Mushroom soup with cream. Mushroom soup puree - original recipes for every taste

Mushroom puree soup with cream has a single recipe, but it is important to be able to give it some zest. This soup is hearty, tasty, but at the same time a simple dish. Many trendy restaurants offer creamy champignon soup as a first course to their guests. But it can be prepared at home without spending a lot of effort and products.

Features of soup-puree from mushrooms in the home menu

What do we know about mushroom soups, and even more so about puree soup? Especially popular mushroom soup mushroom puree with cream winter time of the year. Although in the summer it will be a wonderful addition to the table. It has many advantages over regular soup in meat broth. The main advantages of puree soup:

  • Light pleasant taste, which is a representative of the aristocratic menu.
  • A nutritious but low-calorie dish, which is ideal for people who are watching their figure.
  • Most ingredients contribute to better digestibility of other products.
  • Any member of the family will like it, since the two main components, namely mushrooms and cream, do not cause allergic reactions and are liked by everyone without exception.
  • It is practically impossible to get poisoned by the mushrooms that are part of the composition.

But still, some precautions should be taken when using this dish. For example, restrictions apply to children and older people.

Advice! For too young children, even this light dish from mushrooms can cause problems with digestive system. Therefore, it is better not to risk the baby's health by avoiding tasting.

There are also disadvantages in this dish:

  • Not everyone likes the consistency of such a soup, especially if a person is an adherent of standard cuisine.
  • Due to the presence dairy product in the composition of the dish, it can deteriorate very quickly.
  • Not everyone can eat mushrooms, as some enzymes cause negative body reactions to the product.
  • It is strongly not advised to use puree soup for people who have digestive problems.

Mushroom puree soup with cream is ideally combined with dried baguette or French loaf. It's great if you add a lot of finely chopped greens to the dish before the meal: parsley, dill.

The easiest champignon puree soup with cream for every home

So let's go! Consider the easiest way to cook fine dining. You can cook such a soup in just one hour, but the result will conquer the tastes of any gourmet. First you need to prepare all the products, and most importantly, decide on the concept of cooking.

The standard recipe, for example, uses meat broth. in vegetarian and lean version used vegetable broth. But in any case, the broth should be salted. While the broth is on fire, champignons are added here.

Advice! Before immersing the mushrooms in the broth, you need to defend them in cold water. So, the vegetable will retain its taste as much as possible.

Meat, cereal, fish, vegetable and other puree soups are often included in children's and diet food. As you know, the first complementary foods for babies consist precisely of pureed (killed to a homogeneous state) mixtures. Yes, and cooking troubles - a minimum. The selected products are boiled until cooked, squeezed manually through a sieve or instantly whipped with a blender, in a combine and diluted to the desired density with hot broth, half with milk or cream, often with white sauce, seasoned with spices, butter.

Leave cereals, vegetables and mushrooms in pure form until next fast days and add to the agenda mushroom puree soup from champignons with the addition of butter and milk cream - a universal first for children and the older generation of the family. Is different pleasant taste, nutritious with sufficient calories. In order not to spoil the quality of the food, we always buy fresh mushrooms / champignons - we will save frozen, canned semi-finished products for another recipe.

Prep time: 60 minutes / Serves: 2


  • champignons 300 g
  • potatoes 100-150 g
  • onion 50 g
  • milk cream 100-200 ml
  • butter 20 g
  • olive oil 20 ml
  • garlic 1 clove
  • salt, pepper, herbs to taste

How to cook champignon mushroom soup

During express cooking, peeled potato tubers are divided into cubes, dipped in boiling water (it softens faster without salt!) And boiled together with mushrooms with active seething for about 15 minutes. Then they are discarded, chopped, and diluted with broth. In my recipe, potatoes, without peeling, only after washing, need to be baked in foil or parchment. It takes 30-40 minutes in a pre-heated oven, at a temperature of 190 degrees. Then the final dish-soup is saturated delicious aroma, as if, in the village from the oven.

After removing the husk, we cut the large onion into several large segments - put it in heated oil (we have two types - olive and creamy), bring it to transparency at a moderate temperature, do not dry it. Do not chop finely, anyway, at the end we will grind, but we will keep the important juiciness and sweetness. I’ll say, in addition to onion, shallots, leeks will do - having simmered in butter, they become especially appetizing.

After two or three minutes, we throw in halves, quarters or even whole champignons (do not forget to rinse thoroughly from the soil in cold water) - we continue to quickly soak with the most delicate oil. At this stage, the time may vary, it all depends on what density of mushrooms you prefer. Mine took 5-6 minutes. The main thing is to protect the pulp from dryness, compactness, bitterness.

We load the bowl of a food processor (you can use an immersion blender) with baked potatoes (peeled!), fried onion-mushroom mix, salt, pepper, lower the clove fresh garlic- moderate spiciness is necessary for mushroom soup-puree from champignons. At the same time, boil cream 10-15% and water or broth, taken in equal proportions. If concentrated frozen meat broth remains in stock (I have it from jelly), here it is very out of place, instantly melts and mixes with boiling water.

We start the assistant unit, grind to the desired granularity-homogeneity. Pour boiling liquid (cream + broth) into mashed mushrooms, onions and potatoes, beat until the intended texture. We try.

As a rule, bread is dried - cubes, bars, thin slices. Reheat the soup if necessary.

Pour fresh mushroom soup-puree from champignons into deep plates-bowls, for external attractiveness, decorate with bread toasts / croutons, parsley or other herbs, mushroom plates - serve to the table, bon appetit!

Rich broth, pleasant mushroom aroma and rich taste - all this combines a nutritious and appetizing mushroom soup with cream. This elementary dish will fit perfectly into the usual everyday menu and will allow you to feed the whole family with a full meal. Thanks to butter (it is on it that we will fry onions and champignons) and milk cream, the soup gets the most delicate taste, and the potato gives the density, fat and additional flavoring “shades” necessary for the first course.

Ingredients per 1.5 liters of water:

  • champignons - 300 g;
  • onion - ½ pc.;
  • potatoes - 1-2 pcs.;
  • cream 20% - 150 ml;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • greens - a small bunch;
  • salt - to taste.

Mushroom champignon soup - recipe with cream

  1. Cut the peeled onion into small cubes, fry in butter, not forgetting to stir. We thoroughly wash the champignons, chop them into thin plates and load them with golden onion slices.
  2. When all the moisture released by the mushrooms has evaporated, remove the pan from the heat.
  3. Bring 1.5 liters of water to a boil. Wasting no time washing, peel and dice the potatoes - load into the already boiled liquid. To get thick hearty soup you need 2-3 pieces large potatoes, and for a liquid broth, only 1 tuber will be enough - the choice is up to the chef!
  4. Cook the broth without salt for the next 10-15 minutes. After making sure that the potato cubes have already become soft, lay fried champignons along with onions. Continue cooking at a low boil for a couple more minutes.
  5. The final step is to pour liquid milk cream into the mushroom soup, throw in salt. Bring the whitened broth to a boil, then immediately remove from heat.
  6. Pour the freshly brewed mushroom soup with cream into bowls, sprinkling each serving with finely chopped herbs. We serve a delicious first course immediately!

Mushroom soup is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Mushroom cream soup classical dish french cuisine, which has many different interpretations. Most often, for the preparation of mushroom soups, mashed potatoes are used fresh champignons by combining them with various vegetables. The method of preparation is also different. To obtain a creamy structure, recipes must use a thickener - flour, bechamel sauce, potatoes.

For a more pronounced taste, add cheese, cream, milk or sour cream. Today you will learn how to cook cream soup of champignons with cream and celery. Adding celery to the soup makes it not only more healthy, but also spicy in taste.

In cooking, celery root is used fried, raw, stewed and boiled. Grated celery is added with vegetable salads, for example, you can put it in or cabbage. When cooked, the taste of celery becomes less pronounced and resembles potatoes. Such a mushroom puree soup is both dietary and at the same time hearty, it is good to cook with the onset of cold weather, when you want to refresh yourself with something tasty, hot and delicious.

Ingredients for mushroom cream soup with champignons:

  • Fresh - 400 gr.,
  • Potatoes - 3-4 pcs.,
  • Carrots - 1 pc.,
  • Cream - 1 glass,
  • Root celery - 1/3 of the root.
  • Salt to taste
  • Spices as desired.

Creamy champignon soup with cream - recipe

Wash mushrooms under running water. Place them in a colander to drain the water.

Wash potatoes, carrots and celery root. Clean the potatoes. Cut it into medium-sized pieces, as usual for soup or for. Peel celery and carrots.

Cut it too large pieces. Place potatoes and mushrooms in a bowl. Fill with water to completely cover them.

Add celery and carrot pieces. Salt to taste. You can add black pepper or any other spices to vegetables. The main thing here is not to overdo it, so as not to interrupt the mushroom aroma with them. Bring vegetables with mushrooms to a boil. After boiling, cook for another 20-25 minutes over low heat, until the potatoes are fully cooked.

Drain the decoction. Pour cream into mushrooms with vegetables, add salt to taste. If you do not have cream on hand, then you can replace them with milk with a high percentage of fat content. Potato-mushroom mass with a blender must be pureed until uniform consistency(pure state). Put mushroom cream soup on the stove. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil and simmer for another 3-5 minutes.

Ready-made cream soup with a unique creamy mushroom aroma pour into bowls. Garnish with thinly sliced ​​mushrooms and fresh herbs. delicious Champignon cream soup with cream traditionally served with crackers or oven-dried white bread. Enjoy your meal.

Creamy mushroom soup with cream. A photo

Introducing mushroom cream soup of champignons with cream. Nowadays, no one cooks it at home anymore. People are paying more and more attention standard recipes. In their opinion, it is better to cook borscht or pasta every day than to experiment in your kitchen.

But since you found this recipe and have already begun to read it, let me say a few parting words. Having prepared a cream of champignon soup, you will not only surprise your household, but you will also understand how cool this recipe is. I assure you, having prepared it today, it will definitely fall into and become a favorite dish. Just read the recipe, it contains only vitamins.


1. Mushrooms - 350 gr.

2. Potato - 350 gr.

3. Chicken broth

4. Cream of your choice

5. Onion - 200 gr.

6. Salt, pepper to taste

Cooking method:

1. Grind the potatoes into small pieces, send it to the pan, salt, pour water. We put on fire and cook until cooked.

2. In the meantime, prepare the croutons. For this, yesterday's loaf is best suited, it is no longer soft and not yet dried. We cut it into cubes, I advise you to cut the crusts.

Grease a frying pan with oil, heat to optimum temperature. We fry our croutons until cooked. During cooking, you can season the croutons with sweet paprika or other seasoning to your taste. Also, do not forget to stir them during cooking.

3. When you figure out the croutons, it's time to cook the mushrooms. First, of course, they need to be cut.

4. Cut the onion into half rings and send it to a hot frying pan with butter, fry until transparent for 2 minutes.

5. Add mushrooms to the onion and fry them until tender. Don't forget to salt.

6. Take a blender with a cup and put fried mushrooms with onions in it. Grind to a puree.

7. Add a little to the mushrooms chicken broth, start the blender again.

8. We turn the boiled potatoes into mashed potatoes, add our mushrooms to it.

9. Add a little more broth, literally one ladle and already grind the entire composition of the future soup with an immersion blender.

10. For a creamy taste, add a little cream or milk, it all depends on what is currently available. But with cheese, of course, if you add it to the main composition, the dish acquires an even more creamy taste. You can experiment, but don't forget to tell me about it.

11. If the mass seems too thick in your opinion, you can add a little more broth, already completely at your discretion. Be sure to adjust the taste for salt and add ground pepper optional.

12. Pour the soup into bowls.

13. Sprinkle croutons on top and decorate with herbs, done!

Additional Information:

Champignons are jokingly nicknamed "forest meat" by the people. Thanks to high content protein, they quickly saturate a person. The benefits of champignons are undeniable: they have a delicate mushroom taste and aroma, they are rich in easily digestible protein, and also contain essential nutrients. human body amino acids, vitamins and other useful substances.

Potassium, calcium and phosphorus, present in sufficient quantities in these mushrooms, improve metabolism, general condition nervous system, strengthen memory, normalize the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.

Folic acid, contained in champignons and practically absent in other plants, is necessary for a person to maintain the reproductive system in working order, for the normal intrauterine development of children. Therefore, champignons must be included in the diet of pregnant women. Mushrooms do not contain toxic substances, they are safe.

Cream-based champignon soup is a hearty, easily digestible dish that is distinguished by tender creamy taste and an unobtrusive mushroom aroma. The best neighbors of this soup are greens and croutons. It is recommended for feeding children, the elderly, as well as those who need to quickly recuperate.

Video recipe:

I really hope that I answered your question on how to make a simple champignon soup-pere, and you liked this recipe. The calorie content of this product is not too high, so I can easily classify it as a diet food.