Raspberry wine at home with a rubber glove. And finally - a simple recipe for raspberry sourdough

A quality drink can only be obtained by adhering to the recommendations related to the technology of making wine at home.

Far from any raspberry is suitable for creating a drink. You need to choose whole fruits, without rot and mold. The berries should be either ripe or slightly overripe, with a well-shaped nose.

The fruit surface contains wild yeast natural origin, so you do not need to wash the berries before use. These microorganisms contribute to the fermentation process. In case of use washed raspberries can not do without adding sourdough.

Wine can be made not only from fresh berries but also jams. IN this case you will have to be especially careful about the amount of sugar used so as not to over-sweeten the drink.

The strength of the wine directly depends on how much sugar was used. The more it is, the stronger the drink is.

Water and sugar are added to the juice obtained by pressing. This allows you to remove excess acid from the wine. In order for sugar to dissolve better, it is recommended to add it in several visits: before and during fermentation.

The sweetness of the finished drink can be increased by adding sugar syrup. To prevent the wine from spoiling, the bottle with the liquid in this case will need to be pasteurized. The container is corked with a cork with twine and placed for 20 minutes. in a container with water preheated to 65°C.

Classic raspberry recipe

The classic recipe for making raspberry wine with your own hands involves the use of the following ingredients:

  • raspberries - 1 l;
  • purified water - 1 l;
  • sugar - 500 g.

Mash the raspberries until pureed. Place in a container for further fermentation. The bottle is perfect for this.

Add water and sugar. The composition should fill no more than 2/3 of the container. This is necessary in order to leave space for the foam formed during the fermentation process.

Close the container with a water seal or a rubber glove for medical use. Put it in a dark and warm place for 10 days.

Every day, open the shutter once a day to mix the liquid in the container. After 10 days, leave the wort to ferment. The process is complete when the gas production stops and the glove deflates.

Pour the finished wine with a tube into another vessel, taste it. If the drink is not sweet enough, add syrup.

Pour the drink into washed bottles, cork carefully and store in a cool room for at least 3 months.

In case of sediment formation at the bottom 2 cm high, filter the wine and let it brew. Leave it in storage if there is no sediment.

Fortified raspberry wine with alcohol


  • raspberries - 5 kg;
  • sugar -1 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • alcohol 96% - 300-400 ml.

Squeeze unwashed raspberries through cheesecloth or using a juicer. Add 1 liter of water to it and leave for 5-6 hours. After that, squeeze the berries again.

Mix raspberry water and juice, add another 1 liter of liquid and 300 g of sugar. Close the container with a water seal and send to wander in a warm and dark place.

After 7-10 days, add 150 g of sugar to the wort for each liter of drink and close the bottle again with a water seal.

After the end of fermentation, separate the wine from the sediment, then add 50 ml per liter of wine, mix and taste. If the drink is not sweet enough, add sugar. The alcohol will not allow the liquid to ferment again.

Wine clean cool and dark room. In 1-2 months it will be ready for use.

When properly made, raspberry wine keeps well, does not turn sour or moldy.

Homemade alcohol has a special value. Only used in its preparation natural products, which is why the final drink is always bright, rich and unparalleled. One of the most popular recipes- raspberry wine It is made from the ripest berries that are in every garden.

Homemade raspberry wine has a very soft rich aroma. Its strength is slightly lower than that of a grape drink, and it tastes more like a liqueur or liqueur. This alcoholic drink will definitely become a favorite on your table, as it will not be difficult even for a beginner to make raspberry wine, and its taste and aroma will not leave you indifferent.

Technology for making homemade wine

Before making raspberry wine, it is necessary to study all the subtleties of the technology of its preparation. One of the main points is the choice of raw materials. The composition of the wine includes water and sugar and berries. It is the last ingredient that is worth paying attention to.

Raspberries can be either yellow or red. Both of these varieties give great taste. It is better to give preference to a ripe berry, rather than a frozen one. Only freshly picked raspberries will fully reveal their taste in the drink. Berries should not be washed before cooking, as they contain natural yeast on their surface. Before cooking, they will have to be especially carefully sorted out from debris and insects.

Raspberry wine at home is prepared using the same technology as classic grape wine. From the berries you need to make a puree and mix them with sugar and water. The ingredients are placed in a fermentation container. It should be filled no more than ¾ of the total volume. Free space is left for the foam that appears during fermentation. A water seal is installed on the neck. It can be purchased at any specialized store. If there is no water seal, it can be replaced with a medical glove with a pierced finger.

The wort is removed in a dark warm place for a week and a half. After that, sugar syrup is added to it, and the mash is left alone for another couple of weeks. As soon as the release of carbon dioxide stops, the raspberry wine can be filtered and stored in the cold for another month and a half. During this time, a precipitate will fall, which must be separated from the finished drink. With insufficient strength, vodka or alcohol is added to the wine.

Best Raspberry Wine Recipes

Raspberry wine has many various recipes cooking. The most popular drinks are:

  • Classic sweet and semi-sweet;
  • Dry and semi-dry;
  • fortified;
  • Sour;
  • From jam or juice.

Depending on the choice, various ingredients will be added or excluded. To make a choice, it is necessary to consider in detail each of the wines.

Classic recipe with detailed description

Raspberry wine classic recipe is sweet low alcohol drink. Its strength reaches 12 degrees. Its composition is as cheap and simple as possible:

  • Ripe raspberries - 1 kilogram;
  • Water - 1 liter;
  • Sugar - 500 grams.

First of all, you need to prepare raspberry puree. To do this, the prepared berries are ground through a sieve or passed through a meat grinder. Sugar and water will be added gradually. At the first stage of fermentation, 700 milliliters of water and 300 grams of sugar are mixed with berry puree. The resulting wort must be transferred to a container, leaving a third of the total volume free. The mixture is closed with a water seal or a rubber glove and left in a dark, cool place for 1 week. Every day the wort is stirred with a wooden spoon.

After the time has elapsed, the fermented mixture is filtered through dense gauze in order to separate the juice from the berries. The remaining cake is thrown out, and the liquid part is mixed with syrup made from 100 grams of sugar and the remaining water. The container is sealed again and left alone for 3 to 4 days.

After the specified time, the remnants of granulated sugar interfere with the mash. The last stage of fermentation takes about 1.5 months. After that, the wine is removed from the sediment and left under a water seal for another couple of weeks to complete the process. As soon as the formation of carbon dioxide ends, the drink is once again separated from the formed cloudy part and poured into a container for storage. In order for the taste of raspberry wine to be fully revealed, it needs to ripen in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 months. This step-by-step simple recipe for making at home is applicable to all other wines, since the technology does not change radically anywhere. Therefore, in the rest of the drinks, only the composition and some distinctive features manufacturing.

Raspberry wine with a high degree

Raspberry wine can be not only light and sweet, but also quite a strong drink. To prepare it you will need:

  • Raspberries - 1 kilogram;
  • Alcohol (95%) - 70 milliliters;
  • Sugar - 200 grams;
  • Water - 400 milliliters.

Raspberries are pressed and separated into a solid and a liquid part. The cake is poured with half the water and aged for 5 hours. The resulting infusion is filtered and mixed with juice, remaining water and 100 grams of sugar. The mixture ferments in the heat under a water seal for 3 days.

After that, 50 grams of sugar is added, and the mash is left for another 3 days. After the time has elapsed, the last part of the sand is poured. After fermentation is complete, the wine is removed from the sediment and mixed with alcohol. The drink will be ready after 2 months of aging in the refrigerator.

Raspberry wine recipe for sour lovers

Traditional raspberry wine is very sweet. This recipe is suitable for those who find the classic too cloying. For cooking you will need:

  • Raspberries - 5 kilograms;
  • Sugar - 750 grams.

Raspberries are kneaded and mixed with sugar in a large container. After 5 days, remove the foam and strain the juice. The resulting liquid is closed with a water seal until the fermentation is complete. Sour homemade raspberry wine will be completely ready only after the final cool aging for 2 months.

Dry wine

Dry homemade raspberry wine is similar in preparation to the classic one, only it contains much less sugar.

  • Raspberries - 2 kilograms;
  • Sugar - 400 grams;
  • Water - 2 liters.

Raspberry puree and half sugar are mixed and infused for 3 days, after which they are poured with water. The resulting wort is fermented using the same technology as in the classic version, with the addition of sugar in 2 stages.

Semi-dry raspberry wine

The recipe for semi-dry raspberry wine is similar to dry, only the amount of sugar in its composition increases.

  • Berries - 2 kilograms;
  • Water - 2 liters;
  • Sugar - 700 grams.

When insisting berries, 350 grams of sand are added. During subsequent fermentation, sugar is added twice: the first time - 150 grams, the second - 100 grams.

Semi-sweet wine

The recipe for semi-sweet raspberry wine is also similar to the classic one, but differs in proportions. You will need:

  • Raspberries - 4 kilograms;
  • Sugar - 1, 2 kilograms;
  • Water - 4 liters.

When preparing the must, grated raspberries are infused with 1 kilogram of sugar. During subsequent fermentation, sugar is added only 1 time - 200 grams. The finished wine is aged before use in the refrigerator for at least 2 months.

Home wine fermented raspberry jam

Making raspberry wine from fermented jam is much easier and faster than all previous recipes. You will need:

  • Jam - 2 kilograms;
  • Warm water - 4 liters;
  • Raisins - 250 grams.

All ingredients are mixed in a fermentation container and sealed with a water seal. The mixture is left until the process is completed in a dark, warm place. The finished wine is filtered, bottled and infused until ready in the refrigerator for 2 months.

Raspberry juice wine

  • Raspberry juice - 1 liter;
  • Water - 1 liter;
  • Sugar - 400 grams;
  • Raisins - 200 grams.

Making wine from raspberry juice is absolutely identical to the jam recipe. All ingredients are fermented in one container. The finished wine is bottled and stored in the refrigerator.

Raspberry wine is as easy to make as possible, especially if you watch videos with recipes. In addition to the most popular types, the taste can be diversified at your discretion. Other berries, spices and even raspberry leaves can be used. The list is limited only by your imagination.

delicious and fragrant berry- raspberries, often used to prepare various desserts and alcoholic beverages wines in particular. Raspberry wine is strong and sweet, completely absorbs the rich color and aroma of berries. Such a drink can not only surprise friends, but also decorate festive table.

The cooking technology is quite simple, so everyone, even a beginner, can make raspberry wine at home. You need to be patient and everything will work out. It is important to wait for the full maturation of the drink - when the raspberry flavor and aroma are fully revealed.

You can use not only red, but also yellow varieties raspberries. From yellow berries you get a light drink, similar to grape white wine, from red - ruby. From wild forest raspberries, you can make the most fragrant wine, only get it in the right amount not so easy - real luck.

simple recipe

Raspberries cannot be washed, because natural yeasts live on its skin, which are necessary for the normal fermentation of the must. And here is a must-have. Spoiled berries with signs of decay and mold should be removed, otherwise they will spoil the taste of raspberry wine. It will be impossible to fix it later.

It is very difficult to sort out the berries, they are too soft, so it is better to immediately pick off only the most ripe and high-quality raspberries from the bush, while removing the stalks.

Composition and proportions:

  • 1 kilogram of raspberries;
  • 1 liter of pure water;
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar.


Pour raspberries into an enameled cup, mash to a mushy state. Then pour the raspberry mixture into three-liter jar. Add sugar in the amount of 300 grams and 700 milliliters of water there. After mixing, install a water seal. Leave the container in a warm place for fermentation. Every day the wort should be stirred with a wooden spatula.

After 10 days, strain the contents of the jar and pour into another clean jar. Dissolve 100 grams of sugar in 300 milliliters of water. Mix the syrup with the filtered liquid. Again put under the water seal.

After 3 days, add the rest of the sugar to the fermented juice. To do this, pour a glass of juice, dissolve sugar in it and pour it back into the jar. Put the water seal in place.

Raspberry wine ferments for 1-2 months. During this time, he must not be disturbed. If 45–50 days after the introduction of the last portion of sugar, the fermentation process does not fade away, the wine must be drained from the sediment into another container and left to ferment under a water seal. This must be done otherwise ready drink will be bitter.

When the fermentation is completed, the young wine must be carefully, using a tube, drained from the sediment into a glass container for further maturation. It needs to be tried. If the drink is not sweet enough, you can add a little sugar to it and keep it under a water seal for another ten days.

To fix the wine and better preserve it, you can add a small amount (up to 15%) of diluted ethyl alcohol or quality vodka. This will spoil the taste a little, but homemade raspberry wine will last longer. After ripening, the drink will be much tastier.

Close the container filled with wine under the neck tightly and put it in the basement or cellar. The wine must mature for 3-6 months at a temperature of 6-16 °C. Periodically, the drink must be drained and filtered when a 2–3 cm sedimentary layer appears. If the sediment no longer forms, then the raspberry wine is ready to be bottled. It can be stored in a cool place for up to five years. The strength of wine, not fixed with vodka, reaches an average of 12-15 degrees.

raspberry jam recipe

You can make good wine from fermented jam, so do not throw away failed homemade preparations.


  • 1 liter raspberry jam;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • a handful of raisins (dry, unwashed).


Pour the jam from the jar into the pan, add water, as well as raisins, which are needed to activate fermentation. Its whitish coating contains wild yeast. Mix everything well and pour into a three-liter jar. After installing the water seal, put it in a warm place, protected from direct sunlight.

After a couple of weeks, the wort will stop fermenting and bubbling. It must be filtered, after which, add sugar. Withstand another 7-10 days under a water seal. Then cover the jar with plain nylon cover and move to the cellar. During the entire ripening period (2–3 months), sediment will form, so the wine must be periodically filtered.

Semi-dry wine recipe

Wine made from raspberries turns out to be not easy sweet, but even cloying - which not everyone likes. Sugar and water are used in order to achieve a higher degree. Given that the berry itself is quite sweet, you can exclude water and reduce the amount of sugar, then the wine will be quite strong and not particularly sweet.


  • 2 kilograms of raspberries;
  • 300 grams of sugar.


Pour the unwashed sorted raspberries into a saucepan and mash until mashed. Add sugar and stir. Cover the bowl with gauze or cloth, then leave in a warm place for 3 days.

When the mass foams, the pulp will float, separated from the juice, it's time to proceed to the next step. Drain the fermented raspberry juice through gauze into a three-liter jar (squeeze out the cake), cover with a lid with a water seal.

The jar should be in a not very cool and not very hot place. Optimum temperature for fermentation 25 °C. Fermentation will be completed in about a month. The airlock will stop bubbling.

Using a thin hose or tube from a dropper, drain the young wine into another container. This must be done carefully so as not to raise the sediment. Install the water seal again and take the jar to a cool room. After 30–50 days, the wine is removed from the sediment, bottled, corked.

All recipes have their own characteristics of preparation and proportions of ingredients. This gives everyone the opportunity to choose the most suitable option for him. If done correctly, raspberry wine will keep for a long time and will not change color over time.

The indescribable aroma of your favorite berries, bright color, amazing taste - all this has an incomparable homemade raspberry wine, which we will talk about. We hope that our recommendations will be useful to everyone who appreciates and loves good, sweet, tasty and light alcohol.

Moreover, no special difficulties are expected in the preparation of raspberry wine and everyone can make it. There would be a desire to please yourself and loved ones by putting this truly divine drink on the table, which is not inferior, and even surpasses them in taste saturation.

Cooking good homemade starts with quality raw materials. Raspberries must be fresh and ripe. It must be sorted out, throwing out rotten, spoiled, moldy berries. Can't be washed! In raspberry must be preserved wild yeast, contributing to active fermentation, without which it is impossible to create a delicious mature wine.

Let's not forget! The volume should be filled to 2/3, and in the case of raspberries, even better - half.

It's connected with the presence of pulp with bones, which floats to the top, actively ferments and can even clog the water seal tube, causing the wort to overflow or break the cork.

A unique wine taste can be given additional ingredients, among which we can mention various berries: white, red or black currant, blackberry, cherry, as well as fruits - plums, apples, etc. Spices are not added to homemade raspberry wine, it already has enough taste and aroma.

As you know, this berry can have various shades of red, as well as be yellow or almost black (Cumberland variety). From yellow you get amber drink, from red - ruby, from black - burgundy.

You can also make a raspberry mix. The shade of the final product will depend on the number of berries of one color or another used.

simple recipe

Consider how to make raspberry wine in the easiest, but not the worst way available.


The first rule is to take everything equally:

  • 3 (5) kg of raspberries;
  • 3 (5) kg of sugar;
  • 3 (5) liters of soft (spring or purified) water.

We sort out the berries and knead them thoroughly. Many do it simply with clean hands, because the truth is the best way. Moreover, esotericists claim that by contacting our hands, products take on part of our energy.

Thus, if you are preparing raspberry wine at home in a great mood, then it promises to be not only tasty, but also healing for everyone who tastes it.

Don't like it with bare hands - you can use wooden pushers or suitable fixtures from stainless steel.

Wine experts do not recommend using a blender to grind berries, as you will break the bones into the pulp, which will negatively affect the final taste. If you want to see for yourself - put two types of raspberry wine (with crushed berries or crushed with a blender) and then compare the final aged drink.

Stages of raspberry winemaking

  • crushed berries put in a bowl where the primary fermentation will take place. It is better if it is a vessel with.
  • Cooking syrup. To do this, heat half of the water (for 3 kg of raspberries - 1.5 l, for 5 kg - 2.5 l) we heat, adding also half of the sugar according to the recipe. Stir until completely dissolved. If the syrup is too hot (50 ° C and above), let it cool down and only then mix it with raspberry must.
  • Set for a week, or even 10 days in a dark and relatively cool place (where the temperature should still be at least + 18 ° C).

Important so that you notice signs of fermentation during the first (maximum - second) days. If this does not happen, urgently save the situation - add raisins or yeast!

  • Must be at least twice a day mix so that the cake that has risen does not turn sour.
  • Then the well-fermented mixture pour slowly from container to container.

Slow and repeated transfusion contributes to the saturation of the liquid with oxygen, which will positively affect its further fermentation.

  • Cooking second serving of syrup(using the second half of the amount of sugar and water indicated in the recipe) in the same way as above. Add to the mixture that is already fermenting.
  • Under the water seal, the fermentation process continues already at room temperature three weeks to a month.

When the gurgling is already rare, and the fractions are clearly divided into wine and pomace, it's time strain the liquid. The thickening in the process of straining (through a colander) is squeezed out and removed, and the pure wine material (not yet wine) is again placed under a water seal or a medical glove with a hole pierced by a needle.

  • Withstand until gas formation stops completely(bubbles do not appear in the water seal, if a glove is used, it will deflate).
  • Removed from sediment with the help of a tube, they are bottled (preferably glass) up to the neck, corked.

peculiar raspberry wine it will acquire taste no earlier than after 4 months, but it's better to wait six months. Store young wine in the cellar, cellar. Bottles are placed lying down (so that the wine touches the cork, preventing it from drying out and starting to let in air, which is detrimental to the drink).

From jam

Did the jam ferment, or did you not have time to eat last year's jam, and the shelves are already bursting with new cans? Great idea to make raspberry wine at home from jam!

For each liter of jam, add 2 liters of water and 120 g (bag) of raisins. The rest of the technology is the same.

love strong alcohol? At the end of fermentation, add alcohol or good alcohol to the wine, but not more than 1 liter of moonshine (0.6 liters of alcohol) per 5 liters of wine. This will give strength and completely stop the fermentation process.

From frozen berries

Suppose you missed the raspberry season, or good recipe found only in winter. You can make wine from frozen berries if you have them in your freezer.

Important condition good fermentationthe presence of natural yeast on the berries. In frozen raspberries (and the temperature in modern freezers- minus 26 - 28 ° С), they die, so the fermentation process may not start and wine from frozen raspberries will not work. IN a small amount add fresh, not washed berries.

A great substitute for fresh raspberries if you're making wine out of season - raisin, which is added to the wort container. It is not washed before use, because wine (wild) yeast is on the surface of the berries.

Advice meets - add pressed or dry yeast, but this does not always contribute to a good result, an alcohol smell and taste may appear, which will negatively affect the drink, which should be divinely beautiful.

Did you like the recipes? Leave your comments, share with friends on social networks. Let raspberry wine be sweet and intoxicating for you! Enjoy it with your loved ones!

The classic raspberry wine recipe is ideal for all winemakers who prefer to prepare delicious and quality drinks with your own hands.

To prepare it, you will need to take:

  • Fresh raspberries - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 5 cups
  • Water - 2 liters

Ripe raspberries will need to be sorted out well from leaves and other plant debris and put in a convenient clean dish. Berries do not need to be washed - there are wild yeasts on their surface, which will ensure the fermentation of the drink.

Before making raspberry wine, mash the berries well with a spoon or wooden crush and fill it with a glass of sugar.

Let the berry mixture stand for a while so that the raspberries release the juice well, during this time boil the syrup. Place a pot of water and sugar on slow fire and bring to a boil. Stir well and cook the syrup for another 5 minutes - be sure to remove the foam.

Cool the finished sweet filling to room temperature and pour into the tank with raspberries. Close the container with a water seal and shake gently to dissolve the sugar remaining at the bottom. Put the wort in a warm place to ferment in a warm place for 12-14 days.

When fermentation stops completely, the drink will need to be drained from the sediment.

Strain carefully through several layers of cheesecloth and pour into clean bottles.

Put the wine in a cool place for at least a week, after which you can taste a pleasant dessert drink with a delicate raspberry flavor.

How to make wine from raspberries

Homemade raspberry wine not only has a magnificent ruby ​​​​color, but also has an inimitable taste and aroma. To prepare it, a simple set of products is enough:

  • Raspberries - 1.5 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Water - 1.5 liters

Put unwashed berries in a convenient bowl and knead well. You can use a wooden spoon or pusher to mashed potatoes. Pour the raspberry mixture into glass jar and put in a warm place.

Pour sugar into another saucepan, add water and simmer the syrup over low heat. Let the syrup cool slightly, then pour into a jar of chopped berries.

To prepare raspberry wine, the syrup can be boiled in advance, and slightly warmed up before filling it with berry puree.

The resulting mixture should be mixed well and left at room temperature for 7 days. During this time, the pulp should rise to the surface, and sediment should form at the bottom of the jar. Carefully assure the pulp, strain the liquid through a fine strainer or several layers of gauze and pour into glass bottles. Close them with lids and put them in a cool place. Put a water seal on the lids or put a rubber glove right on the neck - since the fermentation will be slow, you will need to see when it is over.

When the wine becomes transparent - after about 5-6 weeks, it can be filtered again and poured into other bottles.

Homemade wine from raspberry juice and other berries

This raspberry wine recipe is very well suited for lovers of fruit and berry drinks. The combination of tastes and aromas of raspberries, cherries and black currants turns into an inimitable bouquet. Preparing this great drink is very simple, for this you will need to take:

  • Raspberry juice - 1.5 liters
  • Cherry juice - 10 l
  • Blackcurrant juice - 1.5 l
  • Sugar - 2.5 kg

Pour the juices of raspberries and other berries into a glass jar, add sugar and close the lid with a water seal or put a rubber glove on the neck. Homemade raspberry wine will be ready as soon as the juice mixture ferments.

Young wine will need to drain the sediment, pour into clean glass bottles and put in a cool place for 1-2 months to mature.

The drink can be tasted right away, but if you really want to get quality wine let it brew for a few months

Homemade raspberry wine recipe

The recipe for raspberry jam wine is useful for lovers of homemade preparations. If you have 1-2 jars of old jam left, you can easily turn it into a great flavored drink.

For this you will need:

  • Raspberry jam (old) - 1 kg
  • Raisins - 120 g
  • Water - 10 glasses

IN warm water stir the old jam, add unwashed raisins and mix well. Pour the resulting mixture into a glass jar or bottle and close the lid with a water seal. Instead, you can put a rubber glove on top - make a small puncture with a needle in one of your fingers to let the air out.

Put the jar in a warm place and wait for the fermentation to stop. Carefully drain the wine from raspberry jam from the sediment, pour into a clean jar or bottles and put in a cool place for 2-3 days.

Making wine from raspberry and cherry juice

According to this recipe, homemade raspberry wine is prepared for a long time - up to six months. However, the result will not disappoint you.

Required Ingredients:

  • Raspberry juice - 5l
  • Cherry juice - 5 l
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg

Before making wine from raspberries, make juice from berries. Ready natural juice from the store for this will not work, as it passed heat treatment. Most likely, it contains a lot of preservatives that protect the drink from fermentation.

That is why, prepare the juice from cherries and raspberries yourself, use a juicer, meat grinder or blender for this.

Remove the stones from the cherries, mash the berries in a puree and put them on a piece of gauze to make it easier to squeeze the juice. Mash the raspberries and squeeze out the juice. Mix raspberry and cherry juice, pour into a glass jar and add sugar. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and cover with several layers of gauze. Put the jar of wort in a dark and warm place for fermentation.

After the fermentation stops, the jar should be tightly closed with a cork and left for 3 months in a cool place. Filter the finished wine, bottle it, cork it and keep it in a cool place for another 2-3 months.

Pour the wine into a beautiful decanter and enjoy exquisite taste this wonderful drink.

The easiest raspberry wine recipe

The simplest recipe for raspberry wine will appeal to even novice winemakers. The finished drink can be tasted in a few days, and it will take you no more than 15 minutes to prepare it.

You will need to take:

  • Raspberry - 5 kg
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg
  • Water - 5 liters

You can make raspberry wine from crushed and defeated berries, so it is not necessary to sort them out. Do not wash the raspberries, put them in a juicer and chop well. You can use a meat grinder. From water and sugar, boil the syrup, cool it to room temperature and pour it into a glass jar. Add raspberry puree to the syrup, mix and leave to ferment in a warm place.

After 4-5 days, the drink will need to be filtered, poured into glass bottles and put in a cool place - you can store wine on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. It is very important that the bottles lie, not stand.

Raspberry wine has a rich bright color and aroma. Due to the availability of ingredients, this drink is very popular with owners of summer cottages and household plots.

  • Raspberries (berries) - 3 kg
  • Water - 3 l
  • Sugar - 8 cups
  • Raisins - 150 g

Raspberry wine at home is quite simple to prepare.

IN enamel pan pour water, add sugar to it and mix well. When the sugar is almost completely dissolved, put the mixture on a slow fire and boil the syrup. Boil the sugar filling for at least 7-8 minutes - do not forget to remove the foam.

Grind raspberries into puree, after cleaning the berries from leaves and other plant debris.

Mix the syrup and berry mixture, pour into a large glass jar and put in a warm place for primary fermentation. The container in which the wort will ferment must be covered with gauze or other cloth that allows air to pass through but filters out dust. The mixture of berries and syrup should be stirred 1-2 times a day with a long wooden spoon.

When the mixture ferments well, remove the pulp from the surface and strain the drink through cheesecloth. Do this carefully so that the sediment that has fallen for days does not mix with the wine. It is best to drain wine sediment using a simple rubber or silicone hose or straw.

Pour young wine into a jar or several bottles, close tightly with water seal lids and put the drink for secondary fermentation. You can use the same straw or put rubber gloves on the neck of the bottles. The secondary fermentation stage takes approximately two months.

When fermentation is complete, pour the wine into clean bottles and close tightly with lids or corks.

The last step in making raspberry wine is the ripening of the drink in a cool place. Pour the finished drink into glass bottles, tightly close the lids and refrigerate or cellar. Pour the aged wine into a decanter and drink slightly chilled.

Now you know how to make raspberry wine and you can prepare this drink not only from fresh, but also from frozen berries.

Homemade wine from fermented raspberry jam

If you find that a jar of jam has fermented, do not throw it away. Wine from fermented raspberry jam is a wonderful drink that you can make from a failed homemade. To do this, you will need to prepare the following ingredients and follow the instructions from the recipe:

  • Bank of raspberry jam - 1 liter
  • Water - 1.5 liters
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Raisins - 5 pcs

Open the jam jar and transfer the contents to a saucepan. Pour clean cold water, add sugar and raisins. Raisins do not need to be washed before adding to the mixture. The white coating on its surface is wild yeast that activates the must fermentation process.

Mix the must for homemade wine from raspberry jam well to get a homogeneous mixture. Pour it into a glass jar or several if you're making it right away. big portion guilt. Close the jars with lids with a water seal, with a tube for venting air or with a regular rubber glove.

Place the resulting wort in a warm place, preferably out of direct sunlight. The fermentation time of wine from raspberry jam will be 2-3 weeks. When air stops escaping through the tube, fermentation will stop. At this stage, you will need to add sugar to the young wine. Pour the sugar directly into the jar, close it with a lid and shake well several times to mix the liquid.

Place homemade raspberry jam wine in a cool place. It will be drinkable after a few days, but it is best to leave the drink to mature for 2-3 months. The finished wine will acquire a beautiful raspberry color and rich taste.

All recipes for homemade raspberry wine have their own peculiarity not only in the presence of various ingredients, but also in the technology of their preparation. Therefore, you have a wonderful opportunity to choose the most suitable option for making this great drink.

Ingredients: 4 kg of raspberries, 1.2 kg of sugar, 4 liters of water.

Cooking method. We sort out the raspberries, knead and put them in a glass dish. We prepare syrup from water and sugar, let it cool to room temperature, add to the raspberry mass. We tightly close the dishes with a cork with a water seal and leave the mixture for fermentation in a warm room.

When fermentation stops, transfer the dishes to a cool place, let stand for 3-4 days.

Young wine is removed from the sediment, filtered and bottled.

Ingredients: 3 kg of berries, 2 kg of sugar, 3 liters of water.

Cooking method. We sort out the berries, knead, put them in a glass container. Mix sugar with water, put on low heat, cook, stirring and removing foam, until boiling. Then we cool the syrup, pour it into the raspberry mass, mix and leave at room temperature for 7-8 days.

Shake the mixture 2-4 times daily. Then drain the juice, squeeze the mass.

The wort is poured into another container, corked with a water seal and left to ferment at room temperature for 40-45 days.

The wine is removed from the sediment, filtered, bottled and kept in a cool room for 2-3 months.

Ingredients: 6 liters of raspberry juice, 2.4 kg of sugar, 2.6 liters of water.

Cooking method. Mash the raspberries, squeeze out the juice. Add water and half the amount of sugar, mix thoroughly.

Pour the wort into a fermentation container, cork with a water seal and leave for 6 days. Then pour the remaining sugar into the liquid, mix and leave until the fermentation is completely over.

The finished wine is drained from the sediment and bottled.

Ingredients: 6 liters of raspberry juice, 6 liters of apple juice, 1 liter of currant juice, 60 g of lemons, 75 g of oranges, 18 g of tartar, 2 kg of sugar, 8 liters of water, 500 ml of cognac.

Cooking method. Combine raspberry juice with apple and currant juice. Add chilled boiled water, sugar and crushed cream of tartar. The mixture is placed in a glass dish and closed with a water seal.

As soon as fermentation begins, add thinly cut zest of lemons and oranges and squeezed juice from them into the must. When the fermentation process is completed, remove the film from the surface of the wort and pour in the cognac.

Let stand for 3-4 days, strain, filter and bottle.

Ingredients: 6 l raspberry juice, 100 g raisins, 2.4 kg sugar, 30 g vanilla sugar, 2.5 liters of water.

Cooking method. Pour half the norm of sugar into raspberry juice, mix until it is completely dissolved. Pour the juice into a bottle, cork tightly with a cork with a water seal, set for fermentation for 6-7 days.

Add the remaining sugar to the fermented wort, vanilla sugar and raisins, leave to ferment at room temperature. At the end of the fermentation process, we drain the wine from the sediment, pour it into a clean dish, let it stand for 5-7 days.

Then we drain again from the sediment, filter and bottle.

Ingredients: 500 ml of raspberry juice, 500 ml of blackcurrant juice, 5 mint leaves, 250 g of sugar, 500 ml of vodka.

Cooking method. We mix the juices, put in a warm place for 2 days. Then add sugar and mint, put a water seal and leave for fermentation.

When the fermentation process is completed, we filter the wine, add vodka and sugar syrup to taste, filter and bottle.

Ingredients: 6 kg raspberries, 200 g lemons, 2.5 kg sugar.

Cooking method. Rinse fresh, ripe and sorted raspberries in cold water. Lemons cut into thin slices. We put raspberries and lemon in a bottle, pouring layers of sugar, shake, tie the neck with gauze and keep warm for 3-4 days. After that, we replace the gauze with a water seal and leave it for fermentation.

After 14-20 days, when the fermentation process is completed, the drink is drained and filtered. Add sugar or sugar syrup to taste, mix and let stand for another 2 days.

The finished wine is filtered and bottled.