Salad crab sticks corn eggs recipe. Delicious salad with crab sticks, rice, corn and pickles - recipe with photo

Hello to all my guests and subscribers! Today I take the topic of quite appetizing and tasty salads. Currently, dishes with crab sticks are gaining more and more popularity, why do you think? Everything is simple really. After all, it is easy to prepare, it turns out hearty, beautiful, and ideas always come to mind to make it look chic and charming.

Take a look at this picture, well, it looks unrealistically cute, but all that is just, all the ingredients are mixed, seasoned with mayonnaise or sour cream and almost ready! Remember me, I once showed you a recipe and many wrote to me that they were amazed that such a gourmet was made from such ordinary ingredients. Did you cook like this?

And in my other note, we considered quite such as, with the addition of chicken, and also stuffed in orange peels.

Classic crab stick salad recipe with corn and egg

The simplest version of this dish, it has a minimum of products, but it is tender and quite satisfying. Preparing quite quickly and not forcibly. The main thing is to cook chicken eggs in advance and select the right sticks on the counter of a store or supermarket. And how to do this and not make a mistake, this video from the TV show “Trust but verify” will help you, take a couple of minutes and you will become an expert in this matter))):

Well, now you can get down to business!

We will need:

  • crab sticks - 1 pack
  • boiled eggs - 6 pcs.
  • mayonnaise

Cooking method:

1. Defrost crab sticks if you have them frozen, not chilled. Then cut them into pieces in a convenient way for you, there is no need to cut them very finely, but also large ones. The main thing is that it looks beautiful on a plate.

2. After that, take a vegetable cutter, or many also call it an egg cutter, and chop the cubes from the eggs. If you do not have such a device, then buy))), it makes the job very easy, it is quite inexpensive. Or use a regular kitchen knife.

3. Mix everything thoroughly in a large bowl, add a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise. Well, actually everything, you can eat for health.

Interesting! If desired, you can add chopped onions to such a salad.

4. Or decorate somehow in a special way. For example, using a special mold, a culinary ring. Here is such a yellowish composition that absolutely everyone can get. Young hostesses, take note.

Video on how to cook a gourmet appetizer of crab sticks

Do you want to quickly and easily learn how to work wonders in your kitchen? Then study with Irina Khlebnikova, and this video will help you:

Salad with corn, chopsticks and cabbage (the most delicious recipe)

To be honest, I have never made crab salad with cabbage, but in preparation for this article I decided to try it. I really liked it, probably because I'm a fan of cabbage. You can make so many dishes from it, the most popular of course is. In general, do it and I assure you you will not regret it, this miracle has a juicy and spicy taste.

And also very tender and so I would say crispy and original, in general it comes out great! Take a fresh cabbage and go.

We will need:

  • white cabbage - 1 pc.
  • crab sticks - 1 pack 250 g
  • mayonnaise
  • dill and green onion - a bunch
  • corn in a jar - 1 pc.
  • lemon or lemon juice - 1 tsp juice

Cooking method:

1. Wash the cabbage well under running water, then chop it with a knife in the form of straws. You can, of course, use a grater for Korean carrots, do as you like. Crab sticks cut into cubes.

Add sweet corn from the jar, do not forget to drain all the liquid from it.

2. Take a deep container and mix all the ingredients, season the dish with mayonnaise. Now add dill and green onions to your taste.

3. Mix everything well, add lemon juice, taste. You can salt as desired.

Interesting! Can be made without mayonnaise, take sour cream and mix with mustard.

4. Here is such a bright and cool salad. Serve in a bowl or other serving dish! Enjoy your meal! All the ingredients are combined and give a unique shade!

Crab salad with rice and cucumber

Now I propose to add boiled rice to this version of the salad. How do you like the idea? Have you tried doing this? I think yes for sure. But, do you add fresh cucumber? Feel free to write your comments.

This option is quite common, I would say traditionally classic. In general, a wonderful recipe, take note and bookmark this article, I will be very happy.

We will need:

Cooking method:

1. First of all, boil the rice in salted water. Next, drain the water and place the rice in a large deep bowl. After that, take care of the crab sticks, cut them into small pieces.

3. Cut a fresh cucumber into cubes. Taste it, otherwise you will suddenly get bitter.

4. Peel and chop the head of fresh onion. Mix all ingredients in a bowl until smooth. Lightly salt and pepper, season with mayonnaise.

5. Now turn on your imagination and arrange it in the form of such a flower, for example. Enjoy your meal!

Delicious salad with crab sticks and tomatoes

Now let's cook a dish called the Red Sea, guess why it's called that? It's all about color and of course the combination of products. See what a fairly ordinary list of ingredients, and what beauty you get at the very end. Wow!

The salad turns out juicy, bright and rich in vitamins, because bell peppers and tomatoes speak for themselves, their benefits are obvious.

We will need:

Cooking method:

1. Take ripe red tomatoes and cut them carefully without damaging the pulp into cubes. Don't forget to remove the stem.

Remember! Since the sea is red, then you need to choose a red tomato and pepper. If you want other colors, then the name will also be different).

2. Next, chop the bell pepper, do not forget that the core with seeds must be removed and washed, and then proceed to cutting.

3. Boil and peel the chicken eggs, then cut into pieces using a knife.

4. Grate the cheese, a fine nozzle is best for this purpose, it will be softer. Grind crab sticks or meat into pieces, add to the same bowl with the rest of the ingredients.

5. Now add chopped green onions. You can replace green onions with any other, for example, red onions. Season with mayonnaise or sour cream. Stir. Let it stand in the refrigerator for an hour, and then you can use it in any form, at least decorate it beautifully, or just put this creation in a bowl on the table.

Classic crab salad with corn, garlic and croutons

Now I want to add some innovations to the classic version, for example, add croutons. I think that many people will like this option, it looks elegant and cool! Super idea!

We will need:

  • tomato - 4 pcs
  • cheese - 150 g
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • crab sticks - 200 g
  • crackers - 60 g
  • canned corn - 1 can
  • mayonnaise - 100 g

Cooking method:

1. Wash the tomatoes, then remove the stalk and cut into small pieces. Moreover, it will be necessary to remove the pulp, otherwise it will turn out to be watery. Using a special device, such as a garlic press, squeeze out one clove of garlic, this will give a piquancy.

Salt and stir.

2. Chop the crab sticks into small pieces, grate the cheese on a fine grater.

After that, drain the juice from the tomato, because we salted them a little, and this will definitely give extra moisture. So drain it. Take the ring and lay all the ingredients in layers. The first will be tomatoes and plus a mesh of mayonnaise.

3. Next, lay out these layers in order: crab sticks + mayonnaise, canned corn plus mayonnaise and grated cheese. Tamp a little with a spoon, and again apply mayonnaise, but not with a mesh, but evenly distribute it over the surface.

4. Sprinkle croutons on top and put a sprig of parsley or celery. Remove the cooking ring. Here is such a wonderful and unusual salad at home you can cook, by the way, it is called Bullfighting. Enjoy your meal!

Salad with crab sticks: a simple recipe with potatoes and canned peas

And here is another such culinary invention, with potatoes, and even with peas, have you tried it? Remember, I once shared a recipe with you and we even added carrots there, it turned out very tasty and, moreover, very inexpensive in terms of money. As they say, there is nothing to make such a yam.

Note this option without corn, it seems to me that it is not appropriate here.

We will need:

  • canned peas - 1 jar
  • boiled potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • green onion - bunch
  • fresh cucumber - 1-2 pcs.
  • boiled egg - 4 pcs.
  • mayonnaise

Cooking method:

1. Prepare all the ingredients, chop them into cubes. Drain all liquid from canned peas.

2. Mix all products in a huge bowl, salt, pepper and add mayonnaise.

3. Well, then you can take a mold, lay the mixture and decorate it, arrange it in the form of a forest clearing, put a few mushrooms. This is how you can serve in portions this simple and uncomplicated look. Beauty! Olives can also be used as decorations.

Salad recipe with apple and crab sticks layers

Many people cook this dish with apples, my husband prefers only this kind. It gives a sweetish and slightly sourish tint, it depends on the variety of apples, it is better to take green ones. Although I tried to cook absolutely from different varieties and it was always delicious. And to make it elegant, make it in the shape of a heart so that you can use it for any holiday, for example, on Valentine's Day.

Interesting! Instead of corn, you can use boiled rice.

We will need:

  • corn - 1 can
  • apple - 1 pc.
  • crab sticks - 1 pack 200 g
  • boiled egg - 4 pcs.
  • mayonnaise

Cooking method:

1. Chop crab sticks into cubes, boiled chicken eggs as well. Remove the skin from the apples and cut into small pieces too.

2. Prepare all the ingredients for work, everything will have to be laid in layers.

3. So lay out the crab sticks in the first layer, then grease with mayonnaise, then lay apples, mayonnaise, corn.

4. Now chopped testicles and again a layer of mayonnaise. You can flatten it a little with a spoon.

5. Now it remains to make a creative note. For example, grate the yolks separately from the whites and then decorate the top with them.

That's all, how did you like the ideas and ideas? Write wishes and reviews. I'll be glad. Bye!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

Why is this dish with crab meat or surimi sticks so attractive? As for herring under a fur coat, beets are an indispensable ingredient, and Mimosa is prepared not with capelin, but with canned salmon or pink salmon, so the classic crab salad recipe includes corn plus crab sticks. These are the main ingredients that do not need to be prepared in advance. The set of other products for this dish is easy to vary and replace, so preparing a delicious crab salad will always be easy, simple and fast! This is the secret of its popularity.

How to make simple delicious crab salad

The easiest way to prepare such an appetizer is in the traditional version: mix all the ingredients, put them in a salad bowl. Variants of puff crab salad, a cold appetizer in the form of balls of salad mix, are very popular. Other options - cocktail salad in portioned bowls or in wide transparent glasses, salad on snack tartlets, salad roll in thin pita bread. Try different recipes and serving options for this popular traditional dish.

Step by step video recipe

Classic recipe with crab sticks and corn

The classic crab salad recipe is incredibly simple. The only product that requires preliminary preparation is chicken eggs. In some recipes, it is recommended to add a fresh apple to them, decorate with orange slices, prunes. If desired, add green, onion or leek, and replace some of the mayonnaise with sour cream or unsweetened yogurt. It is advisable to marinate onions in advance to remove bitterness.

  • pickled sweet corn - 1 can;
  • crab sticks - 200 g;
  • ham (preferably low-fat) - 200 g;
  • chicken eggs - 6 pieces;
  • mayonnaise, salt - at your discretion.
  1. We cut crab sticks, ham into small sticks.
  2. Finely chop the eggs.
  3. Drain the marinade from the corn.
  4. We combine eggs, sticks, corn, season with mayonnaise, salt, mix.

With avocado and rice

Sea salad with crabs and rice is a common dish popular on our tables. If you add avocado to it, you will get an unusual taste of salad with the presence of crab sticks in the composition. The same effect will give the replacement of rice with instant vermicelli, small pasta. They will make the consistency of the snack airy. Try using a ready-made Hawaiian mix that includes rice, corn, and peas.

  • avocado - 2 pcs.;
  • crab meat - 300 g;
  • rice (dry) - 200 g;
  • pineapple - 3 rings;
  • sweet onion - half an onion;
  • low-calorie mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • blue cheese - 50 g;
  • spices to taste.
  1. We wash the rice, fill it with cold water, wait until it boils, rinse. Boil until cooked, rinse again, cool. If we use noodles, then we put dry crumbs from mashed noodles.
  2. Cut pineapple into small pieces. We take out the pulp from the avocado, cut it into cubes.
  3. Crab meat cut into medium slices.
  4. We prepare the dressing: we make cheese chips from cheese, knead it with sour cream and mayonnaise. We add spices.
  5. Finely chop the peeled onion, put in the sauce.
  6. We mix all the ingredients. It remains to fill it with spicy sauce, transfer to a salad bowl.

With Chinese cabbage

Crab salad with cabbage is known in several versions. Its ingredients are all types of cabbage: white, broccoli, red, cauliflower, kohlrabi, Beijing. Try to cook a salad of crab and Chinese cabbage "Hunter". For those who are on a diet, instead of Chinese cabbage, it is better to use green salad leaves, diet mayonnaise or natural yogurt, which will reduce the calorie content of the dish. Try both options!

  • crab sticks - 250 g;
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Chinese cabbage - 200 g;
  • canned corn - 200 g;
  • mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. l.
  1. First you need to boil hard-boiled eggs, cool them.
  2. Then we clean the eggs, grind them with a grater.
  3. Cut thawed crab sticks into small pieces.
  4. We chop the washed fresh cucumber into thin strips.
  5. Wash a head of Beijing cabbage, dry it with a paper towel, finely chop.
  6. Place the corn in a salad bowl.
  7. We also add chopped eggs, chopped crab sticks, chopped cucumber and cabbage there.
  8. Mix, season it with salt, mayonnaise, decorate with herbs, serve.

With tomatoes

An unusual combination of sweet and sour fresh tomato with bell pepper, chicken meat with crab meat and garlic, garlic with corn give the salad an unusually rich fresh taste. Therefore, he deservedly received the name "Royal". Some cooks put sliced ​​omelette pancakes plus pickled mushrooms (mushroom mushrooms, champignons, mushrooms) instead of eggs.

  • 2 packs of crab sticks;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 1 pod of sweet bell pepper;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1 can of pickled corn;
  • 3 fresh tomatoes or 8 cherry tomatoes
  • half a fried chicken breast;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • greens, salt, mayonnaise at your discretion.
  1. Boil hard-boiled eggs, cool, peel.
  2. Drain the canned corn in a colander.
  3. We clean the onion, cut it into quarters of rings.
  4. My tomatoes, cut into small pieces.
  5. Bulgarian pepper, peeled from seeds, chopped into strips.
  6. Finely chop eggs, chicken breast.
  7. We put all the prepared products in a salad bowl, add the garlic cloves passed through the press, put the greens, mayonnaise, salt. We mix everything.

In salad recipes with crabs and cheese, hard varieties, sausage or processed cheese, feta cheese and even salty Adyghe suluguni cheese are used. Try the recipe with crab sticks and hard cheese. Replace hard cheese with processed or soft smoked cheese, grind all the ingredients on a grater, roll balls from the lettuce mass. Make stuffed tartlets with arugula leaves out of them or roll them in dill greens, put them in a pile on a dish. You will get a beautiful and unusual snack!

  • crab sticks - 1 pack (about 250 g);
  • canned corn - 1 can (about 350 g);
  • chicken eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - 200 g;
  • fresh garlic - 2 cloves;
  • lean mayonnaise, salt to taste.
  1. Hard-boiled eggs, cool, coarsely chop.
  2. Cut the thawed sticks into large cubes.
  3. Cut cheese into large cubes.
  4. Drain the marinade from the can of corn.
  5. For the sauce, rub mayonnaise with mashed garlic in a press, add salt if necessary.
  6. We mix all the prepared ingredients, season the mixture with sauce.

One of the unusual cucumber recipes is the Vkusnyashka salad. In addition to the traditional version, there is a second “Vkusnyashki” recipe, in which all the ingredients are diced and mixed. The combination of seafood with cucumbers is traditional. Try and evaluate the standard combination or experiment by replacing the cucumber with daikon radish, radish, capers or stalk celery, add green peas.

  • crab sticks - 300 g;
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • pickled corn - 1 can;
  • mustard - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • green onion - 1 bunch;
  • mayonnaise - 150 g;
  • kiwi - 3 pcs.
  1. Defrost crab sticks, disks.
  2. Finely chop boiled eggs and onions.
  3. Peeled kiwi fruit cut into small pieces.
  4. We make dressing from mustard and mayonnaise.
  5. Cucumber cut into thin circles.
  6. We lay the products in layers, smearing them with dressing: crab sticks, sweet corn, green onions, kiwi, eggs.
  7. Decorate the top layer with cucumber circles.

New Crab Salad Recipes

Modern realities give birth to new recipes. So pineapple and banana got into the traditional chicken salad, Italian mozzarella replaced cream cheese and homemade cottage cheese, instead of olivier with potatoes and sausage, a salad of squid and crab sticks appeared on our tables. Found application in recipes crackers and chips. We offer you some "crazy" versions of the famous salad.

Crab chips are best for Surprise salad. But it is permissible to put potato chips in it. In this case, you should buy shrimp-flavored chips. Another option for "Surprise" is the addition of crackers instead of chips. Try to put kirieshki crackers with the taste of crabs, fish (tuna, salmon, trout, salmon, cod liver) or caviar.

  • 30 g (1 bag) chips;
  • 1 pack crab meat
  • 300 g squid;
  • 1 can of sweet canned corn;
  • 6 pieces of hard-boiled eggs;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • mayonnaise, seasonings to taste.
  1. Cut crab meat into small cubes.
  2. Peeled squid should be cut into strips, fried in vegetable oil.
  3. Finely chop the eggs.
  4. We recline the corn in a colander so that excess liquid is drained from it.
  5. Cut the peeled onion head into thin half rings.
  6. Pour the chips from the bag into a bowl, add prepared foods to them, season with mayonnaise, salt.
  7. Mix, serve.

Salad with crab meat and beans

This version of the salad is prepared with canned crab meat. The main advantage of this recipe is that no ingredients require preliminary preparation, and the output is an inexpensive dish and a hearty side dish for hot appetizers. Serve the salad prepared according to this recipe after it has been infused in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.

  • canned crabs or mussels - 1 can;
  • canned red beans - 1 can;
  • sweet bell pepper (red or yellow) - 1 pod;
  • fresh cucumber - 1 piece;
  • parsley - 1 bunch
  • mayonnaise - 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • refined vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • ground black pepper, salt - at your discretion.
  1. We wash vegetables and herbs, clean the pepper from seeds.
  2. Chop the onion, pepper and cucumber into thin strips.
  3. Drain the beans in a colander to drain excess liquid.
  4. We prepare the sauce, for which we mix the oil with mayonnaise and season to taste with salt and pepper.
  5. We take out the crab meat from the jar, put it in a salad bowl. Add beans and chopped vegetables.
  6. Season with sauce, mix.

Puff with pineapple

The combination of salty cheese and sweet pineapples gives the salad an unusual taste. The layered “assembly” also makes it original. Use the special form and prepare this royal salad in the form of a festive snack cake. If you lay these layers on pita bread and roll up into a roll, you get a delicious and satisfying puff snack.

Hello dear friends! Today I want to offer you a lot of amazing, but at the same time simple recipes for making salad with crab sticks.

This wonderful versatile seafood goes well with almost all vegetables, rice and even fruits. Therefore, there are a lot of cooking options.

I think almost everyone knows the classic way, but today I will diversify your horizons on this product and you will surely discover new ideas that you will love and will constantly delight your guests with them.

There are really a lot of recipes and it's just not possible to mention them all. I have compiled a selection of my favorites. And on the website of my colleague, I also found an amazing idea for a dish from this seafood Well, let's get started and consider the very best and simplest ways to make salads from everyone's favorite crab sticks.

A very simple and uncomplicated option from the available products. Such an appetizer is often made for an ordinary lunch, although it is also quite capable of decorating any holiday table. Especially if it is beautifully decorated.


  • Boiled potatoes - 4 pcs
  • Green peas - 1 can
  • Crab sticks - 2 pack
  • Fresh cucumbers - 4 pcs (medium)
  • Boiled eggs - 5 pcs
  • green onion - bunch
  • Salt, ground pepper or spices - to taste
  • Mayonnaise - 150-200 gr


1. Boil potatoes in their skins and cool, then cut into small cubes. Boil the eggs, cool, peel and also cut into cubes. Also dice cucumbers and crab sticks. Chop green onions.

2. Place all chopped food in one deep dish. Add salt and ground pepper or your favorite spices. Add mayonnaise to taste. Mix everything properly.

3. In principle, it remains only to transfer it to a salad bowl or on a plate. When serving, you can decorate it according to your own desire. Here, for example, in such a way as in the photo. Or be guided by your imagination.

Crab stick salad with rice, corn, egg and cucumber (classic recipe)

This was the very first recipe that I learned a long time ago. It was he who became one of the most popular somewhere in the early 90s and always stood on the table next to the traditional Olivier.


  • Rice - 1 cup
  • Cucumber - 1 large or 2 medium
  • Boiled egg - 4 pcs
  • green onion - bunch
  • Crab sticks - 1 pack (or 300 gr)
  • Corn - 1 can
  • Mayonnaise - 250 gr
  • Salt - to taste


1. Pour 2 cups of water into a saucepan and put on fire until boiling. Rinse the rice well under running water. Put it in boiled water and leave to cook until tender.

2. While it is cooking, let's cut the rest of the ingredients. Cut the crab sticks into cubes. Cucumber cut into strips. Peel the boiled eggs and cut them into small cubes too. Chop the green onion with a knife. Place all products in a deep bowl. Add the canned corn to this as well.

3. At this point, the rice should already be cooked. Drain the water through a colander and rinse it under running water. Leave it to cool down. Then add it to the rest of the ingredients. Stir everything evenly.

4. Salt the salad to your taste and add mayonnaise. Stir well again. All is ready. Lay it beautifully in a salad bowl and put it on the festive table.

Delicious salad "Tenderness" of squid and crab sticks

This recipe is without rice. It is stacked in layers and it turns out with a very interesting taste. If you don't have fresh squid or don't feel like messing with them, it doesn't matter. You can always buy a canned product in the store.


  • Squids - 800 gr
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Cheese - 100 gr
  • Salt to taste
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Crab sticks - 200 gr
  • Avocado - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise


1. Put fresh squid in a deep bowl and pour boiling water over it. Leave for 2 minutes, and then drain the water and peel the skin. After heat treatment, it will be very easy to move away. You can easily take it off with your hands. Also take out all the insides. Once cleaned, rinse with water.

2. Pour more water into the pan and put on fire. When it boils, put the peeled squids in it and cook for exactly 1 minute. After that, immediately remove and cool them in cold water.

3. Now that they have cooled, cut them into thin strips. Finely chop the cucumbers. Cut crab sticks in half and then cut into small cubes. Remove the skin and pit from the avocado and finely chop it.

4. Place a salad ring on a flat salad bowl. Put the squids in a deep plate, add 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise, mix and lay out the first layer. Level as needed.

5. Lay out the avocado in the next layer. Salt a little. Then come boiled eggs, grated on a coarse grater. Smooth and cover with a mesh of mayonnaise. Next comes a layer of crab sticks. The next layer of cucumbers, which is also covered with a mesh of mayonnaise.

6. Sprinkle grated cheese on top. It remains only to decorate and refrigerate for at least two hours. After that, carefully remove the mold and place it on the table.

Salad with squid, crab sticks and red caviar

I also could not ignore this option. He is one of my favorites. This salad can be prepared on the eve of the holiday. It will not deteriorate and will not sag.


  • Boiled squids - 500 gr
  • Crab sticks (or crab meat) - 400 gr
  • Cheese - 250 gr
  • Proteins from boiled eggs - 6 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 150 gr
  • Red caviar - 140 gr
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • Vinegar 9% - 3 tablespoons
  • Salt, ground pepper - to taste


1. Cut the onion into very thin strips. Then transfer to a bowl, add sugar, a little salt and vinegar. Cover it completely with water and knead it well with your hand. Set it aside to marinate.

2. Peel the squids, boil and cool completely, as described above. Cut them into strips. Transfer them to a deep dish.

To get 500 grams of boiled squid, you need to take 1 kg of raw.

4. By this time, the onion has already pickled. Drain the water through a sieve or colander, wring it out a little and add to the rest of the products.

Mayonnaise can be added just before serving.

Crab salad with tomatoes, cheese, garlic and bell pepper

Such a miracle is called the "Red Sea". I prepared two options for laying this dish - mixed and layers. Personally, I like it better when it's layered. It looks so beautiful on the holiday table. And you can choose for yourself what you like.


  • Large tomato - 1 pc.
  • Red bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Crab sticks - 200 gr
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons
  • Salt - to taste


1. Everything is extremely simple. Crab sticks cut into large strips. Cut the bell pepper in the same way, after clearing the stalk and seeds. Cut the tomatoes into slices and cut out the pulp from them, then also cut into strips. Cheese grate on a coarse grater.

2. Put all products in a salad bowl, salt, add finely chopped garlic, mayonnaise and mix. It will turn out a very light, but tasty salad.

3. There is another option for such a miracle - you can lay the products in layers. First comes a layer of crab sticks. Put the chopped tomatoes in the second layer. Next, put a layer of grated cheese, and chopped sweet peppers on top. Cover each layer with a mesh of mayonnaise. Refrigerate for a couple of hours to soak, then take out and decorate to your liking before serving.

Recipe for crab stick salad with cheese and pineapple in tartlets

This snack is very convenient. Since the salad is already divided into small portions, it remains only to put them in your mouth and devour them with pleasure. In general, almost any option proposed today can be decomposed into these sand baskets. It will be very pretty and delicious.


  • Canned pineapple - 100 gr
  • Hard cheese - 50 gr
  • Crab sticks - 3 pcs
  • Natural yogurt (unflavored) - 2 tablespoons
  • Garlic - 0.5 cloves
  • lettuce leaves for garnish
  • Tartlets


1. Cut crab sticks, pineapple and cheese into small cubes. Add minced garlic. Pour in yogurt and mix everything.

2. Put lettuce leaves in tartlets and spread mixed products in them. It will turn out a very beautiful, tasty and tender snack. Although, of course, you can put it in a salad bowl and serve it on the table, after decorating it.

Crab sticks with tomato, eggs and cheese layers

Here I will present you two almost similar recipes with only a slight difference. And you choose at your discretion. These are very light and tasty salads. And they are done very quickly.

First option:

  • Crab sticks - 1 pack
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Cucumbers - 2 pcs
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs
  • Hard cheese - 70 gr
  • Mayonnaise - 4 tablespoons


1. Grate boiled eggs and crab sticks on a coarse grater, add mayonnaise and mix until smooth. Cheese also needs to be grated on a fine grater. Cut the tomatoes into cubes. Cucumbers cut into small cubes.

2. Now we start laying layers. They can be placed both in a deep salad bowl and on a flat plate. The first layer should be put half of the mixture of eggs and crab sticks. Level, and then put the cucumbers and also level. Place a layer of the remaining crab-egg mixture on top. The next layer of tomatoes.

3. Make a grated cheese cap with the last layer. Decorate the finished salad with herbs and put it on the table.

Or you can cook it like this:

  • Crab sticks - 200 gr
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. a spoon

1. Lay the crab sticks in the first layer. The second layer of boiled eggs. Put the tomatoes in the third layer, and grated cheese covers the top.

2. Apply thin strips of mayonnaise on the cheese in a zigzag pattern. To do this, pour the sauce into a regular plastic bag and cut off a corner, quite a bit. And then just squeeze it out with your hands and display any pattern. And be sure to decorate the salad with herbs.

Cooking in 5 minutes a salad of crab sticks with cabbage and corn

If guests came to you and you did not have time to properly prepare for their arrival, then this recipe is just for you. Five minutes and you have a delicious masterpiece on your table.


  • Cabbage - 250 gr
  • Cucumber (medium) - 2 pcs
  • green onion - bunch
  • Crab sticks - 240 gr
  • Canned corn - 280 gr
  • Salt - to taste
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons


1. Chop the cabbage into strips. Cucumbers finely cut into cubes. Crab sticks also cut into cubes. Chop the green onion with a knife. Put everything in a deep salad bowl.

2. Then add corn, salt and mayonnaise. Mix everything evenly. Such a simple and quick salad is suitable for everyday dining table, and for a festive one.

Video on how to cook a delicious salad with crab sticks without rice

Very tasty and light salad. It is prepared quickly, but it turns out a bright and beautiful dish for a festive and even New Year's table. Try this recipe and you will fall in love with it.


  • Canned corn - 200 g
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Crab sticks - 200 g
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sweet and sour apples - 2 pcs
  • Boiled eggs - 3 pcs
  • Boiled carrots - 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Dill
  • Parsley
  • lettuce leaves

I recently made this salad for my birthday. My guests liked him very much and he left the table just flying away, one of the first. And then I realized that this dish needs to be made a little more.

Layered salad of crab sticks "Dinner Party" with mushrooms

This is a very beautiful, very light and very tasty holiday dish. You will spend very little time on its preparation. But the impression it will make on the guests is the most favorable.


  • Mushrooms - 400 gr
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Boiled eggs - 4 pcs
  • Crab sticks - 300 gr
  • Hard cheese - 150 gr
  • Processed cheese - 100 gr
  • Mayonnaise - 250 gr
  • Dill for decoration

Mushrooms can be taken absolutely any. It can be canned or fresh champignons, or frozen mushrooms. In general, what is at hand. They should be fried with onions.


1. For a beautiful shape, take a split ring and place on a salad dish. Cut the crab sticks in half and chop them very finely. Lay them out in the first layer.

2. Put 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise and spread around the entire circumference. Then lay out the eggs grated on a coarse grater and brush again with mayonnaise.

3. The next layer is fried mushrooms with onions. Gently smooth around the entire perimeter and put a layer of grated cheese on a coarse grater on top. Then cover again with a layer of mayonnaise. Cover the salad with cling film and refrigerate for 2-3 hours to soak.

4. Freeze the processed cheese in the freezer, and then grate. Before serving, cover the top layer with it and garnish with dill. Then remove the ring and put your masterpiece on the festive table.

New salad with crab sticks, pickles, corn and cheese

And this recipe is quite suitable for everyday table. I often cook it and collect it for work for my hard workers. It is very filling and is eaten in one sitting.


  • Crab sticks - 200 gr
  • Boiled eggs - 2 pcs
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2-3 pieces
  • Corn - 100 gr
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons
  • Salt and pepper - to taste


1. Cut crab sticks into large enough pieces and place in a dish. Cut pickled cucumbers into small cubes. Put in the corn next. Cut the boiled eggs into small cubes too. Then add the hard cheese grated on a fine grater, reserving a little for decoration.

2. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, add salt and pepper. It remains to season the salad with mayonnaise, mix again and sprinkle the remaining hard cheese on top.

Royal salad with shrimps and crab sticks

I think that such a salad will be the number one decoration at the festive table. This is a real masterpiece. And in order not to miss anything, I added a video in which all the steps are described in detail.


  • Potato - 300 gr
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Cheese - 150 gr
  • Crab sticks - 200 gr
  • Shrimp - 200 gr
  • Capelin caviar - 1 minka
  • Mayonnaise - 200 gr
  • Olives - for decoration

Prepare such a masterpiece for the holiday and make it the king of the table. I assure you, it will outshine even "Olivier" or "Mimosa" and your guests will appreciate it first of all.

Simple and delicious salad with Chinese cabbage and crab sticks

This light appetizer salad is also suitable for everyday eating and for a festive table. Another quick recipe. I recommend to all.


  • Beijing cabbage - 1 pc.
  • Canned corn - 1 can
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr
  • Crab sticks - 150 gr
  • Salt - to taste
  • Mayonnaise - 2-3 tablespoons


1. Peking cabbage cut into strips. For convenience, first cut it in half, and then again divide each part into halves.

2. Then cut the crab sticks into small cubes. Cut the cheese into cubes too. Put all the ingredients in a salad bowl, add corn.

3. Salt everything to taste and season with mayonnaise. Mix well and decorate it. Then put on the festive table with the rest of the dishes.

Puff salad "Corrida" with crab sticks and croutons

Another masterpiece with our seafood. Take croutons better from white bread. I like it when they are not very tight. He looks very smart.


  • Tomato - 4 pcs
  • Cheese - 150 gr
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Crab sticks - 200 gr
  • Crackers - 60 gr
  • Canned corn - 1 can
  • Mayonnaise - 100 gr


1. Cut the tomatoes into slices and cut out the pulp from them. If this is not done, then the salad will flow. Then cut the tomatoes into small cubes. Put them in a bowl. Add minced garlic and salt to them. Mix everything and set aside for 10 minutes. After this time, they will start up the juice, which will need to be drained. Crab sticks cut into half rings. Cheese grate on a fine grater.

2. Now we put everything in layers in a special split ring. The first layer of tomatoes. Put crab sticks in the second layer. Then comes a layer of corn and finishes with a layer of cheese. All layers are well leveled and then applied to them with a mesh of mayonnaise.

3. It remains to lay the croutons on top, carefully remove the form and decorate with herbs. It turned out to be a very beautiful and appetizing salad.

Festive salad with orange and crab sticks "Guests on the doorstep"

I want to offer you another simple and quick recipe. Orange gives this dish a special taste. Be sure to try cooking it.


  • Crab sticks - 7 pcs
  • Chicken egg - 4 pcs
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Canned corn - 100 gr
  • Mayonnaise - 150 gr
  • Greens for decoration


1. Crab sticks cut into cubes. Grate boiled eggs on a coarse grater. Peel the orange and free the pulp from the film, then cut into small pieces. Finely chop the garlic or pass through a press. Put everything in one bowl and add corn.

2. Mix all ingredients. Then add mayonnaise and mix thoroughly again, transfer to a salad bowl and garnish with herbs. Now it is not a shame to put it on the festive table.

Well, friends. Today I did my best for you and showed a lot of interesting recipes. I think you will definitely take a few options you like into your piggy bank and use them as soon as the right opportunity presents itself.

Enjoy your meal! Bye.

In the 90s, crab salad was added to our set of traditional festive dishes, which until then was served only in elite restaurants. It is about its varieties that we will talk today. This dish has already occupied the hearts of many gourmets, because it really turns out to be very tender and light on the stomach. Each housewife has her own secrets of preparing a delicious dish, and now I will share some of them with you.

In this salad recipe, we will use crab sticks, corn, eggs and fried onions, which will spice up our dish. Such a salad will be an excellent snack, a light dinner or decorate a festive table.

Salad with canned corn and crab sticks

Kitchen appliances and utensils: frying pan, hob, knife, cutting board.


Step by step recipe

Dear chefs, I suggest you watch a short video that describes in great detail the entire process of preparing a delicious crab salad. You will see how to grind the ingredients, to what state to fry the onion and what happens when it is fully cooked.

As I said, there are many options for creating a salad with crab sticks, and it is very popular with us with the addition of rice and corn. Perhaps, in those distant 90s, when crab sticks first appeared on free sale on store shelves, rice was added to food with them in order to save money. But we are already so accustomed to this combination of ingredients that we continue to cook it according to this recipe even now.

Whether you're looking to spice up your daily menu or treat your guests, use this classic crab stick, rice, and corn salad recipe idea to leave everyone in the room full and satisfied.

Recipe for crab salad with rice and corn

Time for preparing: 10 minutes.
Servings: for 6 people.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: salad bowl, knife, cutting board.
Calories: 278 kcal per 100 g of product.


Step by step recipe

  • It is very important for a salad with crab sticks and rice to choose high-quality crab sticks in order to get all the benefits that they bring to our body. For this choose chilled sticks from a trusted manufacturer. A frozen product or one that is sold by weight may not be fresh or of poor quality, so it is very difficult to talk about the desired benefits from it.
  • Rice is better to take round. After cooking, be sure to rinse it so that the grains do not stick together.
  • Also take corn from the manufacturer you trust. It will be very tasty when there is sweetish, whole corn in the salad.

Video recipe for cooking salad with crab sticks and corn

I invite you to watch a video in which the classic recipe for making crab salad with rice is described in detail.

Feed Options

  • Salad with crab sticks and rice is served in portioned salad bowls or on a common dish.
  • You can put it on lettuce leaves and garnish with sprigs of parsley.
  • You can also use cucumbers, cherry tomatoes or olives to decorate it.
  • You can form a round shape of the dish with the help of a confectionery ring.
  • At first, I served such a meal in portions in bowls, decorating with red caviar.

History of occurrence

There are several interesting stories associated with this dish.. It bears the little-known name Louis. Its history is associated with the French king Louis XIV, who loved various delicacies and unusual dishes.

Other sources claim that it is native to the United States and is named after the owner of the hotels where crab meat salad was first prepared at the beginning of the 20th century. And after that, his recipe was sold to all elite restaurants.

Few people know that it was Russia that became the first to produce crab sticks 40 years ago.. At first they were available only to the elite, and served dishes from them in restaurants, but since 1995 they have become more affordable. Therefore, the recipe for a salad with crab sticks and rice can be considered the property of the Russian people.

Crab sticks are a pure protein of various fish, so eating with such a product is healthy and can be included in the daily diet.

Here we are with you and learned delicious and simple recipes for crab salad. Cook it more often, please yourself and your family with such an easy and healthy dish. And for you I want to leave here some more salad options. It is good that now they have firmly entered our lives. Now laying a festive, varied table is not difficult.

cooking options

  • It turns out incredibly tasty — salad with squid and mushrooms —. Such food is a source of protein, which is so useful for our body. We all know about the benefits of squid, and its neutral taste allows our imagination to run wild and use it in a variety of dishes.
  • It will be no less delicious. I really like to cook it in winter, because I combine it with summer, sea and sun. We traditionally prepare it for all winter holidays and each of those present is satisfied. By the way, it leaves the festive table first, so I recommend cooking it more.
  • And I also refer to the category of winter salads. This is a very tender and juicy dish that my children love so much. They don’t really like ordinary cabbage with me, and Peking cabbage in this cooking option is devoured so that you can’t pull it by the ears. My husband loves to take it to work for a lunchtime snack, and I enjoy using it for a light dinner. I recommend you try this simple and quick recipe for a delicious dish.
  • I love mushrooms very much. I remember when I was visiting mushroom pickers and there were several dishes with their addition on their table, I tried everything, and ate pickled oyster mushrooms myself. But no one resisted this, because for them this product belonged to everyday meals. They were the first time I tried them. I recommend that you also use this recipe, because it has been tested over the years and the experience of avid mushroom pickers.

Dear readers, I really wanted to be useful to you today. I hope you took advantage of these recipes and prepared food according to my recommendations. If your culinary piggy bank has interesting recipes for simple salads, you can leave them in the comments, I will definitely use them. Perhaps during the cooking process you have any questions or suggestions, you can also leave them, I will definitely take them into account. And now I wish you success and bon appetit!

The well-known recipe for crab salad with corn and rice has been known to hostesses for a long time. Grains of culture are very useful for the human body, because they contain a huge amount of useful substances. How delicious, simple and quick to prepare corn salad with crab sticks - today we will tell you in our article.

We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with other options for the dish - or.

A very fresh and light version of the salad that has some spiciness from the added garlic. When using this snack, the appetite will be played out in a matter of seconds, because all the products that make up its composition have a beneficial effect on the sensitivity of the receptors.

For salad crab sticks and corn you need:

  • Crab sticks - 370 g;
  • Pickled corn - 170 g;
  • 5 eggs;
  • Cheese - 120 g;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • Mayonnaise - 55 g;
  • Salt - 9 g.

Recipe - crab salad with corn:

  1. Boil the eggs until hard yolk, then pour cold water and wait until cool. Then peel the shell and cut into pieces.
  2. Defrost crab sticks and cut into small pieces.
  3. Grate the cheese.
  4. Peel the garlic, grind with a press.
  5. Combine mayonnaise and garlic, mix, salt to taste.
  6. Combine all ingredients, season with sauce and serve.
  7. If desired, you can decorate the dish with herbs.

Crab salad with rice and corn

Rice goes well with any seafood, making the salad hearty. And by adding sweet corn and greens, the dish acquires a bright and juicy taste that will appeal to everyone who sits at the table.

For crab salad with corn and rice you need:

  • Crab meat - 190 g;
  • Corn - 130 g;
  • Rice - 65 g;
  • Mayonnaise - 45 ml;
  • Salt - 9 g;
  • Greens - 35 g;
  • 2 chicken eggs.

Crab Salad with Rice and Corn - Recipe:

  1. Rice must be washed under running water, and it is better to soak for an hour. This will release excess starch, and the product will not be sticky. For salad, a long variety, steamed, is suitable. Boil rice in water with salt until cooked.
  2. Boil chicken eggs, then cool, peel and chop.
  3. Crab meat cut into cubes.
  4. Drain the corn in a colander to drain excess liquid.
  5. From greens, you can take green onions and dill. Rinse and finely chop.
  6. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients, season with mayonnaise, mix.

Canned corn salad with crab sticks

The combination of products in this dish is a real culinary masterpiece. The freshness of cucumber, the sweetness of corn, the wonderful smell of crab meat - everything you need for a delicious snack.

For a salad of crab sticks and corn you need:

  • Crab meat - 1o0 g;
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Young cucumbers - 140 g;
  • Pickled corn - 120 g;
  • Mayonnaise - 45 g;
  • Salt - 12 g.

Corn salad with crab sticks - recipe:

  1. Hard boil the eggs, then cool, peel and cut into cubes.
  2. Defrost crab sticks, chop.
  3. Wash the cucumber, if the peel is bitter, then it must be cut off. Cut the vegetable into cubes.
  4. Drain excess marinade from corn.
  5. Put all the products in a salad bowl, season with mayonnaise and mix.

Salad with rice, crab sticks and corn

Corn and green peas are quite common canned food for salads. And if you mix them in one recipe, you get a variant of a very interesting and unusual dish.

Products for a salad of crab sticks and corn:

  • Pickled corn in a jar - 140 g;
  • Crab flavored sticks - 310 g;
  • Pickled peas - 120 g;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • Rice - 45 g;
  • Onion - 80 g;
  • Mayonnaise - 65 ml;
  • Greens - 35 g.

Salad with crab sticks, corn and rice:

  1. Boil the rice in salted water, then drain in a colander and rinse with water.
  2. Boil the eggs until hard yolk, pour cold water. Once cool, peel and cut into cubes.
  3. Chop the crab sticks into pieces.
  4. Peel the onion and chop very finely.
  5. Wash greens, chop.
  6. Throw peas and corn in a colander, wait until the marinade drains.
  7. Combine all ingredients in a bowl, season with mayonnaise and mix.

Salad corn and crab sticks

Salted red fish goes well with the components of this salad. Its taste, slightly salty, with the smell of the sea, makes the dish refined and chic.

For a salad with corn and crab sticks you need:

  • Red salted fish - 210 g;
  • Crab sticks - 190 g;
  • Canned corn - 110 g;
  • Chicken eggs - 4 large pieces;
  • Mayonnaise - 65 ml;
  • Salt - 11 g;
  • A mixture of allspice - 7 g;
  • Greens for decoration - 25 g.

Salad crab sticks with corn:

  1. Boil chicken eggs until cooked, peel and cut into small cubes.
  2. Defrost crab sticks and cut into pieces.
  3. Remove the red fish fillet from the skin, remove the bones, cut the flesh into pieces.
  4. Drain the corn in a colander to drain off the excess marinade.
  5. Mix all the ingredients, season with mayonnaise, add spices to taste.
  6. Top the salad with washed and finely chopped greens.

Corn is an indispensable product of many salads, as grains go well with many products. To date, there are a great many recipes with the addition of this ingredient.