How to soak heavily salted fish. How to soak salted fish: methods and tips, useful information

Salt is the most necessary seasoning, without which it is impossible to cook almost any dish. But salt is also one of the most insidious seasonings - it is almost impossible to eat an oversalted dish. Alas, not a single, even the most skillful hostess is immune from such a nuisance.

But do not despair - there are many options for saving the situation. Each product requires separate consideration, now we will talk about how to save salted fish.

Fried, stewed or boiled fish

Oversalted fried fish can be corrected with lemon juice. Use this simple recipe:

  • sprinkle the fish with lemon juice and sprinkle on top big amount Sahara;
  • fry a small amount of finely chopped onions and carrots and also sprinkle with lemon juice and sugar;
  • put the overcooked vegetables in a deep frying pan or saucepan, put salted pieces of fried, stewed or boiled fish on top, then another layer of vegetables;
  • simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes.

Thus, you get a wonderful dish - a fish under a fur coat. Overcooked without salt, onions and carrots will absorb some of the excess salt, and lemon and sugar will add piquant sourness. Thinly sliced ​​lemon slices can be used instead of lemon juice. This dish will be especially tasty when, after a few hours, it absorbs the lemon flavor.

You can also serve salted fish with unsalted garnish - mashed potatoes or rice.

minced fish

If oversalted raw minced fish, then fixing this problem will not be difficult. It is enough to add a small amount of a suitable unsalted ingredient to the minced meat - onions, carrots, bread soaked in milk or raw grated potatoes. Rice will help perfectly - it must first be boiled until half cooked in unsalted water.

If you find the oversalting already ready fish cakes Still, don't despair. Any sauce or gravy prepared without salt will help to correct the situation. TO fish cakes perfect creamy or milk sauce with herbs. Pour sauce over cutlets and send to the oven for 20 minutes - and delicious a fish dish ready. A bland side dish served with cutlets will even more balance the situation, and your household will never guess that a small tragedy has recently broken out in your kitchen.

Salty fish

If you suddenly bought salted herring, mackerel or any other fish in the store, do not rush to carry it back to the store - the situation can be saved. Your actions will be:

  • Rinse the fish well under running water.
  • If the fish is small, then we will soak it whole, if it is large, then we will cut it into portioned pieces - so the salt will be better to leave.
  • We put the fish in a deep bowl and fill it with milk - so that the liquid completely covers the carcass. Fish soaked in milk is especially tender and juicy.
  • If there was no milk at hand, then you can soak the fish in ordinary water or in steeply brewed black tea. You can add a few drops of lemon juice to the water - salted fish will turn out with a slight pleasant sourness.
  • We put the saucepan with the soaked fish in the refrigerator - when room temperature the fish may be spoiled. If the oversalting is small, then 2-3 hours are enough for soaking, if there is a lot of salt, then the fish remains in the refrigerator all night. The water needs to be changed periodically.
  • After soaking, the fish is thoroughly washed under running water, and mouth-watering pieces can be enjoyed.

What can be cooked from salted fish

If you can’t save salted fish, don’t rush to throw it away anyway. There are many recipes for dishes in which the taste of salt will not be felt at all.

The life of a novice hostess is full of difficulties. So much to learn, learn how to cook delicious breakfasts And healthy lunches, light dinners and snacks. But the biggest problem is usually waiting for you at the bottom of the salt shaker. It would seem that there is something complicated. Salted, then tried. But there are dishes with which this number will not work. For example, you have prepared a fish fillet for frying. You need to salt it on the table, no one will try raw fish, and after frying it may turn out that it is impossible to eat. What to do if the fish is oversalted and how to make it edible, let's talk today.

Fish on a coat

Try a piece first. If it is salted very hard, then you will have to save the situation as follows. Cut the fish into pieces and pour over the lemon juice. You can add some pepper. Now set the fish aside temporarily. Today we will look at several options for what to do if the fish is oversalted, among which you can choose the one that you like best.

So, the fish is soaked in juice, and we prepare the vegetables. Fry a fairly large amount of onions and carrots in vegetable oil. You can leave the vegetables without salt to compensate for the excess salt in the fish. Pour the lemon juice over the vegetables and add some sugar. The fish can also be sprinkled with a little sugar. Now put vegetables and fish in layers in a saucepan, then heat for 5 minutes. Vegetables will be removed extra salt.

In creamy sauce

And we continue to look for options for what to do if the fish is oversalted. For the option when the excess salt is not too significant, this method is suitable. All pieces must be put in a saucepan. Now fill them with milk, cream or sour cream. Slow down a bit. The sauce will take away excess salt, and the fish will be in cream sauce. What to do if the fish is too salty? Sauce can save the day too. To do this, just need to add a little more dairy product. Then you get a lot of liquid sauce, which is easy to fix with a spoonful of flour. Flour also tends to absorb salt, so the fish will quickly become normal in taste. The main thing is not to stew for a long time so that it does not turn out to be boiled in taste.

cooking salad

Every hostess has such incidents. What to do if you salted fried fish? Let's make a salad based on it. Separate the fish from the bones and disassemble into pieces of medium size. You can lightly sprinkle with lemon juice.

  • Boil a few eggs.
  • Marinate the chopped onion with vinegar.
  • Mix all salad ingredients and season with sour cream.

Looks pretty fresh and original snack. You do not need to add salt to the salad, just what you put in the fish is enough. If it is very salty, it is recommended not only to pour lemon juice, but also sprinkle with sugar.

If salted before frying

It happens that way too. There are several pieces on the table that have been prepared for frying. And suddenly the salt shaker turns over and they are thickly covered with salt. Of course, frying them in this state is not worth it. What to do if the fish is too salty? In this case, everything is quite simple. You need to wash the pieces in water and bread them in flour or breadcrumbs. Now the product is saved, and you can start cooking it.

Salty fish

When a novice hostess starts salting food, she is also often faced with difficulties. They put a little salt in the marinade or exceeded the allowable soaking time - and the product is impossible to eat. What to do if you salted the fish during salting? The main thing is not to panic. Fish is a delicate product, and its tissues are quickly saturated with salt. But it can be washed back just as easily. To do this, just immerse it in a bowl of clean water for a day. After that, you can safely proceed to cutting and cooking fish for dinner.

We fix the shortcomings

This method certainly has them. The more tender and fatter the fish, the more watery its meat will be after soaking. Therefore, pay attention to several other ways that can save the product:

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to save salted fish. But it's best to just avoid this situation. To do this, get yourself cookbook and write down all the recipes in it. After you have cooked, write down how much salt and pepper you put in and what the result was. Then next time you will know for sure whether more or less certain spices are required.

Salt is one of the most essential spices in the kitchen. Its moderately used amount improves and emphasizes the taste of the dish. But sometimes it happens that the amount of the ingredient is exceeded, and it seems that the dish is hopelessly spoiled. There is a solution to the problem. Experienced chefs know how to fix the situation.

What is the harm of salt

Using seasoning, we must not forget that the systematic excessive consumption of salt causes irreparable harm to the human body.

This is due to the fact that salt is not digested and absorbed, does not contain vitamins and minerals.

It has a negative effect on internal organs:

  • increases excitability nervous system and can cause heart disease, * provoke an increase in blood pressure;
  • promotes the excretion of calcium from the body, resulting in increased bone fragility, pain during movement, swelling of the limbs;
  • deposited in the joints. This leads to a decrease in the elasticity of the articular tissue;
  • is the cause of exacerbation of gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • may cause cataract formation;
  • reduces the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • is the cause of atherosclerosis and, as a result, a stroke;
  • makes it difficult to remove excess fluid from the body, resulting in an increase in body weight, increased appetite, impaired fat metabolism in the body;
  • contributes to the formation of stones in the kidneys and gallbladder.

On the other hand, a lack of salt can lead to a violation of the emotional state of a person and the development of a depressive state. It is impossible to completely refuse salt, but its use should be limited.

Salted fish is in no way inferior in taste to fresh. During the salting process, the product loses useful material, its meat becomes denser and tougher.

Soaking is necessary to improve the taste of the dish, as well as to maintain its health. At daily rate product up to 10 grams for an adult oversalting causes a risk of exacerbation of diseases digestive system. As a result of the soaking procedure, excess salt can be removed from the products.

This is especially true for foods that are more often consumed in salty form, such as fish.

In the process of soaking, not only excess salt is removed from the fish, but also such useful substances as proteins and nitrogenous compounds. A lack of protein will decrease nutritional value product, and nitrogen and its compounds will affect taste qualities. During soaking, the fish absorbs liquid, as a result, its mass will increase by about 10 -20%.

To soak fish at home you will need:

  • dishes, cutting board, knife;
  • the liquid in which the fish will be soaked;
  • salty fish;
  • seasonings and spices.

When preparing salted fish, you need to remember a simple rule: the fish is soaked for as long as it was salted.

Many mistakenly think that salt gives the fish a special taste. This is wrong. During the salting process, excess moisture is removed from the fish. Salt dissolves in the liquid secreted by the fish and a brine is formed.

In order to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, the resulting brine must be drained periodically. Fish salted with a large number salt, can be stored for a long time.

There are several ways to soak fish, but they are based on a general technology that is suitable for soaking fish, salted at home and bought in a store. This is the easiest soaking method.

When soaking, the salt from the carcass of the fish passes into the water. To speed up the process, use a larger container.

Soak should be in running or replaceable water. When using running water, the fish is placed in a colander and placed in a deep bowl. There should be a free distance between the bottom of the dish and the colander. Water will freely wash the carcass and drain over the edges of the container. This method allows you to soak the fish for 6 - 8 hours.

At home, fish is often soaked in changing water. To do this, the fish must be placed in a container with very cold water. To do this, take 2 liters of water per 1 kg of fish. It is enough to change the water every 1-2 hours during the day. Ice cubes can be used to cool the liquid.

The use of water has significant disadvantage- it makes fish meat watery. Therefore, it is better to use it for soaking fish. salmon breeds, as it is denser and more susceptible to harmful microorganisms.

For soaking fish, infusion of strong sweet tea. It enhances the taste and is great for all types of fish. For the soaking procedure, it is enough to immerse the fish carcass for 1 - 2 hours in the prepared solution. The container should be removed in a cold place. Tea has a whole complex of tannins that prevent the meat from becoming soft. To improve the taste, you can use fruit and berry syrups.

Milk is well suited for soaking fish, which quickly removes excess salt, reduces the specific fishy taste and smell, makes the meat tasty and tender. The soaking procedure in milk lasts no more than four hours.

For soaking, chilled herbal decoctions of mint, sage, lemon balm, oak bark are often used, giving the fish a specific taste.

To remove excess salt, you can use lemon juice. The marinade is prepared at the rate of 1 part lemon juice and 3 parts chilled water. The fish carcass is placed in the marinade for 3-4 hours. A fish soaked in such a marinade acquires a sour taste.

If during the cooking process the fish was not salted very much, you can serve it with an undersalted side dish. In this case, they will complement each other, and the excess salt will not be so sensitive.

Salted fish can be used as a filling for pies. In this case, unsalted dough should be prepared.

Salted fish can be stewed in thick sauce from flour or tkemali.

Some housewives cook salted fish with mashed potatoes or rice, which absorb excess salt well.

To improve the taste of salted fried fish, sprinkle ready meal lemon juice, add a little sugar. Then put layers of fried fish and sautéed onions and carrots in a deep stewpan, simmer for 10 minutes. Lemon juice can be replaced with lemon slices, then the dish will become more spicy.

In salted minced fish, you can add onions, grated potatoes or softened in milk White bread. Unsalted rice boiled until half cooked is good.

If cutlets have already been prepared from salted minced meat, you can serve them with undersalted sauce. It is necessary to pre-fill the cutlets with sauce and place briefly in the oven

To prepare dishes from salted soaked fish, you can use some tips:

  • vegetable oil will add juiciness and soft taste to the fish. This is due to the fact that the fatty acids included in its composition, linoleic and arachidonic, dissolve well in vegetable oil and are more easily absorbed by the body;
  • perfect for garnish mashed potatoes, rice, pickled mushrooms, boiled eggs or apples;
  • soaked cod, halibut, mackerel are ideal for cooking casseroles and grilling;
  • soaked fish can be used to prepare dishes with the addition of ingredients that give a bright rich taste: cream, vegetable oil, sour sauces. It should also be noted that the flesh of such a fish will be a little drier than fresh;
  • soaked salted fish is not recommended to be stored for more than a day. It is advisable to cook it immediately or serve it with the addition of butter or sauce.

Spicy salting is distinguished by the use of a large amount of spices and spices in the brine. It is used for salting herring, mackerel, pink salmon.

For soaking fish spicy salting often use milk or water. To do this, you need to prepare a large container. Pour milk or water into it so that the liquid completely covers the carcass of the fish. Add vinegar to the cold liquid at the rate of 1 part to 10 parts of water so that the solution retains its sharpness and is not bland. Pour the prepared carcass with liquid and leave for several hours in the refrigerator.

For soaking red fish, you need to prepare additional ingredients. IN hot marinade for soaking, it is recommended to add cherry syrup.

The fish must first be freed from fins, tail and head. If desired, you can separate from the bones, remove the skin and cut into pieces.

Then completely immerse the fish in the hot marinade. When the composition has completely cooled, it must be filtered and refilled with fish. Soaking can last from several hours to several days. The container with fish should be stored in the refrigerator.

When soaking red fish in a solution strong tea some add berry syrup or vodka.

Most often, the fish is soaked in milk, which makes it soft. This will require fresh cold milk. The fish must be laid in a flat dish and poured with milk. Soaking time depends on the salinity of the fish.

For soaking big fish it takes from a day to a week, average salinity - a few hours.

In order to soak dry fish, you must first soak it in water, and then soak in milk or water. The soaking procedure will take several hours. It should be remembered that salted fish has a limited shelf life. It must be used in a short time. She's different delicate taste and high content of nutrients.

The carcass should be cut along the spine without damaging the skin. Then pour a solution of strong sweet tea, which, thanks to the tannins included in the composition, will not allow the pulp to soften and lose its taste.

To speed up the soaking process, you can immerse the butchered carcass for two minutes in hot water, then quickly remove and place in a container under a stream of cold running water. This method allows you to reduce the amount of salt and soften the taste.

Many people like the taste of salted fish, but the problem is that it is simply impossible to guess the degree of salting of fish when buying it. Sometimes too salty fish seems simply unsuitable for consumption. There are several ways to correct the situation.

- milk, water or tea leaves.

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Before making the fish less salty, it must be washed to remove excess salt from the skin. If it is small, like a sprat, then it can be soaked whole. Cut large herring into portioned pieces so that the salt leaves the fish faster and more evenly.

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How to make fish less salty

The spicy pickled fish has its own unique taste, but when buying it in a store, you can never foresee whether it will be uniformly salty or extremely salty. The latter can happen not only when the manufacturer uses very huge amount salt, and even in this case, if the fish has been on sale for a very long time. To improve the situation and make the fish less salty completely can be by using products that can be easily found in the kitchen.

  • - glass jar;
  • - milk, brewing dark tea or water.

Before soaking the fish, wash the carcass under running water to wash off excess salt from the skin. If the fish is large, for example, herring or mackerel, gut it, free it from fins, head and tail, then cut it into portioned pieces. You can also cut the fish into fillets, so the salt will leave it faster. Small fish are soaked completely. Caviar and fish milk are usually even more salty than the fish itself, so if their future introduction is planned, then the insides will also have to be soaked.

Put the cooked fish in a glass dish and pour milk on top of any degree of fat content so that very salty fish is completely covered from above. Milk will not only remove excess salt from the fish, but also make it more affectionate. The type of fish does not affect the duration of the process.

In the absence of milk, you can soak salted fish in water or in strong dark tea, but this process will be longer than when using milk. In addition, although the introduction of water makes the fish the least salty, it also changes the taste itself, not for the best.

Put the container with the fish filled with liquid in the refrigerator for several hours. The more salty the fish, the longer the soaking time should be. You can leave the jar in the refrigerator overnight, then in the morning the fish will be rid of excess salt. At room temperature, the fish is not soaked, otherwise it may deteriorate.

If the fish has a very salty taste, after a couple of hours after the start of soaking it, drain the milk that has already absorbed the salt, wash the fish again and fill it with the freshest.

At the end of the process, you need to pull the fish out of the milk, wash it under water and put it on a paper towel, which will collect excess water. The fish is ready to eat, to improve the taste, you can add a little vegetable oil to it when serving.

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  • If the fish product contains up to 14% salt, then it is a strong salting, for a weak salting, from 5 to 9% salt is typical. If the fish was strong salting, then there is a need for soaking it. Before the soaking begins, the fish must be cut into neat pieces. Even lightly salted fish is cooked already cut into equal pieces. The fire used should be small, and the escaping scale should be removed periodically.

    How long to soak

    • Soaking salted fish should be done exactly as many hours as the days the fish product was in a strong saline solution.
    • It is desirable to soak salted fish in ice water, it is also possible in the refrigerator.
    • During soaking, do not forget to change the water regularly, every 2 hours.
    • The emergence of salted fish to the surface means that it has already lost enough of the accumulated salt in order to have time to acquire a delicate taste.
    • During the hot season the best place where you can successfully soak is a refrigerator.
    • Do not forget about the timely change of liquid so that the soaked fish does not start to deteriorate quickly.
      It should be borne in mind that reducing the amount of salt during soaking is not the only effect; along with the loss of salt, the fish product loses a certain amount of mineral salts, useful proteins, and essential nitrogenous substances. All this leads to a significant decrease in the taste of the fish itself.
    • By absorbing water, the specific gravity fish product increases by 25%.
    • When soaking, there is one minus - the product after such processing is stored only for a day.
    • Soaked fish is desirable to eat directly or cook it with the help of additional food processing.
      In order to speed up the soaking, add a little to the water. ordinary vinegar in a ratio of 10:1 (ten parts water and one part vinegar).
    • Different varieties of fish have their own nuances when soaking. For example, salted herring is soaked according to its technology.

    Traditional recipe for soaking herring

    This method significantly speeds up the process of soaking salted fish, improving the final quality of the soaked product. First, the herring must be carefully cut in half along the line of the spine, leaving a thin skin. Strongly brewed water is excellent as a necessary soaking liquid. sweet tea or fresh milk. Tea contains important tannins that do not soften the flesh of the fish, while maintaining its original density. The action of fresh milk is just the opposite: it softens the pulp well, giving it a little tenderness to taste. In addition to this recipe, there are traditional ways soaking fish.

    Classic fish soak recipe

    • To begin with, uncut fish is placed in ice water for further expansion.
    • After that, they are carefully cleaned of excess scales, subjected to butchering, the head and unnecessary fins are removed, and carefully plastified. The necessary soaking is carried out in clean running water.
    • Strongly salted fish is carefully poured with water in proportions of 1: 2. Due to the difference in the maximum salt concentration in the butchered fish and water, the diffusion process proceeds quite rapidly, ending an hour after the onset of the concentration equilibrium of the salts. When the specific content of accumulated salt in the product decreases, the rate of internal diffusion begins to slow down, and then the water needs to be changed much less frequently.
    • It is necessary to change the water at intervals of 1, 2, 3, 6 hours. After a full 12 hours of continuous soaking, the salt concentration should drop to the normal 5%.

    In order to personally verify this, they cook for a test, if necessary, soaking should be extended or the fish product removed. The disadvantage of this soaking method is that as the fish releases the accumulated salt to the water, the soaking process slows down significantly.

    It should also be taken into account that with a sharp decrease in the salt concentration in the fish product, its deterioration can quickly begin.

    With the method of soaking salted fish in a flowing aquatic environment, the fish are placed in a special bath with frequent slatted flooring, under which there are built-in pipes for uninterrupted water supply. The flow of water will evenly wash the salted fish, flowing into the water drain.

    With this industrial method, one must remember to stir the soaked fish every half hour. This simple way allows you to soak the fish in a few hours.

    Use after soaking salted fish

    The soaked fish product is preferably served with various healthy vegetables fresh or pickled, it is served as delicious salty snacks. It can also be used for cooking, preparing a homogeneous cutlet mass.
    Before direct serving, even moderately salted herring is subjected to thorough processing:

    • gently separate the skin
    • remove head and gills
    • take out all the unnecessary insides,
    • remove dense vertebral and costal bones.
    • After these steps, the fish is thoroughly washed.

    If the herring is quite salty and dryish, then it is defended in a cooled boiled water or in tea solution. When soaked in tea, the fish loses some amount of salt, without acquiring flabbiness in return, as happens in an ordinary aqueous solution.

    To give the herring a little juiciness and a noticeable tenderness to the taste, it is defended in milk. Herring is placed in a container, poured fresh milk so as to lightly cover the laid fish.

    Before you start using the resulting fish product, you need to know some of the subtleties of preparing such a product.

    The nuances of cooking original dishes from salted fish product
    Choosing the main ingredient soaked salty product from fish, you need to remember that her meat is drier in texture than that of fresh version. Therefore, it is customary to add components to dishes with this type of fish that will help it give a little juiciness:

    • regular vegetable oil
    • homogeneous tomato puree,
    • fresh cream of medium fat,
    • various sauces.
    • But the main preference for a salted fish product is still given to vegetable oil.
    • Herring fat has a good content of unsaturated fatty acids, useful to man. Among them, linoleic and arachidonic acids are considered the most biologically valuable. Ordinary vegetable oil does not contain arachidonic acid, but there is a sufficient amount of linoleic acid. When salted herring is combined with ordinary vegetable oil, the value of cooked dishes increases significantly.
    • Various delicious snacks with the use of herring, salted sprat, tender herring with the addition of vegetable oil become independent dishes, balanced in terms of the content of important fatty acids.

    side dishes

    As side dishes for dishes from such a fish product are used:

    • fragrant boiled potatoes,
    • fresh tomatoes and cucumbers,
    • chopped parsley,
    • boiled beets,
    • pickled mushrooms,
    • grated sweet apples and hard-boiled eggs.

    Soaked herring is served in beautiful herring bowls along with potatoes, and a side dish of salted cucumbers, boiled carrots. To complete the dish, greens are used along with thin onion rings.

    The process of soaking herring from salt.

    Salted herring is considered enough useful product, as it can be served as an appetizer, with onions, put on a buttered sandwich. And many hostesses like to add herring to various salads. It is a pity, but often the herring purchased in the store turns out to be very salty, therefore, it must be soaked. There are many different methods that allow you to soak salted herring.

    What to do if the herring is very salty, what to soak in?

    Not a single feast in our country is complete without salted herring. After all, each of us loves low-fat, appetizing herring for its incredible, memorable taste. But what to do if the herring turned out to be very salty after the purchase? Check out our helpful tips.

    Before you choose the method of soaking salted herring, first rinse it under cool running water. This is necessary so that excess salt is washed off the skin of the fish. As a rule, the herring is cut into separate pieces of equal size. If it is washed in small pieces, it will be washed much faster. But if the fish is small, it can be washed entirely before soaking.

    If you bought a non-gutted fish, then clean it before soaking, remove all the insides, cut off the head, cut off the fins, and clean it from the scales. Divide the fish into layers, remove the skin. To make the skin come off faster, make a small incision in the head area, between the skin and the cape. Remove the skin along the fat layer in one direction, while holding the meat with your hand. Also remove the bones of the ribs, as a result you will get a herring fillet.

    Once you have cleaned the herring, cut it into identical pieces so that their thickness is no more than 1 cm. Only then thoroughly rinse the prepared pieces in cool water. Do the following:

    • Put the fish pieces in a colander and put it in the sink
    • Turn on only cool water, not warm
    • In this state, the fish should remain for about 1 hour.

    If, after all the methods used, you could not soak the herring, then you can use the express method. It is as follows:

    • Place salted herring into a pot filled with hot water
    • Soak fish in water for 2 minutes. Don't boil the water
    • Then soak the fish in cool water for about 10 minutes.

    Note that, using one of the methods, do not keep it longer than the allotted time, which is indicated in the recipe. For example, if you leave herring in milk or cool water for a day or more, then it may go bad. After soaking, do not store the fish for too long. Try to eat it immediately after soaking.

    Remember an important point - soaking salted herring leads to the fact that it will lose a lot of salt, and with it useful substances, for example, protein. Consequently, the nutritional quality of the product will be greatly reduced. If you do not need to make the herring less salty, then eat it the way you bought it in the store.

    How to soak herring from salt in milk and how long to soak: recipe

    Yes, it often happens when the track is very salty, therefore, it must be soaked. You can do this in ordinary water, or you can in milk. It is milk that allows the fish to become more tender and not so salty. First, remove the bones from the fish, cut off the tail, head, cut the belly, remove the insides. Remove the skin by dividing the fish along the spine.

    After removing the bones and removing the insides, cut the fish into small pieces. Put the herring in a bowl, pour cool milk, refrigerate for 4-5 hours. During this period of time, change the milk a couple of times.

    There is another similar method. You will have to do the following:

    • Clean the fish, remove the bones, chop it. After all, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bherring will give salt faster than in its entirety.
    • Pour cold milk into a small bowl, immerse the pieces of herring fillet. Put it in the refrigerator so that the herring is not lost
    • Soak the fish in milk for 4 to 8 hours. It all depends on its salinity. Change fluid every couple of hours. You can soak the herring all night, then you need to add more milk
    • Take out the finished herring, wipe it with paper napkins

    Herring soaked in this way is tasty, tender, soft. Prepare from it any snack of your choice.

    The third soaking method is as follows:

    • Clean, rinse the herring under running water. It must be cold
    • Dry with paper towel
    • Cut it along the ridge, cut it into slices
    • Put in a bowl with cool milk, place in the refrigerator
    • Soak for 8-12 hours. Change milk every 3 hours

    As a rule, salted herring is soaked for 5 hours. Here you have to consider how salty the fish is. If 5 hours is not enough, hold it for another 4 hours. Then take it out and dry it.

    How to soak herring from salt in water: a recipe

    To remove excess salt from the fish, immerse it in a liquid for a certain time. In this option, there will be ordinary water. This method is considered the simplest and most convenient. When a salted herring is immersed in water, from the very beginning there is a diffusion of salt, which passes from the fish body into the liquid. You can speed up this process using the following methods:

    • If possible, increase the surface of the liquid that the herring will come into contact with.
    • Soak the fish in this way - the difference in concentration between the herring and water should be increased

    What do these two methods mean? Let's try to figure it out:

    • To fulfill the first requirement, clean the herring before soaking, gut
    • To comply with the second requirement, change the water with herring as often as possible

    The fish is soaked in both running and changing water.

    Soak in running water:

    • To soak in running water, gut the herring, put it on a wire rack, and immerse it in a container filled with water. Make sure there is space between the bottom of the dish and the rack. Water must flow into this space through a tube.
    • Over time, the water will begin to rise upward, washing the herring and flowing out of the container. Therefore, place the container with the fish in the sink. Soaking this method will take you about 6 hours.

    Soaking in changing water:

    This option is considered simpler and more affordable. To use it, do the following:

    • Pour the prepared herring with cool water in the following calculation: 2 liters of water / 1 kg of salted herring. Take cool water so that its temperature is no more than 12 degrees Celsius.
    • Change the water not very often. First, do this after an hour, then after 2 or 3 hours.

    In extreme heat, make sure that the liquid is always cool. In order to cool it faster, you can use pieces of people.

    As you noticed, soaking salted herring in water is not a very reverent task. But you can also use other methods. Choose at your discretion.

    How to soak herring from salt in tea: a recipe

    Previously, our ancestors used a lot of salt, because thanks to it the product could be preserved much longer. This, of course, is not fiction. Practice has shown that a lot of salt is used to process herring, the fish retains its own freshness longer in the refrigerator. Consequently, in ancient times, people came up with a method that allows you to quickly and very efficiently get a not so salty fish to cut it on the dinner table.

    For this method, you will need to take the most ordinary black tea. You may have such a question - why, why exactly tea? The answer is simple - the infusion of the black drink contains a huge number of tannic components that soften the sugary taste of salt. In addition, if you soak heavily salted herring using cool water, then its flesh may become watery, losing its own taste properties. If you take strong black tea, then it does not allow the fish to become softer.

    To soak herring, prepare a fresh drink, add granulated sugar to it, leave the infusion to cool. If the herring is not too salty, but you still want to soak it, then cut it into two equal parts along the ridge, leave it to soak for about 1 hour. If the fish is really very salty, and its taste is cloying, then add a couple of tablespoons spoons of vodka or syrup made from cherries. Soak the fish in such a liquid for 2 hours, even more.

    We offer you one interesting recipe herring after soaking. You can treat them to your friends at a party. To prepare you will need to stock up:

    • Herring - 1 pc.
    • strong tea
    • Vinegar - 120 ml
    • Sugar sand - 1\2 tsp
    • Ready mustard - 1.5 tsp
    • Bulb - 1 pc.

    Soaking process:

    • Clean the fish from the insides by cutting its abdomen. Remove the tail, head, fins. Remove the skin, fillet the fish
    • Place the fillet in a container. Pour tea into it so that it can cover all the herring flesh. If your fish is very oily and the flesh is loose, then tea can correct the situation.
    • Leave the fish for about 6 hours, heavily salted for 8. Change the tea 4 times

    Appetizer preparation:

    • Cut the fish into pieces, put in a herring
    • Sprinkle with chopped onions
    • Mix granulated sugar with vinegar, add ready-made mustard
    • Add oil
    • Stir the sauce, pour into the herring to the fish
    • Leave it for 30 minutes to infuse

    How to soak salted herring quickly?

    The next soaking option will seem familiar to you, but it is slightly different from the previous options. For it, you will have to take the following products:

    • Vinegar
    • Salted herring
    • Immerse herring only in cool water.
    • If you decide to do this in the summer, then hold the dishes with poured water for a couple of hours in the refrigerator. In the event that you do not have a refrigerator at hand, then try to change the water every 2 hours, even more often. Otherwise, your fish will be lost.
    • In order to speed up the soaking process, pour 70% vinegar into the water. The proportion of vinegar and water is as follows: the first product should be 10 parts, the second - 1 part.
    • As soon as the herring floats to the surface, it means that it has lost excess salt. After such a soaking, the fish becomes much more palatable. With a long stay in such a solution, the herring will become a little larger, as it will be able to absorb water.

    How to soak a stale, spoiled salted herring?

    • Very often, each of us makes a mistake when buying spoiled salted fish in a store. Yes, the situation is bad. But it can be easily fixed. In this case, it all depends on the type of fish that was spoiled. If you bought salted herring, then only one option will help you - soaking the fish in milk. Put it in liquid, keep it there for a while, 5 hours.
    • But at the same time, you need to be extremely careful. If your fish was fresh then you need to pickle it. In the brine, put more granulated sugar mixed with spices. Such a set will be able to give the herring a pleasant aftertaste, and the salt will serve as a neutralization so that the fish does not rot. But if the fish was badly spoiled, then it is better to throw it away.

    Video: Soaking salted herring