Chicken skewers on skewers. The dish is very easy to prepare.

Shish kebab recipes on skewers.

shish kebab count caucasian dish, But actually it is not. Initially, the first mention of such a dish appeared during the time of the nomads. To be more precise, the nomads of Asia, who moved in whole tribes. Initially, it was meat impaled on metal or wooden rods and fried on a spit. Now shish kebab has undergone a lot of changes, it is cooked on skewers and skewers.

Pork skewers on skewers: recipe

This dish is most often prepared for the holidays. AT winter time it is not always possible to cook a full-fledged barbecue on charcoal. For this you can use conventional oven. The meat is strung not on skewers, but on wooden skewers.


  • 200 ml tomato juice
  • 700 g pork neck
  • Spices
  • skewers
  • 2 onions
  • Cut the pork into 5 cm thick strips and place in a bowl
  • Pour everything tomato juice and sprinkle with spices and salt
  • Enter the onion, cutting it into rings. Leave the meat to soak for 2 hours
  • Thread the pieces onto skewers. They need to be soaked in water first.
  • Cut off the baking sleeve and put the skewers in it. Tie the ends and bake for 30 minutes
  • At the very end of cooking, cut the sleeve and let the meat brown.

Skewers of chicken fillet on skewers: recipe

Chicken fillet is quite dry, so it should be prepared in a special way. Initially, it is marinated and cooked with more fatty meat or in own juice. This will make the meat taste more tender and juicy. The recipe is ideal for those who follow their figure.


  • 500 g fillet
  • 50 ml soy sauce
  • 50 ml vegetable oil
  • Pepper mix
  • Wash the chicken and cut off the films, fat. Cut into 4 cm pieces and put in a container
  • Pour sauce, oil, salt and spices into the meat, mix
  • Cover the container with cling film and leave for 1 hour
  • Soak skewers in water and let stand
  • Thread the meat onto wooden skewers and place on the sides of the container. It is best if it is a loaf-shaped bread pan.
  • Pour water into the bottom of the container and bake the kebabs for 25 minutes

Chicken breast skewers on skewers: recipe

savory and unusual dish. Prepares very quickly. Marinade with a sweet taste.


  • 500 g breast
  • 50 ml soy sauce
  • 50 ml honey
  • 20 g mustard
  • Spices
  • Cut the breast into thin strips along the entire length of the fillet
  • After that, pour all the products for the marinade over the meat and leave for several hours.
  • Soak the skewers in water and string the meat with a snake
  • Fry for vegetable oil until golden brown

Chicken heart skewers on skewers: recipe

This offal is quite fatty and appetizing. From it are obtained great appetizers and skewers.


  • 500 g hearts
  • 30 ml balsamic vinegar
  • 30 ml soy sauce
  • Spices
  • 30 ml liquid honey
  • Cut the veins and tubes from the hearts, and rinse
  • Place in a bowl and add all liquid ingredients
  • Pour 3 cm of water into the bottom of the baking sheet, and place a rack on top
  • Put strung hearts on the grid and cook at 180 degrees for 25 minutes

Turkey Skewers on Skewers: Recipe

Turkey fillet is quite dry, so it is very easy to dry it in the oven. That is why the meat needs to marinate for a long time.


  • 500 g turkey fillet from thigh
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 2 green onions
  • 50 cm ginger root
  • 30 ml balsamic vinegar
  • 50 ml olive oil
  • Cut the fillet into cubes and place in a bowl
  • In a blender, grind the seeded pepper, peeled ginger root and onion
  • Enter vinegar and oil and turn on the machine for another 10 seconds, salt
  • Transfer the pasty mass to the meat and let marinate. Best left on all night
  • Put the grill on the pan and cook for 25 minutes

Beef skewers on skewers: recipe

Beef takes a long time to cook, so if you want the meat to be tender, marinate it all night. More details in the video.

VIDEO: Beef on skewers

Minced meat skewers on skewers: recipe

This dish came from the East and was originally prepared with fatty minced lamb, but we will cook with pork and beef.


  • 3 onions
  • 700 g minced meat
  • Spices
  • bunch of parsley
  • 1 egg
  • 30 ml lemon juice
  • Enter the egg and chopped greens into the minced meat. Pour in the lemon juice and mashed onion
  • Salt, add your favorite spices and form oblong sausages around the skewers
  • Put the foil on the grill, and sausages on top of it. Bake 30 minutes

Skewers of red salmon or pink salmon on skewers: recipe

Good New Year's variant that guests will appreciate. Very tasty and unusual dish


  • 400 g salmon
  • 2 small onions
  • 1 bell pepper
  • Lemon juice
  • olive oil
  • pepper
  • Cut the salmon fillet into small cubes, put onion rings and bell pepper on top
  • It is also cut into cubes. Pour salt, pepper, oil and lemon juice into the products
  • Leave to marinate for 2 hours. After that, put on skewers and bake in a form with foil until browned on both sides.

Shrimp skewers on skewers: recipe

Large-sized shrimp are usually chosen for this dish. Worth buying in advance king prawns. More details in the video.

VIDEO: Shrimp skewers

Skewers meatballs on skewers: recipe

Highly unusual recipe. Guests will definitely love it.


  • 500 g minced meat
  • 1 onion
  • 500 g fresh puff pastry
  • Greens
  • Pepper
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • Oil
  • Grind the onion in a blender and add salt, pepper and chopped herbs to it
  • Pour the whole spicy mixture into the minced meat and hit it on the table several times.
  • Make small meatballs with a diameter of 4 cm
  • Roll out the dough and cut it into strips 4-5 cm wide
  • Prick the meatball on the skewer, then snake the dough, wrapping the meat balls
  • As a result, on one skewer you will get 4 meatballs and a strip of dough
  • Bake on a greased baking sheet for 25 minutes

Lula-kebab skewers on skewers: recipe

More details in the video.

VIDEO: Lula-kebab on skewers

What side dish to serve meat on skewers?

There are a lot of garnish options. It all depends on your preferences.

Garnish options:

  • Mashed potatoes
  • Potato baked with lard
  • Grilled vegetables
  • For everyday porridge menu

How beautiful to decorate a dish with skewers on skewers: photo

By itself, the dish without decoration looks very beautiful and appetizing. That is why a minimum of decor is welcome. Mostly lettuce leaves fresh vegetables. To New Year's table this dish is often served on skewers decorated with New Year's tinsel. Skewers for the holiday

Do you want to fry a barbecue in nature, but there is no time, or the weather does not allow? There is an exit! Chicken skewers on skewers in the oven are an analogue of your favorite dish. The cooking process can captivate the whole family. And then enjoy the delicious taste together home barbecue. I bring to your attention step by step recipe barbecue.

Chicken skewers on skewers

Kitchen appliances and utensils: oven, baking sheet, foil, 6 wooden skewers.


How to choose the right ingredients

Eggplant and zucchini are best bought in small sizes. It is also better to use young vegetables. They will not have seeds or will be very small. At the time of buying pay attention to the skin. If it is thin and has a juicy look, this is exactly what you need. Sluggish with bad smell avoid vegetables. Their taste will not complement your dish in any way, and there will be no vitamins in them.

When choosing chicken breasts, also be extremely careful. Fresh meat has a juicy, pinkish appearance and a pleasant smell. Don't waste your money on frozen or weathered fillets.

But choose a larger pepper. It will be more meaty. For this dish, take a juicy red bell pepper with a pleasant smell and without black dots.

Step by step recipe

  1. We cut 2 pcs. chicken fillet small cubes, their approximate size is 3-4 cm.
  2. Cut the eggplant into slices about 1.5 cm thick, salt well and leave for 10 minutes. So all the bitterness from the eggplant will go away.

  3. Cut 1 bell pepper into 6-8 slices and divide them in half.

  4. Cut 1 zucchini into circles 1.5-2 cm thick.

  5. We chop two onions into rings, about 1 cm thick.

  6. During this time, the eggplant has already been salted. Rinse the salt from it under the tap, blot it with a dry cloth to remove excess liquid from its surface.

  7. Sprinkle chopped vegetables with spices. Alternatively, you can use spices. You can also try chicken seasoning. We do not mix vegetables with each other in order to preserve the individual taste of each.

  8. Now put the prepared ingredients on the skewers. I suggest this order: pepper, zucchini, meat, onion, eggplant. You can choose any order. It is important that there is onion immediately near the meat. And at the beginning and at the end - pepper.

  9. When the skewers are formed, brush them with olive oil. During cooking, it will give them a golden color and make them more juicy. Sprinkle more spices on top.

  10. In this example, I laid out the kebabs on a baking sheet covered with foil. You can also place them on a wire rack, and place a baking sheet under it so that the juice flows onto it. Or place the skewers on a deep baking sheet in such a way as on a barbecue. Then the juice will drain into the same container.

  11. When our dish acquires a delicious golden color, we take it out of the oven. This dish is served hot. If the time of its serving has not yet come, then it will be possible to heat the kebab in the microwave.

Dish decoration

Skewers on chicken skewers are completely ready and do not require additional garnish. Such a dish will diversify your daily menu, or decorate any holiday table.

  • You can add beauty to the barbecue with sprigs of basil and parsley.

  • Shashlik can be served upright with small fresh tomatoes strung on the ends.
  • If skewers a large number of, you can put them in the form of a slide, and decorate the top with curly parsley and tomatoes.

Video step by step recipe

All of the above you can see in this short video. You will learn how to choose the right sizes of ingredients, and also see what you get as a result.

cooking options

Let your imagination run wild. This recipe can combine with various vegetables and spices:

  • If you add tomatoes to the ingredients, it will become even more juicy.
  • If you splash food liquid smoke, they get the taste of barbecue with smoke cooked on the grill.
  • Use a variety of meat marinades.

I can offer you a Spanish version of barbecue on skewers.

Chicken skewers in a spicy Spanish marinade

This recipe belongs to Spanish famous chef Omar Aliba. Despite this, very easy and quick to prepare. It is suitable for you, as an appetizer or as an independent, light dish. You can cook barbecue in a pan and in the oven.

Time for preparing: 40-45 minutes.
Serving Amount: for 2-3 people.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: oven, frying pan, dishes for pickling meat, cling film.



For more dietary meat you can use the oven. To do this, lay the kebab on the grill, and put a baking sheet down so that the juice flows. Or, using the barbecue method, place the skewers on a deep baking sheet or any other dish that can be used in the oven. Thus, the juice will fall into the same container. Cooking time 30-35 minutes. A browned crust will inform you about the complete readiness of the meat.

Step by step video recipe

In this video you will feel the ease of cooking a Spanish dish.

Marinade from the proposed spices is universal. You can use it for any other marinating meat. Refined taste takes you to a Spanish restaurant.

Garnish options

Chicken skewers can be used as independent dish , but can be supplemented with a side dish.

  • Potatoes are suitable for this, if there is a need for a hearty snack.
  • Also, meat is easy to combine with any vegetables.
  • lettuce salad, fresh cucumbers and tomatoes with greens under olive oil will become the perfect complement for your meal. You will get all the necessary portion of vitamins and satiety.

Alioli sauce recipe

Barbecue in Spain belongs to the category of tapas snacks. To fully experience the taste of Spanish cuisine, can be done quickly and light sauce Alioli. Here is the recipe for you.

Sauce options

The sauce will be thick, like sour cream, and enhances the taste of any meat dish.

  • A sprig of parsley or basil will decorate the prepared sauce.
  • It can be served both in portioned bowls and in common dish for sauces.
  • It can be combined not only with barbecue, but also with any other goodies.

Other meat dishes

If we continue the topic of chicken fillet dishes, I recommend that you please your loved ones. This dish is prepared quickly and easily, and will not leave anyone unattended. Chopped chicken meat just melts in your mouth. By the way, for children, these chops will be the highlight of the treats. For meat lovers and proper nutrition, this dish will become the main dish during the meal.

you can do more hearty meal, having prepared . The cheese has a very delicate flavor that will add sophistication to any product. On my holiday table a frequent guest is chicken chops with pineapple and cheese, baked in the oven.

Dear readers and readers, your opinion is very important to us. Be sure to write your notes and recipes for your favorite dishes in the comments. Tell us what dishes delight you. And it remains for us to wish you bon appetit!

How to cook barbecue

chicken skewers on skewers in the oven

1 hour

80 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Why this particular recipe? I think that chicken skewers are very a simple dish, which does not require preliminary troubles and impressive cooking time. Those recipes that you can find in the article are distinguished not only by their simplicity, but also by their originality, because it is rare to find such a tasty and original dish anywhere.

Chicken skewers on wooden skewers at home

Kitchen appliances:

  • containers for your ingredients;
  • garlic press;
  • cutting board;
  • oven chamber;
  • kitchen wooden skewers;
  • form for baking;
  • food foil.


How to choose the ingredients for the dish?

In order for you to be able to cook the best chicken skewers, you will need to work hard to find a good chicken fillet. When choosing this product, pay attention to its external condition, it should not cause you the slightest suspicion. The fillet should not have bruises, tears, defects and the like.

As for the size of the chicken fillet, I will advise you to buy a medium-sized fillet. You should not rejoice and instantly purchase chicken fillet, which is distinguished by its size. It can simply be stuffed with various chemicals or all kinds of growth hormones.

When you choose a chicken in a store, make sure that the packaging in which the fillet itself is stored is completely sealed and intact. In no case should you buy products in violation of the rules of packaging and storage.

Step by step cooking recipe

  1. Like any other famous recipe barbecue, today begins with the preparation of an amazing marinade. Pour olive oil into a deep bowl, and add all the spices to it, namely: ground black pepper, sugar and, of course, coriander.

  2. Pass the garlic through a press and add it to the marinade bowl as well.

  3. Pour all the ingredients with good quality soy sauce and stir the entire contents of the bowl.

  4. Let's get the chicken ready. First of all, the fillet needs to be washed and dried a little. After that, cut off any unnecessary films that can be seen on the fillet.
  5. Cut the prepared fillet into strips, approximately one centimeter thick.

  6. Place the meat in a bowl with marinade, roll it well and leave for forty minutes.

  7. Take wooden kitchen skewers and soak them in water. This must be done without fail, as this prevents the skewers themselves from igniting.

  8. When the meat is completely marinated, you can start stringing it on soaked skewers. Be sure to string the meat in the form of an "accordion" so that it cooks from all sides and from the inside absolutely evenly.

  9. Wrap a clean baking dish in foil and place almost ready skewers on it.

  10. Preheat the oven to two hundred degrees and send kebabs into it for fifteen or even twenty minutes.

  11. At the end of the cooking time, you can serve the finished wonderful dish on the table.

Video recipe for chicken skewers on skewers in the oven

In this video you can find information on the process of preparing the above-described unique kebabs.


I offer to please my family and guests delicious dish. Cook delicious at home chicken skewers! It's simple!


chicken fillet 600 g
sugar 1 tbsp. l.
coriander 0.5 tsp
black pepper
soy sauce 2 tbsp
garlic 2 cloves
olive oil 3 tbsp

Prepare marinade for barbecue:
in a bowl, combine olive oil, soy sauce, add spices, garlic passed through a press - mix. Wash the chicken fillet, dry and cut off all the films. Cut into small strips about 1 cm thick. Send the meat to the marinade. Leave to marinate for 30-40 minutes.
Soak wooden skewers in water and also leave for 30 minutes. Then we string the chicken fillet onto the skewers with an accordion.
Wrap the form with foil, put the skewers. Bake for about 15-20 minutes t 200 degrees.
Enjoy your meal!

Music - "Orbit" by Josh Woodward. Free download:


Chicken skewers with vegetables in the oven

  • Time for preparing: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 6 portions.

Kitchen appliances:

  • oven chamber;
  • containers for ingredients;
  • cutting board;
  • garlic press;
  • whisk or fork;
  • food film;
  • oven grate.


For barbecues:

For marinade:

Step by step cooking recipe

  1. Let's start with the marinade. To do this, in a deep bowl you will need to mix: olive oil, a tablespoon of wine vinegar, one tablespoon of lemon juice, oregano, coriander, thyme and dried basil.

  2. Chop the garlic with a press. Add minced garlic to the marinade bowl. Add ground pepper and some salt.

  3. Using a kitchen whisk, mix all the ingredients for the marinade.

  4. Cut the chicken fillet into cubes and send them to the marinade. Roll them well in it and cover with foil. Then place the marinated chicken in the refrigerator for forty-five minutes.

  5. Let's prepare the vegetables. With them, you do not have to be smart and spend a lot of time on them, all you need is to wash and clean them well. After that, simply cut them the way you like best. It is most convenient to cut vegetables into cubes so that they look more aesthetically pleasing, and they can be more easily strung on wooden skewers.

  6. Soak the skewers in water before threading the cooked chicken onto them.

  7. Start stringing the chicken fillet onto skewers, alternating chicken pieces with pieces of vegetables. When you have completed this step, you can preheat the oven.

  8. Put all the skewers you have on the oven grate and place in the oven itself. Bake for a short time, about five minutes on each side. Don't forget to flip the skewers so they cook on each side.

  9. When the dish is completely ready, serve it to the table and start tasting your own creation.

Video recipe for chicken skewers with vegetables

I strongly recommend that you watch this video, in which you will find not only very useful information throughout the cooking process of this dish, but you can also learn how to cook Greek sauce, which is ideal for such a barbecue.

Skewered Skewers | In the oven

You don’t need special conditions for kebabs, just an oven is enough, super if it has a grill function! It remains to invite friends and arrange gatherings πŸ™‚

PUBLIC VK KitchenShow β†’

MY SECOND CHANNEL Nastya Rubik β†’

Post a photo of your dish on Instagram with the hashtag: #KitchenShow



↝ Chicken breasts, 500 gr
↝ bell pepper
↝ Red bow
↝ Eggplant or zucchini

For marinade:
↝ Olive oil, 30 ml
↝ Lemon juice, 1 tbsp.
↝ Wine vinegar, 1 tbsp.
↝ Garlic, 2 tooth.
↝ Dried oregano, 1 tsp.
↝ Dried basil, thyme and coriander, 1/4 tsp each
↝ Salt, pepper to taste

For the tzatziki sauce:
↝ Greek yogurt, 250 gr
↝ Cucumber, 100 gr
↝ Garlic, 1 tooth.
↝ Lemon juice, 1 tbsp.
↝ Olive oil, 1 tbsp.
↝ Parsley and dill, chopped, 1 tbsp each
↝ Salt, pepper to taste


Second channel with me:
My blog:

The composition "Daily Beetle" belongs to the performer Kevin MacLeod. License: Creative Commons Attribution (
Original version:

The composition "Italian Afternoon" belongs to the artist Twin Musicom. License: Creative Commons Attribution (

The composition "Life of Riley" belongs to the artist Kevin MacLeod. License: Creative Commons Attribution (
Original version:


What side dish and sauce would be best?

For chicken skewers you can use a variety of sauces and side dishes. If you watched the video that I suggested to you, then you know that the sauce is great for chicken skewers Greek origin tzatziki.

You can also use regular ketchup, which is very good in this case. But for special gourmets, I can advise you to try serving this type of barbecue with spicy or garlic sauce.

Chicken can be cooked however you like. But to surprise someone, you can try to cook, which will allow them to keep their beneficial features.
You can also cook. This perfectly complements their flavor range.

Tell us, did you like the recipes for chicken skewers on skewers? Did you manage to cook them? Or maybe you know how to make such a dish in a different way? Share your experience in the comments.

Chicken skewers in the oven - it sounds pretty unusual. How to cook it? How to bake? What marinade to use? There are many questions, but this dish is worth preparing. Chicken meat turns out fragrant, juicy and tender, no worse than on the grill. But the main thing, of course, is to know a few secrets that will make it perfect.

Secrets of cooking delicious chicken skewers on skewers:

  1. First, the chicken breast should be marinated for a short time, about 1-2 hours. If the fillet is left in the marinade for a longer time, the fibers will begin to break down, which will make the meat loose. At the same time, it is necessary to keep the chicken in the marinade at room temperature.
  2. Second, since chicken breasts β€” dietary product, they must first be beaten off a little with a kitchen hammer. This will allow the meat fibers to split and penetrate deeper into the marinade.
  3. The third secret is cutting meat. Chicken fillet is never very small pieces do not cut, otherwise it will dry out during baking. The ideal size is 4 cm pieces or 1.5 cm strips. In addition, the meat is cut only against the fibers.
  4. The fourth rule is salt. It should not be in the marinade. The fillet is salted at the very last moment before being put on skewers.
  5. The next step is baking. The meat should be cooked evenly on all sides. Therefore, it must be cooked on a wire rack, or on a baking sheet with high sides, so that hot steam circulates from all sides.
  6. The seventh nuance is wooden skewers. They should be large and preferably made from bamboo stems or birch wood. If possible, they are pre-soaked in water, then they will not burn out during baking, especially for a gas oven.

By following all of the above tips, you will get an excellent chicken skewers in the oven with tender, soft, fragrant and tasty meat.


Chicken fillet - 2 pieces

Kefir - 250 grams

Salt - to taste

Saffron - 1 teaspoon

Ground pepper - to taste

Cooking chicken skewers on skewers:

1. Wash the meat under running water and dry with a paper towel. Lightly beat off whole fillets with a kitchen hammer on both sides. Then cut the chicken breasts into cubes about 4-5 cm in size.

2. Fill the chicken with kefir and leave it at room temperature for 1 hour.

For marinade, acidic ingredients should be included, as the acid breaks down the fibers, allowing the meat to soak in flavor and become tender. Together with kefir, you can use milk with balsamic vinegar or mayonnaise. Also suitable exquisite products like an orange or a kiwi. They contain fruit acid, which will provide the kebab with a rich taste.

3. Then we take out the pieces from the marinade and season with saffron and ground pepper. Can be used according to taste fragrant spices and herbs. For example, paprika and turmeric will give the pieces a golden hue, while the curry mixture will spicy taste. Also, oregano, marjoram, coriander, ginger, rosemary and nutmeg go well with chicken meat.

4. Mix well the meat, salt and mix again.

5. Now we will alternately string the chicken fillet onto wooden skewers (try not to leave large distances between the pieces).

6. Put the skewers on a grill or baking sheet so that the meat does not come into contact with the bottom. The hot air will then allow all the pieces to cook evenly and at the same time.

7. We will heat the oven to 200 degrees and send chicken pieces Bake on skewers for half an hour. You can also use the "grill" mode, then the meat will be ready in 10 minutes. But you need to bake it for 5 minutes on each side.

8. Ready delicious barbecue from chicken fillet on skewers, serve immediately to the table. Because if it cools down, it will no longer be so juicy and soft.

Enjoy your meal!

Chicken skewers in the oven - it sounds pretty unusual. How to cook it? How to bake? What marinade to use? There are many questions, but this dish is worth preparing. Chicken meat turns out fragrant, juicy and tender, no worse than on the grill. But the main thing, of course, is to know a few secrets that will make chicken skewers perfect.

Secrets of cooking delicious chicken skewers on skewers:

First, the chicken breast should be marinated for a short time, about 1-2 hours. If the fillet is left in the marinade for a longer time, the fibers will begin to break down, which will make the meat loose. At the same time, keep the chicken in the marinade at room temperature.
Secondly, since chicken breasts are a dietary product, they must first be beaten off a little with a kitchen hammer. This will allow the meat fibers to split and penetrate deeper into the marinade.
The third secret is cutting meat. Chicken fillet is never cut into very small pieces, otherwise it will dry out during baking. The ideal size is 4 cm pieces or 1.5 cm strips. In addition, the meat is cut only against the fibers.
The fourth rule is salt. It should not be in the marinade. The fillet is salted at the very last moment before being put on skewers.
The next step is baking. The meat should be cooked evenly on all sides. Therefore, it must be cooked on a wire rack, or on a baking sheet with high sides, so that hot steam circulates from all sides.
The seventh nuance is wooden skewers. They should be large and preferably made from bamboo stems or birch wood. If possible, they are pre-soaked in water, then they will not burn out during baking, especially for a gas oven.

By following all of the above tips, you will get an excellent chicken skewers in the oven with tender, soft, fragrant and tasty meat.

Skewers of chicken fillet in the oven on skewers, recipe with step by step photo


Chicken fillet - 2 pieces

Kefir - 250 grams

Salt - to taste

Saffron - 1 teaspoon

Ground pepper - to taste

Cooking chicken skewers on skewers:

1. Wash the meat under running water and dry with a paper towel. Lightly beat off whole fillets with a kitchen hammer on both sides. Then cut the chicken breasts into cubes about 4-5 cm in size.

2. Fill the chicken with kefir and leave it at room temperature for 1 hour.

For marinade, acidic ingredients should be included, as the acid breaks down the fibers, allowing the meat to soak in flavor and become tender. Instead of kefir, you can use milk with balsamic vinegar or mayonnaise. Gourmet foods like orange or kiwi are also suitable. They contain fruit acid, which will provide the kebab with a rich taste.

3. Then we take out the pieces from the marinade and season with saffron and ground pepper. You can use aromatic spices and herbs to taste. For example, paprika and turmeric will give the pieces a golden hue, while the curry mixture will give a savory taste. Also, oregano, marjoram, coriander, ginger, rosemary and nutmeg go well with chicken meat.

4. Mix well the meat, salt and mix again

5. Now we will alternately string the chicken fillet onto wooden skewers (try not to leave large distances between the pieces).

6. Put the skewers on a grill or baking sheet so that the meat does not come into contact with the bottom. The hot air will then allow all the pieces to cook evenly and at the same time.

7. Heat the oven to 200 degrees and send the chicken pieces on skewers to bake for half an hour. You can also use the "grill" mode, then the meat will be ready in 10 minutes. But you need to bake it for 5 minutes on each side.

8. Ready delicious chicken skewers on skewers, serve immediately to the table. Because if it cools down, it will no longer be so juicy and soft.

Enjoy your meal!

If you want to cook Japanese yakitori chicken skewers, then watch this video.