornea of ​​​​the eye, and prevents the formation of cataracts.

Harm of ale beer and contraindications

The drink can cause harm to the body if consumed excessively. It is not recommended to use it for children, pregnant and lactating women. Although ale belongs to low-alcohol drinks, its excessive consumption can lead to the development of beer alcoholism.

Four mugs of beer drunk per day increase the risk of liver cirrhosis by 2 times.