How to grow a fig tree at home? Growing a Fig Tree at Home - Tips and Tricks

fig fruit mulberry tree

Alternative descriptions

. (fig tree, fig tree) trees and shrubs


The dried fruit of a fig tree, in Russian cooking is known as "wine berries", "figs", "figs"

Delicate and emotional, indulgent and impulsive, a wonderful family man will be born under the sign of this tree in mid-June / December

The fruit of the tree, with the leaves of which Adam and Eve covered the hidden

sweet fig

Juicy sweet fruit of the southern tree, eaten fresh and dried

Southern tree of the mulberry family with juicy sweet fruits, as well as its fruit

Southern juicy sweet fruit eaten fresh and dried

Same as fig tree

medicinal plant

The fruits of this plant are sometimes called "wine berries"

harmless fig

Fig tree

Sweet fig fruit

tasty fig

. « fig» among fruits

Fig, but not a douche

Tree with fig leaves

Fig, but not a cookie

Tree with "cookie" fruits

Sweet fig tree

Ficus "figovina" (tree)

Southern fruit tree

Fig tree

It is also called fig or fig

Fig on a fruit branch

Fig from a branch

Same as fig or fig

Fig tree differently

What tree are figs taken from?

Another name for fig or fig

Second name fig tree

Another name for fig

A fruit whose strengthening syrup is given even to children

carian ficus

southern fig

Oriental fruit that helped overcome the effects of poisoning

Fig fruit

What tree has fig fruits?

Another name for fig

Fig or fig


fig fruit tree

fig fruit

Delicate and emotional, indulgent and impulsive, a wonderful family man will be born under the sign of this tree in mid-June / December

southern fruit

Fruit tree of the mulberry family

Fig tree

Southern tree of the mulberry family with juicy sweet fruits, fig tree

. "Wine berry" among fruits

The dried fruit of a fig tree, in Russian cooking is known as "wine berries", "figs", "figs"

Tree with "cookie" fruits

M. yuzhn. Turkish figs, wine berries, dried fig

The fruits of this plant are sometimes called "wine berries"

What tree are figs taken from?

sweet fruit

fig tree

Which tree has fig fruits

Ficus "figovina" (tree)

Sweet and sour berry

fig fruit of the mulberry tree

Fig, aka fig, fig tree, fig tree and wine berry - subtropical plant. Asia Minor is considered its homeland. Many are interested in where this grows exotic fruit. In Russia, it can be found in the Caucasus and Crimea in great abundance. In addition to interesting and unusual taste, figs have a lot of useful properties that even official medicine recognizes.


The fig tree is one of the most ancient plants in the world. It was first mentioned in the Bible. Adam and Eve covered their nakedness with its leaves. Figs were originally grown in Arabia. Later, it entered the culture of Egypt, Syria, etc. In Russia, the fig tree appeared only in the 17th century, where it received one of its names - the fig.

There are several types of figs - all of them are useful for humans.

The fig is a tree with light bark and stiff, alternate leaves. Surprisingly, all fig trees are divided into male and female individuals. And their pollination is of an unusual nature and occurs with the help of black wasps - blastophage. The pollination process itself is very labor intensive.

Fig fruits are pear-shaped. They are juicy and sweet, flesh with small grains inside. Figs are consumed both fresh and dried. It is used in cooking for making jams and desserts. But its main feature is the presence of useful properties.

Useful properties and contraindications

Oriental fruit counts great amount beneficial vitamins and micronutrients. Such as potassium, magnesium, iodine, calcium, phosphorus and iron. In terms of the amount of potassium, it is second only to. The health benefits of figs include:

  • Antipyretic, diaphoretic, diuretic and slightly laxative.
  • Lowering blood cholesterol levels.

Figs can relieve pain and relieve fever

  • Prevention of blood clots.
  • Antioxidant action.
  • Replenishment of sugar in the body.

Attention! It is worth noting that fresh fruits are very low in calories (only 50 kcal per 100 g), unlike dried ones.

  • Reducing pain during menstruation in women.
  • Moderate consumption of figs during pregnancy has a positive effect on the digestion of the expectant mother and the rudiments of the baby's teeth.

Figs are best consumed in fresh: fruits are not stored for a long time

Apart from positive properties figs are contraindicated in some cases.

  • Gout can cause figs to be avoided due to their oxalic acid content.
  • With kidney stones and digestive problems, you will also have to give up this delicious treat.

Attention! Dried fruits very high in calories. Those who follow their figure should limit their use or reduce it to a minimum.

  • Diabetes is one of the main reasons for the rejection of the fig tree.

Folk recipes

Figs are used in many folk recipes. One of the most effective is based on the antipyretic effect of the plant.

Recipe for fever. Several fruits are boiled in 0.5 liters of milk, then it is cooled and taken orally. Such a decoction not only acts as an antipyretic, but also eliminates cough. You need to take it four times a day in a warm form.

Recipe for a mild laxative. For half a glass of figs take this amount of raisins. Add a pinch ground ginger and nutmeg. Raisins and figs are finely chopped and mixed with spices. The sausage is rolled up and cut into 1 cm wheels. For constipation, you should eat 2 pieces of fruit sausage.

Fig tree, or figs - a lush plant up to 2 meters tall with palmately divided rough green leaves with pronounced veins.

plant fruits(figs) are pear-shaped, inside they are hollow. In place of inflorescences, fruits of black-blue, yellow, black or purple color appear, depending on the variety. Under home growing conditions, the plant lives from 30 to 60 years.

Fig tree varieties

For cultivation at home, there are many varieties. The most famous and popular of them are: Oglobsha; Purple Sukhumi; Kedota; Sunny and others.

Each of the types able to bear fruit in an apartment. The fruits are quite large and tasty. The plant begins to bear fruit in about six months. This period consists of several stages:

  • foliage decoration;
  • fruit set;
  • fruit ripening;
  • falling leaves;
  • plant rest for three months.

Can be achieved year-round fruiting of the fig tree with short periods of rest, providing it with good lighting.

The benefits of fig tree fruit

plant fruits not only have original taste, but also a huge benefit for the body. One tree brings about 80-90 fruits per year. Calorie content in 100 g - 49kcal. The composition of the fruit includes the following useful substances:

  • minerals - a large number of potassium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, calcium, sodium;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • glucosides;
  • vitamins B, A, B1, B6, B9, E, C, PP, K;
  • cellulose;
  • flavonoids;
  • fats, proteins and carbohydrates;
  • ficin;
  • oxalic, quinic, malonic, citric acid;
  • beta carotene;
  • amino acids;
  • disaccharides, oligosaccharides, monosaccharides;
  • pectins.

Use fig tree fruit helps to improve the condition in various diseases:

pick fruits fruit tree is recommended only after ripening. Unripe fruits contain milky juice, which has an irritating effect on the human mucosa. Fig tree leaves are also used in medicinal purposes. Harvest raw materials in the period June-October.

Planting rules

soil for a fig tree can be purchased at a flower shop. Perfect option- soil for decorative leafy plants. The main condition for the earth for a tree: nutrition, lightness.

For landing a wide pot is suitable, at the bottom of which it is necessary to install drainage. The plant responds positively to pruning, you can form an attractive appearance for you.

transplant young a fig tree plant is desirable once a year, an adult - once every 2-3 years.

Watering a fig tree

Fig tree requires moderate watering without allowing the land to dry out. The supply of moisture should be especially abundant in summer and spring. It is recommended not only to water, but also to spray the plant during this period.
AT winter period you can irrigate through the pan.

Tree propagation

propagate fig tree is easy with the help of cuttings. Plant propagation process:

  1. cuttings should have 3-4 buds;
  2. cuttings should be cut;
  3. dip their tips in a root growth accelerator;
  4. root in water or sand.

The second way reproduction is seed. But it is much more complicated than the vegetative one. In addition, the fig tree begins to bear fruit 4-5 years after planting, and the cuttings will present the first crop in 6 months. To propagate seeds, follow these steps:

  1. wash the seeds;
  2. disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  3. dry;
  4. seeds are sown to a depth of 1.5-2.5 cm;
  5. watered;
  6. cover with foil;
  7. a container with seeds is placed in heat, but at the same time avoiding direct sunlight;
  8. after 3 weeks, the seedlings that have appeared are transplanted into pots.

Another one from breeding method - layering. The method is suitable for plants in open ground:

  1. next to the plant make a recess up to 25 cm;
  2. pour into it land suitable for growing a fig tree;
  3. the branch of the plant is tilted so that it is in the recess, and the top is outside;
  4. the branch is fixed;
  5. after 2 years, a young plant develops, which can be planted from the main plant to the chosen place.

Plant nutrition

During the period of active plant growth and during fruit ripening (spring and summer), it is sometimes recommended to apply mineral fertilizers, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate to the soil at intervals of 10 days.

Selecting a landing site

The plant prefers bright light, but still it is worth protecting it from too hot direct rays of the sun.
In summer, figs love warmth; for winter, it is better to place a tree in a cool room with an air temperature of + 3 ... + 5 degrees.

Diseases, pests

When the plant reaches height of 20-25 cm, pinch the leaves to activate the growth of lateral shoots.

In winter, to rest the fig tree, it is necessary to place it in a cool room, stop watering and cut off the leaves.

Pests and diseases do not affect the fig tree. Rarely, plants are affected, gray rot and mosaic spotting are formed.

When growing fig tree at home, you can purchase not only an original plant that can become an exquisite part of the interior, but also an unusually tasty and useful product in the form of plant fruits that can be consumed by both adults and children.

And for those who like to know more, we suggest that you watch the video about the fig tree

The fig tree, also known as the fig tree and the fig tree, grows in the Mediterranean. This is one of the most ancient trees. It is known that it grew back in the Paleolithic era, when primitive people ate its fruits. It is mentioned in the Old Testament. This is a very interesting tree, many stories and legends are associated with it. Many peoples from ancient times considered it sacred. The Jews prayed under figs, the Italians considered it a fertility cult, and its fruits were also very popular in Greece. The fig tree was also held in high esteem in India and Egypt.

Nowadays, many warm countries are engaged in the production of figs. Its fruits are very tasty, nutritious and healthy. But still, many gardeners want to see a fig tree at home. Thanks to the work of botanists, the fig tree can now be found not only in the eastern and Mediterranean countries, but also in the colder northern regions.

Many amateur gardeners are faced with the fact that the fig tree does not bear fruit at home, although in compliance with all the rules, figs do not always bear fruit under natural conditions, this fact must be taken into account, because only female representatives bear fruit, but male ones give the fruits are small and hard, which immediately fall off after ripening.

In order for figs to bear fruit, two types of trees are needed - male and female. Since the flowers are in the middle of the figs, blastophages, small insects, are needed for pollination. Without them, the fig tree is not able to bear fruit. But still, self-fertile varieties have been bred today, which do without insects that live only in warm regions.

The fig tree is very thermophilic, in order for it to grow quickly, it is necessary to provide the plant with a lot of light and moisture. Figs propagate by jigging or live bait, with proper care, it begins to bear fruit already in the third year. There are several ways how the live bait of a tree such as a fig is prepared. Growing them is completely easy and does not take much time.

Pagons with swollen buds are cut from the mother plant when they are still green or slightly woody. Live bait can be immediately planted in the ground, and for better rooting it can be treated with phytohormone heteroauxin. You can also just put the pagon in a jar of water and wait until the root appears. Then the live bait sits in a flower pot. For rooting figs, pagons can be planted in a pot and placed in a greenhouse; at a temperature of 25 ° C, it will take root in a month.

To keep the figs in good condition, it is necessary to feed them from time to time with mineral mixtures, or ammonium nitrate. The only exception is when the tree sheds its leaves. Transplant figs once a year or as they grow out of the pot. If a fig tree grows in a house, then it may not shed its leaves at all.

The fig tree is very interesting, its fruits are not only very tasty, but also an excellent cure for many diseases. They treat diseases of the spleen and liver, diseases respiratory tract, bronchitis. The fig tree will not only be an excellent interior decoration, but can also give several kilograms of very tasty fruits.

Berries and fruits



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Botanical name: Fig or Fig, or Fig tree, or Fig tree (Ficus carica) - the genus Ficus, the Mulberry family.


Homeland of figs: Mediterranean, India.


Lighting: photophilous.


The soil: light, nutritious.


Watering: abundant.


Max Height: 10 m


Average lifespan of a tree: 200 years.


Landing: seeds, cuttings, layering.


Description of the fig plant: fruits, leaves and seeds. The fig is a subtropical fruit tree or large shrub 8-10 m high with a low wide crown and thick branches. The bark of the trunk and branches is light gray, smooth.



Leaves large, arranged alternately, 3-7-lobed, almost entire, rigid, dark green above, grayish-green below, pubescent, up to 15 cm long, up to 12 cm wide. Attached to a thick, long petiole. In the axils of the leaves are inflorescences - pear-shaped syconia, hollow, with a small hole at the top. This hole is intended for blastophage wasps that pollinate the tree. Male inflorescences are called caprifigs, female - figs.

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Fruit- sweet, juicy, pear-shaped, up to 8 cm long, up to 5 cm in radius, weighing 30-70 g. Inside they contain small seeds-nuts. Fruit color, color and size depend on the variety. The most common are yellow, yellow-green, dark blue figs.


During the growth period, the fig tree often blooms. However, male inflorescences are formed only from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn, and figs - only in summer and autumn.

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How and where figs grow.

The wild fig tree is distributed in the Mediterranean countries, in India, Georgia, Armenia, Iran, Asia Minor, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Abkhazia, on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory. In the mountains it grows at an altitude of 500 - 2000 m above sea level, more often on the southern slopes, as well as along the banks of rivers, forming thickets. It is cultivated in many countries with a subtropical climate. Large areas of fig plantations in Turkey, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Portugal, America. In Russia, it is grown in the southern regions of the European part. The countries where figs grow have a warm, humid climate. The plant does not tolerate severe frosts, below - 12 ° C.


The culture is also grown in room conditions as decorative tree. In this case, its height reaches no more than 3-4 m.


Figs bloom 2-3 years after planting. Brings a high yield from 7-9 years.

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The culture is propagated by seeds, cuttings and layering. In nature, the fig tree reproduces with the help of blastophage wasps, which penetrate through the opening of the seed. The females of these insects lay their eggs in underdeveloped female inflorescences. Wasps appear in male inflorescences. Leaving the inflorescence, the wasps get dirty with pollen. In the wild, they are attracted by the aroma of female inflorescences. Getting into female inflorescences, wasps leave pollen brought on the body. Flowers, on the stigmas of which pollen has fallen, tie fruits.



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Fans of this culture will be interested in the answer to the question “how does a fig grow?” Fig trees are unpretentious, successfully grow and bear fruit on any soil, including poor and depleted ones. Blooms often throughout the year. The fruits are tied 2 times a year - in summer and autumn. The fig plant is drought-resistant, and some varieties withstand low temperatures up to -17-20°С. It is not affected by pests and diseases.


One tree bears about 70-90 fruits per year. The life expectancy of wild individuals is 150-200 years, trees grown at home - 30-60 years


What is a fig

The fig fruit is yellow, black-blue, purple and black, depending on the variety. It has high taste qualities, contains a lot of valuable substances. Despite the sweet taste of this fruit, its calorie content is low. In 100 g fresh berries contains 49 kcal. Dried figs decrease in weight and volume, but at the same time sugars accumulate in it. 100 g of dried fruit contains about 95 kcal. Dried figs are highly nutritious. They contain 4.5 g of protein, 1.4 g of fat and 64 g of carbohydrates. In addition, figs are a source of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, dietary fiber. The main vitamins that make up its composition are vitamins A, B, B1, C, E, PP, beta-carotenes, fiber, pectins. Among the minerals in the pulp of the fruit contains iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium.


The fruit of the fig tree is eaten fresh, canned, dried. Jam, jams, marshmallows, compotes and wines are made from it, for which the fruits of this plant are called "vin berry". However, fresh figs are not transportable, so only unripe or dried are transported.


O useful properties fig trees have been known since ancient times. Today, wine berries are used not only for cooking various dishes, but also to compensate for the lack of vitamins, strengthen bones, restore vitality, removing toxins from the body. Fig fruits are used to treat coughs, colds, liver and kidney diseases, of cardio-vascular system. In addition, this fruit increases male potency, fights sexual impotence. fresh fruits low-calorie, which helps in the fight against overweight. There are "figs" fasting days when 100 g of dried fig tree fruits, 1 kg of any other fruit and 500 g of vegetables are eaten per day.



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Wine berry is recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Figs help prevent iron deficiency in the body of a pregnant woman and prevent fetal anemia. At breastfeeding enhances lactation, serves as a prevention of the appearance of mastopathy, saturates breast milk useful to the child vitamins and microelements.


Figs have been proven to improve brain function, increase immunity, and prevent many diseases.


Unripe fruits are inedible, as they contain caustic milky juice.

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Figs are a useful fruit

Fresh figs do not harm a healthy body. However, this fruit is contraindicated in gout and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

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Dried fruits from behind high content sugar is not recommended for overweight and diabetes.


Wine berries should be excluded from the diet during pregnancy, if a woman is gaining weight quickly, or suffers from diabetes.


Despite the minimal harm of figs, use in large quantities it cannot be. healthy person 3-4 berries per day are recommended.


How to use figs correctly

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Everyone knows what a fig is. However, not everyone knows how to properly consume this tasty and healthy berry.


In the absence of any diseases, the fruit of the fig tree can be eaten in any form. This fruit perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger, replaces chocolate and other sweets. Dried fruits are used as dried fruits. Before use, they are poured over with boiling water and allowed to swell. You can soften the figs for a couple, so they retain their shape and taste. Dried fig tree is added to compotes, used for filling cakes, pies and other confectionery.


Fresh figs are used as desserts and also as additional ingredient in meats, salads and appetizers. Figs give exotic taste and delicate aroma to any dish.


Unripe fruits are inedible, but they can be baked after cutting, putting nuts in the cut and pouring honey. Such a dessert is not only tasty and nutritious, but also very healthy.

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When choosing a fig, pay attention to its color, size and softness. It is better to give preference to the same size, soft light yellow fruits. Firm flesh and a sour taste indicate the immaturity of the fruit or the expiration of its shelf life.


fig leaves

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The leaves of this plant are used for medicinal purposes. They contain organic acids, furocoumarins, essential oil, steroids, flavonoids, tannins.


Raw materials are harvested from June to October. The leaves are not plucked, but cut with a knife. Cut leaves are laid out on a flat surface in a thin layer. Drying takes place outdoors. For quick drying, they are turned over 2-4 times a day. During harvesting and drying, the leaves should be protected from getting wet. So that the raw materials do not get wet from the rain, they are covered with a tarpaulin, cleaned under a canopy or in a ventilated room. In clear, sunny weather, drying lasts 5-6 days. Dried leaves turn brown and lose their qualities.


Store raw materials in a dry, ventilated area. Shelf life 2 years.


Infusions and decoctions of the leaves gargle with colds, rub the eyelids with trachoma, treat scabies, cystitis, kidney stones, furunculosis. In scientific medicine, the drug "Psoberan" is obtained from raw materials, which is prescribed for alopecia areata, as well as to restore skin pigmentation in vintiligo.


Fresh fig leaves are applied to wounds. They draw out pus and promote the speedy healing of the wound.


The leaf extract is included in cosmetics for skin and hair care.


In addition to the leaves, fig seeds are used for medicinal purposes. They are used for constipation, 10-12 pieces at a time. Seed oil is valued for its moisturizing properties, so it is used to make creams, lotions, soaps, shampoos.


The economic importance of figs

The fruit of the fig tree is used as a substitute for coffee. The wood is used to make handicrafts and also as fuel.


Attractive and unusual outwardly trees serve as decoration of the garden plot. A plant grown in a pot makes the interior of the room unusual and pleasant.

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The history of the fig

The story tells that humanity has long appreciated the benefits and taste qualities fig tree. Archaeologists claim that the age of this plant is more than 5000 years. The first description of figs was compiled in the Bible, the Koran and ancient Egyptian writings.



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As the ancient legend says, its leaves were the first clothes of Adam and Eve. AT Ancient Greece slaves wiped their masters' lips with them after a meal. Participants in the Olympic Games used figs in large quantities before the performance. There was a belief that this fruit gives strength and courage. That is why warriors always took this delicacy with them on military campaigns.


In Buddhism, the fig is considered a symbol of insight, because it was under this tree that the great Buddha realized the meaning of being. In ancient Rome, the plant was sacred, as it saved Romulus and Remus (the founders of the Roman Empire) from death. The Egyptian queen Cleopatra had a favorite delicacy.



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The ancient Greeks revered figs as a symbol of fertility, and on holidays dedicated to the god of fertility - Dionysus, they supplemented the basket with dishes and wine drinks with the fruits of this plant.


Interestingly, at the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece, instead of medals, the winners were awarded fig fruits.


Figs were sung in their creations by the great writers and poets Leopardi, Dante, Pascoli. The plant was credited with miraculous properties. So, the famous Roman physician Dorante believed that almost all diseases could be treated with a decoction of figs. However, over the years, this statement was not confirmed in practice, so the fig began to lose its popularity, turning over the years into an ordinary tree.
