Classic bread vodka (moonshine). Tyurya with black radish (hooligan)

French cuisine is traditionally washed down with wine.
German beer
And do not drink Russian cuisine ... you need to eat it!

We continue to publish the rarest recipes and finds in LiveJournal.

Here's what I think - always and everywhere there are legends about dishes that almost everyone has heard about, but no one has tried them. How many people ate the same "rotten" Chinese eggs? Few, although they know almost everything about them. Here is tyurya - our native, national dish, and who ate it when, and even in such an exotic performance? Now I can safely say - I tasted it!

And the story that inspired me to implement this recipe is as follows:

I’m going on a Saturday morning in an electric train out of town (well, yes, I ride electric trains - there’s no money for a carriage, but what?), And two people are sitting opposite me ... well, as they are also called - a proletarian or something. Both of them can see well the “after yesterday”, the poor fellows are toiling, improving their health, not really hiding the “Slavyanskaya” bubble from those around them and discussing the pressing topical issue - a hangover. And they discuss in the best bydlotraditions:

Yeah, vodka used to be better

Yeah, better, not like right now

Yes, I used to drink a liter calmly, I got up in the morning and my head didn’t hurt

And I drank a bottle from my throat in one gulp!

And I was the best man at my godfather's wedding, so I drank a quarter of the moonshine and stood on my feet!

Moreover, the volume of victories over the “Green Serpent”, of course, increased as the “Slavyanskaya” bubble sank.

But here we come to the main point:

And my grandfather would crumble bread into vodka, throw an onion there, and eat it all with a spoon for dinner! were in people!

In fact, I have heard a lot about this option for a long time, probably 50 times, no less, but everyone who spoke about it referred to someone: grandfather, uncle, familiar peasant. The narrators themselves did not try it.

Well, since interest has arisen, it's time to set up experiments in order to draw conclusions based on them accordingly. The dish is ancient, well-known, there should be many specialists.

However, having studied the materiel of "turi", we draw a disappointing conclusion - there are no really proven recipes. So again by the method of "scientific poke", in accordance with their ideas and relying on authorities, which also do not please us. Well, for example, Pokhlebkin:

“The bread should always be fresh, soft, trimmed from crusts and best warmed up in the oven and then cut into small cubes.” Something messed up here in my opinion William Vasilyevich. Tell me, why should a peasant make a prison out of the freshest bread? Freshly baked bread can be used with well water, and it will never seem sour. But soaking crackers is a completely different matter. And since bread was not baked every day in the old days, bread was almost always stale. Again - from "cut off from the crusts", but excuse me, where did the crusts go? Did something get thrown out? Yes, for such "jambs" and now in decent families they get a spoon on the forehead for two times.
Next we go: "cut into small cubes." Why would it be chopped? In the Christian tradition, bread is the body of Christ, therefore, it should not be cut, but broken, otherwise it turns out sinfully. In short, this recipe is clearly taken from the chef of the capital's restaurant, mowing antique.
Well, I won’t show off for a long time, because I myself am not an authentic carrier of the recipe, but I will try to make prison the way it should be according to the concepts of a normal person who knows how to think logically.

So, all we need is:
1. Black bread 50g.
2. Black radish 50 gr.
3. Bulb onion 50 gr.
4. Greens for a glamorous serving - dill and green onions.
5. Vodka! 150 gr.

Any proportions here can be, it all depends on the individual health of the consumer of the finished product.
Onion and radish finely and thinly, as soon as we can, cut into strips. The grater that slips under the arms is immediately removed as an “uncharacteristic” tool.

We crumble the bread with our HANDS and nothing else and mix it in a plate with radish and onions. Salt to taste (although it is not clear where the salt is in the future).

The main step is pouring vodka. No one forbids pouring to taste either - tyurya is a tolerant dish.

Mix, sprinkle with herbs.
Serve on the table with the appropriate accompaniment:

Eat (yes, eat! Try THIS “eat”) with a wooden spoon, chomping and belching - but it doesn’t work in another way, I checked it myself. Cucumbers are also, by the way, in the subject, such a soup is the only one to eat with them!
Well, for the blind to the touch

According to the results of the tasting - "positive" after such a soup is enough not only for the evening, but also remains for the morning. And the taste ... Who said that Tom Yum is the toughest soup, huh? Let him taste.

What did our ancestors eat and drink "during sad days Great Lent"?

The most popular for Lenten days were stews, voles, malt, kulaga, oatmeal, oatmeal jelly with vegetable oil, baked potatoes, sauerkraut, salted mushrooms, mushroom dishes, cereals from barley, oatmeal, millet, barley, buckwheat.

At IN AND. Dalia you can find a list of various lenten dishes that are forgotten today: pies with nothing to drink with wort; boiled volukhi, sliced ​​potatoes with vinegar; soup

from hemp juice with milk mushrooms; steamed turnips, carrots, beets in hot wort; pea jelly with hemp oil; wort with cherries, bird cherry, strawberries, stone berries, wild strawberries, boyarka, lingonberries (seven dishes); pies: turnip, carrot, onion, beetroot, mushroom with cereals; pancakes, shanezhki, wickets, pancakes, frozen lingonberries; snacks: nuts, raisins, gingerbread.
The most common, ancient dish for fasting is prison- cold food from salted water with slices of bread and onions.

But it's not about what the food consists of. And how to treat him. Austerity, refusal

from pleasures, a certain psychological mood created in a deeply religious person a grateful acceptance of the simplest food.
And hunger was the best seasoning for food, even if it was bread and water seasoned with salt.

Vole- this is a liquid stew, which was prepared from rye flour, or rather

from fermented rye dough - "raschiny". Raschin was set the day before, and when it turned sour enough, a vole was prepared from it.

To do this, boil water in a pot, add salt, bay leaf, onions,

and "nailed up" with a beater (whorl).
Kolotovki were made from planed young pine, leaving thin knots 3-4 cm long in the form of a fan. The vole was seasoned with onions, dried mushrooms, herring, dried fish, and smelt.

Malt- just like a vole - a liquid dish, soup, but you can’t call it. It is more of a dessert, it has a sweet and sour taste. It was prepared from rye malt, that is, rye grain, well germinated, dried, ground and sifted.
Water was boiled in a clay pot, cooled to a temperature of 35°C, malt was poured in and nailed (stirred vigorously) with a whorl so that there were no lumps. The pot was set

on the stoves, and while the Russian stove was heated, the malt was warm.
Pieces of ice or snow were occasionally thrown into the pot of malt to make it

do not overheat, otherwise the activity of enzymes will stop and the malt will not be sweet.

And since, when snow or ice was added, the Malt liquefied somewhat, rye malt was also added to it from time to time, adding a little and stirring frequently.
In other words, the process of "malting" is a delicate matter, and the hostess had to vigilantly "keep watch", not for a minute letting the process out of control. The readiness of the product was determined solely by taste - by the degree of sweetness.
When the malting process is completed, the pot is placed in the oven and brought to a boil, immediately removed from the oven, quickly cooled to about 25-30 ° C, a crust of rye bread is lowered into the pot

and, having covered the top with a clean towel, they put it in a warm place, as a rule, on a Russian stove. At the same time, malt is infused, turns sour, acquires its characteristic bready sweet and sour taste, honey aroma and pinkish color.
Malt- invigorating pleasant cold food. They eat it with wooden spoons from clay bowls at the end of the meal. One can only admire the practical wisdom of folk cuisine.
They ate malt during the days of the Great and Christmas fasts, when it was cold outside, there was a lack of vitamins in food.
What is malt? It is a product of the vigorous activity of enzymes, essentially a derivative of the germs of rye grains, a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. Enzymatic processes are generally a delicate matter, and our ancestors mastered them to perfection. Almost all food technologies are based on the work of enzymes: bread-making, cheese-making, brewing, wine-making, fermentation and salting.

Kulaga- the sister of malt. It was also prepared from rye malt, this is also a dessert. In appearance, it resembles porridge, but it is so thick that it can be cut with a knife. This is also a dessert. The color of kulagi is from golden pinkish to dark brown, the taste is sweet and sour, the aroma is honey.
For the preparation of kulagi, in addition to rye flour, potatoes are used. It is boiled in its uniform, cooled, peeled, crushed so that no lumps remain. Then knead

with malt (sifted rye flour) semi-thick dough, transferred to a clay pot

and, having closed the lid, they put it in a heated oven, raking hot coals from all sides to the pot. After an hour, the pot is taken out, the mass is beaten well with a beater (whorl), again closed with a lid and put in the oven for another hour.
After that, the pot is taken out of the oven, the lid is removed, and the kulaga is cooled. They are transferred to wooden dishes, covered with a towel, put for a day in a warm place (on a Russian stove) for souring, making sure, however, that it does not become too acidic. Then they are again transferred to a clay pot and, having closed the lid, put in the oven for baking. The kulaga is ready. They eat it cold.

Oatmeal prepared from oats, fried, or rather, aged overnight in a not too hot, but rather warm Russian oven. At the same time, grain proteins underwent changes, denatured, and the flour obtained from such grain lost its ability to form gluten, but it swelled well in water and quickly thickened. Oatmeal was kneaded in chilled boiled water seasoned with salt.
Oatmeal was the favorite delicacy of the children. From the thickened oatmeal, the kids sculpted birds, fish, cockerels.
Previously, they usually had an afternoon meal with oatmeal, since quite a lot of time passed between lunch and dinner. Dinner before bedtime.

These ancient dishes, traditional for fasting, are not only not eaten today, but many have not even heard of them. They were cooked in a Russian oven. And now the technology of cooking has changed. And it is impossible to cook them on a gas or electric stove.

Here's to cook jail everyone can. Moreover, various combinations can be used as ingredients, depending on the creative imagination of the culinary specialist.

One of the recipes prison:
- 6-8 slices of custard or black bread,
- 1/2 cup vegetable oil
- 3-4 onions,
- 2/3 cup grated horseradish
- pepper,
- salt,
- 2 liters of bread kvass (or water).

Cut custard or brown bread into small pieces along with the crust, add butter, grated horseradish, chopped onion or its greens. Dilute with strong bread kvass or water, pepper, salt, or you can add grated radish.

But sweet prison:
- potato,
- cucumbers,
- kefir,
- sour cream,
- boiled water.

Roast or boil fresh small potatoes.
Prepare "tyuryu": dilute 1 liter of kefir with 1 glass of cold water and add 100 g of sour cream. Finely chop fresh cucumbers. Serve separately tyuryu and hot potatoes.
Consumed as follows - a small amount of potatoes is placed in a plate with tyura and consumed inside.

As tury liquid foundation salted water, kvass, milk, kefir, wine and even vodka can be used. The advantage of the dish is that in many versions nothing needs to be cooked. You need to eat it right away. The product is not intended for storage.

At Nikolai Nekrasov in a poem "To whom in Russia it is good to live" there are these lines:
- Eat prison, Yasha!
There is no milk!
- Where is our cow?
- Taken away, my light.
Master for offspring
Took her home!
It's nice to live people
Saint in Russia!

For prison crackers can also be used (from the proverb "What to do? Dry crackers!"). Therefore, its other name is cracker.

Another name prison - murtsovka. The classic version is bread, water, onions, salt. You can fill with a small amount of sunflower oil.
If green onions are used, then it is better to mash them first with salt and a small amount of sunflower oil. You can add parsley or dill to the finished dish. Instead of bread, boiled potatoes can be used.

"Culinarians" in their fantasies have gone far from the canonical recipe tyuri (murtsovka).
Here prison with tomatoes:
- meat broth - to taste,

- wheat bread - 400 g,

- tomatoes - 6 pcs.,

- garlic - 1-2 cloves,

- basil - to taste,

- vegetable oil - 4-5 tbsp. spoons

- cheese - to taste,

- salt - to taste,

- ground black pepper - to taste.
Cut the bread into slices and soak briefly in water.
In the meantime, fry the garlic in vegetable oil until golden brown, then remove it, put the squeezed bread, mix, add the required amount of meat broth, tomatoes, peeled and seeds, finely chopped basil leaves, salt, pepper.
Close the lid and put on a small fire for 1 hour, until the prison thickens. Add grated cheese, mix everything and pour into plates. Better if the prison is warm. As a dressing, you can also use finely chopped celery root, carrots and onions with one clove of garlic.

Peasant prison:
- whey - 3 cups,

- black bread - 2 slices,

- carrots - 1 sh.,

- sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons,

- salt - to taste,

- green onion - 2 tbsp. spoons,

- nettle - 3 tbsp. spoons,

- blackcurrant leaves - 4-5 leaves,

- eggs - 1 pc.
Carrots, bread, onions, currant leaves, cut an egg. Pour boiling water over nettles, cut, add to vegetables. Salt, add sour cream, stir and pour whey. Whey can be replaced with bread kvass.

Grandma's prison:
- black bread - 250 g,

- onion - 1 pc.,

- eggs - 1 pc.,

- pickled cucumbers - 1 pc.,

- any meat - 100 g,

- vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon,

- dill - 1 bunch,

- salt - to taste,

- pepper - to taste,

- water - 1 l.
Cut bread, onion, meat, egg, cucumber, add salt, pepper, butter and pour cold boiled water, mix, add dill.

Beet whey whey:
- kefir - 4 cups,

- water - 2 glasses,

- stale bread - 100 g,

- bulbs - 1 pc.,

- beets - 1 pc.,

- vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. a spoon,

- salt - to taste,

- sugar - to taste.
Put kefir in a bottle in warm water and heat until whey separates. Separate the whey and add water to it. Bring to a boil, add peeled and grated beets, salt, sugar to taste. Bring the turkey to a boil and remove from heat.
Crumble stale bread into bowls, add chopped onion, vegetable oil and pour over hot turkey.

Tyurya with currant leaf in sour milk:
- water - 2 l,

- sour milk - 250 ml,

- currant leaves (young chopped) - 0.5 cups,

- stale bread - 200 g,

- chopped green onion - 50 g,

- salt - to taste.
Finely chopped currant leaves pour boiling salted water, bring to a boil

and cool in a decoction. Crumble stale bread, green onions into a plate, pour sour milk mixed with cold broth.

Sauerkraut Tyurya:
- cabbage - 800 g,

parsley root - 4 g,

spices - to taste,

sauce - 75 g,

garnish - 150 g,

greens - to taste.
Fillet with boneless skin is cut into portions and stewed with the addition of strained cucumber pickle, onion, roots, bay leaf and peppercorns. Mushrooms or porcini mushrooms are cleaned, washed, boiled and cut into slices. Bouillon

from the poaching of fish and a decoction of mushrooms are used to prepare the sauce.
Pickled cucumbers are peeled, seeds are removed, cut and boiled.
Dish decoration: a piece of stewed fish is placed on a plate, heated cucumbers and mushrooms are placed on top and poured with brine sauce, the product is decorated with herbs, potatoes or boiled vegetables are placed on the side.
Almost any fish can be used: cod, pink salmon, sea bass, toothfish, squama and so on. It is, of course, already not a prison but fish for the post just right!

Here are some other recipes tyuri (murtsovka). It has nothing to do with the post, but since they exist in nature, I cannot but mention them.

Grandfather's prison (or ZK-prison):
- a loaf of black bread,

- half a liter of vodka.
Crumbly black bread is poured with vodka. Tyuryu is eaten with spoons. Torkaet six prisoners.

Finnish prison:
- half a liter of homemade vodka (moonshine),

- stroganina - kilogram,

- a bunch of fresh herbs.
If there was no vodka in the house, it’s not scary, mash will do for cooking.
From time immemorial, Finns, Vepsians, Ingrian, Izhorians, Livs, Mansi, Mordovians, Khanty and Estonians warmed themselves with a similar dish on long winter evenings.

Japanese prison sushi:
- rice,

- tuna,

- sake.
One bowl knocks down seven samurai.

Additional Information.
Word "murtsovka" also has several meanings.

In Russian slang:
Murtsovka, Murtsa - low-quality drink, swill; something undesirable, ugly.
Enough (or take a sip) of Murtsovka - survive the difficulties, take a sip of grief.
Corporate jargon of people who use drugs:
Murtsovka, martsovka, martsefel, martz - 1. A drug obtained from ephedrine (by mixing with potassium permanganate); 2. Ephedrine.

Vladimir AFONIN
Illustrations: Vladimir AFONIN (Moscow, Russia)

February 2010
Moscow - Magnitogorsk

Bread vodka has long been considered the most famous and widespread. Most considered it to be a cure for many diseases. It was and is especially popular in Russia and Ukraine, since there is a sufficient amount of high-quality raw materials for its preparation. For some period, the unique recipe for this moonshine was forgotten. We invite you to revive the traditions of our ancestors and, according to our recipe, make your own bread vodka without adding yeast. We guarantee you that the recipe for bread vodka is quite simple, everyone can easily prepare it at home.

Bread vodka (moonshine)- This is an alcoholic drink of high strength (minimum 32 degrees). It is prepared from cereals with wild yeast. According to the recipe, wheat, oats, barley or rye are taken as the basis.

Real yeast in the USSR used to be difficult to get, so bread vodka became a favorite drink, yeast was not added to it, and the quality of the product remained at its best.

Bread moonshine, prepared according to an old recipe, has a subtle taste of grain. It is recommended to drink it chilled. Depending on which grain was taken as a basis, the taste of moonshine also depended. If it was wheat, then the taste turned out to be softer, if it was rye - with a spicy aroma. Many spice lovers added spices in the form of cloves, cinnamon, coriander, etc. to this moonshine. There are no such additives in the classic bread vodka recipe, so we also recommend that you do not add them at first in order to get a real old bread vodka.

Stages of making bread vodka

Yeast cultivation

4 kg of grain (most often wheat) is thoroughly washed under running water and poured into a 25-liter container. Water is poured from above so that it covers the wheat 2 cm above the surface. Add about 800 g of sugar and mix everything thoroughly. The resulting mixture is placed in a dark place for 4-5 days. As soon as there are signs of fermentation (sour smell), then the wild yeast is ready and you can proceed to the next step.

Preparation of the main syrup

About 17 liters of syrup is poured into the container where the wheat is located, which consists of water and sugar in the ratio of 1 kg of sugar to 5 liters of water. For full fermentation, the temperature regime should be observed, so the container is placed for 4-6 days under a water seal in a warm place, where the temperature is within 22-28 ° C.


After the specified period, the finished mash is removed from the sediment, poured into a new container and distilled using a moonshine still. Following all the instructions, it turns out from 17 liters of mash about 3 liters of bread vodka.

The wild yeast prepared in the first step can be used up to 4 times. Each time it is only necessary to add a new portion of sugar syrup to the container.

Dilution and purification

Bread vodka, prepared strictly according to the recipe, has a fairly high strength (over 70%), so it should be diluted according to your taste.

In addition, the finished product must be cleaned of fusel oils and various impurities. Such cleaning will also remove the unpleasant odor.

Several crystals of potassium permanganate are dissolved in a glass of water, after which the manganese solution is poured into a container with bread vodka. After a couple of days, you will see black flakes. This is a sign that the vodka is purified and ready to drink.

Alcoholic products have been the norm of a feast for more than a century, as they cheer up and allow you to find common interests between people with different characters and worldviews. Bread vodka is a common alcoholic drink, the strength of which is about 32 degrees. If this natural product is prepared at home, then it gets the name "Moonshine", and among the food components in one recipe are barley, rye, wheat, oats and wild yeast. The taste of the resulting drink, when properly prepared, is soft and pleasant, and the aroma also captivates with its freshness and naturalness. In addition, it is always better to use products whose quality is beyond doubt than to be content with alcoholic beverages of dubious production on the shelves in supermarkets. It remains only to find out how to properly prepare bread vodka so that the next morning the head does not hurt, and everyone likes the drink?

In order to prepare bread vodka at home, you need to additionally acquire a moonshine still. If such a "stationary device" is already available, then there will be no further difficulties. So, at the first stage of production, you need to grow wild yeast, and for this, prepare 4 kg of wheat. Rinse the indicated amount of grain thoroughly, pour it into a container with a volume of 25 liters. Pour such an amount of water on top that the liquid rises 2 cm above the grain, while covering it evenly from different sides. After that, additionally pour 1 kg of sugar into the container, and mix the finished composition thoroughly. It remains only to wait 5-7 days until the mass ferments, and the success of this process will be reported by an unpleasant aroma that comes from a dark place where the so-called "braga" is stored. If a persistent sour smell appears, then the yeast is ready to make bread vodka.

The fermentation process does not end there: it is necessary to add 15 liters of water to ready-made yeast in a non-strained form, after adding 3 kg of sugar to it, and install a special water dispenser on top of the neck. It can be an ordinary rubber glove, which is inflated at the beginning of the process, and deflates as the fermentation in the tank is completed. For everything to work out, the glass bottle must be in a warm room, and the permissible ambient temperature is about 22-30 degrees. After all the manipulations done, you can forget about making moonshine for a week, and after the specified period, resume this difficult process. It is required to strain the mash, separating it from the wheat, and then pour it into a specially prepared moonshine still. The output after fermentation and straining is 15 liters of mash, which is suitable for further use for the preparation of bread vodka.

Most often, only 3 liters of moonshine are obtained from 15 liters of strained home brew, but no one doubts that this is the purest and most natural product that will not cause general intoxication of the body. The strength of such home-made moonshine can reach 70-80 degrees, therefore, in order not to burn the stomach when drinking and tasting, the next step is to dilute the strength. The best option for the festive table is bread vodka 52 degrees of strength, such a drink is already ready for further use. However, the process of making a natural product does not end there, since double distillation is definitely required to get rid of unpleasant odors. A compromise solution is additional cleaning with potassium permanganate or charcoal. The choice depends on the taste of the drink, its subtlety and elegance, so to speak.

An unpleasant smell in home-made moonshine is provided by fusel oils, which must be urgently disposed of. To do this, pour a small amount of pre-dissolved potassium permanganate crystals into the finished bread vodka, set aside for several days in a dark place. In a day it will become noticeable that black flakes appeared at the bottom, which just indicate the extermination of fusel oils, their interaction with potassium permanganate. It is not recommended to leave sediment in the container, as it spoils not only the aesthetic appearance of the drink, but also its taste. Bread vodka needs to be filtered, and for this, put several layers of gauze, coal, a tablespoon of granulated sugar and soda on a watering can. That's the whole cleaning, after which this strong drink is ready for further use.

The yeast obtained at the initial stage should not be thrown away after the first use, since it is allowed to use them for their intended purpose three more times. Of course, the resulting alcoholic drink can turn out with a slightly lower strength, but the indicator below 52 degrees certainly will not overcome. Ready-made bread vodka can be safely consumed, and it will surely please all tasters with its mild and unforgettable taste. The next morning after such home-made products, the head does not hurt, and the hangover syndrome in its other manifestations is completely absent. However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to prepare such alcohol without a moonshine, and it is very problematic to find it in free sale. That is why it is best to turn to the adult generation for such a gift.

The classic alcoholic drink - bread moonshine - is made from various varieties of grain crops - wheat, barley, rye or oats - with the addition of yeast. The minimum strength is 32°.

It is best to use grain moonshine chilled. So it conveys its taste better. Wheat moonshine has a mild, subtle aftertaste of cereals. Rye has a richer and more tart aftertaste, diluted with the aroma of various spices. Adding spices such as cloves or coriander to the recipe gives additional pleasant notes, but at the same time interrupts the original taste of the drink.

Traditional bread vodka

The recipe can be divided into several stages:

  1. First you need to mix the yeast: rinse 4 kg of wheat in water and pour it into a vessel with a volume of 25 liters. Pour water 2 cm above the level of wheat, add 800 g of sugar and mix thoroughly. Infuse the resulting composition for 5 days until the first signs of fermentation appear in the form of a sour smell.
  2. Syrup preparation: it will take about 15 liters of water, in which you need to pour sugar at the rate of 1 kg per 5 liters. Pour the syrup into the obtained yeast and cover with a water seal. Infuse the essence for about 5 days at a temperature of 22–28 ° C.
  3. Distillation: drain from the sediment into another vessel and distill using a moonshine still. The output is usually about 3 measures of a drink with a strength above 70 °.
  4. Purification of impurities: make a filter in a watering can using layers of cotton wool and activated carbon. Sprinkle a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of baking soda on top. Strain the liquid through a filter and let it brew for a maximum of 5 days.

As a cleaning, you can also do a secondary sublimation of the mash or add potassium permanganate crystals to the bowl.

There are many other recipes for grain vodka combined with various ingredients.

Moonshine on bread crusts

The structure of the recipe includes:

  • 1.5 kg of rye bread;
  • 40 g cinnamon;
  • 30 g of cloves.

All components must be poured with mash in the amount of 10 measures obtained after ordinary distillation. Gravy insist for 5 days, and then pour 5 liters of clean water. You can use tap water, but before diluting it, it should be passed through a filter and left in an open container for a day. The final stage involves the secondary sublimation of the mash, which at the output gives about 10 liters of the cherished substance.

An interesting fact is that despite the high costs incurred by the secondary distillation, the taste of the drink is more rich and noble. This technique is used in the production of other strong alcoholic beverages such as whiskey or cognac.

Grain moonshine with potatoes

An interesting cooking structure has a mixture with the addition of potatoes.

The first step is to make malt. The standard process is not complicated: the grains need to be soaked, germinated, dried and ground.

The amount of tubers is determined by the volume of cooked malt - you need twice as much vegetable as the solution. Potatoes should be boiled and crushed. Water may not be drained. Add most of the malt to the puree and mix thoroughly. Pour the rest of the essence on top and leave the mixture overnight.

The next day, you need to mix everything and put about 200 g of yeast. Fermentation takes about 5 days, after which the mass is distilled through a moonshine still.

Grain moonshine with hops

For cooking, you will need cereals of wheat or rye, potatoes, hops and 2 liters of mash.

Grains germinate in a wooden vessel, not forgetting to stir to avoid souring, and grind into malt. Boil and crush the potatoes (the volume is twice as large as the grains) and separately prepare the hops (broth for 3 liters).

Braga should be combined with a decoction of hops and pour the resulting mixture of mashed potatoes and malt. Infuse the solution in a warm place and then distill.