What are the health benefits of figs? Medicinal properties of fruit and leaves

Figs: history, types, distribution, composition and calorie content, health benefits, medicinal properties and contraindications. Photo.

Common figs, also known as figs, figs, figs, ficus caricas, fig trees, are subtropical deciduous trees reaching a height of 12 m. Usually figs produce two to three crops per season, in summer and autumn. The color of the fruit varies from creamy yellow to dark red and black-blue, the taste is from sweet and sour to sugary-sweet, the shape is round and pear-shaped. The tree begins to bear fruit already at the age of three, and can live 50-300 years.

History, types and distribution

The fig tree is one of the first crops domesticated by man. In ancient Hellas, it has been known since the 9th century BC, and in ancient Egypt it was considered sacred. As a cultivated plant, figs began to be grown in Arabia, and from there the tree was brought to Syria, Phoenicia and Egypt. In America, the brown ficus appeared only at the end of the 16th century. By the way, this name comes from ancient Caria - a mountainous region in Asia Minor, which is considered the birthplace of the plant. Today, figs are grown in Turkey, Egypt, Spain, Greece, the Krasnodar Territory, as well as in the Caucasus and Crimea, where the tree was brought by the Genoese. At the moment, about 1000 varieties of figs have been bred. They differ from each other in the way of pollination, yield, ripening period, frost resistance, shape and size of fruits.

The most popular varieties of figs: Blanche, Kadota, Chapla, Oglobsha, Azari, Khazar, Commune, Italian white, White Adriatic, Italian black, Dalmatian (Dalmatica), Yellow giant, Purple Sukhumi, Nikitsky fragrant, Sunny, Sochi-7, Fraga white , Sary-fig, Sary-forehead (Smirnsky-2), Kalimirna, Muason, Honey (Crimean-41), Apsheron. Of the dried fruits, the light yellow Samarkand fig is considered the best.

Vitamin cocktail: composition and calorie content of figs

Figs are a fruit with a jelly-like pulp and a rich taste, containing 14 minerals and 11 vitamins. Ripe figs have very tender and juicy flesh, while dried and dried fruits are quite hard, they need to be soaked or steamed before use.

Figs contain beta-carotene, vitamins C, E, PP and group B, minerals - iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, sulfur, bromine. iron in fresh fruits more than in apples, and in terms of potassium content, figs are second only to nuts.

Figs are also a source of proteins, natural sugars, organic acids, dietary fiber, tannins, fiber, pectins and are extremely important for health. fatty acids omega 3. The benefits of figs are also associated with the presence of antioxidants in it - polyphenols and flavonoids. In addition, a ripe fig is an alkaline food, and there is a significant lack of it in the diet of a modern person. Based on the foregoing, it can be argued that figs are ideal option for a snack, of course, if a person seeks to satisfy his hunger quickly and for the benefit of his body.

Calorie content of fresh figs: 74 kcal per 100 g. Nutritional value: carbohydrates - 12 g, proteins - 0.7 g, fats - 0.2 g.

Dried figs calories: 257 kcal per 100 g. Nutritional value: carbohydrates - 57.9 g, proteins - 3.1 g, fats - 0.8 g.

Versatile Benefits: The Medicinal Benefits of Figs

High cholesterol, hangover, cough, stress, excess weight- figs can cope with these and many other problems. Official medicine today appreciates its healing properties as highly as ancient Greek healers did several millennia ago.

With a cold

The benefits of figs for colds are explained by its antipyretic, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic effects. In the form of a decoction (in milk or water), fig fruits are used in traditional medicine with inflammation of the gums, respiratory diseases, as a rinse for sore throats. Cough Figs (4-5 fresh fruit pour a glass of hot milk, soak and rub) can be given to young children: you need to drink such a cocktail per day in 2-3 doses.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Figs are useful in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, liver diseases, and for the prevention of colon cancer. Its fruits have a mild laxative effect, they help to improve bowel function without the use of medicines. You need to take a couple of berries and soak in water (if it is dry figs) or milk (fresh fruits) and eat on an empty stomach. Doctors also prescribe the fruits of the wine berry for nephritis, urolithiasis and painful urination.

For cardiovascular diseases

Figs are useful for hypertension, iron deficiency anemia and venous insufficiency, as it is rich in rutin and potassium, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle. The enzymes contained in the fruits of the wine berry maintain the normal composition of the blood, preventing it from thickening, and contribute to the resorption of blood clots in the veins. The amino acids that make up figs help break down excess cholesterol in the blood.

For skin lesions

Figs accelerate the opening and healing of boils, abscesses, abscesses: fruits steamed in milk are applied to sore spots. Juice and infusion from fresh leaves Karim ficus perfectly moisturizes dry skin, removes pigmentation in vitiligo, removes warts, treats acne and other skin diseases.

Figs are high in fiber, which improves digestion and prevents excess sugar in food from turning into fat. Mexican scientists have found that carbohydrate-rich figs, paradoxically, are useful for type II diabetes. In addition, the fruits of the wine berry perfectly satisfy hunger and help the body get rid of excess fluid. In view of the foregoing, figs can be considered perfect dessert for those who watch their weight.

Figs during pregnancy

Beneficial features figs apply to pregnant women. Rich in trace elements and folates, fiber and ascorbic acid, the fruits of the wine berry are simply indispensable for maintaining the health of the mother and her unborn baby. Figs are especially useful for a woman in a position with excessive weight gain: healthy fruits you can replace harmful sweets and synthetic vitamins.

For the mood

Figs are useful to people whose work is associated with creativity and mental stress. This sweet fruit, in addition to the healing effect, it is also able to cheer up and strengthen memory, thanks to the potassium, magnesium, calcium and vitamin B6 contained in it. A breakfast of figs will help out those who “went through” the day before: the fruits of the fig tree do an excellent job with thirst, nausea and dry mouth.


Figs, especially in dried form, are contraindicated in severe obesity, gout (due to the high concentration of oxalic acid), pancreatitis, acute inflammatory diseases Gastrointestinal tract, violation of salt metabolism in the body and diabetes mellitus. Figs only brought benefits if consumed in reasonable quantities: no more than 100 g of dried and no more than 400 g of fresh fruits per day.

How to select and store figs

Fresh figs, even in the refrigerator, are stored for no more than two days, so on the shelves of domestic stores we often see dried fruits. Quality berries are quite soft to the touch. The staleness of dried fruits can be indicated by spots, plaque on the skin, bad smell, excessive hardness. And one more secret: experts say that the smaller the fruits of the fig tree, the tastier they are.

The fig tree is considered a symbol of enlightenment in Buddhism, and is mentioned both in the Bible and in the revelations of the Koran. According to biblical legend, it was the leaves of the carian ficus that became the first "clothes" of Adam and Eve.

Invaluable health benefits unusual taste, moderately sweet, somewhat reminiscent of honey, tender and fresh at the same time - all these advantages make figs welcome guest on the tables of different peoples of the world. Cleopatra herself preferred it to other fruits, and the ancient Greeks rewarded the winners of the Olympic Games with the fruits of the wine berry. Pamper yourself and only healthy sweets and be always healthy!

Many people know the name fig, but not everyone knows that this is not the only name for this plant. A fig tree, a fig tree, a fig, a fig or just a fig - this is the variety of names for this crop.

It is no coincidence that figs are called wine berries. The fact is that figs, ripening on a branch, begin to ferment under the influence of the sun and turn into real wine.

Figs are considered such an ancient plant culture that the mention of it can be found in the Bible: it was the leaf of the fig tree that covered Adam and Eve, who were expelled from paradise, and Christ, not finding fruits on it, cursed. And now we are happy to use these juicy and sweet fruits, which, by the way, are a culinary delicacy. It is worth noting that fresh figs are enough perishable product. Therefore, many prefer to enjoy the delicate taste of dried figs that have absorbed all the energy of sunlight.


Figs are useful in any of its forms: as a dried fruit, canned and fresh. At the same time, many are interested in the question of whether it loses dried figs beneficial features. We answer - it does not lose, but differs from fresh fruits in sugar content - in fresh fruits, the sugar content is about 24%, and in dried - about 37%.

The benefit of figs is given by its amazing chemical composition- pectin, vitamins, organic acids. Fig fruits contain such important minerals for the body as calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium.

12 health benefits of figs

Fig fruits have not only bright palatability but also exhibit medicinal properties. And if you know what the benefits and harms of figs are, you can use this product with maximum benefit for health.

The healing properties of figs, of course, are determined by the presence of a rich vitamin and mineral complex. Daily consumption of several figs will forever forget about the deficiency in the body of a whole list useful substances. So special benefit figs give children and people with reduced immunity.

Regular consumption of fig fruits will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the organs and systems of the human body.

    A large amount of magnesium and potassium makes figs able to normalize the work of the heart by maintaining normal blood pressure, lowering blood clotting, reducing the risk of thrombosis and tachycardia. Thanks to the substances ficin and pectin, which are part of figs, the blood thins, the resorption of cholesterol plaques occurs faster, and, consequently, the risks of developing a heart attack and stroke are reduced.

  1. Improving the functioning of the digestive system.

  2. Dried figs have an expectorant property, which is used in the treatment of diseases such as bronchial asthma, cough, tonsillitis, pneumonia, whooping cough. Only use in this case figs are more effective in the form of gruel with warm milk.

    The substance coumarin contained in figs is capable of developing prostate, breast and colon cancer. And benzaldehyde, which is also found in figs, completely blocks the development of tumor cells.

  3. Anti stress properties.

    Tryptophan and other organic acids in figs improve mood, increase energy, and help normalize sleep.

  4. Fresh figs have a low glycemic index, which makes it possible to use them for people suffering from mild diabetes. A decoction of fig leaves will help reduce the level of insulin in the blood.

    Fig juice helps to cope with ulcers, acne, as well as all sorts of wounds that he literally sticks together.

    Due to the presence of coumarin and furocoumarin in the composition of figs, painful symptoms during menstruation will come to naught. At the same time, three fruits of figs a day will restore strength and the amount of nutrients in the woman's body, which she needs so much during this period. Figs are also useful during pregnancy, firstly, with a unique set of vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for the development of an unborn baby. Secondly, the use of figs will save you from the occurrence of frequent phenomena during pregnancy - constipation and increased gas formation. Thirdly, figs are an excellent prevention in the fight against anemia due to the iron they contain.

    Due to the large amount of dietary fiber contained in figs, this fruit can be consumed during a diet.

  5. Influence on the work of the musculoskeletal system.

  6. Prevention of age-related macular degeneration.

    Numerous studies show that eating three or more figs a day can help reduce the risk of developing vision problems in older people.

  7. Prevention of problems with potency in men.

    In the East, for many centuries, fig fruits have been used to increase male sexual strength, figs will also help in the fight against prostatitis, one has only to pour boiling water over the fruits and consume the decoction daily.

Not only fruits, but also fig leaves have found application in medicine, they are the main raw material for the production of the drug "Psoberan", which is effective in the treatment of baldness and vitiligo.

Many will be surprised by the fact that in pharmacies you can buy fig syrup, which also has a whole list of healing properties:

  • improves appetite and digestion;
  • relieves spasms of muscular rheumatism;
  • improves skin condition;
  • helps with colds of the female genital organs.

Thus, the benefits of figs in the treatment of certain diseases are simply invaluable. Possessing a pronounced antipyretic, diuretic, diaphoretic, laxative, anti-inflammatory effect, fig fruits make every cell of our body work in a new and more efficient way.


Apart from undeniable benefit, figs can cause some harm to health. Therefore, before using them, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

  • figs, especially dried ones, will be harmful in severe forms diabetes;
  • having a tendency to gout, you should not eat figs, due to the presence of a large amount of oxalic acid.
  • dried figs can provoke an exacerbation of pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcers, so you should not use it for various inflammations of the digestive system.
  • Sweet figs eaten in large quantities can lead to weight gain and eventually obesity.
  • in the presence of stones in the kidneys or gallbladder, you should not use figs because high content oxalates, which will only exacerbate the course of the disease.

Figs should be used with caution. breastfeeding, since the laxative effect of the fruit can provoke diarrhea in the baby.

It is worth using dried figs with caution in bronchial asthma, since the fruit is often treated with sulfites and sulfur dioxide, which increases the shelf life of the product, but can provoke diseases of the respiratory system.

Too much a large number of eating figs can cause:

  • diarrhea
  • caries;
  • allergy.

It is also worth refusing to eat figs on the eve of the operation. This is due to the fact that the fruit promotes blood thinning, which can cause bleeding.

There are many legends around figs. For example, the botanist Theophrastus, well-known in antiquity, described hundreds of varieties of figs even before the advent of our era, and the most fragrant fruits were given their own names. And Cleopatra loved figs so much that even in the last minutes of her life she wanted to enjoy its taste, ordering to bring a snake in a basket with these fruits.

Figs are one of the earliest fruits that man began to grow. It is him, among the many sweet fruits in the warm countries of the world, that they prefer to eat. Unfortunately, in fresh it is not available all year round. Most of the fig tree we buy in dried form. But in this article we will talk about fresh figs, its beneficial properties and benefits for the human body. Let's stop and possible harm how to choose and store. Yet in autumn the fruits of the fig or fig tree can be bought fresh.

How and where figs grow

Everyone knows figs. But few people saw it with their own eyes in fresh form. Unfortunately, it does not tolerate frost and does not always take root in our climate. True, it is possible to grow it in home greenhouse conditions, which significantly increases the degree of its useful qualities for the human body.

These sweet fruits appear thanks to the so-called fig tree (in botanical circles it is also called a fig tree or simply a fig). It belongs to the genus ficus and the mulberry family.

India and the Mediterranean countries are considered the true homeland of this plant. That is, areas with a subtropical climate. True, some believe that he still comes from Egypt, where he was grown before our era.

Externally, the fig tree is a strong tree with smooth light gray bark (grows up to 10 meters) or a sprawling shrub (usually its height is about 8 meters).

As a ficus genus, the fig tree is distinguished by large hard leaves (they are located alternately), which are dark green above and grayish below. In addition, they are always pubescent.

In the leaf axils there are inflorescences called syconia. They are hollow, pear-shaped and have holes at the top. Such holes are necessary for osblastophages, which pollinate trees. All inflorescences are divided into male (caprifigs) and female (figs).

Juicy and sweet fruits appear only from the female inflorescences. They are characterized by a length of 8 centimeters, a width within a radius of up to 5 centimeters and a total weight of about 70 grams. Inside the fruit are small seeds-nuts.

Regarding the size and color, they directly depend on the variety. The most common types include yellow-green, dark blue, black, purple and yellow fruits.

A tree or shrub blooms quite often - up to three times a year. Inflorescences belonging to the masculine genus are formed from spring to late autumn. But women's - only in summer and autumn.

In the wild, figs can be observed in India, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Afghanistan, Iran, Asia Minor, on the Black Sea coast and in the Krasnodar Territory.

In mountainous areas, figs prefer height. Therefore, it can grow at an altitude of 500 to 2 thousand meters above sea level, slopes and along the coastal line of high mountain rivers.

To date, it is customary to widely cultivate the fig tree. There are fig plantations in Greece, Turkey, Italy, Tunisia, America, Portugal, as well as the European southern part of Russia. The main thing is that the temperature does not fall below -12 degrees.

When growing, it is customary to use light, even "poor" soil (not black soil) and water the plant abundantly.

Figs are planted by seeds or petioles. You can try to graft it to other fruit trees with sweet fruits. This option will additionally help to eliminate damage by pests and plant diseases.

It also became possible to plant figs in wide deep pots. Thus, the tree will perform a decorative function, grow no more than 3 meters high, and begin to bear fruit from the fifth year of life. In general, from a small tree a year you can get at least 90 pieces of fruit, it will delight the owner up to 60 full years. True, for inexperienced gardeners there is a danger of wasp nests appearing on such trees, which are often formed in capriphagos.

Figs useful properties and composition

Figs - the fruit of the fig tree or fig tree, has been known since ancient times for its beneficial properties. Even Avicenna in his writings described its effect on the human body. And all this thanks to its composition. Such a food product, although it contains a large amount of sugars, is still characterized by an excellent balance of various beneficial vitamins and trace elements, among which are present:

  • Protein fractions (naturally, vegetable origin);
  • A small amount of fat;
  • Carbohydrates;
  • pectins;
  • Fiber (or alimentary fiber insoluble);
  • Retinol (vitamin A);
  • beta carotene;
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • B vitamins (riboflavin, thiamine, niacin);
  • Minerals: sodium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, calcium, magnesium and iron.

Also, fresh figs are good. dietary product. total calories fresh fruit is only 49 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. Therefore, it is advisable to consider it low-calorie.

Since figs are rich in vitamin C, it helps to strengthen the immune system and helps protect against viruses.

Like many other fruits, this fruit contains many antioxidant compounds. Antioxidants play a very important role in maintaining health: reduce the risk of vascular and heart diseases, inflammatory diseases, tumors and many other diseases.

Iron improves blood composition, oxygen delivery to all organs and cells of the body.

Figs benefits for the body

The benefits of eating fresh figs have been known to ancient healers. Modern medicine, based on already existing records, has somewhat classified all the benefits of the application. Now wine berry is recommended for:

  • Increasing the vitamin deficiency of the body;
  • Strengthening the skeletal system;
  • Giving the body vitality and strength;
  • Removal of toxins;
  • Increase immunity;
  • Cure coughs and colds;
  • Additional therapeutic treatment for diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  • Cardio strengthening vascular system(lowering cholesterol levels, giving elasticity to blood vessels, stabilizing the work of the heart muscle);
  • Increasing male potency and combating sexual impotence;
  • Weight loss and obesity control;
  • Improvement of brain activity;
  • Rapid satisfaction of hunger;
  • Need to replace chocolate.

According to ancient legend, the Greeks used figs as a natural aphrodisiac. It was considered a sacred fruit that could improve reproductive functions. From a scientific point of view, this is easily explained: it contains minerals such as zinc, manganese, magnesium, which increase libido.

Medicinal properties of figs

This delicious fruit has not only purely gastronomic use. For over 5000 years it has been used to treat various diseases. Fig fruits have good:






properties. It is traditionally used to treat:





Eaten 5-6 pieces of fruit will help normalize blood pressure, the work of the heart muscle.

Unripe fruits contain a substance called ficin, similar to milk. After squeezing this milk out of the fetus, it is smeared with calluses, used to heal wounds, cuts, ulcers and other skin lesions, as it has antiseptic properties. By lubricating your teeth with it, you can also get rid of plaque.

To raise hemoglobin - eat 10 pieces of figs daily.

Fresh figs can help to cope with a toothache. To do this, cut the fruit in half, take out the pulp and apply it to the gums for 5-7 minutes. Repeat this 3-4 times and the toothache will gradually go away.

Oriental women use these fruits to whiten tooth enamel. To do this, you need to burn 2-3 large fruits on an open fire, collect the ashes and mix with glycerin. Brush your teeth with the resulting paste 2 times a day. After a week, as a rule, the enamel becomes whiter by several tones without any chemicals.

Fresh leaves of the tree are applied to burn wounds or to stop bleeding.

A decoction of a fig tree helps with gastritis, constipation. Use it for gargling with sore throats and colds.

A decoction of figs with milk is a proven remedy for treating coughs in children and adults. To prepare such a decoction, pour several pieces of fruit with milk and boil. Infuse for 3 hours and drink warm.

In addition, the juice of fresh fig tree leaves is used in cosmetology, adding it to various cosmetics. It has excellent antiseptic properties, helps fight premature aging.

Figs during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, fresh fig tree fruits play an important role not only in the life of the mother, but also of the baby.

And this importance lies in the following positive characteristics:

Figs how to eat

For many consumers, fresh figs are not available. But even when it becomes possible to use non-dried fruits, certain rules must be observed and one should not forget that unripe fruits are not eaten due to the presence of a poisonous and caustic milky "milk" called ficin.

In addition, the maximum daily number of fruits should not exceed three pieces. Otherwise, the rules are the same as for all other fruits, vegetables and berries. Before you eat figs, you need to wash them.

But most often, fresh figs are used to prepare various desserts, salads, as a filling for pastries, and when cooking meat. Compotes, preserves and jams are cooked from these fruits, including in the form of blanks for the winter.

Jam with figs is not only tasty, but also healthy. This jam will come to the rescue during colds.

For those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, prepare a delicious mousse with cottage cheese and figs.

How to select and store figs

Due to the fact that we do not often encounter a fresh fig tree, it is very important to understand how to choose such a fruit correctly.

Therefore, when buying, you should give preference to:

  • Soft light yellow fruits (although it all depends on the variety);
  • Large fruits of the same size;
  • Fruits with sweet pulp (sour indicates immaturity or expiration date);
  • Figs packed in separate cardboard cells (so they do not wrinkle);
  • Fruits with smooth skin and no different kinds damage (so they rot faster).

Fresh figs are not accepted to be stored long time. The maximum period is two days (this is permissible, because the harvest is often collected). When buying, it is best to leave it in a cool, dark place or put it in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. But it is better to eat right away or make jam from it.


No matter how useful fresh figs are, unfortunately, doctors limit their consumption for the following categories of people:

  • Figs are forbidden for those diagnosed with gout;
  • With caution, the fruit should be taken by those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Despite recommendations for consumption during pregnancy, figs are excluded from the diet of those women who are rapidly gaining weight;
  • Do not advise eating figs and diabetes.

Individual intolerance to the fruit is also a contraindication to use in order to avoid the occurrence of an allergic reaction.

Fig or fig tree, fig for most people is useful and can bring great benefits to the body. In season, and we sometimes sell fresh figs in the fall, buy this fruit. It will help cleanse the body, give tone, and just make it a pleasure to use it.

The benefits of figs for weight loss

Figs can be eaten both fresh and dried. High amounts of calcium, iron, potassium, along with high protein and low content fat makes it one of the healthiest foods. It can be added to yogurt, cottage cheese, smoothies and other dishes.

Figs, on the one hand, even fresh, not to mention dried, nutritional product. But recently, nutritionists have been closely eyeing it and recommending it in weight loss diets. Why? There are several reasons:

It is rich in fiber - soluble dietary fiber;

Contains several vital vitamins and minerals;

Good source of calcium;

Helps to strengthen the immune system;

Removes harmful substances from the body;

It contains antioxidants.

All this together helps, first of all, to survive the purely psychological aspect of losing weight, when a person is forced to give up the usual food and the usual portions of food. Many during this period fall into depression and, as a result, “break down”.

The second reason is the composition of the fruit. Indeed, during a diet, which often consists of monotonous products, and there are lovers of “sit” on mono-diets, figs can replenish the body with the necessary elements. In addition, fresh figs are not high-calorie foods.

About the benefits of figs, he is also a fig or fig, says Elena Malysheva

Dried figs (fig tree fruit) - seductive and delicious product which can be enjoyed all year round. But fresh is a real rarity for Russia, because it is demanding on storage conditions and quickly deteriorates.

The good thing is that when dried, it retains key nutrients and a great, tantalizing aroma for a long time. However, this is far from the only advantage of an exotic delicacy.

The dehydrated structure of the dried treat requires long chewing, which is why it is so popular with lovers of long-lasting chewy sweets. And the crunchy seeds in the very core make it even more desirable. It is not surprising that in Ancient Greece the export of figs was prohibited by law.

There are more than 150 varieties of edible figs in the world. The most popular varieties are black (Black Mission), green (Kadota, Kalimirna) with a characteristic juicy amber-colored pulp, purple-brown (Turkish) and White Adriatic - a variety that goes to drying and confectionery production.

What do you know about nutritional value figs? one cup fresh figs contains 3 fruits of average size (together with the skin). This is about 110 calories, which are distributed exclusively between carbohydrates (29 g) and proteins (1 g). No fat, cholesterol or sodium. One serving also contains vitamin C (3 mg), calcium (52 ​​mg) and potassium (348 mg).

In total, 50 g of fig fruits contain 3% daily allowance vitamin B6, 3.3% potassium, 3% manganese, a small amount of iron and 5.8% dietary fiber. Such an impressive amount of fibrous structures ensures the health of the digestive tract and prevents constipation.

According to the October 2006 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, figs have high level antioxidants. Moreover, varieties with darker skin are distinguished by the maximum doses of these substances.

Like a fresh product, dried fruits do not contain fat. Moreover, 2 dried copies are inferior in calories to one serving. fresh fruit approximately 10 calories (100 calories total). But keep in mind that a portion of the dried product weighs only 38 g compared to 150 g of fresh. At the same time, the set of nutrients is constant, only concentrations change.

Canned figs are even lower in calories, at just 80. They also have less potassium, calcium, and vitamin C.

Beneficial features

All the nutrients in figs work together to provide the most comprehensive range of health benefits for humans.

For strong bones

Daily intake of figs - great way saturate the body with calcium. Bones especially need it to maintain strength and increased density. Calcium deficiency first of all affects the musculoskeletal system, the bones become brittle, and the likelihood of a fracture increases significantly.

With age, the body absorbs calcium less and less, the more its natural sources are needed. Figs in this sense are a good choice.

From high blood pressure

Potassium-rich fruits help keep blood pressure at a healthy level. The modern diet is rife with processed foods, each of which contains sometimes horse-sized doses of sodium.

The disproportion of sodium and potassium in the body leads to hypertension, which is difficult to treat and quickly returns with malnutrition. Including figs in your diet is the first step towards achieving balance.

From cancer

One of the new scientific truths is that daily use fiber-rich fruits among postmenopausal women is effective preventive measure against breast cancer.

On average, cancer risks are reduced by 34%. The presence of dietary fiber in the pulp of figs is really good, therefore it is suitable for preventive therapy of cancer.

fig leaves

They are edible and very healthy, suitable for the prevention of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, as they reduce cholesterol levels and increase the response of cells to insulin.

In theory, thanks to fig leaves, it is possible to reduce the dosage of insulin in diabetics, although it is too early to talk about a clear treatment plan approved by official medicine.

Possible harm

Fresh fruits contain oxalates, which put pressure on the kidneys and contribute to the formation of gallstones, especially in people with a weak urinary system.

Dried figs are treated with sulfur-containing substances that can trigger an attack in asthmatics.

Fig tree or fig tree is one of the first plants whose value was recognized and glorified by people. Sweet, quickly satisfying hunger figs, the beneficial properties of which did not leave indifferent the healers of Greece, Rome, the Middle East and Asia, were repeatedly described in the greatest literary sources, depicted on canvases and sculptures by the masters of antiquity and the Renaissance. And today, when the biochemical composition of fresh and dried fruits is fully studied, figs have not lost their popularity.

Over the last four hundred years fig trees significantly expanded their area of ​​growth. Figs are cultivated not only in their historical homeland, in the Middle East and North Africa, but also on the American continent. The heat-loving culture also took root on the Black Sea coast of Russia. But due to the short shelf life, fresh fruits around the world are mainly dried and processed.

Calorie content of figs

And only plucked wine berries and dried ones are tasty, nutritious and contain many bioactive substances. However, the calorie content of figs and its nutritional value in this case are different.

100 grams of fresh figs contain:

  • 1.5% proteins;
  • 0.4% vegetable fats;
  • 4.9% carbohydrates;
  • 12.5% ​​ash;
  • 1.4% moisture.

Fiber-rich fruits accumulate a significant amount of sugars as they ripen, which determines the dessert taste and high nutritional value. Several fresh berries perfectly satisfy hunger, but at the same time, only 74 kcal per 100 grams of fruit.

As a result of drying, the beneficial properties of figs are fully preserved and even multiplied. But along with the loss of moisture, the concentration of carbohydrates increases.

What is useful figs

Like other products of plant origin, fig fruits contain vitamins and mineral salts, sugars and organic acids, fiber and other compounds that can affect a person's well-being. Therefore, the benefits and harms of figs for the body are determined by its biochemical composition. There are a lot of fresh and especially dried fruits in the composition:

  • vital B vitamins;
  • micro and macro elements, including magnesium and iron, potassium and calcium;
  • fiber indispensable for active digestion.

Although figs cannot be called a source of ascorbic acid, the rutin contained in its pulp helps the absorption of this vitamin. The same component, together with flavonoids and natural antioxidants, strengthens blood vessels, is responsible for regeneration and cellular rejuvenation.

Coarse fiber, leaving most of the fig fruit, perfectly cleanses the intestines and activates its work, fights the accumulation of toxins and resists the development of pathogenic microflora.

Useful properties of figs

The main areas of therapeutic application of the properties of figs are gastroenterology, cardiology and neurology. Vegetable raw materials are used for the manufacture of laxatives, strengthening capillaries and cosmetic preparations.

What is useful figs for self-use? The introduction of its fruits into the diet will be as beneficial as possible:

  1. Fresh fruits are used in the treatment of diseases of the vascular system, including hypertension, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins.
  2. Figs are an excellent laxative. It quickly and gently cleanses the intestines, stimulating its work and removing accumulated toxins from the body. Along the way, a disinfectant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect of the fruit is manifested.
  3. Possessing diaphoretic properties, the fruits of the fig tree help relieve fever.
  4. When used externally, the pulp softens and nourishes the skin. Useful properties of figs allow you to remove redness and irritation.

Today, doctors are studying the effect of fruits on cancer cells, as well as the possibility of using figs for inflammatory liver diseases.

With a hangover, after household poisoning or other intoxications, figs with benefits and without harm to the body alleviate the condition, speed up recovery.

Figs with cough milk: recipe and application features

The soft, fibrous pulp has long been used in folk medicine as a mucus thinner and expectorant. To do this, prepare a decoction of dried fruits in milk. Warm medicine effectively soothes an irritated throat, reduces pain and speeds up recovery. And the sweet taste of the broth is very popular with both adults and children.

The recipe for figs with cough milk is very simple. Per glass drinking milk take 2-3 figs, which are thoroughly washed beforehand hot water. The components are put on a small fire and, stirring, boil until two-thirds of the original volume remains in the container.

In order for the cough remedy to be as useful as possible, it should be wrapped up and left for several hours to infuse. The decoction is taken warm three times a day, 100–150 ml at a time. So the beneficial properties of figs will be revealed in full force.

Figs during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Figs contain an abundance of dietary fiber, vitamins and trace elements that will be useful for a woman who is expecting a baby or is already breastfeeding a baby.

During pregnancy, the growing fetus puts pressure on the digestive organs. As a result, constipation is not excluded. A small amount of fresh or dry fruits as a dessert or a light snack will help to cope with them and prevent new disorders.

At the same time, you need to remember that you should not get involved in figs during pregnancy because high content Sahara. You can include fruit in the menu only after making sure that it does not cause allergic or other negative reactions.

Contraindications to the use of figs

Like many other products of plant origin, figs have both beneficial properties and contraindications for use. With extreme caution should be attributed to the fruit for those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage. Do not include figs in your diet if you are prone to diarrhea.

Diabetics and allergy sufferers with individual intolerance to exotic fruits will have to refuse to eat figs. The last risk category includes pregnant and lactating women. Figs during breastfeeding are introduced into the menu very carefully, following not only the reaction of the mother's body, but also the child.

A high concentration of organic acids in fresh fruits can cause exacerbation of gout, pancreatitis and urolithiasis. Only if you follow the rules of personal safety, delicious sweet fruits will give a lot of pleasure and will not harm your health.

Video about the benefits of figs for the body